Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Nurse characteristics and actions'

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Doss, Kenneth Lloyd 1948. "Social life characteristics and disciplinary actions against chemically dependent nurses." Thesis, The University of Arizona, 1992. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/278222.

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This study was designed to identify social life characteristics associated with the variance in charges and penalties against chemically dependent registered nurses (RNs) and licensed practical nurses (LPNs) in Arizona. Black's (1976) theory on the behavior of law was used as the basis for the conceptual framework of the study. Data were collected from a sample of 203 chemical dependency misconduct records at the Arizona State Board of Nursing. LPNs were more likely to have licenses revoked than RNs. Nurses holding staff positions were more likely to have licenses revoked than nurses holding administrative, supervisory or head nurse positions. Significant differences were also found between chemically dependent nurse offenders and non-offenders when comparing RNs to LPNs; married nurses to separated/divorced nurses; full-time nurses to part-time nurses; diploma or associate degree prepared nurses to baccalaureate or higher degree prepared nurses and male to female nurses.

Palm, Bonita, and Emilia Sundberg. "Att skapa en god vårdrelation : En litteraturstudie om patienters erfarenheter av vårdrelationen med sjuksköterskan." Thesis, Ersta Sköndal högskola, Institutionen för vårdvetenskap, 2013. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:esh:diva-2191.

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Bakgrund: Vårdrelationen tycks ha stor betydelse för patientens välbefinnande och många faktorer kan påverka utvecklingen av relationen i en positiv riktning. Relationen ses främst som ett medel för att uppnå omvårdnadsmålen, men kan även utgöra ett mål i sig. Tidigare forskning fokuserar på när och hur vårdrelationen innebär ett vårdande för patienten. Studier som har ett helhetsperspektiv och en generell utgångspunkt i patienters preferenser avseende hur sjuksköterskan kan utveckla en god vårdrelation är få. För att kunna utveckla goda vård- relationer till sina patienter behöver sjuksköterskor förstå de faktorer som patienter upplever som betydelsefulla i den goda vårdrelationen. Syfte: Att beskriva faktorer som ur ett patientperspektiv har betydelse för en god vårdrelation mellan patient och sjuksköterska. Metod: För att få fördjupad kunskap om de faktorer patienter finner betydelsefulla för att en god vårdrelation ska utvecklas genomfördes en litteraturstudie av vårdvetenskapliga artiklar om patienters erfarenheter av vårdrelationen. Resultat: Studien resulterade i sex teman som beskriver patienternas förväntningar på sjuk- sköterskans kunskaper, egenskaper och handlingar inom ramen för den goda vårdrelationen. Patienterna värdesätter fysisk närvaro vid omvårdnaden, ett medmänskligt och respektfullt bemötande, att sjuksköterskan är professionell och förtroendeingivande, har ett personcent- rerat engagemang samt kommunikationsförmåga. Av sjätte temat framgår att patienten, och inte bara sjuksköterskan, lägger ner stora ansträngningar på att en vårdrelation ska utvecklas. Diskussion: Patienter vill bli sedda och respekterade som unika individer, med sina behov och förutsättningar. De vill möta en sjuksköterska som är intresserad och engagerad, inte bara i patienten som person, utan även i sin profession och utvecklingen av den, för att uppnå patientens främsta mål – nämligen förbättrad hälsa. Patienterna vill uppleva symmetri i engagemanget för relationen och utifrån detta gemensamt arbeta mot ökat välbefinnande. Resultatet har många beröringspunkter med Travelbees teori om mellanmänskliga relationer.

Russo, Brooke Stelle. "Civility Promotion Actions and Decisions of Prelicensure Baccalaureate Nurse Faculty." ScholarWorks, 2019. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations/7838.

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Acts of incivility in nursing education and practice settings are a growing concern. Previous research has indicated that uncivil behaviors, especially among nurses in the healthcare workplace, create toxic work environments and pose risks to patient safety. Uncivil behaviors among nurse educators and students were found to erode the learning environment and lead to poor program outcomes. Researchers provided evidence to show varied levels of incivility in academic and workplace environments and recommended solutions to improve civility, yet little evidence exists to show how nurse faculty approach civility promotion in their practices. This qualitative, descriptive study was designed to explore the actions and decisions of prelicensure nurse faculty who promote civility in their baccalaureate programs. Fifteen full-time, prelicensure nurse faculty from varied baccalaureate programs across the southeastern United States volunteered to participate in individual, online interviews. Husted and Husted's theory of bioethical symphonology was used to support the study design and analyze the findings. Thematic analysis of participant interview transcripts revealed 4 themes to explain civility promotion actions and decisions which included (a) guiding civil professionalism, (b) championing civil communication, (c) negotiating civil partnerships, and (d) empowering civility awareness. The findings of this study are beneficial to nurse faculty seeking civility promotion solutions which will enhance awareness, knowledge, and professional civility skills among nursing students and effect positive social change as new graduate nurses are prepared to promote civility in the healthcare workplace.

Miyata, Chiharu. "Characteristics and perception gap between staff nurse and nurse manager of the nurse manager's recognition behavior in Japan." 京都大学 (Kyoto University), 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/2433/188710.

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Barreca, Rebecca J. "Lived Experiences of Nurses: Nurse Characteristics by Clinical Specialty." Kent State University Honors College / OhioLINK, 2011. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=ksuhonors1303941706.

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Barnes, Ellen Sue M. "Perceived Importance of the Characteristics and Functions of the Advanced Nurse Practitioner." Thesis, North Texas State University, 1987. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc330779/.

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The purpose of this study was two-fold: to identify role functions and characteristics perceived as important to Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANPs) in Texas, and to identify differences in perceived importance of role functions and characteristics of ANPs according to gender, educational preparation, practice setting, and whether the practitioner entered practice before or after the current rules and regulations for ANP practice were adopted. Two questionnaires and a demographic data form were mailed to 300 ANPs in primary health care in Texas, with 152 responding. Data from the questionnaire, "Characteristics of the Advanced Nurse Practitioner," were analyzed using independent group t-tests. The findings indicated that the characteristics "person-oriented," "perceptive," and "skilled in problem-solving" were the most valued by the practitioners, while aggressive" was the least valued. Independent group t-tests were used to analyze data from the instrument, "Advanced Nurse Practitioner Functions." The results of this analysis were not significant. The Chi square test was used to further examine data from this questionnaire to determine if the responses differed from chance. With the exception of four items, all of the responses differed significantly from chance. The responses "extremely important or important" were selected significantly more frequently that any of the other options. Not appropriate," was selected significantly more often than could be expected by chance for two functions: suturing minor lacerations and performing incision and drainage of wounds. Fourteen functions were examined further using frequency, percentage of responses, and the Chi square test to determine if there were differences in responses between groups. There were significant differences in responses between ANPs in nurse-managed settings and those in physician-managed settings on four functions: ordering diagnostic tests, prescribing medications in consultation with a physician, suturing minor lacerations, and performing incision and drainage of wounds. Practice setting and educational preparation were the variables which had the greatest impact on perceived importance of the characteristics and functions to ANP practice.

Moody, N. B., P. L. Smith, and L. Lee Glenn. "Client Characteristics and Practice Patterns of Nurse Practitioners in Tennessee." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 1999. https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu-works/7536.

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This study's purpose was to describe the practice patterns of nurse practitioners (NPs) in Tennessee--specifically, the demographic characteristics and health problems of their clients and the therapeutic services they provide. A random sample of NPs practicing 20 or more hours per week in primary care in Tennessee provided data on a total of 680 clients seen during one selected day of care. An instrument adapted from the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS) allowed comparison of the NP findings with a national survey of office-based physicians in five areas: client demographics, client health status, diagnostic tests ordered, therapeutic interventions provided, and client disposition. Although many similarities were seen, differences included the tendency of NPs to care for more younger and female clients, to perform fewer office surgical procedures, and to provide more health teaching/counseling interventions.

Salfati, Carina Gabrielle. "Homicide : a behavioural analysis of crime scene actions and associated offender characteristics." Thesis, University of Liverpool, 1998. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.266051.

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Eshleman, Latimer Samuel Rohan. "Gender and Antiracist Ally Characteristics: Attitudes, Actions, and Perceived Effectiveness of Feedback." Xavier University Psychology / OhioLINK, 2009. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=xupsy1630680696884997.

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Eshleman, Latimer Samuel Rohan. "Gender and Antiracist Ally Characteristics: Attitudes, Actions, and Perceived Effectiveness of Feedback." Xavier University Psychology / OhioLINK, 2021. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=xupsy1630680696884997.

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Paige, Jane B. "Simulation design characteristics| Perspectives held by nurse educators and nursing students." Thesis, The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, 2014. http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=3614774.

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Simulation based learning (SBL) is pedagogical method poised to innovate nursing educational approaches. Yet, despite a growing body of research into SBL, limited investigation exists regarding assumptions and beliefs that underpin SBL pedagogy. Even though key simulation design characteristics exist, the particular methods nurse educators use to operationalize simulation design characteristics and how these choices are viewed from the perspective of nursing students is unknown. Without understanding what motivates educators to design simulations as they do, it is difficult to interpret the evidence that exists to support chosen methods. Through the exploration of perspectives (points-of-view), underlying beliefs can be uncovered. Educators readily share their points-of-view on simulation design both formally (in literature) and informally (ordinary conversations). These conversations portray the subjectivity surrounding simulation design and become a vehicle for exploration. The purpose of this study was to describe and compare nurse educators' and nursing students' perspectives about operationalizing design characteristics within educational simulations. The National League for Nursing-Jeffries Simulation Framework guided this study by identifying the interaction of teacher, student, and educational practices on the five design characteristics (objectives, student support, problem solving, fidelity, and debriefing). It was from this interaction that perspectives were investigated. A Q-methodological approach was employed to investigate the subjectivity inherent in perspectives. Derived from 392 opinions on simulation design, a 60-statement Q-sample was rank-ordered into a quasi-normal distribution grid by 44 nurse educators and 45 nursing students recruited from two national organizations. Factor analysis and participants' explanations for statement placement contributed to factor interpretation. Factor analysis revealed nurse educators share a common, overriding Facilitate the Discovery perspective about operationalizing simulation design. Two secondary bipolar factors revealed that even though educators share a common perspective, there exist aspects of simulation design held in opposition regarding student role assignment and how far to let students struggle including when and if to stop a simulation. Factor analysis revealed nursing students hold five distinct and uniquely personal perspectives labeled Let Me Show You, Stand By Me, The Agony of Defeat, Let Me Think it Through, and I'm Engaging and So Should You. Second-order factor analysis revealed nurse educators share similar aspects of thinking with four of the five nursing students' perspectives. Results suggest ongoing and sustained educational development along with time for nurse educators to reflect on and clarify their perspective about simulation design is essential. Educators need to emotionally prepare and support nursing students prior to and during simulation activities. Further educational research is needed on how operationalizing simulation design characteristics differ based on a SBL activity with either a formative or a summative purpose.


Patterson, Jennifer. "Nurse Supervisors and Certified Nursing Assistants: Leadership Characteristics and Job Satisfaction." ScholarWorks, 2018. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations/5583.

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Significant costs are associated with the turnover rate of certified nursing assistants (CNAs) in skilled nursing facilities (SNFs), and turnover impacts the quality of care for residents of the SNFs through disruption of care. The purpose of this quantitative cross-sectional study was to identify the leadership characteristics of supervisors most associated with the job satisfaction (JS) of CNAs in SNFs. Herzberg's dual factor theory was used as the theoretical framework to explain the relationship between the leadership characteristics and the associated JS. The research question was used to examine the independent variables of trust, teamwork, supportive supervision, leader-follower relationships, and empowerment of supervisors in SNFs that help predict the dependent variable, JS of CNAs. A random sampling of the population of CNAs from 120-bed SNFs located in Florida completed online surveys that included the Organizational Trust Inventory, the Conditions for Work Effectiveness Questionnaire II, and the Benjamin Rose Nurse Assistant Job Satisfaction Scale. Multiple linear regression was used to analyze data to determine the effects of the leadership characteristics on the JS of CNAs in SNFs. Results indicated that the increased levels of trust negatively impact the JS of the CNAs, whereas increased levels of empowerment increase JS. Implementing strategies to address the needs of CNAs positively impacts society by improving the lives of the workers and increasing CNA retention, thus improving the lives of vulnerable members of society through enhanced quality of care.

Hartland, William Jr. "PERCEIVED IMPORTANCE OF CLINICAL TEACHING CHARACTERISTICS FOR NURSE ANESTHESIA CLINICAL FACULTY." VCU Scholars Compass, 1993. http://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/etd/5078.

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This study examined the perceived importance of the 22 characteristic of effective clinical instructors as identified by- Katz in 1982. The effect of various demographic variables on these perceived values of importance was also investigated. Data were collected by means of a questionnaire survey instrument. A random sample of 354 nurse anesthesia program directors, CRNA clinical instructors and nurse anesthesia students from across the United States participated in this study. A 73 percent return rate was achieved. Characteristic mean scores of importance demonstrate that respondents perceived all 22 characteristics as either "very important" or "highly important." When all 22 characteristic mean scores for each group were arranged in descending order by the researcher, no significant difference was found between groups. Chi-square tests were significant between the professional groups and the perceived values of importance for four of the characteristics: Evaluation / Counseling, Positive Role Model, Flexibility, and Timely Feedback. No significant relationships were found among the demographic variables and the perceived importance of the 22 characteristics. Multiple regression analysis indicated that the demographic variables accounted for only an extremely small percent of the variance. In conclusion, since many of the mean scores were relatively close to each other, it seems reasonable to conclude that all four professional groups highly valued these characteristics and perceived them as critically important to clinical instruction. There was no significant difference in the way each professional group rank ordered the 22 characteristics. No previously reviewed study exhibited this same level of homogeneity among respondents. The researcher suggests that this homogeneity may be the result of previous clinical nursing experience and/or the nature of the anesthesia clinical environment itself. Findings in this study have implications for the continuing education and evaluation of nurse anesthesia faculty along with possible impacts on employment decisions.

Knupp, Amy. "Associations among Aspects of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Nursing Practice Environment, Individual Nurse Characteristics, and Self-Perceived Nurse Fatigue." The Ohio State University, 2017. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1490373101574216.

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Clark, Laurie A. "A study of the relationships between student nurse characteristics and calculation ability." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1997. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk3/ftp04/mq23255.pdf.

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Carithers, Cathrin Lynn. "A Study of Nurse Practitioner Characteristics and Knowledge of Drug-Drug Interactions." Diss., The University of Arizona, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/204909.

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Purpose: Drug-drug interactions (DDIs) place a burden on our nation and cause potential harm to patients. Awareness of potential DDIs is essential for safe prescribing. Nurse practitioners (NP) have prescriptive authority throughout the nation, however, little is known about NP prescribing habits. The purpose of this study was to identify NPs' demographic and practice characteristics, DDI knowledge and factors that influence this knowledge.Data Sources: A survey was administered to NP prescribers recruited from a national conference. Data was collected on demographics, practice and technological characteristics, and perceptions and knowledge of DDIs.Conclusions: Data from 305 questionnaires were analyzed. NPs correctly classified 31% of drug pairs. Nitroglycerin and Sildenafil (drug combination to avoid) was classified correctly by the most respondents (90.8%, n = 305); Warfarin and Gemfibrozil (drug combination to usually avoid) the fewest 15.7% (n = 302). A positive correlation was found between NPs in acute care hospital settings and DDI knowledge, indicating higher knowledge scores. Neither hierarchical linear regression model was significant at predicting NPs' DDI knowledge.Implications for Practice: Continuing education needs to be targeted to enhance NPs knowledge of potential clinically significant DDIs. The increased recognition of potential DDIs among NPs will enhance patient safety.

Andrews, Verity A. "Genetics and genomics in nursing : what are the characteristics of genetic nurse adopters and nurse opinion leaders in genetics and genomics?" Thesis, University of South Wales, 2012. https://pure.southwales.ac.uk/en/studentthesis/genetics-and-genomics-in-nursing(237c7d78-1001-4039-9c54-e694eae69dc9).html.

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Background. Aspects of genetics/genomics are increasingly being incorporated into medicine. Nurses are crucial in helping transform healthcare through genomic nursing (Loud, 2010). However the integration of genetics/genomics into nursing education has been sporadic (Dodson and Lewallen, 2011). Influencing its uptake into practice may be via nurses who are already utilising genetics/genomics in their practice (adopters) and nurses who may lead the way and encourage others (opinion leaders) to do likewise. Identifying the characteristics of such adopters and opinion leaders within nursing may provide useful information for more wide-scale detection of these individuals to support a strategy for the inclusion of genetics/genomics into nursing practice. Methods. Five change behaviour theories were used to inform the study including the Theory of Planned Behaviour and the Diffusion of Innovations. A mixed methods approach was taken over two phases. In Phase 1 experts in the field of genetics/genomics and nursing were contacted to gain a consensus on four potential genetic indicators of adoption (GIAs), which would identify a nurse who had adopted genetics/genomics. In Phase 2, oncology nurses and practice nurses completed a questionnaire to identify the characteristics and demographic indicators of nurse genetic adopters and opinion leaders. Results. A consensus (>75%) was achieved for all four GIAs to be included as indicators of adoption of genetics/genomics within nursing practice (Phase 1). Individuals identified (in Phase 2) were subcategorised into six different groups, including genetic adopters and opinion leaders. There were 18 identifying features that defined an adopter, with some of the main features being Openness to Experience (p<0.001), seeing the relevance of genetics/genomics to their patient group (p<0.001) and talking to colleagues about genetics/genomics (p<0.001). There were six features that identified an opinion leader, including academic achievement (p=0.007), level of perceived influence over others (p<0.001) and being high on the opinion leadership scale (p<0.001). Two of the biggest barriers to incorporation by nurses were lack of time for adopters and a lack of local study sessions for opinion leaders. Conclusion. It has been identified that nurses can be categorised in terms of their relationship to genetics/genomics, through a number of distinguishing characteristics. It will be important to further identify and clarify these and other characteristics through the development of additional tools. These data can inform approaches to promote a greater integration of genetics/genomics into nursing practice, ultimately improving patient healthcare.

Woolley, Alan G. "The physical characteristics of mechanical pipe organ actions and how they affect musical performance." Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/1842/25337.

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Many organists believe that one of the main advantages of mechanical actions, i.e. those in which there is a direct and uninterrupted mechanical link from the key which the player moves to the pallet valve that admits air to the pipes, is that they allow the player to control the pallet and thus influence the initial sound of the pipe. This project looks at how the key and pallet actually move compared with what the player believes is happening. Measurements of the movement of the keys and, where possible, the pallets were made using LED and laser distance sensors, with the organists being asked to play in a variety of styles that they believed resulted in the keys moving at significantly different speeds. Sound recordings were made in order to compare the transients. The results showed that the key movement could be broken down into two distinct parts. The first part is the movement before pluck and thus before the pallet starts opening in which the flexibility of the action was taken up. The relative length of this movement varied very considerably even on short and rigid actions showing elongations when players believed that they were moving the key slowly. The movement after pluck, and thus during which the pallet was opening and admitting air to the pipes, did not vary greatly and in some cases, despite the player very deliberately trying to vary the speed, remained nearly constant. It could be clearly shown that attempts to vary the speed of key movement were, in fact, resulting in distinct rhythmic changes. The conclusion is that although players vary the time of the complete key movement, any difference occurs mostly in the part of the key movement before the pallet starts opening and thus cannot have any influence on the initial transient.

Powe, Diane. "A descriptive study of the relationships between learning styles and demographic characteristics of student registered nurse anesthetists and certified registered nurse anesthetist clinical instructors in nurse anesthesia education programs." Diss., This resource online, 1996. http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/theses/available/etd-06062008-162316/.

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Wilkie, Margaret C. K. "Actions, attitudes and attributes : developing facilitation skills for problem-based learning." Thesis, Coventry University, 2002. http://curve.coventry.ac.uk/open/items/579668cc-9ec4-2005-ac69-eaab234c1396/1.

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Problem-based learning (PBL) is being adopted increasingly as a learning and teaching strategy within the United Kingdom. Although facilitation is recognised as being central to PBL, much of the current literature on facilitation in PBL is conflicting. This study explored the espoused and actual conceptions of PBL adopted by facilitators on a newly-developed pre-registration nursing diploma programme that employed PBL. To explore the lived experience of the PBL curriculum, a constructivist interpretist qualitative research design was adopted. For facilitation in PBL to be effective in promoting independent learning and developing critical thinking, teachers were required to sustain the newly espoused pedagogy and to adapt their actions to match. All participants possessed facilitation skills before the start of the study, however expertise in PBL facilitation took time and practice to acquire as existing skills had to be applied in new ways. Findings identified four broad approaches to facilitation: directive conventionalist, liberating supporter, nurturing socialiser and pragmatic enabler. Over time, most facilitators converged from a directive conventionalist approach towards that of a pragmatic enabler. The transitions were influenced by the need to resolve dissonance between espoused theories and theories-in-use; increased understanding of the dialogic nature of PBL; the use of communicative spaces to share and reflect on experience and an enhanced awareness of student diversity. While the findings relate specifically to PBL facilitation, they also contribute to the understanding of the types of teaching and learning strategies required by the large and increasingly diverse student body.

Tidwell, Irene Donna 1956. "NURSING DIAGNOSIS--ALTERATION IN COMFORT-PAIN: VALIDATION OF THE DEFINING CHARACTERISTICS." Thesis, The University of Arizona, 1986. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/291287.

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Aihio, Nelli. "Improving victim satisfaction in volume crime investigations : the role of police actions and victim characteristics." Thesis, London South Bank University, 2017. http://researchopen.lsbu.ac.uk/1362/.

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Victim satisfaction plays a critical role in police-victim encounters. Satisfaction could affect victims’ willingness to co-operate and report future offences. This thesis explored several factors that affect victim satisfaction. As police conduct is guided by policies such as the Code of Practice for Victims of Crime, the thesis also investigated whether police emotional responses to victims had an effect on performing actions that are expected under the policy and also affect victim satisfaction. Overall, the thesis considered variables not often included in satisfaction research, victim vulnerability, introduced a new way for assessing victim distress, and explored psychological factors that could explain why certain police helping behaviours do not occur. Therefore, the thesis considers police-victim encounters as a system where both police and victim influence each other and added new ideas and evidence to the literature. The thesis reported results from four studies that utilised both quantitative and qualitative data and also, used longitudinal and experimental methods. Study 1 tested a model combining perceived police actions (updates, taking cases seriously, and offering practical help) and victim variables (reassurance and self-reported vulnerability) to predict victim satisfaction. The model predicted victim satisfaction with reassurance as the best predictor. Faster police response and more follow-up contact emerged as the most cited factors in burglary victims' responses to how police could improve their services. Study 2 explored victims' self-reported vulnerability and its relationship with demographics. It was concluded that no meaningful assumptions could be made about vulnerability based on demographic groups. Study 3 was longitudinal and identified a short assessment tool that could be used to predict victim distress post-victimisation. Study 4 explored police attributions, victim reactions towards the police, and the likelihood of police helping behaviours. Negative victim reactivity and negative emotion toward the victim was found to relate to the likelihood of helping behaviours such as contacting victims. The thesis results have implications for policy and practice in terms of providing evidence for the importance of victim policy compliance and proposes a review of vulnerability terminology in the criminal justice context to align an official definition with victim self-reports. The findings could also be used to benefit both the police in maintaining or improving satisfaction, and victims of crime as they proceed through the Criminal Justice system.

Ahlstedt, Niklas, and Mia Miikman. "Sjuksköterskors omvårdnad av patienter med smärta." Thesis, Högskolan i Halmstad, Akademin för hälsa och välfärd, 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-27756.

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Smärta är det vanligaste symtomet för vilket människor söker vård. Trots ökad kunskap inom smärthantering fortsätter underbehandlad smärta vara ett problem. Att utstå smärta är en obehaglig upplevelse och sjuksköterskor har en betydande roll i smärtbehandlingen och ska lindra patienters lidande. Ibland kan sjuksköterskors stävan efter egen empowerment påverka deras omvårdnad av patienter med smärta negativt. Syfte: Att undersöka sjuksköterskors omvårdnad av patienter med smärta. Metod: Litteraturstudie med en deduktiv riktad innehållsanalys. Resultatet visade att sjuksköterskor i grunden hade en yrkesstolthet och en vilja att förmedla god omvårdnad till patienter med smärta och att deras handlande oftast utgick från detta. Ibland styrdes dock deras handlande av deras egna behov av att kuva sina egna känslor vilket kunde resultera i att patienterna fick sämre omvårdnad; de kunde rentav misstros eller bli ignorerade. Både sjuksköterskor och patienter upplever välbefinnande genom empowerment och smärtbehandlingen påverkas således positivt. Vården bör därför organiseras så att sjuksköterskor ges utökad möjlighet att utföra omvårdnad utifrån personcentrerad vård. Forskning rekommenderas angående bakomliggande orsaker till varför sjuksköterskor undervärderar patienters smärtupplevelse och hur sjuksköterskors uppfattning av sitt egna inflytande i smärtbehandlingen kan stärkas så att patienter inte blir lidande.
Pain is the most common symptom for which people seek care. Despite increased knowledge of pain management, untreated pain persists to be a problem. Enduring pain is an unpleasant experience and nurses have an important role to relieve patients’ suffering. It seems that at times nurses strive to receive empowerment can affect their caring of patients with pain negatively. Aim: to investigate nurses caring for patiens with pain. Method: Literature study with a deductive directed content analysis. The result showed that nurses have a pride in their work and a will to perform good nursing for patients with pain and their actions were usually directed by that. Sometimes, however, nurses’ actions were ruled by coping strategies and their own needs to suppress their own emotions which could result in patients receiving poorer care. The investigation showed that patients could even be mistrusted and ignored by nurses. Both nurses and patients experiences health through empowerment and the pain treatment thus get positively affected. The care should therefore be organized so that nurses are given greater opportunity to perform nursing based on person-centered care. Research is recommended regarding the underlying reasons why nurses underestimates patients 'pain perception and how nurses' own influence in pain treatment can be strengthened so that patients do not suffer

Slater, Michelle McHugh. "National Inquiry of Clinical Nurse Leadership in the Operating Room." Case Western Reserve University Doctor of Nursing Practice / OhioLINK, 2016. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=casednp1476639876263273.

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Regan, Sandra R. "Characteristics of the registered nurse workforce : associations with mortality rates in general and hospital-based populations." Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/2429/35923.

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Concerns regarding a shortage of registered nurses (RNs) have underscored the importance of improving methods for workforce planning. The goal of this dissertation was to contribute knowledge that could enhance nursing human resources (NHR) planning, with a particular focus on a population health, needs-based approach. This research relied on descriptive-exploratory analyses using repeated measures of data obtained from the College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia (BC) and publicly available reports of the BC Vital Statistics Agency and Canadian Institute for Health Information. Three studies were conducted to: a) investigate the spatial and temporal patterns and trends in the BC RN workforce (Study one); b) examine the associations between selected characteristics of the RN workforce and indicators of population health (Study two); and c) examine the associations between selected characteristics of the RN workforce and the hospital standardized mortality ratio (HSMR) (Study three). Small area analysis (Studies two and three) and mixed effects statistical models (Studies two and three) were used. The results of study one showed that geographic areas (BC’s local health areas [LHAs]) with low general population density (i.e., < 10,000 general population) differed from higher general population density areas in the patterns and trends of the selected RN workforce characteristics, both spatially and temporally. In study two, correlations between selected population health indicators and RN workforce characteristics were modest in magnitude and only a few of these correlations persisted in the three years of the study (2002 – 2004). No statistically significant relationships were found between the selected population health indicators and RN workforce characteristics. The findings of study three indicated that greater numbers of RN managers per 100 hospital beds were associated with lower HSMRs (lower hospital mortality). Findings from these studies suggest that geographic context at the small area level is an important consideration for NHR planning and that decision-makers need to look beyond the supply of RNs and examine how other workforce characteristics influence planning. Some of the limitations of currently available data and methods for planning NHR are identified, particularly related to needs-based planning, and avenues for further research regarding NHR planning are recommended.

Vannatter, Beverly J. "Perceptions of staff nurse autonomy and management characteristics in shared governance systems and traditional organizational systems." Virtual Press, 1996. http://liblink.bsu.edu/uhtbin/catkey/1036192.

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The purpose of this study was to determine if shared governance systems result in an increased perception of autonomy for staff nurses. The population for this study included all registered nurses providing inpatient care at two mid-sized community hospitals in the Midwest, who were not identified as supervisors, managers or executives. The convenience sample was obtained from those completing and returning a distributed survey. The sample was 146 staff nurses from each organization. Only responses from nurses with more than one year experience at the current facility were included in the study. , One hospital had a shared governance system in place. The other hospital had a traditional organizational system.The theoretical framework for the study was the Neuman Systems Model (1989). Staff nurse autonomy was measured by the Nursing Activity Scale (Schutzenhofer, 1987). Management characteristics were measured by the Profile of Organizational Characteristics (Liken, 1978). Also administered was a brief demographic data questionnaire (Schutzenhofer & Musser, 1994).Each hospital provided the researcher with access to participant mailboxes of those registered nurses providing inpatient care and not in management or executive roles Surveys were placed in each mailbox, and drop boxes were made available in unit classrooms in one hospital, and in nursing administration in the other hospital. A reminder notice was placed in each participant mailbox one week after initial survey distribution. Drop boxes were retrieved by the researcher one week following the reminder notice distribution. Study participants were informed about the study by cover letter and invited to participate. Participation was strictly voluntary. Data was available only to the investigator and only group data were reported without reference to individual participants. Participant responses were completely anonymous. Questionnaires were printed on two different colors of paper in order to distinguish between hospitals. No code numbers or other identifying marks were placed on any of the questionnaires. The study provided information on which to base management decisions regarding nursing governance arrangements.
School of Nursing

Musacchio, Marilyn Jean. "The organization characteristics and practice outcomes of hospital-based and freestanding birth center nurse-midwifery practices." Case Western Reserve University School of Graduate Studies / OhioLINK, 1993. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=case1060609038.

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Alcock, John. "An exploration of the characteristics of student nurse personal epistemologies and their relationships to approaches to studying." Thesis, Bangor University, 2011. https://research.bangor.ac.uk/portal/en/theses/an-exploration-of-the-characteristics-of-student-nurse-personal-epistemologies-and-their-relationships-to-approaches-to-studying(e8484d48-dd12-4127-a261-2fe1406df96e).html.

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This thesis describes an exploration of the relationships between student nurse personal epistemologies and approaches to studying. It presents an argument for the inclusion of concepts from personal epistemology research into nurse education practice to improve both student-oriented teaching activities and student self-oriented metacognitive activities. Furthermore, this study adds to the evidence base for higher education practice and supports interventions to promote the development of students ~ who are aware of how their beliefs about knowledge affect their approaches to studying. The study is underpinned by Schommer's Independent Epistemological Belief System model and a conceptual framework derived from personal epistemology and learning styles literature. Personal epistemology (or beliefs about knowledge) has become of increasing interest to educational psychologists and is arguably a relevant area of study for nurse education to inform our understanding of how student nurses approach learning. Personal epistemology has been defined as; ... system[s] of personal or implicit beliefs about the nature of knowledge and learning as a context or set of assumptions within which their learning and thinking take place. (Paulsen & Wells 1998) An initial quantitative survey was followed by a qualitative constructivist grounded theory study using a sequential mixed-methods design for the purpose of complementarity and expansion of findings. This approach provided a contextualised description of student nurse personal epistemologies and an understanding of how they influenced the way the students approached studying and learning. A pilot study preceded the main study to enable an examination of the measure of personal epistemology (Epistemic Beliefs Inventory, Schraw et a12002) and to provide theoretical sensitivity for the grounded theory study. The quantitative component results from the main study were used to inform the semi-structured interviews in the grounded theory component of the study. The survey sample size was 197 respondents following the pilot study which had 283 responses. Ten students participated in interviews for the grounded theory study. The key findings indicate approaches to studying are mediated by epistemological beliefs, but cannot be separated from the social context in which studying occurs. The effects of beliefs were with regard to: How students perceived their ability to improve as learners; ? How quickly knowledge could be acquired; The medium and process through which that knowledge was obtained. In addition, results indicated sub-communities of students in the sample population held subtly different beliefs about knowledge and study approaches. Implications for nurse education practice are that epistemological beliefs play an important, yet subtle part in how students study and learn. Mechanisms for engagement in the form of activities to raise metacognitive awareness and to support learners in their development as knowers are proposed as recommendations for teaching practice. The implications for further research indicate a need for exploration of how the constructs of personal epistemology can be better modelled and applied to nurse education research. An important area for further study is nurse teachers' epistemological beliefs, how they are expressed in the classroom, and how they extend through the curriculum and the institution. Arguably, this is a relevant and legitimate area for further research because of current issues in nurse education over graduate entry and exit and student attrition rates, which are of international concern.

Carr, Joel Lance. "The Characteristics of Sociological Practitioners: A Social Psychological Examination." Thesis, University of North Texas, 2002. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc3096/.

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Questionnaires were sent by mail and e-mail to 143 members of the Sociological Practice Association. The purpose of the questionnaire was to measure the role expectations as qualities (competencies), role expectations as actions, and role enactments of the respondents'. An additional goal was to examine how respondents perceived their work to be sociological in nature, and how they saw their work as different from the practices of social workers, counselors, and psychologists. The first question that was addressed was, “Do sociological practitioners have clear and unambiguous role expectations for their work as practitioners?” The data showed that most role expectations measured as competencies were clear and unambiguous, and only a few were ambiguous and unclear. The second question addressed was, “Do sociological practitioners perceive their role enactments to differ from other helping professionals such as social workers, counselors, and psychologists?” The data showed that sociological practitioners do perceive their role enactments to be different because of their use of sociological theory and their focus on social structures. The final question asked was, “How do sociological practitioners perceive their work as sociological in theory, methods, or both?” The data showed that sociological practitioners perceive their work as sociological based on their use of sociological theory. Most respondents reported that they used common scientific methods, and few reported the use of psychological theory.

Wemmerus, Virginia Ann. "How bad is it? : the effects of characteristics of causes on components of problem severity judgements and proposed actions /." The Ohio State University, 1986. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1487268021746611.

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Humphreys, Melanie. "Exploring student nurses' and nurse educators' experiences of simulation-based pedagogy using case-study research." Thesis, University of Wolverhampton, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/2436/621924.

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Nurse academics are constantly facing new challenges from governmental and professional groups calling for the preparation of students to be able to work with increasing complex patient cases at a time of reduction in clinical placements (NMC, 2010a and b). Simulation is a method that has been embraced, by some, for preparing for these challenges, with the potential to escalate student skills and knowledge in a meaningful way (Benner, 1984). The aim of this study was to explore and make explicit the characteristics that make simulation effective within nurse education. An explorative, qualitative case study was chosen to collect spoken data from twenty-four participants through focus groups. Participants included both students undertaking nurse training, and academics involved in the delivery of simulation. Content analysis facilitated exploration of each participant's contribution resulting in the emergence and construction of three themes (Creswell, 2007; Polit and Beck, 2014). 1. The approaches that academics use to integrate simulation into the curriculum; 2. The influences and decisions academics make to deliver simulationbased education, and their impact upon the student learning experience; 3. Evidence for the transference of skills to the realities of clinical practice. A conceptual framework has been developed and presented through the data analysis process (Saldana, 2012), which has culminated in the presentation of a unique model for 'Developing Simulation Practice in Nurse Education' (DSPiNE). The model relates to two key processes derived both during and following simulation activities (1) the preparedness for clinical practice, described as the process whereby the student gains insight into their current practice abilities; and (2) the transference to clinical practice, described as the process whereby the student gains insight into their readiness for future practice requirements. This study concludes that purposeful positive behavioural change could be achieved with the implementation of the DSPiNE model within nurse education.

Solomita, Joy B. "An analysis of variance in nursing-sensitive patient safety indicators related to magnet status, nurse staffing, and other hospital characteristics." Fairfax, VA : George Mason University, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/1920/4531.

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Thesis (Ph.D.)--George Mason University, 2009.
Vita: p. 231. Thesis director: Chien-yun Wu. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing. Title from PDF t.p. (viewed June 10, 2009). Includes bibliographical references (p. 213-230). Also issued in print.

Hall, Holly H. "An exploration of the relationship between servant leadership characteristics of nurse leaders and the perception of empowerment among their followers." Thesis, Indiana Wesleyan University, 2016. http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=10129698.

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There is a demand for nursing leadership to create a healthy work environment for nursing practice, which is crucial for maintaining an adequate workforce (Shirey, 2006). Rother and Lavizzo-Mourey (2009) predicted that by 2025 the nursing shortage may reach as high as 500,000 U.S. nursing vacancies. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between servant leadership (SL) characteristics of nurse leaders and the perceptions of empowerment among their followers. Servant leadership has emerged as an effective leadership style that prioritizes developing the full potential of followers (Liden, 2013). Current research suggests an empirical link exists between servant leadership and empowerment (Liden, Panaccio, Meuser, Hu, & Wayne, 2011; Van Dierendonck, 2011). An empowered workforce is able to handle unstable environments (Liden, 2013) such as the nursing shortage.

In 2015, 51 nurse leaders and 237 direct-reports from workplace units in a multifacility health system completed the Servant Leadership Scale (SLS) and a demographic questionnaire. In addition, the direct-reports completed the Psychological Empowerment Inventory (PEI). A convenience sampling technique was utilized to assist in obtaining participants for this quantitative study. An independent samples t-test was used to analyze the data. It was found that a relationship existed between nurse leaders that were rated as servant-leaders by their direct-reports, and the direct-reports’ perception of empowerment. However, it was found that no relationship existed between the nurse leaders’ self-evaluation on the SLS and the direct-reports’ evaluation of their nurse leaders on the SLS.


Garland, Benjamin T., and L. Lee Glenn. "Characteristics of Hospital Nursing Staff and Patient Outcomes: A Commentary on Twigg ET Al (2010)." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2011. https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu-works/7508.

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Hourigan, Margaret. "Characteristics of the professional, clinical, and administrative information networks evolved by nurse managers in decentralized nursing departments in acute care hospitals /." Access Digital Full Text version, 1989. http://pocketknowledge.tc.columbia.edu/home.php/bybib/10857795.

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Thesis (Ed.D.) -- Teachers College, Columbia University, 1989.
Sponsor: Elaine L. La Monica. Dissertation Committee: James E. Corter. Typescript; issued also on microfilm. Bibliography: leaves 158-166.

Upenieks, Valda Vivianna. "The interrelationship between and meaning of power and opportunity, nursing leadership, organizational characteristics of magnet institutions, and clinical nurse job satisfaction /." Thesis, Connect to this title online; UW restricted, 2002. http://hdl.handle.net/1773/7259.

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McNeill, Nancy. "Self-Efficacy and Select Characteristics in Nurses Who Respond to a Pediatric Emergency." ScholarWorks, 2016. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations/3568.

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Self-Efficacy and Select Characteristics in Nurses Who Respond to a Pediatric Emergency by Nancy McNeill MA, New York University, 1996 BS, New York University, 1987 Doctoral Project Study Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Education Walden University June 2016 Nurses at a suburban northeastern U.S. community hospital reported that they felt unprepared to effectively respond to a pediatric emergency. Empirical data were not available to identify if this local problem was due to a lack of the nurses' self-confidence or if other factors were involved. The purpose of this study was to determine if there were relationships between nurses' self-efficacy in pediatric emergencies and their knowledge of pediatric emergency care, as well as their years of clinical experience, nursing education, pediatric life support certification, specialty certification, and caring for pediatric patients. In addition, the research questions guided the investigation to determine if any of the variables could predict nurses' self-efficacy in pediatric emergencies. The theoretical framework was based on Bandura's social learning theory, which incorporates the concept of self-efficacy, as well as Zimmerman's self-regulated learning theory. A quantitative correlational design was used with a convenience sample of 37 nurses. Self-efficacy was measured with the General Self-Efficacy Scale and knowledge was quantified using a 32-item researcher-developed instrument. The data were analyzed using multiple regression analysis and correlations. Results showed that none of the variables predicted self-efficacy; however, years of nursing education, pediatric life support certification, and clinical experience were all significantly related to knowledge. Based on the results, a 3-day educational program was developed to address pediatric emergency practice. The results of this study can direct positive social change by informing future nursing education and training efforts in order to improve the medical outcomes of pediatric patients.

Svärd, Elin, and Anna-Karin Vilhelmsson. "Intensivvårdssjuksköterskans omvårdnadsåtgärder för att förebygga luftvägskomplikationer hos den postoperativa patienten." Thesis, Högskolan i Gävle, Avdelningen för hälso- och vårdvetenskap, 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-26655.

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Bakgrund: Postoperativa luftvägskomplikationer är vanligt förekommande och ökar risken för både morbiditet och mortalitet samt ökar kostnaderna för samhället. Olika omvårdnadsåtgärder finns för att förebygga postoperativa luftvägskomplikationer. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva hur intensivvårdssjuksköterskor definierar begreppet postoperativa luftvägskomplikationer, samt deras omvårdnadsåtgärder för att förebygga dessa komplikationer hos den postoperativa patienten Metod: Studien genomfördes med en beskrivande design med kvalitativ ansats. Tio intensivvårdssjuksköterskor intervjuades med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultat: Det framkom fem huvudkategorier i resultatet: Definition av begreppet postoperativa luftvägskomplikationer, Att välja omvårdnadsåtgärder, Att ge förebyggande omvårdnad, Att bedöma patientens individuella behov och Att se hinder till att ge omvårdnadsåtgärder. Intensivvårdssjuksköterskorna beskrev att det inte finns några rutiner eller riktlinjer att följa gällande förebyggandet av postoperativa luftvägskomplikationer. De beskrev också att patientens individuella behov ligger till grund för valet av omvårdnadsåtgärder för att förebygga postoperativa luftvägs-komplikationer. Intensivvårdssjuksköterskorna beskrev även olika råd om egenvård som de ger patienterna med syfte att förebygga postoperativa luftvägskomplikationer, bland annat att uppmana dem till att hosta och djupandas och att instruera dem att blåsa i PEEP-ventil*. Slutsats: Studiens resultat belyser avsaknaden av rutiner och känslan av att de postoperativa patienterna är en åsidosatt patientgrupp inom intensivvården samt att intensivvårdssjuksköterskorna saknar tiden till att kunna vårda denna patientgrupp optimalt. Rutiner bör upprättas för att intensivvårdssjuksköterskorna ska veta vilka omvårdnadsåtgärder som behöver sättas in för att förebygga postoperativa luftvägskomplikationer. Nyckelord: Intensivvårdssjuksköterska, omvårdnadsåtgärder, postoperativa luftvägskomplikationer, prevention.   *PEEP- PEEP betyder Positive End Expiratory Pressure (positivt slutexpiratoriskt tryck).  PEEP-ventil = Ventil som patienten andas ut emot, som gör att respirationscykeln startar och slutar med ett positivt tryck i luftvägarna (Gulbrandsen & Stubberud, 2009).
Background: Postoperative respiratory complications are common and can be associated with an increase of mortality, morbidity and costs for society. There are different kinds of nursing actions to prevent postoperative pulmonary complications. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe how intensive care nurses define postoperative respiratory complications, and what kind of nursing actions they perform to prevent these complications among the postoperative patients. Method: The study was performed through a descriptive design with qualitative approach. Semistructured interviews with ten intensive care nurses were conducted. Result: Five categories appeared in the result: Definition of the concept postoperative respiratory complications, To choose nursing actions, To perform preventive care, To assess the patient´s individual needs and To see obstacles to perform nursing actions. The intensive care nurses described that there are no routines to follow in preventing respiratory complications for the postoperative patient. The intensive care nurses also described that they see to the patientens´ individual needs to prevent postoperative respiratory complications and that they give them different self-care advices in order to prevent postoperative respiratory complications, for instance tell the patient to cough, take deep breaths and instruct them how to use a PEEP-tube*. Conclusion: The result of this study showed that there is a lack of routines and that the these patients are breachede within the intensive care and also that the intensive care nurses experience a lack of time to givet hese patientes optimal care. Routines should be established so that intensive care nurses know what kind of nursing action to choose in order to prevent postoperative pulmonary complications. Key words: Intensive care nurse, nursing actions, postoperative respiratory complications, prevention. *PEEP- PEEP means Positive End Expiratory Pressure.  PEEP-tube = Ventilator/tube in which the patient exhales against to make the cycle of respiration start and end onto a positive pressure in the respiratory system (Gulbrandsen & Stubberud, 2009).

Millman, Jeffrey. "Drinking, drugs, and students analyzing characteristics of institutions of higher education and their correspondence to arrests and disciplinary actions due to drug and alcohol violations /." Diss., Connect to the thesis, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/10066/1014.

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Zuspan, Rebecca E. "Online RN to BSN Education: Characteristics of Student Success." Ohio University / OhioLINK, 2017. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=ohiou149070446994361.

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Källström, Karlsson Inga-Lill. "Att leva nära döden : patienters och vårdpersonals erfarenheter inom hospicevård." Doctoral thesis, Örebro universitet, Hälsoakademin, 2009. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:oru:diva-5439.

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This research focused on experiences of dying patients and hospice nurses in a hospice unit. The research objectives were to (i) acquire more extensive knowledge about how dying patients and hospice nurses experience life and death and (ii) describe patients who were cared for during a 10-year period in an inpatient hospice ward. Data were gathered via interviews with 19 nurses and 11 patients. An interpretive description method was used to analyze interview results. Data were also gathered from institutional care records that included gender, age, marital status, diagnosis, referral source, and length of stay (666 women and 555 men). Descriptive statistics were used to describe basic features of the study's data and to compare differences between women and men. The main finding from interviewing the nurses was that they were struggling to acknowledge and unveil the person within the weakening body. In doing so, they used various strategies such as (i) striving to understand patients’ experiences of body function loss; (ii) encouraging patients to uphold body functions and daily habits; (iii) acknowledging and balancing patients’ need for body control; and (iv) providing tender care for the body. After 2 years of work in hospice care, nurses described that facing the dying and death of many patients had an impact on daily work and private life. The close relationship with the dying patient led to existential issues concerning the meaning of life and death, which were conceptualized into this theme: death as an agent of change. Eleven years later, the presence of death took a less dominant place in the nurses’ lives, and the theme became: death as a companion in life. In the long-term, nurses emphasized that their relationships with dying patients fostered their professional and personal growth. The findings from interviewing the patients revealed that when death became a reality, life took on new meaning, and they acquired new values that were important to preserve or protect; this triggered need for feeling secure within this situation. These revelations were manifest in three sub-themes: (i) when possible death becomes a reality; (ii) living with death as a reality, and (iii) a need for a feeling of security. And this main theme was conceptualized: making sense of life close to death. Results regarding patients in hospice ward care over a 10-year period revealed significant differences between women and men. More women than men were single, had cancer with relatively short trajectories, and were referred from the oncology department. More men than women were diagnosed with types of cancer with somewhat longer trajectories. Despite longer trajectories, length of stay was shorter for men than for women. The most frequent referral source was the hospital. But compared to women, men (particularly younger men) were more often referred from home-based hospice care. The findings expand knowledge about dying and its various configurations; consequently, care and support needs will vary. For the dying person, it is important to know that care is provided according to the person’s preferences and given when needed.

LoMascolo, Anna F. ""Do You Want Excitement? Don't Join the Army, Be a Nurse!": Identity Work and Advantage among Men in Training for the Female Professions." Diss., Virginia Tech, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/28002.

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This study examines the identity work strategies that men students in nursing, elementary education, and social work programs employ in order to manage and assert their masculinity in the face of negative gender assessment, as well as the identity work involved in verifying their professional identities. It also examines the perceived benefits and disadvantages that men experience as numerical minorities in their fields of study. Interviews with 12 men students majoring in these disciplines reveal that while men do perceive disadvantages as men in these educational spheres, they believe that the advantages and benefits they enjoy in the form of special treatment, recognition, and access to opportunity far outweigh them. A key perceived disadvantage is the ongoing challenges they face to their social identity as men and their role identity as rising professionals. These men employ identifiable identity work strategies for doing masculinity; some of which have implications for gender equality in the educational setting, as well as in on-site training (i.e., workplace) settings as well. This study contributes to an understanding of how men verify contradictory identities, and how gender shapes, privileges, and constrains their lives. In addition, it builds on extant literature focusing on menâ s experiences in higher education as they prepare for careers in gender-nontraditional occupations.
Ph. D.

Martin, Mark Anthony. "Servant Leadership Characteristics and Empathic Care: Developing a Culture of Empathy in the Healthcare Setting." Antioch University / OhioLINK, 2019. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=antioch1572254537330104.

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Rupia-Löfberg, Evelina, and Sanaa Youssef. "Transkulturella möten i vården : Faktorer som påverkar vårdrelationen utifrån ett sjuksköterskeperspektiv." Thesis, Ersta Sköndal högskola, Institutionen för vårdvetenskap, 2011. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:esh:diva-1200.

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Bakgrund: I ett alltmer mångkulturellt samhälle blir det märkbart hur förutsättningarna för en god hälsa skiljer sig mellan olika samhällsgrupper. Hälso- och sjukvården har som uppgift att främja hälsan hos alla patienter oavsett bakgrund. Detta ställer nya krav på den svenska sjukvården, då en mångkulturell utveckling leder till fler transkulturella möten i vården. Dessa möten innehåller ofta hinder som kan vara svåra att överbrygga, vilket kräver en kunskap om vilka faktorer som påverkar mötet och en medvetenhet om kulturens betydelse hos sjuksköterskan.   Syfte: Syftet med studien var att utifrån ett sjuksköterskeperspektiv belysa de faktorer som påverkar vårdrelationen i transkulturella möten.   Metod: En litteraturstudie baserad på 13 vetenskapliga artiklar var av nio kvalitativa och fyra kvantitativa. Resultatet analyserades och sammanställdes genom ett kvalitativt analysinnehåll.  Som teoretiska utgångspunkter användes en definition av kulturell kompetens och vårdrelation.   Resultat: Resultatet visar att kommunikation och språkbarriärer utgör det största hindret i den transkulturella omvårdnaden. Användning av tolk som hjälpmedel visade sig ha både för- och nackdelar. Organisatoriska hinder försvårade förutsättningen för en fungerande vårdrelation och kulturella skillnader visade sig kunna leda till konflikter i vårdmötet. Sjuksköterskan använde sig av olika strategier som hjälpmedel vilket illustrerade en viss kulturell medvetenhet, medan bristen på förståelse ledde till generaliseringar som resulterade i en diskriminering av patienter. Många sjuksköterskor saknar utbildning i transkulturell omvårdnad, vilket efterfrågades av merparten. De sjuksköterskor som genomgått en utbildning i kulturell kompetens uppgav positiva effekter som lett till en ökad medvetenhet.   Diskussion: Sjuksköterskan behöver bli medveten om de negativa konsekvenser som en bristande kommunikation och kulturella konflikter har för etablerandet av en vårdrelation till patienten. Enligt de dokument som styr professionen har sjuksköterskan en skyldighet att skapa de bästa förutsättningarna för en god omsorg om patienten. Okunskap och oförståelse leder till en diskriminering av patienten som inte hör hemma i vården. Utbildning i kulturell kompetens har bevisligen positiva effekter för att motverka generaliseringar och öka medvetenheten hos sjuksköterskan. För att främja en kulturell medvetenhet bör mer fokus läggas på dessa frågor i sjuksköterskans grund – och fortutbildning.

De, Kock Juliana. "A collaborative approach towards enhancing synergy in a critical care unit in Gauteng." Thesis, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/13368.

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In today’s world healthcare all over the world is profoundly challenged by rapid technological advancements, violence, terrorism, diverse cultures, proliferating chronic diseases, and the worst nursing shortage. In addition to these complex and daunting challenges healthcare continue to focus the attention on hospitals to review and modify the way care is delivered to patients. As key role players and consistent members of the multidisciplinary team critical care nurses are uniquely positioned to modify and review the quality of patient care through synergy between the patients’ needs, the nurses’ competencies, and the critical care environment. A collaborative approach towards enhancing synergy in a CCU was undertaken in a CCU in a private hospital in Gauteng. The study was guided by the American Association for Critical Care Nurses Synergy Model for Patient Care and conducted within the critical social theory paradigm. The nature of the research was descriptive, explorative and contextual and both qualitative and quantitative approaches were used. Action research cycles were followed to assess existing synergy between the patients’ needs, the nurses’ competencies and the characteristics of the environment in the CCU. An action plan was formulated and implemented towards enhancing synergy in the CCU. The implemented plan was adjusted based on observations and reflections following each of the five cycles of the project
Health Studies
D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)

Chen, Kuan-hua, and 陳冠樺. "A Study on Competency Characteristics for Nurse-practitioners." Thesis, 2004. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/78480545197285194678.

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In these years, the medical organization in Taiwan is varying due to the change of the social environment and the implementation of national health insurance. Many medical institutes have applied the concept of business management. Nurse-practitioners is the biggest group in any medical institute. They have close relationship with patients. Accordingly, the human resource management of nurse-practitioners turns into an important issue. In this paper we want to construct a nurse competency questionnaire and to find out the differences of competency characteristics for nurse-practitioners in different levels of hospital. And then, we develop 「The discrimination model of nurse-practitioners suiting for hospital grade」 and 「The discrimination model of nurse-practitioners suiting for working properties」 by applying discrimination analysis. In this research, we have two stages to study. In the first stage, we collect the relative literatures to establish an initial nurse competency questionnaire, and then we improve the initial questionnaire to the complete nurse competency questionnaire by expert questionnaires. In the second stage, we surveyed 667 nurses by the complete questionnaires in the first stage, and we got 605 effective questionnaires. The main results in this research show that the nurse-practitioners needs higher abilities in analysis, interpersonal EQ, collaborative sense, and individual efficiency. Furthermore, we also find out the significant differences among nurse-practitioners in different working attributes and different levels of hospital. And, use the character of nurse competency questionnaire to build up 「The discrimination model of nurse-practitioners suiting for hospital grade」 and 「The discrimination model of nurse-practitioners suiting for working properties」.

Hoover, Kelly. "Characteristics of pediatric nurse preceptors as identified by the new graduate pediatric registered nurse." 2008. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=1622198791&sid=1&Fmt=2&clientId=3916&RQT=309&VName=PQD.

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Thesis (M.A.)--Northern Kentucky University, 2008.
Made available through ProQuest. Publication number: AAT 1459940. ProQuest document ID: 1622198791. Includes bibliographical references (p. 91-92)

Masuthon, Suthida. "Professional nurse characteristics and unit characteristics as predictors of job satisfaction with work in Thailand /." 2004. http://gateway.proquest.com/openurl?url_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:dissertation&res_dat=xri:pqdiss&rft_dat=xri:pqdiss:3136063.

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Baumann, Paula Kerler. "The Relationship between Individual and Organizational Characteristics and Nurse Innovation Behavior." Thesis, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/1805/2603.

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Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)
Nurses are a key component of the health care system and have the ability to provide innovative solutions to improve quality and safety for patients, while improving workplace conditions, and increasing recruitment and retention of nurses. Encouraging innovation behaviors among nurses is essential to improving health care. Innovation behaviors are defined as behavior from an employee toward developing new products, developing new markets, or improving business routines in their employing organization. The purpose of this descriptive study was to explore the relationships among individual and organizational characteristics and employee innovation behavior among nurses. The proposed model, The Framework for Study of Innovation Behaviors among Nurses, was developed based on the work by Kuratko, Hornsby, and Montagno and is specific to nursing innovation behaviors.

Liu, Sung-Jung, and 劉松蓉. "Relationship Between Job Satisfaction Job Characteristics And Facility Characteristics - A Study On Nurse Aids Of Long-Term Care Facilities Located In Hsinchu Area." Thesis, 2012. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/07290821211887704724.

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Based on a survey of nursing aids employed in the long-term care facility located in Hsinchu area, this article examines the Job Satisfactory status of nursing aids. Furthermore, this article also imvestigate the relationship between nursing aids Job satisfactory status and variables such as; personal data, facility characteristics, and employment characteristics. The survey received 229 valid responded questionaryes and statistical analysis procedures used were descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and multiple regression techique. It was found that: 1. Difference in healthy condition (both in mentally and physically), degree of family support, no. of children, financial condition, certificate achievement, and compensation will cause significant difference on perceived job satisfaction among nursing aids. 2. Difference in facility category, facility scale, responsible caring loading, and hiring condition will also cause significant difference on perceived job satisfaction among nursing aids. 3. There is a medium correlationship between job satisfaction and job characteristics. 4. Nursing aids personal background, facility characteristic and employment characteristic are predictive variables for job satisfaction.

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