Academic literature on the topic 'Digital Video Broadcasting'

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Journal articles on the topic "Digital Video Broadcasting":


Reimers, U. "Digital video broadcasting." IEEE Communications Magazine 36, no. 6 (June 1998): 104–10.

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Laven, Philip. "Digital Video Broadcasting Project." International Journal of Digital Television 4, no. 3 (September 1, 2013): 331–39.

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Wood, David. "Digital Video Broadcasting Report." SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal 124, no. 6 (September 2015): 42–45.

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Jasim Mohammed, Samir, and Zaid Saadi Hussein. "Design and implementation DVB-S & DVB-S2 systems." Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 20, no. 3 (December 1, 2020): 1444.

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<p>Digital video broadcasting plays an important role in most digital communication systems. Digital broadcasting systems are designed with great accuracy and delicate design which has a major role in our lives today especially digital video broadcasting. It is these systems that are considered to be the most advanced in transmission, reception and reliability. From these systems they develop through the digital video broadcasting project group.The most important are digital video broadcasting of terrestrial, digital video broadcasting of cable and digital video broadcasting of satellite because of that many user's desires to use communications and entertainment in their lives there are new and demanding situations that the standards of these systems can only meet for their own applications .In this paper, it will design and implement the digital video broadcasting of satellite first generation and digital video broadcasting of satellite second generation of binary data,image and audio using Matlab-Simulink environment.In addition, will calculate the bit error rate of the signal. This system is designed with precision to improve performance errors and increase transmission capacity as well as provide a safe environment for information.</p>

Ghosh, Monisha. "Digital video broadcasting: Cable specification." Philips Journal of Research 50, no. 1-2 (January 1996): 79–90.

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Rysdale, Leslie, Paul de Bot, and Samir N. Hulyalkar. "Digital video broadcasting: Satellite specification." Philips Journal of Research 50, no. 1-2 (January 1996): 91–104.

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Laven, Philip. "Report from Digital Video Broadcasting." SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal 122, no. 6 (September 2013): 58–59.

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Mills, Graham. "2018 Digital Video Broadcasting Update." SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal 127, no. 8 (September 2018): 74–76.

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Siebert, Peter. "Digital Video Broadcasting in 2019." SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal 128, no. 8 (September 2019): 87–88.

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Ruliyanto, Ruliyanto, and Idris Kusuma. "Simulasi Channel Coding Pada Sistem DVB-C (Digital Video Broadcasting-Cable) dengan Kode Reed Solomon." Jurnal Ilmiah Giga 19, no. 2 (March 25, 2019): 48.

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Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) adalah salah satu sistem yang digunakan<br />untuk mentransmisikan siaran TV digital hingga ke end-user. Dengan teknologi digital,<br />DVB dapat memanfaatkan penggunaan bandwidth secara lebih efisien. Salah satunya<br />adalah DVB-C (Digital Video Broadcasting-cable). Dalam simulasi ini membandingkan<br />performa antara sistem DVB-C (Digital Video Broadcasting-Cable) tanpa Reed Solomon<br />dengan DVB-C (Digital Video Broadcasting-Cable) yang menggunakan metode Reed<br />Solomon. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Reed Solomon mampu memperbaiki<br />kinerja sistem.

Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Digital Video Broadcasting":


Honary, Souroush. "Advanced techniques for digital video broadcasting." Thesis, University of Leeds, 2009.

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Cavallini, Andrea. "I sistemi di diffusione multimediali: il Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB)." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2012.

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In questo elaborato, dopo una descrizione delle procedure per la creazione degli standard per il il broadcasting numerico adottate dal DVB forum, vengono presi in considerazione i trends del mercato del broadcasting numerico e analizzato in dettaglio lo standard utilizzato per la diffusione televisiva terrestre DVB-T e la sua evoluzione DVB-T2.

Rotoloni, Marco. "Estimation Techniques for OFDM with application to Digital Video Broadcasting Standards." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Padova, 2011.

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This thesis deals with three among the major tasks of a receiver designed for Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex (OFDM): i) timing and frequency synchronization, ii) channel estimation and iii) data detection. These problems are very general, since OFDM is used in many different telecommunication environments, however the techniques involved are strongly dependent on the particular scenario. Here we focus on digital video broadcasting standards for terrestrial television. Terrestrial Digital Video Broadcasting, also known as DVB-T, is a broadcasting standard from the European consortium DVB. It is the most widely deployed Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) system worldwide. The system is based on a transmission of an audio/video stream from the MPEG-2 family, using an OFDM modulation. Besides, in March 2006, the desire to improve the service quality as well as to increase the number of services and the power of the digital television system, has stimulated the DVB group to study some new options for an improved DVB-T standard. A call for technology has been published in 2007, followed in 2009 by the release of the standard for the new generation DVB-T, called DVB-T2. Deployment tests have been studied, and field tests show that DVB-T2, still based on OFDM, can guarantee a 30% increase of the system capacity with respect to its predecessor. As already stated, in both DVB-T standards the elected modulation scheme is OFDM. In fact, OFDM is widely used thanks to its low complexity structure allowing for simple demodulation and modulation by means of Fast Fourier ransform (FFT) and inverse FFT, respectively. The FFT algorithm is well optimized for computing blocks of samples with power of two sizes, i.e. 2048, 8096, etc. However, to allow simple equalization procedures and avoid interblock interference, a guard interval (GI) has to be appended to the OFDM block. GI reduces the efficiency of the transmission, because it is discarded at the receiver. The first part of this thesis proposes a receiver structure which takes advantage of the GI to improve data detection exploiting the redundancy of the signal. The performance of this structure is then analyzed comparing it with other two structures in a simulation scenario arisen from DVB-T2 reception configurations. The impact of low-density parity check codes (LDPC) which are part of the standard is also outlined. The second part of the thesis focuses on the channel estimation which is the basis for most of the signal processing techniques involved in the reception of an OFDM signal. In particular we focus on channel estimation using known pilot symbols. Transmission of pilot symbols on a sub-set of subcarriers in an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing system allows for an efficient channel estimation at the receiver by means of the Least-Square (LS) method. Usually, for these systems channel estimation is performed on pilots and then interpolated over the time and the frequency axis. We propose to improve the LS estimate on pilots by filtering the estimated channel both across the subcarriers and across different OFDM blocks, with adaptive filters in order to exploit the inter-carrier correlation and reduce the noise on the stimate. We consider various adaptive techniques to let the filter track the time-varying channel conditions: least mean square and Kalman filter theory are applied to design the finite impulse response filters. Besides, also infinite impulse response filters have been designed. Aim of the design is to obtain simple structures suitable for large FDM blocks and receivers with limited computational/memory resources, while still being adaptive to time-varying channel conditions. However, while most pproaches consider a single smoothing filter over time-interpolated estimates, i.e. after time interpolation, we propose the innovative use of multiple adaptive filters that take into account the different correlation among pilot estimates and interpolated estimates. In other words, we propose to design multiple adaptive frequency filters to perform frequency filtering in order to decrease the degree of noisiness of the time-interpolated samples. The idea is to leverage the fact that time-interpolated estimates have different reliability with respect to pilot LS estimates, and thus weighting accordingly the estimates during filtering, performance can be improved. Moreover, as a simpler approach we consider also the use of a single adaptive filter updated taking into account the reliability of the various estimates. Performance results are reported with reference to the DVB-T and DVB-T2 standards showing that the proposed multiple filters technique performs similar or better than existing approaches at a much lower complexity. Although these techniques have been developed considering the DVB-T/T2 pilot patterns, they can be applied to whatever system using pilot-patterned OFDM symbols. The last part of the thesis deals with the initial signal ynchronization for DVB-T2. In fact, the new standard for DTT provides a specific symbol, called P1 symbol, to ease initial signal acquisition and synchronization. We revise a synchronization technique based on the correlation of parts of the received signal showing that it fails to synchronize in practical channel conditions, e.g. single-frequency network (SFN) channels. Hence, we first propose a modified version of the existing technique to better exploit the correlation signal, then we analytically derive the maximum likelihood (ML) time and carrier frequency offset synchronization function. Unfortunately, the maximization of the likelihood function requires numerical methods, therefore we decided to simplify the scheme by considering a ML time (MLT) synchronization scheme, while resorting to a suboptimal estimator for carrier frequency offset (CFO). The proposed schemes are compared with existing solutions on both flat and frequency selective channels typically encountered in DVB-T2 transmissions, showing that both ML and MLT approaches are able to achieve synchronization with probability higher than 99%. The last chapter collects all the simulation results supporting the topics covered in the previous chapters.
La tesi discute tre tra le principali operazioni svolte da un ricevitore per segnali OFDM: i) sincronizzazione di simbolo e di frequenza, ii) stima di canale e iii) demodulazione del segnale. Dal momento che la modulazione OFDM è adottata in molti sistemi diversi, ognuno dei quali fa fronte agli stessi problemi con tecniche caratteristiche, gli argomenti proposti assumono un carattere molto generale. In questo lavoro, perciò, si tratteranno alcune tecniche OFDM applicate agli standard di diffusione terrestre della televisione digitale. La radiodiffusione terrestre della TV digitale ha come standard più diffuso in ambito mondiale il DVB-T. Il sistema è basato sulla trasmissione di un flusso audio/video della famiglia MPEG-2, mediante modulazione OFDM. Recentemente, nel Marzo 2006, il desiderio di migliorare la qualità del servizio, e migliorare la potenza del sistema televisivo hanno stimolato il gruppo DVB a studiare delle nuove opzioni per il miglioramento dello standard DVB-T. Nel 2007 è iniziata l’opera di standardizzazione del nuovo sistema. Dopo due anni, nel 2009, è stato pubblicato lo standard del sistema DVB-T di nuova generazione, che ha preso il nome di DVB-T2. Test sul campo hanno dimostrato che la nuova tecnologia, ancora basata su OFDM, può garantire un incremento di capacità del 30% in più rispetto al sistema precedente. I primi a trasmettere secondo la modalità DVB-T2 sono state alcune reti inglesi. Tuttavia, benché BBC, ITV1 e Channel 4, trasmettessero già in DVB-T2 su uno o due canali, nell’Ottobre 2010, l’emittente televisiva italiana Europa 7 ha lanciato il suo bouquet di 12 canali che trasmettono con tecnologia DVB-T2, divenendo di fatto il primo broadcaster al mondo a trasmettere esclusivamente in DVB-T2. Nel Novembre 2010, i 14 paesi componenti la comunità dei paesi Sud-Africani ha selezionato DVB-T2 come standard di diffusione televisivo della regione. La comunità prevede di operare lo switch-over digitale indicativamente nel Dicembre 2013. Come già abbiamo detto, entrambi gli standard DVB-T hanno scelto OFDM come schema di modulazione. Infatti, il largo utilizzo dell’OFDM si deve alla sua praticità di utilizzo, dovuta alla possibilità di realizzare modulatori e demodulatori a ridotta complessità. Le operazioni di demodulazione e modulazione sono realizzate rispettivamente tramite Trasformata di Fourier (FFT) e la sua operazione inversa (IFFT). FFT e IFFT sono entrambe realizzate mediante lo stesso algoritmo che è ottimizzato per operare su blocchi di campioni di lunghezza pari alle potenze di due, per esempio 2048 e 8096. Comunque, per permettere la realizzazione di procedure semplici di equalizzazione e quindi evitare l’interferenza tra simboli successivi, un Intervallo di Guardia (GI) deve essere trasmesso prima del blocco OFDM. Il GI riduce l’efficienza di trasmissione, in quanto è subito scartato dal ricevitore. La prima parte di questa tesi propone una struttura per il ricevitore che permetta di usare il GI per migliorare la decodifica dei dati. Le prestazioni di questa struttura sono analizzate confrontandola con altre due strutture in uno dei possibili scenari per il DVB-T2. Successivamente, è anche valutato l’impatto dei codici LDPC sulle prestazioni della struttura proposta. La seconda parte della tesi si concentra sulla stima di canale, che in molti casi rappresenta la base per le tecniche di elaborazione di segnale utilizzate nella ricezione di un segnale OFDM generico. In particolare noi consideriamo la stima di canale per sistemi OFDM che utilizzano delle portanti note al ricevitore. La trasmissione di simboli pilota in un sottoinsieme di portanti in un sistema OFDM permette di ottenere una efficiente stima di canale Least Square (LS) al ricevitore. Per questi sistemi la stima di canale è realizzata prima sulle portanti pilota, e successivamente interpolata nel tempo e in frequenza. In questo lavoro si propone di migliorare la stima LS sulle portanti filtrando la stima di canale con dei filtri adattativi. L’operazione di filtraggio è realizzata prima tra simboli OFDM successivi e poi tra portanti di un medesimo simbolo, in modo da sfruttare le correlazioni tra i diversi campioni stimati e ridurre così il livello di rumore. Si sono considerati diverse tecniche adattative per permettere ai filtri di seguire le condizioni di tempo-varianza del canale. Sono state applicate le teorie sui filtri least mean square e Kalman, per progettare filtri a risposta impulsiva limitata o infinita. Lo scopo degli algoritmi adattativi sviluppati è di ottenere delle strutture semplici, in grado di operare su simboli OFDM di grandi dimensioni, e con ricevitori con limitate risorse in termini di potenza di calcolo e memoria. Comunque, mentre molte tecniche considerano un singolo filtro per operare nel dominio della frequenza, cioé dopo l’interpolazione temporale, questa tesi propone l’utilizzo innovativo di più filtri che tengano in considerazione le diverse statistiche di correlazione tra le stime ottenute sulle portanti pilota e quelle ottenute tramite interpolazione temporale. In altre parole, si è proposto di progettare in parallelo più filtri adattativi, ognuno che operi su un sottoinsieme indipendente di portanti. L’idea è quella di sfruttare il fatto che le stime ottenute per interpolazione temporale hanno un’affidabilità diversa rispetto alle stime ottenute con il metodo LS, e quindi pesando le correlazioni in modo appropriato, al momento della procedura di filtraggio adattativo, è possibile un miglioramento delle prestazioni di stima. I risultati sono riportati con riferimento agli standard DVB-T e DVB-T2, dimostrando che la tecnica proposta è competitiva, o addirittura migliore, rispetto alle tecniche utilizzate in precedenza, permettendo una riduzione sostanziale della complessità di calcolo. Sebbene i risultati siano presentati con riferimento agli standard televisivi, queste tecniche possono essere applicate a qualsiasi sitema che utilizzi una modulazione OFDM con portanti pilota note al ricevitore. L’ultima parte della tesi si occupa di sincronizzazione del segnale DVB-T2. Lo standard DVB-T2 definisce un simbolo specifico, detto simbolo P1, per facilitare l’acqusizione iniziale del segnale e la sincronizzazione. In questa parte della tesi si rivisita la tecnica di sincronizzazione basata su correlazione delle parti ridondanti del segnale ricevuto, definita nelle linee guida dello standard. Dopodiché si mostra che essa fallisce quando certe configurazioni reali di canale si presentano, per esempio nel caso di canale caratteristico di una single-frequency network (SFN). Perciò, prima si propone una versione modificata della tecnica base che sfrutti meglio la correlazione del segnale, successivamente si ricava l’espressione analitica della funzione di massima verosimiglianza (ML) per la sincronizzazione di tempo e frequenza. Sfortunatamente non è possibile trovare una forma analitica dello stimatore ML che massimizza la funzione di massima verosimiglianza, perciò è stato introdotto uno schema semplificato che considera la stima ML solo del tempo (MLT), lasciando la stima dell’offset di frequenza ad uno stimatore sub-ottimo. Gli schemi proposti sono confrontati con soluzioni pre-esistenti sia con canali selettivi in frequenza che non. I risultati mostrano che sia la tecnica ML, che la tecnica MLT, sono in grado di raggiungere una corretta sincronizzazione con una probabilità maggiore del 99%. Infine, l’ultimo capitolo raccoglie i risultati di tutte le simulazioni delle tecniche trattate nei capitoli precedenti.

Wang, Yang. "Digital video segmentation and annotation in news programs." Hong Kong : University of Hong Kong, 2001.

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Grimme, Katharina. "Standardisation and technology diffusion in network markets : an analysis of European digital television." Thesis, University of Sussex, 2000.

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Licea, Victor Rangel. "Performance evaluation and optimisation of the DVB/DAVIC cable modem protocol." Thesis, University of Sheffield, 2002.

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Wang, Yang, and 王揚. "Digital video segmentation and annotation in news programs." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2001.

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Bush, John Michael. "Multimedia content and service delivery using an infostation network based upon digital video broadcasting." Thesis, University of Strathclyde, 2007.

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Mengarda, Augusto Calcanhotto. "Core LDPC para o padr?o DVB-S2 - Digital Video Broadcasting - Satellite Generation 2." Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica do Rio Grande do Sul, 2016.

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Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS ( on 2016-11-29T15:18:25Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_AUGUSTO_CALCANHOTTO_MENGARDA_COMPLETO.pdf: 1382858 bytes, checksum: 5dd4fe54ce6f97a19b3688711c9ad7c2 (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-11-29T15:18:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_AUGUSTO_CALCANHOTTO_MENGARDA_COMPLETO.pdf: 1382858 bytes, checksum: 5dd4fe54ce6f97a19b3688711c9ad7c2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-31
Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico - CNPq
Digital Video Broadcasting ? Satellite Generation 2 (DVB-S2) standard is widely adopted for militar and civil communication. Due to the long distance between transmitter and receiver, satellite communication links operate with low signal to noise ratio. Forward Error Correction (FEC) techniques are of particular importance for DVBS2 systems, ensuring the desired performance. This dissertation presents the development of a core, in hardware description language, of a LDPC (Low-Density Parity-Check) codec compatible with the DVB-S2 standard. The developed core operates with two sizes of frames and twenty-one encoding rates, as defined in the DVB-S2 standard. The dissertation addresses the main challenges regarding the codec implementation and how they are faced. Three versions of the proposed architecture are implemented and evaluated. Each version uses a different numerical representation for the codec variables. VHDL simulation results are compared with simulations in C programming language, which uses floating point. The results show that the proposed core has equivalent or superior performance to those works reported in the literature when using the architecture with the smallest numerical representation. However, when evaluated the architecture with the highest numerical representation, the obtained FEC performance is significantly better than those presented in the literature, and are close to the results obtained with 64 bits floating point representation. In addition to the performance evaluation, the use of the FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) resources are presented for each one of the three implemented architectures. The analysis of performance versus FPGA resources is addressed.
O padr?o Digital Video Broadcasting ? Satellite Generation 2 (DVB-S2) ? amplamente utilizado em comunica??es via sat?lite, para opera??es nas ?reas de defesa e de comunica??o civil. Devido ? dist?ncia entre transmissor e receptor, enlaces de comunica??o via sat?lite operam com baixa rela??o sinal-ru?do. T?cnicas de Forward Error Correction (FEC) s?o de particular import?ncia no desempenho de sistemas DVB-S2, garantindo a performance desejada. Esta disserta??o de mestrado apresenta o desenvolvimento de um core, em l?gica program?vel, de um codec LDPC (Low-Density Parity-Check) compat?vel com o padr?o DVB-S2. O core opera com os dois tamanhos de frames e as vinte e uma taxas de codifica??o previstas no padr?o. A disserta??o aborda os principais desafios de implementa??o do codec em hardware e como os mesmos s?o enfrentados. Tr?s vers?es da arquitetura proposta s?o implementadas e avaliadas, utilizando diferentes representa??es num?ricas das vari?veis do sistema, em ponto fixo. Os resultados de simula??o do core VHDL s?o balizados atrav?s de simula??es em linguagem de programa??o C, utilizando ponto flutuante. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que o core proposto apresenta desempenho equivalente ou superior aos relatados em literatura quando utilizada a menor representa??o num?rica implementada. No entanto, quando avaliada a arquitetura de maior representa??o num?rica, os resultados do core proposto nesta disserta??o s?o significantemente superiores aos apresentados em literatura, e pr?ximos aos resultados obtidos nas simula??es em C, utilizando representa??o de 64 bits em ponto flutuante. Al?m das avalia??es de desempenho, s?o apresentados os recursos de hardware utilizados para cada uma das tr?s implementa??es propostas, sendo realizada a an?lise quanto a desempenho versus ocupa??o de recursos FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array).

Jian, Wang, and Xie Yan. "Behavior Modeling of a Digital Video Broadcasting System and the Evaluation of its Equalization Methods." Thesis, Linköping University, Computer Engineering, 2010.

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In this thesis, a single carrier ATSC DTV baseband transmitter, part of the receiver(including channel estimator and channel equalizer), were modeled. Since multi-pathinduced ISI (inter symbol interference) is the most significant impact on theperformance of single carrier DTV reception, modeling and implementation of singlecarrier channel estimator and channel equalizer have been the focus of the thesis. Westarted with the investigation of channel estimation methods. Afterwards, severalchannel estimators and equalizers were modeled and the performance of each channelequalization methods in different scenarios was evaluated. Our results show that thefrequency domain equalizer can achieve low computing cost and handle long delaypaths. Another important issue to be considered in block equalization is Inter-BlockInterference (IBI). The impact of IBI was investigated via behavior modeling. In lastpart of our thesis, two methods for IBI cancellation are compared and the proposal forhardware implementation was given.

Books on the topic "Digital Video Broadcasting":


Reimers, Ulrich. Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2001.

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Fischer, Walter. Digital Video and Audio Broadcasting Technology. [S.l.]: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008.

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Fischer, Walter. Digital Video and Audio Broadcasting Technology. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Fischer, Walter. Digital Video and Audio Broadcasting Technology. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010.

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Bruin, Ronald de. Digital video broadcasting: Technology, standards, and regulations. Boston, Mass: Artech House, 1999.

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Fischer, Walter. Digital Video and Audio Broadcasting Technology: A Practical Engineering Guide. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2010.

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Simpson, Wes. IPTV and Internet video: New markets in television broadcasting. Burlington, MA: Focal Press, 2007.

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Greenfield, Howard. IPTV and Internet video: Expanding the reach of television broadcasting. 2nd ed. Burlington, MA, USA: Focal Press, 2009.

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Yŏnʼguwŏn, Hanʼguk Chŏnja Tʻongsin, ed. AV kʻodek kodohwa rŭl tʻonghan richʻimidiŏ pangsong kisul kaebal =: Development of richmedia broadcasting technologies through advanced audio and video codec technologies. [Seoul]: Chŏngbo Tʻongsinbu, 2008.

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Yŏnʼguwŏn, Hanʼguk Chŏnja Tʻongsin, ed. AV kʻodek kodohwa rŭl tʻonghan richʻimidiŏ pangsong kisul kaebal =: Development of richmedia broadcasting technologies through advanced audio and video codec technologies. [Seoul]: Chŏngbo Tʻongsinbu, 2008.

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Book chapters on the topic "Digital Video Broadcasting":


Reimers, Ulrich. "Digital Modulation Techniques." In Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB), 135–67. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2001.

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Reimers, Ulrich. "Digital Television — a First Summary." In Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB), 1–18. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2001.

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Reimers, Ulrich. "Measurement Techniques for Digital Television." In Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB), 257–76. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2001.

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Reimers, Ulrich. "Conditional Access for Digital Television." In Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB), 169–74. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2001.

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Reimers, Ulrich. "The Cable Standard and Its Decoding Technique." In Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB), 195–224. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2001.

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Reimers, Ulrich. "The Standard for Terrestrial Transmission and Its Decoding Technique." In Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB), 225–55. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2001.

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Reimers, Ulrich. "Bibliography." In Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB), 277–83. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2001.

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Reimers, Ulrich. "Acronyms and Abbreviations." In Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB), 285–89. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2001.

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Reimers, Ulrich. "Digitisation and Representation of Audio and Video Signals." In Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB), 19–33. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2001.

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Reimers, Ulrich. "MPEG Source Coding of Audio Signals." In Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB), 35–55. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2001.

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Conference papers on the topic "Digital Video Broadcasting":


Zovko-Cihlar, Branka. "Terrestrial digital video broadcasting technology." In TELSIIKS 2009 - 2009 9th International Conference on Telecommunication in Modern Satellite, Cable, and Broadcasting Services. IEEE, 2009.

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Goldsmith, B. J. "Digital video distribution and transmission." In International Broadcasting Convention (IBC). IEE, 1996.

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Bolle, R. M. "Content-based digital video retrieval." In International Broadcasting Conference (IBC). IEE, 1997.

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Matsui, T. "Digital optical video disk camera." In International Broadcasting Conference (IBC). IEE, 1997.

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Hower, S. M. "Digital video transmission on the INTELSAT system." In International Broadcasting Conference (IBC). IEE, 1997.

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Nagaoka, Y. "Digital S video compression processing and recording." In International Broadcasting Conference (IBC). IEE, 1997.

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Girod, C. V. "PBS, satellites and digital video compression." In International Broadcasting Convention - IBC '94. IEE, 1994.

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Schamel, Guenter, and H. Li. "Frequency scanning in digital coding for HDTV broadcasting." In Video Communications and Fiber Optic Networks, edited by Naohisa Ohta. SPIE, 1993.

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Drury, G. M. "Digital video broadcasting on cable television media." In IEE Colloquium on DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting): The Future for Television Braodcasting?'. IEE, 1995.

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Forrest, J. R. "The commercial prospects for digital video broadcasting." In IEE Colloquium on DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting): The Future for Television Braodcasting?'. IEE, 1995.

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Reports on the topic "Digital Video Broadcasting":


Adolf, A., and P. MacAvock. A Uniform Resource Name (URN) Namespace for the Digital Video Broadcasting Project (DVB). RFC Editor, September 2008.

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Begen, A., and T. Stockhammer. Guidelines for Implementing Digital Video Broadcasting - IPTV (DVB-IPTV) Application-Layer Hybrid Forward Error Correction (FEC) Protection. RFC Editor, August 2012.

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Adolf, A., and P. Siebert. Update to the Registrant Information for the Digital Video Broadcasting Project (DVB) Uniform Resource Name (URN) Namespace. RFC Editor, September 2014.

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