Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'HIRS'

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Schmidt, Eric Otto. "Cloud properties as inferred from HIRS/2 multi-spectral data." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1991. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/26817.

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Baverez-Puech, Aline. "Assimilation variationnelle et impact dynamique des colonnes d'ozone observées par l'instrument HIRS." Toulouse 3, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004TOU30167.

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La variabilité des colonnes totales d'ozone dépend du flux dans la basse bal Couche d'ozone. Des observations d'ozone total fournies par le sondeur satellitaire HIRS ont été assimilées par le système variationnel quadridimensionnel (4D-Var) du modèle météorologique ARPEGE, afin d'évaluer l'apport éventuel de ces données pour la prévision numérique du temps. Tout d'abord, des Expériences de Systèmes d'Observation Simulés ont confirmé, dans un cadre idéalisé, l'intérêt potentiel de ces mesures d'ozone. En vue d'assimiler des données réelles, une analyse du champ d'ozone a ensuite été introduite dans le système 4D-Var. Des Expériences de Systèmes d'Observation ont alors montré qu'en assimilant les colonnes d'ozone, ARPEGE était capable de simuler des champs d'ozone total de bonne qualité. En revanche, l'impact sur les prévisions météorologiques s'est avéré neutre d'une manière générale ; la qualité insuffisante des observations et des ébauches d'ozone semble à l'origine de ce résultat
Total ozone columns variability depends on the flux in the lower stratosphere. Total ozone observations measured by the HIRS sounder have been assimilated with the four-dimensional variational (4D-Var) assimilation system of the ARPEGE meteorological model, in order to assess the possible impact of these data upon numerical weather prediction. First, some Observing-System Simulation Experiments have confirmed in an idealized context the potential interest of ozone column measurements. In order to assimilate real data, an analysis of the ozone field has been introduced in the 4D-Var system. Some Observing-System Experiments have then shown that assimilating ozone columns, ARPEGE provides total ozone fields of good quality. However, the impact on meteorological forecasts is generally neutral ; the origin of this result seems to be related to the insufficient quality of ozone observations and of the ozone forecast model

Eriksson, Emily. "Alternativa fröer i bröd : En teknisk och sensorisk utvärdering av amarant, bovete, chia, hirs samt quinoa i bröd och bakning." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för naturvetenskap, NV, 2010. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-8734.

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Influenser från hela världen påverkar livsmedelsindustrin och användandet av fröer har ökat kraftigt de senaste åren. Idag används endast ett begränsat antal fröer inom bageriindustrin men ett intresse finns av att finna alternativa fröer som kan bidra med sina egenskaper till bröd. Syftet med det här examensarbetet är att undersöka amarant, bovete, chia, hirs och quinoa, för att se vad de kan bidra med för näringsmässiga och sensoriska egenskaper till bröd. Examensarbetet utförs vid Pågen AB. Genom en mindre litteraturstudie och ett antal bakningsförsök med efterföljande analyser av volym, inkråm, textur och vattenhalt, kartläggs fröernas närings- och bakningsegenskaper. Sensoriska analyser görs även för att undersöka dessa egenskaper hos varje frö. Av de studerade fröerna valdes chia, bovete och quinoa ut för vidare bakningsförsök. Chia och bovete valdes ut bland annat på grund av de goda resultaten från de sensoriska analyserna och försöken visade att båda fröerna fungerar bra i olika bröd, i olika mängder. Quinoas bittra smak och lukt var svår att få bort men minskade när fröet användes som dekor. Även chia och krossat bovete passade bra som dekor på bröd. Försöken visar på att det finns spännande alternativa fröer som kan bidra med mycket både när det gäller näring och smak till bröd. Vidare försök med olika brödrecept och varierade frömängder krävs för att se hur väl fröerna skulle fungera i storskaliga projekt inom bageriindustrin.

Pierangelo, Clémence. "Apports du sondage infrarouge à l'étude des aérosols atmosphériques." Phd thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 2005. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00011661.

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Le rapport du Groupe Intergouvernemental d'experts sur l'Evolution du Climat de 2001 soulignait le
niveau très imparfait de notre compréhension de l'effet des aérosols atmosphériques sur le climat. Ces
particules d'origines naturelles (poussières, aérosols volcaniques...) ou anthropiques (sulfates,
suies...) sont une des principales sources d'incertitude sur le changement climatique. Une des raisons
à cela est leur très grande variabilité spatio-temporelle. Par nature globale et quasi-continue,
l'observation spatiale des aérosols est donc un outil indispensable à leur étude.
Si la télédétection dans le domaine visible s'est beaucoup développée pour permettre de mieux
caractériser ces particules et leur effet sur le rayonnement solaire, l'utilisation de la télédétection dans
le domaine infrarouge est encore sous-exploitée. Or, non seulement la connaissance de l'effet des
aérosols sur le rayonnement terrestre est indispensable à l'évaluation de leur forçage radiatif total,
mais la télédétection infrarouge permet aussi la mesure de grandeurs inaccessibles à la télédétection
visible (observations possibles de nuit comme de jour, sur terre comme sur mer).
Dans cette thèse, nous montrons que les observations des sondeurs infrarouges permettent de
caractériser les aérosols en épaisseur optique infrarouge, en altitude, et en taille. Après une étude de la
sensibilité des propriétés optiques des aérosols à leur microphysique, et le développement d'un code
de transfert radiatif pour un milieu diffusant adapté à la haute résolution spectrale du sondeur de
nouvelle génération NASA-Aqua/AIRS, nous abordons le problème inverse. Les applications
présentées ici couvrent entre autres les aérosols stratosphériques volcaniques du Pinatubo, observés
avec le sondeur NOAA/HIRS, et la construction d'une climatologie de 8 ans des poussières
désertiques sur mer et sur terre avec ce même instrument. L'inversion des observations AIRS nous a
permis ensuite de déterminer l'épaisseur optique à 10 μm, l'altitude moyenne et le rayon effectif du
mode grossier des poussières au-dessus des mers.

Pierangelo, Clemence. "Apports du sondage infrarouge à l 'étude des aérosols atmosphériques : applications aux instruments HIRS et AIRS : caractérisation des aérosols en épaisseur optique, en altitude et en taille." Paris 6, 2005. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00011661.

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Badja, Cherif. "Optimisation de la différenciation neuronale et musculaire de cellules pluripotentes induites humaines pour la modélisation des maladies rares : exemple du syndrome de DiGeorge." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015AIXM5027/document.

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Le syndrome de DiGeorge ou microdélétion 22q11.2, est la délétion chromosomique la plus fréquente chez les êtres humains. Cette délétion est liée à la recombinaison homologue non-allélique au cours de la méiose induisant la perte d’en moyenne 40 gènes. Les études de corrélation génotype/phénotype chez les patients ont révélé des différences phénotypiques entre individus et cela indépendamment de la taille des microdélétions. L’hypothèse de l’implication des mécanismes épigénétiques dans la variabilité phénotypique observée a été soulevée mais reste encore inexplorée. C’est dans ce contexte que nous nous intéressons à l’étude des mécanismes épigénétiques au cours du développement, dans cette pathologie à travers l’utilisation d’un modèle de cellules souches pluripotentes induites humaines (hiPSs). En particulier, nous avons ciblé nos travaux sur le rôle de la chaperonne d’histone HIRA dont le gène est localisé dans la région délétée. HIRA est impliquée dans la déposition du variant d’histone H3.3, une histone majeure dans le cerveau. Afin de comprendre l’implication de HIRA dans les manifestations neurologique du syndrome de DiGeorge et en particulier dans la schizophrénie, nous avons développé et optimisé un nouveau protocole pour la différenciation de cellules hiPSCs en progéniteurs neuronaux, neurones corticaux et neurones dopaminergiques. L’ensemble de ces travaux ouvre donc de nouvelles perspectives pour la modélisation d’un grand nombre de pathologies, et dans le contexte du laboratoire, pour l’exploration des mécanismes épigénétiques associés à la variabilité phénotypique dans différentes maladies génétiques
The DiGeorge syndrome also known as 22q11.2 microdeletion syndrome, is the most common deletion in humans. This deletion is linked to a non-allelic homologous recombination that occurs during meiosis and involves sequences called LCRs for "Low Copy Repeats". Depending on the LCRs involved, different deletions are observed, inducing the loss of approximately 40 genes. The absence of genotype/phenotype correlation in patients and the phenotypical differences regardless of the size of the microdeletion suggests the involvement of additional parameter. The hypothesis of epigenetic changes associated with the onset or variability of symptoms has been suggested but never investigated. In order to tackle this question, we decided to focus our attention of the role of the HIRA histone chaperone encoded by a gene located in the 22q11.2-deleted region. HIRA is involved in the deposition of the H3.3 histone variant, one of the main histone in the brain. In order to determine whether HIRA is implicated in the neurological manifestations in DiGeorge patients and particularly in schizophrenia, we developed and optimized a new protocol for the direct differentiation of human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSCs) into neural progenitors, cortical and dopaminergic neurons. In parallel, we developed a new protocol for hiPSCs differentiation toward the skeletal muscle lineage and the production of multinucleated muscle fibers. Altogether, these results open new perspectives for the modeling of a large number of pathologies, and in the context of our laboratory, the exploration of epigenetic mechanisms associated with phenotypic variability in different genetic diseases

Wallace, Rick L., and Bruce Behringer. "Potential of Technology to Improve the Availability and Use of Health Information on Cancer Subjects for Clergy from Rural Communities." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1111/hir.12275.

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Background: Cancer is a leading cause of death around the world and often is a chronic long term disease. This calls for an expanded workforce to include non-traditional health care providers. Objective: To determine effectiveness of a cancer information training project with clergy from selected rural Appalachian areas to improve comfort and willingness to work as part of the cancer health care team. Methods: Clergy were trained in the consumer health database of the National Library of Medicine MedlinePlus.gov. Exercises were required that were done using an iPad tablet with an online curriculum. They were also taught how to do a population health assessment of their particular area and develop a health ministry for their church. Results: Three key elements were confirmed that would enable replication of the pilot: access to medlineplus, programmed learning modules using mobile technology such as iPads, and staff support including librarians and medical staff. With these key elements, the cancer project is potentially replicable with other groups beyond clergy. Conclusion: about population health, built on new awareness and topical health knowledge, and using new skills to identify relevant information and library resources, could open minds and enhance community support for preventive and medical interventions.

Ferrando, Lebraud Haritz Eder. "Estudi de la viabilitat de la utilització de materials termoplàstics reciclats per a aplicacions en el sector de l'electrònica de consum." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/6052.

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En els darrers anys ha augmentat de manera considerable l'interès de les empreses per l'ús de materials reciclats per a la fabricació dels seus productes. Les raons principals són l'estalvi econòmic que comporta a causa del progressiu increment del preu de la matèria primera i l'aposta per una política ambiental d'empresa, com a part de la seva responsabilitat social corporativa, en sintonia amb una sensibilitat creixent en l'opinió pública.
Aquesta tesi s'ha centrat en l'estudi de la viabilitat de la utilització de materials termoplàstics reciclats per a aplicacions en el sector de l'electrònica de consum. En una primera part, s'ha estudiat la viabilitat de la substitució dels materials verges poliestirè antixoc (HIPS) i la mescla de polímers poli(èter de fenilè) amb poliestirè antixoc (PPE/HIPS) pels mateixos materials d'origen reciclat, procedents de residus industrials.
En una segona part, s'ha estudiat la viabilitat de substitució dels mateixos materials verges, estudiats en la primera part, per un material reciclat diferent. Aquest material reciclat ha estat el poli(tereftalat d'etilè)(PET) provinent de la recollida selectiva d'envasos de begudes postconsum.
El treball de recerca ha estudiat la variació de propietats mecàniques i tèrmiques dels materials reciclats de partida i de les mescles de material verge i reciclat, els efectes de la degradació provocats pels processos successius de transformació i la influència de càrregues minerals (fibres i microesferes de vidre) i ignifugants a base de fòsfor lliures d'halògens sobre les propietats dels materials.
L'estudi realitzat sobre aquests tres materials reciclats ha permès analitzar els factors que intervenen en l'estudi de materials reciclats, conèixer-ne les possibilitats d'aplicació en el cas concret de components d'electrònica de consum i crear les bases per poder establir una metodologia per realitzar futurs estudis d'introducció de materials reciclats en altres aplicacions tecnològiques.
En los últimos años ha aumentado de manera considerable el interés de las empresas por el uso de materiales reciclados para la fabricación de sus productos. Las razones principales son el ahorro económico que conlleva a causa del progresivo incremento del precio de la materia prima y la apuesta por una política medioambiental de empresa, como parte de su responsabililidad social corporativa, en sintonía con una sensibilidad creciente en la opinión pública.
Esta tesis se ha centrado en el estudio de la viabilidad de la utilización de materiales termoplásticos reciclados para aplicaciones en el sector de la electrónica de consumo. En una primera parte, se ha estudiado la viabilidad de la sustitución de los materiales vírgenes poliestireno antichoque (HIPS) y la mezcla de polímeros poli(éter de fenileno) con poliestireno antichoque (PPE/HIPS) por los mismos materiales de origen reciclado, procedentes de residuos industriales. En una segunda parte, se ha estudiado la viabilidad de sustitución de los mismos materiales vírgenes, estudiados en la primera parte, por un material reciclado diferente. Este material reciclado ha sido el poli(tereftalato de etileno) (PET) procedente de la recogida selectiva de envases de bebidas postconsumo.
El trabajo de investigación ha estudiado la variación de propiedades mecánicas y térmicas de los materiales reciclados de partida y de las mezclas de material virgen y reciclado, los efectos de la degradación provocados por los procesos sucesivos de transformación y la influencia de cargas minerales (fibras y microesferas de vidrio) y ignifugantes a base de fósforo libres de halógenos sobre las propiedades de los materiales.
El estudio realizado sobre estos tres materiales reciclados ha permitido analizar los factores que intervienen en el estudio de materiales reciclados, conocer las posibilidades de su aplicación en el caso concreto de componentes de electrónica de consumo y crear las bases para poder establecer una metodología para realizar futuros estudios de introducción de materiales reciclados en otras aplicaciones tecnológicas.
In recent years the interest of companies in the use of recycled materials for the manufacture of their products has increased considerably. The main reasons for this are, firstly, the economic savings offered when compared to the progressive increase in the price of the raw material and secondly, the pressure for a company to implement an environmental policy, as part of its 'corporate social responsibility', in tune with a growing sensitivity of public opinion in this area.
This thesis has focussed on studying the feasibility of the use of recycled thermoplastic materials for applications in the consumer electronics sector. In the first part, it centres on the feasibility of the substitution of the virgin materials High-Impact Polystyrene (HIPS) and the mix of polymers poly(ether phenylene) with High-Impact Polystyrene (PPE/HIPS), for the same materials of recycled origin, coming from industrial waste. In the second part, it studies the feasibility of substitution of the virgin materials studied in the first part, by a different recycled material. This recycled material being the pol (ethylene terephtalat) (PET) which comes from the selective collection of post consumption drink bottles.
The research work has studied the variation of mechanical and thermal properties of the original recycled materials and of the mixtures of virgin and recycled material, the effects of the degradation provoked by the successive transformation processes and the influence of mineral fillers (fibres and glass beads) and halogen-free phosphor-based flame retardants, on the properties of the materials.
The study, carried out on these three recycled materials, has allowed the following: analysis of the factors that intervene in the investigation of recycled materials; knowledge regarding the possibilities of application in the case of household electronics components and it has created the bases for being able to establish a methodology for carrying out future studies on the introduction of recycled materials in other technological applications.

Faltýnek, Josef. "Širokopásmová anténa pro detektor hazardních elektromagnetických polí." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2008. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-217473.

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The thesis is focused on the design of a wideband detector used for detection of HIRF field. The detector, which is based on PICA antenna, was deeply examined and its´shape was also modificated for the purpose of achieving better omnidirectional and impedance characteristics. The thesis also deals with the design of cross PICA antenna variations, which purpose is to improve pattern bandwith. The PICA antenna variations mentioned were compared with one another at the end of the work. The end of the thesis also deals with the comparison of measured results gained from the specimen made with the results gained from the simulations.

Rother-Koßagk, Christina. "Leben nach einer erworbenen Hirnläsion : Reaktionen auf die Traumatisierung und Folgen für Lebensplanung und soziale Einbindung /." Aachen : Shaker, 2008. http://bvbr.bib-bvb.de:8991/F?func=service&doc_library=BVB01&doc_number=018016518&line_number=0001&func_code=DB_RECORDS&service_type=MEDIA.

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Peltonen, Elvira. "Die Bedeutung extrakranieller Verletzungen auf die zerebrale Oxygenierung und die Prognose von Patienten mit schwerem Schädel-Hirn-Trauma /." Hamburg : Akademos-Wiss.-Verl, 2004. http://bvbr.bib-bvb.de:8991/F?func=service&doc_library=BVB01&doc_number=013209163&line_number=0001&func_code=DB_RECORDS&service_type=MEDIA.

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Emendack, Yves Yatou. "Drought performance of millet (Panicum miliaceum) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench)." Berlin dissertation.de, 2007. http://www.dissertation.de/buch.php3?buch=5025.

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Bradley, Lucy. "How to Hire A Tree Expert." College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 2001. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/144681.

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3 pp.
Tree experts, known as arborists, provide a variety of services to help you care for the valuable investment you have made in your trees. This publication provides information about the type of services the arborists and tree workers provide, as well as the type of tree workers, the cost of hiring a tree worker and how to select a qualified tree worker.

Bennett, Michael, and n/a. "For a labourer worthy of his hire : Aboriginal economic responses to colonisation in the Shoalhaven and Illawarra, 1770-1900." University of Canberra. School of Resource, Environmental and Heritage Sciences, 2003. http://erl.canberra.edu.au./public/adt-AUC20050331.134721.

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This thesis presents a narrative of Aboriginal economic responses in the 19th century to the colonisation of the Shoalhaven and Illawarra regions of New South Wales. It explores the competing claims of articulation theory and dependency theory about the intersection of colonial and indigenous economies. Dependency theory claims that settlers destroy the indigenous mode of production to permit the expansion of their own economic system. They exploit indigenous labour which then becomes dependent on capitalist sources of subsistence. Articulation theory, as modified by Layton (2001) to recognise the bi-directional nature of contact, posits that the rate of capitalist penetration into indigenous economies is variable and that the non-capitalist mode of production may be preserved to create a self-supporting source of labour. The contrasting theories are assessed in this thesis by determining the contribution different strategies made to Aboriginal subsistence. Historical evidence is used to assess each strategy. The main source of information is from Alexander Berry's Shoalhaven estate, where Aboriginal people lived from settlement in 1822 until they were moved to a reserve in the early 1900s. The analysis suggests that contrary to previous research, Aboriginal people gained the majority of their subsistence from fishing, hunting and gathering until 1860. Strategies that depended on the colonial economy such as farm work, trading, living with settlers and stealing made only minor contributions to Aboriginal subsistence. After 1860, European land use intensified and Aboriginal people were further alienated from the land. The contribution of hunting and gathering contracted as a result. Dependency on government assistance increased, particularly after the foundation of the Aborigines Protection Board in 1882. Fishing remained an important source of food and cash. Maritime resources were not commercially exploited to a significant extent until the closing years of the 19th century when Aboriginal people were provided with boats and nets to assist their efforts. The historical evidence demonstrates that articulation theory offers a more realistic approach than does dependency theory when analysing the intersection of colonial and indigenous economies. This is because articulation theory can predict variable outcomes. The variable outcome suggested by the Shoalhaven and Illawarra data are that hunting, gathering and fishing economies have the resilience to withstand the colonial encounter if sufficient resources are made available.

Schwarz, Mathias. "Protein S-100B, diagnostischer und prognostischer Faktor nach Schädelhirntrauma." [S.l. : s.n.], 2006. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:289-vts-55852.

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Söll, Ansgar. "Qualitätsmanagement in der Versorgung von Patienten mit Schädel-Hirn-Trauma in der Präklinik und im Schockraum. Eine prospektive Studie." [S.l. : s.n.], 2008. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:289-vts-64013.

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Araujo, Olacir Alves 1972. "Sintese da PAni(ADBS) em escala pre-piloto e processamento de suas blendas com Noryl'Marca Registrada' e HIPS." [s.n.], 2005. http://repositorio.unicamp.br/jspui/handle/REPOSIP/248649.

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Orientador: Marco-Aurelio De Paoli
Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Quimica
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-04T16:27:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Araujo_OlacirAlves_D.pdf: 14865661 bytes, checksum: 2d5a2ebb5b1f2a28de895859d2f3986d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005
Resumo: A polianilina (PAni) é um polímero intrinsecamente condutor que apresenta potencial aplicação tecnológica, mas possui baixa processabilidade. Entretanto, se misturada a termoplásticos, que possuam propriedades mecânicas adequadas, podem ser obtidas blendas com caracteristicas de dissipação de carga eletrostática. Os plásticos dissipadores convencionais apresentam resistividade superficial que varia de 10 a 10W. Neste trabalho foi realizada a otimização da síntese da PAni dopada com ácido dodecilbenzeno sulfônico, PAni(ADBS), em escala de bancada, e posterior produção em escala pré-piloto em um reator de 10 L, usando solução etanol/água (2:5 v/v) como meio reacional, em substituição ao sistema tradicional que usa água pura. As amostras foram caracterizadas por medida de condutividade elétrica, espectroscopia no infravermelho, difração de R-X, análise elementar CHN, TGA, DSC e densidade de sólidos. Com este sistema foi possível diminuir o tempo de filtração e eliminar a etapa de purificação, mantendo as principais características da PAni(ADBS). Foram obtidos três tipos de PAni(ADBS), diferenciados pelo teor de ADBS, cuja condutividade elétrica variou de 10 a 10 Scm. A PAni(ADBS) foi utilizada na obtenção de blendas com Noryl e HIPS em misturador interno acoplado a um reômetro de torque e em extrusora dupla-rosca. Estas blendas foram caracterizadas por medida de resistência elétrica superficial e volumétrica, TGA, DSC, microscopia óptica e MEV, reometria de torque e monitoramento da fotodegradação. As blendas NoryI/PAni(ADBS) contendo maior teor de ADBS foram as que apresentaram menor valor de resistividade elétrica, com diminuição de até 8 ordens de grandeza para 40% de PAni(ADBS). As blendas HIPS/PAni(ADBS) obtidas em extrusora dupla-rosca foram utilizadas na injeção de corpos de prova para ensaios mecânicos de tração e flexão. Estas apresentaram boas propriedades mecânicas e valores de resistividade superficial típicos dos dissipadores de carga estática, 10 - 10W (2 (10 - 30% de PAni(ADBS)
Abstract: Polyaniline (PAni) is an intrinsically conducting polymer with powerful technological applications, but it has poor processability. However, when blended with thermoplastics, it is possible to obtain materiais which can be used as electrostatic dissipative materials, with surface resistivity from 10 to 10W. In this work the synthesis of polyaniline doped with dodecylbenzene sulphonic acid , PAni(DBSA), was optimized in low scale for further production in pre-pilot scale using a 10 L reactor. Ethanol/water (2:5 v/v) solution was used as solvent for synthesis instead of water, which is the most common solvent used. The samples were characterized by electrical conductivity measurements, infrared spectroscopy, X-Ray diffraction, elementary analysis (CHN), TGA, DSC, and density of solids. Using ethanol/water as solvent it was possible to reduce the time of filtration and to eliminate the purification step, maintaining the main characteristics of PAni(DBSA). It was obtained three kinds of PAni(DBSA), whose difference was the DBSA concentration, with electrical conductivity in the range of 10 - 10 Scm. PAni(DBSA) was blended with Noryl and HIPS using an internal mixer coupled to a torque rheometer and a twin-screw extruder. These blends were characterized by surface and volumetric electrical resistance measurements, TGA, DSC, optical microscopy, SEM, and torque rheometry, its photodegradation as also monitored. NoryI/PAni(ADBS) blends with higher DBSA concentration showed the lower electrical resistivity, which decreased by 8 orders of magnitude for 40% of PAni(ADBS). HIPS/PAni(ADBS) blends prepared in a twin-screw extruder were injection molded for obtain specimens for tensile and flexural tests. These blends showed good mechanical properties and surface resistivity from 10 to 10W (10 - 30% of PAni(DBSA)), indicating its as electrostatic dissipative materials.
Quimica Inorganica
Doutor em Ciências

Algazeery, Ahmed. "La Yemanucléine de Drosophile est nécessaire à la méiose ovocytaire et l’assemblage de la chromatine paternelle dans le zygote." Thesis, Montpellier 1, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013MON1T034/document.

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La reproduction sexuée repose sur deux processus fondamentaux : la méiose qui permet la formation des gamètes dont le génome est haploïde et la syngamie qui permet, après fécondation, de restaurer la diploïdie par fusion des deux noyaux parentaux haploïdes. Alors que la méiose repose respectivement sur le génome maternel pour l'ovocyte et paternel pour le spermatozoïde, la restauration de la diploïdie dans le zygote repose exclusivement sur le génome maternel. Si un pronucleus maternel compétent pour la réplication est formé au terme de la méiose ovocytaire, le génome paternel quant à lui, n'acquiert cette compétence que sous l'influence de facteurs maternels. En effet, à la fin de la méiose, le génome paternel est « empaqueté » avec des protamines qui le rendent inactif pour toute fonction biologique, en particulier la réplication. L'éviction des protamines et leur remplacement par des histones maternelles sont des étapes indispensables à l'acquisition par le génome paternel de sa compétence à la réplication, préalable à la syngamie. Tous ces événements doivent être extrêmement coordonnés afin de permettre à un premier noyau zygotique comportant les deux lots de chromosomes parentaux de se former et d'entrer dans le premier cycle mitotique.Notre laboratoire a identifié yemanuclein-alpha, aussi appelé yemanuclein (yem) dans un crible moléculaire pour des gènes exprimés spécifiquement dans la lignée germinale femelle, et son premier allèle muté yem1. Cette mutation ponctuelle (V478E) a été identifiée dans un crible génétique de « stérilité femelle ». Une descendance exceptionnelle observée chez les femelles yem1, présente la propriété inattendue d'être parthénogénétique. Cette propriété révèle un double défaut chez le mutant : dans le processus de méiose ovocytaire qui conduit à la formation d'un pronucleus maternel haploïde mais aussi dans la formation d'un pronucleus paternel compétent pour la syngamie. Mes travaux de thèse ont porté sur les deux aspects de la fonction de la Yemanucléine. En conjuguant des méthodes de génétique, de biochimie, et de biologie cellulaire, nous avons pu mettre en évidence des fonctions essentielles de la Yemanucléine dans les étapes initiales de la prophase méiotique de l'ovocyte de drosophile. Nous avons pu montrer que la Yemanucléine joue un rôle clé dans la recombinaison méiotique et plus particulièrement dans la fréquence et la cinétique d'apparition des cassures double brin. Son association au complexe synaptonémal et au complexe cohésine, tous deux connus comme étant nécessaires à la ségrégation chromosomique, est un élément clé de cette fonction.Outre cette fonction méiotique, la Yemanucléine, facteur maternel, est aussi requise pour l'assemblage de la chromatine du pronucleus paternel. Nous montrons dans ce manuscrit qu'elle joue ce rôle à travers son action dans un troisième complexe, en partenariat avec la protéine HIRA. Le complexe multiprotéique contenant la protéine HIRA est connu pour sa fonction de chaperon du variant de l'histone H3.3 et son rôle dans l'assemblage de la chromatine du pronucleus paternel. La Yemanucléine est le premier membre de la famille HPC2/UBN1 caractérisé. Son rôle dans l'assemblage des nucléosomes découplé de la réplication est décrit pour la première fois dans ce manuscrit. C'est aussi la première fois qu'une protéine spécifique de la reproduction est décrite pour son implication à deux étapes clés de ce processus
Sexual reproduction relies on two key events: formation of cells with a haploid genome through meiosis and restoration of diploidy through syngamy in the zygote. Meiosis completion is supported exclusively by the maternal genome for the oocyte and the paternal genome for the sperm cell. In contrast diploidy restoration in the zygote is entirely dependent on maternal factors. At the end of meiosis the maternal pronucleus is competent for replication, whereas the paternal genome is packed with protamines. These proteins need to be removed in the zygote and replaced by maternally provided histones before the paternal genome acquires competence for replication, a prerequisite for syngamy. All these events must be highly coordinated to allow the first zygotic nucleus to form with the two sets of parental chromosomes and enter the first mitotic cycle. Our laboratory has identified yemanuclein-alpha, also called yemanuclein (yem) in a molecular screen for genes specifically expressed in the female germ line and its first mutant allele yem1, in a female sterile screen. The role played by yem not only in the meiotic process through which a haploid maternal pronucleus is formed but also in the zygotic process that makes a paternal pronucleus competent for syngamy, is underscored by the obtention of exceptional parthenogenetic progeny from yem1 mothers.My thesis work is precisely dedicated to the analysis of both aspects of Yemanuclein function: in the oocyte and the zygote. Using genetic, biochemical and cell biology methods we were able to uncover essential functions of Yemanuclein in early meiotic prophase in the Drosophila oocyte. Using yem1 allele (V478E), we could show its requirement for meiotic recombination especially for the frequency and timing of the double strand breaks formation. Yemanuclein association with two protein complexes, the Synaptonemal Complex (SC) and the Cohesin complex known to be required for proper chromosome segregation, supports these findings. Beyond its meiotic function, Yemanuclein is also required in the zygote for assembly of paternal pronucleus chromatin. This is achieved through a third complex that acts as histone H3.3 chaperone. In the present manuscript we identify Yemanuclein as a partner of HIRA in its role in H3.3 nucleosome assembly and deposition on the paternal pronucleus. Interestingly Yemanuclein is the first member of the HPC2/UBN1 protein family ever characterized. The role of Yem/ HPC2/ UBN1 in replication independent chromatin remodeling remained elusive until very recently. Our work is original in that it is the first to report on a role of one member of this family in oocyte meiosis and paternal chromatin assembly in the zygote

Lin, Hsuan-Chun. "Development and Application of High Throughput Methods for Interrogating RNA Binding Specificity." Case Western Reserve University School of Graduate Studies / OhioLINK, 2017. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=case1481206951509556.

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Berger, Martina. "Der Einfluss von CD95, Fas auf Motorik, Lernfähigkeit, Regeneration und Apoptose nach Schädelhirntrauma." kostenfrei, 2009. http://epub.uni-regensburg.de/14407/.

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Ahlgren, Jonas. "Operatörslift : konstruktion av hissanordning till operatörsplattform." Thesis, University West, Department of Technology, 2003. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-838.

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Lindvik, Leif-Oskar. "«En snill og finslig hird» : Kongshirdens utvikling under Sverre." Thesis, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Institutt for historiske studier, 2014. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:no:ntnu:diva-25390.

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Bell, Jennifer. "Influence of lipid concentration on polyethylene wear in hip prostheses." Thesis, University of Leeds, 2000. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.391522.

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Magenheim, Nina. "Entlastungskraniektomie - Komplikationen und Outcome." [S.l. : s.n.], 2008. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:289-vts-64106.

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Neal, Christine Crafts. "The life and works of Claude Hirst (1855-1942) /." free to MU campus, to others for purchase, 1998. http://wwwlib.umi.com/cr/mo/fullcit?p9901264.

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Yovaniniz, Letelier María Constanza. "Searching for RR Lyrae in distant galactic fields using UltraVISTA and SUDDS." Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2018. http://repositorio.uchile.cl/handle/2250/168685.

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Tesis para optar al grado de Magíster en Ciencias, Mención Astronomía
Buscamos estrellas tipo RR Lyrae en zonas distantes del halo de la Vía Láctea utilizando datos ya existentes: UltraVISTA, una campaña con observaciones en el infrarojo cercano diseñada para obtener imágenes profundas del campo COSMOS, y SUDSS, una extensión del Dark Energy Survey (DES) que añade observaciones en los extremos del tiempo de obser- vación de DES en varios filtros, con la finalidad de observar las curvas de luz de supernovas a alto redshift. Los resultados de la búsqueda de RR Lyrae con estos datos fueron nulos. Ante estos resultados realizamos observaciones simuladas de RR Lyrae, bajo las mismas condi- ciones de los datos observados, demostrando que la cadencia utilizada en las observaciones no permite la identificación del período de las estrellas RR Lyrae. Finalmente probamos el método desarrollado con datos de HiTS (High Cadence Tran- sient Survey), una campaña dedicada a detectar transientes en el óptico, principalmente las primeras horas de las explosiones de supernovas. Luego de responder favorablemente a las observaciones simuladas, logramos identificar en los datos de HiTS 2015A un total de 106 RR Lyrae 7 de las cuales se encuentran a una distancia mayor a 100 kpc.

Hiris, Lori E. "Atlantis unbound." Thesis, Montana State University, 2009. http://etd.lib.montana.edu/etd/2009/hiris/HirisL0509.pdf.

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The data derived from the study of the hereditary traits in Drosophila-Melanogaster remind the viewer of the tremendous potential in technology and genetic engineering. My Installation is witness to this ever-changing technology and how it shapes our culture, history, and politics. Dreams and nightmares coexist in this installation and my intent is merely to invite the viewer to consider the consequences. Inheritance in the age of database culture and the sovereignty of the Algorithm conspires to envision utopia - a New Atlantis: Bound and Unbound.

Schiebelsberger, Eva Maria. "Ludwig Hirt (1844 - 1907) : ein Pionier der Arbeitsmedizin." kostenfrei, 2009. http://epub.uni-regensburg.de/14578/.

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Engelberth, Joachim. "Nutzung von freilebenden N2-fixierenden Bakterien für die Stickstoffversorgung von Hirsen auf marginalen Böden /." Göttingen : E. Goltze, 1991. http://bvbr.bib-bvb.de:8991/F?func=service&doc_library=BVB01&doc_number=002879334&line_number=0001&func_code=DB_RECORDS&service_type=MEDIA.

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Sjöström, Rasmus, and Essa Baabish. "Hisskrav vid ombyggnad av en q-märkt fastighet : En fallstudie av fastigheten Gnistan 2 i Bollnäs." Thesis, Högskolan i Gävle, Avdelningen för bygg- energi- och miljöteknik, 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-19937.

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Culturally interesting buildings are often inaccessible in consideration of today´s standards. When reconstructing a building, the new construction requirements have to be satisfied. This could be a problem when the building is culturally marked.   The purpose of this report is to produce a draft for a new floor plan for the three-story building  Gnistan 2 in Bollnäs, that is accessibility adapted and simultaneously meet conservation requirements.   The first question to be answered in the thesis is if the building requires an elevator.  To answer that question, a study on BBR, PBL, BVL and Svensk Standard has been made. Also an interview with Gävle municipality and a study via internet sources has been made. The other question is how the Culture marking is going to affect the accessibility of the building. To answer that question a study on BBR, PBL, PBF* and Svensk Standard has been made, also an interview with Gävle municipality and a literature review has been made. The last questions that have been answered are evacuation and the reconstruction plausibility. This will be answered through literature review and a study via internet sources and BBR, PBL, PBF and Svensk Standard.  The result shows that it is able to find a solution that fits the accessibility and at the same time preserving the cultural value of the building. The reconstruction should be based on the condition of the building.   The lift requirements in this case could be disregarded because the building was considered to have two floors as the top floor was part of a duplex apartment.   There must be a projection for an elevator so that later in time it will be easy to install an elevator if needed. The reconstruction of the building seems reasonable considering the revenues that the apartments will bring.

Glaesser, Judith. "Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung bei Patienten mit Schädel-Hirn-Trauma Erfassung der Symptomkonstellationen sowie der Häufigkeit /." [S.l. : s.n.], 2002. http://www.bsz-bw.de/cgi-bin/xvms.cgi?SWB10101210.

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Payer, Tobias. "Schädel-Hirn-Traum." Diss., lmu, 2003. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:19-19301.

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Khourieh, Joëlle. "Novel heterozygous STAT3 mutations clarify the molecular basis of the hyper IgE syndrome." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2018. https://wo.app.u-paris.fr/cgi-bin/WebObjects/TheseWeb.woa/wa/show?t=2177&f=15771.

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À ce jour, STAT3 est le seul gène pour lequel des mutations dans les régions codantes sont à l'origine du syndrome hyper-immunoglobuline E autosomique dominant (AD-HIES). Cependant, l'étiologie génétique de 5% des individus répondant aux critères cliniques pour l'AD-HIES reste inconnue. En combinant le séquençage de l'exome entier et l'analyse de liaison génétique, nous avons identifié la première mutation hétérozygote STAT3 intronique, c.1282-89C>T, causant l'AD-HIES chez sept patients de la même famille. Cette mutation crée un nouvel exon au niveau de l'ADNc de STAT3 (D427ins17). Nous avons également identifié deux nouvelles mutations STAT3 non-sens; c.1552C>T conduisant à une protéine tronquée avec un codon stop dans le domaine de liaison de STAT3 (R518*) chez un patient souffrant de l'AD-HIES, et c.2091delT conduisant à une protéine tronquée avec un codon stop entraînant un décalage du cadre de lecture dans le domaine de transactivation de STAT3 (D698Tfs*9) chez deux apparentés atteints de la tuberculose. Dans un système de surexpression, les trois protéines STAT3 mutantes sont perte de fonction en terme de phosphorylation de la tyrosine, de liaison à l'ADN et d'activité transcriptionnelle. Dans les lymphocytes B des patients, les deux allèles non-sens ne sont pas exprimés alors que nous avons trouvé par spectrométrie de masse que l'allèle D427ins17 ne représente que 5 à 20% du STAT3 total dans les cellules du patient. L'activation des leucocytes du patient a démontré une faible réponse aux cytokines STAT3-dépendantes, comme d'autres patients avec l'AD-HIES. Dans un système de surexpression, nous avons montré que les allèles D427ins17 et D698Tfs*9 sont également dominants-négatifs, alors que l'allèle R518* est neutre. Ce travail démontre l'importance du séquençage des introns dans l'établissement du diagnostic génétique pour l'AD-HIES. De plus, l'étude de l'allèle D427ins17 suggère que les mutations provoquant l'AD-HIES peuvent exercer un effet dominant-négatif même lorsqu'elles sont exprimées à des niveaux significativement inférieurs à ceux de la protéine de type sauvage. En revanche, l'étude de l'allèle R518* suggère l'haploinsuffisance comme étant un autre mécanisme susceptible d'entraîner l'AD-HIES; cependant, l'identification et la caractérisation d'un plus grand nombre de mutations non-sens sont nécessaires avant de pouvoir tirer des conclusions définitives
To date STAT3 is the only gene in which variants in coding regions are known to cause Autosomal Dominant Hyper-Immunoglobulin E Syndrome (AD-HIES). Yet, the genetic etiology of 5% of individuals meeting the clinical criteria for AD-HIES remains unknown. Combining whole exome sequencing and genetic linkage analysis, we identified the first deep intronic heterozygous STAT3 mutation, c.1282-89C>T, causing AD-HIES in seven relatives. This mutation creates a new exon in the STAT3 cDNA (D427ins17). We also identified two novel nonsense STAT3 mutation; c.1552C>T leading to a truncated protein with a stop codon in the STAT3 linker domain (R518*) in a patient with AD-HIES, and c.2091delT leading to a truncated protein with a stop codon with a frameshift in STAT3 transactivation domain (D698Tfs*9) in two relatives with tuberculosis. Upon over-expression, the three mutant STAT3 proteins are loss of function in terms of tyrosine phosphorylation, DNA-binding, and transcriptional activity. In patient's B cells, R518* and D698Tfs*9 alleles are not expressed whereas we found by mass spectrometry that the D427ins17 allele only represents 5 to 20% of total STAT3 in the patient's cells. Activation of patient's leucocytes demonstrated a poor respond to STAT3-dependent cytokines, like other patients with AD-HIES. Upon overexpression, we show that D427ins17 and D698Tfs*9 are equally dominant-negative alleles, whereas R518* allele is neutral. This work emphasis the importance of intron sequencing in the establishment of genetic diagnostics in AD-HIES. Moreover, the study of the D427ins17 allele suggests that AD-HIES-causing mutations can exert their negative-dominance even when expressed at significantly lower levels than the wild-type protein. On the other hand, the study of R518* allele shed the light on haploinsufficiency as another possible mechanism causing AD-HIES; however, the identification and characterization of more nonsense mutations is necessary before drawing any firm conclusions

Lindley, Arlette. "Robert Merle : his life, his work." Thesis, Lancaster University, 1995. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.309021.

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Smith, Jeffrey. "James Losh : his ideas in relation to his circle and his time." Thesis, Northumbria University, 1996. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.245210.

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Damag, Annette. "Möglichkeiten der (heil- )pädagogischen Förderung des Essens, Trinkens und Schluckens von Menschen mit schweren neurologischen Erkrankungen im Koma und in den frühen Komaremissonsphasen /." Frankfurt am Main [u.a.] : Lang, 2007. http://bvbr.bib-bvb.de:8991/F?func=service&doc_library=BVB01&doc_number=016140352&line_number=0002&func_code=DB_RECORDS&service_type=MEDIA.

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Trabold, Raimund. "Mechanismen des sekundären Nekrosewachstums nach fokalem kortikalen Trauma mit und ohne arterielle Hypotension." München Verl. Dr. Hut, 2008. http://d-nb.info/989219240/04.

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Rother-Kossagk, Christina. "Leben nach einer erworbenen Hirnläsion Reaktionen auf die Traumatisierung und Folgen für Lebensplanung und soziale Einbindung." Aachen Shaker, 2007. http://d-nb.info/992936136/04.

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Wall, Axel. "Att analysera och skriva hitlåtar." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för musik och bild (MB), 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-45132.

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Černý, Michal. "Systémy detekce a prevence průniku." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2010. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-218240.

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The detection and intrusion prevention systems could be realized as independent hardware or set in the software form on to the host. The primary purpose of these protective elements is the undesirable activity detection such as integrity intrusion of the files, invalid attempts while connecting to the remote service or acquisition of the local network data. The systems react to the event on the basis of the action that is defined by internal rules. We can include the caution sending or communication blocking among possible counteractions. The base principals of the detection and intrusion prevention systems are described in the dissertation. Various types of captured data analyses and processes of the inhere rules creation and further more caution formats are mentioned in the dissertation. There are also considered the alternatives of their location including advantages of selected situations. There is described the installation and setting up of particular elements of the realized network and security systems. In order to the verification of functionality and factor of the protection providing there was realized several selected types of attacks.

Roach, Tracy Marie. "Use of biochemical approaches to elucidate substrate recognition by archaeal and eukaryotic Thg1 family enzymes." The Ohio State University, 2020. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu158772476842686.

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Ramalho, Elba Braga. "Luiz Gonzaga : his life and his music." Thesis, University of Liverpool, 1997. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.364181.

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De, Villiers Gerda. "Understanding Gilgamesh : his world and his story." Thesis, University of Pretoria, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/2263/22989.

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Understanding Gilgamesh – brokenly – is to understand life brokenly. The Epic of Gilgamesh is the narrative of life. It records the full cycle of the nerve and aplomb of youth, of the doubt and crisis of midlife, of the acceptance and quiescience of maturity. Moreover, this understanding is a broken understanding. It starts with the clay tablets that are broken in a literal sense of the word. Further, the narrative is a narrative of broken-ness – the story ends in tears. A man has lost his last chance of obtaining life everlasting. Yet he manages to recuperate despite his failure. The first part of this thesis examined the world of Gilgamesh. Initially he was known as the Sumerian king Bilgames. He makes his appearance in the form of oral compositions that are recited or sung in the royal courts of kings during the Sumerian period: sheer entertainment, nothing really serious. At his side is his loyal servant Enkidu who supports his master in everything he does. Akkadian gradually ousts Sumerian as vernacular, yet the latter continues to dominate as the language of culture and court. Bilgames survives the reign of the Sargonic dynasty, and even revives during the glorious Ur III period of Shulgi and of Ur-Nammu. Sumerian Bilgames-poems are recorded in writing. However, by the time that Hammurapi draws up his legal codex, the Sumerian Bilgames is known as the vibrant Akkadian king Gilgamesh. His servant Enkidu is elevated to the status of friend. Together they defy men, gods, monsters. When Enkidu dies, Gilgamesh goes even further in search of life everlasting. He reaches Uta-napishtim the Distant in order to learn the secret of eternal life. The optimism of the Old Babylonian Kingdom is replaced by the reflection and introspection of the Middle period. Life is difficult. Life is complex. The Gilgamesh Epic is once again re-interpreted and supplemented by a prologue and an epilogue: both begin and end at the same place, at the walls of Uruk. Here Gilgamesh looks back and forward to his life and contemplates about the meaning of life in general. The second part of this thesis dealt more specifically with the story – the literary aspects of the Epic. Genette’s theory illuminated several interesting literary devices with regards to the rhythm and pace of the narrative. However, much of the reflective nature of the Epic was also revealed. There were moments of looking forward, and looking backward: after Gilgamesh broke down in tears at the end of the Epic, he suddely gained perspective on life. Somehow a broken narrative focused into a meaningful whole that may just make future sense. Jauss’s theory illuminated why Gilgamesh refuses to be forgotten, why he is once again alive and well in the twenty first century. Although he was buried in the ruins of Nineveh for a thousand plus years, he is suddenly back on the scene – and not for academic reasons only. Not only scholars of the Ancient Near East take an interest in the old Epic, but also people from all sectors of life. Somehow Gilgamesh seems to respond to questions that are asked even by those who understand nuclear physics – but who grapple with the paradox of living meaningfully. Understanding Gilgamesh – brokenly – understands life.
Thesis (DLitt)--University of Pretoria, 2006.
Ancient Languages

Perez, Flora Olga Cristina. "Ernesto Lecuona: HIs Life and His Songs." The Ohio State University, 2013. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1373372039.

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Hohertz, Jeremy D. "Formation of a globular cluster via gravitational capture." Oxford, Ohio : Miami University, 2008. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc%5Fnum=miami1217352629.

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Corley, Brigitte. "Conrad von Soest : his altarpieces, his workshop and his place in European art." Thesis, Birkbeck (University of London), 1991. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.369553.

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Chabi, Sara. "Etude des conséquences de l'hypoxie dans les étapes précoces de la lymphopoïèse humaine." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2018. https://theses.md.univ-paris-diderot.fr/CHABI_Sara_2_va_20181113.pdf.

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L’environnement hypoxique caractérise la niche hématopoïétique médullaire et les organes lymphoïdes. L’hypoxie physiologique est indispensable au bon fonctionnement des cellules souches hématopoïétiques (CSHs) en assurant son maintien tout au long de la vie de l’individu. Elle induit la quiescence cellulaire via l’inactivation de la respiration mitochondriale et la protection de l’accumulation des dérivés réactifs de l’oxygène, toxiques pour l’homéostasie des CSHs. L’adaptation au microenvironnement hypoxique fait intervenir des protéines sensorielles appelées HIFs (facteurs de réponse à l’hypoxie). Ces facteurs interviennent à plusieurs niveaux de la machinerie cellulaire permettant aux cellules souches de préserver leurs propriétés fondamentales d’autorenouvèlement, de quiescence et de multipotence. La lymphopoïèse est le mécanisme qui permet la génération des cellules lymphoïdes B, T et NK. Ce mécanisme prend place très tôt dans le développement hématopoïétique à partir de la CSH et fait intervenir séquentiellement différents acteurs cellulaires tels que les MPPs (multipotent progenitors), les LMPPs (lymphoid-primed multipotent progenitors), les Pro-TNK et les Pro-B. Le développement lymphoïde est soumis à l’hypoxie, mais très peu de données ont été rapportées dans la littérature concernant la régulation de la lymphopoïèse par de faibles doses d’oxygène. Dans ce travail, nous avons abordé la question du rôle de l’hypoxie dans le développement lymphoïde humain en se concentrant sur les premières phases de la différenciation lymphoïde. Nous avons constaté que l’hypoxie agit différemment sur les progéniteurs hémato-lymphoïdes en modulant spécifiquement le potentiel lymphoïde des LMPPs et des Pro-TNK. De plus, l’implication différentielle des facteurs HIFs en fonction des progéniteurs cibles LMPPs et Pro-TNK, a également été mise en évidence. Ainsi, pour la première fois, nous avons pu démontrer que l’hypoxie et les facteurs HIFs modulent in vitro et in vivo les étapes précoces de la différenciation lymphoïde humaine
The hypoxic environment characterizes the medullary hematopoietic niche and lymphoid organs. Physiological hypoxia is fundamental for the proper functioning of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) by allowing its maintenance throughout the life of the individual. Hypoxia induces cell quiescence via the inactivation of mitochondrial respiration and the protection of the accumulation of reactive oxygen, toxic for HSC homeostasis. Adaptation to the hypoxic microenvironment involves sensory proteins called HIFs (hypoxia response factors). These factors are involved at several levels of the cellular machinery allowing stem cells to preserve their fundamental properties of self-renewal, quiescence and multipotency. Lymphopoiesis is the mechanism that allows the generation of lymphoid B, T and NK cells. This mechanism takes place very early in hematopoietic development from CSH and involves MPPs (multipotent progenitors), LMPPs (lymphoid-primed multipotent progenitors), Pro-TNK and Pro-B. Lymphoid development is subject to hypoxia, but very little data has been reported in the literature concerning the regulation of lymphopoiesis by low doses of oxygen. In this work we have addressed the role of hypoxia in human lymphoid development by focusing on the early stages of lymphoid differentiation. We found that hypoxia acts differently on hemato-lymphoid progenitors by specifically modulating the lymphoid potential of LMPPs and Pro-TNKs. In addition, the differential involvement of HIF factors according to LMPPs and Pro-TNK target progenitors was also highlighted. Thus, for the first time, we were able to demonstrate that hypoxia and HIF factors modulate in vitro and in vivo the early stages of human lymphoid differentiation

Kobayashi, Noriko. "Robert Schumann : his mental illness and his music /." Thesis, Connect to this title online; UW restricted, 1996. http://hdl.handle.net/1773/11352.

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Paudice, Aleida. "Elia Capsali : his world and his historical works." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2005. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.615289.

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