Books on the topic 'Linguistic primacy'

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Aklujkar, Vidyut. Primacy of linguistic units. Pune, India: I.P.Q. Publication, Dept. of Philosophy, University of Poona, 1987.

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Barnhart, Cynthia A. Let's read: A linguistic approach. 2nd ed. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2010.

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Ellis, Sue, and Elspeth McCartney. Applied Linguistics and Primary School Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011.

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Ellis, Sue, and Elspeth McCartney, eds. Applied Linguistics and Primary School Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.

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Bonola, Anna Paola, Paola Cotta Ramusino, and Liana Goletiani, eds. Studi italiani di linguistica slava. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2015.

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I saggi qui pubblicati documentano le più recenti ricerche linguistiche svolte nell’ambito della slavistica italiana. I contributi raccolti nella prima parte del volume studiano le strutture morfologiche e sintattiche di varie lingue slave; la seconda parte è dedicata all'uso linguistico; l'ultima contiene tre studi sperimentali sull’acquisizione delle lingue slave, un ambito di ricerca particolarmente promettente sia per le applicazioni glottodidattiche, sia per il contributo agli studi sul rapporto fra pensiero e linguaggio. Diverse sono le lingue slave studiate (il ceco, il polacco, il russo, lo sloveno, i dialetti ucraini, le lingue slave meridionali, tra cui le parlate dei pomacchi nei monti Rodopi), diverse le prospettive (diacronica e sincronica) e vari gli approcci metodologici, a testimonianza della ricchezza e della progressiva maturazione degli studi linguistici all’interno della slavistica italiana.

Denham, Kristin E. Linguistics at school: Language awareness in primary and secondary education. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2010.

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Opoola, B. T. Linguistics and mother tongue teaching and learning in Nigerian primary schools. Oyo, Nigeria: Immaculate-City, 2002.

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Chang, Hedy Nai-Lin. Affirming children's roots: Cultural and linguistic diversity in early care and education. San Francisco, CA: California Tomorrow, 1993.

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Medwin, Hughes, ed. The challenge of diversity: Primary case studies. [Carmarthen?]: [Trinity College?], 1991.

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Sure, Kembo. Linguistic human rights and language policy in the Kenyan education system. Addis Ababa: OSSREA, 2009.

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Dekkers, A. Teacher training of minority languages for primary and secondary education. Ljouwert/Leeuwarden: Fryske Akademy, 1995.

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Waszink, Paul M. Don't Weep a Gold Chain: Observations on Primary and Secondary Systems in Russian Classical and Romantic Art and Literature. Bern: Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, 2003.

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Maraschio, Nicoletta, ed. Firenze e la lingua italiana fra nazione ed Europa. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2007.

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Il volume raccoglie gli atti del convegno "Firenze e la lingua italiana tra nazione ed Europa" che si è tenuto nei giorni 27-28 maggio 2004 presso l'Aula Magna dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze e l'Accademia della Crusca. Firenze ha avuto, come è noto, un ruolo centrale nel processo di unificazione linguistica nazionale e grazie alla sua vocazione internazionale ha promosso la diffusione e la conoscenza della lingua e della cultura italiana in Europa e nel mondo. Al di là di ogni ottica celebrativa, quindi, il convegno ha permesso una discussione aperta sull'identità culturale della città nel contesto contemporaneo, attraverso una riflessione critica sulla sua storia (in particolare su alcuni momenti significativi della cultura fiorentina tra Otto e Novecento) e sul suo primato linguistico.

Maslen, Bobby Lynn. Bob books: For beginning readers. New York, NY: Scholastic Inc., 1994.

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Maslen, Bobby Lynn. Bob books: Advancing beginners and word families. New York, NY: Scholastic, Inc., 2007.

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Jennings, Claire. Children as story-tellers: Developing language skills in the classroom. Melbourne: Oxford University Press (Australia), 1991.

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Bain, Richard. The primary grammar book: Finding patterns-making sense. Sheffield: NATE, 1998.

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Napoli, Donna Jo. Primary movement in sign languages: A study of six languages. Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press, 2011.

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John, Harris. Modern languages in Irish primary schools: An evaluation of the National Pilot Project. Dublin: Institiúid Teangeolaíochta Éireann, 2002.

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Minns, Hilary. Primary language: Extending the curriculum with computers. Coventry: National Council for Educational Technology, 1991.

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Meier, Terri. Black communications and learning to read: Building on children's linguistic and cultural strengths. New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2008.

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Meier, Terri. Black communications and learning to read: Building on children's linguistic and cultural strengths. New York, NY: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2007.

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Ferro, Maria Chiara, Laura Salmon, and Giorgio Ziffer, eds. Contributi italiani al XVI Congresso Internazionale degli Slavisti. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2018.

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I ventitré saggi contenuti nel volume rappresentano i contributi della delegazione italiana al XVI Congresso internazionale degli Slavisti, che si svolge a Belgrado nell’agosto del 2018. Scritti in italiano, inglese, russo e serbo, i saggi sono suddivisi in tre sezioni: linguistica, filologia e letterature slave. Come assai ampio è il ventaglio dei temi toccati, così è quantomai largo il loro arco cronologico, che dall’epoca pre- e protostorica arriva fino ai nostri giorni. Gli argomenti trattati si estendono in effetti dal protoslavo alle tradizioni scrittoria, linguistica e letteraria della civiltà slava ecclesiastica, dai rapporti linguistici e culturali fra Italia e Russia a un particolare dizionario illirico del Settecento. Nel settore della linguistica sincronica troviamo saggi in cui si approfondiscono questioni di dialettologia e sociolinguistica nell’area di confine tra Ucraina e Bielorussia, e poi i modi di esprimere il concetto di completezza in russo, alcuni costrutti concessivi del russo studiati con i metodi della ‘grammatica costruzionista’, un particolare aspetto dei sistemi verbali russo e bulgaro, e i diversi suffissi impiegati nella formazione delle coppie aspettuali nel dialetto resiano. In ambito letterario si spazia invece da Gumilev e Chlebnikov a saggi che parlano di letteratura ed ecologia, dagli scrittori armeni che scrivono in russo al poema neolatino Il canto del bisonte e ai riflessi umanistici e rinascimentali nella letteratura ucraina moderna, da una studiosa italiana di letteratura serba della prima metà del Novecento all’immagine della ‘donna forte’ nella letteratura serba dello stesso periodo. Con la loro varietà questi saggi offrono quindi nel loro insieme un’idea assai concreta di diversi degli attuali filoni di ricerca della slavistica italiana.

Litovskiĭ, V. F. Problemy formirovanii͡a︡ pisʹmennoĭ rechi. Cheli͡a︡binsk: Cheli͡a︡binskiĭ gos. universitet, 2000.

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Clay, Marie M. What did I write?: Beginning writing behaviour. [n.p.]: Heinemann Educational, 1992.

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William, Poole. Francis Lodwick (1619/1694) a country not named (MS. Sloane 913, Fols. 1r/33r): An edition with an annotated primary bibliography and an introductory essay on Lodwick and his intellectual context. Tempe, Ariz: ACMRS (Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies), 2007.

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Akmajian, Adrian, Richard A. Demers, Ann K. Farmer, and Robert M. Harnish. Linguistics. 5th ed. The MIT Press, 2001.

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The fifth edition has been thoroughly revised. Revisions include, but are not limited to, the addition of "selected readings" sections, updated examples, new discussion on the creative nature of neologisms, and the use of IPA as the primary transcription system throughout. This edition also includes an account of the patterns of occurrence of reduced vowels in English. An understanding of these patterns enables the reader to write a phonemic transcription of any English word.

Ludlow, Peter. Linguistic and Philosophical Methodology. Edited by Herman Cappelen, Tamar Szabó Gendler, and John Hawthorne. Oxford University Press, 2016.

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This article explores the use of philosophical methodology in linguistics and the role of linguistic methodology in philosophy. More specifically, it considers the borrowing of prima facie philosophical methodologies by linguistics and vice versa, gives some examples of this methodological borrowing, clarifies what the aim of it has been, and makes the case for the fruitfulness of these efforts. It also discusses the role of appeals to semantics in metaphysics, epistemology, and the philosophy of language, and examines whether the prima facie distinction between linguistic and philosophical methodology holds up in any interesting sense. Finally, it suggests that methodology in linguistics and in particular the semantics of natural language is intimately intertwined with methodology in numerous areas of philosophy.

Ellis, Sue, and Elspeth McCartney. Applied Linguistics and Primary School Teaching. Cambridge University Press, 2011.

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Mccartney, Elspeth, and Sue Ellis. Applied Linguistics and Primary School Teaching. Cambridge University Press, 2011.

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Ellis, Sue, and Elspeth McCartney. Applied Linguistics and Primary School Teaching. Cambridge University Press, 2011.

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Ellis, Sue. Applied Linguistics and Primary School Teaching. Cambridge University Press, 2014.

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Ellis, Sue, and Elspeth McCartney. Applied Linguistics and Primary School Teaching. Cambridge University Press, 2011.

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Horton, William D. Primary Objective: Neuro-Linguistic Psychology and Guerrilla Warfare. Eschaton Productions Inc., 1998.

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Andrade, Aguilera Vanderci de, and Límoli Loredana, eds. Entrelinhas, entretelas: Os desafios da leitura. Londrina: Editora UEL, 2001.

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Andrade, Aguilera Vanderci de, and Límoli Loredana, eds. Entrelinhas, entretelas: Os desafios da leitura. Londrina: Editora UEL, 2001.

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Knight, Anne, and Ann Knight. Australian Primary Thesaurus. Oxford University Press Australia & New Zealand, 2001.

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S, Tjeerdsma R., and Sikma Jantsje A, eds. Provision of learning materials: For primary and pre-primary education. Ljouwert/Leeuwarden, Netherlands: Fryske Akademy, 1994.

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Learning to read words: Linguistic units and strategies. Ann Arbor, Mich: Center for the Improvement of Early Reading Achievement, University of Michigan, 1999.

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Staff, Oxford University Press, and Mark Gwynn. Australian Advanced Primary Dictionary. Oxford University Press Australia & New Zealand, 2011.

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Conteh, Jean. Teaching Bilingual and EAL Learners in Primary Schools (Transforming Primary QTS Series). Learning Matters, 2012.

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Wallace, Susan, and Kirsty Anderson. Primary EAL Provision. Critical Publishing, 2018.

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Filppula, Markku, Juhani Klemola, and Devyani Sharma. Introduction. Edited by Markku Filppula, Juhani Klemola, and Devyani Sharma. Oxford University Press, 2016.

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This volume brings together thirty-six chapters on World Englishes, which are here understood to refer to the full range of Englishes, both where English dominates as a native language and not. The collection is designed to offer a mutually constructive engagement with current linguistic theories, methods, questions, and hypotheses. With this primary theoretical orientation in sight, the chapters in the volume are divided into four thematic parts: Foundations, World Englishes and Linguistic Theory, Areal Profiles, and Case Studies. This arrangement offers balanced coverage of detailed accounts of the foundations and social histories of varieties of English spoken across the globe as well as the mutually enriching potential of studying World Englishes within diverse theoretical subareas of Linguistics. The collection closes with a set of case studies that exemplify this type of analysis.

Durkin, Peter, Heather Sperring, Virginia Ferguson, Geoff Sperring, and Luke Jurevicius. Text Types for Primary Schools Book 2. Oxford University Press Australia & New Zealand, 2006.

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Durkin, Peter, Heather Sperring, Virginia Ferguson, Geoff Sperring, and Luke Jurevicius. Text Types for Primary Schools Book 4. Oxford University Press Australia & New Zealand, 2006.

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Durkin, Peter, Heather Sperring, Virginia Ferguson, Geoff Sperring, and Luke Jurevicius. Text Types for Primary Schools Book 5. Oxford University Press Australia & New Zealand, 2006.

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Durkin, Peter, Heather Sperring, Virginia Ferguson, Geoff Sperring, and Luke Jurevicius. Text Types for Primary Schools Book 1. Oxford University Press Australia & New Zealand, 2006.

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Durkin, Peter, Heather Sperring, Virginia Ferguson, Geoff Sperring, and Luke Jurevicius. Text Types for Primary Schools Book 6. Oxford University Press Australia & New Zealand, 2006.

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Staff, Oxford University Press, and Katrina Heydon. Australian Middle Primary Dictionary and Thesaurus. Oxford University Press Australia & New Zealand, 2010.

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Lobeck, Anne, and Kristin Denham. Linguistics at School: Language Awareness in Primary and Secondary Education. Cambridge University Press, 2010.

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