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Статті в журналах з теми "Origine humaine ou non humaine (animale)":


Despret, Vinciane. "Anthropo-éthologie des non-humains politiques." Social Science Information 45, no. 2 (June 2006): 209–26. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0539018406063635.

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English The temptation to seek in primates our own origin is still found in ethology. More broadly speaking, we see that the animal kingdom is often used as an anthropological operator of identity, using either similitude or inversion or contrast. The observation data most often reflect values, or even preferences, concerning modes of social organization. However, this observation should not lead to relativism. On the contrary, it invites us to envisage ethological knowledge as constructing humans and animals at the same time, together. This article sets out to explore the concrete conditions in which this kind of knowledge can be constructed. French La tentation d'interroger les primates en leur posant la question de notre origine reste présente dans le domaine de l'éthologie. Plus largement, on peut remarquer que l'animal se constitue souvent comme un opérateur anthropologique d'identité, soit par similitude, soit par inversion ou contraste. Or, les faits issus des observations traduisent le plus souvent des valeurs, voire reflètent des préférences quant aux modes d'organisation sociale. Ce constat ne doit pas nous conduire au relativisme. Il nous invite au contraire à envisager le savoir de l'éthologie comme un savoir qui construit simultanément l'identité de l'homme et de l'animal, ensemble. Cet article se propose d'explorer les conditions concrètes dans lesquelles ce type de savoir peut se constituer.

Arkow, Phil. "“Humane Criminology”: An Inclusive Victimology Protecting Animals and People." Social Sciences 10, no. 9 (September 7, 2021): 335. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/socsci10090335.

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To those who primarily associate the word “humane” with “humane society”, its connection to criminology might appear to be unrelated. The origins of “humane” and “humane society” are complex and primarily reflect an abiding interest in human and societal welfare rather than animal welfare. Consequently, the origins and evolution of the current American association of humane societies with animal protection—as contrasted to its British association with rescuing victims of drowning—remain shrouded in mystery. A new focus that returns to the original roots of “humane” describing the implications of animal cruelty, abuse, and neglect as cause for human and societal concern due to their potential as sentinel indicators and predictors of interpersonal violence, rather than a strict focus on animals’ welfare or their alleged “rights”, holds great promise for advancing legislation and community programming that improves the well-being of human and non-human animal species and the prevention of crime.

DRONNE, Yves. "Les matières premières agricoles pour l’alimentation humaine et animale : le monde." INRA Productions Animales 31, no. 3 (January 18, 2019): 165–80. http://dx.doi.org/10.20870/productions-animales.

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Les produits agricoles cultivés et utilisés dans le monde servent traditionnellement à nourrir les Hommes et les animaux et aussi à certains usages non-alimentaires. Compte tenu de l’importance du débat sur la complémentarité et/ou la concurrence entre l’Homme et l’animal et de l’importance de celles-ci en nutrition humaine et animale, les tonnages de tous les produits végétaux et animaux qui ont des compositions extrêmement diverses ont été exprimés en protéines brutes. Cet article analyse successivement la production mondiale de protéines végétales, la répartition de leurs utilisations sous forme de produits non transformés et de produits et coproduits issus des industries agricoles et alimentaires, la répartition des consommations par grandes espèces animales, les évolutions structurelles en termes de consommation humaine et animale, le poids croissant du « système maïs/soja », les aspects de concurrence et/ou de complémentarité entre usages humains et animaux et enfin les aspects liés à l’instabilité croissante des prix du soja et du maïs et les systèmes de régulation de ces marchés. La production mondiale de protéines végétales (environ 800 millions de tonnes (mt)) est utilisée pour environ 630 millions par l’alimentation animale (400 de fourrages, 230 de concentrés, produits utilisés en l’état comme les céréales, et surtout coproduits des industries agricoles et alimentaires comme les tourteaux, dont plus de 80 pour le seul soja) et permet la production d’environ 68 millions de tonnes de protéines animales. L’industrie des aliments composés a connu un développement considérable depuis trente ans et apporte actuellement les deux tiers des protéines de concentrés utilisés par l’ensemble des animaux, mais seulement 18 % du total fourrages inclus. Au cours des dernières décennies un modèle d’alimentation animale maïs/soja s’est fortement développé dans le monde, mais à un moindre degré en Europe. Les prix de la graine et du tourteau de soja comme ceux des autres grands produits agricoles tels que les céréales ont fortement augmenté par paliers au cours des dernières décennies et font preuve d’instabilité croissante, mais le rapport de prix soja/maïs est resté sur longue période très stable ce qui tend à contredire l’idée d’une pénurie croissante sur le marché des protéines.

DRONNE, Yves. "Les matières premières agricoles pour l’alimentation humaine et animale : l'UE et la France." INRA Productions Animales 31, no. 3 (January 18, 2019): 181–200. http://dx.doi.org/10.20870/productions-animales.2018.31.3.2347.

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L’UE qui produit environ 80 millions de tonnes de protéines végétales (dont la moitié de fourrages) en importe près de 15 millions sous forme de produits en l’état (céréales, graines oléagineuses) ou coproduits des industries agricoles et alimentaires (en particulier tourteaux) non consommables par l’Homme. Environ 87 % de la consommation intérieure de ces protéines est destinée à l’alimentation animale et permet la production de 11 millions de tonnes de protéines animales sous forme de lait, de viandes et d’œufs. L’industrie des aliments composés particulièrement développée apporte 67 % des protéines hors fourrages et fait apparaître une forte diversification dans ses matières premières consommées. Le soja, dont les importations européennes ont sensiblement baissé au cours des 10 dernières années, ne représente plus que 18 % des protéines végétales utilisées par les animaux. La part de l’UE dans les importations mondiales est passée de 60 % au début des années 1970 à moins de 19 % actuellement. La France consomme 12 millions de tonnes de protéines végétales en alimentation animale (dont la moitié de fourrages) et présente de nombreuses similitudes avec l’UE, mais une différence essentielle, celle d’être globalement exportatrice nette de 1,5 million de tonnes de protéines, largement sous forme de céréales. Alors que l’UE est importatrice nette de « surface agricole », la France peut in fine exporter à la fois des protéines animales et des protéines végétales grâce à l’importance de sa surface agricole et à la diversité de ses agricultures (spécialisation animale du Grand Ouest et végétale de certaines autres régions qui permettent d’atteindre des rendements élevés).

Béguet, Véronique. "Métamorphose et ancestralité." Anthropologie et Sociétés 31, no. 3 (July 8, 2008): 127–46. http://dx.doi.org/10.7202/018379ar.

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Résumé Dans cet article, je propose que les « divinités » chez les Iban de Sarawak (Malaysia) sont en fait des ancêtres transformés en oiseaux et en animaux qui « font vivre les humains ». Sur le plan conceptuel, je m’inscris dans un courant contemporain de relectures de l’animisme. Au sein de celui-ci, je reprends l’approche relationnelle de l’ancestralité de Tim Ingold selon laquelle des entités invisibles de diverses origines prodiguent des soins aux humains. Sur le plan ethnographique, mon propos prolonge un débat initié par Sellato selon lequel une minorité de défunts deviennent des ancêtres au terme d’un processus rituel. Chez les Iban, une minorité de défunts devient des ancêtres, mais ce processus résulte, dans sa forme privilégiée, non pas de rituels mais de transformations qui créent une ligne d’ancestralité avec les règnes aviaire et animal.

Dautenhahn, Kerstin. "The origins of narrative." International Journal of Cognition and Technology 1, no. 1 (December 31, 2002): 97–123. http://dx.doi.org/10.1075/ijct.1.1.07dau.

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This article presents work in progress towards a better understanding of the origins of narrative. Assuming an evolutionary and developmental continuity of mental experiences, we propose a grounding of human narrative capacities in non-verbal narrative transactions in non-human animals, and in pre-verbal narrative transactions of human children. We discuss narrative intelligence in the context of the evolution of primate (social) intelligence, and with respect to the particular cognitive limits that constrain the development of human social networks and societies. We explain the Narrative Intelligence Hypothesis which suggests that the evolutionary origin of communicating in a narrative format co-evolved with increasingly complex social dynamics among our human ancestors. This article gives examples of social interactions in non-human primates and how these can be interpreted in terms of narrative formats. Due to the central role of narrative in human communication and social interaction, we discuss how research into the origins of narrative can impact the development of humane technology which is designed to meet the biological, cognitive and social needs of human story-tellers.

Crépeau, Robert R. "« Les animaux obéissent aussi à la religion »." Anthropologie et Sociétés 39, no. 1-2 (May 25, 2015): 229–49. http://dx.doi.org/10.7202/1030847ar.

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La récente Cambridge Declaration on Conciousness, de juillet 2012, qui affirme que les animaux sont dotés de conscience et de la capacité de comportements intentionnels, relance à nouveau la question : qu’est-ce que l’espèce humaine possède de spécifique ? Cette contribution explore la conception amérindienne de la condition animale en s’attardant à celle des Kaingang du Brésil, et plus particulièrement à leur concept de maîtres des animaux. La relation des humains au monde animal et végétal est pensée et agie par les Kaingang comme s’inscrivant dans une hiérarchie de puissances, plus précisément de confrontation et/ou de mise en commun des forces ou des puissances tant humaines que non-humaines par l’intermédiaire des entités-maîtres. Ce dernier concept est lié à une conception largement répandue dans les Amériques. L’article propose en conclusion une brève analyse comparative de ce concept à partir de quelques cas sud-américains.

LAISSE, Sarah, René BAUMONT, Léonie DUSART, Didier GAUDRÉ, Benoit ROUILLÉ, Marc BENOIT, Patrick VEYSSET, Didier RÉMOND, and Jean-Louis PEYRAUD. "L’efficience nette de conversion des aliments par les animaux d’élevage : une nouvelle approche pour évaluer la contribution de l’élevage à l’alimentation humaine." INRA Productions Animales 31, no. 3 (January 18, 2019): 269–88. http://dx.doi.org/10.20870/productions-animales.2018.31.3.2355.

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L’élevage est souvent perçu comme inefficient pour produire des denrées alimentaires pour l’Homme car les animaux consomment davantage de végétaux qu’ils ne produisent de viande, de lait ou d’œufs. Le calcul de l’efficience nette de conversion des aliments en ne considérant dans le calcul que la part potentiellement consommable par l’Homme des aliments utilisés par les animaux permet de relativiser ce constat. En effet, une large part des aliments consommés par les animaux d’élevage (fourrages, coproduits…) n’est pas directement consommable par l’Homme. Appliqués à des systèmes d’élevage français, les calculs d’efficience nette montrent que toutes les productions animales (bovins laitiers et à viande, ovins à viande, porcins, poulets de chair, poules pondeuse) peuvent être producteurs nets de protéines à condition de maximiser la part des végétaux non valorisables en alimentation humaine dans les rations. Le calcul de l’efficience nette est très sensible à l’estimation de la part des aliments utilisés en alimentation animale qui peut être directement valorisée par l’Homme. Celle-ci varie fortement d’une matière première à l’autre selon les habitudes alimentaires et les technologies agroalimentaire qui peuvent évoluer dans le temps. Il est donc nécessaire d’analyser les résultats d’efficience nette à travers plusieurs scénarios de valorisation des matières premières végétales. De même le niveau de valorisation du cinquième quartier de la carcasse des animaux d’élevage pour l’alimentation humaine est très variable et influence sensiblement les résultats d’efficience nette. Enfin, la prise en compte du différentiel de qualité entre les protéines végétales permettrait d’affiner les calculs d’efficience protéique.

Laforest, Geoffrey. "L’internormativité en matière de santé animale : l’exemple de la gestion de la grippe aviaire en France." Les Cahiers de droit 59, no. 1 (February 28, 2018): 229–59. http://dx.doi.org/10.7202/1043691ar.

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La lutte contre les maladies animales est une préoccupation ancienne, en raison tant du fléau économique que du potentiel danger pour la santé humaine qu’elles représentent. Leur réglementation est une matière propice à l’étude de l’internormativité, en considération des rencontres qu’elle implique entre des acteurs et des logiques normatives différentes. Elle s’articule autour de plusieurs niveaux juridiques et comporte une dimension supranationale prééminente. Au fil du temps, la mondialisation du commerce et des menaces sanitaires qui l’accompagnent a poussé les États à réglementer non pas seulement sur le plan national, mais également sur le plan international. Ils recourent pour cela aux normes techniques élaborées par l’Office international des épizooties, organisation internationale reconnue comme une référence normative par l’Accord sur l’application des mesures sanitaires et phytosanitaires de l’Organisation mondiale du commerce. La réglementation en matière de santé animale est, en outre, fortement marquée par la logique du marché et des acteurs économiques, qui s’affrontent quant à la législation sanitaire pour faire passer dans le droit leurs normes de production. Domaine éminemment technique, elle repose enfin largement sur le travail des scientifiques qui se trouvent intégrés dans le processus de production de la norme. L’exemple de la législation relative à la grippe aviaire est particulièrement illustratif de ces propos.

Paradis, Swann. "« Parle et je te baptise ! » De l’âme des bêtes au siècle des Lumières." Voix Plurielles 12, no. 2 (December 12, 2015): 76–94. http://dx.doi.org/10.26522/vp.v12i2.1272.

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Le siècle des Lumières voit théologiens, philosophes et naturalistes s’interroger quant à la supériorité de l’homme sur la bête, alors qu’ils tentent de préciser la nature de la frontière qui les sépare. Qui est la bête ? A-t-elle une âme ? Dans l’affirmative, de quelle nature est-elle (matérielle ou spirituelle) ? Quelle est alors sa destinée (mortelle ou immortelle) ? Les bêtes souffrent-elles ? Dieu est-il injuste alors envers ces êtres innocents ? Partagent-elles notre faute originelle ? Autant de questions, emblématiques des incertitudes qui saisissent l’esprit des Lumières quand l’animalité le taraude, et qui annoncent un raffinement des limites entre natures humaine et animale. C’est dans cette optique que cet article propose une esquisse de la représentation de l’âme des bêtes en cette période où la variété des postures philosophiques témoigne de l’épistémè d’une anthropologie naissante où faire de l’âme de l’homme un objet d’histoire naturelle passe non plus seulement par un recours à la Révélation, mais par une réflexion sur la sensibilité. Pour ce faire, nous mettrons en perspective deux postures qui se succèdent chronologiquement : tout d’abord, la religieuse, héritage du cartésianisme, avant d’explorer comment le sensualisme ambiant proposera des représentations nuancées qui ouvriront sur une possible continuité biologique et morale entre l’homme et l’animal.

Дисертації з теми "Origine humaine ou non humaine (animale)":


Ndione, Méry. "Dynamique et identification des sources de contamination fécale dans un espace littoral connaissant des pratiques de tourisme et de loisirs : l’exemple de la baie d’Aytré." Thesis, La Rochelle, 2022. http://www.theses.fr/2022LAROS006.

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La qualité microbiologique des eaux de baignade diminue progressivement d’années en années, et peut être un problème majeur de santé publique. Ainsi, des surveillances sanitaires de la qualité microbiologique des eaux de baignade sont effectuées conformément à la directive européenne (2006/7/EC) pour assurer la sécurité sanitaire des baigneurs et préserver l’image de ces écosystèmes. Depuis de nombreuses années, la baie d’Aytré (Charente Maritime, France), a été classée en « qualité insuffisante » et cette plage est interdite à la baignade depuis 2018. Les enjeux sanitaires et le rôle prépondérant de cette plage sur le développement touristique et l’économie locale ont conduit à rechercher l’origine et le déterminisme spatiotemporel de cette contamination fécale. Cette thèse présente une approche intégrée de l’analyse de la contamination fécale de la baie d’Aytré par une étude pluridisciplinaire de différentes hypothèses analysées depuis le début des années 2000 par les collectivités locales. Le niveau de contamination fécale des eaux de baignade durant une année était relativement faible avec une variation saisonnière notable de l’abondance des indicateurs de contamination fécale Escherichia coli et entérocoques. Les dépassements des seuils réglementaires sur 24% et 32% des échantillons d’eau du Platin Nord et du Platin Sud, les deux sites de baignade de la baie d’Aytré étaient principalement dus aux entérocoques. La qualité microbiologique du sédiment au cours du temps a montré que le sédiment n’était pas une source diffuse de contamination dans l’eau. L’analyse combinée des marqueurs protéiques, génétiques et chimiques a révélé la présence d’une part d’espèces d’entérocoques d’origine environnementale et d’autre part une contamination d’origine animale principalement et une faible contribution de l’origine humaine. La stratégie d’analyse élaborée et les outils développés au cours de cette étude permettront d’améliorer les méthodes de surveillance sanitaire des eaux de baignade
The microbiological quality of bathing water is progressively decreasing from year to year, and can constitute a major public health problem. Thus, sanitary monitoring of the microbiological quality of bathing waters is carried out in accordance with the European directive (2006/7/EC) to ensure the sanitary safety of bathers and preserve the image of these recreational ecosystems. For many years, the bay of Aytré (Charente Maritime, France), has been classified as "poor quality" and this beach is prohibited for bathing since 2018. The health issues and the preponderant role of this beach on the tourism development and the local economy led to investigate the origin and the spatiotemporal determinism of this fecal contamination. This thesis presents an integrated approach to the analysis of the fecal contamination of Aytré Bay through a multidisciplinary study of different hypotheses analysed since the beginning of the 2000s by the local authorities. The level of fecal contamination of the bathing water during a year was relatively low with a notable seasonal variation in the abundance of the fecal contamination indicators Escherichia coli and enterococci. Exceedances of the regulatory thresholds on 24% and 32% of the water samples from Platin Nord and Platin Sud, the two bathing sites in Aytré Bay, were mainly due to enterococci. The microbiological quality of the sediment over time showed that the sediment was not a diffuse source of contamination in the water. The combined analysis of protein, genetic and chemical markers revealed the presence of enterococci species of environmental origin on the one hand, and on the other hand, a contamination of mainly animal origin and a small contribution from human origin. The analytical strategy and tools developed during this study will help to improve the sanitary surveillance methods of bathing waters

Duval, Emilie. "Synthèse de pseudopeptides antibactériens à partir de peptides d'origine marine identifiés chez le Céphalopode Sepia officinalis et création de séquences peptidiques bactéricides non naturelles : applications potentielles en santé humaine et animale." Caen, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008CAEN2004.

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Chez la seiche commune Sepia officinalis, les œufs sont protégés par une capsule dont les différents constituants sont sécrétés par les glandes annexes de l’appareil génital et par la poche du noir. Les travaux menés à l’aide de tests antibactériens montrent que celle-ci exerce une activité antibactérienne qui trouve en partie son origine dans la présence de peptides complètement nouveaux agissant en synergie. Ces données démontrent clairement que la barrière mécanique constituée par la capsule, est complétée par une protection chimique sans doute destinée à préserver l’embryon pendant les 90 jours que dure l’incubation. L’origine de ces peptides antibactériens reste à définir : glandes annexes de l’appareil génital ou bactéries associées à la capsule. Enfin, les CMI mesurées étant supérieures à 100 micromètres, ces peptides n’ont pas été retenus pour une exploitation future. Parallèlement, un criblage des peptides régulateurs, neuropeptides et peptides ovariens, identifiés au laboratoire sur la base de leur implication dans le contrôle de la reproduction, a été réalisé avec un test antibactérien en milieu liquide. Une inhibition de croissance est alors obtenue en présence du décapeptide ALSGDAFLRFamide. La substitution de l’aspartate par une lysine puis l’introduction de résidus de type aza-beta 3 s’est traduite par un abaissement significatif des CMI sur la plupart des souches testées mais plus particulièrement sur les souches de bactéries pathogènes. Enfin, trois peptides de novo ont été créés sur la base de caractéristiques structurales communes à différentes familles de peptides antibactériens. L’un d’entre eux nommé K4 en raison de la nature de son extrémité C-terminale, présente des CMI extrêmement basses, similaires et même parfois inférieures à celles de l’ampicilline. Par ailleurs, sa faible masse moléculaire et l’absence d’acides aminés modifiés qui rend possible la production d’un peptide recombinant, sont deux atouts essentiels dans l’optique d’une exploitation industrielle. Les analogues peptidiques et pseudopeptidiques de l’ALSGDAFLRFamide ainsi que le peptide K4 font l’objet d’un dépôt de brevet par l’entreprise SERB, puisque les tests de cytotoxicité et les tests hémolytiques ont permis d’établir leur innocuité à des concentrations bien supérieures aux CMI mesurées pour les différentes souches bactériennes. Des perspectives d’exploitation dans le domaine de la santé humaine et animale sont donc envisageables. Pour terminer, notons que la première partie de ce travail qui ne fera pas l’objet de dépôts de brevets, a permis non seulement de caractériser des peptides antibactériens agissant en synergie mais aussi de mettre en évidence (sans les caractériser) des peptides de masse moléculaire élevée dans l’embryon et le liquide périvitellin. Ces résultats ouvrent donc des perspectives intéressantes en terme de recherche fondamentale, sur les mécanismes développés par l’embryon lors de son développement pour le maintien d’un environnement axénique
In the common cuttlefish Sepia officinalis, the eggs are protected by a capsule, the different composants of which are secreted by glands associated with the genital apparatus and by the ink sac. Tests show that these exhibit antibacterial activity which is due in part to the synergetic action of previously undescribed peptides. This data clearly demonstrates that the physcial barrier of the egg capsule is complemented by chemical protection which preserves the embryo during the 90 day incubation period. It is not known whether these antibacterial peptides originate in the glands associated with the genital apparatus or from bacteria associated with the capsule. Since the MIC of these substances were greater at 100 micrometers, these peptides were not considered suitable for future exploitation. In parallel, a survey was conducted, using antibacterial tests in liquid media, of the regulatory peptides, neuropeptides and ovarian peptides identified in the laboratory on the basis of their implication in the control of reproduction. Growth inhibition was obtained in the presence of the decapeptide ALSGDAFLRFamide. Substitution of the aspartate by a lysine followed by the introduction of aza-beta 3 type residues led to a significant lowering of MIC for most of the bacterial strains tested and particularly for pathogenic strains. Three de novo peptides were created based on the structural characteristics common to different families of antibacterial peptides. One of these, named K4 due to the nature of its C-terminal end, exhibited extremely low MIC, similar to, and sometimes less than, those of ampicillin. The low molecular mass of this peptide and the absence of modified amino acids (making production of a recombinant peptide possible), are two essential factors in the perspective of industrial exploitation. The peptidic and pseudopeptidic analogues of ALSGDAFLRFamide as well as K4 are the subject of a patent request by the company SERB, since cytotoxicity and hemolytic tests have demonstrated that they are innocuous at concentrations well above the MIC measured for different bacterial strains. Perspectives for exploitation in the fields of human and animal health are therefore envisaged. Finally, note that the first part of this study, which will not be the subject of patent requests, allowed not only characterisation of synergetically acting antibacterial peptides, but also demonstration of the existence (without characterisation) of high molecular mass peptides in the embryo and the perivitellin liquid. These results open interesting avenues for future fundamental research on the mechanisms of maintaining axenicity during embryo development

Dias, Vivian Catarina. "A sinfonia da natureza: Charles Darwin e as origens." Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2015. http://tede2.pucsp.br/handle/handle/2542.

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Since childhood Charles Darwin showed an interest for the natural world. In his youth he developed that passion into an object of study travelling around the world onboard of The Beagle. The contact with unique species like the ones found in Galapagos Islands, the fossils discovered in South America, the experiences he lived and a extensive reseach during more than twenty years after his return to England made him think about a common link between the species, that lead him to publish The origin of species in 1859 and The expression of emotions in man and animals in 1872, along with other works and articles on the most diverse subjects, such as Diary of a naturalist around the world. In The origin of species he stated that the species are mutable and linked by the proccess of communion of ascendancy , fruits from the same tree of life. Forging the recreation of human history and its relocation in the natural world, the essays in The expression of emotions in man and animals widened the statement about the evolution of species pointing that humans share emotions and feelings with other species of animals. The implosion of the concept of human initiated with the darwinian facts opened new horizons for sciences such as anthropology to rethink the trajectory of the living beings and the borderlines between culture and animality. Notwithstanding, go beyond frontiers and enrich the critic, scientific, ethic and poetic repertoire is a really dificult task. Despite the relevance of the Darwinian Works, the contact with them is through indirect ways: cartoons, films and fiction, whose contents rarely approach the issue in all its depth
Desde a infância, Charles Darwin demonstrou interesse pelo mundo natural. Na juventude, transformou essa paixão em objeto de estudo viajando ao redor do mundo no navio Beagle. O contato com espécies únicas como as encontradas nas Ilhas Galápagos; os fósseis achados na América do Sul; as experiências adquiridas, e uma extensa pesquisa realizada por mais de vinte anos após o retorno à Inglaterra, levaram-no a pensar na filiação comum das espécies, desdobrando no lançamento de A origem das espécies (1859) e A expressão das emoções no homem e nos animais (1872), além de outras obras e artigos sobre os mais variados assuntos, como o Diário de um naturalista à volta do mundo. Em A origem das espécies, enunciou que as espécies são mutáveis e vinculadas pelo processo da comunhão de descendência , frutos da mesma árvore da vida. Forjando a recriação da história humana e sua realocação no mundo natural, os estudos de A expressão das emoções no homem e nos animais ampliaram o enunciado sobre a evolução das espécies, indicando que humanos compartilham emoções e sentimentos com outras espécies animais. A implosão do conceito de humano iniciada com os fatos darwinianos abriu outros horizontes para as ciências, incluindo a antropologia, repensarem a trajetória dos seres vivos e as fronteiras entre cultura e animalidade. Contudo, transpor limiares e enriquecer o repertório crítico, científico, ético, poético, mostra-se tarefa deveras espinhosa. Apesar da relevância das obras darwinianas, o contato com elas dá-se por vias indiretas: charges, filmes, ficção, cujos conteúdos, raramente, as abordam em todo seu alcance

Nawrot, Margaux. "Rôle du récepteur nucléaire Farnesoid X Receptor intestinal dans la fonction immune de l’intestin dans le contexte physiopathologique de la stéatohépatite non alcoolique." Thesis, Université de Lille (2018-2021), 2021. https://pepite-depot.univ-lille.fr/ToutIDP/EDBSL/2021/2021LILUS053.pdf.

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L’homéostasie énergétique est le résultat d’un dialogue constant entre les différents organes métaboliques, notamment entre l’intestin et le foie. L’intestin est une interface entre l'organisme et le milieu extérieur. Son rôle de barrière est possible grâce aux jonctions entre ses cellules et à un système immunitaire complexe. Dans les maladies métaboliques comme le diabète de type 2 et la stéatohépatite non alcoolique (NASH), on observe une augmentation de l'inflammation à bas bruit systémique et en particulier intestinale ainsi qu’une augmentation de la perméabilité intestinale. Le récepteur nucléaire aux acides biliaires, Farnesoid X Receptor (FXR), est exprimé dans les organes métaboliques. Les souris FXR Knock-Out (KO) soumises à un régime standard présentent une augmentation de la perméabilité intestinale par rapport à leurs contrôles de portée, bien qu'elles soient protégées contre l'obésité et l'insulinorésistance induites par un régime riche en graisse. Le rôle de FXR dans l’intestin est rapporté de façon plus contradictoire car selon les études son inactivation dans l’épithélium diminuerait la synthèse de céramides protégeant alors le foie de la stéatose, et son activation induirait le browning du tissu adipeux réduisant l’obésité et l’insulinorésistance. Dans ce contexte, nous avons voulu comprendre si les fonctions immunitaires de l'intestin sont sous le contrôle de FXR intestinal dans un contexte nutritionnel induisant la NASH.Au début de ma thèse, j’ai participé à la mise en place au laboratoire de l’élevage des souris déficientes en FXR uniquement au niveau de l’intestin (intFXR KO) par un système cré-lox. Le modèle a été validé et l’état métabolique des souris sous un régime standard a été vérifié. Bien que les souris intFXR KO semblent présenter des caractéristiques histologiques hépatiques équivalentes aux souris contrôles, l’expression des gènes liés à l’immunité innée nous a laissé penser que la déficience intestinale en FXR pouvait modifier l’état inflammatoire hépatique et global. L’immunophénotypage intestinal nous a permis de montrer que les souris intFXR KO présentaient une augmentation des lymphocytes cytotoxiques (LT CD8+) intestinaux. Nous avons identifié que cette modification proviendrait d’une augmentation de LT CD8 + circulants ciblés vers l’intestin. Cette perturbation de l’immunité intestinale peut être due à la diminution d’expression des protéines des jonctions serrées qui faciliterait le passage des produits microbiens. L’étude du microbiote intestinal des souris intFXR KO montre une augmentation d’une population bactérienne rapportée comme impliquée dans les colites.L’objectif suivant a été d’étudier les conséquences de la déficience en FXR intestinal dans un contexte nutritionnel induisant la NASH en 24 semaines. Nous avons constaté que les souris intFXR KO étaient bien protégées contre la stéatose hépatique, l’analyse transcriptomique de l’intestin nous permettant d’émettre l’hypothèse d’une modulation du métabolisme lipidique intestinal. Elles ne sont cependant pas protégées contre le développement de la NASH et la déficience en FXR au niveau de l’intestin amplifierait même l’expression dans le foie des gènes liés à l’inflammation par rapport aux souris contrôles. Chez les souris intFXR KO, nous observons une augmentation des LT CD8+, une augmentation de marqueurs de perméabilité intestinale et des populations bactériennes intestinales décrites dans les maladies inflammatoires de l’intestin.Ainsi, bien que protégeant contre la prise en poids et la stéatose hépatique, la déficience intestinale en FXR semble amplifier l’inflammation hépatique dans des conditions nutritionnelles standards mais également induisant la NASH. La modulation de l’immunité intestinale par des agonistes de FXR semble donc une approche intéressante pour moduler le dialogue intestin-foie dans le traitement de la NASH
Energy homeostasis is the result of a dialogue between metabolic organs, especially gut and liver. The intestine is an interface between the organism and the external environment. Its role as a barrier is possible thanks to a complex immune system and intercellular junctions. In metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), there is an increase in systemic low-grade inflammation, particularly in intestine, and an increase in intestinal permeability. The nuclear bile acid receptor, Farnesoid X Receptor (FXR), is expressed in metabolic organs. FXR Knock-Out (KO) mice fed a standard diet show increased intestinal permeability compared to their littermate controls, although they are protected against high-fat diet-induced obesity and insulin resistance. The role of FXR in the intestine is reported in a more contradictory way in the literature because according to the studies its inactivation in the epithelium decreases the synthesis of ceramides which would then contribute to protect the liver from steatosis, and its activation induces the browning of adipose tissue, reducing obesity and insulin resistance. In this context, we wanted to understand whether gut immune functions are under the control of intestinal FXR in a nutritional context inducing NASH.At the beginning of my thesis, I participated in the establishment in the laboratory of the breeding of mice deficient in FXR only in the intestine (intFXR KO) by a cre-lox system. The model was validated and the metabolic status of the mice on a standard diet was checked. Although intFXR KO mice appeared to have similar hepatic histological characteristics to control mice, the expression of genes related to innate immunity is perturbed suggesting that intestinal FXR deficiency may alter the hepatic and global inflammatory state. By immunophenotyping, we showed that cytotoxic lymphocytes (CD8+ TL) are increased in the intestine of intFXR KO mice. This change may be due to an increase in circulating CD8+ TL targeting the intestine. This disruption of intestinal immunity may be due to a decrease in the expression of tight junction proteins that would facilitate the passage of microbial products. The study of the gut microbiota of intFXR KO mice shows an increase in a bacterial population reported to be involved in colitis.Our next objective was to study the consequences of intestinal FXR deficiency in a nutritional context inducing NASH in 24 weeks. We found that were well protected against hepatic steatosis, gut transcriptomic analysis suggesting a modulation of intestinal lipid metabolism. However, intFXR KO mice are not protected against the development of NASH and FXR deficiency in the gut would even amplify the expression of inflammation-related genes in the liver compared to control mice. In intFXR KO mice, we observed an increase in CD8+ TLs, an increase in intestinal permeability markers and intestinal bacterial populations described in inflammatory bowel disease.Thus, while protecting against weight gain and hepatic steatosis, intestinal FXR deficiency appears to amplify hepatic inflammation under standard and also NASH nutritional conditions. Modulation of intestinal immunity by FXR agonists therefore appears to be an interesting approach to modulate the gut-liver dialogue in the treatment of NASH

Samara, Ziyad. "Etude de l’origine du comportement chaotique de la ventilation." Paris 6, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008PA066243.

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En dépit des apparences, le débit ventilatoire humain n’est pas périodique mais chaotique. Ceci signifie qu’il dépend de mécanismes déterministes mais que sa dynamique, bien que confinée dans des limites définies, est complexe, sensible aux conditions initiales et imprédictible à long terme. La théorie du chaos offre des outils mathématiques pour quantifier ces caractéristiques. La signification physiologique et l’intérêt clinique du chaos ventilatoire dépendront de sa source. Le but de cette thèse était de contribuer à l’identifier. En comparant, chez l’homme, le débit ventilatoire enregistré à la bouche avec un pneumotachographe à celui reconstitué par pléthysmographie d’inductance, nous avons montré que ni la voie respiratoire (nez ou bouche), ni la méthode d’enregistrement n’affectait la nature du chaos, même si elles changeaient sa complexité. Elles n’en étaient donc pas la source. L’imposition de charges inspiratoires, à seuil ou résistives, ne modifiait ni la nature ni les caractéristiques du chaos ventilatoire, alors que la compensation respiratoire de ce type de charge dépend du cortex pré-moteur. Celui-ci n’est donc probablement pas une source de chaos ventilatoire. Nous avons finalement montré que la ventilation fictive produite in vitro par le tronc cérébral isolé de têtard post-métamorphique était toujours chaotique. Sa stimulation par le CO2 augmentait l’intensité du chaos. Le chaos était plus rarement détecté dans les préparations pré-métamorphiques, suggérant une influence de l’ontogenèse. En conclusion, la commande automatique de la ventilation, située dans le tronc cérébral, pourrait être une source suffisante de chaos dans la ventilation
Although the human ventilatory flow resembles a periodic phenomenon, it is not and is truly chaotic. This means that the trajectory of the flow is bounded and depends on deterministic processes, but at the same time, is also complex, sensitive to the initial conditions and unpredictable in the long-term. The theory of chaos provides mathematical tools for quantifying these characteristics. However, physiological significance and clinical interest of ventilatory chaos will depend on its source that is unclear. The gaol of this thesis was thus to contribute to its identification. By comparing, in humans, the ventilatory flow recorded at the mouth with a pneumotachometer to that reconstructed by inductive plethysmography, we showed that neither the respiratory route (nose or mouth), nor the recording technique affected the nature of chaos, even if they changed its complexity. Therefore, they could not be its origin. Inspiratory threshold or resistive loading changed neither the nature nor the features of the chaotic dynamics of the ventilatory flow, though respiratory compensation of these kinds of load depends on the pre-motor cortex. The latter is probably not a source of ventilatory chaos either. We finally showed that the neural respiratory output of in vitro isolated brainstems of post metamorphic tadpoles was always chaotic. Stimulation of this output by CO2 augmented the intensity of chaos. Chaos was rarely found in pre-metamorphic preparations, suggesting ontogenetic changes. In conclusion, the intrinsic properties of the automatic ventilatory command, located in the brainstem, could be a sufficient source of ventilatory chaos

Fiamma, Marie-Noëlle. "Etude de la nature chaotique du comportement ventilatoire." Paris 6, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PA066362.

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Книги з теми "Origine humaine ou non humaine (animale)":


Borzyh, Stanislav. Theory of Mind. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.12737/1088340.

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This book deals with the problem of human reason and thinking from a somewhat unexpected angle. Its main idea is that both are the product of evolution, and therefore they bear the imprint of their history, and they are mostly reduced to them, although they are not entirely limited to them. This means that they are by no means universal, on the contrary, they are conditioned by their very formation and the circumstances within which they developed and which literally created them as we know them. In practical terms, this suggests that they are aimed at solving the problems and the type that faced our species during its rather long formation, and they are not able to answer any other questions, no matter how much effort we put into it. Even what seems to us an exceptional attribute of modernity or rationality, such as science or politics, fits within the framework of what is available to us, as well as what we are able to formulate and articulate in principle. That is, our intelligence is purely animal and contextual, it never goes beyond the limits set for it, despite the fact that we see it differently. In this regard, questions of their definition, origin, history and current state are considered, and among other things, alternative options that are potentially possible in the field of intelligence, both on Earth and in general, are studied. The text consists of five chapters, a preface and an afterword, is provided with illustrative examples and is aimed at the widest possible adult readership, who likes to think and who is not afraid of debunking some of the ingrained myths that accompany our lives.

Nassar, Dalia. Understanding as Explanation. Oxford University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198779650.003.0007.

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The animal-human boundary was central to the revolt against mechanism over the course of the eighteenth century: if humans were not machines, then neither were animals. But then, what were they? And how could they be explained? Hermann Samuel Reimarus embraced the view that only a supernatural recourse was possible. By contrast, Herder sought to naturalize the issue. His treatise on language is usually seen as a dispute with Süßmilch, rejecting the idea of a divine origin of human language, and, with Condillac, denying continuity with mere animal sounds. What needs to be brought to light is the central role of his engagement with Reimarus and the theory of animal instinct. It is this third interlocutor who brought out what was most distinctive in Herder’s naturalistic theory of the origin of human language, by drawing a new conception of the animal-human boundary.

Goldfinger, Eliot. Animal Anatomy for Artists. Oxford University Press, 2004. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780195142143.001.0001.

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From the author of the classic Human Anatomy for Artists comes this user-friendly reference guide featuring over five hundred original drawings and over seventy photographs. Designed for painters, sculptors, and illustrators who use animal imagery in their work, Animal Anatomy for Artists offers thorough, in-depth information about the most commonly depicted animals, presented in a logical and easily understood format for artists--whether beginner or accomplished professional. The book focuses on the forms created by muscles and bones, giving artists a crucial three-dimensional understanding of the final, complex outer surface of the animal. Goldfinger not only covers the anatomy of the more common animals, such as the horse, dog, cat, cow, pig, squirrel, and rabbit, but also the anatomy of numerous wild species, including the lion, giraffe, deer, hippopotamus, rhinoceros, elephant, gorilla, sea lion, and bear. Included are drawings of skeletons and how they move at the joints, individual muscles showing their attachments on the skeleton, muscles of the entire animal, cross sections, photographs of live animals, and silhouettes of related animals comparing their shapes and proportions. He offers a new and innovative section on the basic body plan of four-legged animals, giving the reader a crucial conceptual understanding of overall animal structure to which the details of individual animals can then be applied. The chapter on birds covers the skeleton, muscles and feather patterns. The appendix presents photographs of skulls with magnificent horns and antlers and a section on major surface veins. Incredibly thorough, packed with essential information, Animal Anatomy for Artists is a definitive reference work, an essential book for everyone who depicts animals in their art.

Hockings, Kimberley, and Robin Dunbar, eds. Alcohol and Humans. Oxford University Press, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198842460.001.0001.

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Ethanol (or, as it is more popularly known, alcohol) use has a long and ubiquitous history. The prevailing tendency to view alcohol merely as a ‘social problem’ or the popular notion that alcohol only serves to provide us with a ‘hedonic’ high, masks its importance in the social fabric of many human societies both past and present. To understand alcohol use as a complex social practice that has been exploited by humans for thousands of years requires cross-disciplinary insight from social/cultural anthropologists, archaeologists, historians, psychologists, primatologists, and biologists. This multidisciplinary volume examines the broad use of alcohol in the human lineage and its wider relationship to social contexts such as feasting, sacred rituals, and social bonding. Alcohol abuse is a small part of a much more complex and social pattern of widespread alcohol use by humans. This alone should prompt us to explore the evolutionary origins of this ancient practice and the socially functional reasons for its continued popularity. The objectives of this volume are: (1) to understand how and why non-human primates and other animals use alcohol in the wild, and its relevance to understanding the social consumption of alcohol in humans; (2) to understand the social function of alcohol in human prehistory; (3) to understand the sociocultural significance of alcohol across human societies; and (4) to explore the social functions of alcohol consumption in contemporary society.

Hogh-Olesen, Henrik. The Aesthetic Animal. Oxford University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780190927929.001.0001.

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The Aesthetic Animal answers the ultimate questions of why we adorn ourselves; embellish our things and surroundings; and produce art, music, song, dance, and fiction. Humans are aesthetic animals that spend vast amounts of time and resources on seemingly useless aesthetic activities. However, nature would not allow a species to waste precious time and effort on activities completely unrelated to the survival, reproduction, and well-being of that species. Consequently, the aesthetic impulse must have some important biological functions. An impulse is a natural, internal behavioral incentive that does not need external reward to exist. A number of observations indicate that the aesthetic impulse is exactly such an inherent part of human nature, and therefore it is a primary impulse in its own right with several important functions. The aesthetic impulse may guide us toward what is biologically good for us and help us choose the right fitness-enhancing items in our surroundings. It is a valid individual fitness indicator, as well as a unifying social group marker, and aesthetically skilled individuals get more mating possibilities, higher status, and more collaborative offers. This book is written in a lively and entertaining tone, and it presents an original and comprehensive synthesis of the empirical field, synthesizing data from archeology, cave art, anthropology, biology, ethology, and experimental and evolutionary psychology and neuro-aesthetics.

Radner, Hilary, and Alistair Fox. Cinema and the Body: The Ghost in the Theater. Edinburgh University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.3366/edinburgh/9781474422888.003.0004.

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This chapter focuses its attention on why, in returning in the twenty-first century to a preoccupation with classical cinema, Bellour argued that hypnosis rather than the dream (as in the view of Christian Metz) offers the most accurate metaphor for understanding the cinematic viewer’s relationship to screen narrative. Like an animal, Bellour explains, the spectator is caught by, and subject to, somatic responses that are basically emotional in nature (hence not under his or her rational control) and generated from outside him or her, but which he or she experiences as autogenic in origin as vitality affects, borrowing from Daniel Stern. The chapter explores how, in Bellour’s view, the physicality of these responses highlights the tenuous dividing line between that which is human and that which is animal, within a worldview that dispenses with “the soul” under modernity. Finally, the chapter examines Bellour’s argument that the images of animals that appear in films “mirror” the condition of the spectator in the theater.

Roscher, Mieke, Nils Steffensen, Roman Bartosch, Liza B. Bauer, Michaela Keck, Alexandra Böhm, Björn Hayer, Jobst Paul, Pamela Steen, and Greta Gaard. Multispecies Futures: New Approaches to Teaching Human-Animal Studies. Edited by Andreas Hübner, Micha Gerrit Philipp Edlich, and Maria Moss. Neofelis Verlag, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.52007/9783958084025.

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Beyond Anthropocentric Perspectives on Education In light of the dramatic growth and rapid institutionalization of human-animal studies in recent years, it is somewhat surprising that only a small number of publications have proposed practical and theoretical approaches to teaching in this inter- and transdisciplinary field. Featuring eleven original pedagogical interventions from the social sciences and the humanities as well as an epilogue from ecofeminist critic Greta Gaard, the present volume addresses this gap and responds to the demand by both educators and students for pedagogies appropriate for dealing with environmental crises. The theoretical and practical contributions collected here describe new ways of teaching human-animal studies in different educational settings and institutional contexts, suggesting how learners – equipped with key concepts such as agency or relationality – can develop empathy and ethical regard for the more-than-human world and especially nonhuman animals. As the contributors to this volume show, these cognitive and affective goals can be achieved in many curricula in secondary and tertiary education. By providing learners with the tools to challenge human exceptionalism in its various guises and related patterns of domination and exploitation in and outside the classroom, these interventions also contribute to a much-needed transformation not only of today’s educational systems but of society as a whole. This volume is an invitation to beginners and experienced instructors alike, an invitation to (re)consider how we teach human-animal studies and how we could and should prepare learners for an uncertain future in, ideally, a more egalitarian and just multispecies world.

Newson, Lesley, and Peter Richerson. A Story of Us. Oxford University Press, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780190883201.001.0001.

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It’s time for a new story of our origins. One reason is that there a great deal of new evidence about what humans are like and the conditions that shaped human evolution. Another is that the thinking on human evolution has shifted. Evolutionists recognize that humans are very different from other animals, and they have been working to explain the different evolutionary path that humans took. There are still many gaps in the story, but this book describes seven points in our ancestors’ tale and explains the evidence behind these descriptions. The story begins seven million years ago, with the life of our ape ancestors, which were also the ancestors of today’s chimpanzees and bonobos. The second point is three million years ago with an ape that walked upright and lived outside the forest. Then follows a description of the life of early humans who lived one and a half million years ago. At the fourth point, 100,000 years ago, humans lived in Africa who were physically very similar to modern humans. The fifth is 30,000 years ago, during the last ice age, when our ancestors had evolved more complex cultures. The sixth is the period of accelerating cultural evolution that began as the planet started to recover from this ice age. Finally, beginning in the 1700s, there is the transformational period we are in now, which we call “modern times.” The style of this book is unusual for a science book because it has narrative sections that illustrate the lives of our ancestors and the problems they faced.

Diogo, Rui, and Sharlene E. Santana. Evolution of Facial Musculature. Oxford University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780190613501.003.0008.

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We review the origin and evolution of the facial musculature of mammals and pay special attention to the complex relationships between facial musculature, color patterns, mobility, and social group size during the evolution of humans and other primates. In addition, we discuss the modularity of the human head and the assymetrical use of facial expressions, as well as the evolvability of the muscles of facial expression, based on recent developmental and comparative studies and the use of a powerful new quantitative tool: anatomical networks analysis. We emphasizes the remarkable diversity of primate facial structures and the fact that the number of facial muscles present in our species is actually not as high when compared to many other mammals as previously thought. The use of new tools, such as anatomical network analyses, should be further explored to compare the musculoskeletal and other features of humans across stages of development and with other animal to enable a better understanding of the evolution of facial expressions.

Fitzpatrick, Antonia. Aristotelian Tradition (I). Oxford University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198790853.003.0002.

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This chapter discusses, principally, Aristotle’s biological works on animals, De anima and the Metaphysics. Its intent is to lay out the texts with which Aquinas would substantiate his view that individuality has its origins in matter, and not the soul. Aristotle’s thought on heredity and the embryo and his (problematic) account of the relationship between universals (or common natures) and individuals are discussed. The distinctive sophistication of the human body vis-à-vis other animals is another theme. Two related Aristotelian principles emerge as crucial: that matter and form should bear a proportion to one another, such that each form has its differentiated ‘proper matter’, and that matter’s ability to receive form depends upon its having developed the appropriate qualities (i.e. in its capacity as the ‘material cause’). The chapter concludes by schematically illustrating how Aquinas adapted Aristotle’s thought on individuality for his own purposes.

Частини книг з теми "Origine humaine ou non humaine (animale)":


López-Farjeat, Luis Xavier. "The ‘Language’ of Non-Human Animals in al-Fārābī and Avicena." In The Origin and Nature of Language and Logic., 173–91. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1484/m.rpm-eb.5.119761.

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Krebs, Dennis L. "Natural Goodness." In Relational Anthropology for Contemporary Economics, 31–49. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-84690-9_3.

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AbstractAlthough the theory of evolution might seem to imply that all animals must be selfish by nature, this is not the case because social animals can propagate their selfish genes in psychologically unselfish ways. To understand the moral aspect of human nature, we must understand the adaptive functions that moral traits served in early human environments. I argue that the central function of morality is to uphold adaptive systems of cooperation. Even though some cooperative strategies are susceptible to exploitation by selfish strategies, there are several ways in which the kind of cooperative behavioral strategies that people consider moral can evolve. Primitive psychological sources of moral behavior, such as moral emotions, and advanced sources, such as perspective-taking and moral reasoning, evolve and develop throughout the life span in a Russian Doll manner. Although the original function of perspective-taking and moral reasoning may have been to help early humans advance their interests in strategic social interactions, these processes may now motivate people to behave in moral ways. We are evolved to be as good as our early ancestors had to be to reap the benefits of sociality and cooperation.

Dunlop, Rebecca, William L. Gannon, Marthe Kiley-Worthington, Peggy S. M. Hill, Andreas Wessel, and Jeanette A. Thomas. "Vibrational and Acoustic Communication in Animals." In Exploring Animal Behavior Through Sound: Volume 1, 389–417. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-97540-1_11.

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AbstractAn introduction to acoustic and vibrational communication in animals is presented in this chapter. Starting with the origins of communication and ritualization of vocal and vibrational signals to produce a clear message or broadcast. A summary of communication concepts is presented describing behaviors such as displays. The chapter continues by unraveling some of the complexities of acoustic and vibrational communication such as elephant vibration detection posture and reception of long-range vibrational signal production—or drumming—in Prairie chickens and Kangaroo rats. We discuss the advantages of vibrational and acoustic signal production signals as well as the disadvantages including the influence of environmental factors that may mask or attenuate signals such as wind, water, or structural clutter. Research on the informational content of these signals is progressing. We provide a summary of ground-breaking earlier work, an indication of where we believe the field is now, and a glimpse of where we believe the field could be going in the future. The chapter concludes with a discussion of the characteristics of human language and whether nonhuman animals have such a language with the accompanying mental abilities. It could just be that other animals are most entertained (and threatened!) by our signaling behaviors.

Thompson, Tok. "The Ape that Captured Time." In Posthuman Folklore, 19–38. University Press of Mississippi, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.14325/mississippi/9781496825087.003.0002.

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Recent advances in animal studies have established the widespread use of learned, symbolic communication in the animal kingdom (and hence, of some variety of "language"). Meanwhile, Mechling (1989), has argued that folklore, as shared learned traditions, also exists in non-human animals. Considering that many scholars believe that humans are unique in our ability to tell stories, this schism between human and animal, the story and other folklore, has a great deal to tell us about the outlines and origins of humanity. This chapter seeks to integrate arguments from linguistics, archaeology, folklore, and cognitive science from evolutionary perspectives.

Erikson, Kai. "Human Origins." In The Sociologist's Eye. Yale University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.12987/yale/9780300106671.003.0006.

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This chapter discusses the origins of the human species on earth, in part to emphasize the fact that we are social animals. The story of human evolution spans millions of years, although it is not easy to establish a starting date or to draw an easy narrative line across those immense stretches of time. The evidence available to us is a spare collection of fossil remains dug out of the ground in widely scattered parts of the world, and a good deal of significance can be given each skull fragment or bone splinter or tooth. The chapter considers the appearance of the early hominins, the australopithecines and how they became social. It also looks at the first humans as well as modern humans, noting how they made the transition from foraging to agriculture.

Mitchell, Peter. "Origins." In The Donkey in Human History. Oxford University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198749233.003.0008.

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Over 50,000 years ago a Neanderthal hunter approached a wild ass on the plains of northeastern Syria. Taking aim from the right as the animal nervously assessed the threat, he launched his stone-tipped spear into its neck, penetrating the third cervical vertebra and paralyzing it immediately. Butchered at the kill site, this bone and most of the rest of the animal were taken back to the hunter’s camp at Umm el Tlel, a short distance away. Closely modelled on archaeological observations of that vertebra and the Levallois stone point still embedded within it, this incident helps define the framework for this chapter. At the start of the period it covers, human interactions with the donkey’s ancestors were purely a matter of hunting wild prey, but by its end the donkey had been transformed into a domesticated animal. Chapter 2 thus looks at how this process came about, where it did so, and what the evolutionary history of the donkey’s forebears had been until that point. Donkeys and the wild asses that are their closest relatives form part of the equid family to which zebras and horses also belong. Collectively, equids, like rhinoceroses and tapirs, fall within the Perissodactyla, the odd-toed division of hoofed mammals or ungulates. Though this might suggest a close connection with the much larger order known as the Artiodactyla, the even-toed antelopes (including deer, cattle, sheep, and goats), their superficial resemblances may actually reflect evolutionary convergence; some genetic studies hint that perissodactyls are more closely related to carnivores. Like tapirs and rhinoceroses, the earliest equids had three toes, not the one that has characterized them for the past 40 million years. That single toe, the third, now bears all their weight in the form of a single, enlarged hoof with the adjacent toes reduced to mere splints. This switch, and the associated elongation of the third (or central) metapodial linking the toe to the wrist or ankle, is one of the key evolutionary transformations through which equids have passed. A second involves diet since the earliest perissodactyls were all browsers, not grazers like the equids of today.

Nolen, Thomas G. "Extraordinary Claims, Extraordinary Proof." In Darwin's Roadmap to the Curriculum, 61–96. Oxford University Press, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780190624965.003.0005.

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In 1859, Darwin proposed an extraordinary claim that natural selection could explain both the origin of species and why organisms were so well adapted to their environments. In the past 160 years, through thousands of studies, an enormous body of evidence has been compiled supporting Darwin’s extraordinary claims. This chapter explores both the critiques of current skeptics who contend that evolutionary theory has little utility for the modern human condition and presents research that has tested the now “un-extraordinary” claims about human origins. Further, utilizing the assumption that humans are animals, the author argues that when testing the possible adaptive value of a human characteristic, the standard fall back should no longer be that the trait is “cultural” but that, on the basis of overwhelming evidence, it is biological. If this happened to not be the case, then that would require extraordinary proof.

Pierotti, Raymond, and Brandy R. Fogg. "Wolves, Archaeologists, and the Origin of Dogs." In The First Domestication. Yale University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.12987/yale/9780300226164.003.0005.

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This chapter focuses on archaeological research and its role in explaining the transformation from wolf to dog, addressing why this topic is controversial: the tendency to identify wolf remains found in archaeological sites as evidence of either interlopers or human killing overshadows the alternate possibility of social bonding between humans and wolves. This probably has prevented appreciation of considerable early evidence of relationships between humans and wolves before the latter became sufficiently phenotypically distinct (“doglike”) to be recognized as domestic animals shaped by humans. Some archaeologists do not acknowledge the possibility that humans interacted with and coevolved with wolves for thousands of years without generating significant phenotypic change in either species, and thus early wolves living with or cooperatively hunting with humans probably go unrecognized by scholars looking only at obvious physical changes.

Engel Jr., Mylan. "Epistemology and the Ethics of Animal Experimentation." In Applied Epistemology, 67–96. Oxford University Press, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198833659.003.0004.

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In this chapter, Mylan Engel Jr. argues that animal experimentation is neither epistemically nor morally justified and should be abolished. Engel argues that the only serious attempt at justifying animal experimentation is the benefits argument, according to which animal experiments are justified because the benefits that humans receive from the experiments outweigh the costs imposed on the animal subjects. According to Engel, the benefits we allegedly receive from animal-based biomedical research are primarily epistemic, in that experimenting on animal models is supposed to provide us with knowledge of the origin and proper treatment of human disease. However, Engel argues that animal models are extremely unreliable at predicting how drugs will behave in humans, whether candidate drugs will be safe in humans, and whether candidate drugs will be effective in humans. Engel concludes that animal-based research fails to provide the epistemic, and thereby moral, benefits needed to justify its continued use.

Martin, Randall. "‘I wish you joy of the worm’: Evolutionary ecology in Hamlet and Antony and Cleopatra." In Shakespeare and Ecology. Oxford University Press, 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780199567027.003.0010.

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Disaffected from the court and shaken out of conventional assumptions about human nature by the Ghost’s revelations, Hamlet begins to think of comparisons with non-human life, beginning with his father as ‘old mole’ (1.5.170). Later he turns to worms, and his attention suggests a willed strategy of existential and ecological discovery, since worms occupied a place diametrically opposite to humans in the traditional hierarchy of life. Renaissance Humanists often used the perceived inferiority of worms and other animals to define human uniqueness. Their gradations of being, by extension, justified human mastery of the earth represented in Hamlet by Claudius’s modernizing transformation of Denmark into a military-industrial state. Adopting a worm-oriented perspective (wryly imagined by conservation ecologist André Voisin in my epigraph), Hamlet begins to question his own conventional Humanist reflexes, such as those on display in his opening soliloquy (e.g. ‘O God, a beast that wants discourse of reason /Would have mourned longer’ [1.2.150–51]). Recent critics have shown how analogies between social behaviour and animals in Hamlet and other Shakespeare plays reflect the rediscovery of classical scepticism towards human superiority by Humanists such as Michel de Montaigne, before René Descartes and other Enlightenment philosophers elevated mind and soul into essential qualities of human nature. As in other areas of ecology and environmentalism discussed in this book, early modern reflections such as Hamlet’s look forward to today’s post-Cartesian and post-human enquiries into human, animal, and cyborgian crossovers. In this chapter I want to align these pre-modern and present-day horizons with the scientific revolution that links them: evolutionary biology’s tracing of human origins to the shared creaturely and genetic life of the planet. Worms will be my trope for Hamlet’s attention to what Giorgio Agamben calls a ‘zone of indeterminacy’ between human and animal life, and what Andreas Höfele identifies as the complex doubleness of similarity and difference that runs through all of Shakespeare’s animal–human relations, beginning with the comic dialogues of Crab and Lance in The Two Gentlemen of Verona.

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Yin, Mei. "How Did Humans, Animals and Plants Originate?" In 9th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AIAP 2022). Academy and Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC), 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.5121/csit.2022.120410.

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With black hole explosion under incredibly high temperatures leading to cosmic information billions of years ago, all matters had been in gaseous phase. With temperature dropping, under atomic attractive forces, adjacent atoms which made up gases attracted each other and formed a variety of big, small or tiny gaseous lumps. With the temperature persistently dropping, the tiny gaseous lump became colder and contracted and got smaller and turned into one in liquid state and subsequently in solid state according to the principle of expanding when heated and contracting when cooled in general cases. Gradually it developed and formed a human- or animal-like fetus or a plant-like seed. If it had the same compositions as a human, cow or sunflower, the human, the cow or the sunflower formed. Similar cases happened to other humans, animals and plants. Humans neither evolved from apes nor shared a common ancestor with apes.

Barros, Gabriel Moraes, and Esther Colombini. "Reinforcement and Imitation Learning Applied to Autonomous Aerial Robot Control." In VIII Workshop de Teses e Dissertações em Robótica/Concurso de Teses e Dissertações em Robótica. Sociedade Brasileira de Computação - SBC, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.5753/wtdr_ctdr.2020.14956.

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In robotics, the ultimate goal of reinforcement learning is to endow robots with the ability to learn, improve, adapt, and reproduce tasks with dynamically changing constraints based on exploration and autonomous learning. Reinforcement Learning (RL) aims at addressing this problem by enabling a robot to learn behaviors through trial-and-error. With RL, a Neural Network can be trained as a function approximator to directly map states to actuator commands making any predefined control structure not-needed for training. However, the knowledge required to converge these methods is usually built from scratch. Learning may take a long time, not to mention that RL algorithms need a stated reward function. Sometimes, it is not trivial to define one. Often it is easier for a teacher, human or intelligent agent, do demonstrate the desired behavior or how to accomplish a given task. Humans and other animals have a natural ability to learn skills from observation, often from merely seeing these skills’ effects: without direct knowledge of the underlying actions. The same principle exists in Imitation Learning, a practical approach for autonomous systems to acquire control policies when an explicit reward function is unavailable, using supervision provided as demonstrations from an expert, typically a human operator. In this scenario, this work’s primary objective is to design an agent that can successfully imitate a prior acquired control policy using Imitation Learning. The chosen algorithm is GAIL since we consider that it is the proper algorithm to tackle this problem by utilizing expert (state, action) trajectories. As reference expert trajectories, we implement state-of-the-art on and off-policy methods PPO and SAC. Results show that the learned policies for all three methods can solve the task of low-level control of a quadrotor and that all can account for generalization on the original tasks.

Lemiasheuski, V. O., M. M. Ozcan, and K. S. Ostrenko. "MILK AND MILK BY PRODUCTS AND ALTERNATiVE ASSESSMENT METHODS." In SAKHAROV READINGS 2021: ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS OF THE XXI CENTURY. International Sakharov Environmental Institute, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.46646/sakh-2021-1-225-228.

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There are always byproducts and residues in the processing of raw material into final crops. These constitute parts of the original material that are not evaluated. In the dairy industry, various residues remain in the processing of the raw material milk into crops. “Skimmed milk, cheese water and buttermilk” are left over from the separation of milk into cream, processing into cheese and butter and making butter from yogurt. In terms of utilizing these substances, preventing the loss of nutritionally important nutrients, and also using them in animal and human nutrition, commercial products such as glue, oil paint, artificial fabric contain raw materials such as acetone, alcohol, acid. They are of great importance in terms of food supply and economy.

Pereira, Rordana Gomes Fernandes, and Paulo Roberto Martins Queiroz. "ANÁLISE MOLECULAR, BIOLÓGICA E FILOGENÉTICA DO NOVO CORONAVÍRUS SARS-COV-2." In II Congresso Brasileiro de Biologia Molecular On-line. Revista Multidisciplinar em Saúde, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.51161/rems/2313.

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Introdução: Os coronavírus são uma família de vírus que possuem RNA de fita simples e são capazes de contaminar homens e animais. São conhecidos por sua alta frequência de recombinação e altas taxas de mutação, permitindo que se adaptem a novos hospedeiros e nichos ecológicos. Os níveis virais elevados fornecem um ambiente adequado para a replicação viral, levando a persistência viral, por sua vez, pode originar novas estirpes virais. Objetivo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar o aspecto molecular, biológico e filogenético do SARS-CoV-2. Material e Métodos: Para isso, foi feito um levantamento dos estudos relacionados com o tema ao longo dos anos de 2019 e 2021 e a utilização de vários softwares para a análise filogenética de 105 genomas completos do SARS-Cov-2 provenientes do Brasil, China, Índia, Itália e Estados Unidos e de morcegos de Wuhan (WIV). Resultados: Apenas duas sequências do SARS-Cov-2 isolados no Brasil tiveram semelhança com as sequências WIV, demonstrando que as estirpes brasileiras da pesquisa possuem uma alta variabilidade genética. Já os isolados do SARS-Cov-2 isolados na China apresentam o maior número de sequências relacionadas com as WIV. Nos isolados virais da Índia observou-se uma relação de afinidade por um ancestral comum e os isolados WIV, porém, não possuem uma similaridade direta com as sequências WIV pois a análise mostrou mais ramificações isoladas confirmando achados de estudos que revelaram que a Europa e o Sudeste Asiático são as duas principais rotas de introdução da doença na Índia. Os vírus dos Estados Unidos, da China e da Índia ficaram reunidos com as estirpes do próprio país demostrando através do alinhamento de sequências que mutações diferentes ocorrem pelo mundo. Além disso, algumas estirpes apresentaram proximidade com outras sequências de outros países devido a circulação de pessoas entre as nacionalidades estudadas neste trabalho. Conclusão: O novo Coronavírus foi originado de um processo de coevolução com início em um animal não humano e atingiu os hospedeiros humanos através do salto de espécies. Dessa forma, com base na filogenia molecular do genoma viral essa capacidade zoonótica traz consigo o alerta para possíveis novos surtos ou epidemias devido à evolução e adaptações desse vírus em outros hospedeiros animais.

Griffin, Alidair A., Barbara Doyle Prestwich, and Eoin P. Lettice. "UCC Open Arboretum Project: Trees as a teaching and outreach tool for environmental and plant education." In Learning Connections 2019: Spaces, People, Practice. University College Cork||National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.33178/lc2019.25.

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The University College Cork (UCC) Open Arboretum Project aims to re-imagine the original purpose of the University’s tree collection – as a teaching tool. The arboretum represents a unique on-campus learning space which has been under-utilised for teaching in recent times. The arboretum has the capacity to engage students, staff and visitors in a tangible way with important global issues (e.g. the climate emergency and biodiversity loss). It is also an opportunity to combat ‘plant blindness’, i.e. the ambivalence shown to plants in our environment compared to often charismatic animal species. Wandersee and Schussler (1999) coined the term “plant blindness” to describe the preference for animals rather than plants that they saw in their own biology students. Knapp (2019) has argued that, in fact, humans are less ‘plant blind’ and more ‘everything-but-vertebrates-blind’ with school curricula and television programming over-emphasising the role of vertebrates at the expense of other groups of organisms. Botanic gardens and arboreta have long been used for educational purposes. Sellman and Bogner (2012) have shown that learning about climate change in a botanic garden led to a significant shortterm and long-term knowledge gain for high-school students compared to students who learned in a classroom setting. There is also evidence that learning outside as part of a science curriculum results in higher levels of overall motivation in the students and a greater feeling of competency (Dettweiler et al., 2017). The trees in the UCC collection, like other urban trees also provide a range of benefits outside of the educational sphere. Large, mature trees, with well-developed crowns and large leaf surface area have the capacity to store more carbon than smaller trees. They provide shade as well as food and habitats for animal species as well providing ‘symbolic, religious and historic’ value in public common spaces. Such benefits have recently been summarised by Cavender and Donnolly (2019) and aligned with Sustainable Development Goal 11, Sustainable Cities and Communities by Turner-Skoff and Cavender (2019). A stakeholder survey has been conducted to evaluate how the tree collection is currently used and a tour of the most significant trees in the collection has been developed. The tour encourages participants to explore the benefits of plants through many lenses including recreation, medicine and commemoration. The open arboretum project brings learning beyond the classroom and acts as an entry point for learning in a variety of disciplines, not least plant science and environmental education generally.

Bosch, V., N. Bosch, M. Valles, N. Ortíz, and R. Gómez. "FATTY ACIDS AND PLATELET FUNCTION IN A SOUTH AMERICAN INDIAN GROUP WITH A HIGH DIETARY CONSUMPTION OF DOCOSAHEXAENOIC ACID." In XIth International Congress on Thrombosis and Haemostasis. Schattauer GmbH, 1987. http://dx.doi.org/10.1055/s-0038-1643403.

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The effect of dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids on hemostasis has elicited much interest. We studied indians from the Orinoco river shore, whose main animal protein intake derives from river fishes with a high confceqt of 22:6n-3 (0.2g/100g)r We determined in 50 indians plasma phospholipid fatty acids (FApl) by gas/liq chromatography and bleeding time by Symplate I divice (BT), in 15 were analyzed platelet count, aggregation with collagen and ADP, platelet factor 3 availability (PF3), platelet phospolipid fatty acids (FApt) and plasma vWFAg.RA from human milk was also determined. Subjets from the city of Caracas served as control. Data on BT, FAlp and FApt are shown in table (X±SD).FA Composition of milk showed that indians have 3 times more 22: 6n-3 than controls. Platelet studies shewed normal number and morphology. Percent platelet aggregation with collagen (4ug/ml) was below 50% in 4 of indians, 2 of them with a BT within the control range. Maximum slope of aggregation with ADP (4uM) was diminished in 2 cases. Diference in PF3 was not significant, VWFAg range from 50 to 100% and control from 53 to 127%. In conclusion we have found a population that shows an increased plasma and platelet 22:6n-3 and a prolonged BT most likely of dietary origen. Mechanism by wich n-3 FA modifies BT needs fur ther investigation.

K. Scherbakova, Valeria, and Alla A. Krasnoshtanova. "OBTAINING MICROPARTICLES OF CALCIUM CARBONATE LOADED WITH MICROBIAL LIPASE." In GEOLINKS International Conference. SAIMA Consult Ltd, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.32008/geolinks2020/b1/v2/09.

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At present, lipases of animal and microbial origin are increasingly used in human practice, namely in cheese production, milk chocolate production, confectionery industry, dry egg powder, production of flour, leather industry (for degreasing wool, bristles, leather), silk production, washing agents, as well as biodiesel. However, the practical use of lipase is limited by its low stability, reduced storage activity, and inability to reuse. One way to overcome these disadvantages is to microencapsulate the enzyme into various carriers. One promising carrier is calcium carbonate, characterized by ease of production and low cost. Therefore, the purpose of this work was to select the conditions for including lipase in the calcium carbonate microparticles. As the subject of the investigation, lipase of bacteria p. Pseudomonas fluorescens with activity of 27 u/mg was used in the work. This paper compares two methods of including protein molecules in carbonate microparticles: adsorption in pores (previously prepared carrier microparticles are added to the protein solution) and microencapsulation (formation of microparticles occurs simultaneously with inclusion of protein molecules). For both ways the capacity of microparticles of a carbonate of calcium by a bacterial lipase was determined and it was established that the maximum capacity equal was 0.2 mg/mg was reached when using a method of adsorption in pores. The specific activity of lipase in this case is 5.21 units/mg. The dynamics of bacterial lipase release from carbonate microparticles has been investigated. It has been found that within 90 minutes the degree of lipase release from microparticles does not exceed 28%, and the decrease in its specific activity does not exceed 10%. This fact suggests a higher prolongation of the action of lipase included in calcium carbonate microparticles compared to native. The operational stability of the bacterial lipase included in the calcium carbonate microparticles was evaluated as compared to native lipase. It was found that the temperature optimum did not occur, it remained at 37 ° C, but the operating stability increased in the lower temperature area. The optimum pH shifted from the slightly alkaline (pH 8.0) towards the neutral (pH 7.0), wherein in the region of alkaline pH values the operational stability of the microencapsulated lipase significantly increases. Microencapsulation of bacterial lipase into carbonate microparticles has been shown to increase storage stability by a factor of twice that of native.

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McCarthy, Noel, Eileen Taylor, Martin Maiden, Alison Cody, Melissa Jansen van Rensburg, Margaret Varga, Sophie Hedges, et al. Enhanced molecular-based (MLST/whole genome) surveillance and source attribution of Campylobacter infections in the UK. Food Standards Agency, July 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.46756/sci.fsa.ksj135.

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This human campylobacteriosis sentinel surveillance project was based at two sites in Oxfordshire and North East England chosen (i) to be representative of the English population on the Office for National Statistics urban-rural classification and (ii) to provide continuity with genetic surveillance started in Oxfordshire in October 2003. Between October 2015 and September 2018 epidemiological questionnaires and genome sequencing of isolates from human cases was accompanied by sampling and genome sequencing of isolates from possible food animal sources. The principal aim was to estimate the contributions of the main sources of human infection and to identify any changes over time. An extension to the project focussed on antimicrobial resistance in study isolates and older archived isolates. These older isolates were from earlier years at the Oxfordshire site and the earliest available coherent set of isolates from the national archive at Public Health England (1997/8). The aim of this additional work was to analyse the emergence of the antimicrobial resistance that is now present among human isolates and to describe and compare antimicrobial resistance in recent food animal isolates. Having identified the presence of bias in population genetic attribution, and that this was not addressed in the published literature, this study developed an approach to adjust for bias in population genetic attribution, and an alternative approach to attribution using sentinel types. Using these approaches the study estimated that approximately 70% of Campylobacter jejuni and just under 50% of C. coli infection in our sample was linked to the chicken source and that this was relatively stable over time. Ruminants were identified as the second most common source for C. jejuni and the most common for C. coli where there was also some evidence for pig as a source although less common than ruminant or chicken. These genomic attributions of themselves make no inference on routes of transmission. However, those infected with isolates genetically typical of chicken origin were substantially more likely to have eaten chicken than those infected with ruminant types. Consumption of lamb’s liver was very strongly associated with infection by a strain genetically typical of a ruminant source. These findings support consumption of these foods as being important in the transmission of these infections and highlight a potentially important role for lamb’s liver consumption as a source of Campylobacter infection. Antimicrobial resistance was predicted from genomic data using a pipeline validated by Public Health England and using BIGSdb software. In C. jejuni this showed a nine-fold increase in resistance to fluoroquinolones from 1997 to 2018. Tetracycline resistance was also common, with higher initial resistance (1997) and less substantial change over time. Resistance to aminoglycosides or macrolides remained low in human cases across all time periods. Among C. jejuni food animal isolates, fluoroquinolone resistance was common among isolates from chicken and substantially less common among ruminants, ducks or pigs. Tetracycline resistance was common across chicken, duck and pig but lower among ruminant origin isolates. In C. coli resistance to all four antimicrobial classes rose from low levels in 1997. The fluoroquinolone rise appears to have levelled off earlier and among animals, levels are high in duck as well as chicken isolates, although based on small sample sizes, macrolide and aminoglycoside resistance, was substantially higher than for C. jejuni among humans and highest among pig origin isolates. Tetracycline resistance is high in isolates from pigs and the very small sample from ducks. Antibiotic use following diagnosis was relatively high (43.4%) among respondents in the human surveillance study. Moreover, it varied substantially across sites and was highest among non-elderly adults compared to older adults or children suggesting opportunities for improved antimicrobial stewardship. The study also found evidence for stable lineages over time across human and source animal species as well as some tighter genomic clusters that may represent outbreaks. The genomic dataset will allow extensive further work beyond the specific goals of the study. This has been made accessible on the web, with access supported by data visualisation tools.

Labrune, Elsa, Bruno Salle, and Jacqueline Lornage. An update on in vitro folliculogenesis: a new technique for post-cancer fertility. INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, August 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.37766/inplasy2022.8.0111.

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Review question / Objective: The present review intends to summarize the progress of in vitro folliculogenesis in humans. It focuses on the culture media and then, according to the culture stage, on the different culture systems developed with comments on the results obtained. Condition being studied: This review focuses on the progress of in vitro folliculogenesis in humans. Eligibility criteria: Inclusion criteria : all original English-language articles on in vitro folliculogenesis from ovarian tissue in humans; exclusion criteria: non-English papers, works on animals, in vitro maturation and in vivo maturation works carried out within the context of in vitro fertilization protocols, studies on in vitro folliculogenesis that checked slow freezing and/or vitrification of ovarian tissue, studies on frozen or vitrified tissues (these do not have the same objective), studies on short culture times, and studies that lacked major results.

Splitter, Gary, and Menachem Banai. Attenuated Brucella melitensis Rough Rev1 Vaccine. United States Department of Agriculture, January 2004. http://dx.doi.org/10.32747/2004.7585199.bard.

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The original objectives of the proposal were: 1. Compare mutants 444 and 710 to Rev1 (parent strain), and 16M (field strain) in murine and human macrophage lines for phenotypic differences. 2. Determine in vivo virulence and survival of the mutants 444 and 710 in guinea pigs and mice. 3. Determine humoral and cell-mediated immune responses induced by mutants 444 and 710 in guinea pigs and mice. 4. Determine in vivo protection of mice and guinea pigs provided by mutants 444 and 710 compared to Rev1. Background: While human and animal brucellosis are rare in the U.S., brucellosis caused by B. melitensis remains relatively constant in Israel. Despite a national campaign to control brucellosis in Israel, the misuse of Rev1 Elberg vaccine strain among pregnant animals has produced abortion storms raising concern of human infection due to vaccine excretion in the milk. Further, some commercial Rev1 vaccine lots can: a) produce persistent infection, b) infect humans, c) be horizontally transmitted, d) cause abortion, and e) induce a persistent anti-O-polysaccharide antibody response confounding the distinction between infected and vaccinated animals. In Israel, vaccination practices have not optimally protected the milk supply from Brucella and Rev 1 vaccine can exacerbate the problem. In addition, cattle vaccinated against B. abortus are not protected against B. melitensis supporting the need for an improved vaccine. A safe vaccine used in adult animals to produce herd resistance to infection and a vaccine that can be distinguished from virulent infection is needed. A rough Rev1 vaccine would be less virulent than the parental smooth strain and permit serologic distinction between vaccinated and infected animals. Advantages of the Rev1 vaccine foundation are: 1) Rev1 vaccination of sheep and goats against B. melintensisis approved; therefore, vaccines derived from the Rev1 foundation may be readily accepted by licensing agencies as well as commercial companies, and 2) considerable data exists on Rev1vaccination and Rev1 proteins. Therefore, a post-genomic vaccine against B. melitensis based on the Rev1 foundation would provide a great advantage. Major conclusions from our work are: 1) We have determined that mutant 710 is highly attenuated in macrophages compared to virulent field strain 16M and mutant 444. 2) We have confirmed that mutant 710 is highly attenuated in guinea pigs and mice. 3) We have determined immune responses induced by mutant 710 in animals. 4) We have determined in vivo protection of mice and guinea pigs provided by mutants 444 and 710 compared to Rev1, and importantly, mutant 710 provides a high level of protection against challenge with virulent B. melitensis 16M. Thus, our data support the goals of the grant and provide the foundation for a future vaccine useful against B. melitensis in Israel. Because of patent considerations, many of our findings with 444 and 710 have not yet been published. Scientific and Agricultural Implications: Our findings support the development of a vaccine against B. melitensis based on the mutant 710. Because strain 710 is a mutant of the Elberg Rev1 vaccine, commercialization is more likely than development of an entirely new, uncharacterized Brucella mutant or strain.

Shpigel, Nahum, Raul Barletta, Ilan Rosenshine, and Marcelo Chaffer. Identification and characterization of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis virulence genes expressed in vivo by negative selection. United States Department of Agriculture, January 2004. http://dx.doi.org/10.32747/2004.7696510.bard.

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Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) is the etiological agent of a severe inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in ruminants, known as Johne’s disease or paratuberculosis. Johne’s disease is considered to be one of the most serious diseases affecting dairy cattle both in Israel and worldwide. Heavy economic losses are incurred by dairy farmers due to the severe effect of subclinical infection on milk production, fertility, lower disease resistance and early culling. Its influence in the United States alone is staggering, causing an estimated loss of $1.5 billion to the agriculture industry every year. Isolation of MAP from intestinal tissue and blood of Crohn's patients has lead to concern that it plays a potential pathogenic role in promoting human IDB including Crohn’s disease. There is great concern following the identification of the organism in animal products and shedding of the organism to the environment by subclinically infected animals. Little is known about the molecular basis for MAP virulence. The goal of the original proposed research was to identify MAP genes that are required for the critical stage of initial infection and colonization of ruminants’ intestine by MAP. We proposed to develop and use signature tag mutagenesis (STM) screen to find MAP genes that are specifically required for survival in ruminants upon experimental infection. This research projected was approved as one-year feasibility study to prove the ability of the research team to establish the animal model for mutant screening and alternative in-vitro cell systems. In Israel, neonatal goat kids were repeatedly inoculated with either one of the following organisms; MAP K-10 strain and three transposon mutants of K-10 which were produced and screened by the US PI. Six months after the commencement of inoculation we have necropsied the goats and taken multiple tissue samples from the jejunum, ileum and mesenteric lymph nodes. Both PCR and histopathology analysis indicated on efficient MAP colonization of all the inoculated animals. We have established several systems in the Israeli PI’s laboratory; these include using IS900 PCR for the identification of MAP and using HSP65-based PCR for the differentiation between MAV and MAP. We used Southern blot analysis for the differentiation among transposon mutants of K-10. In addition the Israeli PI has set up a panel of in-vitro screening systems for MAP mutants. These include assays to test adhesion, phagocytosis and survival of MAP to/within macrophages, assays that determine the rate of MAPinduced apoptosis of macrophages and MAP-induced NO production by macrophages, and assays testing the interference with T cell ã Interferon production and T cell proliferation by MAP infected macrophages (macrophage studies were done in BoMac and RAW cell lines, mouse peritoneal macrophages and bovine peripheral blood monocytes derived macrophages, respectively). All partners involved in this project feel that we are currently on track with this novel, highly challenging and ambitious research project. We have managed to establish the above described research systems that will clearly enable us to achieve the original proposed scientific objectives. We have proven ourselves as excellent collaborative groups with very high levels of complementary expertise. The Israeli groups were very fortunate to work with the US group and in a very short time period to master numerous techniques in the field of Mycobacterium research. The Israeli group has proven its ability to run this complicated animal model. This research, if continued, may elucidate new and basic aspects related to the pathogenesis MAP. In addition the work may identify new targets for vaccine and drug development. Considering the possibility that MAP might be a cause of human Crohn’s disease, better understanding of virulence mechanisms of this organism might also be of public health interest as well.

Ohad, Nir, and Robert Fischer. Regulation of plant development by polycomb group proteins. United States Department of Agriculture, January 2008. http://dx.doi.org/10.32747/2008.7695858.bard.

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Our genetic and molecular studies have indicated that FIE a WD-repeat Polycomb group (PcG) protein takes part in multi-component protein complexes. We have shown that FIE PcG protein represses inappropriate programs of development during the reproductive and vegetative phases of the Arabidopsis life cycle. Moreover, we have shown that FIE represses the expression of key regulatory genes that promote flowering (AG and LFY), embryogenesis (LEC1), and shoot formation (KNAT1). These results suggest that the FIE PcG protein participates in the formation of distinct PcG complexes that repress inappropriate gene expression at different stages of plant development. PcG complexes modulate chromatin compactness by modifying histones and thereby regulate gene expression and imprinting. The main goals of our original project were to elucidate the biological functions of PcG proteins, and to understand the molecular mechanisms used by FIE PcG complexes to repress the expression of its gene targets. Our results show that the PcG complex acts within the central cell of the female gametophyte to maintain silencing of MEA paternal allele. Further more we uncovered a novel example of self-imprinting mechanism by the PgG complex. Based on results obtained in the cures of our research program we extended our proposed goals and elucidated the role of DME in regulating plant gene imprinting. We discovered that in addition to MEA,DME also imprints two other genes, FWA and FIS2. Activation of FWA and FIS2 coincides with a reduction in 5-methylcytosine in their respective promoters. Since endosperm is a terminally differentiated tissue, the methylation status in the FWA and FIS2 promoters does not need to be reestablished in the following generation. We proposed a “One-Way Control” model to highlight differences between plant and animal genomic imprinting. Thus we conclude that DEMETER is a master regulator of plant gene imprinting. Future studies of DME function will elucidate its role in processes and disease where DNA methylation has a key regulatory role both in plants and animals. Such information will provide valuable insight into developing novel strategies to control and improve agricultural traits and overcome particular human diseases.

Chejanovsky, Nor, and Bruce A. Webb. Potentiation of Pest Control by Insect Immunosuppression. United States Department of Agriculture, January 2010. http://dx.doi.org/10.32747/2010.7592113.bard.

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The restricted host range of many baculoviruses, highly pathogenic to Lepidoptera and non-pathogenic to mammals, limits their use to single or few closely related Lepidopteran species and is an obstacle to extending their implementation for pest control. The insect immune response is a major determinant of the ability of an insect pathogen to efficiently multiply and propagate. We have developed an original model system to study the Lepidopteran antiviral immune response based on Spodoptera littoralis resistance to AcMNPV (Autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus) infection and the fascinating immunosuppressive activity of polydnaviruses .Our aim is to elucidate the mechanisms through which the immunosuppressive insect polydnaviruses promote replication of pathogenic baculoviruses in lepidopteran hosts that are mildly or non-permissive to virus- replication. In this study we : 1- Assessed the extent to which and the mechanisms whereby the immunosuppressive Campoletis sonorensis polydnavirus (CsV) or its genes enhanced replication of a well-characterized pathogenic baculovirus AcMNPV, in polydnavirus-immunosuppressedH. zea and S. littoralis insects and S. littoralis cells, hosts that are mildly or non-permissive to AcMNPV. 2- Identified CsV genes involved in the above immunosuppression (e.g. inhibiting cellular encapsulation and disrupting humoral immunity). We showed that: 1. S. littoralis larvae mount an immune response against a baculovirus infection. 2. Immunosuppression of an insect pest improves the ability of a viral pathogen, the baculovirus AcMNPV, to infect the pest. 3. For the first time two PDV-specific genes of the vankyrin and cystein rich-motif families involved in immunosuppression of the host, namely Pvank1 and Hv1.1 respectively, enhanced the efficacy of an insect pathogen toward a semipermissive pest. 4. Pvank1 inhibits apoptosis of Spodopteran cells elucidating one functional aspect of PDVvankyrins. 5. That Pvank-1 and Hv1.1 do not show cooperative effect in S. littoralis when co-expressed during AcMNPV infection. Our results pave the way to developing novel means for pest control, including baculoviruses, that rely upon suppressing host immune systems by strategically weakening insect defenses to improve pathogen (i.e. biocontrol agent) infection and virulence. Also, we expect that the above result will help to develop systems for enhanced insect control that may ultimately help to reduce transmission of insect vectored diseases of humans, animals and plants as well as provide mechanisms for suppression of insect populations that damage crop plants by direct feeding.

Chejanovsky, Nor, and Bruce A. Webb. Potentiation of pest control by insect immunosuppression. United States Department of Agriculture, July 2004. http://dx.doi.org/10.32747/2004.7587236.bard.

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Our original aims were to elucidate the mechanisms through which the immunosuppressive insect virus, the Campoletis sonorensis polydnavirus (CsV) promotes replication of a well-characterized pathogenic virus, the Autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (AcMNPV) in hosts that are mildly or non-permissive to virus replication. According to the BARD panels criticism we modified our short-term goals (see below). Thus, in this feasibility study (one-year funding) we aimed to show that: 1. S. littoralis larvae mount an immune response against a baculovirus infection. 2. Immunosuppression of an insect pest improves the ability of a viral pathogen (a baculovirus) to infect the pest. 3. S. littoralis cells constitute an efficient tool to study some aspects of the anti- viral immune response. We achieved the above objectives by: 1. Finding melanized viral foci upon following the baculoviral infection in S . littoralis larvae infected with a polyhedra - positive AcMNPV recombinant that expressed the GFP gene under the control of the Drosophila heat shock promoter. 2. Studying the effect of AcMNPV-infection in S . littoralis immunosuppressed by parasitation with the Braconidae wasp Chelonus inanitus that bears the CiV polydna virus, that resulted in higher susceptibility of S. littoralis to AcMNPV- infection. 3. Proving that S. littoralis hemocytes resist AcMNPV -infection. 4. Defining SL2 as a granulocyte-like cell line and demonstrating that as littoralis hemocytic cell line undergoes apoptosis upon AcMNPV -infection. 5. Showing that some of the recombinant AcMNPV expressing the immuno-suppressive polydna virus CsV- vankyrin genes inhibit baculoviral-induced lysis of SL2 cells. This information paves the way to elucidate the mechanisms through which the immuno- suppressive polydna insect viruses promote replication of pathogenic baculoviruses in lepidopteran hosts that are mildly or non-permissive to virus- replication by: - Assessing the extent to which and the mechanisms whereby the immunosuppressive viruses, CiV and CsV or their genes enhance AcMNPV replication in polydnavirus- immunosuppressed H. zea and S. littoralis insects and S. littoralis cells. - Identifying CiV and CsV genes involved in the above immunosuppression (e.g. inhibiting cellular encapsulation and disrupting humoral immunity). This study will provide insight to the molecular mechanisms of viral pathogenesis and improve our understanding of insect immunity. This knowledge is of fundamental importance to controlling insect vectored diseases of humans, animals and plants and essential to developing novel means for pest control (including baculoviruses) that strategically weaken insect defenses to improve pathogen (i.e. biocontrol agent) infection and virulence.

Kindt, Roeland, Ian K Dawson, Jens-Peter B Lillesø, Alice Muchugi, Fabio Pedercini, and James M Roshetko. The one hundred tree species prioritized for planting in the tropics and subtropics as indicated by database mining. World Agroforestry, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.5716/wp21001.pdf.

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A systematic approach to tree planting and management globally is hindered by the limited synthesis of information sources on tree uses and species priorities. To help address this, the authors ‘mined’ information from 23 online global and regional databases to assemble a list of the most frequent tree species deemed useful for planting according to database mentions, with a focus on tropical regions. Using a simple vote count approach for ranking species, we obtained a shortlist of 100 trees mentioned in at least 10 of our data sources (the ‘top-100’ species). A longer list of 830 trees that were mentioned at least five times was also compiled. Our ‘top-100’ list indicated that the family Fabaceae (syn. Leguminosae) was most common. The information associated with our mined data sources indicated that the ‘top-100’ list consisted of a complementary group of species of differing uses. These included the following: for wood (mostly for timber) and fuel production, human nutrition, animal fodder supply, and environmental service provision (varied services). Of these uses, wood was most frequently specified, with fuel and food use also highly important. Many of the ‘top-100’ species were assigned multiple uses. The majority of the ‘top-100’ species had weediness characteristics according to ‘attribute’ invasiveness databases that were also reviewed, thereby demonstrating potential environmental concerns associated with tree planting that need to be balanced against environmental and livelihood benefits. Less than half of the ‘top-100’ species were included in the OECD Scheme for the Certification of Forest Reproductive Material, thus supporting a view that lack of germplasm access is a common concern for trees. A comparison of the ‘top-100’ species with regionally-defined tree inventories indicated their diverse continental origins, as would be anticipated from a global analysis. However, compared to baseline expectations, some geographic regions were better represented than others. Our analysis assists in priority-setting for research and serves as a guide to practical tree planting initiatives. We stress that this ‘top-100’ list does not necessarily represent tree priorities for the future, but provides a starting point for also addressing representation gaps. Indeed, our primary concern going forward is with the latter.

Hansen, Peter J., Zvi Roth, and Jeremy J. Block. Improving oocyte competence in dairy cows exposed to heat stress. United States Department of Agriculture, January 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.32747/2014.7598163.bard.

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Original Objectives. The overall goal is to develop methods to increase pregnancy rate in lactating dairy cows exposed to heat stress through methods that minimize damage to the oocyte and embryo caused by heat stress. Objectives were as follows: (1) examine the protective effects of melatonin on developmental competence of oocytes exposed to elevated temperature in vitro; (2) test whether melatonin feeding can improve developmental competence of oocytes in vivo and, if so, whether effects are limited to the summer or also occur in the absence of heat stress; and (3) evaluate the effectiveness of improving fertility by facilitating follicular turnover in the summer and winter. Revised Objectives. (1) Examine protective effects of melatonin and follicular fluid on developmental competence of oocytes exposed to elevated temperature in vitro; (2) examine the protective effects of melatonin on developmental competence of embryos exposed to elevated temperature in vitro; (3) evaluate effectiveness of improving fertility by administering human chorionicgonadotropin (hCG) to increase circulating concentrations of progesterone and evaluate whether response to hCG depends upon genotype for four mutations reported to be related to cow fertility; and (4) identify genes with allelic variants that increase resistance of embryos to heat shock. Background. The overall hypothesis is that pregnancy success is reduced by heat stress because of damage to the oocyte and cleavage-stage embryo mediated by reactive oxygen species (ROS), and that fertility can be improved by provision of antioxidants or by removing follicles containing oocytes damaged by heat stress. During the study, additional evidence from the literature indicated the potential importance of treatment with chorionicgonadotropin to increase fertility of heat- stressed cows and results from other studies in our laboratories implicated genotype as an important determinant of cow fertility. Thus, the project was expanded to evaluate hCG treatment and to identify whether fertility response to hCG depended upon single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in genes implicated as important for cow fertility. We also evaluated whether a SNP in a gene important for cellular resistance to heat stress (HSPA1L, a member of the heat shock protein 70 family) is important for embryonic resistance to elevated temperature. Major conclusions, solutions & achievements. Results confirmed that elevated temperature increases ROS production by the oocyte and embryo and that melatonin decreases ROS. Melatonin reduced, but did not completely block, damaging effects of heat shock on the oocyte and had no effect on development of the embryo. Melatonin was protective to the oocyte at 0.1-1 μM, a concentration too high to be achieved in cows. It was concluded that melatonin is unlikely to be a useful molecule for increasing fertility of heat-stressed cows. Treatment with hCG at day 5 after breeding increased first-service pregnancy rate for primiparous cows but not for multiparous cows. Thus, hCG could be useful for increasing fertility in first-parity cows. The effectiveness of hCG depended upon genotype for a SNP in COQ9, a gene encoding for a mitochondrial-function protein. This result points the way to future efforts to use genetic information to identify populations of cows for which hormone treatments will be effective or ineffective. The SNP in HSPA1L was related to embryonic survival after heat shock. Perhaps, genetic selection for mutations that increase cellular resistance to heat shock could be employed to reduce effects of heat stress on fertility. Implications, both scientific and agricultural. This project has resulted in abandonment of one possible approach to improve fertility of the heat-stressed cow (melatonin therapy) while also leading to a method for improving fertility of primiparous cows exposed to heat stress (hCG treatment) that can be implemented on farms today. Genetic studies have pointed the way to using genetic information to 1) tailor hormonal treatments to cow populations likely to respond favorably and 2) select animals whose embryos have superior resistance to elevated body temperatures.

Ficht, Thomas, Gary Splitter, Menachem Banai, and Menachem Davidson. Characterization of B. Melinensis REV 1 Attenuated Mutants. United States Department of Agriculture, December 2000. http://dx.doi.org/10.32747/2000.7580667.bard.

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Brucella Mutagenesis (TAMU) The working hypothesis for this study was that survival of Brucella vaccines was directly related to their persistence in the host. This premise is based on previously published work detailing the survival of the currently employed vaccine strains S19 and Rev 1. The approach employed signature-tagged mutagenesis to construct mutants interrupted in individual genes, and the mouse model to identify mutants with attenuated virulence/survival. Intracellular survival in macrophages is the key to both reproductive disease in ruminants and reticuloendothelial disease observed in most other species. Therefore, the mouse model permitted selection of mutants of reduced intracellular survival that would limit their ability to cause reproductive disease in ruminants. Several classes of mutants were expected. Colonization/invasion requires gene products that enhance host-agent interaction or increase resistance to antibacterial activity in macrophages. The establishment of chronic infection requires gene products necessary for intracellular bacterial growth. Maintenance of chronic infection requires gene products that sustain a low-level metabolism during periods characterized little or no growth (1, 2). Of these mutants, the latter group was of greatest interest with regard to our originally stated premise. However, the results obtained do not necessarily support a simplistic model of vaccine efficacy, i.e., long-survival of vaccine strains provides better immunity. Our conclusion can only be that optimal vaccines will only be developed with a thorough understanding of host agent interaction, and will be preferable to the use of fortuitous isolates of unknown genetic background. Each mutant could be distinguished from among a group of mutants by PCR amplification of the signature tag (5). This approach permitted infection of mice with pools of different mutants (including the parental wild-type as a control) and identified 40 mutants with apparently defective survival characteristics that were tentatively assigned to three distinct classes or groups. Group I (n=13) contained organisms that exhibited reduced survival at two weeks post-infection. Organisms in this group were recovered at normal levels by eight weeks and were not studied further, since they may persist in the host. Group II (n=11) contained organisms that were reduced by 2 weeks post infection and remained at reduced levels at eight weeks post-infection. Group III (n=16) contained mutants that were normal at two weeks, but recovered at reduced levels at eight weeks. A subset of these mutants (n= 15) was confirmed to be attenuated in mixed infections (1:1) with the parental wild-type. One of these mutants was eliminated from consideration due to a reduced growth rate in vitro that may account for its apparent growth defect in the mouse model. Although the original plan involved construction of the mutant bank in B. melitensis Rev 1 the low transformability of this strain, prevented accumulation of the necessary number of mutants. In addition, the probability that Rev 1 already carries one genetic defect increases the likelihood that a second defect will severely compromise the survival of this organism. Once key genes have been identified, it is relatively easy to prepare the appropriate genetic constructs (knockouts) lacking these genes in B. melitensis Rev 1 or any other genetic background. The construction of "designer" vaccines is expected to improve immune protection resulting from minor sequence variation corresponding to geographically distinct isolates or to design vaccines for use in specific hosts. A.2 Mouse Model of Brucella Infection (UWISC) Interferon regulatory factor-1-deficient (IRF-1-/- mice have diverse immunodeficient phenotypes that are necessary for conferring proper immune protection to intracellular bacterial infection, such as a 90% reduction of CD8+ T cells, functionally impaired NK cells, as well as a deficiency in iNOS and IL-12p40 induction. Interestingly, IRF-1-/- mice infected with diverse Brucella abortus strains reacted differently in a death and survival manner depending on the dose of injection and the level of virulence. Notably, 50% of IRF-1-/- mice intraperitoneally infected with a sublethal dose in C57BL/6 mice, i.e., 5 x 105 CFU of virulent S2308 or the attenuated vaccine S19, died at 10 and 20 days post-infection, respectively. Interestingly, the same dose of RB51, an attenuated new vaccine strain, did not induce the death of IRF-1-/- mice for the 4 weeks of infection. IRF-1-/- mice infected with four more other genetically manipulated S2308 mutants at 5 x 105 CFU also reacted in a death or survival manner depending on the level of virulence. Splenic CFU from C57BL/6 mice infected with 5 x 105 CFU of S2308, S19, or RB51, as well as four different S2308 mutants supports the finding that reduced virulence correlates with survival Of IRF-1-/- mice. Therefore, these results suggest that IRF-1 regulation of multi-gene transcription plays a crucial role in controlling B. abortus infection, and IRF-1 mice could be used as an animal model to determine the degree of B. abortus virulence by examining death or survival. A3 Diagnostic Tests for Detection of B. melitensis Rev 1 (Kimron) In this project we developed an effective PCR tool that can distinguish between Rev1 field isolates and B. melitensis virulent field strains. This has allowed, for the first time, to monitor epidemiological outbreaks of Rev1 infection in vaccinated flocks and to clearly demonstrate horizontal transfer of the strain from vaccinated ewes to unvaccinated ones. Moreover, two human isolates were characterized as Rev1 isolates implying the risk of use of improperly controlled lots of the vaccine in the national campaign. Since atypical B. melitensis biotype 1 strains have been characterized in Israel, the PCR technique has unequivocally demonstrated that strain Rev1 has not diverted into a virulent mutant. In addition, we could demonstrate that very likely a new prototype biotype 1 strain has evolved in the Middle East compared to the classical strain 16M. All the Israeli field strains have been shown to differ from strain 16M in the PstI digestion profile of the omp2a gene sequence suggesting that the local strains were possibly developed as a separate branch of B. melitensis. Should this be confirmed these data suggest that the Rev1 vaccine may not be an optimal vaccine strain for the Israeli flocks as it shares the same omp2 PstI digestion profile as strain 16M.

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