Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Resource and job management'

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Jesser, Peter Stewart. "SYSTEM THEORY: APPLICATIONS IN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT." Thesis, The University of Arizona, 1985. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/291981.

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Boonzaier, William. "Revision of the job characteristics model." Thesis, Cape Technikon, 2001. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11838/1763.

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Thesis (DTech (Human Resources Management))--Cape Technikon, Cape Town, 2001
The Job Characteristics Model is widely accepted as a conceptual tool for addressing problems related to employee demotivation, dissatisfaction and marginal performance. The validity of the Job Characteristics Model (Hackman & Oldham, 1980) was assessed by reviewing relevant studies of the model. The review and evaluation are based on studies testing the variables and the relationships between the variables as contained in the model. The reviewed evidence confirmed that the dimensionality of the job characteristics is best represented by the five-factor solution as proposed by the model. The subjective self-report measures of the five job characteristics as formulated by the theory and measured by the revised Job Diagnostic Survey (JDS) were also supported. No evidence was found for the multiplicative Motivating Potential Score (MPS), and as a result the use of a simple additive index of job complexity is recommended as the predictor of personal and work outcomes. Strong empirical support emerged for the relationships between the job characteristics and the personal outcomes. Much weaker relationships between the job characteristics and the work outcomes, however, materialized. Results failed to support the mediating effect of psychological states on the job characteristics/outcomes relationships as specified by the model. The postulated relationships between job characteristics and psychological states were also not confirmed by empirical evidence. The role of growth-need strength, knowledge and skill, and work environment characteristics, as moderators of the relationships between job characteristics and psychological states, as well as of the relationships between psychological states and personal and work outcomes, was seriously questioned.

Georgiou, Yiannis. "Contributions for resource and job management in high performance computing." Grenoble, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010GRENM079.

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Le domaine du Calcul à Haute Performance (HPC) évolue étroitement avec les dernières avancées technologiques des architectures informatiques et des besoins toujours croissants en demande de puissance de calcul. Cette thèse s'intéresse à l'étude d'un type d'intergiciel particulier appelé gestionnaire de tâches et ressources (RJMS) qui est chargé de distribuer la puissance de calcul aux applications dans les plateformes pour le HPC. Le RJMS joue un rôle central du fait de sa position dans la pile logicielle. Les dernières évolutions dans les couches matérielles et dans les applications ont largement augmenté le niveau de complexité auquel doit faire face ce type d'intergiciel. Des problématiques telles que le passage à l'échelle, la prise en compte d'un taux d'activité irrégulier, la gestion des contraintes liées à la topologie du matériel, l'efficacité énergétique et la tolérance aux pannes doivent être particulièrement pris en considération, afin, entre autres, de fournir une meilleure exploitation des ressources à la fois du point de vue global du système ainsi que de celui des utilisateurs. La première contribution de cette thèse est un état de l'art sur la gestion des tâches et des ressources ainsi qu'une analyse comparative des principaux intergiciels actuels et des différentes problématiques de recherche associées. Une métrique importante pour évaluer l'apport d'un RJMS sur une plate-forme est le niveau d'utilisation de l'ensemble du système. On constate parmi les traces d'activité de plusieurs plateformes qu'un grand nombre d'entre elles présentent un taux d'utilisation significativement inférieure à une pleine utilisation. Ce constat est la principale motivation des autres contributions de cette thèse qui portent sur les méthodes d'exploitations de ces périodes de sous-utilisation au profit de la gestion globale du système ou des applications en court d'exécution. Plus particulièrement cette thèse explore premièrement, les moyens d'accroître le taux de calculs utiles dans le contexte des grilles légères en présence d'une forte variabilité de la disponibilité des ressources de calcul. Deuxièmement, nous avons étudié le cas des tâches dynamiques et proposé différentes techniques s'intégrant au RJMS OAR et troisièmement nous évalués plusieurs modes d'exploitation des ressources en prenant en compte la consommation énergétique. Finalement, les évaluations de cette thèse reposent sur une approche expérimentale pour laquelle nous avons proposés des outils et une méthodologie permettant d'améliorer significativement la maîtrise et la reproductibilité d'expériences complexes propre à ce domaine d'étude
High Performance Computing is characterized by the latest technological evolutions in computing architectures and by the increasing needs of applications for computing power. A particular middleware called Resource and Job Management System (RJMS), is responsible for delivering computing power to applications. The RJMS plays an important role in HPC since it has a strategic place in the whole software stack because it stands between the above two layers. However, the latest evolutions in hardware and applications layers have provided new levels of complexities to this middleware. Issues like scalability, management of topological constraints, energy efficiency and fault tolerance have to be particularly considered, among others, in order to provide a better system exploitation from both the system and user point of view. This dissertation provides a state of the art upon the fundamental concepts and research issues of Resources and Jobs Management Systems. It provides a multi-level comparison (concepts, functionalities, performance) of some Resource and Jobs Management Systems in High Performance Computing. An important metric to evaluate the work of a RJMS on a platform is the observed system utilization. However, studies and logs of production platforms show that HPC systems in general suffer of significant un-utilization rates. Our study deals with these clusters' un-utilization periods by proposing methods to aggregate otherwise un-utilized resources for the benefit of the system or the application. More particularly this thesis explores RJMS level mechanisms: 1) for increasing the jobs valuable computation rates in the high volatile environments of a lightweight grid context, 2) for improving system utilization with malleability techniques and 3) providing energy efficient system management through the exploitation of idle computing machines. The experimentation and evaluation in this type of contexts provide important complexities due to the inter-dependency of multiple parameters that have to be taken into control. In this thesis we have developed a methodology based upon real-scale controlled experimentation with submission of synthetic or real workload traces

Iserte, Agut Sergio. "High-throughput Computation through Efficient Resource Management." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Jaume I, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/664128.

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This proposal addresses, from two different approaches, the improvement of data centers productivity through an efficient resource management. On the one hand, the combination of GPU remote virtualization technologies with workload managers in HPC clusters and cloud computing environments. On the other hand, job reconfigurations in terms of varying its number of processes during the execution. Performance evaluations reveal a non-negligible improvement not only in the throughput, but also, in the job waiting time and in the energy consumption.
Esta propuesta aborda, desde dos enfoques distintos, la mejora de la productividad de centros de procesamientos de datos mediante una gestión eficiente de los recursos. Por un lado, la combinación de tecnologías de virtualización remotas de GPUs junto con gestores de recursos en clústeres HPC y entornos de computación en la nube. Por el otro lado, la reconfiguración de trabajos en términos de modificar el número de procesos durante la ejecución. La evaluación de prestaciones revela un incremento no sólo en la productividad, sino también en el consumo energético.

Stains, Dianne Marie. "Spiritual Well-being, Job Meaningfulness, and Engagement for Human Resource Managers." ScholarWorks, 2018. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations/6128.

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Employee engagement is a significant problem for leaders in most organizations today. Though many reasons are given for the growing number of disengaged employees, little is understood about what role spirituality in the workplace may play into employee engagement. Humanocracy theory guided the study on three aspects of workplace spirituality, employee engagement, and meaningfulness of work. An online survey combining elements of a Spiritual Well-being Scale, the Work and Meaning Inventory, and the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale was administered to 325 human resource managers. Linear multiple regression results showed a strong negative correlation between spiritual well-being and job engagement, and no significant correlation between spiritual well-being and workplace meaningfulness, which contradicted findings in the literature. Results indicated the need for future research and to further refine a working definition of spirituality as it applies to the workplace and to identify or redefine traditional variables to better assess engagement and meaningfulness within a new workplace landscape. The findings may also be indicative of how the landscape of traditional workplace culture is shifting with the values and motivations of a workforce of newer generations. The findings of this study make apparent the urgency to rethink the definition of spirituality and its application to the workplace and employee engagement. The workplace today is often a barometer of societal norms and values. Understanding the need for new ways to view engagement, spirituality, and meaning has the potential to extend beyond the organization to the communities and society the organizations exist within and serve.

Tadepalli, Sriram Satish. "GEMS: A Fault Tolerant Grid Job Management System." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/9661.

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The Grid environments are inherently unstable. Resources join and leave the environment without any prior notification. Application fault detection, checkpointing and restart is of foremost importance in the Grid environments. The need for fault tolerance is especially acute for large parallel applications since the failure rate grows with the number of processors and the duration of the computation. A Grid job management system hides the heterogeneity of the Grid and the complexity of the Grid protocols from the user. The user submits a job to the Grid job management system and it finds the appropriate resource, submits the job and transfers the output files to the user upon job completion. However, current Grid job management systems do not detect application failures. The goal of this research is to develop a Grid job management system that can efficiently detect application failures. Failed jobs are restarted either on the same resource or the job is migrated to another resource and restarted. The research also aims to identify the role of local resource managers in the fault detection and migration of Grid applications.
Master of Science

Östberg, Per-Olov. "Architectures, design methodologies, and service composition techniques for Grid job and resource management." Licentiate thesis, Umeå universitet, Institutionen för datavetenskap, 2009. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-42448.

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The field of Grid computing has in recent years emerged and been established as an enabling technology for a range of computational eScience applications. The use of Grid technology allows researchers and industry experts to address problems too large to efficiently study using conventional computing technology, and enables new applications and collaboration models. Grid computing has today not only introduced new technologies, but also influenced new ways to utilize existing technologies.This work addresses technical aspects of the current methodology of Grid com- puting; to leverage highly functional, interconnected, and potentially under-utilized high-end systems to create virtual systems capable of processing problems too large to address using individual (supercomputing) systems. In particular, this thesis studies the job and resource management problem inherent to Grid environments, and aims to contribute to development of more mature job and resource management systems and software development processes. A number of aspects related to Grid job and resource management are here addressed, including software architectures for Grid job management, design methodologies for Grid software development, service composition (and refactorization) techniques for Service-Oriented Grid Architectures, Grid infrastructure and application integration issues, and middleware-independent and transparent techniques to leverage Grid resource capabilities.The software development model used in this work has been derived from the notion of an ecosystem of Grid components. In this model, a virtual ecosystem is defined by the set of available Grid infrastructure and application components, and ecosystem niches are defined by areas of component functionality. In the Grid ecosys- tem, applications are constructed through selection and composition of components, and individual components subject to evolution through meritocratic natural selection. Central to the idea of the Grid ecosystem is that mechanisms that promote traits beneficial to survival in the ecosystem, e.g., scalability, integrability, robustness, also influence Grid application and infrastructure adaptability and longevity. As Grid computing has evolved into a highly interdisciplinary field, current Grid applications are very diverse and utilize computational methodologies from a number of fields. Due to this, and the scale of the problems studied, Grid applications typically place great performance requirements on Grid infrastructures, making Grid infrastructure design and integration challenging tasks. In this work, a model of building on, and abstracting, Grid middlewares has been developed and is outlined in the papers. In addition to the contributions of this thesis, a number of software artefacts, e.g., the Grid Job Management Framework (GJMF), have resulted from this work.

Östberg, Per-Olov. "Virtual infrastructures for computational science: software and architectures for distributed job and resource management." Doctoral thesis, Umeå universitet, Institutionen för datavetenskap, 2011. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-42428.

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In computational science, the scale of problems addressed and the resolution of solu- tions achieved are often limited by the available computational capacity. The current methodology of scaling computational capacity to large scale (i.e. larger than individ- ual resource site capacity) includes aggregation and federation of distributed resource systems. Regardless of how this aggregation manifests, scaling of scientific compu- tational problems typically involves (re)formulation of computational structures and problems to exploit problem and resource parallelism. Efficient parallelization and scaling of scientific computations to large scale is difficult and further complicated by a number of factors introduced by resource aggregation, e.g., resource heterogene- ity and coupling of computational methodology. Scaling complexity severely impacts computation enactment and necessitates the use of mechanisms that provide higher abstractions for management of computations in distributed computing environments.This work addresses design and construction of virtual infrastructures for scientific computation that abstract computation enactment complexity, decouple computation specification from computation enactment, and facilitate large-scale use of compu- tational resource systems. In particular, this thesis discusses job and resource man- agement in distributed virtual scientific infrastructures intended for Grid and Cloud computing environments. The main area studied is Grid computing, which is ap- proached using Service-Oriented Computing and Architecture methodology. Thesis contributions discuss both methodology and mechanisms for construction of virtual infrastructures, and address individual problems such as job management, application integration, scheduling job prioritization, and service-based software development.I addition to scientific publications, this work also makes contributions in the form of software artifacts that demonstrate the concepts discussed. The Grid Job Manage- ment Framework (GJMF) abstracts job enactment complexity and provides a range of middleware-agnostic job submission, control, and monitoring interfaces. The FSGrid framework provides a generic model for specification and delegation of resource allo- cations in virtual organizations, and enacts allocations based on distributed fairshare job prioritization. Mechanisms such as these decouple job and resource management from computational infrastructure systems and facilitate the construction of scalable virtual infrastructures for computational science.
Inom beräkningsvetenskap begränsar ofta mängden tillgänglig beräkningskraft både storlek på problem som kan ansättas såväl som kvalitet på lösningar som kan uppnås. Metodik för skalning av beräkningskapacitet till stor skala (dvs större än kapaciteten hos enskilda resurscentras) baseras för närvarande på aggregering och federation av distribuerade beräkningsresurser. Oavsett hur denna resursaggregering tar sig uttryck tenderar skalning av vetenskapliga beräkningar till storskalig nivå att inkludera omformulering av problemställningar och beräkningsstrukturer för att bättre utnyttja problem- och resursparallellism. Effektiv parallellisering och skalning av vetenskapliga beräkningar är svårt och kompliceras ytterligare av faktorer som medföljer resursaggregering, t.ex. heterogeneitet i resursmiljöer och beroenden i programmeringsmodeller och beräkningsmetoder. Detta utbytesförhållande illustrerar komplexiteten i utförande av beräkningar och behovet av mekanismer som erbjuder högre abstraktionsnivåer för hantering av beräkningar i distribuerade beräkningsmiljöer.Denna avhandling diskuterar design och konstruktion av virtuella beräkningsinfrastrukturer som abstraherar komplexitet i utförande av beräkningar, frikopplar design av beräkningar från utförande av beräkningar samt underlättar storskalig användning av beräkningsresurser för vetenskapliga beräkningar. I synnerhet behandlas jobb- och resurshantering i distribuerade virtuella vetenskapliga infrastrukturer avsedda för Grid och Cloud computing miljöer. Det huvudsakliga området för avhandlingen är Grid computing, vilket adresseras med service-orienterad beräknings- och arkitekturmetodik. Arbetet diskuterar metodik och mekanismer för konstruktion av virtuella beräkningsinfrastrukturer samt gör bidrag inom enskilda områden som jobbhantering, applikationsintegrering, jobbprioritering och service-baserad programvaruutveckling.Utöver vetenskapliga publikationer bidrar detta arbete också med bidrag i form av programvarusystem som illustrerar de metoder som diskuteras. The Grid Job Management Framework (GJMF) abstraherar komplexitet i hantering av beräkningsjobb och erbjuder en uppsättning middleware-agnostiska gränssnitt för körning, kontroll och övervakning av beräkningsjobb i distribuerade beräkningsmiljöer. FSGrid erbjuder en generisk modell för specifikation och delegering av resurstilldelning i virtuella organisationer och grundar sig på distribuerad rättvisebaserad jobbprioritering. Mekanismer som dessa frikopplar jobb- och resurshantering från fysiska infrastruktursystem samt underlättar konstruktion av skalbara virtuella infrastrukturer för beräkningsvetenskap.

Dannheimer, Jörn G. "Important behavioural competencies for human resource professionals in South Africa." Diss., University of Pretoria, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/2263/74927.

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Orientation: The job inherent requirements for Human Resource (HR) professionals, as is for any role, are constantly undergoing change due to the dynamic environment that we work and exist in. With the transition from traditional Personnel Management to more contemporary and strategic HR Management, these adjustments required for the role and of the incumbents have become more and more pronounced. It is important that, as HR professionals, one frequently reassesses and clarifies the inherent requirements for the role, based on the needs and demands from the broader world of work and its roleplayers. The concern is however whether HR professionals realise and understand which behavioural competencies they should display in order to meet the changing demands and whether they actually are ‘living’ these. Research Purpose: The aim of this paper is to determine the relevant behavioural competencies for HR professionals based on the analysis of various views gathered from current HR professionals. Research Results: It was found that competencies such as ‘Planning and Organising’, ‘Problem Solving and Analysis’, ‘Specialist and Technical Knowledge’, ‘Strategic Thinking’ as well as ‘Interpersonal Sensitivity’ are all important in order to ensure effective service delivery for HR professionals. An additional competency, ‘Leading and Supervising’ was also identified as important, although related more to managerial HR functions. From these results it is however also evident that competencies relating to adapting and responding to change in the workplace, and the importance of being able to deliver and achieve results, were omitted from the ideal profile. This, in comparison to various articles and research presented by authors on the exact importance of such competencies in order for the HR discipline to add value to the organisation, makes it evident that many HR professionals have still not completed the transition from the traditional Personnel Management to the more strategic HR Management.
Mini Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2004.
Human Resource Management

Barratt, Edward. "Representing and interpreting organisations in the recruitment process : a study of recruitment texts and job candidates readings." Thesis, Henley Business School, 1998. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.285055.

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Smit, Liesl Susan. "An investigative analysis of the psychological characteristics and job specifications of a co-operative education lecturer." Thesis, Cape Technikon, 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11838/1751.

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Thesis (MTech (Human Resource Management))--Cape Technikon, Cape Town, 2003
Co-operative education is an important sub-system of education that plays an essential role in the development of students' critical and creative thinking skills. The idea behind any co-operative education programme is that students alternate their academic periods at the academic institution with periods in the world of work, with the aim of implementing their theoretical knowledge in practical situations. The Co-operative Education lecturer plays an integral role in the co-operative education programme. He is an indispensable link in the interaction between the student the employer and the academic institution. The changing circumstances in South Africa's labour and education sectors warrant research into methods of improving current education systems and processes. A better understanding of what exactly a Co-operative Education lecturer is responsible for can lead to an improvement of the co-operative education process. Before the researcher undertook this study, there was no specific scientifically established model pertaining to the profile of a Co-operative Education lecturer in South Africa. Therefore, there were no set guidelines for the effective recruitment, remuneration, training and assessment of such a person. The objectives of this study were fourfold: • To define the current role, responsibilities, personality traits, abilities, characteristics, types of experience and level of qualifications of a Co-operative Education Lecturer. • To establish a profile of an ideal Co-operative Education Lecturer. • To create a job description that can be used as a guideline for the effective recruitment, remuneration, assessment and training of Co-operative Education Lecturers. • To identify areas for further research. The researcher investigated the roles and responsibilities; personality traits; abilities and characteristics; types of experience; and qualifications needed by the Co-operative Education Lecturer to complete his job successfully. From the investigation it is evident that the Co-operative Education Lecturer's function in the total co-operative education process is multi-dimensional. He plays an integral role in the effective functioning of the co-operative education programme and is an indispensable link in the interaction between the student, the employer and the academic institution. A profile of a Co-operative Education Lecturer was created as part of the research project This profile can be seen as a benchmark for Co-operative Education Lecturers in South Africa. The profile made it possible to obtain a holistic picture of the Co-operative Education Lecturer and what is expected of him to ensure that the co-operative education process is implemented successfully. The job description developed as a product of the research can be utilised as a tool in the effective recruitment, remuneration, training and assessment of Co-operative Education Lecturers in South Africa

Shi, Dailun. "Job scheduling and workforce allocation in flow shops with partial resource flexibility." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1999. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/31037.

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Kasarkod, Jeevak. "A Configurable Job Submission and Scheduling System for the Grid." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/34656.

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Grid computing provides the necessary infrastructure to pool together diverse and distributed resources interconnected by networks to provide a unified virtual computing resource view to the user. One of the important responsibilities of the grid software is resource management and techniques to allow the user to make optimal use of the resources for executing applications. In addition to the goals of minimizing job completion time and achieving good throughput there are other minimum requirements such as minimum memory and cpu requirements, choice of operating system, fine grained file access permissions etc. Currently such requirements are being fulfilled by resource brokers, which act as mediating agents between users and resource owners. In this thesis we approach the resource brokering architectural issue in a different manner. Instead of a monolithic broker, which performs all the superscheduling functions we propose a Modular Framework based Architecture for Task Initiation and Scheduling (MFATIC) based on the three main stages in the superscheduling process. There are three major goals of this research. The first aim is to develop a decoupled architectural model that not only provides a clear distinction in the responsibilities of each of the components but also provides the user the flexibility to replace one component with another functionally equivalent component. Secondly each of these components should be configurable and extensible to be able to accommodate user requirements. Finally, the design should enable the user to plug in modules within components of different deployments of the resource broker and thus promoting software reuse.
Master of Science

Yahya, Khulida Kirana. "The effects of privatisation on human resource management practices, organisational commitment and job satisfaction : a study of two Malaysian organisations." Thesis, University of Strathclyde, 1998. http://oleg.lib.strath.ac.uk:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=21180.

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A study of the impact of privatisation on human resource management (HRM) practices was carried out on 319 employees of two privatised utilities in Malaysia, the telecommunication and electricity organisations. Employees were surveyed after privatisation, and two sets of data referring to before and after privatisation were obtained. Dependent variables comprised measures of organisational commitment and job satisfaction. Independent variables were human resource management practices concerning pay, promotion, benefits, performance appraisal, job security, physical working conditions and training and development. The sample comprised nonexecutive employeesw orking at the headquarterso f both organisations. Data were collected by questionnaires. The results were analysed using SPSS for Windows 6.1 using Mests, chi-square, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. The results supported some propositions. First, significant differences were found regarding the practi ces of job security, performance appraisal, and training and development before and after privatisation in both organisations. Second, both similar and different antecedents of the affective commitment (wanting to belong), continuance commitment (needing to belong), and normative commitment (obligated to belong) emerged in both organisations before and after privatisation. Third, the antecedents of intrinsic satisfaction (motivating factors) and extrinsic satisfaction (hygiene factors) also exhibited similarities and differences before and after privatisation. The practices of training and development was found to have strong relationship with employees' affective and normative commitment and also with intrinsic and extrinsic satisfaction before privatisation. After privatisation, the common antecedents in both organisations were: training and development for affective commitment, benefits for continuance commitment, and benefits and training and development for normative commitment. The antecedents of intrinsic satisfaction after privatisation in both organisations were training and development and job security, while for extrinsic satisfaction the antecedent practices were performance appraisal and pay. Further analysis of the change in practices in both organisations indicated that training and development was associated strongly with all the dependent variables except continuance commitment. The result showed that changes in training and development were highly associated with affective and normative commitment and with intrinsic and extrinsic satisfaction in both organisations. Results in this study showed that training and development practice has a strong association with organisational. commitment and job satisfaction both before and after privatisation. Therefore it could be inferred that training and development is related to many aspects of employees' attitude regarding the organisation and their job. Management must clearly make a great effort to underst and employees' needs and behaviour and to meet their needs and expectations in order to have committed and satisfied employees working in their organisation.

Streit, Achim. "Self-tuning job scheduling strategies for the resource management of HPC systems and computational grids." [S.l. : s.n.], 2003. http://deposit.ddb.de/cgi-bin/dokserv?idn=971579393.

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Alnuaimi, Asma. "Happiness at work in the UAE : the role of leadership style and human resource management." Thesis, University of Manchester, 2018. https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/en/theses/happiness-at-work-in-the-uaethe-role-of-leadership-style-and-human-resource-management(0c69e769-c454-4261-9c4e-b622d357f2d2).html.

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There is a wealth of literature on job satisfaction from both Western and Eastern experiences and perspectives, but the literature is limited when it comes to happiness at work, especially in the Arab region. This study is an attempt to encourage research studies in the field of happiness at work in the Middle East and specifically in the United Arab Emirates, the context of the present research, to influence planning in government organisations in implementing a strategy for long-term impacts on happiness levels. This research uses a mixed methods approach of both questionnaires and interviews to collect data. The analysis is conducted by using quantitative and qualitative tools to recognise the gaps and the factors that influence happiness at work and suggests recommendations in order to raise happiness across organisations over the long run. The findings of this study emphasise the necessity of correlating HRM practices, rules and systems with strategic planning that focuses on employee happiness as the greatest purpose of an organisation. The findings emphasise the power of three factors related to employees' feelings towards work which are: Leadership style, organisational culture and organisation structure and how reflecting them in an organisation will positively influence satisfaction and build a strong, positive and happy workplace. This research also discusses one of the controversial inquiries found in the literature about the relationship between job satisfaction and happiness. A conceptual framework is suggested to illustrate the connection between job satisfaction and happiness from a new perspective and clarify how these two concepts positively interact. It clarifies that organisations that indicate a high-level of happiness at work usually indicate a high-level of job satisfaction, and when an organisation achieves a high-level of job satisfaction, it can be deduced that people in the organisation are happy, even where happiness per se is not measured. The findings also show that the role of religion in raising happiness in general is clearer than its role in raising happiness at work and that employees from the sample group, who emphasise the importance of practicing religious rituals, still indicate low feelings towards work regardless of all the facilities that are provided to them to practice their religion.

Prabhakaran, Suraj [Verfasser], Felix [Akademischer Betreuer] Wolf, and André [Akademischer Betreuer] Brinkmann. "Dynamic Resource Management and Job Scheduling for High Performance Computing / Suraj Prabhakaran ; Felix Wolf, André Brinkmann." Darmstadt : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, 2016. http://d-nb.info/1117797198/34.

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Dickerson, Jerry L. "A teaching and resource manual on stress management for evangelical chaplains serving with the United States Naval Service." Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN) Access this title online, 1991. http://www.tren.com.

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Nhlapo, Job Mphikeleli. "The role of school management teams in human resource management in selected township schools in the Mpumalanga Province / Nhlapo Job Mphikeleli." Thesis, North-West University, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/10394/2527.

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Education in South Africa faces many challenges; among them is the betterment of teaching and learning in order to improve the performance in schools, particularly in township schools where the results of learners are still not up to the required standard. For schools to function effectively, the School Management Teams (Principal, Deputy Principal, HODs), need to understand the importance of the effective management of human resources. The proper and effective management of people cannot be neglected if the schools as organisations want to attain their goals. School Management Teams as managers of schools are accountable for the effective running of the schools and the task of proper management of human resources rest on their shoulders. In this study an investigation into human recource management in selected township schools in the Gert Sibande Region (Mpumalanga Province) was done. Central to the study is the School Management Team's (SMTs) understanding of the concepts management and leadership, human resource management and related aspects. An investigation was also done regarding the knowledge, skills and strategies needed to improve education in township schools. With regard to the proper training of SMTs, various recommendations are made to expose them to more rigorous training, especially in Human Resource Management as this is the cornerstones of effective school management.
Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2009.

Sha, Nadine. "A study of the relationship between job satisfaction and procedural justice experienced by employees in a brick manufacturing company and their organisational citizenship behavior." Thesis, University of the Western Cape, 2007. http://etd.uwc.ac.za/index.php?module=etd&action=viewtitle&id=gen8Srv25Nme4_8294_1257933416.

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The purpose of this study is to investigate and review literature that examines whether job satisfaction and procedural justice have a positive relationshipwith employees organisational citizenship behaviour in a brick manufacturing industry


Nyambegera, S. M. "The relationship between cultural value orientations, human resource management preferences, person-organisation fit and job involvement in Kenya." Thesis, University of Sheffield, 2000. http://etheses.whiterose.ac.uk/10294/.

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The main purpose of the research was to establish existing cultural value orientations and the extent of their influence on HRM preferences in the Kenyan context. The study undertook analyses of value orientations at the individual level to enable a better understanding of the role of cultural values in predicting HRM preferences. Essentially, the study determined how much variance in individual preference for HR system design can be attributed to the influence of value orientations and examined which values influence which work-related preferences in Kenya. Further, the study explored the extent to which fit between HRM preferences and actual policy practice impact levels of job involvement in a developing country context. The study also focused on the fit of individual values with organisational culture, as represented by the value orientations of others in the organisation. A survey was administered to 500 employees in eight Kenyan organisations. The analyses are based on 274 responses. The questionnaire assessed: a) cultural values using the Cultural Perspectives Questionnaire (CPQ4) based on the conceptualisation of value orientations by Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck (1961); b) HRM policy practice preferences and organisation actual policy practice based on items proposed by Schuler and Jackson (1987); and c) job involvement based on the scale developed by Kanungo (1982). I found evidence that on average, the sample held the following cultural value orientations: activity thinking and doing values characterising Kenyans as rational and goal oriented; relationship values emphasised both collateral and individual values and also to some extent hierarchical values. For HRM preferences Kenyans prefer high involvement/participation, high predictable rewards, performance E RM practices, and high empowerment. Three of these preferences were linked to cultural values. By identifying which HRM preferences are value-free or value-linked, researchers can gain insights into both the efficiency of a local HRM process and the transferability of the process. Ethnicity was also seen to play a role in cultural values as the sample reported significant differences between values such as subjugation and human nature good-evil. V The pervasive value-linked nature of the HRM process was also evident. This study shows one way in which employee preferences for HRM policies and practices could be predicted from cultural value orientations. Further, the study has shown that focusing on individual cultural value orientations can enable more subtle understanding of national cultural values and variance within national cultures. There is a link between job involvement and cultural values and fit. HRM preferencepolicy fit in this sample has a partial impact on job involvement. Also, the interaction between individual values and the values of others in an organisation (person-culture fit) may impact levels of job involvement.

Markham, L. G., and Zyl E. S. Van. "The effect of gender and ethnicity on the job satisfaction of a group of human resource management employees employed in a municipality." Journal for New Generation Sciences, Vol 10, Issue 1: Central University of Technology, Free State, Bloemfontein, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/11462/600.

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Published Article
Employees working in municipalities and especially those who have to support other municipal employees (such as human resource management personnel), are constantly working in difficult working circumstances which may have a negative effect on their levels of job satisfaction. The effect of gender and ethnicity on the job satisfaction of human resource management employees working in a municipality has not yet been demonstrated. This information could help to improve the working circumstances of employees working in the municipality. Results indicated that employees are dissatisfied about the following job satisfaction components: company policies and practices, remuneration, promotion, security, acknowledgement for good performances, status, supervisor skills, working conditions, equipment and facilities. White employees in particular are found to be less satisfied in terms of the way their bosses handled personnel matters, on variety and on independent functioning in their job context. In the light of the above-mentioned, a few recommendations were made.

Tseng, Steven T. "When Resource Precedes Human in Human Resource Management: Organizational Dehumanization and the Roles of HR Attributions and Supervisor Bottom-Line Mentality." University of Akron / OhioLINK, 2020. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=akron1590497329605876.

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Sung, Lik Gan Alex. "Autonomic Resource Management for a Cluster that Executes Batch Jobs." Thesis, University of Waterloo, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/10012/1127.

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Resource management of large scale clusters is traditionally done manually. Servers are usually over-provisioned to meet the peak demand of workload. It is widely known that manual provisioning is error-prone and inefficient. These problems can be addressed by the use of autonomic clusters that manage their own resources. In those clusters, server nodes are dynamically allocated based on the system performance goals. In this thesis, we develop heuristic algorithms for the dynamic provisioning of a cluster that executes batch jobs with a shared completion deadline.

External factors that may affect the decision to use servers during a certain time period are modeled as a time-varying cost function. The provisioning goal is ensure that all jobs are completed on time while minimizing the total cost of server usage. Five resource provisioning heuristic algorithms which adapt to changing workload are presented. The merit of these heuristics is evaluated by simulation. In our simulation, the job arrival rate is time-dependent which captures the typical job profile of a batch environment. Our results show that heuristics that take into consideration the cost function perform better than the others.

Clemmons, Susan Yvonne. "The impact of information technology on organizations : a study of enterprise resource planning system influences on job design and organizational culture." FIU Digital Commons, 2005. http://digitalcommons.fiu.edu/etd/2385.

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The primary purpose of this research is to study the linkage between perceived job design characteristics and information system environment characteristics before and after the replacement of a legacy information system with a new type of information system (referred to as an Enterprise Resource Planning or ERP system). A public state University implementing an academic version of an ERP system was selected for the study. Three survey instruments were used to examine the perception of the information system, the job characteristics, and the organizational culture before and after the system implementation. The research participants included two large departments resulting in a sample of 130 workers. Research questions were analyzed using multivariate procedures including factor analysis, path analysis, stepwise regression, and matched pair analysis. Results indicated that the ERP system has introduced new elements into the working environment that has changed the perception of how the job design characteristics and organization culture dimensions are viewed by the workers. The understanding of how the perceived system characteristics align with an individual's perceived job design characteristics is supported by each of the system characteristics significantly correlated in the proposed direction. The stronger support of this relationship becomes visible in the causal flow of the effects seen in the path diagram and in the step-wise regression. The perceived job design characteristics aligning with dimensions of organizational culture are not as strong as the literature suggests. Although there are significant correlations between the job and culture variables, only one relationship can be seen in the causal flow. This research has demonstrated that system characteristics of ERP do contribute to the perception of change in an organization and do support organizational culture behaviors and job characteristics.

Rusconi, Julian Michael. "Job satisfaction and motivation of graduate engineers and actuaries." Thesis, Unisa, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/148.

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The job diagnostic survey will be used to gather data on job satisfaction and motivation from the chosen data set. This is a structured questionnaire which provides quantitative results. These results wil be used to calculate the motivation potential score for each individual. Statistical methods will then be used to evaluate the results. This information, together with theory such as Hertsberg's 2-factor theory and Hackman and Oldham's job characteristics model will be used to propose ways of enhancing the jobs of graduate South African engineers. This will improve their job satisfaction and motivation allowing companies to attract, retain and gain greater performance from them.
This research has three main purposes. Firstly, it examines the level of job satisfaction and motivation of engineers and actuaries in South Africa and compares this with other groups. Secondly it examines the role of job design in their job satisfaction and motivation. Thirdly, it recommends ways to increase the level of satisfaction and motivation. The research methodology was based on Hackman and Oldham’s Job Characteristics Model (JCM) and accompanying Job Diagnostic Survey. It states that high satisfaction, motivation and effectiveness will result from the presence of five job characteristics as long as certain intervening factors are also present. It was found that Job design, as proposed by the model, does contribute to satisfaction and motivation. Relative to other groups of employees, actuaries and engineers in South Africa are satisfied. Of those surveyed, civil engineers had the highest level of satisfaction and electrical engineers the lowest. Actuaries scored higher than engineers. The results of this research suggest organisations should increase feedback to employees and improve opportunities for growth. Further research should be done on the intervening factors and the effects of demographic differences within the two groups.

Tordsson, Johan. "Portable Tools for Interoperable Grids : Modular Architectures and Software for Job and Workflow Management." Doctoral thesis, Umeå universitet, Institutionen för datavetenskap, 2009. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-19630.

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The emergence of Grid computing infrastructures enables researchers to shareresources and collaborate in more efficient ways than before, despite belongingto different organizations and being geographically distributed. While the Gridcomputing paradigm offers new opportunities, it also gives rise to newdifficulties. This thesis investigates methods, architectures, and algorithmsfor a range of topics in the area of Grid resource management. One studiedtopic is how to automate and improve resource selection, despite heterogeneityin Grid hardware, software, availability, ownership, and usage policies.Algorithmical difficulties for this are, e.g., characterization of jobs andresources, prediction of resource performance, and data placementconsiderations. Investigated Quality of Service aspects of resource selectioninclude how to guarantee job start and/or completion times as well as how tosynchronize multiple resources for coordinated use through coallocation.Another explored research topic is architectural considerations for frameworksthat simplify and automate submission, monitoring, and fault handling for largeamounts of jobs. This thesis also investigates suitable Grid interactionpatterns for scientific workflows, studies programming models that enable dataparallelism for such workflows, as well as analyzes how workflow compositiontools should be designed to increase flexibility and expressiveness. We today have the somewhat paradoxical situation where Grids, originally aimed tofederate resources and overcome interoperability problems between differentcomputing platforms, themselves struggle with interoperability problems causedby the wide range of interfaces, protocols, and data formats that are used indifferent environments. This thesis demonstrates how proof-of-concept softwaretools for Grid resource management can, by using (proposed) standard formatsand protocols as well as leveraging state-of-the-art principles fromservice-oriented architectures, be made independent of current Gridinfrastructures. Further interoperability contributions include an in-depthstudy that surveys issues related to the use of Grid resources in scientificworkflows. This study improves our understanding of interoperability amongscientific workflow systems by viewing this topic from three differentperspectives: model of computation, workflow language, and executionenvironment. A final contribution in this thesis is the investigation of how the design ofGrid middleware tools can adopt principles and concepts from softwareengineering in order to improve, e.g., adaptability and interoperability.

SIU, Cho Ngan. "Extending job demands-resources model : the roles of energy management strategies and recovery experiences in facing differentiated job demands." Digital Commons @ Lingnan University, 2013. https://commons.ln.edu.hk/soc_etd/34.

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Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model (Bakker & Demerouti, 2007) provides valuable insight in identifying the antecedents and consequences of work stress and engagement. Nevertheless, the roles of personal resources and differentiated job demands (i.e., challenge demands and hindrance demands) have received less attention in the literature. Studies on their interaction effects are even rarer. This thesis reports two studies intending to fill this gap of knowledge. Study 1 aimed to develop a new scale of energy management strategies (EMS) at work and to demonstrate its reliability. A self-administered questionnaire survey adopting a cross-sectional design was conducted among 323 employees recruited from different occupations in Hong Kong. Results of exploratory factor analyses showed that the new scale comprised three main factors with good reliabilities. The aims of Study 2 were two-fold: a) to cross-validate the new EMS scale developed in Study 1; b) to investigate the roles (i.e., as antecedent and moderator) of personal resources (energy management strategies and recovery experiences) and different job demands in the JD-R model. A self-administered questionnaire survey adopting a cross-sectional design was conducted among 173 teachers in Hong Kong. Consistent with the results of Study 1, results of confirmatory factor analyses also suggested a three-factor structure of the energy management strategies scale. As hypothesized, EMS and recovery experiences were positively associated with work engagement, such association was especially strong under challenge demands. Besides, both challenge and hindrance demands were positively related to exhaustion. EMS was the only tested personal resource that could mitigate the relationship between challenge demands and exhaustion. None of the tested personal resources mitigated the relationship between hindrance demands and exhaustion. Theoretical contribution and practical implications of research findings are discussed in the thesis.

Joubert, Jeanetta Helena Maria. "Job characteristics, engagement, burnout and organisational commitment of management staff at a platinum mine in the North-West province / Jeanette H.M. Jourbert." Thesis, North-West University, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/10394/1165.

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In the new world economy the hey differentiator of competitive advantage is an organisation's human resources. Increasingly, employees have to cope with multiple demands arising from various roles. often with limited resources and no guarantee of job security. In monitoring and improving employee effectiveness in coping with multiple new demands. stimulating their growth and enhancing their well-being as well as organisational performance, burnout and engagement are specific research areas. 'The objectives of this study were to investigate the relationships between burnout, engagement, job demands. job resources and organisational commitment of management staff at a platinum mine in the North-West Province, and to determine which variables best predict burnout, engagement and organisational commitment. A cross-sectional survey design was used. The study population consisted of management staff at a platinum mine in the North West Province (N = 202). The Job Demands-Resources Scale, Utrecht Work Engagement Scale: Maslach Burnout Inventory - General Survey. a Health Questionnaire, and an Organisational Commitment scale were administered. Descriptive statistics, product-moment correlation coefficients and multiple regression analyses were used to analyse the data. The results indicated that burnout correlated significantly with job demands, job resources. engagement, health and organisational commitment. Engagement. correlated significantly with job resources. health, and organisational commitment. Exhaustion was best predicted by workload. job insecurity and lack of resources whilst cynicism was predicted by poor organisational support and advancement opportunities. Engagement was best predicted by organisational support. and organisational commitment was predicted by both burnout and engagement. Ill health was predicted by exhaustion. Recommendations were made for future research.
Thesis (M.Com. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006.

Lindquist, Carolyn Young. "Job-related stress and coping resources identified by new principals." Virtual Press, 2000. http://liblink.bsu.edu/uhtbin/catkey/1191109.

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The purpose of this study was to identify areas of job stress experienced by public school principals, and elements of the work environment and personal coping mechanisms used to alleviate that stress. Specifically, the study sought to identify sources of job stress as defined by role overload, role insufficiency, role ambiguity, role boundary, responsibility, and physical environment. It further sought to determine the relationship between elements of the work environment as defined by involvement, peer cohesion, supervisor support, autonomy, task orientation, work pressure, clarity, control, innovation and physical comfort and the stress experienced by principals. Finally, it sought to identify effective personal coping resources as defined by cognitive, social, emotional, spiritual/philosophical, or physical.The study population included 124 Indiana public school principals new in their assignments during the 1995-1996 school year. The subgroups of the population were: principals with no previous principalship experience and principals with prior principalship experiences. No other demographic data were included. Three standard instruments were used to gather data. The Occupational Roles Questionnaire (ORQ), a subtest of the Occupational Stress Inventory (OSI) developed by Osipow and Spokane in 1981, identified sources of stress. The Work Environment Scale (WES), developed by Moos in 1981, assessed the work element. The Coping Resources Inventory, developed by Hammer and Marting in 1987, identified personal coping resources effective with new principals.The study found that all principals experienced the greatest amount of stress from role overload and the least amount of stress from challenging physical conditions. However, the levels of stress experienced were not significantly above the level of stress identified by the normative population.The study also found that principals with no previous principalship experience utilized different elements of the work environment to reduce stress than did experienced principals. Non-experienced principals utilized supervisor support, task orientation, and innovation to relieve stress. Experienced principals reported reduced stress from involvement, peer cohesion, and physical comfort.Finally, the study found that principals with no previous principalship experience used different personal coping resources than did experienced principals. Non-experienced principals relieved stress through expression of emotion, cognition, spiritual/philosophical, and physical. Experienced principals reported no significant use of either spiritual/philosophical or physical coping resources.
Department of Educational Leadership

Boyte, Karen-Ann. "Job design and wellness in New Zealand Contact Centres: a paradigm shift or same old management? : a thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the postgraduate degree of Master of Business Studies, Human Resource Management at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand." Massey University, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/10179/1042.

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The impact of the Contact Centre workplace upon employee satisfaction or wellness is attracting the attention of researchers across the globe. Over 10 years of research has resulted in recommendations about how Contact Centres should be managed and how the jobs of Contact Centre agents should be designed. There is growing concern that the current practices result in significant psychosocial risk factors which are ultimately harming the Contact Agents and less obviously the bottom line of their organisations through emotional exhaustion, stress, employee absenteeism and turnover. The aim of this study was to explore whether Contact Centre managers were aware of these recommendations, in particular those relating to the design of motivating, satisfying and “healthy” jobs. Using an expanded Job Characteristic Model, this descriptive study explored the level of awareness of New Zealand Contact Centre managers (n=20) regarding the recommendations about the design of jobs, and what changes, if any, have occurred as a result. Where changes have not been forthcoming, the study explored the constraints which were preventing or limiting change. The results of this study indicated that there is a low level of awareness of the research recommendations, that approaches to improving the management and design of Contact Centre agents roles are ad hoc, and that there is a level of resistance in providing agents with autonomy to manage their day to day roles. Some efforts to increase task and skill variety have been made but these are also ad hoc rather than built into the job. As a result of this study, it appears that Contact Centres in New Zealand are still adopting a mass production model of management. This study has implications for Contact Centre managers and senior organisational managers, these are discussed. Limitations of the research, implications for Contact Centre Managements are highlighted and areas for further research are highlighted

Hsiao, Po-Lun, and 蕭伯倫. "Leadership Management Exchange, Management Resource Justice in related on the effects Job Involvement, Job Performance." Thesis, 2012. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/39608160707075325629.

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In recent years, Engineering Consultants Company and managements aware of Leadership Management Exchange, Management Resource Justice, Job Involvement, and Job Performance are highly related to customers’ satisfaction. Therefore is worth delved for research Student: Po- Lun Hsiao Advisor: Tung- Hsuan Wan School of Management Ming Chuan University ABSTRACT This research is based on Engineering Consultant Company, discussion of Leadership Management Exchange, Management Resource Justice in related on the effects Job Involvement, Job Performance. Conclusions 1. Leadership Management Exchange is a significant positive outcome of Job Involvement. In points of Leadership Management Exchange, reward on merit has a significant influence on Job Involvement. Moreover when rewards and punishments are unclear, teams’ Job Involvement has negative influence. 2. Management Resource Justice has a significant influence on Job Involvement. In addition in reaching the goal of Job Performance and team satisfaction have a positive influence. 3. Job Involvement of the team member has a significant positive influence on Job Performance. Base on the conclusion, management of engineering consultant sector should value the importance of Leadership Management Exchange and Management Resource Justice when in a project. So as not to influence teams Job Involvement and Job Performance.

Wei, Shih-Fang, and 魏世芳. "Servant Leadership, Human Resource Management System and Job Engagement." Thesis, 2016. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/27021437452499732341.

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Job engagement is a key factor that determines employees’ job performance. Therefore, how to increase employees’ job engagement has been an important issue. With Taiwan service industry being extensive, chain store managers become the key success factor. However, few researches were relevant to managers. Thus, this study targets on managers’ job engagement and focuses on two factors – servant leadership of managers’ superiors and managers’ cognition of human resource management in order to study the relationship between managers’ job engagement and the two factors mentioned above. In addition, to study how human resource management operates between servant leadership and job engagement. Furthermore, to deeply realize the influence of servant leadership and human resource management on managers’ job engagement. The sample of this study consisted of chain store managers of a service industry company. A questionnaire survey was conducted and a total number of 242 valid samples were collected. The result indicates that the two factors mentioned above have positive influence on managers’ job engagement and show an additive effect in combination.

Chu, Pei-Hsuan, and 朱珮萱. "The Effect of Commitment Human Resource Management on Job Satisfaction and Job Engagement." Thesis, 2015. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/15783151142229602397.

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Human capital has been emphasized in recent years. Human resource management consider to be an important assets, and also play a key point of differentiation competition for most companies. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of commitment human resource management and job satisfaction on job engagement, and the effect of commitment human resource management on job engagement with job satisfaction as a mediating variable. In this study, a questionnaire survey was conducted to collect research data taken from staff in Far Eastone Telecommunications as a study population. A total of 400 copies of questionnaires were distributed and 339 effective responses were received. The results were shown that commitment human resource management had positive effects on both of job satisfaction and job engagement. Furthermore, job satisfaction had a mediating effect on the commitment human resource management and job engagement. It has been more competition since the privatization of the telecommunications industry. The development of privatization telecommunications industry would be influenced whatever the strategy is. It is important to appropriately manage commitment human resource management, increase job satisfaction and job engagement of employee to improve competition.

"An airfreight forwarder's job bidding, resource planning, and revenue management." 2014. http://library.cuhk.edu.hk/record=b6115659.

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第二項研究(第二章)中,我們設計了一個針對貨物競價和物流規劃問題的啟發式算法。該算法可得出物流規劃環境中的最優競價策略。它包括兩個階段;第一階段遍歷出價決策,以及決定競拍窗口中的物流分配,第二階段決定之後的物流分配。這兩個階段的物流分配都由禁忌環境下的鄰域搜索決定。我們還提出了算法的改進策略。實驗表明算法是有效的。該算法由Leung et al.(2013)的論文“An Airfreight Forwarder'sShipment Bidding and Logistics Planning中描述的問題所啟發。事實上,它解決了該論文中的兩階段隨機規劃問題。雖然該算法僅在該論文的第4節, 但為了把它放在良好的背景下,經作者許可該論文被完整地被列入本章。
Nowadays, a wide range of goods are shipped by air, especially those of high value-to-weight ratio. It is forecasted that world air cargo traffic will more than double over the next 20 years. Analogous to travel agents, airfreight forwarders are intermediaries between airlines and shippers, handling more than 80% of international airfreight volume. On behalf of shippers, forwarders manage the entire shipping process in a timely, safe, and cost-effective manner.
The thesis consists of three studies in airfreight forwarding: In the first study (Chapter One), we integrate an airfreight forwarder’s resource planning and revenue management. On resource planning, we consider the problem of determining the amount of cargo space to acquire from airlines, partners, and subcontracting agents. On revenue management, we consider two market segments, namely regular customers and adhoc customers, and determine the criterion based on which a present request is accepted or rejected. We first consider a customer arrival pattern where regular customers arrive before ad hoc customers. The relationship between resource planning decisions and revenue management decisions are examined. We then consider an arrival pattern where regular and ad hoc customers may arrive in any order. Similarly, the interactive effects of resource planning and revenue management decisions are investigated and the results of the two arrival patterns are compared.
In the second study (Chapter Two), we develop a heuristic algorithm for an airfreight forwarder’s shipment bidding and logistics planning problem. The algorithm generates an optimal bidding strategy in a logistics planning environment. It consists of two stages; the first stage enumerates possible bidding decisions utilizing a portfolio tree and addresses logistics assignments during the bidding window, while the second stage addresses subsequent logistics assignments. The logistics assignments at both stages are determined by neighborhood search within a Tabu environment. Strategies are also proposed to streamline the algorithm. Computational experiments show that it is an effective one. The algorithm is motivated by the problem described in the paper “An Airfreight Forwarder’s Shipment Bidding and Logistics Planning by Leung et al. (2013). In fact, it is used to solve a two-stage stochastic program formulated in the paper. Although the algorithm is only in Section 4 of the paper, to put it in a good context, the entire paper is included in this chapter with permissions from the authors.
In the third study (Chapter Three), we consider an airfreight forwarder’s shipment bidding and revenue management problem. Online bidding of shipments is a common practice at many web-based logistics platforms. In the bidding environment, the forwarder’s revenue management is quite challenging and must be based on a portfolio concept. The problem is further complicated by logistics planning considerations. In this study, we first formulate a basic model without considering logistics planning aspects. Analytical results are derived on the optimal shipment portfolio and the optimal bid prices. We then extend the basic model to incorporate logistics planning decisions. Managerial insights are explored by studying a numerical example.
Detailed summary in vernacular field only.
Detailed summary in vernacular field only.
Detailed summary in vernacular field only.
Detailed summary in vernacular field only.
He, Wen.
Thesis (Ph.D.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2014.
Includes bibliographical references.
Abstracts also in Chinese.

CHANG, HSIU-MING, and 張修銘. "Perceived human resource management practices, employee perceived fairness,job embeddednes." Thesis, 2018. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/44nnh2.

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Abstract The present study investigates the relationship among perceived human resource management practices, employees’ perceived fairness, and job embeddedness in a company using a questionnaire survey method. The questionnaire was distributed randomly, and a total of 234 valid copies were returned. The investigation data were analyzed using statistical methods such as descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and regression analysis, and the following conclusions were drawn: 1) there is a significant relationship between job security and distributive fairness; 2) there is a significant relationship between performance reviews and procedural fairness; 3) there is a significant relationship between participative decision making and procedural fairness; 4) there is a significant relationship between incentive pay and procedural fairness; 5) there is a significant relationship among recruitment, perceived fairness, and job embeddedness - links; 6) there is a significant relationship among internal promotion, perceived fairness, and job embeddedness - links; 7) there is a significant relationship between procedural fairness and job links - links; 8) there is a significant relationship among performance reviews, perceived fairness, and job embeddedness - fit; 9) there is a significant relationship among procedural fairness, distributive fairness, and job embeddedness - fit; 10) there is a significant relationship among participative decision making, perceived fairness, and job embeddedness - sacrifice; and 11) there is a significant relationship between perceived fairness and job embeddedness - sacrifice.

Prabhakaran, Suraj. "Dynamic Resource Management and Job Scheduling for High Performance Computing." Phd thesis, 2016. http://tuprints.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/5720/1/dissertation.pdf.

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Job scheduling and resource management plays an essential role in high-performance computing. Supercomputing resources are usually managed by a batch system, which is responsible for the effective mapping of jobs onto resources (i.e., compute nodes). From the system perspective, a batch system must ensure high system utilization and throughput, while from the user perspective it must ensure fast response times and fairness when allocating resources across jobs. Parallel jobs can be divided into four categories - rigid, moldable, malleable, and evolving. While rigid jobs have fixed resource requirements over their entire life cycle, moldable jobs allow batch systems to deviate from the requested number of resources before job start. In contrast, malleable and evolving jobs can adapt to changing resource allocations at runtime. While batch systems can expand or shrink a malleable job's resource allocation at any point of time, expanding and shrinking an evolving job occurs only in response to a request made by the application itself. Traditional batch systems support only rigid and moldable jobs, that is, they perform static resource management. However, this is not sufficient as supercomputing enters a new era. Scientific applications are becoming much more complex and now often exhibit unpredictably changing resource requirements. Programming models are also becoming more adaptive in nature to support malleability for energy efficiency and fault tolerance. Therefore, scheduling evolving and malleable jobs (i.e., dynamic resource management) will be indispensable, especially on future large-scale systems. This dissertation therefore proposes novel dynamic resource management and scheduling techniques for cluster systems, making multiple contributions in the areas of dynamic resource (de)allocation mechanisms, efficient adaptive job scheduling, and resiliency. As the first contribution, this thesis presents dynamic scheduling methods for evolving jobs. A fairness scheme is proposed to ensure the fair allocation of resources between static and dynamic resource requests. The evaluation with a workload containing both rigid and evolving jobs shows that high resource utilization and throughput can be achieved, while maintaining the fair dynamic assignment of resources. It is also demonstrated how these methods can be beneficially employed in heterogeneous architectures with network-attached accelerators. The second contribution presents a unique scheduling technique for malleable jobs and an algorithm for the combined scheduling of all four types of jobs in a cluster environment. We introduce the Dependency-based Expand/Shrink (DBES) algorithm, which rests on a two-phase malleable job expand/shrink strategy. The batch system is evaluated with a mixed workload and our strategy achieves consistently superior performance in comparison to state-of-the-art malleable job scheduling strategies. Finally, as the last contribution, we present a scheduling algorithm for dynamic node replacement, which improves the resiliency of cluster systems. The algorithm uses the unique features of the four job types and can provide replacement nodes instantly to jobs affected by node failures. Among current fault tolerance mechanisms, our technique causes the smallest loss of throughput.

Lin, Yen-chu, and 林延鞠. "Personality Traits of the Job Descriptions of the Human Resource Management Employees -Job Ads on the 104 Job Bank." Thesis, 2013. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/59952091371229357970.

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This study is an exploratory research study. It uses content analysis as the research method and the job advertisements as the research objects to discuss the requirements about personality traits that enterprises in Taiwan seek in human resource management employees. Enterprises usually take personality traits into consideration in selecting employees and they maybe have different expectations of different kinds of professionals. According to the contingency theory, even for the same position, different types of the enterprises will have different requirements because of diverse organizational designs. Until today, we haven’t found any correlation analysis for the expectations of enterprises regarding the personality traits of human resources personnel in Taiwan. There is a need for research into the requirements of personality traits for human resource management employees in Taiwan. Advertisements are a kind of communication tool, and job ads communicate between employers and potential employees. While recruiting, the companies broadcast the required conditions in the job ads, and it reflects what they want. They hope to find the most suitable talents in the shortest possible time. Therefore, this research uses job advertisements as the research object to explore what employers expect in personality traits of human resource management employees, to understand if there is any difference in the selection of capabilities and traits for employees among different industries and firm sizes in the recruiting market in Taiwan. This study uses 456 advertisements of the human resource management employees on the largest job ads bank web site, 104 Bank, as the research sample. We use statistical analysis methods including the Content Analysis and one-way ANOVA test to determine the 10 most common traits that employers care about, and then test the independence between the 16 groups which classify 53 traits through the In-Depth Interview. We find that for the requirements about the capabilities and traits of the human resource management employees, there are no significant differences among different firm sizes, different industries, and different regions. Furthermore, this study uses one of the Cluster Methods: Agglomerative, to sort 16 groups into 3 categories, and we find out that the qualities of Communication and Expressions are similar, and in addition to this, Emotional Intelligence and Sensitivity are similar.

WNAG, PEI-HSUAN, and 王沛軒. "Human resource management practices on organizational commitment and job performance - the type of job as a moderator." Thesis, 2014. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/6czagv.

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The development of future towards the main direction of service industries, ompanies in an incremental need for part-time employees. When their have different type of work employees in the same time, for this phenomenon, the present of this study is to investigate: (1)when employees's job type are not the same, what are the perception of human resource management practices and organizational commitment and job performance. (2) whether and how organization affects Organizational commitment and job performance by HRM practices; and (3) employees job type for HRM practices is moderated effect on organizational commitment and job performance. A survey with questionnaires by Giordano's employees for the object. and 118 of them are regain 109 samples, including 53 full-time employees and 52 part-time employees. The result shows: (1) full-time and part-time are not different in the organizational commitment. Did not have higher recognition and affirmation In HRM practices. (2) in HRM practices, except for "performance management", "job characteristics","leadership","training","salary and benefits","promotion and development","employees communication" are positively affects the organizational commitment. (3)HRM practices have greater influence in job characteristics, training and promotion and development"on full-time employees more than part-time employees in organizational commitment; leadership has greater effects on part-time employees organizational commitment; salary and benefit, employees communication and performance management has no significant on neither full-time nor part-time employees' organizational commitment. (4)HRM practices as independent variables on organizational commitment regression analysis found that HRM practices does have influence on organizational commitment. (5)the relationship of HRM practices and organizational commitment, job performance prove that employees' organizational commitment can be changed through HRM practices, to give employees more positive feelings, the organizational commitment will higher.(6) the relationship of employees job type interfere with HRM practices and organizational commitment shows that permanent employees overall HRM practices have a significant impact on organization commitment. And part-time employees only affect "the importance" on their organization commitment. (7) employees job characteristic of HRM practices and performance management has no significant impact on full-time employees.

CHEN, Hui-Chih, and 陳惠智. "Relationship of Satisfaction in Management of SchoolHuman Resource, Job Involvement and Job Performance in Elementary School Teachers." Thesis, 2014. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/13532279668580896695.

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The main purpose of this study was to explore the Relationship of satisfaction in management of school human resource, job involvement and job performance in elementary school teachers. The subjects were 502 primary school teachers drawn from Tainan City. The “Satisfaction In Management of School Human Resource Scale” (SMSHRS)、“Job Involvement Scale” (JIS) and the “Job Performance Scale” (JPS) were conducted. The main findings were as follows: 1. Elementary school teachers possessed an above average level of satisfaction in management of school human resource. 2. There were significant differences in SMSHRS scores between or among elementary school teachers of the different educational background and job position. 3. Elementary school teachers possessed an above average level of job involvement. 4. There were significant differences in JIS scores between or among elementary school teachers of the different gender, educational back ground, job position and job location. 5. Elementary school teachers possessed an above average level of job performance. 6. There were significant differences in JPS scores between or among elementary school teachers of the different gender, educational background, seniority, job position and job location. 7. There were significant positive correlations between SMSHRS scores and JIS scores. Three SMSHRS factors accounted for 40.42% of total variance in three JIS factors. 8. There were significant positive correlations between SMSHRS scores and JPS scores. Three JIS factors accounted for 37.59% of total variance in two JPS factors. 9. There were significant positive correlations between JIS scores and JPS scores. Three JIS factors accounted for 67.35% of total variance in two JPS factors. 10. Satisfaction in management of school human resource, through the mediating process of influence of job involvement, had an indirected effect on job performance. Using 3 SMSHRS factors and 3 JIS scores as predictive variables and 3 JPS factors as criterion variables in ‘Structural Equation Modeling’, the directed effect of SMSHRS factors toward JPS factors was β=-.052, while the indirected effect was β= .537.

Weng, Hsiu-ming, and 翁秀敏. "The influence of Human Resource Management strategy on organizational commitment and job performance." Thesis, 2008. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/8w7ejv.

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As industries have been changed, enterprises are facing more fierce competitions. Human Resource Management has been gradually taken seriously. HR professionals can assist enterprises in building reasonable internal systems to promote employee performance and further overall organizational performance. This study aims at exploring the influence of Human Resource Management strategy on organizational commitment and job performance. The results from the analysis of influence are offered as references for enterprises in planning and implementing Human Resource Management strategies. 270 questionnaires were distributed and 241 ones were collected. The overall response rate is 89%. 20 invalid questionnaires were deleted. The response rate of valid questionnaires is 81%. The regression analysis was adopted. The research results are as follows: I.The influence of Human Resource Management strategies on organizational commitment is positive. II.The influence of Human Resource Management strategies on job performance is positive. III.The influence of organizational commitment on job performance is positive and Human Resource Management strategies have partial moderation effects on job performance.

Mornet, Martin Pierre. "Recruitment consultants: a unique resource for job seekers." Master's thesis, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10071/14624.

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The main purpose of this research is to highlight the value added by recruitment consultants to the recruitment process. The focus is oriented towards the relationship between recruitment consultants and job seekers, becoming candidates once they have applied to a job offer. After reviewing what the literature offers on this topic, we will conduct a qualitative research, including an exploratory study by interviewing two groups of six and seven people, representing both sides of the relationship. The findings of these interviews will show that several views are brought to this topic. It will mainly be understood that the relationship between a recruitment consultant and a candidate is quite different from the relationship a candidate and the potential employer would have. Interview responses will also examine the advantages job seekers have to use a recruitment agency in their job search.
O objetivo principal desta pesquisa é destacar o valor agregado dos consultores de recrutamento no processo de recrutamento. O foco é orientado na relação entre estes consultores e as pessoas à procura de um emprego, que se tornam candidatos quando respondem as propostas de trabalho. Depois de verificar o que a literatura especializada neste tema propõe, iremos conduzir uma pesquisa qualitativa, na qual será incluido um estudo sobre a relação entre consultores e candidatos a partir de entrevistas a dois grupos um constituido por seis pessoas e outro com sete pessoas. Os resultados destas entrevistas indicam que existem varios pontos de vistas neste assunto. A principal constactaçao é que a relação entre os consultores de recrutamento e o candidato é diferente da relação que existe entre o candidato e o potential empregador. As respostas das entrevistas também examinaram as vantagens que o candidato tem ao passar por uma agência de recrutamento na sua procura de emprego

Wang, Kuan-Lun, and 王冠倫. "Human Resource Management Policy and Turnover Intention in Information Call Center: The Effects of Job Stress and Job Satisfaction." Thesis, 2015. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/8mhf77.

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With the rapid development in technology and the requirement of service quality, customer service center has played a significant rule for a corporation to develop and manage the relationship with customers. However, due to the job characteristic of the IT customer service center, promotion, low-paid and other reasons make it becoming a high turnover position in many companies. Regarding this, most researchers are focus on the performance evaluation, management, case distribution and satisfactions on services before, but neglect that human resource policy actually an important role about it. Therefore, this research based on human resource policy and analysis by documentary analysis to study the influence on customer service staff between turnover intention, job satisfaction and work pressure. Through the establishment of theoretical models and surveyed customer service representatives with questionnaire, 116 valid responses were obtained. The result includes: 1. Emotional and Interpersonal stress of working pressure have a negative correlation on human resource policy, but have positively correlated on working skill dimension. 2. Emotional stress of working pressure have a negative correlation on Job satisfaction, and working skill dimension have a positive correlation on Job satisfaction. 3. Training and development dimension in human resource policy have a positive correlation on Job satisfaction. 4. Job satisfaction has a negative correlation on turnover Intention.

Shu-MinGuo and 郭書敏. "Exploring the Impact of Human Resource Management on Job Performance and Organization Commitment-Job Satisfaction as a Mediating Variable." Thesis, 2019. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/k2kstk.

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This study aims to explore the impact of human resource management, on job performance and commitments, with job satisfaction as the mediating variable, using Taiwan’s general worker as the research subjects. Survey method and statistical analysis were applied to verify the research hypotheses. The empirical results indicate, the established research variables have an inseparable relationship in today’s business environment. Academic research published from both local and foreign study show the necessity of implementing human resource management. This research aimed to provide recommendations to business owners and managers, to ensure sustainable business operation, in today’s highly competitive business environment.

Huang, Wen-Chi, and 黃文綺. "A Study of Human Resource Management Practices on Job Performance - Work Attitudes as moderators." Thesis, 2013. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/43614629061163037441.

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The aim of this study is to identify the moderating effects of Perceived Fairness, job involvement, job satisfaction and Organizational Commitment on human resource management practices and job performance. People who work in Kaohsiung-Pingtung county banks are this study object. There were 250 questionnaires were sent and 216 questionnaires back were valid. The valid questionnaires rate is 98%. This study use SPSS and AMOS software to analyze the relationship among variables and the result of this study show: (1)Human resource management practices has significant influence on job performance. (2)Perceived fairness has partially influence between human resource management practices and job performance. (3)Job involvement has partially influence between human resource management practices and job performance. (4)Job satisfaction has partially influence between human resource management practices and job performance. (5)Organizational Commitment has partially influence between human resource management practices and job performance.


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Local accounting and statistics organization include county (city) government accounting and statistics department, affiliated accounting institution, township (district/city) accounting office, and elementary/junior-high school institutions…etc. Under the effective management of the authority, the accounting managements of our counties proceed smoothly up to this stage. However, there still some problems existing in the area of human resources management in local accounting and statistics organizations. This study will survey the accounting and statistics staffs of Chia-yi County about the job satisfaction, work intention and other basic characteristics to find out the proper settlement of the staffs and hence provide the basic guidelines for the reform of the organizations. The results of the questionnaires show that: the outer satisfaction of the staff is higher than the inner satisfaction. As for the relation between individual attributes and satisfaction, it shows that inner and general satisfaction are both significant different with position and organization; while outer satisfaction has significant difference among the organizations. All the staffs prefer to transfer to elementary/junior-high school and were reluctant to work in the county and city office. The staffs in the school office need to be trained and provided with standard operation procedures. For the aspect of self-determination, most staffs point out that they were able to work along. Only their superiors biased few. This study also provides a strategic human resource management for the county accounting and statistics staffs. The strategy is based on the mobility of the personnel, service quality, effectiveness, personnel training, and accumulation of knowledge. We hope this strategy with further provide a mechanism to promote the performances of the accounting and statistics staffs.

Kalaitzis, Eleni Anna. "Job demands, job resources, safety behaviours, and burnout in air traffic management." Thesis, 2017. https://hdl.handle.net/10539/26045.

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A research report submitted to the Faculty of Humanities, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts (Organisational Psychology), 2017
The aim of the present study was to utilise a mixed methods design as a means of investigating the relation between job demands, job resources, safety, and burnout in Air Traffic Management (ATM) technicians. It was also of interest to determine participants’ perspectives on the job demands and resources that may be present in their occupational environment, their participation in safety behaviours, and their perceptions regarding their work and safety performance. Non-probability, convenience sampling was employed to acquire the participants of the present research study. Participants included 33 ATM technicians (50.77% response rate) who took part in the quantitative component of the research study and 14 ATM who took part in the interview process. Participants’ ages ranged from 27 to 55 years (M = 38.91; SD = 8.76) and 90.1% were male (n = 30). Jackson and Rothmann’s (2005) original Job Demands-Resources Scale was used for the assessment of the job demands and resources sixteen items were also added to the original JDRS scale. Sixteen items were added to incorporate the possible job resources and demands experienced by ATM technicians, which were separated into the following sub-scales: shifts, weather conditions, travel, and equipment. Schaufeli, Leiter, Maslach, and Jackson’s (1996) Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey (MBIGS) was used to assess ATM technicians’ burnout. Safety behaviours were assessed through the integration of items found within two safety behaviour scales developed by Neal and Griffin (2006) and Hofmann and Morgeson (1999). A semi-structured interview process consisting of open-ended questions was used to discuss the following issues: job tasks, job demands, job resources, burnout, job safety, work-family spillover, and job performance. The findings depicted a weak, positive correlation between the perception of job demands and the experience of burnout (r = .376, p < .05) and a weak, negative correlation between the perception of job resources and the experience of burnout (r = -.383, p < .05). Job resources significantly predicted the experience of burnout (β = -.494, p = .002), as did job demands (β = .489, p = .003). A moderate, positive correlation between the perception of job resources and safety behaviours was obtained (r = .514, p < .01). The participants’ perceptions of job resources explained 26.5% of the variance in safety behaviours, (R2= .265, F(1, 31) = 11.16, p < 0.05. ATM technicians took part in the following safety behaviours: they consistently communicated with both management and air traffic controllers as a way of knowing exactly what the problem is before they went to a site, they took part in training programs as a means of keeping up to date with the latest technological knowledge, attended safety meetings, always communicated with management on how to increase safety, and made sure that a first aid kit was always available. ATM technician’s safety and performance appeared to be heavily influenced by their own personal understanding of the occupation’s risks, the weather conditions that take place on each specific site, the safety equipment that is worn, the knowledge of the possible repercussions that may arise from making any mistakes, and their own individual mood or disposition.

Li-ChunWu and 吳麗春. "The Effect of Human Resource Management Practices and Job Performance - Work Motivation as a Moderator." Thesis, 2017. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/72u6vt.

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The purpose of this study was to examine the effect relationships among human resource management practices, job performance, and work motivation. And then, we were also to explore the moderating effect of work motivation in the relationship between human resource management practices and job performance. Questionnaire survey method was used in this study and the subjects were 264 indirect staffs recruited from 8 optoelectronics companies in Southern Taiwan Science Park. The findings of this study as following: (1) there is a significant relevance between human resource management practices and job performance; (2) the moderating effect of intrinsic motivation on training and job performance is significant; (3) the moderating effect of extrinsic motivation on participation and job performance is significant.

Hsiu-ChuanChen and 陳秀絹. "The Effects of Leader-Member Exchange, Human Resource Management Practices, Organizational Commitment on Job Performance." Thesis, 2015. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/60989295980198555543.

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Objectives:The main purpose of this study is to investigate the correlations among leader-member exchange (LMX) differentiation, high commitment work system (HCWS) human resource management practices, and organizational commitment on job performance. Materials and Methods: The researcher conducted a cross-sectional study, and delivered structured questionnaires to the groups of service industry, with the valid respondent rate 96.33%. For this study, SPSS and Amos statistic software tools were used for the SEM analysis. Results:(1)LMX has positive impacts on organizational commitment.(2)LMX has positive influences on job performance.(3)HCWS human resource management practices positively influences organizational commitment.(4)organizational commitment shows positive effects on job performance.(5)organizational commitment exerts a mediation effect between LMX and job performance. Conclusions: According to the findings, this study can provide how the companies and executives enhance their organizational commitment and job performance after deliberation.

Liao, Jie-Wen, and 廖婕雯. "The Relationship Between Human Resource Management for Managers and Job Engagement in the Service Context." Thesis, 2017. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/95708868889627236245.

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The field of human resource management has been widely explored in the past. As the emergence of strategic human resource management and high performance work system in recent years, human resource management has been regarded as the key to strengthen an organization’s competitive advantage. Previous studies in the field of human resource management usually focused on the level of staff, however, this study takes the first step to investigate supervisor’s attitude and how the human resources management system influences supervisors to construct job engagement, which further impacts staff collective engagement. In the past time, organizations focused on the method of how supervisors lead the employees, ignoring the way that organizations affected the supervisor''s attitude. Consequently, with a view to making employees achieve organizations’ expectation of job engagement, it is essential to get across the human resource management system designed for supervisors primarily, and we could search for possible factors to identify the problems. We take chain stores in service industry in Taichung city as our objects, distributing two-stage questionnaires filled by managers and staff of our objects, respectively. In addition, we adopt “store” as our analytical level. The final samples are consisted of 137 stores and 661 employees. According to the empirical results of this study, human resource management system developed for the supervisors will make the supervisors feel the organization is willing to give a supportive environment. However, the supportive environment failed by the supervisors’ job engagement. We deem the possible reason to construct collective engagement on staff may be influence from other internal and external environmental factors. Finally, we discuss the managerial implications and probable extensive investigations from this study, with an eye to providing recommendations for enterprises.

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