Academic literature on the topic 'Gilles de Rai'

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Journal articles on the topic "Gilles de Rai":


Pietruska, Jamie L. "Gilded Age Redux." Reviews in American History 45, no. 3 (2017): 457–63.

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Robert M. Calhoon. "Gilded Age Statecraft." Reviews in American History 38, no. 1 (2010): 99–103.

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Wood Presber, Lucia. "Les Gillies, chansons traditionnelles des tsiganes britanniques ou « can you dukker a rai ? »." Etudes Tsiganes 36, no. 4 (2008): 60.

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Morgan, H. Wayne (Howard Wayne). "Art-Culture in the Gilded Age." Reviews in American History 25, no. 4 (1997): 589–93.

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Bystrom, Kerry. "Healing South African Wounds/ Guérir les blessures de l'Afrique du Sud, ed. Gilles Teulié and Mélanie Joseph-Vilan." Research in African Literatures 42, no. 1 (March 2011): 195–96.

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Jardim, Alex Fabiano Correia. "Como sair da ilha da minha consciência: Gilles Deleuze e uma crítica à subjetividade transcendental em Edmund Husserl." PHENOMENOLOGICAL STUDIES - Revista da Abordagem Gestáltica 16, no. 1 (2010): 109–10.

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Christol, Michel, Émilie Compan, Réjane Roure, Maxime Scrinzi, and Christophe Vaschalde. "Nouvelles données sur l’occupation romaine du comptoir protohistorique d’Espeyran (Saint-Gilles-du-Gard) : découverte d’une inscription de la gens Calvia." Revue archéologique de Narbonnaise 44, no. 1 (2011): 145–61.

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Dujardin, Laurent, Jean-François Legembre, Dominique Lenrouilly, and Jean-Yves Marin. "Les carrières médiévales du quartier Saint-Gilles de Caen. Etude archéologique de deux exploitations de pierre à bâtir en souterrain." Revue archéologique de l'ouest 8, no. 1 (1991): 169–81.

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Marcus, Robert D. "Lost and Found Department: A Gilded Age President." Reviews in American History 23, no. 4 (1995): 618–22.

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Hughes, Kate. "Foreword." Sibbaldia: the International Journal of Botanic Garden Horticulture, no. 19 (March 18, 2021): 1–4.

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An introduction to volume 19. With thanks to reviewers of papers in this volume: Crinan Alexander, Leonie Alexander, Peter Brownless, Matthew Denton-Giles, Andrew Ensoll, Edeline Gagnon, Martin Gardner, Rebecca Hilgenhof, Fiona Inches, Ross Kerby, David Knott, David Rae, Helen Thompson and anonymous reviewers. Typeset by Fakenham Prepress Solutions, Fakenham, Norfolk NR21 8NL.

Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Gilles de Rai":


Chabaud, François. "La fonction analytique. Freud, Jung, Lacan : Approche transdisciplinaire." Phd thesis, Université Paul Valéry - Montpellier III, 2012.

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Cette thèse propose un éclairage sur la réalité de la Fonction analytique, sa physiologie, et les pathologies comportementales qui résultent de son dysfonctionnement. Nous y visitons les travaux de Freud, Jung et Lacan. Par une approche de comparatisme de leurs " écritures respectives ", nous découvrons les fondements de la Fonction analytique. Tous trois tiennent leur savoir d'une approche transdisciplinaire (mythologie, alchimie, Taoïsme, linguistique, mathématiques, etc.) Freud précise le rôle indispensable de la pulsion en décrivant ses quatre caractéristiques. Avec son travail sur le "Bloc-notes magique ", il énonce les modalités de la gravure psychique. La physiologie analytique comprend deux stades distincts : le premier ou " tronc commun " correspond à la gravure de la trace mnésique (Freud). Ce stade se déroule selon le mode binaire : ça pour Freud, persona pour Jung, imaginaire pour Lacan. Le second, se développe à partir du tronc commun, selon la modalité ternaire : la structure arborescente. C'est le stade du moi de Freud, du moi de Jung, du réel de Lacan. Cette phase, comme celle du brassage inter-chromosomique de la méiose biologique, produit une infinité de combinaisons. Modes binaire et ternaire représentent les phases principales de la Fonction analytique. Mais le mode binaire ne doit pas faire barrage au mode ternaire, en enfermant la psyché dans l'imaginaire (Lacan). La psyché doit se dépasser et faire oeuvre d'artiste. Nous montrons que le déséquilibre de l'archétype anima/animus (Jung) est cause de ces pathologies. Nous y voyons également que " la pensée judéo-chrétienne " joue un rôle de censeur, et fait obstacle à la modélisation ternaire.

Petitjean, Vincent. "Vies de Gilles de Rais." Lille 3, 2011.

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Cette thèse vise à rendre compte de la postérité littéraire de Gilles de Rais, personnage historique qui vécut dans la France du XVe siècle. Compagnon de Jeanne d'Arc, il fut assimilé à Barbe-Bleue. Il s'agit ici de suivre le devenir littéraire de cette figure du XVe siècle à nos jours afin de déterminer le statut littéraire du maréchal de Charles VII. Ce faisant, cette étude envisage le problème du rapport entre Histoire et littérature ainsi que les conditions d'élaboration d'une figure héroïque, voire d'un mythe littéraire
This work tries to understand the literary becoming of Gilles de Rais, historical character who lived in France during the Fifteenth Century. Comrade-in-arms to Joan of Arc, he was assimilated to Bluebeard. It is about to following Gilles's progress in literature from the Fifteenth Century until these days to determinate what kind of character he really was. That's why the link between History and literature is considered as well as the process, which enables of a hero, or even a literary myth

Zapata, Mónica. "Essai d'interprétation du mythe de Gilles de Rais." Lille 3 : ANRT, 1988.

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Zapata, Mónica. "Essai d'interpretation du mythe de gilles de rais." Paris 7, 1986.

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Le mythe de gilles de rais, interprete d'un point de vue psychanalytique et compte tenu des diverses theories sur la perversion, apparait comme une tentative de lutte effrenee contre la mort, par la transgression de toutes les limites, selon la version de georges bataille; et comme une quete d'un "plus-etre" qui suppose le passage initiatique par la transgression, selon la version de michel tournier
The myth of gilles de rais, interpreted from a psychoanalytical viewpoint, and taking into account the various theories on perversion, appears as an attempted frantic struggle against death through the transgression of all limits, according to the version of georges bataille; and as a quest for a higher level of existence which supposes initiation through transgression, according to michel tournier's version

Bossard, Eugène. "Gilles de Rais, maréchal de France, dit Barbe-Bleue... /." Paris (7 rue du Faubourg-Saint-Honoré, 75008) : J. de Bonnot, 1998.

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Morgan, Valery Jane. "Versions of Gilles de Rais : four perspective of an imaginary landscape." Thesis, University of Essex, 1999.

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Drake, David Doyle. "Sacred Union and Sacred Violence in Tournier's Gilles et Jeanne." BYU ScholarsArchive, 2011.

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Written in 1983, the novella Gilles et Jeanne seems to be one of Michel Tournier's simpler works at first glance. Yet, for all of its simplicity, Tournier does not repress his desire to lace the tale with metaphoric and metaphysical symbolism. It is through a symbolic marriage on the battlefield that Tournier links the two characters in a sort of mystical union. All of the crimes following this ritual that precipitated Gilles descent into depravity were in fact an attempt to reunite with the departed spirit of his "spouse", either by mimetically recreating the circumstances of her death, or by metaphysically recreating the location of her eternal resting place. Joan of Arc was not canonized as a saint until 1920. Because she was burned at the stake for crimes against the church, Joan's place in Gilles' mind was in hell. This article focuses on the symbolism of catastrophic marriage in the novel. It traces the literary allusions to marriage that follow and prelude this central moment, and examine Gilles' subsequent deviant behavior through this lens. Once it has been established that this symbolic marriage was present in Tournier's work, this leads to the next important question: If Tournier deliberately employed marriage imagery in describing Gilles de Rais' relationship to Joan of Arc, what was his purpose in doing so? The article then uses the Tournier's own philosophy, the literary theory of Girard and Bataille, and examines the significance of the marriage allegory in a post-revolutionary, secularized France. The trauma of the rupture with the old regime is reflected in the violence and turmoil that is born of the titular characters' failed attempt at sacred union.

Almeida, Lutero Proscholdt. "Dobras deleuzianas, desdobramentos de Lina Bo Bardi." reponame:Repositório Institucional da UFBA, 2013.

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Submitted by Francisco Costa ( on 2013-09-26T21:10:51Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Lutero Proscholdt.pdf: 5751771 bytes, checksum: 9defd76764540ebcfe1b6a13afa5e34f (MD5)
Approved for entry into archive by Edilene Costa( on 2013-09-27T00:19:18Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Lutero Proscholdt.pdf: 5751771 bytes, checksum: 9defd76764540ebcfe1b6a13afa5e34f (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2013-09-27T00:19:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Lutero Proscholdt.pdf: 5751771 bytes, checksum: 9defd76764540ebcfe1b6a13afa5e34f (MD5)
Com o consentimento de um espaço urbano caótico, este trabalho evoca o conceito de dobra de Gilles Deleuze como ferramenta de apreensão da cidade contemporânea, remetendo primeiramente a um papel social do arquiteto, e segundo, a uma questão de limites, pois assim como a dobra, tais espaços que foram minuciosamente projetados pelos técnicos, arquitetos e urbanistas, nunca apreciarão o ambiente como um todo. Texturas, sons, cheiros, podem ser manipulados e considerados, mas o espaço em ação nunca cristalizará estes adereços, que sempre estarão em mutação. E como exemplar de uma postura sensível às dobras da arquitetura e urbanismo, será usado como estudo de caso o trabalho da arquiteta Lina Bo Bardi. Lina parece ter plena noção desses limites, pois sua produção, dobra, delimita, mas seus espaços são permissíveis, eles conduzem uma potência que já existe ali, o lugar vem primeiro que o projeto, e não o contrário. E ao mesmo tempo ela é sensível a um espaço de limites imprecisos, que vão das texturas da matéria à dissolução do complexo arquitetônico na escala urbana. Sua concepção de espaço extrapola de várias maneiras os limites da arquitetura e urbanismo. Portanto, a grande questão que podemos nos ater hoje, como arquitetos, é como nos desdobrar? Ou seja, como nos desatar das dobras e redobras que somos submetidos cotidianamente.

Pinho, Thiago de Araujo. "Rumo a uma terceira revolução copernicana: Bruno Latour e as condições de possibilidade de uma nova sociologia." Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, 2017.

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Submitted by Biblioteca Isaías Alves ( on 2017-08-01T13:08:36Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTAÇÃO.pdf: 989586 bytes, checksum: 221727beed1d28f76362aeee4d53546e (MD5)
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Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-01T13:11:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTAÇÃO.pdf: 989586 bytes, checksum: 221727beed1d28f76362aeee4d53546e (MD5)
A dissertação busca entender as condições de possibilidade de uma sociologia descentrada, os primeiros passos daquilo que pode ser chamado de uma nova revolução copernicana nas ciências sociais. Evitando mergulhar diretamente nesse terreno, o trabalho acaba sendo muito mais uma introdução, um percurso inicial, ou seja, os bastidores desse modo alternativo de conduzir o fazer científico. Gilles Deleuze será a referência o tempo todo, sendo aquele critério que organiza os argumentos, mesmo os mais sociológicos, como quando Garfinkel entra na discussão. Nesse sentido, o objetivo não é esgotar os limites da filosofia deleuziana ou o entendimento dos seus dois conceitos principais, mas apresentar, na medida do possível, sua ressonância na composição do pensamento social, sugerindo, embora não aprofundando, uma nova revolução copernicana á vista, um novo rumo trilhado pela sociologia nos dias de hoje. Deleuze, ironicamente, vai ter certos contornos, fronteiras, o que soa um pouco estranho dentro dos padrões de sua própria filosofia. Apesar de sua intensidade, de seu transbordamento, o signo precisa limitar aquilo que pode oferecer, nesse caso seu autor e suas ideias. Apesar da abertura do possível, da escapabilidade do Real, ele vai ser entendido dentro de um recorte sociológico, sendo nomeado, circunscrito, tornando a figura deleuziana apreensível, adequada, ao menos para os limites dessa dissertação e das próprias expectativas que circulam aqui, evitando se perder no cenário filosófico e sua estrutura analítica.
The dissertation seeks to understand the conditions of possibility of a “descentered sociology”, the first steps in what can be called a new Copernican revolution in the social sciences. By avoiding to plunge directly into this place, the work ends up being much more an introduction, an initial course, that is, the backstage of this alternative way of conducting the scientific doing. Gilles Deleuze will be the reference all the time, being that criterion that organizes the arguments, even the most sociological, as when Garfinkel enters the discussion. In this sense, the aim is not to exhaust the limits of Deleuzian philosophy or the understanding of its two main concepts, but to present, as far as possible, its resonance in the composition of social thought, suggesting, though not deepening, a new Copernican revolution in the horizon, a new direction followed by sociology today. Deleuze, ironically, will end up gaining boundaries, limits, which sounds a little strange within the standards of his own philosophy. In spite of its intensity, of its overflow, the sign must limit what it can offer, in this case its author and its ideas. Despite the openness of the possible, the fleetingness of the Real, it will be understood within a sociological cut, being named, circumscribed, making the Deleuzian figure apprehensible, adequate, at least for the limits of this dissertation and the very expectations that circulate here, avoiding lose itself in the philosophical scenario and its analytical structure.

Somers, Renee. "Gilded age spaces, actual and imagined : Edith Wharton as a spatial activist and analyst /." View online ; access limited to URI, 2003.

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Books on the topic "Gilles de Rai":


Cazacu, Matei. Gilles de Rais. Paris: Tallandier, 2005.

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Cazacu, Matei. Gilles de Rais. Paris: Tallandier, 2005.

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Heers, Jacques. Gilles de Rais. Paris: Perrin, 1994.

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Meurger, Michel. Gilles de Rais et la littérature. Rennes: Terre de brume, 2003.

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Martine, Le Coz. Gilles de Rais: Ignoble et chrétien. Nantes: Editions Opéra, 1995.

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Hérubel, Michel. Gilles de Rais, ou, La fin d'un monde. Paris: J. Picollec, 1993.

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Huidobro, Vicente. Gilles de Raiz: En la luna : teatro completo. Santiago de Chile: Editorial Universitaria, 1995.

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Martine, Le Coz. Gilles de Raiz, ou, La confession imaginaire: Roman. Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1989.

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Prouteau, Gilbert. Gilles de Rais, ou, La gueule du loup. [Monaco]: Editions du Rocher, 1992.

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Cherpillod, André. Gilles de Rais: Un grand seigneur sodomite et assassin. Courgenard: Autoédition, 2000.

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Book chapters on the topic "Gilles de Rai":


Fudgé, Thomas A. "Piety, Perversion, and Serial Killing: The Strange Case of Gilles de Rais." In Medieval Religion and its Anxieties, 51–87. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2016.

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Blyth, Robert J. "‘A Sort of Gilded Parochialism’: Conclusions and Postscript." In The Empire of the Raj, 201–13. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2003.

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"Gilles de Rais." In The Hundred Years War (Part III), 145–85. BRILL, 2013.

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"The Original Bluebeard, Gilles de Rais of Brittany." In Poems Written Abroad, 71. Indiana University Press, 2019.

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Bertrand, Michel. "Gilles de Rais, le Saint et le Monstre." In Classicisme et modernité dans le théâtre des XXe et XXIe siècles, 233–49. Presses universitaires de Provence, 2014.

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Bertrand, Michel. "Dimensions poétique et politique du Gilles de Rais de Planchon." In Le médiéval sur la scène contemporaine, 53–67. Presses universitaires de Provence, 2014.

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Alilunas, Peter. "Limousines and Legacies." In Smutty Little Movies. University of California Press, 2016.

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The epilogue examines On the Prowl, the 1989 film directed by veteran performer Jamie Gillis. Ushering in the “gonzo” genre, which de-valued narrative and familiar aesthetics for a raw and spontaneous set of practices and conventions, the film represents where pornography would go in the era after the events of this book—as well as the constructed nature of all pornography, regardless of technology or technique.

Müller-Dietz, Heinz. "Zur Beziehung zwischen Kriminalitäts- und Literaturgeschichte – am Beispiel des Falles Gilles de Rais." In Festschrift für Wolfgang Heinz, 947–61. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2012.

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Sari Hani, Maulita. "Manta Ray Tourism." In Tourism [Working Title]. IntechOpen, 2020.

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Manta rays are flagship species for marine conservation because of a number of threats including anthropogenic, overfishing, plastics (microplastics), over tourism, commercial trade (gills for medicine), and chaotic shipping lines where they often injured or killed. Because of these reasons, manta ray face risk of extinction and listed on the Red List of IUCN. A number of studies present the value of this fish estimated millions of dollars per year from tourism which show much greater valuable alive than dead. Responsible manta ray tourism encourages stakeholders to protect the species by generating incentives from tourism while develop conservations initiatives to protect the species. Desk study on current literatures were reviewed to identify the role of stakeholders in supporting the sustainable management of manta ray tourism. This chapter explored the operations of manta ray tourism in Indonesia as the study areas. In summary, to reach the positive contributions from manta ray tourism, there is an important role of co-management between stakeholders to ensure the sustainable operations and conservation of the ecology, economy, and socio-culture.

Castelain, Sarah. "2. La lutte de Gilles-Paul Vernimmen contre l’université de Douai, mission d’un homme du roi ou combat d’un homme ?" In Hommes et gens du roi, 29–38. Maison des Sciences de l’Homme d’Aquitaine, 2011.

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