Academic literature on the topic 'Supervision faible'

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Journal articles on the topic "Supervision faible":


Cherednychenko, Olha O. "Public Regulation, Contract Law, and the Protection of the Weaker Party: Some Lessons from the Field of Financial Services." European Review of Private Law 22, Issue 5 (October 1, 2014): 663–83.

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Abstract: While contractual relationships between private parties in the financial services field were traditionally the exclusive domain of private law, in particular contract law, the early twenty-first century has witnessed the rise of contract-related public regulation in this area both at EU and Member State levels. This development has received a new impulse in the wake of the recent financial crisis with the growing importance of public supervision over contractual relationships and the ex ante supervision rules for the protection of specific categories of weaker parties. The increasing presence of contract-related regulatory rules next to traditional contract law gives rise to a complex issue of the relationship between the two and its implications for the protection of the weaker party in a multilevel setting of European contract law. This article focuses on the ex post protection of individual weaker parties in the national contract laws in this new reality and argues for better coordination between various sites at which contract-related rule-making operates across different fields of contractual practice. Résumé: Alors que les relations contractuelles entre parties privées dans le secteur des services financiers relevaient traditionnellement du domaine exclusif du droit privé, en particulier du droit des contrats, le début du 21ième siècle a vu l'augmentation dans ce domaine de réglementations publiques relatives aux contrats au niveau à la fois de l'UE et des Etats membres. Cette évolution a connu une nouvelle impulsion en raison de la récente crise financière avec l'importance grandissante du contrôle public sur les relations contractuelles et les règles ex ante de supervision pour la protection des catégories spécifiques de parties les plus faibles. La presence croissante de règles de régulation relatives aux contrats, à côté du droit contractual traditionnel, engendre une situation complexe de la relation entre les deux systèmes et de ses incidences sur la protection de la partie la plus faible dans une configuration à niveaux multiples du droit européen des contrats. Cet article se concentre sur la protection ex post des parties individuelles les plus faibles dans les droits nationaux des contrats face à cette nouvelle réalité et plaide pour une meilleure coordination entre les différents domaines où opèrent les réglementations sur les contrats dans les secteurs divers de la pratique contractuelle.

Bond, Suzie, Émilie Binet, and Béatrice Pudelko. "L’utilisation des technologies pour optimiser la formation des intervenants en santé mentale aux traitements fondés sur les données probantes : où en sommes-nous ?" Santé mentale au Québec 46, no. 1 (September 21, 2021): 71–95.

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La formation massive d’intervenants en santé mentale figure parmi les moyens proposés pour améliorer l’accès aux traitements fondés sur les données probantes pour divers troubles mentaux courants. Si les technologies de communication et de diffusion des connaissances (visioconférence, plateformes Web) peuvent aider à rendre la formation plus accessible dans le temps et dans l’espace, il est nécessaire de bien évaluer leur apport au développement des compétences chez les intervenants. Objectifs Établir comment les technologies sont utilisées pour optimiser la formation des intervenants et quels sont les effets des formations en ligne sur l’acquisition des connaissances et habiletés cliniques. Méthode Une revue rapide de la littérature a été réalisée. Pour être incluses, les études devaient concerner une formation en ligne destinée aux intervenants en pratique clinique active, porter sur le traitement d’un trouble mental courant ou d’une toxicomanie et comporter une mesure objective des connaissances ou des habiletés cliniques. Les études ont été analysées et comparées en fonction des méthodes et activités d’apprentissage intégrant les technologies numériques. Résultats Vingt études ont été recensées. Les méthodes d’apprentissage passives, impliquant peu ou pas d’interactivité, prédominent dans les formations en ligne en mode asynchrone (FLA), alors que les activités permettant un niveau élevé d’interaction avec le formateur, comme les jeux de rôle ou la supervision, se retrouvent dans les formations en mode synchrone. Acquisition des connaissances : les FLA semblent efficaces pour améliorer les connaissances des intervenants sur une période d’au moins 6 mois. La formation en salle ou l’ajout d’une activité de supervision ne produisent pas de résultats d’apprentissage supérieurs à la FLA. Acquisition des habiletés : aucune conclusion ne peut être tirée quant aux effets des formations en ligne, asynchrones, synchrones ou mixtes, car les résultats sont partagés, voire contradictoires. Conclusion En considérant la faible qualité méthodologique des études analysées qui limite la nature et la portée des conclusions de la présente recension, les résultats des études permettent d’avancer que les FLA qui comportent des technologies interactives de base, telles que des quiz en ligne, peuvent constituer un moyen simple et efficace pour améliorer les connaissances des intervenants en santé mentale.

Poirier, Martine, Diane Marcotte, Jacques Joly, and Laurier Fortin. "Évaluation de la qualité de l’implantation du programme Pare-Chocs à l’école secondaire." Mosaïque 42, no. 1 (June 14, 2017): 355–77.

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Malgré l’importante augmentation de la prévalence de la dépression durant l’adolescence, seulement une faible proportion des adolescents qui présentent des symptômes dépressifs élevés bénéficie des services de santé mentale en milieu scolaire. De plus, les programmes offerts à ces élèves souffrent souvent d’une implantation lacunaire, limitant ainsi leur efficacité potentielle. L’identification des facteurs qui influencent la fidélité de l’implantation est donc essentielle pour améliorer la qualité des services offerts. Guidés par le modèle d’évaluation basé sur la théorie des programmes (theory-driven evaluation), nous évaluons la qualité de l’implantation du programme Pare-Chocs et les facteurs qui l’ont influencée à l’aide des composantes du modèle d’action de Chen (2005). Une approche multi-méthodes a été utilisée pour obtenir des données quantitatives sur la fidélité d’implantation dans les six groupes et des données qualitatives sur les composantes du modèle d’action. Les résultats suggèrent que l’adhésion, le dosage et la participation étaient élevés. Les contraintes de temps et le peu de formation antérieure en lien avec la théorie du programme ont limité la fidélité de l’implantation tandis que la formation, la supervision et le manuel y ont contribué. Ces résultats confirment que les programmes de prévention disséminés dans les milieux scolaires peuvent être implantés avec un niveau de fidélité élevé, même si certains défis doivent être pris en considération lors de la planification de l’intervention pour contribuer à des effets plus importants du programme. De plus, la fidélité devrait être évaluée de manière systématique dans ce contexte.

Davidson, Kate M., Michelle L. Rankin, Amelie Begley, Suzanne Lloyd, Sarah J. E. Barry, Paula McSkimming, Lisa Bell, et al. "Assessing Patient Progress in Psychological Therapy Through Feedback in Supervision: the MeMOS* Randomized Controlled Trial (*Measuring and Monitoring clinical Outcomes in Supervision: MeMOS)." Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 45, no. 3 (February 7, 2017): 209–24.

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Background: Psychological therapy services are often required to demonstrate their effectiveness and are implementing systematic monitoring of patient progress. A system for measuring patient progress might usefully ‘inform supervision’ and help patients who are not progressing in therapy. Aims: To examine if continuous monitoring of patient progress through the supervision process was more effective in improving patient outcomes compared with giving feedback to therapists alone in routine NHS psychological therapy. Method: Using a stepped wedge randomized controlled design, continuous feedback on patient progress during therapy was given either to the therapist and supervisor to be discussed in clinical supervison (MeMOS condition) or only given to the therapist (S-Sup condition). If a patient failed to progress in the MeMOS condition, an alert was triggered and sent to both the therapist and supervisor. Outcome measures were completed at beginning of therapy, end of therapy and at 6-month follow-up and session-by-session ratings. Results: No differences in clinical outcomes of patients were found between MeMOS and S-Sup conditions. Patients in the MeMOS condition were rated as improving less, and more ill. They received fewer therapy sessions. Conclusions: Most patients failed to improve in therapy at some point. Patients’ recovery was not affected by feeding back outcomes into the supervision process. Therapists rated patients in the S-Sup condition as improving more and being less ill than patients in MeMOS. Those patients in MeMOS had more complex problems.

Avery, William O., and Norma S. Wood. "The Failed Intern/Supervisor Relationship." Journal of Pastoral Care 48, no. 3 (September 1994): 267–71.

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Identifies factors which define a failed relationship between a pastoral intern and his or her supervisor and analyzes possible causes, particularly in regard to issues of power and intimacy. Provides three recommendations designed to form an appropriate intern-supervisor affiliation which might avoid the identified failures and maximize an intern's learning.

&NA;. "Negligence in Supervision: A Case of Failed Resuscitation." Survey of Anesthesiology 45, no. 6 (December 2001): 376–77.

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Liang, Bryan A., Alexander A. Hannenberg, and Thomas G. Johans. "Negligence in supervision: a case of failed resuscitation." Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 13, no. 1 (February 2001): 44–46.

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Dyer, C. "Stafford inquiry will probe why external supervision failed." BMJ 341, no. 09 1 (November 9, 2010): c6391.

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Hesti, Yulia. "Analisis Yuridis Tujuan dan Kewenangan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) dalam Lembaga Perbankan di Indonesia." PRANATA HUKUM 13, no. 2 (July 31, 2018): 168–80.

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The industry of the financial services or banking sector is demanded to be constantly stable, that is healthy, transparent and well managed. Such banking conditions can build consumers to continue to actively engage in transactions. However, as time goes by the development of the financial services industry in Indonesia is increasing and the cross-sectoral problems of the financial services industry are increasingly in need of reform in the field of banking law, then the Financial Services Authority is formed as an institution that will replace Bank Indonesia in the supervision of banks and supervise institutions other finance. OJK in its formation has several objectives to carry out supervision, especially in the financial services sector. Pursuant to Article 4 of the OJK Law, OJK was formed with the aim that all activities within the financial services sector: (a) be organized regularly, fairly, transparently and accountably; (b) Able to realize a financial system that grows sustainably and stably; and (c) Able to protect the interests of consumers and society. Based on its authority, the OJK carries out the task of regulating and supervising the banking sector in accordance with its functions as stipulated in Article 5 of the OJK Law which functions to organize an integrated regulation and supervision system for all activities within the financial services sector. With the presence of OJK in supervision, banking and other financial institutions can create harmonious regulations so as to protect consumer rights.

Tellegen-Couperus, Olga. "Pontiff, praetor, and iurisdictio in the Roman republic." Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis / Revue d'Histoire du Droit / The Legal History Review 74, no. 1-2 (2006): 31–44.

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AbstractIt is generally assumed that from 367 BC the praetor was charged with iurisdictio, i.e. the supervision of civil litigation, and that, before that time, this task was performed by some other magistrate. Pontiffs were legal experts who served as advisers. However, new research has shown that the praetor originally had military duties and that it was only around 200 BC that he became involved in administering the law. In this paper the author suggests that, up to 200 BC, it was the College of Pontiffs which was responsible for supervising civil litigation. Mitchell put forward a similar hypothesis a few years ago, but so far he failed to convince his readers. In the author's view, close reading of Pomp. D. 1,2,2,6 and appreciating the fact that around 200 BC the relationship between pontiffs and magistrates changed fundamentally indicate that, before that year, the pontiffs were directly involved in civil litigation and were more than simply advisers.

Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Supervision faible":


Lajugie, Rémi. "Prédiction structurée pour l’analyse de données séquentielles." Thesis, Paris, Ecole normale supérieure, 2015.

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Dans cette thèse nous nous intéressons à des problèmes d’apprentissage automatique dans le cadre de sorties structurées avec une structure séquentielle. D’une part, nous considérons le problème de l’apprentissage de mesure de similarité pour deux tâches : (i) la détection de rupture dans des signaux multivariés et (ii) le problème de déformation temporelle entre paires de signaux. Les méthodes généralement utilisées pour résoudre ces deux problèmes dépendent fortement d’une mesure de similarité. Nous apprenons une mesure de similarité à partir de données totalement étiquetées. Nous présentons des algorithmes usuels de prédiction structuré, efficaces pour effectuer l’apprentissage. Nous validons notre approche sur des données réelles venant de divers domaines. D’autre part, nous nous intéressons au problème de la faible supervision pour la tâche d’alignement d’un enregistrement audio sur la partition jouée. Nous considérons la partition comme une représentation symbolique donnant (i) une information complète sur l’ordre des symboles et (ii) une information approximative sur la forme de l’alignement attendu. Nous apprenons un classifieur pour chaque symbole avec ces informations. Nous développons une méthode d’apprentissage fondée sur l’optimisation d’une fonction convexe. Nous démontrons la validité de l’approche sur des données musicales
In this manuscript, we consider structured machine learning problems and consider more precisely the ones involving sequential structure. In a first part, we consider the problem of similarity measure learning for two tasks where sequential structure is at stake: (i) the multivariate change-point detection and (ii) the time warping of pairs of time series. The methods generally used to solve these tasks rely on a similarity measure to compare timestamps. We propose to learn a similarity measure from fully labelled data, i.e., signals already segmented or pairs of signals for which the optimal time warping is known. Using standard structured prediction methods, we present algorithmically efficient ways for learning. We propose to use loss functions specifically designed for the tasks. We validate our approach on real-world data. In a second part, we focus on the problem of weak supervision, in which sequential data are not totally labeled. We focus on the problem of aligning an audio recording with its score. We consider the score as a symbolic representation giving: (i) a complete information about the order of events or notes played and (ii) an approximate idea about the expected shape of the alignment. We propose to learn a classifier for each note using this information. Our learning problem is based onthe optimization of a convex function that takes advantage of the weak supervision and of the sequential structure of data. Our approach is validated through experiments on the task of audio-to-score on real musical data

Tardy, Mickael. "Deep learning for computer-aided early diagnosis of breast cancer." Thesis, Ecole centrale de Nantes, 2021.

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Le cancer du sein est un des plus répandus chez la femme. Le dépistage systématique permet de baisser le taux de mortalité mais crée une charge de travail importante pour les professionnels de santé. Des outils d’aide au diagnostic sont conçus pour réduire ladite charge, mais un niveau de performance élevé est attendu. Les techniques d’apprentissage profond peuvent palier les limitations des algorithmes de traitement d’image traditionnel et apporter une véritable aide à la décision. Néanmoins, plusieurs verrous technologiques sont associés à l’apprentissage profond appliqué à l’imagerie du sein, tels que l’hétérogénéité et le déséquilibre de données, le manque d’annotations, ainsi que la haute résolution d’imagerie. Confrontés auxdits verrous, nous abordons la problématique d’aide au diagnostic de plusieurs angles et nous proposons plusieurs méthodes constituant un outil complet. Ainsi, nous proposons deux méthodes d’évaluation de densité du sein étant un des facteur de risque, une méthode de détection d’anormalités, une technique d’estimation d’incertitude d’un classifieur basé sur des réseaux neuronaux, et une méthode de transfert de connaissances depuis mammographie 2D vers l’imagerie de tomosynthèse. Nos méthodes contribuent notamment à l’état de l’art des méthodes d’apprentissage faible et ouvrent des nouvelles voies de recherche
Breast cancer has the highest incidence amongst women. Regular screening allows to reduce the mortality rate, but creates a heavy workload for clinicians. To reduce it, the computer-aided diagnosis tools are designed, but a high level of performances is expected. Deep learning techniques have a potential to overcome the limitations of the traditional image processing algorithms. Although several challenges come with the deep learning applied to breast imaging, including heterogeneous and unbalanced data, limited amount of annotations, and high resolution. Facing these challenges, we approach the problem from multiple angles and propose several methods integrated in complete solution. Hence, we propose two methods for the assessment of the breast density as one of the cancer development risk factors, a method for abnormality detection, a method for uncertainty estimation of a classifier, and a method of transfer knowledge from mammography to tomosynthesis. Our methods contribute to the state of the art of weakly supervised learning and open new paths for further research

Aluan, Magdalena, and Sköld Mattias Larsson. "Underkänd på psykoterapeututbildningen - En kvalitativ studie med två perspektiv på handledningsprocessen." Thesis, Örebro universitet, Institutionen för juridik, psykologi och socialt arbete, 2017.

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Agostini, Corinne. "Concevoir des cadres pour agir et faire agir : l'activité de prescription dans une entreprise horticole." Thesis, Paris, CNAM, 2013.

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Cette recherche porte sur l’activité de prescription de l’encadrement de proximité d’une entreprise horticole appartenant à un groupement de producteurs national. Celle-ci compte une vingtaine de permanents à l’année et accueillant autant de saisonniers durant la pleine saison. Dans cette structure où le travail est peu formalisé et l’organisation de la production pas toujours planifiée en amont, et dans un environnement où tout bouge tout le temps (élément naturel, produits vivants, variabilité industrielle), il est impossible, voire contre-productif de vouloir tout pré-écrire. Dans ce contexte, nous considérons que l’encadrant est un concepteur qui développe son activité en s’appuyant sur des cadres pour l’action préexistants dans la situation de travail et composés en partie de cadres primaires (naturels et sociaux) qu’il interprète, grâce à des ressources qu’il s’est construit sur son expérience, et en interagissant avec ses collègues. Pour organiser le travail à faire et à faire faire, et pour agir de manière efficace, l’encadrement va concevoir de l’organisation et de la prescription, dans et par l’action, en se confrontant en permanence à la réalité de la situation. Prescrire revient alors à concevoir des cadres d’action (cadres pour agir et cadres pour faire agir) en conduisant en simultané des microprojets quotidiens et des microprojets occasionnels ainsi que de séquences de conception, aux empans temporels différenciés. Lors du processus de conception de la prescription, l’encadrement transforme donc les cadres primaires en cadres secondaires, aboutissant ainsi à une succession de cadres transformés dont certains peuvent se cristalliser sous la forme d’artefacts (matérialisés ou oraux). Nous montrons que pour ce faire, l’encadrant procède à des actions de cadrage (microprojet quotidiens), de recadrage (microprojets occasionnels) et de co-cadrage (microprojets occasionnels et séquences de conception).Vue sous cet angle, l’activité de prescription aboutit à une stratification de cadres d’action. Et elle requiert non seulement une activité de conception complexe, mais aussi et surtout, une réelle créativité de l’agir de la part de l’encadrement
This research focuses on the prescription activity for the supervision of a horticultural company. This company is owned by a group of national producers, with around twenty permanent staff and around the same number of temporary staff during the peak season. In this organisation in which the work is not formalised, the organisation of the production is not always planned ahead and where everything is in flux (natural element, living products, industrial variability), it is impossible, even against counter- productive to try to pre-write everything.In this context, we consider that the supervisor is a designer who develops his activity based on the existing frameworks for action in the work situation. These frameworks are made up of pre-existing primary frameworks (natural and social) that he interprets using the resources that he has built up based on his experience and by interacting with colleagues. To organise the work to do and to be done, and to act efficiently, the supervisor will design the organisation and the prescription (during the action and by the action) by constantly facing the reality of the situation. Prescribing then comes down to designing activity frameworks (frameworks for behaving and frameworks to drive behaviours) by simultaneously driving daily and occasional micro-projects as well as design sequences with differentiated temporal spans. During the design process of the prescription, the supervision therefore transforms primary frameworks in secondary frameworks, resulting in a succession of transformed frameworks some of which may crystallise in the form of artifacts (materialised or oral). We show that for this to happen, the supervisor conducts framing actions (daily microprojects) and re-framing actions (occasional microprojects) and of co-framing (occasional microprojects and design sequences). From this perspective, the prescription activity leads to a stratification of policy frameworks. And it requires not only complex design activities, but also and above all, real creativity of action on the part of the supervisor

Góis, Carina Sequeira. "Lideranças transformacional, transacional e laissez-faire : um estudo de caso." Master's thesis, 2011.

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Orientação: Ana Paula Silva ; co-orientação: Isaura Pedro
O presente trabalho é uma investigação quantitativa que se propõe relacionar vários níveis de liderança e diferentes tipos de liderança nos estabelecimentos do 1.º ciclo de um agrupamento de escolas, através do levantamento e análise das perceções dos professores que aí exercem funções. O instrumento de recolha de dados que utilizámos foi o Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) da autoria de Avolio e Bass (2004). O objetivo primordial foi aferir a incidência de comportamentos de liderança transformacional, transacional e laissez-faire num agrupamento de escolas, de forma a contribuir para a discussão e reflexão acerca das lideranças em contexto escolar. As principais conclusões que extraímos deste estudo foram que existe uma liderança vincada na nossa amostra, predominantemente Transformacional. Para além disso, verificámos que não foram percecionados nos líderes comportamentos característicos da Liderança Laissez-Faire.
This work is a quantitative research that aims to relate various levels and types of leadership at four elementary schools of a certain Group, through the survey and analysis of teachers‟ perceptions. The data collection instrument we used was the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) by Bass and Avolio (2004). Our aim is to check the incidence of transformational, transactional and laissez-faire leadership behaviour in a group of schools in order to contribute to the discussion and reflection about school leadership. The main conclusions we drew from this study is a perception of a strong leadership in our sample, predominantly transformational. In addition, we found that the leaders‟ behaviours were not perceived as revealing Laissez-Faire leadership characteristics.

Books on the topic "Supervision faible":


Fogel, Richard L. Insurer failures: Regulators failed to respond in timely and forceful manner in four large life insurer failures : statement of Richard L. Fogel, Assistant Comptroller General, General Government Programs, before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives. [Washington, D.C.]: The Office, 1992.

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United States. Congress. House. Committee on Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs. General Accounting office study on the supervision of failed banks: Hearing before the Committee on Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs, House of Representatives, One Hundred Second Congress, first session, April 23, 1991. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1991.

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United States. Congress. House. Committee on Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs. Subcommittee on Financial Institutions Supervision, Regulation, and Insurance. To preserve the authority of the federal banking supervisory agencies to arrange interstate acquisitions and mergers for failed and failing banks: Hearings before the Subcommittee on Financial Institutions Supervision, Regulation, and Insurance of the Committee on Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs, House of Representatives, Ninety-ninth Congress, second session, on H.R. 4701 ... May 1, 6, 7, and 8, 1986. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1986.

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United States. Congress. House. Committee on Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs. Subcommittee on Financial Institutions Supervision, Regulation and Insurance. Treatment of abandoned deposits and property in failed depository institutions: Hearing before the Subcommittee on Financial Institutions Supervision, Regulation and Insurance of the Committee on Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs, House of Representatives, One Hundred Second Congress, second session, September 24, 1992. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1992.

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Charles, Proctor. Part B Merger, Reorganization, and Insolvency of Banks, 14 The Liability of the Regulator. Oxford University Press, 2015.

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This chapter examines the potential liability of a regulator for negligent supervision of a failed institution and for certain other regulatory actions. It considers the consistency of immunity provisions with EU law; consistency of immunity provisions with the European Convention on Human Rights; the scope and effect of immunity provisions; and the cases on regulatory immunity which have arisen in common law jurisdictions.

Simon, Gleeson. Part I The Elements of Bank Financial Supervision, 2 Why Are Banks Supervised? Oxford University Press, 2018.

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This chapter begins by setting out the Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision produced by the Basel Committee in September 1997, reissued in a revised version in October 2006, and further revised in the light of the crisis in 2012. The 2012 revision of these principles focused on four major areas: corporate governance within banks; an obligation on supervisors to ensure that banks are appropriately prepared for resolution; an obligation for supervisors to assess bank risks in the context of the macroeconomic environment; and the idea that supervisors should have higher expectations of banks which are globally systemically significant than for other banks. The discussions then turn to capital regulation, constraints on bank capital regulation, quantum of bank capital requirements, whether the banking crisis proves that risk capital-based regulation failed, market crisis and regulation, and protecting the public from the consequences of bank failure.

Mark, Mangan, Reed Lucy, and Choong John. 8 The Conduct of Proceedings. Oxford University Press, 2014.

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This chapter discusses the conduct of proceedings in an arbitration of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC). An arbitration shall be conducted fairly, and economically, so that it leads to a final determination of the dispute as established in the general principles of SIAC Rule 16. The parties' written submissions should be presented to the Tribunal in the early stage of the arbitration as stated in SIAC Rule 17. SIAC arbitration must have a legal seat or place. It must be connected to Singapore's laws of jurisdiction, and be subject to supervision by the courts of that place.

US GOVERNMENT. Treatment of abandoned deposits and property in failed depository institutions: Hearing before the Subcommittee on Financial Institutions Supervision, ... Congress, second session, September 24, 1992. For sale by the U.S. G.P.O., Supt. of Docs., Congressional Sales Office, 1992.

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Linarelli, John, Margot E. Salomon, and Muthucumaraswamy Sornarajah. Global Finance. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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This chapter explores how financial globalization of today fails to deliver enough of the right sort of finance necessary to promote development and productive investment in societies. The contemporary global financial architecture serves primarily to enrich affluent investors and major financial institutions while putting societies and their people at grave risk of harm, including from global financial crises. The chapter explores these issues by first examining the history of the global financial architecture from the nineteenth century to the present. It moves on to critique current institutions of law mainly on grounds of justice. The chapter addresses problems associated with the regulation and supervision of banks, at the international level a form of soft law forming the core of the global financial architecture. It also explores how the power of global finance makes real reform at either the domestic or international level very difficult. Finally, the chapter exposes injustices associated with the resolution of sovereign debt crises, with a focus on the recent crisis for Greece. It considers serious shortcomings of the international legal system in this area, including how the contract approach of international law sought to resolve the crises in a manner in which the less advantaged are made much worse off.

Anderson, Hamish. The Framework of Corporate Insolvency Law. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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This book provides a critical examination of modern English corporate insolvency law, in particular the procedures under the Insolvency Act 1986, from both conceptual and functional points of view. It focuses throughout on identifying a rational explanation for the form that the rules and institutions of the modern law take or, where there is no such rational explanation, the history which has resulted in the present position. A central theme of the book is that the nature and fundamental purpose of insolvency proceedings themselves dictate many of the features of English insolvency proceedings. For example, collective execution on behalf of creditors necessitates definition of the insolvent estate and the provision of rules concerning provable debts and transaction avoidance. Many key features of the insolvency procedures are therefore essentially matters of practicality rather than principle, albeit practicalities applied justly and fairly. The book covers the nature and purpose of insolvency law; the procedures; the administration, supervision and regulation of insolvency proceedings; the insolvent estate and transaction avoidance; investigation and wrongdoing by directors; phoenixism and pre-packing; distribution of the insolvent estate; and, lastly, cross-border insolvency. It examines the various principles of insolvency law in the context of practice, drawing upon historical perspectives where appropriate. By explaining how the law takes the form that it does, the book promotes an understanding of the present law and institutions as a whole, and shows how this understanding might inform future developments.

Book chapters on the topic "Supervision faible":


Huertas, Thomas F. "Less Likely to Fail: Sharper Supervision." In Safe to Fail, 50–81. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2014.

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Wegge, Jürgen, and S. Alexander Haslem. "When Group Goal Setting Fails: The Impact of Task Difficulty and Supervisor Fairness." In Creativity, Talent and Excellence, 165–84. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2012.

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Stanton, Thomas H. "Supervision and Regulation of Financial Firms." In Why Some Firms Thrive While Others Fail, 143–71. Oxford University Press, 2012.

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Singh, Dalvinder. "European Bank Insolvency and Liquidation Proceedings." In European Cross-Border Banking and Banking Supervision, 163–98. Oxford University Press, 2020.

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This chapter assesses the link between insolvency and liquidation, focusing on the orderly protection of depositors. There are differences in approach to safeguard the public interest at the regional and domestic levels. The misalignment of domestic insolvency-liquidation law and depositor protection mandates is likely to lead to wider techniques being needed to effectuate an orderly insolvency-liquidation proceeding and payout to banks’ depositors. This means the competent authority, the resolution authority, and the management of the bank, or administrator-liquidator will need to coordinate their responsibilities through a court-based process during the timeframe of failing or likely to fail to achieve an orderly payout to depositors. The potential coordination risks would need to be factored into the process of a failing or likely-to-fail timeframe.

Hardie, Iain, and Huw Macartney. "EU ring-fencing and the defence of too-big-to-fail banks." In The Politics of Supranational Banking Supervision in Europe, 89–111. Routledge, 2019.

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Tamte, Roger R. "Career Realities." In Walter Camp and the Creation of American Football, 76–81. University of Illinois Press, 2018.

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Camp fails his final medical school exams and seeks other employment, first in the watch business in New York (Manhattan Watch Company) and then, at the invitation and support of Yale graduates and students, as a supervisor and instructor or “coach” of student-managed sports at Yale.

Singh, Dalvinder. "The EU Home and Home-Host Dilemma." In European Cross-Border Banking and Banking Supervision, 115–62. Oxford University Press, 2020.

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This chapter looks at the relationship between the home and host when it comes to resolution of banks. Specifically, it analyses the responsibilities of each when it comes to branches and subsidiaries. This essentially leads to two potential outcomes: group resolution and entity level resolution. The resolution colleges play an important part in informing resolution decisions. However, a significant level of discretion exists and the home resolution authority can play a role that influences the way information is shared. The chapter then explores the role of the ECB and the Single Resolution Board (SRB) in forming the decision of whether a bank is failing or likely to fail. It specifically considers the ability to intervene in the restructuring of banks inside resolution.

Schillig, Michael. "Introduction." In Resolution and Insolvency of Banks and Financial Institutions. Oxford University Press, 2016.

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The Introduction provides a brief summary of the background for the reform legislation on recovery and resolution in the European Union and in the United States, with a particular focus on the ‘too-big-to-fail’ problem. It gives an overview of the content of the Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive, the Single Resolution Mechanisms for the eurozone, and the Orderly Liquidation Authority under the Dodd–Frank Act. It further seeks to provide some terminological and conceptual clarity as regards the subject matter of the book, notably with a view to delineating supervision, resolution, and corporate insolvency. The structure of the book is summarized in outline.

Susskind, Richard. "Public Sector Technology." In Online Courts and the Future of Justice. Oxford University Press, 2019.

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One of the most compelling objections to the development and delivery of public online courts is precisely that the state needs to be involved in putting the systems in place. Governments around the world have a woeful track record of implementing technology projects. Case studies abound which tell of untold wastage, wanton incompetence, and scant supervision. We know that most major public IT projects fail. As a rule of thumb, technology professionals often say that only 15–20 per cent of large public sector technology projects are successful, that is, on time, within budget, with systems that do what was wanted and was expected.

Roger, Charles B. "Keeping Governments at Bay." In The Origins of Informality, 137–66. Oxford University Press, 2020.

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In this chapter, two of the most important informal organizations in the field of global finance are investigated: the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) and the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO). Functionalist and power-based theories have already been offered to explain these institutions. This chapter shows that they do not tell the whole story. Independent agencies played a prominent role in leading cooperation in these cases. While functional considerations were relevant, these agencies generally preferred informal varieties of cooperation because these preserved their independence more effectively. These preferences were also widely shared, despite the fact that there were quite significant differences in power and fairly high levels of conflict across states at certain points. Power-based approaches have difficulty explaining these processes, but the two-step theory can account for these patterns quite well.

Conference papers on the topic "Supervision faible":


Bontempelli, Andrea, Stefano Teso, Fausto Giunchiglia, and Andrea Passerini. "Learning in the Wild with Incremental Skeptical Gaussian Processes." In Twenty-Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Seventeenth Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence {IJCAI-PRICAI-20}. California: International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, 2020.

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The ability to learn from human supervision is fundamental for personal assistants and other interactive applications of AI. Two central challenges for deploying interactive learners in the wild are the unreliable nature of the supervision and the varying complexity of the prediction task. We address a simple but representative setting, incremental classification in the wild, where the supervision is noisy and the number of classes grows over time. In order to tackle this task, we propose a redesign of skeptical learning centered around Gaussian Processes (GPs). Skeptical learning is a recent interactive strategy in which, if the machine is sufficiently confident that an example is mislabeled, it asks the annotator to reconsider her feedback. In many cases, this is often enough to obtain clean supervision. Our redesign, dubbed ISGP , leverages the uncertainty estimates supplied by GPs to better allocate labeling and contradiction queries, especially in the presence of noise. Our experiments on synthetic and real-world data show that, as a result, while the original formulation of skeptical learning produces over-confident models that can fail completely in the wild, ISGP works well at varying levels of noise and as new classes are observed.

Liang, Zhenwen, and Xiangliang Zhang. "Solving Math Word Problems with Teacher Supervision." In Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence {IJCAI-21}. California: International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, 2021.

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Math word problems (MWPs) have been recently addressed with Seq2Seq models by `translating' math problems described in natural language to a mathematical expression, following a typical encoder-decoder structure. Although effective in solving classical math problems, these models fail when a subtle variation is applied to the word expression of a math problem, and leads to a remarkably different answer. We find the failure is because MWPs with different answers but similar math formula expression are encoded closely in the latent space. We thus designed a teacher module to make the MWP encoding vector match the correct solution and disaccord from the wrong solutions, which are manipulated from the correct solution. Experimental results on two benchmark MWPs datasets verified that our proposed solution outperforms the state-of-the-art models.

Paksoy, Semin, and Mehmet Fatih Traş. "The Financial Risk Evaluation in Turkish Banking System." In International Conference on Eurasian Economies. Eurasian Economists Association, 2016.

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Banking activities exhibit highly dynamic and evolving feature in recent years. Healthy financial position of the banks therefore gains importance in assuring well-being of all economic agents in a country. Because of banks’ key role in financial markets and real economy, banking failures or inefficient performances may have profound effects on the whole economy. For this reason, it is important to monitor the bank ratios as a strength indicator. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate financial position of the banks in Turkey. To this end, we select particular 29 ratios of the present day banks which are matching the ratios of previously failed banks between the period 1997-2003. Therefore, we construct a data set by which the banks can be categorized into two groups, namely failed and non-failed banks. Data covering the period 1996-2014 extracted from Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency. In the first place, we perform ANOVA test to evaluate the most relevant ratios for bank failure. The ANOVA test results reveal that 13 of 29 ratios are not significant. The remaining ratios are used to implement factor analysis in order to categorize ratios and calculate factor scores. Lastly, we estimate a Probit regression model to determine conditional probability of failure for a given bank. Our results show that financial position of the banks exhibits substantial variations in Turkey. Furthermore, given the data set and methods employed, most of the banks have a robust financial position and are unlikely to fail.

Wu, Aming, Yahong Han, and Yi Yang. "Video Interactive Captioning with Human Prompts." In Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence {IJCAI-19}. California: International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, 2019.

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Video captioning aims at generating a proper sentence to describe the video content. As a video often includes rich visual content and semantic details, different people may be interested in different views. Thus the generated sentence always fails to meet the ad hoc expectations. In this paper, we make a new attempt that, we launch a round of interaction between a human and a captioning agent. After generating an initial caption, the agent asks for a short prompt from the human as a clue of his expectation. Then, based on the prompt, the agent could generate a more accurate caption. We name this process a new task of video interactive captioning (ViCap). Taking a video and an initial caption as input, we devise the ViCap agent which consists of a video encoder, an initial caption encoder, and a refined caption generator. We show that the ViCap can be trained via a full supervision (with ground-truth) way or a weak supervision (with only prompts) way. For the evaluation of ViCap, we first extend the MSRVTT with interaction ground-truth. Experimental results not only show the prompts can help generate more accurate captions, but also demonstrate the good performance of the proposed method.

Zhang, Hanyuan, Hao Wu, Weiwei Sun, and Baihua Zheng. "DeepTravel: a Neural Network Based Travel Time Estimation Model with Auxiliary Supervision." In Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence {IJCAI-18}. California: International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, 2018.

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Estimating the travel time of a path is of great importance to smart urban mobility. Existing approaches are either based on estimating the time cost of each road segment which are not able to capture many cross-segment complex factors, or designed heuristically in a non-learning-based way which fail to leverage the natural abundant temporal labels of the data, i.e., the time stamp of each trajectory point. In this paper, we leverage on new development of deep neural networks and propose a novel auxiliary supervision model, namely DeepTravel, that can automatically and effectively extract different features, as well as make full use of the temporal labels of the trajectory data. We have conducted comprehensive experiments on real datasets to demonstrate the out-performance of DeepTravel over existing approaches.

Xu, Wanlu, Hong Liu, Wei Shi, Ziling Miao, Zhisheng Lu, and Feihu Chen. "Adversarial Feature Disentanglement for Long-Term Person Re-identification." In Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence {IJCAI-21}. California: International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, 2021.

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Most existing person re-identification methods are effective in short-term scenarios because of their appearance dependencies. However, these methods may fail in long-term scenarios where people might change their clothes. To this end, we propose an adversarial feature disentanglement network (AFD-Net) which contains intra-class reconstruction and inter-class adversary to disentangle the identity-related and identity-unrelated (clothing) features. For intra-class reconstruction, the person images with the same identity are represented and disentangled into identity and clothing features by two separate encoders, and further reconstructed into original images to reduce intra-class feature variations. For inter-class adversary, the disentangled features across different identities are exchanged and recombined to generate adversarial clothes-changing images for training, which makes the identity and clothing features more independent. Especially, to supervise these new generated clothes-changing images, a re-feeding strategy is designed to re-disentangle and reconstruct these new images for image-level self-supervision in the original image space and feature-level soft-supervision in the disentangled feature space. Moreover, we collect a challenging Market-Clothes dataset and a real-world PKU-Market-Reid dataset for evaluation. The results on one large-scale short-term dataset (Market-1501) and five long-term datasets (three public and two we proposed) confirm the superiority of our method against other state-of-the-art methods.

Katsumata, Peter T. "Post-Incident Safety Analysis of an Automatic Train Protection System." In ASME 2002 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2002.

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Rail is used as a form of transportation by millions of people each day. Many of these rail transit systems utilize automatic operation. Automatic operation of rail transit vehicles is provided by an Automatic Train Control (ATC) system, which is typically partitioned into three subsystems: Automatic Train Protection (ATP), Automatic Train Operation (ATO), and Automatic Train Supervision (ATS). This paper discusses the results of a post-incident safety analysis performed on an ATP system. A Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) was performed on a vehicle ATP subsystem following several incidents involving a compromise in system safety. The results of the FTA showed that the vehicle ATP subsystem did not meet the “fail safe” design criteria. This paper uses the results of the FTA to identify possible safety improvements.

Ou, Guofu, Haozhe Jin, Yong Gu, Xiaofei Liu, and Chenyang Yu. "Failure Analysis and Intelligent Prevention and Control Technology of High Pressure Air Cooler in Hydrogen Environment." In ASME 2021 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2021.

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Abstract The failure anatomy and simulation of high pressure air cooler bundle in hydrogenation unit are analyzed. Based on the typical working condition data, DCS and Lims data during the calibration period of the unit, the process simulation of the hydrogenation effluent system was carried out in Aspen Plus, and the cooling separation process of the hydrogenation effluent was simulated by using the material reverse sequence backward pushing method. According to the distribution of oil, gas and water multiphase flow in the air cooler, the temperature of ammonium salt crystallization, the content of liquid water, the concentration of ammonium sulphate hydrogenation, the corrosion factor and the pH value were calculated. The results showed that there were corrosion risks of ammonium salt crystallization and erosion corrosion in the air cooler. At the same time, according to the state and physical parameters, the erosion risk of air cooler inlet pipe and air cooler is predicted and analyzed, and the characteristic parameters such as shear stress, mass transfer coefficient and water phase fraction are used to represent the erosion risk. The anatomic analysis results of the failed bundle are verified by the process and fluid mechanics simulation. In view of corrosion analysis, corrosion prevention and control are carried out by means of technological protection, mainly by adjusting the water injection volume and water injection location. Based on the design of resistance to flow corrosion, the compound liner of air cooler tube bundle was modified. A corrosion expert supervision system was developed to monitor the running state of the hydrogenation effluent system in real time. The process calculation model and fluid dynamics simulation prediction model are embedded into the system to calculate each characteristic parameter and present the corrosion status of the current device to the enterprise, so that the enterprise can timely take measures to avoid safety accidents.

Koyuncu, Mustafa, Fusun Tekin Acar, Ronald J. Burke, and Kadife Koyuncu. "Gender Differences in Work Experiences and Work and Learning Outcomes among Employees in the Manufacturing Sector in Turkey: An Exploratory Study." In International Conference on Eurasian Economies. Eurasian Economists Association, 2015.

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This study examined gender differences in work experiences and work outcomes among 215 male and 46 female employees working in the textile and furniture sectors in Turkey. Data were collected from 261 employees, a 65 percent response rate, using anonymously completed questionnaires. Respondents were mostly male, worked full-time, had relatively short job and firm tenures, generally held jobs involving some supervisory responsibilities, and worked 41 to 50 hours per week in fairly large firms. All measures used here had been used and validated previously by other researchers. Work experiences included perceptions of supervisor empowering behaviors; outcomes included job satisfaction, affective commitment, work engagement, engaging in voice behaviors, and intent to quit. Learning related outcomes included learning opportunities and self-rated employability. There were small differences in departments in which men and women worked with a slightly higher percentage of men in production and a slightly lower percentage of men in accounting, human resource management and marketing. Consistent with earlier work, significant gender differences were found on several personal demographic and work situation characteristics. Women were younger, less likely to be married, were more highly educated, were at lower organizational levels, had less job and organizational tenure. Males and females had similar perceptions of their supervisor’s empowering behaviors, their own levels of psychological empowerment, similar learning opportunities and levels of self-rated employability and on most work outcomes (e.g, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, intent to quit).

Parkes, G. J. "No process for initiative." In International Ship Control Systems Symposium. IMarEST, 2018.

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Throughout naval aviation engineering history, processes have continually developed and improved safety, especially with rapidly evolving complex aircraft systems. With more processes to follow, technicians will become more reliant on those processes. The post Hadden-Cave era has led to increased understanding of accountability, thereby diminishing initiative or the application of engineering principles to solve real life engineering problems. High level policy and accountability rhetoric have cascaded throughout engineering management to engineering technicians, with the warning ‘do not deviate from process’ from fear air safety may be compromised. This, coupled with the perceived threat of consequence to the individual should compliance be ignored, leads to a culture of process rather than a culture of lateral thought around complex engineering issues. Consequently, naval engineers feel unable to innovate or improvise practical solutions to problems despite engineers understanding the need to maintain air safety. As a war-fighting organisation which extends to disaster relief operations or damage control at sea, the supervisor/team leader may find themselves without a process and potentially unable to respond with confidence to the situation at hand. A key attribute of a Petty Officer is initiative; as reliance on process increases and reliance on effective intelligence decreases, are the Royal Navy limiting their future leaders? Attitudes and competence take time to change and develop; there is an increasing risk that the naval engineer of the future fails to think around problems and it is imperative that we encourage and develop initiative in naval aviation engineers.

Reports on the topic "Supervision faible":


Philippines and Senegal: Services improve quality of care but fail to increase FP continuation. Population Council, 2002.

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In 1999, Frontiers in Reproductive Health collaborated on studies on the impact of interventions to improve quality of care in the Philippines and Senegal. The two interventions were part of a multicountry Population Council study (also undertaken in Pakistan and Zambia) to test whether improving quality affects women’s contraceptive continuation. The Philippines study focused on training in family planning (FP), supportive supervision, and refresher courses to improve client-provider interaction. The Senegal study compared the impact of improved quality of care at five newly established “reference centers” with five clinics that served as controls. Data were gathered through analyses of quality of care at all 10 sites in 1997, when the reference centers had begun implementation, and in 1998, 16 months later. As detailed in this brief, the introduction of client-centered service delivery with a focus on the client-provider interaction resulted in better quality of care at sites in the Philippines and Senegal. However, improving quality of care alone was not found to be sufficient to significantly increase the length of time women continued to use contraception.

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