Academic literature on the topic 'Fred F'

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Journal articles on the topic "Fred F":


Schudy, George F., and Don Niewold. "Fred F. Schudy, 1908-2001." American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 120, no. 1 (July 2001): 90–91.

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Guengerich, F. Peter, and Robert Turesky. "Dr. Fred F. Kadlubar (1946-2010)." Nutrition and Cancer 63, no. 3 (April 2011): 476–77.

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Ambrosone, Christine B. "Fred F. Kadlubar: In Memoriam (1946–2010)." Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention 20, no. 1 (January 2011): 215.

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Gumbs, Alexis P. "The F-Word: For Fred and Fannie Lou." Rhizomes: Cultural Studies in Emerging Knowledge, no. 29 (2016): 1.

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Laux, Matthias. "„Warum verpacken Sie Hundefutter im Tetra Pak?“." packREPORT 53, no. 9 (2021): 56–57.

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Laux, Matthias. "„Warum verpacken Sie Hundefutter im Tetra Pak?“." packREPORT 53, no. 9 (2021): 56–57.

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Zhang, Qichun, Dmitrii F. Perepichka, Hong Meng, and Yongsheng Chen. "Fred Wudl. A giant in π-conjugated materials." Materials Chemistry Frontiers 4, no. 12 (2020): 3398–99.

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Petersson, Sandra. "Trial and Error edited by F Shapiro and J Garry." Victoria University of Wellington Law Review 32, no. 4 (December 3, 2001): 1093.

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Fred Shapiro and Jane Garry (eds) Trial and Error: An Oxford Anthology of Legal Stories (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1998). Hardcover, 479 + xii pages, $NZ50. This article is a book review of Trial and Error, an anthology of stories that encompass the law. Petersson argues that the book is primarily a book to be enjoyed, even with its scholarly qualities. She concludes that the book is an excellent starting point for any study of law in literature, whether for personal interest or as part of a formal course of study.

Lynne, Warner Stevenson. "Review of Cardiac Pacing for the Clinician, Edited by Fred M. Kusumoto and Nora F. Goldschlager." Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology 31, no. 4 (April 2008): 522–23.

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Mueller, John A., and Scott E. Miller. "Diverse Millennial Students in College: Implications for Faculty and Student Affairs ed. by Fred Bonner II, Aretha F. Marbley, and Mary F. Howard-Hamilton." Review of Higher Education 37, no. 1 (2013): 122–24.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Fred F":


Gebendorfer, Silke [Verfasser], and Fred [Akademischer Betreuer] Sinowatz. "Lichtmikroskopische, ultrastrukturelle, glykohistochemische und immunhistochemische Untersuchungen am Hoden des nicht-geschlechtsreifen und des geschlechtsreifen Kaninchens (Oryctolagus cuniculus f. dom) / Silke Gebendorfer. Betreuer: Fred Sinowatz." München : Universitätsbibliothek der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, 2014.

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Dehn, Jens. "Zinnemann re-watched : Fred Zinnemanns Filme über das Leben mit und nach dem Krieg." Tönning [u.a.] Der Andere Verl, 2009.̲ibrary=BVB01&docn̲umber=018943520&linen̲umber=0001&funcc̲ode=DBR̲ECORDS&servicet̲ype=MEDIA.

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Duval, Arthur M. "Simplicial posets--f-vectors and free resolutions." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1990.

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Bryant, Elaine Melendez. "Free-to-roll study of uncommanded lateral motions for the vented strake F/A-18E/F." College Park, Md. : University of Maryland, 2005.

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Thesis (M.S.) -- University of Maryland, College Park, 2005.
Thesis research directed by: Dept. of Aerospace Engineering. Title from t.p. of PDF. Includes bibliographical references. Published by UMI Dissertation Services, Ann Arbor, Mich. Also available in paper.

Avellà, Oliver José Miguel. "Towards label-free biosensing in compact disk technologies f or point-of-need analysis." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017.

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This thesis explores new analytical advances using compact disk biosensing technologies, and comprises six scientific publications distributed along four chapters. Special attention is herein payed to Thermochromic Etching Disks (TED) technology (Chapter 1), rational design of disk-based biorecognition assays (Chapter 2), and label-free detection systems for point-of-need analysis (Chapters 3 and 4). First, insights into a novel light-mediated signal developing system for biorecognition assays (based on TED disks and drives) are provided together with an overview of the state-of-the art and future trends in photo- and thermochromic biosensing. This signal developing approach exploits photo- and thermochromism for biosensing in an original manner and represents a potential strategy to simplify signaling processes in bioanalytical systems. Then, how to transform TED technology into lab-on-a-disk systems is addressed. TED has proven to be a very versatile tool to perform sensitive analysis of biorecognition assays, using platforms and scanners easily obtained from regular disks and drives, respectively. Biologically relevant assays of different nature (microarray, cell culture, immunofiltration, turbidimetry, etc.) have been arrayed in a single disk and sensitively analyzed by imaging. Regarding rational design, a theoretical-experimental method (INSEL) based on kinetics and mass-transport modelling for optimizing biorecognition assays and exploring their behavior is presented. INSEL has been implemented as an in silico tool that enables to characterize biointeractions with minimal experimentation, to perform optimizations directed towards custom objectives defined by the user, and to easily compute the effect of critical variables without further experiments. In another study included in this thesis, polycarbonate grooved structures obtained from standard recordable disks (CD-R and DVD-R) were coated with silver and tailored to become SERS-active. This strategy represents a cost-effective and industrially scalable alternative to the SERS substrates typically used for bioanalysis. These disk-based materials have presented tunable plasmonic responses, significant Raman enhancement, and have allowed complex biological targets (such as proteins and exosomes) to be analyzed by SERS without using labeled reagents as tracers. In addition to introduce inexpensive and large-scale SERS substrates for biosensing, this study also suggests the development of prospective Raman scanners based on disk drives. Another approach herein presented addresses the implementation of diffraction-based sensing (DBS) in TED technology in order to conceive disk-based label-free biosensors based on standard disks and drives. At first, a comprehensive experimental assessment of the analytical possibilities offered by DBS is presented. Then, the fabrication of arrays of diffractive protein networks on TED disks is investigated, with which sensitive analysis of antibodies in label-free conditions has been demonstrated, using adapted drives as scanners. This investigation provides important insights into cost-effective and industrially scalable functional materials and detection setups that exploit consumer electronics for label-free biosensing.
Esta tesis explora nuevos avances en química analítica usando tecnologías de biosensado basadas en sistemas de disco compacto y comprende seis publicaciones científicas distribuidas a lo largo de cuatro capítulos. Los estudios se han centrado en la tecnología Thermochromic Etching Disks (TED) (Capítulo 1), el diseño racional de ensayos de bioreconocimiento en discos compactos (Capítulo 2), y la detección sin marcaje para realizar análisis in situ (Capítulos 3 y 4). Primero, enmarcado en una discusión del estado del arte y futuras tendencias en biosensado foto y termocrómico, se presenta un nuevo sistema (basado en discos y lectores TED) mediado por luz para el desarrollo de señales en ensayos de bioreconocimiento. Ésta constituye una estrategia novedosa para aprovechar el foto y termocromismo en biosensado, y presenta un gran potencial para simplificar los procesos de desarrollo de señal en sistemas bioanalíticos. A continuación, se aborda cómo transformar la tecnología TED en sistemas analíticos integrados basados en discos compactos. TED ha demostrado ser una herramienta muy versátil para analizar, de forma sensible, ensayos de bioreconocimiento usando plataformas y escáneres fácilmente obtenidos a partir de discos y lectores convencionales, respectivamente. Un único disco ha mostrado poder albergar varios ensayos biológicos importantes y de distinta naturaleza (micromatriz, cultivos celulares, inmunofiltración, turbidimetría, etc.), para ser analizados de forma sensible a través de imágenes En cuanto al diseño racional, se presenta un método teórico-experimental (INSEL), basado en modelos cinéticos y de transporte de masa, para optimizar ensayos de bioreconocimiento y explorar su comportamiento. INSEL se ha implementado como una herramienta in silico que permite caracterizar biointeracciones mediante mínima experimentación, realizar optimizaciones dirigidas a objetivos particulares definidos por el usuario, y computar el efecto de variables críticas de forma sencilla y sin experimentos adicionales. En otro estudio incluido en esta tesis, nanoestructuras en forma de surco obtenidas a partir de discos regrabables convencionales (CD-R y DVD-R) fueron recubiertas con plata y adaptadas para ser activas en SERS. Esta estrategia supone una alternativa, económicamente efectiva e industrialmente escalable, a los sustratos SERS típicamente usados en bioanálisis. Estos materiales han mostrado respuestas plasmónicas sintonizables, una amplificación Raman significativa, y han permitido analizar muestras biológicas complejas (como proteínas y exosomas) mediante SERS sin usar marcadores. Además de introducir sustratos SERS grandes y baratos, este trabajo también sugiere el desarrollo de escáneres Raman basados en lectores de disco. Otra aproximación presentada en esta tesis aborda la implementación de DBS (diffraction-based sensing) en tecnologías TED, con el fin de desarrollar biosensores para detección sin marcaje basados en discos y lectores convencionales. Primero, se presenta una amplia evaluación experimental de las posibilidades analíticas ofrecidas por DBS. A continuación, se investiga la fabricación de multitud de redes difractivas de proteínas sobre discos TED, con las que se ha demostrado la determinación sensible y sin marcaje de anticuerpos, usando lectores adaptados como escáneres analíticos. Esta investigación introduce avances importantes que apuntan al desarrollo de materiales funcionales y sistemas de detección, baratos e industrialmente escalables, que aprovechen las tecnologías de consumo para realizar biosensado sin marcaje.
Aquesta tesi explora nous avanços en la química analítica usant tecnologies de biosensat basades en sistemes de disc compacte, i comprèn sis publicacions científiques distribuïdes en quatre capítols. Els estudis s'han centrat en la tecnologia Thermochromic Etching Disks (TED) (Capítol 1), el disseny racional d'assajos de bioreconeixement en discos compactes (Capítol 2), i la detecció sense marcatge per realitzar anàlisi in situ (Capítols 3 i 4). Primer, dins del marc d'una discussió de l'estat de l'art i tendències futures en biosensat foto i termocròmic, es presenta un nou sistema (basat en discos i lectors TED) per al desenvolupament de senyals mitjançant llum, en assajos de bioreconeixement. Aquesta constitueix una nova estratègia per aprofitar el foto i termocromisme en biosensat, mentre que també presenta una gran potencial per simplificar els processos de desenvolupament de senyal en sistemes bioanalítics. Tot seguit, s'aborda com transformar la tecnologia TED en sistemes analítics integrats basats en discos compactes. TED ha demostrat ser una eina molt versàtil per analitzar, de forma sensible, assajos de bioreconeixement usant plataformes i escàners fàcilment obtinguts a partir de discos i lectors convencionals, respectivament. Un únic disc ha mostrat poder albergar diversos assajos biològicament importants i de distinta naturalesa (micromatrius, cultius cel·lulars, immunofiltració, turbidimetria, etc.), per a ser analitzats de forma sensible a través d'imatges. Pel que fa al disseny racional, es presenta un mètode teòric-experimental (INSEL), basat en models cinètics i de transport de massa, per optimitzar assajos de bioreconeixement i explorar el seu comportament. INSEL s'ha implementat com a una eina in silico que permet caracteritzar biointeraccions amb mínima experimentació, realitzar optimitzacions dirigides cap a objectius particulars definits per l'usuari, i computar l'efecte de variables crítiques de forma senzilla i sense experiments addicionals. En un altre estudi inclòs en aquesta tesi, nanoestructures en forma de solc obtingudes a partir de discos compactes regravables convencionals (CD-R i DVD-R) van ser recobertes amb plata i adaptades per a ser actives en SERS. Aquesta estratègia suposa una alternativa, econòmicament efectiva i industrialment escalable, als substrats SERS típicament usats en bioanàlisi. Aquests materials han mostrat respostes plasmòniques sintonitzables, una amplificació Raman significativa, i han permès analitzar mostres biològiques complexes (com proteïnes i exosomes) mitjançant SERS sense usar marcadors. A més d'introduir substrats SERS grans i barats, aquest treball també suggereix el desenvolupament d'escàners Raman basats en lectors de disc. Una altra aproximació presentada en aquesta tesi aborda la implementació de DBS (diffraction-based sensing) en tecnologies TED, per tal de desenvolupar biosensors basats en discos i lectors convencionals que permeten detecció sense marcatge. Primer, es presenta una amplia avaluació experimental de les possibilitats analítiques que ofereix aquesta tècnica. A continuació, s'investiga la fabricació de multitud de xarxes difractives de proteïnes sobre discos TED, amb les quals s'ha demostrat la determinació sensible i sense marcatge d'anticossos, usant lectors adaptats com a escàners analítics. Aquesta investigació introdueix avanços importants que apunten cap al desenvolupament de materials funcionals i sistemes de detecció, barats i industrialment escalables, que aprofiten les tecnologies de consum per dur a terme bioanàlisi sense marcatge.
Avellà Oliver, JM. (2017). Towards label-free biosensing in compact disk technologies f or point-of-need analysis [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València.

Osen, Tharalinee [Verfasser], Rudi F. [Akademischer Betreuer] Vogel, Peter [Gutachter] Köhler, and Rudi F. [Gutachter] Vogel. "Evaluation of levan-producing acetic acid bacteria for their potential in gluten-free baking applications / Tharalinee Osen ; Gutachter: Peter Köhler, Rudi F. Vogel ; Betreuer: Rudi F. Vogel." München : Universitätsbibliothek der TU München, 2018.

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Capuani, Alessandro [Verfasser], Rudi F. [Akademischer Betreuer] Vogel, and Elke K. [Akademischer Betreuer] Arendt. "Influence of lactic acid bacteria activity on redox status and proteolysis in gluten-free doughs / Alessandro Capuani. Gutachter: Elke K. Arendt ; Rudi F. Vogel. Betreuer: Rudi F. Vogel." München : Universitätsbibliothek der TU München, 2014.

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Rühmkorf, Christine [Verfasser], Rudi F. [Akademischer Betreuer] Vogel, and Peter [Akademischer Betreuer] Köhler. "Molecular background, in situ production and structure, function relation of bacterial exopolysaccharides in gluten-free dough and bread / Christine Rühmkorf. Gutachter: Rudi F. Vogel ; Peter Köhler. Betreuer: Rudi F. Vogel." München : Universitätsbibliothek der TU München, 2013.

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Gajauskas, Auridas. "Vakarų mąstymo kritika: F. Rosenzweigas ir M. Heideggeris." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2009.

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Magistrinio darbo problematikos formulavimas vadovaujasi prielaida, jog dalis moderniosios filosofijos projektų formavosi kaip reakcija į Vakarų Europos mąstymo tradiciją, kurios formuojantį pagrindą sudarė filosofija. Dėl šios priežasties neatsiejamu šių projektų egzistavimo požymiu laikytina nuosekli filosofijos istorijos kritika, tuo pačiu pateikianti alternatyvius filosofijos supratimo orientyrus. Tokiu radikaliu filosofijos sąjūdžiu, XX a. laikomas egzistencializmas. Magistriniam darbui pasirinktos dvi filosofų figūros: Rosenzweigas ir Heideggeris. Abu filosofai kritiškai reflektavo filosofijos istoriją bei abu pateikė alternatyvius mąstymo projektus. Pagrindiniu Vakarų tradicijos kritikos bei naujo mąstymo suformulavimo svarbiausiu aspektu laikome fundamentalų „pirminių mąstymo prielaidų” perklausimą. Atlikęs tokį perklausimą bei taip atsiribojęs nuo „mąstymo metafizikos”, Rosenzweigas susikuria naujas prieigas prie tikėjimo problematikos. Panaudodamas Johano Wolfgango Geothes profenomeno sampratos bei savo mokytojo – Hermanno Coheno diferencialinės matematikos teorijos idėjas, jis pateikia trijų (metafizinio Dievo, metaloginio pasaulio ir metaetinio žmogaus) profenomenų aprašymą. Metaetinio žmogaus sąmonės struktūros gretinimas su „naujojo mąstymo” (tokį pavadinimą Rosenzweigas pats prisiskiria savo filosofijai) pirminėmis prielaidomis, atveda prie dialoginės (Zwiesprache) apreiškimo (Offenbarung) sąmonės struktūros aprašymo. Tik apreiškimo sąmonei atsiveria pirmapradė... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
The formulation of theme in this paper is followed the assumption that a part of projects of modern philosophy were generated as a reaction to the tradition of Western Europe thinking, which was influenced by philosophy. That is the reason why coherent criticism of history of philosophy, in the same time giving the perception guides of philosophy, is considered as a concurrent attribute of that project existence. Existentialism of the 20th century is considered as such radical movement of philosophy. Two philosophical figures were chosen from this general context: Rosenzweig and Heidegger. Both thinkers made critical reflections on history of philosophy and both give the alternative projects of thinking. The fundamental reasking of „prime thought assumptions” is considered as an important aspect of main criticism of Western tradition and the formulation of new thinking. After this performed reasking and disassociation from “metaphysics of thought”, Rosenzweig creates new approaches to the faith theme. Using the prophenomenon perception of Johan Wolfgang Geothe and his teachers, Herman Cohen’s ideas about diferencial mathematics theory, he presents description of three prophenomenon (metaphysical God, metalogical world and metaethical man). The comparison of consequence’s structure of metaethical man with prime assumptions of “new thought” (this definition Rosenzweig attributes to his own philosophy) leads to description of dialogical (Zwiesprache) revelational (Offenbarung)... [to full text]

Wang, Yu [Verfasser], Thomas [Akademischer Betreuer] Burg, and Christoph F. [Akademischer Betreuer] Schmidt. "Label-Free Measurements of Amyloid Formation by Suspended Microchannel Resonators / Yu Wang. Gutachter: Christoph F. Schmidt ; Thomas Burg. Betreuer: Thomas Burg." Göttingen : Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, 2014.

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Books on the topic "Fred F":


Klingel, Cynthia Fitterer. Fred, me, and the letter F. Chanhassen, Minn: Child's World, 2004.

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Gregory, Fred F. Hawaii foreign mail to 1870: By Fred F. Gregory. New York, NY: Philatelic Foundation, 2012.

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Corris, Peter, and Fred 1929-1993 Hollows. Fred Hollows: An autobiography. Richmond, Victoria: Kerr Publishing, 1991.

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Hollows, F. C. Fred Hollows: An autobiography. Richmond, Vic: John Kerr, 1991.

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French, John Winslow. A vigorous life: The story of Fred F. French, builder of skyscrapers. New York: Vantage Press, 1993.

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John, Jetty St. Native American scientists: Fred Begay, Wilfred F. Denetclaw Jr., Frank C. Dukepoo, Clifton Poodry, Jerrel Yakel. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press, 1996.

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John, Jetty St. Native American scientists: Fred Begay, Wilfred F. Denetclaw Jr., Frank C. Dukepoo, Clifton Poodry, Jerrel Yakel. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press, 1996.

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Musson, Harold. Study guide to accompany Canadian managerial finance, fourth edition, Paul Halpern, J. Fred Weston, Eugene F. Brigham. Toronto: Dryden, 1994.

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Williams, Gareth F. Pengelli: Yn seiliedig ar y cyfresi teledu gan Alun Fred, Angharad Jones a Gareth F. Williams (Ffilmiau'r Nant). Caerdydd: Hughes a'i Fab, 1996.

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Hejzlar, Pavel. Two paradigms for divine healing: Fred F. Bosworth, Kenneth E. Hagin, Agnes Sanford, and Francis MacNutt in dialogue. Leiden: Brill, 2010.

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Book chapters on the topic "Fred F":


Bast, Gerald. "Fred Adlmüller." In W. F. Adlmüller Mode — Inszenierungen + Impulse, 7–8. Vienna: Springer Vienna, 2009.

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Tobisch-Labotýn, Lotte. "In Erinnerung an Fred Adlmüller." In W. F. Adlmüller Mode — Inszenierungen + Impulse, 114–17. Vienna: Springer Vienna, 2009.

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Clarke, Alison J. "Fashioning Vienna: Professor Fred Adlmüllers Vermächtnis." In W. F. Adlmüller Mode — Inszenierungen + Impulse, 230–32. Vienna: Springer Vienna, 2009.

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Frottier, Elisabeth. "Biografische Daten Fred Adlmüllers (1909–1989)." In W. F. Adlmüller Mode — Inszenierungen + Impulse, 27–37. Vienna: Springer Vienna, 2009.

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Adamek, Heinz P. "Fred Adlmüller-Traditioneller Modezar? Mäzen junger Kunst!" In W. F. Adlmüller Mode — Inszenierungen + Impulse, 162–65. Vienna: Springer Vienna, 2009.

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Kiesling, Louise D. "Persönliche Erinnerungen an Fred Adlmüller als Lehrer und Freund der Familie." In W. F. Adlmüller Mode — Inszenierungen + Impulse, 136–43. Vienna: Springer Vienna, 2009.

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Bergbaur, Andreas. "Erfolg und Bedeutung Fred Adlmüllers im Hinblick auf die heutige Modeszene." In W. F. Adlmüller Mode — Inszenierungen + Impulse, 220–29. Vienna: Springer Vienna, 2009.

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Loschek, Ingrid. "Fred Adlmüller: Die Ästhetik seiner Mode verschmilzt mit der Identität einer Stadt." In W. F. Adlmüller Mode — Inszenierungen + Impulse, 40–49. Vienna: Springer Vienna, 2009.

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Boettke, Peter J. "The Political Economy of a Free People." In F. A. Hayek, 197–226. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2018.

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Aigner, Martin. "The Free Group F 2." In Markov's Theorem and 100 Years of the Uniqueness Conjecture, 113–31. Heidelberg: Springer International Publishing, 2013.

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Conference papers on the topic "Fred F":


"Harry F. Tiersten memorial session." In 2008 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium. IEEE, 2008.

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Bottom, V. E. "Origin and Influence of the A F C S." In 40th Annual Symposium on Frequency Control. IEEE, 1986.

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Eok Bong Kim, Sang Eon Park, Chang Yong Park, Won-Kyu Lee, Dai Hyuk Yu, Ho Seong Lee, and Hyuck Cho. "Absolute frequency measurement of F=4 → F'=5 line of cesium D2 in an optical clock configuration with amplified optical comb." In 2007 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium Jointly with the 21st European Frequency and Time Forum. IEEE, 2007.

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Parker, T. E. "1/f Frequency Fluctuations in Acoustic and Other Stable Oscillators." In 39th Annual Symposium on Frequency Control. IEEE, 1985.

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Owens, D. Bruce, Jeff McConnell, Jay Brandon, and Robert Hall. "Transonic Free-To-Roll Analysis of the F/A-18E and F-35 Configurations." In AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference and Exhibit. Reston, Virigina: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2004.

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Rubiola, Enrico, and Vincent Giordano. "On the 1/f Frequency Noise in Ultra-Stable Quartz Oscillators." In 2006 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and Exposition. IEEE, 2006.

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Schurig, David. "An aberration-free lens with zero F-number." In Imaging Systems. Washington, D.C.: OSA, 2010.

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Feldkhun, Daniel, and Kelvin H. Wagner. "Frequency-Mapped Focus-Free F -BASIS 3D Microscopy." In Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging. Washington, D.C.: OSA, 2015.

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Rao, Kunal, Giuseppe Coviello, Min Feng, Biplob Debnath, Wang-Pin Hsiung, Murugan Sankaradas, Yi Yang, Oliver Po, Utsav Drolia, and Srimat Chakradhar. "F3S: Free Flow Fever Screening." In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP). IEEE, 2021.

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Börsch, M., R. Reuter, G. Balasubramanian, R. Erdmann, F. Jelezko, and J. Wrachtrup. "Fluorescent nanodiamonds for FRET-based monitoring of a single biological nanomotor F o F 1 -ATP synthase." In SPIE BiOS: Biomedical Optics, edited by Ammasi Periasamy and Peter T. C. So. SPIE, 2009.

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Reports on the topic "Fred F":


Berglund, P., J. Ellis, and A. E. Faraggi. Toward the M(F)-theory embedding of realistic free-fermion models. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), March 1998.

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Fernando, P. U. Ashvin Iresh, Gilbert Kosgei, Matthew Glasscott, Garrett George, Erik Alberts, and Lee Moores. Boronic acid functionalized ferrocene derivatives towards fluoride sensing. Engineer Research and Development Center (U.S.), July 2022.

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In this technical report (TR), a robust, readily synthesized molecule with a ferrocene core appended with one or two boronic acid moieties was designed, synthesized, and used toward F- (free fluoride) detection. Through Lewis acid-base interactions, the boronic acid derivatives are capable of binding with F- in an aqueous solution via ligand exchange reaction and is specific to fluoride ion. Fluoride binding to ferrocene causes significant changes in fluorescence or electrochemical responses that can be monitored with field-portable instrumentation at concentrations below the WHO recommended limit. The F- binding interaction was further monitored via proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-NMR). In addition, fluorescent spectroscopy of the boronic acid moiety and electrochemical monitoring of the ferrocene moiety will allow detection and estimation of F- concentration precisely in a solution matrix. The current work shows lower detection limit (LOD) of ~15 μM (285 μg/L) which is below the WHO standards. Preliminary computational calculations showed the boronic acid moieties attached to the ferrocene core interacted with the fluoride ion. Also, the ionization diagrams indicate the amides and the boronic acid groups can be ionized forming strong ionic interactions with fluoride ions in addition to hydrogen bonding interactions.

Owens, D. B., Elaine M. Bryant, and Jewel B. Barlow. Free-to-Roll Investigation of the Pre-Production F/A-18E Powered Approach Wing Drop. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, April 2005.

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Kaplan, D. I. Evaluation of Free Moisture in Resins used at the F- and H-Area Groundwater Treatment Units. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), March 2001.

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Kaplan, D. I. Free-Moisture Content and {sup 129}I-Kd Values of Filtercake Material Generated from the F-Area Groundwater Treatment Unit. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 2001.

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Fallik, Elazar, Robert Joly, Ilan Paran, and Matthew A. Jenks. Study of the Physiological, Molecular and Genetic Factors Associated with Postharvest Water Loss in Pepper Fruit. United States Department of Agriculture, December 2012.

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The fruit of pepper (Capsicum annuum) commonly wilts (or shrivels) during postharvest storage due to rapid water loss, a condition that greatly reduces its shelf life and market value. The fact that pepper fruit are hollow, and thus have limited water content, only exacerbates this problem in pepper. The collaborators on this project completed research whose findings provided new insight into the genetic, physiological, and biochemical basis for water loss from the fruits of pepper (Capsicum annuum and related Capsicum species). Well-defined genetic populations of pepper were used in this study, the first being a series of backcross F₁ and segregating F₂, F₃, and F₄ populations derived from two original parents selected for having dramatic differences in fruit water loss rate (very high and very low water loss). The secondly population utilized in these studies was a collection of 50 accessions representing world diversity in both species and cultivar types. We found that an unexpectedly large amount of variation was present in both fruit wax and cutin composition in these collections. In addition, our studies revealed significant correlations between the chemical composition of both the fruit cuticular waxes and cutin monomers with fruit water loss rate. Among the most significant were that high alkane content in fruit waxes conferred low fruit water loss rates and low permeability in fruit cuticles. In contrast, high amounts of terpenoids (plus steroidal compounds) were associated with very high fruit water loss and cuticle permeability. These results are consistent with our models that the simple straight chain alkanes pack closely together in the cuticle membrane and obstruct water diffusion, whereas lipids with more complex 3-dimensional structure (such as terpenoids) do not pack so closely, and thus increase the diffusion pathways. The backcross segregating populations were used to map quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with water loss (using DART markers, Diversity Arrays Technology LTD). These studies resulted in identification of two linked QTLs on pepper’s chromosome 10. Although the exact genetic or physiological basis for these QTLs function in water loss is unknown, the genotypic contribution in studies of near-isogenic lines selected from these backcross populations reveals a strong association between certain wax compounds, the free fatty acids and iso-alkanes. There was also a lesser association between the water loss QTLs with both fruit firmness and total soluble sugars. Results of these analyses have revealed especially strong genetic linkages between fruit water loss, cuticle composition, and two QTLs on chromosome 10. These findings lead us to further speculate that genes located at or near these QTLs have a strong influence on cuticle lipids that impact water loss rate (and possibly, whether directly or indirectly, other traits like fruit firmness and sugar content). The QTL markers identified in these studies will be valuable in the breeding programs of scientists seeking to select for low water loss, long lasting fruits, of pepper, and likely the fruits of related commodities. Further work with these newly developed genetic resources should ultimately lead to the discovery of the genes controlling these fruit characteristics, allowing for the use of transgenic breeding approaches toward the improvement of fruit postharvest shelf life.

Flaishman, Moshe, Herb Aldwinckle, Shulamit Manulis, and Mickael Malnoy. Efficient screening of antibacterial genes by juvenile phase free technology for developing resistance to fire blight in pear and apple trees. United States Department of Agriculture, December 2008.

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Objectives: The original objectives of this project were to: Produce juvenile-free pear and apple plants and examine their sensitivity to E. amylovora; Design novel vectors, for antibacterial proteins and promoters expression, combined with the antisense TFL1 gene, and transformation of Spadona pear in Israel and Galaxy apple in USA. The original objectives were revised from the development of novel vectors with antibacterial proteins combined with the TFL-1 due to the inefficiency of alternative markes initially evaluated in pear, phoshomannose-isomerase and 2-deoxyglucose-6-phosphate phosphatase and the lack of development of double selection system. The objectives of project were revised to focus primarily on the development additional juvenile free systems by the use of another pear variety and manipulation of the FT gene under the control of several promoters. Based on the results creation of fire blight resistance pear variety was developed by the use of the juvenile free transgenic plant. Background: Young tree seedlings are unable to initiate reproductive organs and require a long period of shoot maturation, known as juvenile phase. In pear, juvenile period can last 5-7 years and it causes a major delay in breeding programs. We isolated the TFL1 gene from Spadona pear (PcTFL1-1) and produced transgenic ‘Spadona’ trees silencing the PcTFL1 gene using a RNAi approach. Transgenic tissue culture ‘Spadona’ pear flowered in vitro. As expected, the expression of the endogenous PcTFL1 was suppressed in the transgenic line that showed precocious flowering. Transgenic plants were successfully rooted in the greenhouse and most of the plants flowered after only 4-8 months, whereas the non-transformed control plants have flowered only after 5-6 years of development. Major achievements: Prior to flower induction, transgenic TFL1-RNAi ‘Spadona’ plants developed a few branches and leaves. Flower production in the small trees suppressed the development of the vegetative branches, thus resulting in compact flowering trees. Flowering was initiated in terminal buds, as described for the Arabidopsis tfl1 mutant. Propagation of the transgenic TFL1-RNAi ‘Spadona’ was performed by bud grafting on 'Betulifolia' rootstock and resulted in compact flowering trees. The transgenic flowering grafted plants were grown in the greenhouse under a long photoperiod for one year, and flowered continuously. Pollination of the transgenic flowers with ‘Costia‘ pear pollen generated fruits of regular shape with fertile F1 seeds. The F1 transgenic seedling grown in the greenhouse formed shoots and produced terminal flowers only five months after germination. In addition, grafted F1 transgenic buds flower and fruit continuously, generating hybrid fruits with regular shape, color and taste. Several pear varieties were pollinated with the transgenic TFL1-RNAi ‘Spadona’ pollen including `Herald Harw` that was reported to have resistance to fire blight diseases. The F-1 hybrid seedlings currently grow in our greenhouse. We conclude that the juvenile-free transgenic ‘Spadona’ pear enables the development of a fast breeding method in pear that will enable us to generate a resistance pear to fire blight. Implications: The research supported by this grant has demonstrated the use of transgenic juvenile free technology in pear. The use of the juvenile free technology for enhancement of conventional breeding in fruit tree will serve to enhance fast breeding systems in pear and another fruit trees.

Levin, Ilan, John W. Scott, Moshe Lapidot, and Moshe Reuveni. Fine mapping, functional analysis and pyramiding of genes controlling begomovirus resistance in tomato. United States Department of Agriculture, November 2014.

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Abstract. Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV), a monopartitebegomovirus, is one of the most devastating viruses of cultivated tomatoes and poses increasing threat to tomato production worldwide. Because all accessions of the cultivated tomato are susceptible to these viruses, wild tomato species have become a valuable resource of resistance genes. QTL controlling resistance to TYLCV and other begomoviruses (Ty loci) were introgressed from several wild tomato species and mapped to the tomato genome. Additionally, a non-isogenic F₁diallel study demonstrated that several of these resistance sources may interact with each other, and in some cases generate hybrid plants displaying lower symptoms and higher fruit yield compared to their parental lines, while their respective resistance genes are not necessarily allelic. This suggests that pyramiding genes originating from different resistance sources can be effective in obtaining lines and cultivars which are highly resistant to begomoviruses. Molecular tools needed to test this hypothesis have been developed by our labs and can thus significantly improve our understanding of the mechanisms of begomovirus resistance and how to efficiently exploit them to develop wider and more durable resistance. Five non-allelic Ty loci with relatively major effects have been mapped to the tomato genome using molecular DNA markers, thereby establishing tools for efficient marker assisted selection, pyramiding of multiple genes, and map based gene cloning: Ty-1, Ty-2, Ty-3, Ty-4, and ty-5. This research focused on Ty-3 and Ty-4 due to their broad range of resistance to different begomoviruses, including ToMoV, and on ty-5 due to its exceptionally high level of resistance to TYLCV and other begomoviruses. Our aims were: (1) clone Ty-3, and fine map Ty-4 and Ty-5 genes, (2)introgress each gene into two backgroundsand develop semi isogenic lines harboring all possible combinations of the three genes while minimizing linkage-drag, (3) test the resulting lines, and F₁ hybrids made with them, for symptom severity and yield components, and (4) identify and functionally characterize candidate genes that map to chromosomal segments which harbor the resistance loci. During the course of this research we have: (1) found that the allelic Ty-1 and Ty-3 represent two alternative alleles of the gene coding DFDGD-RDRP; (2) found that ty-5is highly likely encoded by the messenger RNA surveillance factor PELOTA (validation is at progress with positive results); (3) continued the map-based cloning of Ty-4; (4) generated all possible gene combinations among Ty-1, Ty-3 and ty-5, including their F₁ counterparts, and tested them for TYLCV and ToMoV resistance; (5) found that the symptomless line TY172, carrying ty-5, also carries a novel allele of Ty-1 (termed Ty-1ⱽ). The main scientific and agricultural implications of this research are as follows: (1) We have developed recombination free DNA markers that will substantially facilitate the introgression of Ty-1, Ty-3 and ty-5 as well as their combinations; (2) We have identified the genes controlling TYLCV resistance at the Ty-1/Ty-3 and ty-5 loci, thus enabling an in-depth analyses of the mechanisms that facilitate begomovirus resistance; (3) Pyramiding of Ty resistance loci is highly effective in providing significantly higher TYLCV resistance.

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