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Suomi, P., L. Pesonen, J. Kaivosoja, H. Haapala, T. Oksanen, M. Öhman, M. Miettinen, and A. Visala. "AGRIX-järjestelmä - älyä, automaatiota ja tehokkuutta kasvintuotantoon." Suomen Maataloustieteellisen Seuran Tiedote, no. 21 (January 31, 2006): 1–7.

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Suomen maatalouden on yhä nopeammin reagoitava maailmalla tapahtuvaan kehitykseen. Tuottajahintojen aleneminen ja tuotantopanosten jatkuva hinnan nousu pakottavat viljelijät harkitsemaan yhä tarkemmin koneketjujen mitoitusta ja tehokkuutta. Asiakkaat ja viranomaiset asettavat entistä kovempia vaatimuksia tuotteiden ja tuotannon laadulle sekä jäljitettävyydelle. Työvoiman vähetessä automaation merkitys kasvaa. Myös kotimaisen maatalouskoneteollisuuden olisi pystyttävä vastaamaan yhä kiristyvään kansainväliseen kilpailuun. Agrix-hankkeessa kehitettiin täsmäviljelyä tukeva, avoin ja yleiskäyttöinen kasvinviljelykoneiden automaatiojärjestelmän prototyyppi. Agrix-järjestelmä ohjaa toimin-toja, kokoaa, prosessoi ja välittää tietoa traktorin ja työkoneen välillä ISOBUS:n kautta. ISOBUS on standardisoitu väyläratkaisu traktorin ja työkoneen väliseen säätöön, ohjaukseen ja tiedonsiirtoon. Se koostuu traktorin ja työkoneen elektronisista ohjausyksiköistä, tehtäväohjaimesta sekä virtuaaliterminaalista, joka toimii järjestelmän käyttöliittymänä. Väylälle on mahdollista saada myös tietoa ulkoisista mittauksista, kuten paikkatietoa GPS:ltä. Tehtäväohjaimen kautta järjestelmä on yhteydessä ulkoisiin tietojärjestelmiin, kuten maatilan tietojärjestelmään. Työkonevalmistajien on mahdollista rakentaa erilaisia työkoneita ISOBUS-yhteensopiviksi Agrix-hankkeen aikana kehitetyn menetelmän avulla. Jotta ISOBUS-väylää voitaisiin hyödyntää tehokkaasti, työkone on instrumentoitava tarvittavaa tie-donkeruuta ja mahdollisia automaattisia toimintoja varten mittausanturein ja toimielimin. Agrix-järjestelmällä voidaan toteuttaa älykkäitä, viljelijän työtä helpottavia ja työn laatua varmistavia toimenpiteitä. Järjestelmällä kyetään toteuttamaan paikkakohtaiset kylvö-, lannoitus- ja ruiskutussuunnitelmat sekä dokumentoimaan niiden toteutus. Tuotannon jäljitettävyys syntyy dokumenteista, joiden avulla voidaan osoittaa viljelyssä käytetty tuotantotapa. Tulevaisuudessa järjestelmän tuottamia dokumentteja voidaan käyttää myös sähköisessä kirjanpidossa. Viljelytiedon ohella järjestelmä huolehtii koneautomaation tarvitsemasta tiedonkulusta. Parhaan tehokkuuden saavuttamiseksi automaatiojärjestelmän käytettävyys ja luotettavuus ovat keskeisiä tekijöitä. Päisteautomatiikka vähentää työn rasittavuutta ja parantaa toteutuksen laatua. Työn laatua pyritään parantamaan myös opastavalla tai automaattisella työkoneen kalibroinnilla. Järjestelmä tarkkailee tilaansa ja ilmoittaa varhaisessa vaiheessa laitteiston vikaantumisesta. Tämän lisäksi järjestelmä valvoo ja säätää työn laatua ja ilmoittaa, jos laatukriteereitä ei voida saavuttaa. Agrix-järjestelmä on osoittautunut sekä toiminnan että toteutuksen dokumentoinnin osalta luotettavaksi. Käytettävyyttä tutkittiin ja kehitettiin osana yleisempää maatalousteknologian käytettävyyden tutkimusmenetelmien kehittämistä. Agrix-järjestelmää kehitettäessä havaittiin, että hyvä käytettävyys on turvallisen ja tehokkaan automaatiojärjestelmän edellytys.

László, Magó, Kosta Gligorević, Milan Dražić, and Mićo Oljača. "Determination of main parameters of ISOBUS system based agricultural machinery management." Poljoprivredna tehnika 46, no. 3 (2021): 40–48.

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ISO organization ( in early 90s defined an industry standard for the communication protocol among electronic devices of different manufacturers of agricultural machines. After that, all of the market actors recognised that this technology would be very important for agricultural electronics. The appearance of ISOBUS products in the market was in the mid-2000s. ISOBUS description could be found in ISO-11783 ( Through the standards and the related technical background, the production processes and the operations could be followed and monitored by the extensive Data Management. Farmers' and users legitimate needs and developing goal is to elaborate a decision support systems that follow-up the utilisation of the machines and ensure the quality of operations. For this purpose, it is essential to determine which technical, economical, technological parameters detection, measurement, transmission, processing, and evaluation becomes necessary. In our work, we reviewed which mechanical characteristic, settings are monitored within the ISOBUS system by the major machine manufacturers. We developed the system of parameters and derived features that provide effective farm-, and land-management in case of attached equipment for spreading of input materials, plant protection and tillage implements.

Stoll, Gabe P., Joe D. Luck, Santosh K. Pitla, and Rodney A. Rohrer. "Integration of Auxiliary Sensor Data to ISOBUS for Agricultural Machinery Data Collection." Applied Engineering in Agriculture 37, no. 1 (2021): 157–62.

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HighlightsA novel data acquisition system was developed to synchronously log CANbus machine operating parameters with auxiliary sensor data converted and transmitted via the ISObus.A relationship between the number of added messages and frequency of transmission was evaluated.Knowledge of existing bus loads can lead to successful deployment of the data acquisition system for field data logging of both machine and implement data.Abstract. While standalone CAN data loggers offer a simplified, plug-and-play solution for agricultural machinery performance data collection, information that can be obtained from these devices are limited to data contained within interpretable messages broadcast over the machinery CAN bus. For machinery performance parameters that cannot be interpreted from CAN data, alternative methods are needed to record these variables. This application note discusses the development of a customized solution, named the Sensor CAN Gateway (or SCANGate), that integrates various components, including an Electronic Controller Unit (ECU), to allow auxiliary sensor data to be recorded by a CAN data logger through message transmission over a tractor’s ISOBUS. Testing with a modern tractor validated that the impact on bus load from added messages transmitted by the SCANGate could be determined based on the number of additional messages added per time interval. With knowledge of existing bus load requirements for an implement connected to a tractor’s ISOBUS, it can be determined whether the SCANGate can further enhance a standalone CAN data logger for a given application. Keywords: Agricultural machinery, CAN bus, Controller Area Network (CAN), Data acquisition, SAE J1939.

Lee, Chang-Joo, Hak-Jin Kim, Jong-Woo Ha, Bong-Jin Cho, and Duk-Soo Choi. "An ISOBUS-Networked Electronic Self-Leveling Controller for the Front-End Loader of an Agricultural Tractor." Applied Engineering in Agriculture 33, no. 6 (2017): 757–67.

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Abstract. There has been a growing trend toward electronic control of hydraulic systems in agricultural machinery to improve operator comfort. Rapid advances in information and communications technology and the expansion of agricultural attachments have led to the introduction of control systems following the ISOBUS standard. Feedback control of a front-end loader (FEL) using electro-hydraulic proportional valves and sensors allows automatic activation of the boom and bucket cylinders and repetitive operational sequences of FEL functions. The mechanical self-leveling systems commonly used to prevent rollback have a limited range of operation and provide overcompensation beyond that range, therefore requiring considerable driver attention when operating the FEL. This article describes the development and evaluation of an ISOBUS-networked electronic self-leveling system that uses three electronic control units (ECUs), i.e., loader, joystick, and virtual terminal ECUs, to automatically adjust the orientation of the loader bucket with respect to the ground based on real-time measurements of bucket angle and angular velocity. Key improvements to the system, compared to a previous study that developed a proportional and integral (PI)–based self-leveling controller include the addition of a velocity feedback element and a dead-time effect computation to the control loop. An embedded electronic controller was implemented on agricultural tractors to test its ability to maintain the desired bucket angle regardless of varying ground slopes or the lifting or lowering motion of the boom. In laboratory testing with a FEL simulator, the use of the velocity feedback loop enabled the bucket angles to reach reference angles of +20°, showing reductions in rise times from 0.75 to 0.51 s and from 0.84 to 0.39 s on ascending and descending slopes, respectively, compared to the PI-based self-leveling algorithm. At a traveling velocity of 2.5 km/h, there was little change in bucket angle, with an almost constant level of <1°. However, at a velocity of 7.5 km/h, inflection points on the paved road caused relatively large deviations from the reference angle ranging from 3° to 5°, thus requiring the use of a look-ahead method to predict sudden changes in slope using a LIDAR sensor that can characterize the ground surface. In an outdoor bench test using a joystick to raise and lower the boom of a FEL, the self-leveling algorithm allowed the bucket angle to be maintained at the desired level, with RMSEs of 2.1±0.65° and 3.4±0.81° in the raising and lowering modes, respectively; thus, it could be implemented in an electronic self-leveling system for a FEL, which could then be employed in an ISOBUS-networked tractor offering the potential to eliminate the possibility of load rollback. Keywords: Dead-time computation, Electro-hydraulic proportional valve, Electronic control unit, Front-end loader, ISOBUS, Self-leveling, Velocity feedback.

Magó, L., and I. Kovács. "Technical and Technological Parameters of ISOBUS System Supported Machinery Management." Hungarian Agricultural Engineering 35 (2019): 34–38.

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Iglesias, Natalia, Pilar Bulacio, and Elizabeth Tapia. "Enabling powerful GUIs in ISOBUS networks by transparent data compression." Computer Standards & Interfaces 36, no. 5 (September 2014): 801–7.

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Bauer, Jan, René Helmke, Alexander Bothe, and Nils Aschenbruck. "CAN’t track us: Adaptable privacy for ISOBUS controller area networks." Computer Standards & Interfaces 66 (October 2019): 103344.

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Ronkainen, Ari. "Design considerations for ISOBUS class 3 machinery system's human-machine interaction." IFAC Proceedings Volumes 46, no. 18 (August 2013): 259–63.

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Iglesias, Natalia, Pilar Bulacio, and Elizabeth Tapia. "Arquitectura de comunicación para la digitalización de la agricultura en torno a la maquinaria agrícola." Elektron 4, no. 2 (December 14, 2020): 93–99.

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Se presenta una arquitectura de comunicación para habilitar servicios en la nube en torno a la maquinaria agrícola en zonas rurales con infraestructura de conectividad limitada. La arquitectura propuesta se compone de tres módulos, Unidad a bordo, gateway y servicio en la nube, que extienden el alcance de la cobertura de comunicación y permiten el intercambio de datos desde la maquinaria agrícola a la nube. La arquitectura se implementa con hardware de bajo costo y librerías de código abierto que permiten una rápida implementación. Los resultados obtenidos, en términos de latencia de comunicación, indican que la solución es adecuada para aplicaciones de monitoreo en maquinarias agrícola que utilizan ISOBUS.

Haapala, Hannu. "User-Centred Design and Multi-Actor Approach in Agricultural Innovations – Case: Combi Drill Design." Agricultural Machinery and Technologies 13, no. 2 (April 28, 2019): 15–19.

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Abstract.The author has shown that modern technologies do not always meet the expectations of farmers, and this may adversely affect the pace of innovation. It has been confirmed that the developers of agricultural equipment do not clearly understand the context of the use of products and identified the need to use a multi-factor approach: therefore, partners possessing specific knowledge in different areas should join efforts in project activities at all stages of innovation. (Research purpose) To prove that a user-centered design and a multi-factor approach in the development of agricultural machinery increase their efficiency and accelerate the introduction of innovations. (Materials and methods) It is shown that Finnish research and development projects of agricultural machinery design involve numerous participants and end users. For example, the seven-metre-wide combi drill ‘Junkkari W700’ was designed by the Finnish manufacturer Junkkari Oy in close cooperation with end-users and researchers. As a result of the innovation process several benefits have been realized. The drill is easy to operate and service. The users appreciate the straight-forward construction and moderate cost of the drill as compared to competing pneumatic drills. The need for hydraulics is minimized and the row spacing and coulter design has been optimized so that economical tractors with moderate drawbar power can be used. The ISOBUS-based control electronics was designed to be fitted either in the existing tractor or, if ISOBUS is missing, with an optional cable-set and terminal. That enables the users to easily integrate the drill in existing machine chains, having either modern or older tractors, without extra tractor investments. Much attention was put on quality, e.g. individual feeders for every coulter give accurate dosage of seed and fertilizer. The prototyping together with end-users and researchers enabled Junkkari to speed up the innovation process. (Results and discussion) Several benefits proved to have been realized. First of all, the drill is easy to operate and service. The users appreciate the straight-forward construction and moderate cost of the drill as compared to competing pneumatic drills. The need for hydraulics is minimized and the row spacing and coulter design has been optimized so that economical tractors with moderate drawbar power can be used. The ISOBUS-based control electronics as well as an optional cable-set and terminal were designed to be fitted either in the existing tractor. That enables the users to easily integrate the drill in existing machine types, having either modern or older tractors, without extra tractor investments. The design quality was approved, e.g. individual feeders for every coulter give accurate metering of seeds and fertilizers. (Conclusions) The author proves that user-centered design and multi-factor approach methodologies have benefits both for the users and manufacturers. Swift innovation process saves resources and minimizes the need for excess iterations in the innovation process.

Kaustell, Kim O. "Traktori-työkoneautomaation käytettävyys." Suomen Maataloustieteellisen Seuran Tiedote, no. 28 (January 31, 2012): 1–4.

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Maatalousyrittäjät pyrkivät tehostamaan tuotantoaan kasvattamalla tilakokoaan ja lisäämällä konekapasiteettiaan. Seuraavana vaiheena tulee työvaiheiden automatisointi. Kustannuksia voidaan alentaa entisestään, jos työ voidaan tehdä mahdollisimman pienellä ihmistyömäärällä ja jos yksi henkilö pystyy käsittelemään mahdollisimman suurta pinta-alaa. Myös tiettyjen, esimerkiksi peltoviljelyyn liittyvien työvaiheiden alihankinta lisääntyy. Samanaikaisesti kiinnitetään yhä enemmän huomiota maatalouden ympäristökysymyksiin. Käyttöturvallisuus on tärkeä osa konejärjestelmässä etenkin kun on kyse koneista, joissa automaatio ohjaa pääsääntöisesti konetta ja ihmisen rooli järjestelmässä on valvoa työn sujumista ja puuttua tarvittaessa ohjaukseen, esimerkiksi ongelmatilanteissa. Kuljettajan tilannetietoisuuden ylläpitäminen koneen ja ihmisen vuorovaikutuksen osalta tulee tärkeäksi, jolloin käyttöliittymän välittämän informaation sisällön sekä muodon merkitys kasvaa. Automaatio ja työkonejärjestelmiä suunniteltaessa olisi osattava ottaa huomioon kuljettajan ominaisuudet entistä laajemmin, jotta uusista järjestelmistä saatava hyöty olisi mahdollisimman suuri ilman että käyttäjää rasitetaan tarpeettomasti. ISOBUS-yhteensopivassa traktori-työkoneyhdistelmässä kuljettajalla on käytössä traktorin omat hallinta- ja käyttöliittymälaitteet, työkoneille yhteinen käyttöliittymälaite virtuaaliterminaali (VT) ja tehtäväohjainlaite (TC). VT:n avulla ohjataan eri työkoneiden toimintoja ja TC:n avulla hallitaan maatilan suunnitteluohjelmistolla tehtyä työtehtävää pellolla. Hankkeen ensisijainen tavoite on tuottaa käytettävyyden kriteereitä vahvasti yleistymässä olevien, ISOBUS:iin perustuvien, traktori-työkoneautomaation sovellutuksille. Tässä tutkimuksessa erityisenä painopisteenä pidetään em. järjestelmien käyttäjän l. työkoneen kuljettajan ergonomiaa. Tutkimuksessa käytetään katsekameraa (Gaze Tracking) sekä heuristista analyysiä traktori-kylvölannoitin-yhdistelmään liittyvien automaatiokäyttöliittymien käytettävyyden arviointiin. Analysoimalla katseen kohdistumista kuljettajan työn aikana tehdään johtopäätöksiä mm. sitä, ovatko käyttöliittymän dialogi ja logiikka koneyhdistelmän käyttäjän kannalta helppokäyttöisiä ja tehokkaita. Täydennettynä haastattelulla ja asiantuntija-arvioinnilla (heuristinen arviointi) voidaan edelleen tehdä johtopäätöksiä siitä, ovatko käyttöliittymät miellyttäviä. Monikanavavideoinnin avulla saadaan kokonaiskuva kuljettajan aikabudjetista työn aikana. Tarkastellun järjestelmän toteutuksessa on tähän mennessä havaittu puutteita mm. järjestelmän käyttöliittymälaitteiden sijoittelussa ohjaamoon, käyttöliittymän ymmärrettävyydessä sekä virhetilanteiden ilmaisemisessa ja niistä palautumisessa. Tarkasteltua ISOBUS-yhteensopivaa järjestelmää testataan ja kehitetään edelleen keväällä 2012. Tämän tuloksena saadaan lisää suunnittelukriteereitä järjestelmän käytettävyydelle turvallisuuden, tehokkuuden ja käytön miellyttävyyden näkökulmasta. Koska ohjaamossa olevat käyttöliittymän osat kuitenkin ovat vain osa tarkasteltavaa järjestelmää, on jatkossa arvioitava koko järjestelmää samoista näkökulmista.

Ruggeri, Massimiliano, Stefano Marzani, Cesare Fantuzzi, and Roberto Montanari. "SAFETY AND SYSTEM INTEGRITY OF ISOBUS APPLICATIONS FOR AGRICULTURAL MACHINE CONTROL SYSTEM (AMCS)." IFAC Proceedings Volumes 39, no. 16 (2006): 85–90.

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Ebrahiem, Sameera Ahmed, and Taghreed A. Younis. "Finding Most Stable Isobar for Nuclides with Mass Number (165- 175) against Beta Decay." NeuroQuantology 19, no. 4 (May 18, 2021): 15–19.

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In the beta decay process, a neutron converts into a proton, or vice versa, so the atom in this process changes to a more stable isobar. Bethe-Weizsäcker used a quasi-experimental formula in the present study to find the most stable isobar for isobaric groups of mass nuclides (A=165-175). In a group of isobars, there are two methods of calculating the most stable isobar. The most stable isobar represents the lowest parabola value by calculating the binding energy value (B.E) for each nuclide in this family, and then drawing these binding energy values as a function of the atomic number (Z) in order to obtain the mass parabolas, the second method is by calculating the atomic number value of the most stable isobar (ZA). The results show that the mass parabolas of isobar elements with an even mass number (A=even) vary from the mass parabolas of isobar elements with an odd mass number (A=odd), In the case of single isobars, it has one parabola, meaning that it has one stable isobar, while we find that the pairs isobars appear to have two parabolas, meaning that it has more than one stable isobar. When we compared the two methods used in this study to determine the most stable isobars, we found that in two techniques for odd isobars, stable isobars are mostly the same nuclide, whereas in suitcases of even isobars with two stable isobars (only one of them are same stable isobars).

Kim, Ja Yu, Felipe P. Vista IV, Dae-Young Lim, and Kil To Chong. "Design and Development of a GPS Working Set based on ISOBUS Protocol for Agricultural Machinery in South Korea." IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing & Computing 10, no. 4 (August 31, 2021): 330–39.

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S. Nayyef, Murtadha, and Naz T. Jaralla. "Determine Most Stable Isobar for Nuclides with A= (15-30) & (101- 115)." Ibn AL- Haitham Journal For Pure and Applied Sciences 33, no. 4 (October 20, 2020): 18–26.

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In this study the most stable isobar for some isobaric families (light and intermediate ) nuclei with mass number (A) equals to (15-30) & (101- 115) have been determined. This determination of stable nuclide can help to determine the suitable nuclide, which can be used in different fields. Most stable isobar can be determined by two means. First: plot mass parabolas (plotting the binding energy (B.E) as a function of the atomic number (Z)) for these isobaric families, in this method most stable isobars represent the lowest point in mass parabola (the nuclide with the highest value of binding energy). Second: calculated the atomic number for most stable isobar (ZA) value. Our results show that there is only one stable nuclide for isobars with odd mass number (A) (one mass parabolas), while for nuclides with an even mass number (A) there is more than one stable nuclide (two mass parabola). Also, our results show that nuclides representing the most stable isobars in the two methods, which used in this study practically, are the same nuclide.

M.K. Preethi Rajan, R. K. Biju R.K. Biju, and K. P. Santhosh K.P. Santhosh. "Beta Decay Studies of Nuclides in the Heavy Region." Journal of Nuclear Physics, Material Sciences, Radiation and Applications 8, no. 1 (November 9, 2020): 43–53.

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In the present work we studied the β-decay of various isotopes in the heavy region using the empirical formula of Fiset and Nix. It is found from the half-life that as the neutron number increases the possibility of β-decay increases. From the dependence of beta decay half-life on neutron number of parent and Q-value, we modified empirical formula of Fiset and Nix for beta decay half-life. We also developed an empirical formula for the Z-value of most stable isobar against β-decay. From the study of mass parabola for different isobars with mass number ranging from 200-223 it was found that the lowest point in the parabola, which is the Z-value of most stable isobar against β-decay, matches well with our formula predictions.

Lavagno, A., and F. Lingua. "Effects of strong magnetic fields in dense stellar matter." Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 9, S302 (August 2013): 439–40.

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AbstractWe study the effects of strong magnetic fields in dense stellar matter within an effective relativistic equation of state with the inclusion of hyperons and Δ(1232)-isobar degrees of freedom. The effects of high magnetic field interactions significantly affect the nuclear equation of state and the macroscopic properties of the star. In this framework we investigate the role of the presence of the Δ-isobars degrees of freedom in structure and in the bulk properties of the compact star.

Cai, Ming, and Bohua Huang. "A New Look at the Physics of Rossby Waves: A Mechanical–Coriolis Oscillation." Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 70, no. 1 (January 1, 2013): 303–16.

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Abstract The presence of the latitudinal variation of the Coriolis parameter serves as a mechanical barrier that causes a mass convergence for the poleward geostrophic flow and divergence for the equatorward flow, just as a sloped bottom terrain does to a crossover flow. Part of the mass convergence causes pressure to rise along the uphill pathway, while the remaining part is detoured to cross isobars out of the pathway. This mechanically excited cross-isobar flow, being unbalanced geostrophically, is subject to a “half-cycle” Coriolis force that only turns it to the direction parallel to isobars without continuing to turn it farther back to its opposite direction because the geostrophic balance is reestablished once the flow becomes parallel to isobars. Such oscillation, involving a barrier-induced mass convergence, a mechanical deflection, and a half-cycle Coriolis deflection, is referred to as a mechanical–Coriolis oscillation with a “barrier-induced half-cycle Coriolis force” as its restoring force. Through a complete cycle of the mechanical–Coriolis oscillation, a new geostrophically balanced flow pattern emerges to the left of the existing flow when facing the uphill (downhill) direction of the barrier in the Northern (Southern) Hemisphere. The β barrier is always sloped toward the pole in both hemispheres, responsible for the westward propagation of Rossby waves. The β-induced mechanical–Coriolis oscillation frequency can be succinctly expressed as , where , and λ is the angle of a sloped surface along which the unbalanced flow crosses isobars, α is the angle of isobars with the barrier’s slope, and k is the wavenumber along the direction of the barrier’s contours.

Power, Jennifer L., Patrick S. Market, and Craig Cogil. "A Comparison of the Thermodynamic and Kinematic Features in Recent Blizzard and Near-Blizzard Events in Iowa." Transactions of the Missouri Academy of Science 49, no. 2022 (January 1, 2022): 1–9.

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Abstract The purpose of this research is to determine the validity of the subjective, anecdotal rule that four isobars present across Iowa during a wintertime, snow-bearing, extratropical cyclone is sufficient to create the winds that attend a blizzard (the “Four Isobar Rule”). Using data from the National Centers for Environmental Information's online Storm Event Database, we identified 15 cases of blizzards in Iowa over the course of 10 years (1999-2009 plus one event in 2010). Subjective analyses of mean sea level pressure for those 15 events revealed an 87% success rate of having four isobars present corresponding with the Blizzard events. Conversely, we also analyzed 23 Near-Blizzard events and discovered that approximately 74% did not have four isobars present. Clearly, there is overlap between these types of events. Composite meteorological fields of both case sets were completed using the North America Regional Reanalysis datasets. The composite results are generally consistent with other recent findings on Iowa blizzards. The surface low is often fairly deep (<1000 hPa), occluded or nearly so, featuring a convergent, descending lower troposphere, with 850-hPa winds of 45 kt or greater, and a near-surface layer whose lapse rate is nearly dry adiabatic. The composites of storms in the Blizzard category are slightly weaker than in prior literature, but the composites of storms in the Near-Blizzard category fail to meet any of the criteria for a blizzard in the state of Iowa.

Suokannas, Antti, Antti Kunnas, Matts Nysand, Raimo Linkolehto, Liisa Pesonen, and Juha Backman. "Traktori-noukinvaunuyhdistelmän integroitu automaatio säilörehun täsmäkorjuussa." Suomen Maataloustieteellisen Seuran Tiedote, no. 28 (January 31, 2012): 1–5.

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Maatalouskoneteollisuus on pyrkinyt parantamaan tuotteidensa toimintoja ja ominaisuuksia tutkimalla ihminen-kone-rajapintaa. Sopeutuva säätö ja automaatio ovat keinoja, jotka lisäävät maatalouskoneiden kilpailukykyä. Automaattisten toimintojen käytettävyyden parantaminen on yhä merkittävämpi myyntiargumentti Euroopassa. Esimerkiksi rehunkorjuu noukinvaunulla vaatii kuljettajalta useiden asioiden lähes yhtäaikaista havainnointia ja säätöjen tarkennusta. Agromassi-hankkeessa yhtenä työpaketin osiona on säilörehun korjuun optimointi. Siinä tavoitteena oli säilöntäaineen annostelun ja ajonopeuden optimointi. Optimaalinen annostelu luo edellytykset parempilaatuiseen säilörehuun, ja ajonopeuden optimointi estää noukinvaunun ali- ja ylikuormittumisen ja samalla se aikaansaa lyhyemmän ja tasamittaisemman silpun. Viime mainittu helpottaa rehun tasaamista, tallaamista ja tiivistymistä siilossa ja siten parempia säilöntäedellytyksiä. Lisäksi paikkatiedon käyttö mahdollistaa satokartan teon korjuulohkolta. Vuosina 2009 – 2012 tutkittiin älykästä mittaus- ja säätöjärjestelmää, joka oli instrumentoitu traktori-noukinvaunuyhdistelmään. ISO11783 (ISOBUS) standardi traktorin ja työkoneen väliseen kommunikointiin (säätö, ohjaus ja tiedonsiirto) tarjoaa yleisen alustan uusien säätösysteemien soveltamiseen ja omaksumiseen. Testitraktorissa on class 3 TECU (Tractor electronic control unit), joka käsittää peruskäskyjen kuten esimerkiksi VOAn ja ulkopuolisen hydrauliikan hallinnan lisäksi ajono-peuden säädön. Vuonna 2009 selvitettiin osajärjestelmien soveltuvuutta karhon poikkipinta-alan ja rehun kosteuden mittaamiseen. Karhon poikkipinta-alan mittaamisessa päädyttiin traktorin eteen asennettavaan laser-skanneriin, joka mittaa 90-asteen kulmassa karhon pinnan profiilia. Kosteuden mittaamiseen selvitettiin kirjallisuuden perusteella eri vaihtoehtoja ja päädyttiin NIR-sensoriin (near–infrared photometric analyzer), joka asennettiin noukinvaunun etusermin alaosaan. Rehun kokonais-massaa vaunussa mitattiin kolmella painesensorilla ja pohjakuljettimen liikettä pulssianturilla. Vaunun sivuun asennettiin kahdella kalvopumpulla varustettu hapotinlaite, johon ECUn (Electronic control unit) suunnitteli ja teki Aalto yliopiston tutkijat. Vaunun analogiset mittausviestit muutettiin digitaaliseen muotoon väylälle Axiomatic CAN -controllerilla. Noukinvaunun ECUn emolevyyn liitettiin NIR-sensori sarjaportin kautta. Traktorin ohjaamossa oli noukinvaunulla ja hapottimella omat käyttöliittymät, joissa oli valittavissa joko manuaali- tai automaattimoodi. Dataa kerättiin tarkoitukseen räätälöidyllä mittausohjelmalla. Noukinvaunun ECU estimoi rehun massavirran Kalman-suodinta käyttäen. Suodin estimoi massavirran kolmen mittauksen perusteella: 1) karhon tilavuusvirta laskettuna laserskannerilta, 2) rehun kokonaismassa painesensoreilta ja 3) karhon tiheys, joka lasketaan NIR-sensorin mittauksesta. Traktorin ajonopeutta säädetään sumealla säätimellä, joka laskee sopivan nopeuden perustuen traktorin tilaan (nopeus ja kierrosluku), estimoituun massavirtaan sekä karhon pinta-alan muutokseen. Säilöntäaine levitetään rehun estimoituun massavirtaan perustuen käyttäen PID-säädintä, joka virtausmittarin avulla säätää virtauksen oikeaksi. Adaptiivinen säätöjärjestelmä on osoittanut, että se pystyy vastaamaan sille hankkeessa asetettuihin tavoitteisiin. Vaikka käyttöliittymä (terminaali ohjaamossa)on toimiva ja havainnollinen, sitä varmasti voi kehittää edelleen. Osa tästä tutkimuksesta on tehty Agromassi-hankkeessa, joka on osa FIMECCin EFFIMA-ohjelmaa.

Kieser, W. E., John Eliades, A. E. Litherland, Xiaolei Zhao, Lisa Cousins, and S. J. Ye. "The Low-Energy Isobar Separator for Anions: Progress Report." Radiocarbon 52, no. 2 (2010): 236–42.

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The suppression of interferences from atomic and molecular isobars is a key requirement for the extension of accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) to the analysis of new cosmogenic isotopes and for increasing the range of applications for small AMS systems. In earlier work, it was shown that unwanted isobars can be eliminated by anion-gas reactions (Litherland et al. 2007). Recently, a prototype system in which such reactions could be applied to ions from an AMS ion source, the Isobar Separator for Anions (ISA), was described (Eliades et al. 2009). This system decelerates the beam of rare anions from keV to eV energies, guides them through a single radiofrequency quadrupole (RFQ) gas cell, and re-accelerates them for further analysis in a 2.5MV AMS system. Tests of this system with Cl and S anions and NO2 gas showed a suppression of S with respect to Cl of over 6 orders of magnitude, with a transmission of ∼30% for the Cl beam. In this work, results of the analysis of a range of standard reference materials are reported; these show the linearity of the system for measuring the 36Cl/35Cl ratio over a span of 2 orders of magnitude. Further tests, using the AMS system as a diagnostic tool, have provided clues about the loss of Cl at higher cell pressure and the nature of the residual low level of S transmission. These lead to the assessment of various gases for cooling the Cl– beam. Suppression measurements for 41K in the analysis of 41Ca, using NO2 as a reaction gas, are also discussed. These preliminary measurements have provided data for the development of a more advanced system with separate cooling and reaction cells.

Rodrigues, Juliana M. S., and José Ricardo M. Mermudes. "Comparative morphology of the type-species of Isotes and Synbrotica(Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae), with a new synonymy of species." Iheringia. Série Zoologia 105, no. 4 (December 2015): 439–52.

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ABSTRACT In order to solve the affinities of the species of Isotes Weise, 1922, a detailed morphological comparative study was carried out based on type-species of Isotes and its junior synonym,Synbrotica Bechyné, 1956. Isotes tetraspilota (Baly, 1865) and Isotes borrei (Baly, 1889) had their morphology of mouthparts, endosternites, wings and both male and female genitalia compared by the first time. A new synonymy is established between Isotes borrei (Baly, 1889) and Isotes crucigera (Weise, 1916) syn. nov. based on external and genitalia morphology. New structures for Section Diabroticites Chapuis, 1875 are presented and discussed.

Sofalvi, Szabolcs, Eric S. Lavins, Ian T. Brooker, Claire K. Kaspar, John Kucmanic, Carrie D. Mazzola, Christie L. Mitchell-Mata, et al. "Unique Structural/Stereo-Isomer and Isobar Analysis of Novel Fentanyl Analogues in Postmortem and DUID Whole Blood by UHPLC–MS-MS." Journal of Analytical Toxicology 43, no. 9 (August 24, 2019): 673–87.

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Abstract The presented analytical method enabled the Toxicology Department at the Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner’s Office to identify 26 and quantitatively report 24 compounds in 500 μL of whole blood, including fentanyl analogues (fentalogues) such as methoxyacetyl fentanyl (MeOAF) and cyclopropyl fentanyl (CPF). This second-generation method (FG2) was developed with the objective to improve the existing analysis (FG1) by decreasing sample size, lowering limits of detection (LOD) and lower limit of quantitation, minimizing ion suppression and resolving chromatographic interferences. Interferences may occur in the analysis of fentanyl, MeOAF, CPF, 3-methylfentanyl (3MF), butyryl fentanyl and isobutyryl fentanyl due to isobars and structural or geometric isomerism with another analogue or metabolite. The isomeric and isobaric fentalogues were grouped into three sets. The LOD established for Set 1 [MeOAF, para-methoxyacetyl fentanyl, para-fluoro acryl fentanyl (isobar), fentanyl carbamate], 2-furanyl fentanyl, Set 2 [CPF, (E)-crotonyl fentanyl] and carfentanil was 0.0125 ng/mL. The LOD established for N-methyl norfentanyl, norfentanyl, norcarfentanil, despropionyl fentanyl (4-ANPP), acetyl fentanyl, β-hydroxy fentanyl, benzyl fentanyl, acryl fentanyl, alfentanil, fentanyl, para-fluoro fentanyl, Set 3 [(±)-trans-3MF, (±)-cis-3MF, isobutyryl and butyryl fentanyl], para-fluoroisobutyryl fentanyl, sufentanil, phenyl fentanyl and cyclopentenyl fentanyl was 0.0625 ng/mL. Seven-point linear calibration curves were established between 0.025 and 4.0 ng/mL for the 8 analytes with the lower LOD and 0.125 and 20 ng/mL for the 18 analytes with the higher LOD. 4-ANPP and cyclopentenyl fentanyl met qualitative reporting criteria only. The results for five postmortem and two driving under the influence of drugs authentic case samples are presented. To the authors’ knowledge, FG2 is the first published method that achieved baseline resolution of the nine structural/stereo isomers and one isobar by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography–MS-MS and provided quantitative validation data for nine compounds. FG2 may be used as the new baseline for future isomers that need to be chromatographically separated.

Yu, Guoxian, Keyao Wang, Carlotta Domeniconi, Maozu Guo, and Jun Wang. "Isoform function prediction based on bi-random walks on a heterogeneous network." Bioinformatics 36, no. 1 (June 28, 2019): 303–10.

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Abstract Motivation Alternative splicing contributes to the functional diversity of protein species and the proteoforms translated from alternatively spliced isoforms of a gene actually execute the biological functions. Computationally predicting the functions of genes has been studied for decades. However, how to distinguish the functional annotations of isoforms, whose annotations are essential for understanding developmental abnormalities and cancers, is rarely explored. The main bottleneck is that functional annotations of isoforms are generally unavailable and functional genomic databases universally store the functional annotations at the gene level. Results We propose IsoFun to accomplish Isoform Function prediction based on bi-random walks on a heterogeneous network. IsoFun firstly constructs an isoform functional association network based on the expression profiles of isoforms derived from multiple RNA-seq datasets. Next, IsoFun uses the available Gene Ontology annotations of genes, gene–gene interactions and the relations between genes and isoforms to construct a heterogeneous network. After this, IsoFun performs a tailored bi-random walk on the heterogeneous network to predict the association between GO terms and isoforms, thus accomplishing the prediction of GO annotations of isoforms. Experimental results show that IsoFun significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithms and improves the area under the receiver-operating curve (AUROC) and the area under the precision-recall curve (AUPRC) by 17% and 44% at the gene-level, respectively. We further validated the performance of IsoFun on the genes ADAM15 and BCL2L1. IsoFun accurately differentiates the functions of respective isoforms of these two genes. Availability and implementation The code of IsoFun is available at name=IsoFun. Supplementary information Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

Gao, Yan-Li, Cuifang Tian, Pingqiang Gao, Yurong Jiao, Ying Gong, and Xiangrong Ma. "Synthesis, crystal structures, and magnetic properties of nitroxide radical-coordinated manganese(II) and cobalt(II) complexes." Journal of Chemical Research 45, no. 7-8 (March 28, 2021): 788–94.

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Coordination complexes constructed from the nitronyl nitroxide radical NIT-Pyra-3-Isobu and MII(hfac)2(H2O)2 as building blocks (NIT-Pyra-3-Isobu = 2-(3-isobutyl-pyrazole)-4,4,5,5-tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide, hfac = hexafluoroacetylacetonato, and M = Mn or Co) are successfully synthesized. The crystal structures of the coordination compounds reveal the usefulness of the functionalized radical in providing discrete or extended architectures. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction analyses indicated that the ligand is coordinated through the oxygen atom of NO• and the N atom of the pyrazole linkage to the metal, and the metals adopt an octahedral geometry leading to one-dimensional zig-zag chain systems. The magnetic behavior of the manganese and cobalt shows overall antiferromagnetic interactions between the metal center and the organic radical.

Glavanakov, I. V., and A. N. Tabachenko. "Spectator isobar production in the A(γ,πNN)B reaction." International Journal of Modern Physics E 27, no. 05 (May 2018): 1850038.

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We present an analysis of the spectator mechanism of [Formula: see text]-isobar production in the pion photoproduction on nuclei with the emission of two nucleons. The reaction mechanism is studied within the framework of the [Formula: see text]-correlation model, which considers the isobar and nucleon of the [Formula: see text]-system produced in the nucleus at the virtual [Formula: see text] transition to be in a dynamic relationship. The two-particle transition operator for nuclei is obtained by the S-matrix approach. We consider the properties of the spectator mechanism of isobar production using the example of the reaction [Formula: see text]O[Formula: see text]O. Numerical estimates of the cross-section are obtained in the kinematic region, where it is possible to expect the manifestation of bound isobar-nuclear states.

AVITABILE, D., M. DESROCHES, and S. RODRIGUES. "ON THE NUMERICAL CONTINUATION OF ISOLAS OF EQUILIBRIA." International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 22, no. 11 (November 2012): 1250277.

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We present a numerical strategy to compute one-parameter families of isolas of equilibrium solutions in ODEs. Isolas are solution branches closed in parameter space. Numerical continuation is required to compute one single isola since it contains at least one unstable segment. We show how to use pseudo-arclength predictor–corrector schemes in order to follow an entire isola in parameter space, as an individual object, by posing a suitable algebraic problem. We continue isolas of equilibria in a two-dimensional dynamical system, the so-called continuous stirred tank reactor model, and also in a three-dimensional model related to plasma physics. We then construct a toy model and follow a family of isolas past a fold and illustrate how to initiate the computation close to a formation center, using approximate ellipses in a model inspired by the van der Pol equation. We also show how to introduce node adaptivity in the discretization of the isola, so as to concentrate on nodes in region with higher curvature. We conclude by commenting on the extension of the proposed numerical strategy to the case of isolas of periodic orbits.


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Antiproton [Formula: see text], on annihilation with a nucleon in a complex nucleus of emulsion emits charged pions which are about 20% less than that observed in an antiproton annihilation on a free nucleon. Predominant reduction takes place for the pions in the energy range of 140 MeV. This reduction of charged pion multiplicity and the corresponding pion energy range for which such reduction takes place have been explained on the basis of isobar model of pion absorption. The energy and the opening angle distributions of the protons resulting from absorption of such pions were measured and were fitted with those from the Monte Carlo calculations based on the isobar model. Good agreement in each case further supports the isobar model of pion absorption. (Nuclear reaction ([Formula: see text], emulsion), pion absorption in complex nuclei, isobar model)

Labropulu, F., and O. P. Chandna. "Finitely conducting transverse-aligned plane magnetohydrodynamic confluent flows." Canadian Journal of Physics 68, no. 3 (March 1, 1990): 273–83.

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An equivalent alternate formulation of the finitely conducting transverse-aligned plane flow is obtained. Study of flows when isocurls coincide with streamlines, isobars coincide with isovels and streamlines, and isovels coincide with isobars and isocurls, respectively, are given as examples of this new formulation.

Takahashi, Tomohiro, and Seiji Goshima. "The growth, reproduction and body color pattern of Cleantiella isopus (Isopoda: Valvifera) in Hakodate Bay, Japan." Crustacean Research 41 (2012): 1–10.

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DOEDEL, EUSEBIUS J., BART E. OLDEMAN, and CARLOS L. PANDO L. "BIFURCATION STRUCTURES IN A MODEL OF A CO2 LASER WITH A FAST SATURABLE ABSORBER." International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 21, no. 01 (January 2011): 305–22.

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We consider a new mathematical model of a CO 2 laser with a fast saturable absorber. The system exhibits isolas of periodic solutions, along with their bifurcations, as the main parameter, the incoherent pump of the laser, is changed. The characteristic feature of these lasers is their spiking behavior; the spikes, passive Q-switching pulses, correspond to stable periodic solutions on the isolas. We also study the changes in the solution structure as a second parameter varies, namely, the one that is responsible for the extent of nonlinear losses. In particular, we determine what happens to the isolas and to the stability properties of the periodic solutions along them.

Gorchtein, Mikhail. "Unitarity, analyticity and duality constraints in η and π photoproduction." EPJ Web of Conferences 199 (2019): 02002.

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We report an update of the isobar model EtaMAID. A new approach is proposed to avoid double counting in the overlap region of Regge and resonances. Dispersion relation is applied on top of the isobar model, and both models describe the data equally well. Application of these ideas to pion photoproduction is discussed.

BAKER, T., B. LASIUK, and C. RANGACHARYULU. "ISOBAR COMPONENTS AND MIRROR SYMMETRY BREAKING IN NUCLEI." International Journal of Modern Physics E 08, no. 01 (February 1999): 11–16.

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The possible role of isobar degrees of freedom in nuclear structure accounting for departures from the symmetry properties of mirror nuclei is investigated. Specifically for [Formula: see text] conjugate pairs, we evaluate the corresponding mirror Gamow-Teller beta decays. In a simple model description, admixtures of isobar components at the few percent level can accommodate the experimentally observed asymmetries in mirror pairs of masses A=13 and 17.

L., R. "Les isolés." Chimères 47, no. 1 (2002): 35–51.

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Englund, John C., and William C. Schieve. "Laser isolas." Journal of the Optical Society of America B 2, no. 1 (January 1, 1985): 81.

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DELTUVA, A., A. C. FONSECA, and P. U. SAUER. "FOUR-NUCLEON BOUND STATE AND SCATTERING: EFFECT OF MANY-NUCLEON FORCES." Modern Physics Letters A 24, no. 11n13 (April 30, 2009): 785–90.

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The four-nucleon bound state and scattering below three-body breakup threshold are described. The description is based on a realistic coupled-channel potential which allows the excitation of a single nucleon to a Δ isobar. In the four-nucleon system the Δ isobar mediates effective two-, three- and four-nucleon forces. The effect of the four-nucleon force is found to be much smaller than the effect of the three-nucleon force.

Fudeyasu, Hironori, Yuqing Wang, Masaki Satoh, Tomoe Nasuno, Hiroaki Miura, and Wataru Yanase. "Multiscale Interactions in the Life Cycle of a Tropical Cyclone Simulated in a Global Cloud-System-Resolving Model. Part I: Large-Scale and Storm-Scale Evolutions*." Monthly Weather Review 138, no. 12 (December 1, 2010): 4285–304.

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Abstract The Nonhydrostatic Icosahedral Atmospheric Model (NICAM), a global cloud-system-resolving model, successfully simulated the life cycle of Tropical Storm Isobel that formed over the Timor Sea in the austral summer of 2006. The multiscale interactions in the life cycle of the simulated storm were analyzed in this study. The large-scale aspects that affected Isobel’s life cycle are documented in this paper and the corresponding mesoscale processes are documented in a companion paper. The life cycle of Isobel was largely controlled by a Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO) event and the associated westerly wind burst (WWB). The MJO was found to have both positive and negative effects on the tropical cyclone intensity depending on the location of the storm relative to the WWB center associated with the MJO. The large-scale low-level convergence and high convective available potential energy (CAPE) downwind of the WWB center provided a favorable region to the cyclogenesis and intensification, whereas the strong large-scale stretching deformation field upwind of the WWB center may weaken the storm by exciting wavenumber-2 asymmetries in the eyewall and leading to the eyewall breakdown. Five stages are identified for the life cycle of the simulated Isobel: the initial eddy, intensifying, temporary weakening, reintensifying, and decaying stages. The initial eddy stage was featured by small-scale/mesoscale convective cyclonic vortices developed in the zonally elongated rainband organized in the preconditioned environment characterized by the WWB over the Java Sea associated with the onset of an MJO event over the East Indian Ocean. As the MJO propagated eastward and the cyclonic eddies moved southward into an environment with weak vertical shear and strong low-level cyclonic vorticity, a typical tropical cyclone structure developed over the Java Sea, namely the genesis of Isobel. Isobel experienced an eyewall breakdown and a temporary weakening when it was located upwind of the WWB center as the MJO propagated southeastward and reintensified as its eyewall reformed as a result of the axisymmetrization of an inward spiraling outer rainband that originally formed downwind of the WWB center. Finally Isobel decayed as it approached the northwest coast of Australia.

Fudeyasu, Hironori, Yuqing Wang, Masaki Satoh, Tomoe Nasuno, Hiroaki Miura, and Wataru Yanase. "Multiscale Interactions in the Life Cycle of a Tropical Cyclone Simulated in a Global Cloud-System-Resolving Model. Part II: System-Scale and Mesoscale Processes*." Monthly Weather Review 138, no. 12 (December 1, 2010): 4305–27.

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Abstract The life cycle of Tropical Storm Isobel was simulated reasonably well in the Nonhydrostatic Icosahedral Atmospheric Model (NICAM), a global cloud-system-resolving model. The evolution of the large-scale circulation and the storm-scale structure change was discussed in Part I. Both the mesoscale and system-scale processes in the life cycle of the simulated Isobel are documented in this paper. In the preconditioned favorable environment over the Java Sea, mesoscale convective vortices (model MCVs) developed in the mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) and convective towers with cyclonic potential vorticity (PV) anomalies throughout the troposphere [model vortical hot towers (VHTs)] appeared in the model MCVs. Multiple model VHTs strengthened cyclonic PV in the interior of the model MCV and led to the formation of an upright monolithic PV core at the center of the concentric MCV (primary vortex enhancement). As the monolithic PV core with a warm core developed near the circulation center, the intensification and the increase in horizontal size of the cyclonic PV were enhanced through the system-scale intensification (SSI) process (the secondary vortex enhancement), leading to the genesis of Isobel over the Timor Sea. The SSI process can be well explained by the balanced dynamics. After its genesis, the subsequent evolution of the simulated Isobel was controlled by both the external influence and the internal dynamics. Under the unfavorable environmental conditions, the development of asymmetric structure reduced the axisymmetric diabatic heating in the inner core and the SSI process became ineffective and the storm weakened. Later on, as the eyewall reformed as a result of the axisymmetrization of an inward-propagating outer spiral rainband, the SSI process became effective again, leading to the reintensification of Isobel. Therefore, the large-scale environmental flow provided the precondition for the genesis of Isobel and the triggering mechanism for subsequent storm-scale structure change as discussed in Part I. The system-scale and mesoscale processes, such as the evolution of MCVs and merging VHTs, were responsible for the genesis, while the eyewall processes were critical to the storm intensity change through the SSI process.

Wong, Y. C., and Y. H. Taufiq-Yap. "Influence of Intercalation-Exfoliation-Reduction Technique towards the Physico-Chemical of VPO Catalysts." Journal of Chemistry 2013 (2013): 1–8.

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Four VPO catalysts were synthesized through intercalation and exfoliation in various alcohols and subsequent reduction of the exfoliated VOPO4sheets with various alcohols to produce VOHPO4⋅0.5H2O. The resulting VOHPO4⋅0.5H2O that undergoes the intercalation-exfoliation-reduction (IER) process will be further activated into VPO catalysts, and addition of 1 mole % Bi(NO3)3⋅5H2O in the first stage of this experiment has also being investigated. The synthesized materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM), and temperature-programmed reduction (TPR) in H2. Catalytic evaluation of the IER-treated and Bi-doped VPO catalysts was also studied on microreactor. The VPO catalyst produced through IER using 2-butanol and ethanol with addition of Bi, IERC(2Bu-Et)RBi1, gave the highest MA selectivity due to reactive O2−species released from the additional crystalline V5+phase formed by doping 1% bismuth as promoter (O2−-V5+pair) at relative lower temperature. Nevertheless, the VPO catalyst produced through IER using isobutanol, IERC(isoBu), gave the highest activity due to high amount of reactive O−species released from V4+phase (O−-V4+pair) whereby the IERC(isoBu) catalyst synthesized consists of high percentage of V4+(93 %).

Jung, R., and J. Renner. "Two-dimensional numerical investigations on the termination of bilinear flow in fractures." Solid Earth Discussions 5, no. 1 (April 15, 2013): 391–425.

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Abstract. Bilinear flow occurs when fluid is drained from a permeable matrix by producing it through an enclosed fracture of finite conductivity intersecting a well along its axis. The terminology reflects the combination of two approximately linear flow regimes, one in the matrix with flow essentially perpendicular to the fracture and one along the fracture itself associated with the non-negligible pressure drop in it. We investigated the characteristics, in particular the termination, of bilinear flow by numerical modeling allowing an examination of the entire flow field without prescribing the flow geometry in the matrix. Fracture storage capacity was neglected relying on previous findings that bilinear flow is associated with a quasi-steady flow in the fracture. Numerical results were generalized by dimensionless presentation. Definition of a dimensionless time that other than in previous approaches does not use geometrical parameters of the fracture permitted identifying the dimensionless well pressure for the infinitely long fracture as the master curve for type curves of all fractures with finite length from the beginning of bilinear flow up to fully developed radial flow. In log-log-scale the master curve's logarithmic derivative initially follows a 1/4-slope-straight line (characteristic for bilinear flow) and gradually bends into a horizontal line (characteristic for radial flow) for long times. During the bilinear flow period, isobars normalized to well pressure propagate with fourth and second root of time in fracture and matrix, respectively. The width-to-length ratio of the pressure field increases proportional to the fourth root of time during the bilinear period and starts to deviate from this relation close to the deviation of well pressure and its derivative from their fourth-root-of-time relations. At this time, isobars are already significantly inclined with respect to the fracture. The type curves of finite fractures all deviate counterclockwise from the master curve instead of clockwise or counterclockwise from the 1/4-slope-straight line as previously proposed. The counterclockwise deviation from the master curve was identified as the arrival of a normalized isobar reflected at the fracture tip sixteen times earlier. Nevertheless, two distinct regimes were found regarding pressure at the fracture tip when bilinear flow ends. For dimensionless fracture conductivities TD < 1, a significant pressure increase is not observed at the fracture tip until bilinear flow is succeeded by radial flow at a fixed dimensionless time. For TD > 10, the pressure at the fracture tip has reached substantial fractions of the associated change in well pressure when the flow field transforms towards intermittent formation linear flow at times that scale inversely with the fourth power of dimensionless fracture conductivity. Our results suggest that semi-log plots of normalized well pressure provide a means for the determination of hydraulic parameters of fracture and matrix after shorter test duration than for conventional analysis.

Bi, Wenzhao, Geeng-Fu Jang, Lei Zhang, John W. Crabb, James Laird, Mikhail Linetsky, and Robert G. Salomon. "The Adductomics of Isolevuglandins: Oxidation of IsoLG Pyrrole Intermediates Generates Pyrrole–Pyrrole Crosslinks and Lactams." High-Throughput 8, no. 2 (May 10, 2019): 12.

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Isoprostane endoperoxides generated by free radical-induced oxidation of arachidonates, and prostaglandin endoperoxides generated through enzymatic cyclooxygenation of arachidonate, rearrange nonenzymatically to isoprostanes and a family of stereo and structurally isomeric γ-ketoaldehyde seco-isoprostanes, collectively known as isolevuglandins (isoLGs). IsoLGs are stealthy toxins, and free isoLGs are not detected in vivo. Rather, covalent adducts are found to incorporate lysyl ε-amino residues of proteins or ethanolamino residues of phospholipids. In vitro studies have revealed that adduction occurs within seconds and is uniquely prone to cause protein–protein crosslinks. IsoLGs accelerate the formation of the type of amyloid beta oligomers that have been associated with neurotoxicity. Under air, isoLG-derived pyrroles generated initially are readily oxidized to lactams and undergo rapid oxidative coupling to pyrrole–pyrrole crosslinked dimers, and to more highly oxygenated derivatives of those dimers. We have now found that pure isoLG-derived pyrroles, which can be generated under anoxic conditions, do not readily undergo oxidative coupling. Rather, dimer formation only occurs after an induction period by an autocatalytic oxidative coupling. The stable free-radical TEMPO abolishes the induction period, catalyzing rapid oxidative coupling. The amine N-oxide TMAO is similarly effective in catalyzing the oxidative coupling of isoLG pyrroles. N-acetylcysteine abolishes the generation of pyrrole–pyrrole crosslinks. Instead pyrrole-cysteine adducts are produced. Two unified single-electron transfer mechanisms are proposed for crosslink and pyrrole-cysteine adduct formation from isoLG-pyrroles, as well as for their oxidation to lactams and hydroxylactams.

Vasileiadis, Konstantinos N., Evdoxia D. Kompiadou, Konstantinos A. Tsioumis, and Konstantinos Petrogiannis. "A Multicultural Citizenship Education Program Through a Virtual Learning Environment Platform: A Greek Study Under the EU ISOTIS Project." International Journal of Learning and Development 10, no. 1 (February 5, 2020): 52.

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The article presents the activities taken place to design and implement activities that meet the criteria, aims and goals of ISOTIS project that aims to contribute to effective policy and practice development at different system levels in order to effectively combat early arising and persisting educational inequalities. We focus on the procedures and theoretical framework that the Greek team, as partner of ISOTIS project adopted to support diverse families both linguistically and culturally, to create effective and inclusive curricula and moreover to develop educational policy to combat educational inequalities. In this paper we introduce the criteria for selecting the sites according to the demographic and their pedagogical characteristics, the teacher’s experience, the children’s needs and the main issues, challenges and arguments for the co-design phase and the main principles and shared ideas according to ISOTIS criteria. This paper highlights positive family/parent-teacher interactions through ICT technologies, fostering to improve and promote inclusiveness and belongingness. Our theoretical framework lays in critical multicultural citizenship education and democratic governance in schools.

Creech-Eakman, M. J., and R. E. Stencel. "ISOSWS Spectral Variations of Oxygen-Rich Miras." Symposium - International Astronomical Union 191 (1999): 245–50.

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In conjunction with an extensive ground-based monitoring program of 32 oxygen-rich Mira variables, a subset of this sample has been monitored with phase using ISO's Short Wavelength Spectrometer (ISOSWS) and ground-based mid-infrared spectrometers. Some of the six sources will be presented here in 2.5–45 μm ISOSWS spectra and 7.5–13.5 μm ground-based spectra using CGS3. Discussion of the spectral features of SiO, CO, H2O, and silicates will be presented. These data are considered in the context of recent demonstrations of variations in the spectral features with phase of the Miras.

Krinner, Fabian. "Recent progress in the partial wave analysis of the diffractively produced π−π+π− final state at Compass." EPJ Web of Conferences 199 (2019): 02003.

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The Compass spectrometer at CERN has collected a large data set for diffractive three-pion production of 46 × 106 exclusive events. Based on previous conventional Partial-Wave Analyses (PWA), we performed a “freed-isobar PWA” on the same data, removing model assumptions on the dynamic isobar amplitudes for dominating waves. In this analysis, we encountered continuous mathematical ambiguities, which we were able to identify and resolve. This analysis gives an unprecedented insight in the interplay of 2π and 3π dynamics in the process. As an example we show results for a spin-exotic wave $J_{{X^ - }}^{PC} = {1^{ - + }}$ wave.

Radjack, Rahmeth, Gabriela Guzman, and Marie Rose Moro. "Enfants mineurs isolés." Adolescence T.32 3, no. 3 (2014): 531.

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Laurent, H., F. Garcier, and J. Dupont. "Nodules rhumatoïdes isolés." La Revue de Médecine Interne 17 (January 1996): 457s.

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McLaughlin, J. E. "Isobel Porritt Beswick." BMJ 326, no. 7380 (January 11, 2003): 107b—107.

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Lowdon, G. M. "Isobel Jean McLarty." BMJ 326, no. 7386 (February 22, 2003): 450d—450.

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Celia Henry Arnaud. "Laura-Isobel McCall." C&EN Global Enterprise 98, no. 31 (August 17, 2020): 44–45.

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Taylor, J. "Isobel Quita Barber." BMJ 347, dec09 4 (December 9, 2013): f7266.

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