Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Alexander III of Macedon'

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Santoni, François. "La réception de l’image d’Alexandre par l’aristocratie romaine, des origines au principat d’Auguste." Thesis, Corte, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021CORT0011.

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Cette thèse vise à appréhender la réception de l’image d’Alexandre III de Macédoine par l’aristocratie romaine, sur une période allant des origines de la question jusqu’au principat d’Auguste. L’enjeu est donc de proposer des conclusions nouvelles relatives à la réception d’Alexandre par un certain nombre de personnages, mais aussi d’examiner le rapport à Alexandre de manière diachronique. Dès le troisième siècle avant notre ère, les Romains mettent en oeuvre un discours sur Alexandre, ou plutôt des discours. Ces derniers peuvent présenter les Romains comme vainqueurs du Macédonien par procuration, le dénigrer, ou encore tenter de récupérer son héritage. En parallèle, un certain nombre d’aristocrates romains suivant la voie du Macédonien par l’imitatio ou l’aemulatio. Les discours relatifs à Alexandre, qu’ils se manifestent dans les sources littéraires ou numismatiques, peuvent aussi bien être adressés à un public grec ou hellénisant qu’à un public romain. Il est donc un outil politique efficace, utilisé aussi bien dans l’Vrbs que dans les provinces orientales
This thesis aims at apprehending the reception of the image of Alexander III of Macedonia by the Roman aristocracy, over a period going from the origins of the question to the principate of Augustus. The challenge is therfore to propose new conclusions concerning the reception of Alexander by certain characters, but also to examine the relationship to Alexander diachronically. As early as the third century BCE, the Romans implemented a discourse on Alexander, or rather discourses. They can present the Romans as victors of the Macedonian, denigrate him, or even try to recover his heritage. At the same time, a number of Romain aristocrats followed the Macedonian’s path through imitatio or aemulatio. The discourses relating to Alexander, whether they appear in literary or numismatic sources, can be addressed to a greek or hellenizing public as wall as to a roman one. It is therefore an effective political tool, used in the Vrbs as well as in the eastern provinces

Laudage, Johannes. "Alexander III. und Friedrich Barbarossa /." Köln ; Weimar ; Wien : Böhlau, 1997. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb370996826.

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Mian, Natasha Lea. "Alexander III: a pogrom-maker? : capability and culpability in Russian society, 1881-1894." Thesis, University of Liverpool, 1995. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.283501.

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This thesis intends to show that pogroms in the reign of Alexander III were neither encouraged nor instigated by the government. While other historians have demonstrated why the government could not have been involved in a pogrom policy, a thesis to which the author adds new primary source materials, it is possible to go one step further with new information emerging on alternative origins and reasons for the pogroms. It is argued that there was independent anti-Jewish action among the peasantry that clearly shows their capability for self-motivation and organisation. Chapters 1 and 2 review the literature on the Russian peasantry, the nature of the autocracy, the tensions within Russian society and the role of the Jewish population within the Russian Empire until the 1880s. These are the areas on which the crux of the thesis rests. Chapter 3 re-examines the period 1881-1894 in more detail in an effort to understand more clearly Jewish and Russian social perceptions of the pogroms, and how this has led to misconceptions among historians. Chapter 4 looks more closely at the government policy on the Jewish Question, using new data that allows research to take into account the real feelings and concerns that were expressed at the highest levels of government. Chapter 5 considers the same unofficial and frank source of documentation but at lower levels, i. e. police and local officials. From these police reports, comes the factual evidence of the existence of peasant leadership, organisation and movements against authority, and more specifically against Jews. Chapter 6 concludes that by 1881, the autocracy did not control or understand Russian or Jewish society, and it was during the next thirteen years that this became evident. The re-evaluation of available data only serves to show that the pogroms were a clear illustration of this fact.

Zado, Alexander [Verfasser]. "Metal-insulator-semiconductor structures and AlGaN/GaN hetero-junctions based on cubic group-III nitrides / Alexander Zado." Paderborn : Universitätsbibliothek, 2015. http://d-nb.info/1066728232/34.

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Hartenstein, Hans [Verfasser], Alexander [Gutachter] Kreuter, and Heinrich [Gutachter] Dickel. "Häufigkeit und klinische Bedeutung von RNA-Polymerase III Antikörpern bei Patienten mit Systemischer Sklerodermie / Hans Hartenstein ; Gutachter: Alexander Kreuter, Heinrich Dickel." Bochum : Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2016. http://d-nb.info/1116709511/34.

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Zell, Daniel [Verfasser], Lutz [Akademischer Betreuer] [Gutachter] Ackermann, and Alexander [Gutachter] Breder. "C–H Activation by Ruthenium(II), Cobalt(III) and Manganese(I) Catalysis / Daniel Zell ; Gutachter: Lutz Ackermann, Alexander Breder ; Betreuer: Lutz Ackermann." Göttingen : Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, 2017. http://d-nb.info/1136785159/34.

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Kasic, Alexander [Verfasser]. "Phonons, free-carrier properties, and electronic interband transitions of binary, ternary, and quaternary group-III nitride layers measured by spectroscopic ellipsometry / Alexander Kasic." Aachen : Shaker, 2003. http://d-nb.info/117054195X/34.

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Wang, Hui [Verfasser], Lutz [Akademischer Betreuer] Ackermann, Lutz [Gutachter] Tietze, Alexander [Gutachter] Breder, Manuel [Gutachter] Alcarazo, Dietmar [Gutachter] Stalke, and Shoubhik [Gutachter] Das. "Cobalt(III)- and Manganese(I)-Catalyzed C-H and C-C Activations / Hui Wang ; Gutachter: Lutz Tietze, Alexander Breder, Manuel Alcarazo, Dietmar Stalke, Shoubhik Das ; Betreuer: Lutz Ackermann." Göttingen : Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, 2019. http://d-nb.info/1182033644/34.

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Matthaei, Alexander Maximilian [Verfasser], and Claus [Akademischer Betreuer] Vogelmeier. "Effekte einer Sauerstoffsonde mit Reservoir (Oxymizer) im Vergleich zu einer konventionellen Sauerstoffbrille bei Patienten mit COPD, Stadium III und IV unter körperlicher Belastung / Alexander Maximilian Matthaei ; Betreuer: Claus Vogelmeier." Marburg : Philipps-Universität Marburg, 2018. http://d-nb.info/1159702535/34.

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Yakoubovitch, Igor. "Les Historiae Alexandri Magni de Quinte-Curce : le mythe d’Alexandre et la représentation du pouvoir à Rome (Ier siècle ap. J.-C.)." Thesis, Paris 10, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015PA100180/document.

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Considéré comme un historien qui sacrifie rigueur et exactitude à son souci de la rhétorique, Quinte-Curce jouit, et avec lui son histoire « romancée », d’une réputation en demi-teinte. Au-delà de faiblesses et d’un mélange des genres entre histoire, morale et rhétorique du reste caractéristiques de l’ensemble de l’historiographie romaine, les Historiae Alexandri Magni constituent un témoignage intéressant sur la représentation du pouvoir à Rome au Ier siècle de n.è. En s’appuyant sur un portrait rigoureusement construit, Quinte-Curce met en relief l’évolution du Conquérant, soumis à la tentation de l’Orient, de la fortune et de ses modèles héroïques. L’historien se livre alors à une véritable entreprise de démystification qui touche la nature même de cet Orient merveilleux, la fortune providentielle dont se réclame le Macédonien et même le langage. Sont ainsi condamnés la quête effrénée de gloire que poursuit le roi, et son rêve de divinisation : l’Orient est synonyme de renversement généralisé des normes et des valeurs, la fortune une illusion conduisant à un sentiment d’impunité. En déconstruisant la propagande d’Alexandre, Quinte-Curce révèle alors un autre imaginaire – le sien – en même temps qu’une idéologie. En filigrane, il propose aussi un idéal du pouvoir qui repose essentiellement sur l’équilibre et sur la responsabilité du prince. Par là, il interroge, au regard des réalités politiques de son temps, la pertinence d’un mythe central dans l’imaginaire politique romain et dont l’ombre plane sur tous les ambitieux, à commencer par les empereurs ou les candidats à l’Empire. Son récit bien mené incite donc à une réflexion réelle sur l’exercice du pouvoir, ses enjeux et ses limites
Considered a historian who sacrifices his rigor and accuracy for the sake of rhetoric, Curtius Rufus enjoys, and with him his “fictionalized” history as well, a halftone reputation. Notwithstanding its shortcomings and a mixture of genres between history, moral and rhetoric, which are also typical of the entire Roman historiography, the Historiae Alexandri Magni are an interesting testimony of the representation of power in Rome in the first century A.D. Building on a rigorously constructed portrait, Quintus Curtius highlights the evolution of the Conqueror, subject to the temptations of the East, of fortune and its heroic models. The historian attempts to debunk the very nature of this wonderful East, the providential fortune claimed by Macedonian, and even language. The unbridled quest for glory pursued by the king and his dream of deification are here condemned: the East stands for a general inversion of norms and values, and fortune becomes an illusion leading to a feeling of impunity. By deconstructing Alexander's propaganda, Curtius then reveals another imaginary—his own—along with an ideology. Implicitly, it also proposes an ideal of power mainly based on balance and on the responsibility of the prince. The historian questions the relevance of a central myth of the Roman political imagination in the political context of the times, whose shadow looms over all ambitious men, starting with emperors or candidates for the Empire. His well crafted narrative is a call for a reflection on the actual exercise of power, its challenges and limitations

Koroleva, Elena. "Écrire l’histoire universelle au Moyen Âge : alexandre le Grand et l'histoire de la Macédoine dans les chroniques du Nord de la France (XIIIè-XVè siècles)." Thesis, Lille, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018LIL3H050.

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Le présent travail est consacré aux récits de la vie d'Alexandre incorporés aux trois histoires universelles que sont la Chronique dite de Baudoin d'Avesnes, composée par un écrivain anonyme entre 1278 et 1281, et deux versions de la Fleur des histoires, écrites par le même auteur, Jean Mansel, fonctionnaire à la cour de Bourgogne, respectivement dans les années 1140 et 1460. Le choix de ces trois textes s'explique par leur origine géographique commune, par les relations qu'ils entretiennent entre eux, par leurs modalités de diffusion et de réception similaires. Provenant du Nord de la France, très lus par les lecteurs nobles de la fin du moyen Age, ils constituent un corpus unifié inédit et restent un champ presque vierge pour la recherche. Les trois oeuvres accordent une place majeure à la vie d'Alexandre le Grand et à l'historie de son empire, en exploitant des sources différentes, des chroniques universelles de l'Antiquité tardive, comme celle d'Orose, aux textes d'inspiration courtoise comme les Voeux du paon de Jacques de Longuyon. La thèse comprend une étude de la tradition manuscrite des trois textes, une recherche sur leurs auteurs, leurs mécènes et leurs lecteurs, une analyse des stratégies de réécriture élaborées pour recomposer le portrait d'Alexandre et intégrer sa vie dans le continuum d'une histoire universelle ainsi qu'une étude des fonctions que les auteurs lui accordent dans l'histoire de l'humanité. Elle édite en annexe les prologues des chroniques et les trois récits de la vie d'Alexandre
The present study examines the life of Alexander the Great as it is told in three universal chronicles, the Chronique dite de Baudoin d'Avesnes, written by an anonymous historian between 1278 and 1281, and two versions of the Fleur des histoires, composed in 1440s and in 1460s, respectively, by Jean mansel, a functionary at the Burgundian court. The three texts have a common geographical provenance and were read by the same readers ; furthermore, Mansel borrowed extensively from his predecessor to create the two versions of his chronicle. Despite evidence, of their wide readership in the Middle Ages, these texts remain largely unknown to modern researchers. The shared genre model, geographical and intellectual connections between these chronicles, on the one hand, and their paradoxical status of once well-known and now nearly forgotten texts, on the other, have prompted the decision to study them together. On crucial link between these works is the prominence their authors give to Alexander the Great and the variety of sources they use to tell his story, ranging from universal chronicles of the late Antiquity, such as Orosius' Historiae, to courtly romances such as Jacques de Longuyon' Voeux du paon. Our thesis comprises firstly, a study of the manuscript tradition of the three texts, with an emphasis on the role authors of the chronicles, their patrons and readers played in the creation and dissemination of various textual versions, followed by an analysis of the strategies employed by the authors to rewrite the story of Alexander's life in order to integrate it in the continuum of universal history and, finally, an examination of the roles assigned to the Macedonian king in the history of the humanity. The appendices contain an edition of the prologues and of the three accounts of Alexander's life

Toro, Vial Miguel José de. "In exoticis historiis acutissimus. L'ancien Orient dans les chroniques universellesdu XIIe siècle." Thesis, Poitiers, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014POIT5007.

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Au cours de la « Renaissance du XIIe siècle », l'écriture de l'histoire s'épanouit dans l'Europe Latine. L'un des genres dans lequel ce phénomène est le plus visible est celui des chroniques universelles. Les chroniqueurs tentent d'y raconter l'histoire de l'humanité, depuis la Création jusqu'à leur propre époque. Certaines sont particulièrement riches en matière d'histoire ancienne, et fournissent même parfois d'amples informations sur l'Orient ancien. Pourquoi des moines reclus dans leurs monastères s'intéressaient-ils à une histoire aussi éloignée dans le temps et dans l'espace ? Le présent travail s'occupe de deux grandes sections de l'histoire orientale telle qu'elle était conçue au XIIe siècle : les empires qui tournaient autour de la ville de Babylone et les hauts faits militaires d'Alexandre dans les régions d'Asie. En analysant le traitement que leur réservent les chroniques universelles, on observe que les auteurs ont mis ces histoires au service de problématiques propres à leur temps, guidés par des intérêts chaque fois plus proches du monde séculier. En même temps, ils utilisèrent des méthodes propres à l'historiographie, ce qui aboutit à différencier significativement leurs travaux des commentaires bibliques et des romans d'antiquité
During the "Renaissance of the 12th century" there was a flourishing of historical writing in Latin Europe. One the genres where this is most noticeable is in the universal chronicles. In them, the chroniclers outline the history of the world from Creation until their own period. Some of them are particularly rich in ancient history and they provide a lot of information of the ancient Orient. Why did monks secluded in their monasteries take interest on a history so far removed from them in time and space? This study considers two great sections of ancient oriental history as it was understood in the twelfth century: the empires surrounding the city of Babylon and the military deeds of Alexander the Great in Asia. Analyzing the treatment that the universal chronicles give them we can appreciate that the authors put these histories at the service of the problems of their own time, being guided increasingly by interests close to the secular world. At the same time they used methods of historiography, which significantly differentiated their works from biblical commentary and the "romances of antiquity"

Voigt, Christiane Hélène. "Recherches sur la tradition arabe du Roman d'Alexandre." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014STRAC036.

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Cette thèse traite de la question de la traduction arabe du Roman d’Alexandre du Pseudo-Callisthène. Le passage du grec à l’arabe est décrit à travers l’examen philologique des différentes recensions grecques (α, β (L, λ), ε, γ) ainsi que de nombreuses sources arabes. Le Roman d’Alexandre présente un cas spécifique dans le domaine des Graeco-Arabica. A côté de la transmission écrite, que ce soit sous forme d’une traduction ou d’une réélaboration thématique, un rôle particulier doit être accordé à la transmission orale basée sur la Sourate de la Caverne du Coran. Non seulement une recension grecque du Roman d’Alexandre s’est manifestée dans les sources arabes, mais plusieurs (α, β, ε, γ), parmi lesquelles la recension β occupe une place importante dans l’Orient. Le but consiste à présenter un aperçu des chapitres du Roman qui ont fait l’objet d’une réception orientale afin de fournir une contribution à la survie de l’antiquité grecque dans l’Islam
This thesis deals with the issue of the Arabic translation of the Greek Alexander Romance by Pseudo-Callisthenes. By a philological study of the various Greek recensions (α, β (L, λ), ε, γ) as well as numerous Arabic sources it will be shown how the Alexander Romance, as a special example of the Graeco-Arabic translation movement, was rendered into Arabic. Apart from the written tradition, either in the form of a translation from the Greek or a paraphrase, the oral tradition based on Surah 18 of the Quran plays a central role. The influence of not just one but several recensions (α, β, ε, γ) of the Greek Alexander Romance can be traced in various Arabic sources. Especially the Byzantine β-recension must have played an important part in the East. The aim of the dissertation is to give a detailed overview of those chapters of the Alexander Romance which have been received in the Orient in order to illustrate how ancient Greek literature made its way into the Islamic world

Minty, Christopher. "Mobilization and voluntarism : the political origins of Loyalism in New York, c. 1768-1778." Thesis, University of Stirling, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/1893/21423.

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This dissertation examines the political origins of Loyalism in New York City between 1768 and 1778. Anchored by an analysis of political mobilization, this dissertation is structured into two parts. Part I has two chapters. Using a variety of private and public sources, the first chapter analyses how 9,338 mostly white male Loyalists in New York City and the counties of Kings, Queens, Suffolk and Westchester were mobilized. Chapter 1 argues that elites and British forces played a fundamental role in the broad-based mobilization of Loyalists in the province of New York. It also recognises that colonists signed Loyalist documents for many different reasons. The second chapter of Part I is a large-scale prosopographical analysis of the 9,338 identified Loyalists. This analysis was based on a diverse range of sources. This analysis shows that a majority of the province’s Loyalist population were artisans aged between 22 and 56 years of age. Part II of this dissertation examines political mobilization in New York City between 1768 and 1775. In three chapters, Part II illustrates how elite and non-elite white male New Yorkers coalesced into two distinct groups. Chapter 3 concentrates on the emergence of the DeLanceys as a political force in New York, Chapter 4 on their mobilization and coalescence into ‘the Friends to Liberty and Trade’, or ‘the Club’, and Chapter 5 examines the political origins of what became Loyalism by studying the social networks of three members of ‘the Club’. By incorporating an interdisciplinary methodology, Part II illustrates that members of ‘the Club’ developed ties with one another that transcended their political origins. It argues that the partisanship of New York City led members of ‘the Club’ to adopt inward-looking characteristics that affected who they interacted with on an everyday basis. A large proportion of ‘the Club’’s members became Loyalists in the American Revolution. This dissertation argues that it was the partisanship that they developed during the late 1760s and early 1770s that defined their allegiance.

Ewers, Alexander [Verfasser]. "Ergebnisse der Schultereckgelenksrekonstruktion : Vergleich zeitnaher und verzögerter operativer Versorgung von Grad III-V Schultereckgelenkssprengungen / vorgelegt von Alexander Ewers." 2009. http://d-nb.info/993436080/34.

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Theron, Pieter. "The new world of work : a case of small office home office and performance outcomes." 2011. http://encore.tut.ac.za/iii/cpro/DigitalItemViewPage.external?sp=1000235.

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M.Tech. Business Administration. Business School.
Optimal performance outcomes when working from home (small office home office) (SOHO) refers to the impact of job satisfaction and work-life-balance on it. Working from home doesn't have an effect on job satisfaction but does influence work-life-balance positively. Two hypotheses were investigated: (1) whether the job satisfaction of employees working from home at Alexander Forbes was affected and (2) whether the work-life-balance of employees working from home at Alexander Forbes was affected.

Strnadová, Kristýna. "Viktor IV. a jeho nástupci: církevní politika v době papežského schizmatu (1159-1180)." Master's thesis, 2017. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-267918.

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This thesis focuses on the politics of Antipope Victor IV and his successors Paschal III, Calixtus III and Innocent III, who were the opponents of Alexander III since the schismatic elections of 1159. The aim is to analyse the political thinking and actions of the antipopes, with an emphasis on the political relations of Victor IV. The thesis is divided into six thematic sections. The first deals with the pre-election developments and the election of 1159 itself. The second considers their position in relation to Alexander III, while the third turns to the papal-imperial policy and examines the relationship between the antipopes and Emperor Frederick Barbarossa. The fourth section discusses the status and relations of the antipopes outside the Holy Roman Empire. The penultimate chapter examines the attitude of the imperial clergy to the pontificates of the antipopes as well as the obedience of the imperial monasteries, according to papal documents. The final chapter constructs biographies of the antipopes, focusing on the period before their pontificates.

Ländner, Alexander [Verfasser]. "Komplexe achtfach koordinierter Lanthanoid(III,IV)-Tetrapyrrolverbindungen mit dem vierzähnigen 2N-2O-Schiff-Base-Chelat-Liganden N-Salicyliden-N'-(2-hydroxyethyl)ethylendiamin / vorgelegt von Alexander Ländner." 2004. http://d-nb.info/971845492/34.

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Klitsch, Thomas Alexander [Verfasser]. "Erfolgsbewertung der kombiniert kieferorthopädisch-kieferchirurgischen Behandlung bei Patienten mit Dysgnathien der Angle-Klasse II und III mittels monomaxillärer Operationstechnik : eine Auswertung mit Hilfe der kephalometrischen Analyse, der Profilanalyse und der Tensoranalyse / vorgelegt von Thomas Alexander Klitsch." 2009. http://d-nb.info/1005952418/34.

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