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Schindhelm, Katja. "Chaos im Hormonhaushalt – wie Rhythmische Hormontherapie beim Tier helfen kann." Zeitschrift für Ganzheitliche Tiermedizin 34, no. 01 (February 2020): 28–35.

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ZusammenfassungChronische Entgleisungen des Hormonhaushalts beruhen zumeist auf einer Schwäche der Hypophyse, in deren Folge die untergeordneten endokrinen Drüsen weniger Hormone produzieren und ausschütten. Ziel der Rhythmischen Hormontherapie ist, durch alternierende Anwendung endokriner Komplexmittel die Drüsen wieder zu vermehrter Tätigkeit zu stimulieren, statt die fehlenden Hormone zu substituieren. Gleichzeitig soll das gestörte Gleichgewicht der Chakren behoben werden. Somit schlägt die Rhythmische Hormontherapie eine Brücke zwischen der körperlichen und energetischen Behandlung. Sie ist kompatibel zu allen anderen Therapieformen und kann deshalb als regulative Basistherapie eingesetzt werden.

Jadán, Oswaldo, Sven Günter, Bolier Torres, and Daniela Selesi. "Riqueza y potencial maderable en sistemas agroforestales tradicionales como alternativa al uso del bosque nativo, Amazonia del Ecuador." Revista Forestal Mesoamericana Kurú 12, no. 28 (December 29, 2014): 13.

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En este estudio se evaluó un sistema de bosque y tres sistemas agroforestales SAFs, tradicionales denominados localmente “chakras” con cultivo de cacao propagado sexual y asexualmente dentro de cuatro sistemas de uso de la tierra: 1) bosque primario, 2) chakra con cacao por semilla; 3) chakra con cacao injerto y 4) chakra sin cultivo comercial, en la Reserva de la Biosfera Sumaco, Ecuador. Se analizó las variables por área total de muestreo en 6,92 has y promedios por parcela aplicando ANDEVA, correlaciones de Pearson y regresiones lineales. La riqueza, abundancia, área basal y volumen comercial en las especies arbóreas maderables potenciales con dap ≥ 10 cm, es superior en el bosque frente a las chakras. La chakra de cacao por semilla e injerto registra mayores valores que la chakra sin cultivo comercial. El volumen comercial aprovechable en el bosque fue superior 1,6 veces que la chakra de cacao semilla; 3,7 que el cacao injertado y 57 veces que la sin cultivo comercial. El bosque y chakra de cacao por semilla, registran valores superiores a los promedios aprovechados a nivel nacional (11,3 m3 ha-1), por lo que un aprovechamiento legal podría generar ingresos económicos a los finqueros. A pesar de estas existencias, probablemente solo se reduce la presión hacia el bosque con herramientas de planificación silvicultural integral en base a diversificación forestal, fomentando el cultivo de especies maderables en las chakras y otros espacios con aptitud forestal, con especies comerciales nativas del bosque y de alta demanda en el mercado maderero.

Dhakad, Jyoti, and Pankaj Gupta. "APPLIED ASPECT OF SHADCHAKRAS AND ITS IMPORTANCE IN SHARIR VIGYAN." International Ayurvedic Medical Journal 8, no. 9 (September 23, 2020): 4456–60.

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The Chakra is thought to be an energy point or node in the subtle of body. which is thought to flow among them along pathway called Nadis. There are six primary Chakras namely Muladhara, Swadhithana, Ma-nipura, Anahat, Visudha, Ajna Chakra. Sthana of Muladhara Chakra and Swadhithana Chakra is Ling and Gud which can be correlate with inferior hypogastric and sacral plexus. Sthana of Manipura Chakra is Nabhi and is represented by solar plexus. Hrudiya is the sthana of Anahat Chakra and it is represented by cardiac plexus. Sthana of Visuddha Chakra is kantha and is represented by cervical plexus. Sthana of Ajna chakra is between eyebrow and it is Avyakta (union of Prakriti and Purush) hence not related to any plexus. these are directly related to physiological as well as physic centers whose structures correspond more or less with traditional description.

Heredia-R, Marco, Bolier Torres, Jhenny Cayambe, Nadia Ramos, Marcelo Luna, and Carlos G. H. Diaz-Ambrona. "Sustainability Assessment of Smallholder Agroforestry Indigenous Farming in the Amazon: A Case Study of Ecuadorian Kichwas." Agronomy 10, no. 12 (December 15, 2020): 1973.

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In the Amazon, the Yasuní Biosphere Reserve (YBR) is considered a natural and cultural diversity hotspot. It is populated by several indigenous groups, including the Kichwa, who are characterized by their traditional systems of production, which are a means of subsistence and socio-ecological integration. The objective of this research was to evaluate the sustainability of small farmers who use a traditional agroforestry system (chakra) within the buffer, transition, and core zones of the YBR. We conducted 133 interviews with Kichwa heads of households. The socio-demographic structure and distribution were identified, and the response-inducing sustainability evaluation (RISE) methodology was used to evaluate chakra sustainability according to social, economic, and ecological dimensions, expressed using 10 indicators from 50 parameters, valued from 0 (worst case) to 100 (best case). The results are expressed in a polygon, defined by the areas: (1) good performance, (2) medium performance, and (3) poor performance. We employed the multivariate classification hierarchical cluster technique and analysis of variance (ANOVA) to identify dissimilarities between groups of chakras and the existence of statistical differences, respectively. Among the studied indigenous Kichwas, a pyramidal structure progressive type was identified, which is characteristic of young populations and the nonexistence of significant differences between the RISE indicators and chakras. The lowest-scoring indicators using the RISE guidelines were: use of materials and environmental protection, animal production, economic viability and chakra administration. We provide suggestions for decision makers who support Kichwa populations in socio-productive management with sustainability goals. We to taking actions on the indicators identified with high priority to improve the sustainability in the chakras and sociodemographic dynamics.

Wei Ling, Huang. "Chakras’ Energies Alterations in Patients with Chronic Gastritis." Gastroenterology Open Access Open Journal I, no. 1 (December 8, 2020): 20–23.

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Introduction Gastritis is a general term for inflammation of the stomach. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), gastritis is a disharmony between Yin, Yang, Qi, Blood and Heat retention of Liver, Stomach, Spleen or other disharmonies. Purpose To demonstrate that gastritis has energies alterations and chakras’ energies deficiencies as the root of its problem. The correction and replenishment of the chakras’ energies meridians are the most important goals in patient’s recovery. Methods Two case reports. The first, a 34-year-old male patient with complaints of chronic fatigue and epigastric pain, not improving with any medication the doctors prescribed. The second patient was a 32-year-old female who started having pain on the stomach and a burning sensation, as well as strong headache since she was 16-years-old. She was diagnosed with reflux through an endoscopy and treatment was started lansoprazole and pantoprazole and diet for reflux. She performed this treatment for four years, with no success. Both patients did the chakras’ energies meridian measurement through radiesthesia procedure. The result was that six out of seven chakras’ were completely lack of energies rated one (the minimum level) out of eight (the normal level), with the exception of the seventh chakra that was normal. Both patients were treated with Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting, systemic acupuncture and replenishment of the chakras’ energies with homeopathic medication according to Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and crystal based medications. Results Both patients recover from all their symptoms very fast, including the epygastric pain discomfort without the necessity of using any antacid and proton-pump inhibitors medications. Conclusion Gastritis has an energy alteration and chakras’ energies deficiencies as a root and the treatment of these energy imbalances and replenishment of this lack of energies is essential for the patient’s improvement in the deepest level, not only treating the symptom. Keywords: Gastritis; Energy; Chakra; Traditional Chinese Medicine; Homeopathy; Crystal-based medication.

Gunawan, Anak Agung Ngurah, Albert Sulaiman, Anak Agung Ngurah Franky Kusumanegara, Mada Ramadan, and Mulana Ramadan. "FTIR Measurement of Human Energy Fields (Evidence of the Existence of Human Inner Power)." Instrumentation Mesure Métrologie 20, no. 3 (June 30, 2021): 167–71.

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It was argued that human energy consists of physical energy that related to metabolism in the human body and the invisible part represented by the human energy field (HEF). This energy can be generated by a person by using a special excercise. In term of Indian metaphysical theories this energy is called “Chakras” which represents an integrated energy centers. The paper investigates the measurement the Chakra energy by looking at the effect of this energy on the molecular structure of mineral water. The experiment is carried out by providing Chakra energy generated by varying Jurus to a water sample and measured in FTIR. The existence of Chakra energy then analyzed by its effect on the spectrum. The results show that Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) spectra of the mineral water has given Chakra energy have transmitance lower than normal mineral water. The Chakra energy reduce the transmittance but the majority of them does not change a pattern or shift the top of the spectrum. The explicit energy of molecular vibration will be studied by using the Fourier decomposition. This shows that a weakening of molecular vibration occurs to the higher Jurus with a decline in the amplitude of vibration almost half or less.

Mele, Claudia. "O exercício da amorosidade no trabalho criador da/do artista da cena." Urdimento - Revista de Estudos em Artes Cênicas 1, no. 40 (April 27, 2021): 1–32.

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O artigo propõe uma reflexão sobre como o exercício da amorosidade pode auxiliar na transformação de si, no entendimento da importância do trabalho colaborativo e na ampliação das possibilidades criativas na prática da/o atriz/ator. A pesquisadora, professora de disciplinas corporais em faculdades de artes cênicas, observou uma mudança significativa nas relações entre as/os estudantes, dentro e fora da sala de aula, após a realização de práticas através do estudo da teoria milenar hindu do sistema de chakras, com enfoque no chakra do coração. São apresentadas sugestões de exercícios, citações de percepções das/dos alunas/os e reflexões a respeito das práticas da amorosidade.

WL, Huang. "Energies Alterations and Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies in Patient with Ulcerative Colitis." Gastroenterology Open Access Open Journal 2, no. 1 (January 21, 2021): 35–42.

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Introduction Ulcerative Colitis (UC) is a chronic, idiopathic inflammatory disease that affects the colon, most commonly afflicting adults aged 30 years to 40 years, resulting in disability. It is characterized by relapsing and remitting mucosal inflammation, starting in the rectum and extending to proximal segments of the colon. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the invasion of external pathogenic factors causing Damp-Cold and Damp-Heat, inadequate diet and violent emotions are the source of the disease. Purpose The aim of this study is to demonstrate that patients with ulcerative colitis have energies alterations and chakras’ energies deficiencies as underline causes. Methods A case report of a 32 years-old female patient with diagnosis of ulcerative colitis ten years ago (2010) and a very difficult childhood when her mother died before the disease began. The UC symptoms started with a bloated belly and excessive intestinal gas. She has been treated by proctologist doctor and was receiving Sulfasalazine medications but she was willing to have another type of treatment without using so many medications. She searched for traditional Chinese medicine treatment and the doctor did the diagnosis of Yin, Yang, Qi deficiency and Heat retention and was submitted to the radiesthesia procedure to see how her internal organs energy was. The result of this measurement was that all her six chakras were without energy (rated one out of eight) with the exception of the seventh chakra that was normal (rated in eight). The treatment consisted in Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting and replenishment the chakras energies using homeopathies according to Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and crystal based medications. Results The patient showed a significant improvement after the treatment performed. Conclusion The conclusion of this study is that patients with ulcerative colitis have energies imbalances and chakras’ energies deficiencies as demonstrated in this case report. The corrections of these energies imbalances is important to treat the root of the problem that are the energies imbalances and chakras´energies deficiencies and not just the symptoms presented by the patient. Keywords: Ulcerative colitis; Energy; Chakras; Diet; Traditional Chinese medicine; Acupuncture; Homeopathy; Crystal-based medications.

Cheon, Hyejung. "‘Chakhan’ consumption of ‘chakhan’ companies’ ‘chakhan’ products: A study on meanings and uses of ‘chakhan’ represented in Chosun Ilbo." Media, Gender & Culture 34, no. 1 (March 31, 2019): 255–95.

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Robbins, Helen G. "Joseph Chakman." Clinical and Experimental Optometry 96, no. 5 (September 2013): 513–16.

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McMurray, Suzanne. "Chakra Talk." Holistic Nursing Practice 19, no. 2 (March 2005): 94.

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Jain, Andrea. "Chakras and Endocrine Glands." Bulletin for the Study of Religion 39, no. 2 (May 11, 2010): 21–25.

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This paper is an exploration of preksha dhyana as a case study of modern yoga. Preksha is a system of yoga and meditation introduced by Acarya Mahaprajna of the Jain Svetambara Terapanth in the late twentieth century. I argue that preksha is an attempt to join the newly emerging transnational yoga market whereby yoga has become a practice oriented around the attainment of physical health and psychological well-being. I will evaluate the ways in which Mahaprajna appropriates scientific discourse and in so doing constructs a new and unique system of Jain modern yoga. In particular, I evaluate the appropriation of physical and meditative techniques from ancient yoga systems in addition to the explanation of yoga metaphysics by means of biomedical discourse. I will demonstrate how, in Mahaprajna’s preksha system, the metaphysical subtle body becomes somaticized. In other words, Mahaprajna uses the bio-medical understanding of physiology to locate and identify the functions of metaphysical subtle body parts and processes in the physiological body.

Linnell, Maxine. "Relating through the Chakras." Self & Society 21, no. 6 (January 1994): 24–29.

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El Aswany, Alaa. "Le général Safouat Chaker." La pensée de midi N° 19, no. 3 (November 7, 2006): 164–72.

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Voelter, Wolfgang, Werner Winter, Viquar Uddin Ahmad, and Mohammad Usmanghani. "Strukturrevision und absolute Konfiguration von Chaksin." Angewandte Chemie 97, no. 11 (November 1985): 970–71.

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Raingruber, Bonnie. "Power Chakras and 10 Other Poems." Qualitative Inquiry 14, no. 8 (December 2008): 1471–79.

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Tapia, Stephanie, Axel M. Reyna-Rivas, and Eddie E. Monroy-Ordoñez. "Historia de la medicina: modelo holístico." TEPEXI Boletín Científico de la Escuela Superior Tepeji del Río 7, no. 13 (January 5, 2020): 27–29.

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La energía en equilibrio, está dado por el cuerpo y el espíritu como una unidad, la ayurveda (palabra sanscrita para ciencia de la vida) explica que esta fue revelada por seres divinos la cual explica sobre muchos puntos de vista relacionados con la salud, como el uso de medicamento, hacer yoga, meditación hasta la cirugía. Chakras este es un sistema de creencias budistas, los chakras se encuentran en distintas regiones del cuerpo, pero en lugares específico como un órgano pero invisible, que solo se mide por su energía, de los cuales seis se encuentran alineados en la columna vertebral ascendentemente y uno se cierne fuera del cuerpo entre los genitales y las rodillas. Si existiera algún bloqueo de la energía entonces se puede producir una enfermedad física o mental, para tratar desde un punto de vista terapéutico se tiene que alinear los chakras; usando piedras especiales o canticos, al igual el yoga ayuda a mantener este flujo de energía. Los cuatro humores de igual manera que los chakras, se debían de mantener en equilibrio si se quería mantener la salud, los cuales son bilis negra, bilis amarilla, sangre y flema. Los orígenes vienen de Mesopotamia o Egipto, los cuatro humores están relacionados, con los cuatro elementos agua, tierra y aire. La teoría humeral se ocupaba de la salud mental y el temperamento además del bienestar físico, se consideraba que el equilibrio de los humores o del yin y yang era suficiente explicación de cómo funcionaba o fallaba el cuerpo.

SHARMA, VIKAS K., PRAGYA SAHARE, and MANASVI SHRIVASTAV. "Attainment of parapsychological abilities through activation of brow chakra: An exploratory study." Dev Sanskriti Interdisciplinary International Journal 2 (July 31, 2013): 14–19.

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It is well known that human mind possess unbounded power. It has numerous extrasensory potentials like precognition, psychokinesis, extrasensory perception etc. According to Sriram Sharma Acharya, human mind is indeed a miracle of consciousness that can visualize and traverse anywhere in the infinite expansion of the cosmos in nanoseconds. It can acquire unlimited knowledge and is endowed with super natural potentials. In this study, it is theorized that supernatural powers of the mind can be attained by activating some extrasensory centers of human body with the help of some yogic exercises such as meditation and sadhanas. According to yogic texts, Agya Chakra referred as the ‘third eye’ or the ‘sixth sense’. The yoga shastras describe the position of the Agya Chakra in the inner core of the brain deep behind the bhru-madhya (center between the two eyebrows). The view of the expert of yoga, clairvoyance, telepathy, extra-terrestrial communication etc. can be bestowed by the activation of agya chakra. The exponents of dhyan-yoga regard Agya Chakra as the core of self-realization and the centre for the linkage of individual consciousness with the omnipresent supreme-consciousness. Indian rishi-munis who, by has deep contemplation of yogic sadhanas, they had awakened the supernormal powers of their mind and become the masters of many ridhi-siddhis. In this paper, researchers have made an effort to explore the techniques that one could attain the superhuman siddhis from the dedicated yoga sadhanas through activation of agya chakra, these sages of yore had done.

Joseph John, K., M. V. Krishnaraj, K. Pradheep, L. K. Bharathi, A. Suma, M. Latha, S. R. Yadav, and K. V. Bhat. "On the taxonomic status, occurrence and distribution of Cucumis hystrix Chakrav. and Cucumis muriculatus Chakrav. (Cucurbitaceae) in India." Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 65, no. 6 (May 25, 2018): 1687–98.

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Palamarchuk, Inna. "SOIL MULCHING AS AN AGRICULTURAL METHOD FOR GROWING ZUCCHINI IN CONDITIONS OF RIGHT BANK FOREST-STEPPE." Agriculture and Forestry, no. 3 (October 30, 2020): 104–14.

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It has been established that the mulching materials was carried out by influence on the biometric parameters of plants and the production of zucchini yield in the years of research. According to research results, the greatest length of stem in the flowering stage was observed in plants mulching soil with black agro-textile and plastic film, black perforated, varieties Zolotynka – and 63,6 – 61,3 cm, varieties Chaklun and 62,4 – 61,0 cm, where the increase relative to the control was 3,3–5,6 cm. The greatest number of leaves at flowering stage was observed in varieties Zolotynka for soil mulching with black agro-textile – 22,5 PCs/plant, black perforated polyethylene film – 24,0 PCs./plant, which is 4,8 – 6,3 PCs/plant more of the variant without mulch. The variety Chaklun, a significant difference was on the options for soil mulching with black agro-textile – 23,0 PCs/plant and black polyethylene film perforated to 23,5 PCs/plant, 5,4 and 5,9 PCs/plant more control. An important indicator in evaluating biometric parameters of the zucchini is leaf area. The highest it has been for mulching the soil with black agrotextile and plastic film, black perforated, varieties Zolotynka to 6,8 and 7,1 thousand m2/ha, varieties the Sorcerer – 8,2 and 8,5 thousand m2/ha, of 0,7–1,0 and 0,8–1,1 thousand m2/ha more control. Large productivity on average was noted for mulching the soil with black agro-textile and plastic film, black perforated, varieties Zolotynka – of 49,7 and 53,3 t/ha, 7,3 and 10,9 t/ha more control. The variety Chaklun all the studied variants had significantly higher yields, but the highest it has been for mulching the soil with black Agro-textile and plastic film, black perforated – between 90,0 and 97,8 t/ha, respectively, and 20,2 to 28,0 t/ha more in comparison with the control. The greatest number of fruits was noted for mulching the soil with black agro-textile and plastic film black perforated : y grade Zolotynka – 14,7–14,6 PCs/plant, varieties the Chaklun of 26,6–29,8 per PCs/plant. The highest fruit weight was observed in varieties Zolotynka for soil mulching with black agro-textile – 303 g, a polyethylene film, black perforated – 314 g sawdust and – 302 g, which is 15,0–27,0 g more control. The variety Chaklun large mass of the fetus had options for mulching the soil with black agro-textile – 305 g and black perforated polyethylene film – 319 g, which exceeded the control at 14-28 g. The diameter of the fruit greatly from the use of mulching materials did not change, but their use was noted a positive trend. So, for the sorts Zolotynka the diameter of the fruit for soil mulching with different materials grew by 0,1–0,3 cm, for a variety of Chaklun – 0,1-0,2 see. Key words: zucchini, variety, multi-valley material, biometrics, productivity.

A.*, Sujana K., and Pramanik A. "Notes on status and distribution of Combretum pilosum Roxb. ssp. razianum (K. G. Bhat) Chakrab. & P. G. Diwakar." Annals of Plant Sciences 6, no. 03 (February 28, 2017): 1594.

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Malik, Jyoti, and Sumit . "Hathyaugik Grantho Mein Chakro Ka Vivechan." RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary 6, no. 1 (January 17, 2021): 62–66.

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Sonesh, Poonia, and S. S. Mukherjee. "A Comparative Study on Effect of Different Variation of Chakra Meditation on Brow Chakra of Athletes." International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences 11, no. 2 (April 17, 2017): 18.

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Sonesh, Poonia, and N. R. Krishnan. "A Comparative Study on Effect of Different Variation of Chakra Meditation on Root Chakra of Athletes." International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences 11, no. 2 (April 17, 2017): 24.

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Huang Wei, Ling. "Chakras and energy alterations in patients with oligospermia." Archive of Urological Research 4, no. 1 (April 3, 2020): 010–16.

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Ahuja, Sangeeta. "Life Chakra Mantra for Work Life Balance." International Journal of Food, Nutrition & Dietetics 8, no. 1 (April 1, 2020): 9–13.

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Chakrabarty, Tapas, G. Krishna, and L. Rasingam. "Taxonomic notes on Indian Terminalia (Combretaceae)." Plant Science Today 6, no. 3 (July 1, 2019): 281–86.

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The species Terminalia kanchii Dhabe, T. manii King, T. maoi Dhabe and T. shankarraoi Dhabe were identified to be conspecific with T. citrina (Gaertn.) Roxb. and therefore reduced to synonyms of the latter. Terminalia procera Roxb., treated recently as a synonym of T. catappa L. is reinstated here as a distinct species, and for the name, a lectotype and an epitype have been designated and T. copelandii Elmer is considered as its synonym. Terminalia tomentosa (Roxb. ex DC.) Wight & Arn., which has recently been recognized as a distinct species, is treated as a synonym of T. elliptica Willd. Terminaila sharmae M.Gangop. & Chakrab. is merged with Elaeocarpus rugosus Roxb. ex G. Don of the Elaeocarpaceae, and a lectotype has been designated for the latter name. Terminalia vermae M.Gangop. & Chakrab. is maintained as a distinct species.

Rao, K. Sankara, N. V. Page, A. N. Sringeswara, R. Arun Singh, and Imran Baig. "An update on the distribution pattern and endemicity of three lesser-known tree species in the Western Ghats, India." Journal of Threatened Taxa 8, no. 11 (September 26, 2016): 9350.

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The present communication reports an update on the distribution of three endemic tree species of the Western Ghats-Sri Lanka biodiversity hotspot, namely, Atuna indica (Bedd.) Kosterm., Paracroton integrifolius (Airy Shaw) N.P.Balakr. & Chakrab. and Phaeanthus malabaricus Bedd. The discovery of these taxa in the Makutta Ghat of Kodagu District results in the extension of their northern range limits and further enriches the flora of Karnataka state by three more tree species. Within the Western Ghats, these taxa were previously recorded only from the states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu, while Paracroton integrifolius (Airy Shaw) N.P.Balakr. & Chakrab. has also been recorded from Sri Lanka. Nomenclature updates, detailed descriptions, conservation status and relevant notes on the habitat, phenology and distribution localization are supplied. Additionally, field photographs and scanned herbarium specimens are provided to facilitate easy identification of these taxa in the field.

Best, Candis K. "A Chakra System Model of Lifespan Development." International Journal of Transpersonal Studies 29, no. 2 (July 1, 2010): 11–27.

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Maxwell, Richard W. "THE PHYSIOLOGICAL FOUNDATION OF YOGA CHAKRA EXPRESSION." Zygon(r) 44, no. 4 (December 2009): 807–24.

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Gilchrist, Roger, and William L. Mikulas. "A chakra-based model of group development." Journal for Specialists in Group Work 18, no. 3 (September 1993): 141–50.

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Matamba, Emmanuel, Leigh R. Richards, Michael I. Cherry, and Ramugondo V. Rambau. "DNA barcoding of the mesic adapted striped mouse, Rhabdomys dilectus in the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal provinces of South Africa." Vertebrate Zoology 71 (August 11, 2021): 503–15.

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Abstract South African small mammals are under-represented in DNA barcoding efforts, particularly from the eastern forested regions of the country. This study reports DNA barcoding of Rhabdomys taxa from previously unsampled parts of the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal provinces of South Africa. The complete mitochondrial DNA cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene was sequenced for 101 Rhabdomys sp. individuals from 16 localities from all three main forest groups (coastal, mistbelt, and scarp forests). Molecular data were supplemented with external morphological measurements, including those deemed potential taxonomically diagnostic characters. Findings indicate the area to be inhabited solely by Rhabdomys dilectus chakae. Haplotypes distributed across the three forest groups were separated by shallow sequence divergences ranging from 0.001–0.015 (Kimura 2-parameter model) and displayed very little population genetic structure (FST= 0.071787). Morphological data revealed some regional metric differences in external morphology, but all the head-and-body to tail (HB: tail) ratios match that of R. d. chakae, and consequently, molecular and morphological data are congruent. These data confirm a range extension of R. d. chakae, supporting the utility of COI barcodes in the identification of small mammalian species.

Fiers, Frank, Janet W. Reid, Thomas M. Iliffe, and Eduardo Suárez-Morales. "New hypogean cyclopoid copepods (Crustacea) from the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico." Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde 66, no. 2 (1996): 65–102.

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Four previously unknown hypogean species of cyclopoid copepods were collected in cenotes and wells of the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico. Diacyclops chakan sp. n. and D. puuc sp. n. differ from their congeners in combining 3-segmented swimming legs, 11-segmented antennules, and legs 1–4 endopodite segment 2 all with 2 setae. Species of Diacyclops rarely occur in tropical regions, and the Diacyclops described here are only the second and third species recorded from Mexico. The benthic D. puuc was found in the large underground reservoir of a cenote. Diacyclops chakan was encountered in such large open subterranean water basins, but more frequently and abundantly in wells.

Pugh, Timothy W., Prudence M. Rice, Evelyn Chan Nieto, and Don S. Rice. "A Chak'an Itza Center at Nixtun-Ch'ich’, Petén, Guatemala." Journal of Field Archaeology 41, no. 1 (January 2, 2016): 1–16.

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Jain, Kamal K. "Decoding the strike at Bajaj Auto's Chakan plant: a negotiator's framework." Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies 4, no. 4 (October 1, 2014): 1–6.

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Subject area Negotiation, Human Resource Management. Study level/applicability Graduate and post graduate level course in Human Resource Management, Industrial Relations, and Negotiation. Case overview The present case unfolds sequence of events in the wake of collective bargaining between the union and the management of Bajaj Auto for settling the issue of wage revision. Since no agreement could be reached between both the parties, the workers' union called for a strike. This was the first case of strike in the plant in its 16 years of existence. Bajaj Auto is India's second-largest motorcycle manufacturer in the country, having its manufacturing plants at Chakan (Pune, Maharashtra), Pantnagar (Uttrakhand), Waluj in Aurangabad, Maharashtra. The Chakan plant, set up in 1999, has an installed capacity of over 3,000 units a day. The present case relates to workers' strike at its Chakan Plant which lasted for more than 50 days. The case is analysed from the negotiation point of view. Expected learning outcomes To understand basic principles/rules of negotiation; to explain the framework that can be used to assess the relative strength of power of the parties involved in negotiation; and to understand various power moves used by parties involved in negotiation. Supplementary materials Teaching Notes are available for educators only. Please contact your library to gain login details or email to request teaching notes.

Povedák, István. "From Atilla to the heart chakra. Postmodern pilgrimages." Acta Ethnographica Hungarica 59, no. 2 (December 2014): 371–88.

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Karmakar, N. C., and S. K. Padhi. "Study of electrically small printed chakra (wheel) antenna." Electronics Letters 37, no. 5 (2001): 269.

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Lim, Byeong-Hak, and Ku-Won Choi. "A Study of Body and Mind’s Understanding of Sasang Philosophy and Chakra System." JOURNAL OF LOCALITOLOGY 18 (October 31, 2017): 7–35.

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J.*, Swamy, Nagaraju S., Chandramohan K., and Sankara Rao M. "Glochidion zeylanicum var. arborescens (Phyllanthaceae): A new distributional record for South India." Annals of Plant Sciences 5, no. 04 (May 20, 2016): 1324.

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Glochidion zeylanicum var. arborescens (Blume) Chakrab. & M. Gangop. (Phyllanthaceae), a native of Southeast Asia, which was hitherto recorded from Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Northeast India (Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and Mizoram) and Odisha, is reported for the first time from the Seshachalam Biosphere Reserve of Andhra Pradesh. Detailed description and photo plate are provided for easy identification.

Chakrabarty, Tapas, and Gopal Krishna. "An overlooked new variety of Tritaxis glabella from India with a note on the consequent new synonyms of Croton lawianus (Euphorbiaceae)." Plant Science Today 7, no. 3 (July 1, 2020): 302–7.

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In connection with the taxonomic revision of the family Euphorbiaceae in India, an overlooked new variety,Tritaxis glabella (Thwaites) R.Y. Yu & Welzen var. praetervisa Chakrab. & G.Krishna, endemic to India, has been described which was going so far under misapplied names representing Croton lawianus Nimmo. Consequently, three new synonyms have been added to the latter name.

Sharma, Dr Komal, Dr Subhash Saini, and Dr Jitendra Kumar Sharma. "Critical Study Of Chakras W.S.R. To Shaarir Vigyan In Ayurveda." International Research Journal of Ayurveda & Yoga 03, no. 08 (2020): 49–59.

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Khangure, Makhan (Mark) Singh, and Elizabeth Jane Wylie. "Professor Turab Chakera AM (1 March 1943–13 July 2019)." Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology 64, no. 2 (March 2020): 260.

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Vera V, Roy R., J. Hugo Cota-Sánchez, and Jorge E. Grijalva Olmedo. "Biodiversity, dynamics, and impact of chakras on the Ecuadorian Amazon." Journal of Plant Ecology 12, no. 1 (November 1, 2017): 34–44.

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Babelyuk, Valeriy Ye, Igor L. Popovych, Nazariy V. Babelyuk, Tetyana A. Korolyshyn, Galyna I. Dubkova, Marta M. Kovbasnyuk, Victor Y. Hubyts’kyi, et al. "Perspectives on the use of electrostimulation with the device “VEB”® in the management of disorders related to COVID-19." Balneo Research Journal 11, Vol.11, no.3 (September 2, 2020): 328–43.

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Background. One of the symptoms of COVID-19 is the so-called "cytokine storm". Its pathogenesis is that the initial release by lymphocytes and macrophages of proinflammatory cytokines in the classical immune response to SARS-CoV-2 is significantly enhanced and maintained due to excessive adrenergic stimulation of the immune cells. The proinflammatory adrenergic mechanism of the "cytokine storm" can be offset by the activation of the anti-inflammatory cholinergic mechanism by non-invasive stimulation of the vagus nerve. In 2015, a generator for electrotherapy and stimulation oh human nerve centers was created, called “VEB-1”®. Preliminary observation of volunteers revealed a modulating effect of a four-day course of electrical stimulation on the parameters of electroencephalogram, metabolism, as well as gas-discharge visualization (GDV). We hypothesized that changes in EEG parameters may be accompanied by a vagotonic shift of the sympatho-vagus balance, favorable for calming the “cytokine storm”. The main purpose of this study was to find out. In addition, concomitant changes in EEG, immunity, GDV, etc. due to the use of the devices "VEB-1"® and recently designed "VEB-2" had to be detected. Material and research methods. The object of observation were 18 volunteers: 11 women 33-62 y and 7 men 29-62 y (Mean±SD: 51±12 y) without clinical diagnose but with dysfunction of neuro-endocrine-immune complex and metabolism. In the morning registered HRV (“CardioLab+HRV”, “KhAI-Medica”, Kharkiv, UA), EEG (“NeuroCom Standard”, “KhAI-Medica”, Kharkiv, UA), kirlianogram by the method of GDV (“GDV Chamber”, “Biotechprogress”, SPb, RF), electroconductivity of skin in three pairs of points of acupuncture (“Medissa”), electrokinetic index of buccal epithelium ("Biotest", Kharkiv State University), as well as some parameters of immunity and metabolism. After the initial testing, an electrical stimulation session was performed with a “VEB-1”® or a “VEB-2” devices. The next morning after completing the four-day course, retesting was performed. Results. The effects of electrical stimulation can be divided into the following networks. Regarding EEG, this is a leveling of right-hand lateralization and normalizing decrease in the increased of the amplitude of the θ-rhythm and its spectral power density (SPD) at the loci F3, F7, F8, T3, T4, T6, P3, O1 and O2; further increase of SPD of δ-rhythm in loci F3, F4, T6, P3 and O1 as well as further decrease of SPD F4-α; reversion of the increased level of entropy in loci Fp1, F4, C3 and P3 to the lowered level. Regarding HRV, it is a vagotonic shift of sympatho-vagus balance due to a decrease in elevated levels of sympathetic tone markers and an increase in decreased levels of vagus tone markers, but without normalization. Neurotropic effects are accompanied by favorable changes in a number of immune parameters and a tendency to decrease the level of C-Reactive Protein. Regarding GDV, it is almost complete normalization of the initially increased GDI Area in the frontal projection and third Chakra Energy; normalizing decrease in the initially increased Energy of second and seventh Chakras; normalizing right-hand shift of more or less pronounced left-sided Asymmetry of first and third Chakra. These effects should be clearly interpreted as physiologically beneficial. The effects on these parameters are almost equally pronounced in people of both sexes when using both devices. Conclusion. Vagotonic and immunotropic effects of our device give us a reason to offer it for further research on the leveling of “cytokine storm” in patients with COVID-19.

Harsono, Yhonanda, and Findi Widya Andriyani. "Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Dan Disiplin Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada PT. Chakra Lestari Sejahtera." Jurnal Ilmiah PERKUSI 1, no. 2 (June 10, 2021): 125.

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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan dan disiplin kerja terhadap Kinerja karyawan pada PT. Chakra Lestari Sejahtera baik secara parsial maupun secara simultan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah random sampling menggunakan dengan sampel sebanyak 52 responden. Analisis data menggunakan uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, uji asumsi klasik, analisis regresi, analisis koefisien korelasi, analisis koefisien determinasi dan uji hipotesis. Hasil penelitian ini di dapat gaya kepemimpinan dan disiplin kerja berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja karyawan dengan diperoleh persamaan regresi Y = 9,759 + 0,495X1 + 0,269X2. Uji hipotesis diperoleh nilai F hitung > F tabel atau (28,603 > 2,790), hal tersebut juga diperkuat dengan probability signifikansi 0,000 < 0,05. Dengan demikian H0 ditolak dan H3 diterima. Artinya terdapat pengaruh signifikan secara simultan antara gaya kepemimpinan dan disiplin kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan di PT. Chakra Lestari Sejahtera.

Kawangung, Yudhi, Nelci Nafalia Ndolu, and Munatar Kause. "Reinterpretasi Mazmur 23 sebagai Teks Quantum Affirmasi Healing." Kurios 6, no. 2 (November 2, 2020): 302.

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This article aims to reinterpret the text of Psalm 23 through the lens of the human energy center (chakra) healing therapy. The text of Psalm 23 is studied using the text analysis method. The findings are formulated using the lens of the quantum affirmation theory. The results showed that the text of Psalms 23 is a prayer Psalms that become affirmative sentences, which are able to renew the negative energy in the human chakra and restore the normal colors of the body chakra aura so that humans can think, work optimally and achieve life success. Psalm 23 as a quantum affirmation of David in achieving success can be used as a form of therapy to cleanse the aura of everyone, especially for church leaders to always emit a positive aura and reach a successful ministry. Abstrak Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mereinterpretasi teks Mazmur 23 dalam lensa terapi penyembuhan pusat energi (cakra) manusia. Teks Mazmur 23 dikaji menggunakan metode analisis teks. Temuan dirumuskan dengan menggunakan lensa teori Quantum affirmasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa teks Maz-mur 23 merupakan Mazmur doa yang menjadi kalimat-kalimat afirmasi, yang mampu membaharui energi negatif dalam cakra manusia dan memulihkan war-na normal aura cakra tubuh, sehingga manusia dapat berpikir, berkarya dengan maksimal dan mencapai kesuksesan hidup. Mazmur 23 sebagai quantum affir-masi Daud dalam meraih sukses dapat digunakan sebagai bentuk terapi mem-bersihkan aura setiap orang khususnya bagi pemimpin gereja agar selalu memancarkan aura positif dan menggapai pelayanan yang sukses

Wiesbrock, Anja. "Court of Justice of the European Union: The Right to Family Reunification of Third-Country Nationals under EU Law; Decision of 4 March 2010, Case C-578/08, Rhimou Chakroun v. Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken." European Constitutional Law Review 6, no. 3 (October 2010): 462–80.

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On 4 March 2010 the Court of Justice of the European Union issued its first judgment on the conformity with EU law of national provisions implementing Directive 2003/86/EC on the right to family reunification. In the case Chakroun v. Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken the Court had to rule on the Dutch implementing measures concerning resource requirements and the concepts of family reunification and family formation.

Chaturvedi, D. K., Jyoti Kumar, and Ravindra Bhardwaj. "Effect of meditation on Chakra Energy and Hemodynamic Parameters." International Journal of Computer Applications 126, no. 12 (September 17, 2015): 52–59.

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S.A.Kadir, R. S., Zunairah Hj Murat Zunairah Hj Murat, and Nurul Izzati Nadiah Binti Md Suhaimi. "Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) of Human Body Before and After Jogging." Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 9, no. 3 (March 1, 2018): 643.

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<p class="Abstract">The research is on the electromagnetic radiation of human body before and after jogging. 30 healthy students from UiTM with an age range of 23-25 years old volunteered. The seven locations of chakra points were measured. The body frequency (in MHz) is captured using frequency detector by taking the reading of the frequency 5 times at each point at the same location; hence, the average value is calculated for data analysis. This frequency measurement is recorded two times which is before and after jogging with a consistence protocol for all participants. The data in terms of frequency (Hertz) is converted into 15 colours of bio-energies representing the health level. The finding shows that 63.3% of participants’ health level improved after jogging. While 33.3% of participants had decrement in their health level. The results also indicate improvement in bio-energies score for five out of seven chakra points after jogging.</p>

Rao, M. Sankara, J. Swamy, S. Nagaraju, S. B. Padal, M. Tarakeswara Naidu, K. Chandramohan, and T. Thulasiah. "Glochidion talakonense sp. nov. (Phyllanthaceae) from Seshachalam Biosphere Reserve, Andhra Pradesh, India." Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy 23, no. 1 (June 23, 2016): 59–63.

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Glochidion talakonense M. Sankara Rao, J. Swamy, S. Nagaraju, S.B. Padal, M. Tarakeswara Naidu, K. Chandramohan & T. Thulasiah, a new species of Phyllanthaceae from Talakona hills, Seshachalam Biosphere Reserve, Andhra Pradesh, India, is described and illustrated. It is allied to G. karnaticum Chakrab. & M. Gangop., but differs from the latter by stamens, ovary, style and fruit characters. Bangladesh J. Plant Taxon. 23(1): 59-63, 2016 (June)

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