Academic literature on the topic 'ISOBUS'

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Journal articles on the topic "ISOBUS":


Suomi, P., L. Pesonen, J. Kaivosoja, H. Haapala, T. Oksanen, M. Öhman, M. Miettinen, and A. Visala. "AGRIX-järjestelmä - älyä, automaatiota ja tehokkuutta kasvintuotantoon." Suomen Maataloustieteellisen Seuran Tiedote, no. 21 (January 31, 2006): 1–7.

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Suomen maatalouden on yhä nopeammin reagoitava maailmalla tapahtuvaan kehitykseen. Tuottajahintojen aleneminen ja tuotantopanosten jatkuva hinnan nousu pakottavat viljelijät harkitsemaan yhä tarkemmin koneketjujen mitoitusta ja tehokkuutta. Asiakkaat ja viranomaiset asettavat entistä kovempia vaatimuksia tuotteiden ja tuotannon laadulle sekä jäljitettävyydelle. Työvoiman vähetessä automaation merkitys kasvaa. Myös kotimaisen maatalouskoneteollisuuden olisi pystyttävä vastaamaan yhä kiristyvään kansainväliseen kilpailuun. Agrix-hankkeessa kehitettiin täsmäviljelyä tukeva, avoin ja yleiskäyttöinen kasvinviljelykoneiden automaatiojärjestelmän prototyyppi. Agrix-järjestelmä ohjaa toimin-toja, kokoaa, prosessoi ja välittää tietoa traktorin ja työkoneen välillä ISOBUS:n kautta. ISOBUS on standardisoitu väyläratkaisu traktorin ja työkoneen väliseen säätöön, ohjaukseen ja tiedonsiirtoon. Se koostuu traktorin ja työkoneen elektronisista ohjausyksiköistä, tehtäväohjaimesta sekä virtuaaliterminaalista, joka toimii järjestelmän käyttöliittymänä. Väylälle on mahdollista saada myös tietoa ulkoisista mittauksista, kuten paikkatietoa GPS:ltä. Tehtäväohjaimen kautta järjestelmä on yhteydessä ulkoisiin tietojärjestelmiin, kuten maatilan tietojärjestelmään. Työkonevalmistajien on mahdollista rakentaa erilaisia työkoneita ISOBUS-yhteensopiviksi Agrix-hankkeen aikana kehitetyn menetelmän avulla. Jotta ISOBUS-väylää voitaisiin hyödyntää tehokkaasti, työkone on instrumentoitava tarvittavaa tie-donkeruuta ja mahdollisia automaattisia toimintoja varten mittausanturein ja toimielimin. Agrix-järjestelmällä voidaan toteuttaa älykkäitä, viljelijän työtä helpottavia ja työn laatua varmistavia toimenpiteitä. Järjestelmällä kyetään toteuttamaan paikkakohtaiset kylvö-, lannoitus- ja ruiskutussuunnitelmat sekä dokumentoimaan niiden toteutus. Tuotannon jäljitettävyys syntyy dokumenteista, joiden avulla voidaan osoittaa viljelyssä käytetty tuotantotapa. Tulevaisuudessa järjestelmän tuottamia dokumentteja voidaan käyttää myös sähköisessä kirjanpidossa. Viljelytiedon ohella järjestelmä huolehtii koneautomaation tarvitsemasta tiedonkulusta. Parhaan tehokkuuden saavuttamiseksi automaatiojärjestelmän käytettävyys ja luotettavuus ovat keskeisiä tekijöitä. Päisteautomatiikka vähentää työn rasittavuutta ja parantaa toteutuksen laatua. Työn laatua pyritään parantamaan myös opastavalla tai automaattisella työkoneen kalibroinnilla. Järjestelmä tarkkailee tilaansa ja ilmoittaa varhaisessa vaiheessa laitteiston vikaantumisesta. Tämän lisäksi järjestelmä valvoo ja säätää työn laatua ja ilmoittaa, jos laatukriteereitä ei voida saavuttaa. Agrix-järjestelmä on osoittautunut sekä toiminnan että toteutuksen dokumentoinnin osalta luotettavaksi. Käytettävyyttä tutkittiin ja kehitettiin osana yleisempää maatalousteknologian käytettävyyden tutkimusmenetelmien kehittämistä. Agrix-järjestelmää kehitettäessä havaittiin, että hyvä käytettävyys on turvallisen ja tehokkaan automaatiojärjestelmän edellytys.

László, Magó, Kosta Gligorević, Milan Dražić, and Mićo Oljača. "Determination of main parameters of ISOBUS system based agricultural machinery management." Poljoprivredna tehnika 46, no. 3 (2021): 40–48.

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ISO organization ( in early 90s defined an industry standard for the communication protocol among electronic devices of different manufacturers of agricultural machines. After that, all of the market actors recognised that this technology would be very important for agricultural electronics. The appearance of ISOBUS products in the market was in the mid-2000s. ISOBUS description could be found in ISO-11783 ( Through the standards and the related technical background, the production processes and the operations could be followed and monitored by the extensive Data Management. Farmers' and users legitimate needs and developing goal is to elaborate a decision support systems that follow-up the utilisation of the machines and ensure the quality of operations. For this purpose, it is essential to determine which technical, economical, technological parameters detection, measurement, transmission, processing, and evaluation becomes necessary. In our work, we reviewed which mechanical characteristic, settings are monitored within the ISOBUS system by the major machine manufacturers. We developed the system of parameters and derived features that provide effective farm-, and land-management in case of attached equipment for spreading of input materials, plant protection and tillage implements.

Stoll, Gabe P., Joe D. Luck, Santosh K. Pitla, and Rodney A. Rohrer. "Integration of Auxiliary Sensor Data to ISOBUS for Agricultural Machinery Data Collection." Applied Engineering in Agriculture 37, no. 1 (2021): 157–62.

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HighlightsA novel data acquisition system was developed to synchronously log CANbus machine operating parameters with auxiliary sensor data converted and transmitted via the ISObus.A relationship between the number of added messages and frequency of transmission was evaluated.Knowledge of existing bus loads can lead to successful deployment of the data acquisition system for field data logging of both machine and implement data.Abstract. While standalone CAN data loggers offer a simplified, plug-and-play solution for agricultural machinery performance data collection, information that can be obtained from these devices are limited to data contained within interpretable messages broadcast over the machinery CAN bus. For machinery performance parameters that cannot be interpreted from CAN data, alternative methods are needed to record these variables. This application note discusses the development of a customized solution, named the Sensor CAN Gateway (or SCANGate), that integrates various components, including an Electronic Controller Unit (ECU), to allow auxiliary sensor data to be recorded by a CAN data logger through message transmission over a tractor’s ISOBUS. Testing with a modern tractor validated that the impact on bus load from added messages transmitted by the SCANGate could be determined based on the number of additional messages added per time interval. With knowledge of existing bus load requirements for an implement connected to a tractor’s ISOBUS, it can be determined whether the SCANGate can further enhance a standalone CAN data logger for a given application. Keywords: Agricultural machinery, CAN bus, Controller Area Network (CAN), Data acquisition, SAE J1939.

Lee, Chang-Joo, Hak-Jin Kim, Jong-Woo Ha, Bong-Jin Cho, and Duk-Soo Choi. "An ISOBUS-Networked Electronic Self-Leveling Controller for the Front-End Loader of an Agricultural Tractor." Applied Engineering in Agriculture 33, no. 6 (2017): 757–67.

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Abstract. There has been a growing trend toward electronic control of hydraulic systems in agricultural machinery to improve operator comfort. Rapid advances in information and communications technology and the expansion of agricultural attachments have led to the introduction of control systems following the ISOBUS standard. Feedback control of a front-end loader (FEL) using electro-hydraulic proportional valves and sensors allows automatic activation of the boom and bucket cylinders and repetitive operational sequences of FEL functions. The mechanical self-leveling systems commonly used to prevent rollback have a limited range of operation and provide overcompensation beyond that range, therefore requiring considerable driver attention when operating the FEL. This article describes the development and evaluation of an ISOBUS-networked electronic self-leveling system that uses three electronic control units (ECUs), i.e., loader, joystick, and virtual terminal ECUs, to automatically adjust the orientation of the loader bucket with respect to the ground based on real-time measurements of bucket angle and angular velocity. Key improvements to the system, compared to a previous study that developed a proportional and integral (PI)–based self-leveling controller include the addition of a velocity feedback element and a dead-time effect computation to the control loop. An embedded electronic controller was implemented on agricultural tractors to test its ability to maintain the desired bucket angle regardless of varying ground slopes or the lifting or lowering motion of the boom. In laboratory testing with a FEL simulator, the use of the velocity feedback loop enabled the bucket angles to reach reference angles of +20°, showing reductions in rise times from 0.75 to 0.51 s and from 0.84 to 0.39 s on ascending and descending slopes, respectively, compared to the PI-based self-leveling algorithm. At a traveling velocity of 2.5 km/h, there was little change in bucket angle, with an almost constant level of <1°. However, at a velocity of 7.5 km/h, inflection points on the paved road caused relatively large deviations from the reference angle ranging from 3° to 5°, thus requiring the use of a look-ahead method to predict sudden changes in slope using a LIDAR sensor that can characterize the ground surface. In an outdoor bench test using a joystick to raise and lower the boom of a FEL, the self-leveling algorithm allowed the bucket angle to be maintained at the desired level, with RMSEs of 2.1±0.65° and 3.4±0.81° in the raising and lowering modes, respectively; thus, it could be implemented in an electronic self-leveling system for a FEL, which could then be employed in an ISOBUS-networked tractor offering the potential to eliminate the possibility of load rollback. Keywords: Dead-time computation, Electro-hydraulic proportional valve, Electronic control unit, Front-end loader, ISOBUS, Self-leveling, Velocity feedback.

Magó, L., and I. Kovács. "Technical and Technological Parameters of ISOBUS System Supported Machinery Management." Hungarian Agricultural Engineering 35 (2019): 34–38.

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Iglesias, Natalia, Pilar Bulacio, and Elizabeth Tapia. "Enabling powerful GUIs in ISOBUS networks by transparent data compression." Computer Standards & Interfaces 36, no. 5 (September 2014): 801–7.

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Bauer, Jan, René Helmke, Alexander Bothe, and Nils Aschenbruck. "CAN’t track us: Adaptable privacy for ISOBUS controller area networks." Computer Standards & Interfaces 66 (October 2019): 103344.

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Ronkainen, Ari. "Design considerations for ISOBUS class 3 machinery system's human-machine interaction." IFAC Proceedings Volumes 46, no. 18 (August 2013): 259–63.

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Iglesias, Natalia, Pilar Bulacio, and Elizabeth Tapia. "Arquitectura de comunicación para la digitalización de la agricultura en torno a la maquinaria agrícola." Elektron 4, no. 2 (December 14, 2020): 93–99.

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Se presenta una arquitectura de comunicación para habilitar servicios en la nube en torno a la maquinaria agrícola en zonas rurales con infraestructura de conectividad limitada. La arquitectura propuesta se compone de tres módulos, Unidad a bordo, gateway y servicio en la nube, que extienden el alcance de la cobertura de comunicación y permiten el intercambio de datos desde la maquinaria agrícola a la nube. La arquitectura se implementa con hardware de bajo costo y librerías de código abierto que permiten una rápida implementación. Los resultados obtenidos, en términos de latencia de comunicación, indican que la solución es adecuada para aplicaciones de monitoreo en maquinarias agrícola que utilizan ISOBUS.

Haapala, Hannu. "User-Centred Design and Multi-Actor Approach in Agricultural Innovations – Case: Combi Drill Design." Agricultural Machinery and Technologies 13, no. 2 (April 28, 2019): 15–19.

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Abstract.The author has shown that modern technologies do not always meet the expectations of farmers, and this may adversely affect the pace of innovation. It has been confirmed that the developers of agricultural equipment do not clearly understand the context of the use of products and identified the need to use a multi-factor approach: therefore, partners possessing specific knowledge in different areas should join efforts in project activities at all stages of innovation. (Research purpose) To prove that a user-centered design and a multi-factor approach in the development of agricultural machinery increase their efficiency and accelerate the introduction of innovations. (Materials and methods) It is shown that Finnish research and development projects of agricultural machinery design involve numerous participants and end users. For example, the seven-metre-wide combi drill ‘Junkkari W700’ was designed by the Finnish manufacturer Junkkari Oy in close cooperation with end-users and researchers. As a result of the innovation process several benefits have been realized. The drill is easy to operate and service. The users appreciate the straight-forward construction and moderate cost of the drill as compared to competing pneumatic drills. The need for hydraulics is minimized and the row spacing and coulter design has been optimized so that economical tractors with moderate drawbar power can be used. The ISOBUS-based control electronics was designed to be fitted either in the existing tractor or, if ISOBUS is missing, with an optional cable-set and terminal. That enables the users to easily integrate the drill in existing machine chains, having either modern or older tractors, without extra tractor investments. Much attention was put on quality, e.g. individual feeders for every coulter give accurate dosage of seed and fertilizer. The prototyping together with end-users and researchers enabled Junkkari to speed up the innovation process. (Results and discussion) Several benefits proved to have been realized. First of all, the drill is easy to operate and service. The users appreciate the straight-forward construction and moderate cost of the drill as compared to competing pneumatic drills. The need for hydraulics is minimized and the row spacing and coulter design has been optimized so that economical tractors with moderate drawbar power can be used. The ISOBUS-based control electronics as well as an optional cable-set and terminal were designed to be fitted either in the existing tractor. That enables the users to easily integrate the drill in existing machine types, having either modern or older tractors, without extra tractor investments. The design quality was approved, e.g. individual feeders for every coulter give accurate metering of seeds and fertilizers. (Conclusions) The author proves that user-centered design and multi-factor approach methodologies have benefits both for the users and manufacturers. Swift innovation process saves resources and minimizes the need for excess iterations in the innovation process.

Dissertations / Theses on the topic "ISOBUS":


Hahne, Tyrén Linnea. "Utveckling av skyddskrets för spänningsavbrott i ISOBUS." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för kemi, bioteknologi och hälsa (CBH), 2020.

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Sammanfattning Projektet syftade till att utveckla ett adapterkort för att göra en pekskärmsdator tillfordonsmarknaden kompatibel med ISOBUS. Eftersom datorn tillsammans med adapterkortska sitta i ett fordon blev det också relevant att ta fram ett skydd för pulsernai ISO 7637-2 Road Vehicles. Även en utredning om hur adapterkortet ska integrerasi datorn togs fram. Genom att simulera olika lösningar kunde ett adapterkorttas fram. Resultatet blev att målsättningen uppfylldes vilket innebar att spänningenkunde bibehållas under ett 2ms långt avbrott, samt att ett skydd för pulsernai ISO 7637-2 Road Vehicles utvecklades till adapterkortet. Nyckelord ISOBUS, ISO 7637, Transient, Drossel, TVS-diod, Överspänningsstopp, Termistor,Överström

Ramos, João António Avença. "Tecnologia ISOBUS em tratores e máquinas agrícolas." Bachelor's thesis, Escola Superior Agrária de Elvas - Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre, 2021.

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A nova PAC 2030 prevê a necessidade do uso de fatores de produção de forma mais racional pelo que a mecanização assume um papel determinante para o alcance deste objetivo. Assim, no decorrer do ano agrícola de 2021 no âmbito do Projeto ISOmap Forragem ALT20-03-0246-FEDER-000062, realizaram-se um conjunto de trabalhos de aplicação de produtos à taxa variável com tecnologia ISOBUS na comunicação de dados entre tratores e máquinas agrícolas de diferentes fabricantes. Foram utilizadas duas máquinas operadoras previamente calibradas, um distribuidor centrifugo de adubo e um pulverizador de jato projetado que trabalharam ora com o respetivo controlador eletrónico, ora com o terminal virtual de um trator agrícola. Os dados dos ficheiros para aplicação à taxa varável resultaram das avaliações feitas em campo do projeto ISOmap Forragem, tendo sido testadas uma plataforma digital e um software em linha de acesso aberto na sua operacionalidade. No final do trabalho pode constatar-se que o uso da tecnologia ISOBUS permitiu a comunicação de informação entre máquinas de diferentes fabricantes para a aplicação de produtos à taxa varável, apesar de se reconhecer a necessidade do treino dos operadores neste tipo de instrumentos e do investimento na atualização dos parques de máquinas das respetivas explorações agrícolas,
The new CAP 2030 foresees the need to a rationally use of inputs, so that mechanization plays a decisive role in achieving this objective. Thus, in 2021 agricultural year, within the scope of the ISOmap Forage Project ALT20-03-0246-FEDER-000062, a set of works were carried out considering the application of variable rate products and the use of ISOBUS technology in the communication of data between tractors and agricultural machines from different manufacturers. Two operating machines were used, a fertilizer spreader and a jet sprayer that worked either with the respective electronic controller or with the virtual terminal of an agricultural tractor. Data files for application at a variable rate resulted from field evaluations of the ISOmap Forragem project, and its operation was carried out using open access online digital software and platforms. At the end of the work, it can be concluded that the use of ISOBUS technology made it easier the communication between tractor and implements from different manufacturers for the application of products at a variable rate, despite the need for operator training and investment in the update of the respective agricultural machinery.

Eklund, Pauline. "Implementering av ISOBUS på ECU vid Ålö AB." Thesis, Umeå universitet, Institutionen för tillämpad fysik och elektronik, 2017.

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A serial bus called ISOBUS based on CAN is becoming more and more common in the agriculture and forestry industry. The bus specifies communication between tractors and their implements. Earlier each implement had its own monitor to show its functionalities, which could lead to a lot of monitors in the tractor cabin. ISOBUS requires only one monitor, called VT (Virtual Terminal), regardless of the manufacturer of the implement. The aim of this thesis is to implement ISOBUS at Ålö’s ECU (Electronic Control Unit) so that it can present its functionalities to VT. The aim is to integrate a purchased third party commercial ISOBUS library on ECU. The amount of work to achieve ISOBUS compatibility without third party library shall be estimated, and if there is time the task shall also be carried out. An object pool based on Ålö’s existing interface shall be created, where the object pool is the graphical interface shown at VT. A demonstrator of ISOBUS VT shall be done. To implement the third party library hardware functions towards the CAN-bus was required. The hardware functions include receiving messages from a buffer and send messages directly on the bus. For the library to be alive and running it had to be initialized and a periodic call to the library had to be done. The result is that the library was implemented on ECU and data flows between ECU and VT. To achieve ISOBUS compatibility without third party library the existing protocol on Ålö’s ECU has to be removed by a base support for ISOBUS. Then a last part must be written to achieve full compatibility. Commands that the ISOBUS standard defines between ECU and VT has to be written, and callback functions that is called when VT sends commands to ECU. Management of answers and errors also have to be implemented. ISOBUS compatibility without third party library wasn’t carried out, but the amount of work was estimated and a general description of what has to be done is written. The conclusion is that it requires a lot of work and scrutiny of the standard. The advantage is that you get an insight into how the system works and the ability to influence functionalities yourself. The object pool design was based on Ålö’s existing interface. Menu systems was implemented, and a linear bar graph and a meter have the possibilities to show height and angle of the tractor loader bucket. Different ways to show a menu system has been discussed. The result is an object pool with the basic functions for Ålö’s interface, the demonstrator presents these functionalities. The interface for VT can be made quite similar to Ålö’s existing interface, with some differences such as fonts, image quality and menu functions.
En seriell buss kallad ISOBUS baserat på CAN blir allt vanligare inom jordbruk- och skogsindustrin. Bussen reglerar hur kommunikationen mellan traktorer och redskap fungerar. Tidigare har varje redskap haft en egen monitor för att se över redskapets funktioner, vilket innebär att det kan bli många skärmar i traktorhytten. Med ISOBUS behövs bara en monitor, så kallad VT (Virtuell Terminal), oavsett tillverkare av redskapet. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att implementera ISOBUS på Ålö:s ECU (Electronic Control Unit) för att denna ska kunna presentera sina funktioner på VT. Målet är att integrera ett inköpt tredjeparts kommersiellt ISOBUS bibliotek på ECU. Arbetet för att uppnå ISOBUS kompatibilitet utan tredjepartsbiblioteket skall uppskattas, och om tid finns utföras. En objektpool baserat på Ålös existerande gränssnitt ska skapas, där objektpoolen är det grafiska interface som visas på VT. En demonstrator av ISOBUS VT skall sättas upp. För att implementera tredjepartsbiblioteket krävde biblioteket hårdvarufunktioner mot CANbussen. Hårdvarufunktionerna tar bland annat emot meddelanden från en buffert och skickar ut meddelanden direkt på bussen. För att biblioteket skulle vara igång och köra måste det initieras och ett periodiskt anrop göras till biblioteket. Resultatet är att biblioteket implementerades på ECU och att det flödar trafik mellan ECU och VT. För att uppnå ISOBUS kompatibilitet utan tredjepartsbibliotek måste det existerande protokollet på Ålös ECU bytas ut med ett grundstöd för ISOBUS. Sedan måste en egen del skrivas för att uppnå full kompatibilitet. Här behöver bland annat kommandon som ISOBUS standarden definierar mellan ECU och VT skrivas, samt callbackfunktioner som anropas då VT skickar kommando till ECU. Hantering av svar och felmeddelanden vid kommunikation måste också implementeras. Att uppnå ISOBUS kompatibilitet utan tredjepartsbibliotek hann inte utföras, däremot uppskattades arbetet och en översiktlig beskrivning om vad som behöver utföras gjordes. Slutsatsen är att det kräver väldigt mycket arbete och finläsning av standarden. Fördelen är att man får en inblick i hur systemet fungerar och möjligheten att påverka funktionaliteter själv. Objektpoolen utformades efter hur Ålös existerande gränssnitt ser ut. Menysystem implementerades, samt att streckdiagram och en cirkulär mätare har möjligheten att visa höjd och vinkel på traktorskopan. Olika sätt för att visa ett menysystem har diskuterats. Resultatet är en objektpool med grundläggande funktioner för Ålös gränssnitt, demonstratorn visar dessa funktionaliteter. Resultatet visar på att det går att få gränssnittet för VT ganska likt Ålös existerande, med vissa skillnader som typsnitt, bildkvalité och menyfunktioner.

Öberg, Anders. "Implementering av ISOBUS Virtual Terminal på fordonsdatorn CCP XS." Thesis, Linköping University, Department of Electrical Engineering, 2005.

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Modern agriculture equipment are more computer based today, and many equipments use a terminal in the tractor where the driver have the opportunity to make adjustments to the equipment. This is the reason why ISO developed a new standard called ISOBUS. It is a communication standard based on CAN specially adapted for griculture equipments. The purpose of the standard is that it should be ossible to equip a tractor with a standard terminal called Virtual Terminal that can be used to control the equipment. The use of the terminal should be independent of the manufacturer of the tractor as well as of the equipment.

The purpose of this report is to find a solution of how to use CC Systems on-board computer, CCP XS, as a Virtual Terminal. In the report both Hardware and Software requirements have been examined, but mainly the software requirements. Only one suitable software vendor, Vector Informatik, was found after contacts with different software suppliers. It have not been possible to test this package because of the high price for the evaluation license.

A demonstration solution has also been developed in the project. It consists of a simulator program, that runs on a PC, connected to a CPP XS that executes a Virtual Terminal program. An ISOBUS compatible J1939 protocol stack from Ixxat Automation has been integrated in the Virtual Terminal program. It gives the opportunity to test the protocol stack on a CPP XS. In order to limit the size of the project, not all functions in the ISOBUS standard is implemented in the demonstration solution.

Moderna jordbruksredskap har blivit allt mer datoriserade och många använder sig av en terminal i traktorn där föraren har möjlighet att göra inställningar på redskapet. Därför har en standard för detta tagits fram av ISO kallad ISOBUS. Det är en kommunikationsstandard baserad på CAN speciellt framtagen för jordbruksmaskiner. Syftet med standarden är att en traktor skall kunna vara utrustad med en standardterminal kallad Virtual Terminal som används för att styra redskapen. Denna terminal skall kunna användas till samtliga redskap som kopplas till traktorn oberoende av vem som tillverkar redskapen eller traktorn.

Syftet med rapporten är att hitta en lösning för hur CC Systems fordonsdator CCP XS kan användas som en Virtual Terminal. I rapporten har dels kraven på hårdvaran undersökts men det största arbetet har lagts på att hitta en lämplig mjukvarulösning. Efter att ha kontaktat olika leverantörer av mjukvara har endast ett lämpligt mjukvarupaket hittats och det levereras av Vector Informatik. Dock har inte detta paket kunnat testas på grund av det höga priset

på en utvärderingslicens.

Det har också i projektet tagits fram en demonstrator som består av en simulator för PC som kopplas till en CCP XS som kör en Virtual Terminal mjukvara. I programvaran för Terminalen valdes en ISOBUS kompatibel J1939 protokollstack från Ixxat Automation att användas, för att få möjlighet att provköra den protokollstacken på CCP XS. För att arbetet inte skulle bli för stort har dessa programvaror begränsats till att endast stödja vissa funktioner i ISOBUSstandarden.


Barros, Marcelo Freire de. "Proposta de interconexão do padrão ISO 11783 com redes de sensores sem fio padrão ZigBee." Universidade de São Paulo, 2010.

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Entre os avanços tecnológicos que visam recuperar o trato da variabilidade espacial e temporal nas culturas agrícolas está a Agricultura de Precisão que busca, além de outros benefícios, melhorar o aproveitamento dos insumos aplicados e a rodutividade, e reduzir o custo de produção e o impacto ambiental causado pelo excesso desses insumos. Para alcançar estes benefícios, recursos de tecnologia da informação e comunicação estão disponíveis em equipamentos agrícolas, tais como sistemas computacionais, sistemas de comunicação de dados sem fio, orientação por satélite por meio dos sistemas de posicionamento global e redes ISO 11783. Também as Redes de Sensores Sem Fio têm sido introduzidas para monitoração do ambiente agrícola. Acredita-se que o desempenho dessas tecnologias possa ser melhorado com a interconexão de ambas as redes, de modo que os dados dos sensores possam ser coletados diretamente pelo computador embarcado no veículo, a partir do instante que este entre no alcance do sinal dos sensores. Neste contexto, este trabalho tem por objetivo propor e demonstrar a viabilidade da interconexão dessas duas redes dentro do contexto da Agricultura de Precisão. Apoiando-se em pesquisa bibliográfica, realizou-se uma comparação entre os modelos ISO/OSI de ambas as redes e identificou-se quais dispositvos de interconexão seriam mais adequados, propondo-se, então, a interconexão. Para demonstrar a sua viabilidade à Agricultura de Precisão, desenvolveu-se um simulador que permitiu realizar um grande número de simulações que consideraram mais de sessenta cenários distintos. Os resultados foram apresentados sob a forma de gráficos, os quais foram analisados considerando-se as limitações impostas por uma aplicação agrícola. Da análise pôde-se concluir que há viabilidade na interconcxão de forma que unidades computacionais ISO 11783 recebam, em tempo real, dados do ambiente obtidos de Redes de Sensores Sem Fio.
Precision Agriculture is one of the technological advances used to recoup the treatment of spatial and temporal variability in agricultural crops. Besides other benefits, it tries to improve the exploitation of applied inputs, improve the productivity and reduce production cost as well as lessen the impact on environment caused by excess of input. To achieve these benefits, information and communication technology are available in agricultural equipment such as computational systems, wireless communication, satellite orientation by the global positioning systems and ISO 11783 networks. Recently, Wireless Sensor Network has been introduced for agricultural environment monitoration. It is believed that the performance of these technologies can be improved with the interconnection of both networks. In this way, sensor data can be collected by the computer embedded in the vehicle, at the moment that the vehicle goes into the sensor signal area. The objective of this work is to propose and demonstrate the viability of this interconnection between the networks ISO 11783 and WSN in the Precision Agriculture context. Based on bibliographical research, both network ISO/OSI models were compared, the most adequate interconnection devices were identified and the interconnection was proposed. To demonstrate the interconnection viality in Precision Agriculture systems a simulator was denveloped which permited hundreds of simulations to be done in dozens of distint scenes. The results were shown in graphs which were analysed considering the agriculture application limitations. From this analisis, it was possible to conclude that the interconnection is viable, so that ISO 11783 computation units receive environmental data obtained by the Wireless Sensor Network in real time.

Tabile, Rubens André. "Desenvolvimento de um plataforma robótica modular e multifuncional para aquisição de dados em agricultura de precisão." Universidade de São Paulo, 2012.

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A agricultura de precisão e as práticas agrícolas que levam em consideração a proteção do meio ambiente trouxeram, com as suas evoluções, uma série de desafios para a pesquisa. A escala de amostragem e a precisão exigida por estas novas práticas agrícolas muitas vezes são maiores que as exigidas pela agricultura tradicional, elevando os custos de produção. Todo esse processo demanda um expressivo número de pesquisas em desenvolvimento de instrumentos para automação. Entre elas destaca-se a utilização de técnicas de sensoriamento remoto baseado na utilização de tecnologia de sensores On-The-Go, atrelado a sistemas de informação geográfica, os quais são adaptados e desenvolvidos para o uso agrícola. Com esse objetivo, a aplicação de robôs agrícolas móveis é vista como forte tendência, principalmente na União Europeia, Estado Unidos e Japão. No Brasil existe a necessidade da realização de pesquisas para o desenvolvimento de plataformas robóticas, que sirvam de base para sistemas de navegação semi-autônomos e autônomos, que facilitem as operações de aquisição de dados em campo. O objetivo desse trabalho é descrever o projeto de uma plataforma experimental para aquisição de dados e para desenvolvimento de tecnologias de veículos autônomos para operar em ambientes agrícolas. A proposta é baseada em uma sistematização de trabalhos científicos evidenciando as principais metodologias e tecnologias empregadas em veículos e robôs agrícolas, que serviram como base para a construção do modelo apresentado nesse trabalho. A plataforma deve permitir a aquisição em massa de dados em campo para estudo da variabilidade espacial através de sensores e equipamentos que serão embarcados na estrutura.
Precision agriculture and agricultural practices which take into account environment protection leads to several research challenges. Sampling scale and the precision required by these new agricultural practices are often higher than those required by traditional agriculture, raising the costs of production. This whole process requests an expressive number of researches in developing automation instruments. Among them, highlights the use of remote sensing techniques based on the use of On-the-Go sensors technology, coupled to a geographic information system adapted and developed for agricultural use. Aiming this, the application of agricultural mobile robots is a strong tendency, mainly in the European Union, USA and Japan. In Brazil, researches are necessary for the development of robotics platforms, serving as a basis for semi-autonomous and autonomous navigation systems, facilitating data acquisition in the field. The aim of this work is to describe the project of an experimental platform for data acquisition and for the development of autonomous vehicles technologies to operate in agricultural environments. The proposal is based on a systematization of scientific work containing the main methodologies and technologies employed in agricultural vehicles and robots, which were used as a basis for construction of the presented model. The platform shall allow acquisition of field data to study the spatial variability through sensors and equipment that will be loaded in the structure.

Godoy, Eduardo Paciência. "Desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta de análise de desempenho de redes CAN (Controller Area Network) para aplicações em sistemas agrícolas." Universidade de São Paulo, 2007.

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Este trabalho tem base na demanda de pesquisas e desenvolvimento de tecnologias de redes de comunicação (fieldbus) que visam à integração de sistemas de automação e controle para aplicações em sistemas agrícolas. Sistemas agrícolas relacionados com as práticas da agricultura de precisão, com sistemas embarcados em máquinas e implementos agrícolas e com sistemas de controle de estufas e criadouros. É fundamentado também pelos esforços conjuntos no sentido de promover padronização e implementação da norma ISO11783, baseada no CAN, que dê suporte às práticas agrícolas relacionadas com a aquisição e transmissão de grande quantidade de dados. Um dos principais desafios associados ao projeto e utilização de redes de comunicação como o CAN, está relacionado à dificuldade de definição dos parâmetros de configuração para um bom desempenho da rede. O dimensionamento desses parâmetros exerce forte influência no desempenho da rede analisada. Sob o contexto destas necessidades relacionadas, este trabalho apresenta a pesquisa e o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta de análise de desempenho de redes fieldbus baseada no protocolo CAN para integração de dispositivos em aplicações em sistemas agrícolas. As etapas desse desenvolvimento consistem na sistematização e validação de um modelo matemático do enlace de dados da rede, na proposta de uma metodologia de análise de parâmetros de configurações relacionados com a rede e na implementação computacional dessa metodologia. Espera-se que a metodologia implementada seja uma ferramenta que facilite tarefas de análise e obtenção de dados referentes às aplicações. O resultado deste trabalho busca auxiliar no dimensionamento de parâmetros de configuração e na otimização de redes CAN, além de fornecer dados que ajudam no desenvolvimento de soluções baseadas no protocolo CAN e na norma ISO11783.
This work has base in the demand of research and development of data communication networks (fieldbus) to support the integration of control and automation devices for applications in agricultural systems. Agricultural systems related with the precision agriculture practices, with the embedded systems in agricultural machinery and with the greenhouses control and livestock systems. It is also guided by the efforts on the implementation of ISO11783 standard. The ISO11783 (also called ISOBUS) standard communication link is a common tendency to integrated different devices on agricultural machinery through an embedded control network. The ISOBUS use the controller area network (CAN) as a data link protocol to perform the data communication. The correct definition of the data link configuration parameters represents one of the main challenges related to the design of CAN-based networks. The definition of these parameters has influence in the performance of the analyzed network. This work presents the research and the development of a performance analysis tool of CAN-based networks for applications in agricultural systems. This development consists of the systematization and validation of a CAN mathematical model. An analysis methodology is proposed to use the mathematical model. A simulation software was built and implements the methodology. It is expected that the implemented methodology facilitates the analysis tasks of the configuration parameters of the applications. The result obtained may assist in the performance evaluation and in the definition of an optimized configuration for the network based on CAN protocol and ISO11783 standard.

Schroeder, Brittany A. "Prescription Tillage Implementation via Creation of an Agronomic Rule Set and ISOBus Class III Control System for Achieving Spatially Variable Tillage." The Ohio State University, 2019.

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Tillberg, Emil. "Controller Area Network : Möjlig CAN-buss lösningar inom entreprenadbranschen." Thesis, Mittuniversitetet, Avdelningen för kvalitets- och maskinteknik, 2019.

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Företaget engcon Nordic AB producerar redskap till   entreprenadbranschen, där tiltrotator är hjärtat i deras verksamhet. För att   förbättra användningen och förenkla installationen har en litteraturstudie   gjorts som tittar på två delar, funktionen kring CAN-buss som grund för ett   kommunikationssystem, och olika högre lager protokoll som byggs ovanpå CAN.   Varför CAN-buss skapades och hur systemet fungerar är viktiga att förstå för   att kunna titta på dem ovanliggande lager, kallade HLP (Higher Layer   Protocol). HLP ger ett slags maskin-människa gränssnitt att arbeta emot.   Typer av HLP kan vara J1939, ISOBUS eller annan. CAN-buss är den de facto   standarden vad gäller fordonsnätverk där ECU:er, kallad noder, kommunicerar   på en gemensam kommunikationsstam, kallad buss. För att göra detta har en   snillrik teknik tagits fram för att prioritera meddelanden mellan noder, som   ger datamässigt förlustfri medling. CAN-buss har även ett avancerat   feldetekteringssystem på kommunikationen som ger den dess robusthet i   krävande miljöer. Vad gäller olika HLP finns en mängd av dessa inom olika   branscher. Alla har de gemensamt att de bygger upp ett mer eller mindre   användarvänligt gränssnitt som går att implementera ovanpå CAN. Inom till   exempel jordbruket använder man i hög utsträckning ISOBUS som är en egen   branschstandard som delvis ser förbi konkurrensen inom sektor för att bygga   ett enkelt, användarvänligt system som gynnar slutkunden på bästa sätt. Inom   automation används istället CANopen, som är ett öppet system som tillåter hög   interoperabilitet mellan olika enheter med så kallad profilering. Ett sista   system som används inom en rad olika branscher heter CanKingdom och är det   mest anpassningsbara systemet inom denna studie. För att få reda på mer   branschspecifik information kring lösningar och problem gjordes även en   intervjustudie inom projektet. Här intervjuades personer aktiva inom olika   företag som jobbar med CAN baserade system på något sätt. Intervjuerna   gjordes för att titta på relevanta problem inom deras specifika område. Som   resultat specificeras fyra alternativ som projektägaren bör titta vidare på   för att hitta ett system som passar dem. Det bygger på alternativ som   antingen kräver access till befintlig J1939 buss, eller att bygga en mer   eller mindre adapterad modell byggd på ISOBUS, CANopen eller CanKingdom.
The   company engcon Nordic AB produces equipment for the construction industry,   where the product called tiltrotator is the heart of their business. To   improve the use and simplify the installation, a literature study has been   made that looks at two parts, first the function around CAN bus as the basis   for a communication system and secondly various higher layer protocols (HLP)   built on top of CAN. Why CAN bus was created and how the system works is   important to understand in order to look at these overlying layers, called   HLP (Higher Layer Protocol), which provides a kind of machine-human interface   to work with. Different types of HLP can be J1939, ISOBUS or other. CAN bus   is the de facto standard for vehicle networks where ECUs (Electronic Control   Unit), called nodes, communicating on a common communication network, called   bus. To do this, an ingenious technique has been developed to prioritize   messages between nodes, which provides data loss-free arbitration. In CAN an   advanced technique for error detection on the communication has been applied,   and gives CAN the robustness to be applied in tough environment. As for various   HLPs, a large number of these are available in different industries. Every   one of these HLP has a common that they try to build a more or less user-friendly   interface that can be implemented on top of CAN. For example, in the   agricultural industry, the use of ISOBUS is common, which is an industrial   standard that goes beyond competition to build a simple, user-friendly system   that benefits the customer to the best possible extent. In automation,   instead, CANopen is used, which is an open system that allows high   interoperability between different units with so-called profiling. One last   system used in a number of industries is called CanKingdom and is the most   adaptable system in this project. In order to find out more industry-specific   information about solutions and problems, an interview study was also   conducted within the project. Here, various people were interviewed, active   in different companies that are involved in CAN-based systems. This was done to   look at relevant problems in their specific area. As a   result, four options are specified which the project owner should look at in   order to find a system that suits them. It is based on alternatives that   either require access to the existing J1939 bus, or to build a more or less   adapted model built on ISOBUS, CANopen or CanKingdom.

Betyg: 2019-08-15


Sakai, Rodrigo Martins Romeira. "Rede serial para comunicação de dados e controle em sistema embarcado: estudo de implementação da ISO 11783." Universidade de São Paulo, 2008.

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As redes digitais demonstraram ser uma solução eficaz em automação. A conexão de diferentes módulos de diferentes fabricantes em um único barramento para a troca de dados e controle é um desafio para a indústria brasileira de máquinas agrícolas, apesar desta tecnologia estar consolidada em automóveis, aeronaves e em chão de fábrica. As vantagens obtidas com redes digitais são evidentes, porém necessitam de implementação de protocolos de redes. Na área agrícola, a norma internacional ISO 11783 apresenta forte potencial para tornar-se referência de padrão para a troca de dados entre módulos em tratores e implementos agrícolas. Esta norma, também conhecida como ISOBUS, está no estágio avançado de desenvolvimento. Contém quatorze documentos e o seu desenvolvimento está apoiado por grupos denominados \"Força Tarefa\", na Europa, nos EUA e recentemente no Brasil. Implementações deste padrão já estão sendo apresentadas no mercado internacional, em feiras e demonstrações de aplicação desta tecnologia. O Brasil deve investir e dominar a tecnologia, em busca de compatibilidade internacional tanto no ponto de vista tecnológico como comercial. Neste contexto, este trabalho encoraja o desenvolvimento nacional em aplicações com a norma ISOBUS, apresentando dois estudos de casos, cujos módulos comunicam com equipamentos de mercado compatíveis com a norma. Estas experiências práticas complementam trabalhos acadêmicos relativos a este tema, que surgiram nos últimos anos no Brasil.
The digital networks demonstrated to be an effective solution in automation. The connection of different modules from different manufacturers into a single bus for the exchange of data and control is a challenge for the agricultural machinery Brazilian industry, although this technology is consolidated in automobiles, aircraft and the factory floor. The benefits obtained with digital networks are obvious, but they need implementation of protocols networks. In the agricultural area, the international standard ISO 11783 shows strong potential to become the reference standard for the exchange of data between modules on tractors and agricultural implements. This standard, also known as ISOBUS, is in the advanced stage of development. It contains fourteen documents and its development is supported by groups called \"Task Force\" in Europe, USA, and recently in Brazil. Implementations of this standard are now being presented in the international market, in fairs and demonstrations of application of this technology. Brazil should invest and dominate the technology, to inquire after international compatibility in both the technological point of view as commercial. In this context, this work encourages the national development in applications with ISOBUS standard, presenting two studies of cases, whose modules communicate with equipment market compatible with the standard. These practical experiences complement academic works on this subject, which emerged in recent years in Brazil.

Books on the topic "ISOBUS":


Nakama, Ryō. Isobe Isobē monogatari: Ukiyo wa tsurai yo : Kaettekita Isobē de sōrō. Tōkyō: Shūeisha, 2018.

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Enright, Rosemary. Isobel. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1994.

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Hospital, Janette Turner. Isobars. St. Lucia, Qld., Australia: University of Queensland Press, 1990.

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Nakama, Ryō. Isobe Isobē monogatari: Ukiyo wa tsurai yo : Perī no haru de sōrō. Tōkyō: Shūeisha, 2017.

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Brigham, Isobel. Isobel Brigham. London: Browse & Darby, 2004.

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Cook, Eileen. Unraveling Isobel. New York: Simon Pulse, 2012.

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Reed, Alan. Isobel & Emile. Toronto: Coach House Books, 2010.

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Dick, Lois Hoadley. Isobel Kuhn. Minneapolis, Minn.: Bethany House Publishers, 1987.

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Hospital, Janette Turner. Isobars: Stories. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1991.

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Lydgate, John. Isopes Fabules. Kalamazoo, Michigan: Medieval Institute Publications, 2013.

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Book chapters on the topic "ISOBUS":


Valero Ubierna, Constantino. "Electronic systems for data transfer and command." In Manuali – Scienze Tecnologiche, 30. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2020.

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A key point in the process of information flow between the different subsystems that take part in the Precision Agriculture management systems is how machinery, software and other electronics systems communicate one each other. Several worldwide standards have been established (such as ISO 11783, known as "ISOBUS") that define precisely the way of transferring information and control commands by the internal electronic communications within farm machinery. Other standards (established or de facto) are also used, such as wireless communication in agriculture.

Savill, P. "iSorbus/i L." In The silviculture of trees used in British forestry, 299–303. Wallingford: CABI, 2019.

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Gooch, Jan W. "Isobar." In Encyclopedic Dictionary of Polymers, 399. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2011.

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Ochkov, Valery, Konstantin Orlov, and Volodymyr Voloshchuk. "Isobar, Isotherm, Isochor…" In Thermal Engineering Studies with Excel, Mathcad and Internet, 135–38. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.

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Mariani Ecochard, Aude. "Nodules isolés et kystes thyroïdiens." In Endocrinologie de l’adolescent, 19–22. Paris: Springer Paris, 2012.

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Dekker, J. C. E. "Isols and Kneser Graphs." In Feasible Mathematics, 131–60. Boston, MA: Birkhäuser Boston, 1990.

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Molster, F. J., L. B. F. M. Waters, J. Th van Loon, T. De Jong, J. Bouwman, L. B. F. M. Waters, I. Yamamura, et al. "ISO’s View on AFGL 4106." In Astrophysics and Space Science, 469–75. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1998.

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Lindinger, M., St Becker, G. Bollen, K. Dasgupta, R. Jertz, H. J. Kluge, L. Schweikhard, M. Vogel, and K. Lützenkischen. "Cluster isobars for high-precision mass spectrometry." In Small Particles and Inorganic Clusters, 891–93. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1991.

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Tengblad, O., U. C. Bergmann, M. J. G. Borge, R. Boutami, J. Cederkäll, L. M. Fraile, H. O. U. Fynbo, et al. "β-decay in the A = 9 isobar." In Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses, 142. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2003.

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Chmielewski, K., S. Nemoto, A. C. Fonseca, and P. U. Sauer. "Nucleon-Deuteron Scattering with Δ-Isobar Excitation." In Few-Body Problems in Physics ’98, 335–38. Vienna: Springer Vienna, 1999.

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Conference papers on the topic "ISOBUS":


Jensen, Mark. "Diagnostic Tool Concepts for ISO11783 (ISOBUS)." In SAE Commercial Vehicle Engineering Congress & Exhibition. 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA, United States: SAE International, 2004.

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"CANdroid: Freeing ISOBUS Data and Enabling Machine Data Analytics." In 2016 ASABE International Meeting. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 2016.

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Helmke, Rene, Jan Bauer, Alexander Bothe, and Nils Aschenbruck. "CAN’t – An ISOBUS Privacy Proxy for Collaborative Smart Farming." In 2019 IEEE 38th International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC). IEEE, 2019.

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"ISOBUS— The Open Hard-Wired Network Standard for Tractor-Implement Communication, 1987-2020." In 2021 Agricultural Equipment Technology Conference, Louisville Kentucky. St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 2021.

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"ISOBUS—The Open Hard-Wired Network Standard for Tractor-Implement Communication, 1987-2020." In 2021 Agricultural Equipment Technology Conference, Louisville Kentucky. St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 2021.

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Kraatz, Franz, Heiko Tapken, Frank Nordemann, Thorben Iggena, Maik Fruhner, and Ralf Tönjes. "An Integrated Data Platform for Agricultural Data Analyses based on Agricultural ISOBUS and ISOXML." In 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security. SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2019.

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Marzani, Stefano, Cesare Fantuzzi, Marco Ferretti, and Andrea Pavesi. "Flexray and ISOBUS Integration for Off-Road Vehicles: New Standards Together for Safety and Effective Applications." In SAE 2006 World Congress & Exhibition. 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA, United States: SAE International, 2006.

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Tumenjargal, Enkhbaatar, Sodbileg Tsogt-Ochir, Munkhtamir Oyumaa, Enkhbat Batbayar, Shinebayar Munkhbayar, Chong Kil To, and Ham Woon Chul. "<i>Development of ISOBUS Universal Terminal and Client ECUs for Agricultural Machinery</i>." In 2018 Detroit, Michigan July 29 - August 1, 2018. St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 2018.

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Sasso, John. "Errors Resulting From Excluding the Effects of Humidity on the Performance of Combustion Turbine Plants Equipped With Evaporative Coolers." In ASME 2010 Power Conference. ASMEDC, 2010.

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Combustion turbine combined cycle (CTCC) plants have generally been the “power plant of choice” over the past two decades for a number of reasons, including first cost, efficiency, and low emissions. Combustion (Gas) turbine (CT) based plants now account for over 30% of the electric power capacity in the United States. Despite the significant reliance on this technology, the electric Independent System Operators (ISOs) have yet to recognize and acknowledge in their production templates, test forms and performance predicting software the Brayton Cycle limitations, most notably how humidity affects output for CT plants equipped with evaporative cooling systems. Such plants account for an estimated 48% of the CT power installed in the last 10 years. Ignoring the impact of humidity on these plants can lead to errors in production predictions beyond the normal tolerance band of 3% to as high as 9% during peak ambient temperatures for certain units. As such the electric ISO’s prediction of available generation and the associated capacity reserve margins have the potential to be overestimated. The article explores the situation in more depth, presents examples within the NYISO, quantifies the potential impact and recommends easy solutions to close the gap.

Kaplan, A. E., and C. T. Law. "Four-wave mixing isolas." In Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics. Washington, D.C.: OSA, 1986.

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Reports on the topic "ISOBUS":


Davids, C. N., and J. A. Nolen. Isobar separator for radioactive nuclear beams project. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), August 1995.

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Sansone, Kenneth. MicroShield/ISOCS gamma modeling comparison. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), August 2013.

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Briggs, Gregory. Coastal Crossing of the Elastic Strain Zero-Isobase, Cascadia Margin, South Central Oregon Coast. Portland State University Library, January 2000.

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Shen, Chun, Jiangyong Jia, Derek Teaney, and Zhangbu Xu. Proceedings of RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop: Physics Opportunities from the RHIC Isobar Run. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), January 2022.

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Myers, Steven Charles. ISOCS and SNAP™. Fundamemtals of nondestructive assay for international safeguards. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), March 2019.

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Kalb, P., L. Luckett, K. Miller, C. Gogolak, and L. Milian. Comparability of ISOCS instrument in radionuclide characterization at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), November 2000.

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Middleton, Bobby D., and Carmen Margarita Mendez. Integrating Safety, Operations, Security, and Safeguards (ISOSS) into the design of small modular reactors : a handbook. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), October 2013.

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Guan, Jianbin, Tao Liu, Wenhao Li, He Zhao, Kaitan Yang, Chuanhong Li, Ningning Feng, Guozheng Jiang, Yongdong Yang, and Xing Yu. Effects of Posterior Lumbar Non-fusion Surgery with Isobar Devices Versus Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion Surgery on Clinical and Radiological Features in Patients with Lumbar Degenerative Diseases: A Meta-Analysis. INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, November 2021.

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ISOCS for Free Release. Innovative Technology Summary Report. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), December 2001.

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To the bibliography