Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'AINU CULTURE'

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Aakre, Bjørn Magne. "Ainu A culture of silence?" 名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科 技術・職業教育学研究室, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/2237/12377.

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Sjöberg, Katarina. "Mr. Ainu : cultural mobilization and the practice of ethnicity in a hierarchical culture /." Lund : Lund Univ, 1991. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37588919p.

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Shapiro, Jonathan Chira. "Hyphenated Japan: Cross-examining the Self/Other dichotomy in Ainu-Japanese material culture." Oberlin College Honors Theses / OhioLINK, 2017. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=oberlin1494762526392067.

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Iori, Matteo. "Gli Ainu del Giappone." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2018. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/16083/.

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La tesi tratta della storia, della lingua e della cultura del gruppo etnico degli Ainu indigeno del Giappone e della Russia. Questo popolo dalle origini sconosciute abitava in Giappone prima che i discendenti dei giapponesi vi arrivassero. Dopo numerose battaglie contro il nemico giapponese che mira all'espansione nell'isola di Hokkaido, anticamente chiamata Ezogashima (isola dei barbari), questi, che sul piano militare erano più arretrati, si ritrovarono improvvisamente a dover condividere la loro terra con un popolo che li voleva eliminare. Gli Ainu si videro lentamente portare via i loro diritti sulle risorse dell'isola e furono costretti ad abbandonare il loro stile di vita, diventando schiavi del sistema capitalistico giapponese. Il governo giapponese poi iniziò ad attuare delle politiche con lo scopo di assimilare questo popolo: gli Ainu non potevano più cacciare e pescare liberamente, non potevano perpetuare alcune delle loro tradizioni e parlare la loro lingua, dovevano adottare nomi giapponesi e ricevere un'istruzione esclusivamente in lingua giapponese La vera svolta storica per gli Ainu si ebbe con l'elezione a membro del parlamento nel 1994 di Shigeru Kayano, il primo Ainu ad essere mai stato eletto, che avviò delle politiche di sensibilizzazione e cercò di far valere i diritti degli Ainu. Da quel momento, la situazione andò migliorando gradualmente fino alla svolta decisiva: in seguito alla dichiarazione dell'ONU nella quale si riconoscevano pieni diritti ai popoli indigeni, il Giappone decise finalmente di ufficializzare il loro status a aborigeni originari di Hokkaido. Da quel momento in poi, il governo giapponese avviò delle riforme volte alla rivitalizzazione e alla preservazione della lingua e delle tradizioni ainu.

Ogawa, Masashi, and 小川正志. "Revival of cultural tradition amongst two ethnic minorities: Ainu in Japan and aborigines in Taiwan." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 1995. http://hub.hku.hk/bib/B31950851.

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Ogawa, Masashi. "Revival of cultural tradition amongst two ethnic minorities Ainu in Japan and aborigines in Taiwan /." Click to view the E-thesis via HKUTO, 1995. http://sunzi.lib.hku.hk/hkuto/record/B31950851.

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Coulter-Pultz, Jude. "Exploring narratives in Ainu history through analysis of bear carvings." Thesis, Indiana University, 2016. http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=10119500.

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The dominant narrative mode in Ainu studies today stresses an activist agenda that, although worthwhile, limits the potential for new research in the field. In this thesis, I analyze historical accounts of the development of Ainu bear carvings as a case study of the characteristics of the dominant activist mode and present an alternate narrative in order to demonstrate the need for a variety of approaches to Ainu research.

The activist narrative mode is structured to engender sympathy for Ainu people and respect for their cultural heritage. Activist accounts of Ainu bear carvings often claim that the carvers were pressured by the Japanese tourist industry to violate religious taboos against producing realistic depictions of bears. In this way, the carvings serve as a symbol of oppression of Ainu people under Japanese imperialism. At the same time, activist scholars state that the Ainu bear carvings followed a linear progression from tourist souvenirs to respected works of “fine art.” Thus, the carvings also reinforce optimistic projections regarding the future status of Ainu culture and socioeconomic condition.

My alternate narrative focuses on the complexities and ambiguities in the field and avoids judging events in moral or sympathetic terms. I explore a broad range of contextual issues, tracing the regional production of wooden bears from the paleolithic ancestors of Ainu people, examining the role of bears and woodcarving in Ainu culture, analyzing Ainu interactions with Japan, Russia, and other neighboring empires, and investigating the commodification of bear carvings as tourist souvenirs.

Activist narratives have contributed a wealth of valuable research to the field of Ainu studies and remain a useful tool for promoting social and cultural equality for Ainu people. However, automatic conformity to the dominant activist mode perpetuates the obfuscation of certain details in Ainu history, including the diversity within Ainu and Japanese cultures and institutions, instances of political cooperation between Ainu and Japanese communities, and unanswered questions regarding the complex development of Ainu cultural practices and beliefs. Although any historical account (including this thesis) inherently simplifies its subjects, varying our narrative approach helps us to identify and fill some of the gaps.


Sjöberg, Katarina V. "The return of the Ainu : cultural mobilization and the practice of ethnicity in Japan /." Chur (Switzerland) : Harwood, 1993. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37440621g.

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Texte remanié de: Th. Ph. D.--University of Lund, 1991. Titre de soutenance : Mr. Ainu : cultural mobilization and the practice of ethnicity in a hierarchical culture.
Bibliogr. p. 205-215. Glossaire. Index.

Garrigou, Philippe. "Etude des effets des rayonnements ionisants sur la niche hématopoïétique et traitement du syndrome aigu d'irradiation par thérapie génique chez le macaque irradié à forte dose." Thesis, Grenoble, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011GRENS016/document.

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La niche des cellules souches hématopoïétiques représente un compartiment complexe et radiosensible. Sa protection est nécessaire pour la restauration de l'hématopoïèse faisant suite à la myélosuppression due à l'exposition aux rayonnements ionisants. Nous avons dans un premier temps étudié l'effet des RI sur les progéniteurs endothéliaux et mésenchymateux de la niche par une étude de radiosensiblilité et une étude d'évaluation de la mort cellulaire. Nous avons proposé par la suite une stratégie innovante de thérapie génique basée sur la sécrétion locale et à court terme du morphogène Sonic hedgehog visant à favoriser la réparation de niche vasculaire et de stimuler les cellules souches hématopoïétiques et les cellules progénitrices résiduelles. Nous avons étudié la réponse hématopoïétique des singes irradiés à 8-Gy gamma après une seule injection intra-osseuse de cellules souches mésenchymateuses xénogéniques, multipotentes et d'origine adipocytaire transfectées avec un plasmide pIRES2-eGFP codant la protéine Shh. La durée de thrombocytopénie et celle de neutropénie ont été significativement réduites chez les animaux greffés et les clonogènes sont normalisés à partir du 42e jour. Les aires sous la courbe des numération des plaquettes et des neutrophiles entre 0 et 30 jours ont été significativement plus élevée chez les animaux traités que chez les témoins. La greffe d'explants de MatrigelTM colonisés ou non avec des ASC chez des souris immunodéprimées a démontré une activité pro-angiogénique notable des ASC transfectées avec le plasmide Shh . Le suivi à long terme (180 à 300 jours) a confirmé une reconstitution durable dans les quatre singes greffés. Globalement cette étude suggère que la greffe de cellules souches multipotentes Shh-peut représenter une nouvelle stratégie pour la prise en charge des dommages radio-induits de la niche
The hematopoietic stem cell niche represents a complex radiosensitive compartment whose protection is required for recovery from radiation-induced myelosuppression. We initially studied RI effects on endothelial and mesenchymal progenitors by an evaluating radiosensitivity and cell death. Then, we have proposed a new gene therapy strategy based on local and short term secretion of Sonic hedgehog morphogene to favour vascular niche repair and to stimulate residual hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells. We investigated the hematopoietic response of 8-Gy gamma irradiated monkeys to a single intra-osseous injection of xenogeneic multipotent mesenchymal stem cells transduced with a Shh pIRES2 plasmid. Thrombocytopenia and neutropenia duration were significantly reduced in grafted animals and clonogenics normalized from day 42. Areas under the curve of PLTs and ANCs between day 0 and day 30 were significantly higher in treated animals than in controls. Grafting MatrigelTM colonized or not with ASC in immunocompromized mice demonstrated a notable pro-angiogenic activity for Shh-ASC. Long term follow up (180-300 days) confirmed a durable recovery in the four grafted monkeys. Globally this study suggests that grafting Shh-multipotent stem cells may represent a new strategy to cure radiation-induced niche damage

Garrigou, Philipppe. "Etude des effets des rayonnements ionisants sur la niche hématopoïétique et traitement du syndrome aigu d'irradiation par thérapie génique chez le macaque irradié à forte dose." Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00631339.

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La niche des cellules souches hématopoïétiques représente un compartiment complexe et radiosensible. Sa protection est nécessaire pour la restauration de l'hématopoïèse faisant suite à la myélosuppression due à l'exposition aux rayonnements ionisants. Nous avons dans un premier temps étudié l'effet des RI sur les progéniteurs endothéliaux et mésenchymateux de la niche par une étude de radiosensiblilité et une étude d'évaluation de la mort cellulaire. Nous avons proposé par la suite une stratégie innovante de thérapie génique basée sur la sécrétion locale et à court terme du morphogène Sonic hedgehog visant à favoriser la réparation de niche vasculaire et de stimuler les cellules souches hématopoïétiques et les cellules progénitrices résiduelles. Nous avons étudié la réponse hématopoïétique des singes irradiés à 8-Gy gamma après une seule injection intra-osseuse de cellules souches mésenchymateuses xénogéniques, multipotentes et d'origine adipocytaire transfectées avec un plasmide pIRES2-eGFP codant la protéine Shh. La durée de thrombocytopénie et celle de neutropénie ont été significativement réduites chez les animaux greffés et les clonogènes sont normalisés à partir du 42e jour. Les aires sous la courbe des numération des plaquettes et des neutrophiles entre 0 et 30 jours ont été significativement plus élevée chez les animaux traités que chez les témoins. La greffe d'explants de MatrigelTM colonisés ou non avec des ASC chez des souris immunodéprimées a démontré une activité pro-angiogénique notable des ASC transfectées avec le plasmide Shh . Le suivi à long terme (180 à 300 jours) a confirmé une reconstitution durable dans les quatre singes greffés. Globalement cette étude suggère que la greffe de cellules souches multipotentes Shh-peut représenter une nouvelle stratégie pour la prise en charge des dommages radio-induits de la niche.

Vignoe, Camilla G. Wengler. "Living Aloha: Portraits of Resilience, Renewal, Reclamation, and Resistance." Antioch University / OhioLINK, 2015. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=antioch1432737872.

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Hoque, Apu E. (Ehsanul). "Migration and invasion pattern analysis of oral cancer cells in vitro." Doctoral thesis, Oulun yliopisto, 2018. http://urn.fi/urn:isbn:9789526220239.

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Abstract Desmoglein 3 (Dsg3) is an adhesion receptor in desmosomes, but relatively little is known about its role in cancer. In this study, the function of Dsg3 was investigated in oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) cell lines in vitro using locally established human leiomyoma tumor microenvironment (TME) matrices. Since Dsg3 has been identified as a key regulator in cell adhesion, we hypothesized that it may play a role in oral SCC cells adhesion and motility. Thus, one aim of the study was to explore this hypothesis by both gain and loss of function methods in four human buccal mucosa SCC SqCC/Y1 cell lines: transduction of vector control (Ct), full-length (FL) or two different C-terminally truncated Dsg3 mutants (Δ238 and Δ560). Live cell imaging was performed for 2D migration and 3D sandwich, alongside other assays. In 3D sandwich, we tested the effects of the monoclonal antibody, AK23, targeting the extracellular domain of Dsg3 in SqCC/Y1 cells. Our results showed that loss of Dsg3 disrupted cell adhesion and protein expression. In 2D assays, FL and Dsg3 mutants migrated faster with higher accumulated distances than Ct. In contrast with 2D, mutants showed accelerated invasion over the Ct in 3D models. The AK23 antibody inhibited only the invasion of FL cells. The TME in vivo consists of cellular and matrix elements playing a leading role in carcinoma progression. To study carcinoma cells invasion in vitro, mouse Matrigel® and rat type 1 collagen are the most commonly used matrices in 3D models. Since they are non-human in origin, they do not perfectly mimic human TME. To address this, we have developed a solid organotypic myoma disc model derived from human uterus leiomyoma tumor. Here, we introduce a novel Myogel, prepared from leiomyoma similar to Matrigel®. We validated Myogel for cell-TME interactions in 3D models, using SqCC/Y1 and HSC-3 cell lines. Compared with Matrigel® and type I collagen, oral SCC cell lines invaded more efficiently in Myogel containing matrices. This study describes promising 3D models using human TME mimicking Myogel which is suitable to analyze oral SCC cells both in carcinoma monocultures and in co-cultures, such as with TME fibroblasts. We also introduce a possible novel therapeutic target against Dsg3 to suppress cancer cell invasion
Tiivistelmä Desmogleiini 3 (Dsg3) on desmosomien adheesioreseptori, jonka merkityksestä syövässä tiedetään vähän. Koska Dsg3 on tärkeä epiteelisolujen välisissä liitoksissa, oletimme sillä olevan vaikutusta myös suun karsinoomasolujen tarttumisessa ja niiden liikkuvuudessa. Testasimme hypoteesiamme muuttamalla Dsg3:n toimintaa ihmisen posken karsinoomasolulinjassa SqCC/Y1, josta oli aiemmin valmistettu neljä erilaista muunnosta: tyhjän vektorin sisältävä kontrollisolulinja (Ct), kokopitkää Dsg3 tuottava solulinja (FL), sekä kaksi Dsg3 C-päästä lyhennettyä mutanttisolulinjaa (Δ238 ja Δ560). Immunofluoresenssi-menetelmää käyttäen analysoimme solulinjoissamme solujen välisiä liitoksia. Lisäksi mittasimme solujen liikkeitä 2D-migraatio- ja 3D-sandwich-kokeissa. Testasimme myös Dsg3:n solunulkoista osaa tunnistavan monoklonaalisen vasta-aineen (AK23) vaikutusta solujen invaasioon. Osoitimme, että Dsg3:n rakenteen muuttaminen ja toiminnan estyminen häiritsi solujen tarttumista. 2D-kokeissa sekä FL että mutanttilinjat (Δ238 ja Δ560) migroivat kontrollisoluja nopeammin ja pidemmälle, mutta 3D-kokeissa vain mutanttilinjat invasoituivat kontrollisoluja tehokkaammin. AK23-vasta-aine esti vain FL-solujen invaasiota. Syöpäsolujen 3D-invaasiota mittaavissa kokeissa käytetään yleensä hiiren kasvaimesta valmistettua kaupallista Matrigeeliä® tai rotan kudoksista eristettyä tyypin I kollageenia. Tutkimusryhmämme on jo aiemmin kehittänyt organotyyppisen myoomamallin, jossa valmistamme myoomakudosnapit ihmisen kohdun leiomyoomakasvaimista. Tässä työssä valmistimme leiomyoomasta Myogeelia, vertasimme sitä Matrigeeliin®, sekä tutkimme tarkemmin Myogeeli-valmisteen soveltuvuutta 3D-tutkimuksiin. Totesimme, että kielen (HSC-3) ja posken (SqCC/Y1) karsinoomasolut invasoituivat tehokkaimmin Myogeeli-pitoisissa matrikseissa kuin Matrigeeliä® tai kollageeniä sisältävissä kasvatusalustoissa. Tutkimustulostemme perusteella Myogeeli-pohjaiset 3D-mallit soveltuvat hyvin sekä syöpäsolulinjojen invaasiotutkimuksiin että yhteisviljelmiin, joissa syöpäsoluja viljellään yhdessä syöpäkasvaimen ympärillä olevien solujen, kuten fibroblastien, kanssa

Saeki, Tomohiro. "Ainu teachers' experiences in reclaiming the value of Indigenous culture, language and identity : the call for establishing the new Ainu school in Japanese society." 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/1993/21561.

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Chekunkova, E. S., and Е. С. Чекункова. "Положение айнов в современном японском обществе : магистерская диссертация." Master's thesis, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10995/31583.

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The paper analyzes the role and place of the Ainu in Japanese society at the end of XX – beginning of XXI century. The author explores Japan’s policy towards ethnic minorities and а development of the Ainu people's national movement. The author also investigates changes in living conditions of Japan’s indigenous people in recent decades, defines a current state of the Ainu language and culture.
Работа посвящена анализу места и роли айнов в японском обществе в конце XX – начале XXI вв. Автор раскрывает особенности политики Японии в отношении этнических меньшинств, определяет динамику развития национального движения айнов, а также прослеживает изменения условий жизни коренного народа Японии в последние десятилетия и дает оценку современному состоянию его культуры и языка.

Kameda, Yuko. "Aspects of the Ainu spiritual belief systems: an examination of the literary and artistic representations of the Owl God." Thesis, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/1828/3246.

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This study will examine the integral role of owls in Ainu spiritual belief systems through the means of Ainu oral literature and Ainu material arts. In the past, the indigenous people known as Ainu lived only in northern Japan, including Kurile Islands (“Kurile Ainu”), Sakhalin (“Sakhalin Ainu”), and Hokkaido (“Hokkaido Ainu”). Today, Ainu people live across Japan; however, Hokkaido is considered their spiritual homeland and the majority of the population lives in this northern prefecture. This paper will focus on the group of people called “Hokkaido Ainu”. Before a large number of Japanese migrated to Hokkaido during the Meiji era (1868-1912), Ainu people had lived close to nature through various activities such as fishing, hunting, and gathering. As a result of these daily activities involving nature, the Ainu developed their spiritual belief systems. For example, they believe that various spirits exist in natural phenomena such as plants, insects, and animals. Among these animals, the bear, killer whale and owl are considered in many Ainu societies as the highest-ranked animal kamuy, meaning gods or deities. The Owl God in particular, is believed to be the guardian of the village. In this project, the symbolic representation of the Owl God in four different Ainu traditional folklores and various forms of arts will be carefully examined. The goal of this study is to demonstrate that although the language and physical communities are under threat by Japanese migration and a modern industrial economy, the spiritual belief in the Owl God as the guardian of the village continues to exist in contemporary Ainu works of art. In addition, I will argue that the representation of the Owl God, Kotan-kor-kamuy, is an important symbolic expression of Ainu cultural identity.

"The Development of Iraqi Shi'a Mourning Rituals in Modern Iraq: The `Ashurā Rituals and Visitation of Al-Arb`ain." Master's thesis, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/2286/R.I.15954.

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abstract: This study is based on a submission of anthropological, historical, and literary approaches. The ethnographic study of the Shi'a holy shrines between November 2011 and January 2012 is based on my visit to Iraq. The study lasted almost ten weeks, to include the two events under discussion: `Ashurā and Al-Arb`ain, in Karbala of that year. This thesis argues that the mourning rituals of `Ashurā and the Forty Day Visitation Zyarat Al-Arb`ain contribute to the social or individual life of Iraqi Shi'a. They also make significant contributions through creating a symbolic language to communicate for the community, as well as communicating with their essential symbolic structure. Second, the Forty Day Visitation Zyarat Al-Arb`ain is one of the most significant collective mourning rituals, one that expresses unity and solidarity of the Iraqi Shi'a community, and helps them to represent their collective power, and maintain their collective existence. This study uses two of Victor Turner's tripartite models. For `Ashurā the rite of passage rituals is used, which consists of the separation, margin, and re-aggregation phase. Through this process of entering and leaving time and social structure, it helps in changing the social status of the participants. The other model used for Al-Arb`ain is pilgrimage as a social process, which includes three levels of communitas: existential, normative, and ideological communitas. The Shi'a in Iraq are holding a position similar to Turner's notion of communitas since they are living within a society that is Muslim and yet even though they are a larger population of the society, they still become marginalized by the Sunni population socially, economically, and politically. Social relations and links play a significant role for Shi'a in `Ashurā and Al-Arb`ain as a reflection between their social status as an undefined communitas and the general structure of Iraqi society.
M.A. Religious Studies 2012

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