Journal articles on the topic 'Supervision faible'

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Cherednychenko, Olha O. "Public Regulation, Contract Law, and the Protection of the Weaker Party: Some Lessons from the Field of Financial Services." European Review of Private Law 22, Issue 5 (October 1, 2014): 663–83.

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Abstract: While contractual relationships between private parties in the financial services field were traditionally the exclusive domain of private law, in particular contract law, the early twenty-first century has witnessed the rise of contract-related public regulation in this area both at EU and Member State levels. This development has received a new impulse in the wake of the recent financial crisis with the growing importance of public supervision over contractual relationships and the ex ante supervision rules for the protection of specific categories of weaker parties. The increasing presence of contract-related regulatory rules next to traditional contract law gives rise to a complex issue of the relationship between the two and its implications for the protection of the weaker party in a multilevel setting of European contract law. This article focuses on the ex post protection of individual weaker parties in the national contract laws in this new reality and argues for better coordination between various sites at which contract-related rule-making operates across different fields of contractual practice. Résumé: Alors que les relations contractuelles entre parties privées dans le secteur des services financiers relevaient traditionnellement du domaine exclusif du droit privé, en particulier du droit des contrats, le début du 21ième siècle a vu l'augmentation dans ce domaine de réglementations publiques relatives aux contrats au niveau à la fois de l'UE et des Etats membres. Cette évolution a connu une nouvelle impulsion en raison de la récente crise financière avec l'importance grandissante du contrôle public sur les relations contractuelles et les règles ex ante de supervision pour la protection des catégories spécifiques de parties les plus faibles. La presence croissante de règles de régulation relatives aux contrats, à côté du droit contractual traditionnel, engendre une situation complexe de la relation entre les deux systèmes et de ses incidences sur la protection de la partie la plus faible dans une configuration à niveaux multiples du droit européen des contrats. Cet article se concentre sur la protection ex post des parties individuelles les plus faibles dans les droits nationaux des contrats face à cette nouvelle réalité et plaide pour une meilleure coordination entre les différents domaines où opèrent les réglementations sur les contrats dans les secteurs divers de la pratique contractuelle.

Bond, Suzie, Émilie Binet, and Béatrice Pudelko. "L’utilisation des technologies pour optimiser la formation des intervenants en santé mentale aux traitements fondés sur les données probantes : où en sommes-nous ?" Santé mentale au Québec 46, no. 1 (September 21, 2021): 71–95.

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La formation massive d’intervenants en santé mentale figure parmi les moyens proposés pour améliorer l’accès aux traitements fondés sur les données probantes pour divers troubles mentaux courants. Si les technologies de communication et de diffusion des connaissances (visioconférence, plateformes Web) peuvent aider à rendre la formation plus accessible dans le temps et dans l’espace, il est nécessaire de bien évaluer leur apport au développement des compétences chez les intervenants. Objectifs Établir comment les technologies sont utilisées pour optimiser la formation des intervenants et quels sont les effets des formations en ligne sur l’acquisition des connaissances et habiletés cliniques. Méthode Une revue rapide de la littérature a été réalisée. Pour être incluses, les études devaient concerner une formation en ligne destinée aux intervenants en pratique clinique active, porter sur le traitement d’un trouble mental courant ou d’une toxicomanie et comporter une mesure objective des connaissances ou des habiletés cliniques. Les études ont été analysées et comparées en fonction des méthodes et activités d’apprentissage intégrant les technologies numériques. Résultats Vingt études ont été recensées. Les méthodes d’apprentissage passives, impliquant peu ou pas d’interactivité, prédominent dans les formations en ligne en mode asynchrone (FLA), alors que les activités permettant un niveau élevé d’interaction avec le formateur, comme les jeux de rôle ou la supervision, se retrouvent dans les formations en mode synchrone. Acquisition des connaissances : les FLA semblent efficaces pour améliorer les connaissances des intervenants sur une période d’au moins 6 mois. La formation en salle ou l’ajout d’une activité de supervision ne produisent pas de résultats d’apprentissage supérieurs à la FLA. Acquisition des habiletés : aucune conclusion ne peut être tirée quant aux effets des formations en ligne, asynchrones, synchrones ou mixtes, car les résultats sont partagés, voire contradictoires. Conclusion En considérant la faible qualité méthodologique des études analysées qui limite la nature et la portée des conclusions de la présente recension, les résultats des études permettent d’avancer que les FLA qui comportent des technologies interactives de base, telles que des quiz en ligne, peuvent constituer un moyen simple et efficace pour améliorer les connaissances des intervenants en santé mentale.

Poirier, Martine, Diane Marcotte, Jacques Joly, and Laurier Fortin. "Évaluation de la qualité de l’implantation du programme Pare-Chocs à l’école secondaire." Mosaïque 42, no. 1 (June 14, 2017): 355–77.

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Malgré l’importante augmentation de la prévalence de la dépression durant l’adolescence, seulement une faible proportion des adolescents qui présentent des symptômes dépressifs élevés bénéficie des services de santé mentale en milieu scolaire. De plus, les programmes offerts à ces élèves souffrent souvent d’une implantation lacunaire, limitant ainsi leur efficacité potentielle. L’identification des facteurs qui influencent la fidélité de l’implantation est donc essentielle pour améliorer la qualité des services offerts. Guidés par le modèle d’évaluation basé sur la théorie des programmes (theory-driven evaluation), nous évaluons la qualité de l’implantation du programme Pare-Chocs et les facteurs qui l’ont influencée à l’aide des composantes du modèle d’action de Chen (2005). Une approche multi-méthodes a été utilisée pour obtenir des données quantitatives sur la fidélité d’implantation dans les six groupes et des données qualitatives sur les composantes du modèle d’action. Les résultats suggèrent que l’adhésion, le dosage et la participation étaient élevés. Les contraintes de temps et le peu de formation antérieure en lien avec la théorie du programme ont limité la fidélité de l’implantation tandis que la formation, la supervision et le manuel y ont contribué. Ces résultats confirment que les programmes de prévention disséminés dans les milieux scolaires peuvent être implantés avec un niveau de fidélité élevé, même si certains défis doivent être pris en considération lors de la planification de l’intervention pour contribuer à des effets plus importants du programme. De plus, la fidélité devrait être évaluée de manière systématique dans ce contexte.

Davidson, Kate M., Michelle L. Rankin, Amelie Begley, Suzanne Lloyd, Sarah J. E. Barry, Paula McSkimming, Lisa Bell, et al. "Assessing Patient Progress in Psychological Therapy Through Feedback in Supervision: the MeMOS* Randomized Controlled Trial (*Measuring and Monitoring clinical Outcomes in Supervision: MeMOS)." Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 45, no. 3 (February 7, 2017): 209–24.

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Background: Psychological therapy services are often required to demonstrate their effectiveness and are implementing systematic monitoring of patient progress. A system for measuring patient progress might usefully ‘inform supervision’ and help patients who are not progressing in therapy. Aims: To examine if continuous monitoring of patient progress through the supervision process was more effective in improving patient outcomes compared with giving feedback to therapists alone in routine NHS psychological therapy. Method: Using a stepped wedge randomized controlled design, continuous feedback on patient progress during therapy was given either to the therapist and supervisor to be discussed in clinical supervison (MeMOS condition) or only given to the therapist (S-Sup condition). If a patient failed to progress in the MeMOS condition, an alert was triggered and sent to both the therapist and supervisor. Outcome measures were completed at beginning of therapy, end of therapy and at 6-month follow-up and session-by-session ratings. Results: No differences in clinical outcomes of patients were found between MeMOS and S-Sup conditions. Patients in the MeMOS condition were rated as improving less, and more ill. They received fewer therapy sessions. Conclusions: Most patients failed to improve in therapy at some point. Patients’ recovery was not affected by feeding back outcomes into the supervision process. Therapists rated patients in the S-Sup condition as improving more and being less ill than patients in MeMOS. Those patients in MeMOS had more complex problems.

Avery, William O., and Norma S. Wood. "The Failed Intern/Supervisor Relationship." Journal of Pastoral Care 48, no. 3 (September 1994): 267–71.

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Identifies factors which define a failed relationship between a pastoral intern and his or her supervisor and analyzes possible causes, particularly in regard to issues of power and intimacy. Provides three recommendations designed to form an appropriate intern-supervisor affiliation which might avoid the identified failures and maximize an intern's learning.

&NA;. "Negligence in Supervision: A Case of Failed Resuscitation." Survey of Anesthesiology 45, no. 6 (December 2001): 376–77.

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Liang, Bryan A., Alexander A. Hannenberg, and Thomas G. Johans. "Negligence in supervision: a case of failed resuscitation." Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 13, no. 1 (February 2001): 44–46.

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Dyer, C. "Stafford inquiry will probe why external supervision failed." BMJ 341, no. 09 1 (November 9, 2010): c6391.

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Hesti, Yulia. "Analisis Yuridis Tujuan dan Kewenangan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) dalam Lembaga Perbankan di Indonesia." PRANATA HUKUM 13, no. 2 (July 31, 2018): 168–80.

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The industry of the financial services or banking sector is demanded to be constantly stable, that is healthy, transparent and well managed. Such banking conditions can build consumers to continue to actively engage in transactions. However, as time goes by the development of the financial services industry in Indonesia is increasing and the cross-sectoral problems of the financial services industry are increasingly in need of reform in the field of banking law, then the Financial Services Authority is formed as an institution that will replace Bank Indonesia in the supervision of banks and supervise institutions other finance. OJK in its formation has several objectives to carry out supervision, especially in the financial services sector. Pursuant to Article 4 of the OJK Law, OJK was formed with the aim that all activities within the financial services sector: (a) be organized regularly, fairly, transparently and accountably; (b) Able to realize a financial system that grows sustainably and stably; and (c) Able to protect the interests of consumers and society. Based on its authority, the OJK carries out the task of regulating and supervising the banking sector in accordance with its functions as stipulated in Article 5 of the OJK Law which functions to organize an integrated regulation and supervision system for all activities within the financial services sector. With the presence of OJK in supervision, banking and other financial institutions can create harmonious regulations so as to protect consumer rights.

Tellegen-Couperus, Olga. "Pontiff, praetor, and iurisdictio in the Roman republic." Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis / Revue d'Histoire du Droit / The Legal History Review 74, no. 1-2 (2006): 31–44.

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AbstractIt is generally assumed that from 367 BC the praetor was charged with iurisdictio, i.e. the supervision of civil litigation, and that, before that time, this task was performed by some other magistrate. Pontiffs were legal experts who served as advisers. However, new research has shown that the praetor originally had military duties and that it was only around 200 BC that he became involved in administering the law. In this paper the author suggests that, up to 200 BC, it was the College of Pontiffs which was responsible for supervising civil litigation. Mitchell put forward a similar hypothesis a few years ago, but so far he failed to convince his readers. In the author's view, close reading of Pomp. D. 1,2,2,6 and appreciating the fact that around 200 BC the relationship between pontiffs and magistrates changed fundamentally indicate that, before that year, the pontiffs were directly involved in civil litigation and were more than simply advisers.

Ikram, Mobeen, Abdul Samee, Muhammad Amir, and Muhammad Imdad. "FAILED SPINAL ANESTHESIA." Professional Medical Journal 23, no. 12 (December 10, 2016): 1527–30.

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Objectives: To determine the frequency of failed spinal anesthesia in patientsundergoing caesarean section in a teaching hospital in Pakistan. Study Design: It was a cross– sectional study. Setting: Department of Anesthesia and Pain Management PAF HospitalSargodha. Period: January 2015 to May 2015. Methodology: A total of 293 pregnant patientsundergoing caesarean section under spinal anesthesia were included. After prehydration andessential monitoring, all patients were given spinal anesthesia with 25 G spinal needle at L3-L4 or L4-L5 level by 2nd year resident anesthesiologist under indirect supervision using 1.5 mlof hyperbaric spinal injection. Failure to achieve adequate block was managed by differentmodalities like sedation, analgesia with ketamine, repeat spinal anesthesia or to proceed withgeneral anesthesia. Results: Out of total of 293 patients, failed spinal occurred in 9 patients(3.07%). Out of these 9 patients, 02 patients (22.22%) were elective caesarean sections while07 cases (77.77%) were emergency caesarean sections. Conclusion: The chances of failedspinal anesthesia are more in emergency caesarean sections as compared to elective casesand failure rate of spinal anesthesia in PAF teaching hospital Sargodha is 3.07% which is slightlyhigher than 3%

Rittner, Barbara. "Children on the Move: Placement Patterns in Children's Protective Services." Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Social Services 76, no. 8 (October 1995): 469–77.

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The author reviewed placement patterns in 447 systematically selected case records of abused and neglected children residing with either parents or relatives and under the supervision of children's protective services (CPS). Children of color had more kinship and shelter placements. Despite high levels of care and protection provided by relatives, supervision of children continued because CPS workers were concerned that noncustodial parents might reabuse the children. Workers expressed apprehensions that if they failed to predict and prevent reabuse, they would be blamed by the agency as well ashy the media and public demanding to know why the system failed.

Laimeheriwa, Vemy. "Pengaruh Supervisi Akademik Pengawas Sekolah Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Guru Pada SMA/SMK di Kecamatan Pulau-Pulau Terselatan Kabupaten Maluku Barat Daya Provinsi Maluku." Jurnal Evaluasi Pendidikan 13, no. 1 (April 8, 2022): 1–8.

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Abstract: The study aims at discovering (1) the description of teachers' working satisfaction, academic supervision of schools' supervisors, the principals' leadership in Pp. Terselatan subdistrict (the southern farthest islands subdistrict) and (2) the influence of academic supervision of schools' supervisors, the principals' leadership on working satisfaction of high school teachers in Pp Terselatan subdistrict. The research method consisted of (1) the type of ex-post-facto research, (2) the research population was the entire civil servant teachers included part-time teachers of SMA/SMK in Pp. Terselatan subdistrict with a total of 109 teachers, (3) the samples were 90 people which meant above the minimum sample limit based on Slovin formula, (4) the research variables consisted of one independent variable, mely academic supervision of schools' supervisors (X1), one variable of intervening the principals' leadership (X2), and one dependent variable, namely teachers' working satisfaction (Y), (5) data collection was in a form of a questionnaire, and (6) data analysis technique used descriptive analysis and inferential analysis techniques. The results showed that (1) School Supervisor Academic Supervision with a variance of 418.14 was in the fairly good category, Principal Leadership with a variance of 331.96 was in the fairly good category, and Teacher Job Satisfaction with a variance of 165.97 was in a good category; (2) there is a direct influence of School Supervisor Academic Supervision which is significant towards Principal Leadership at 12.53% with path coefficients of ⍴ = 354 > α = 0.05; (3) there is no direct influence of School Supervisory Academic Supervision on Teacher Job Satisfaction with a path coefficient of ρ = -0.158 < α = 0.05; (4) there is a direct effect of significant Principal Leadership on Teacher Job Satisfaction of 32.83% with path coefficients of ⍴ = 0.573 > α = 0.05, and (5) there is an indirect influence of School Supervisors Academic Supervision on Teacher Job Satisfaction through Principal Leadership amounting to 20.28%.

Shimshon Rubin, Simon, and Haleh Zaher Nassar. "Psychotherapy and Supervision with a Bereaved Moslem: Family: An Intervention that Almost Failed." Psychiatry 56, no. 4 (November 1993): 338–48.

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Garcia, Gillian G. H. "Ignoring the lessons for effective prudential supervision, failed bank resolution and depositor protection." Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance 17, no. 3 (July 24, 2009): 186–209.

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Cheong, Calvin W. H., and Sockalingam Ramasamy. "Bank Failure: A New Approach to Prediction and Supervision." Asian Journal of Finance & Accounting 11, no. 1 (April 8, 2019): 111.

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Bank failures are costly to customers and the wider market. Prevention is always better than cure but in light of recent economic downturns, it has become increasingly difficult for regulators to allocate more resources towards in-depth monitoring of banking practices. In this paper, we construct a tool that is able to predict bank failures ahead of time with reasonable accuracy. Through a logistic regression on a matched sample of 536 failed and non-failed US banks, we determine the financial indicators that most accurately predicts bank failure. From the regression, we construct a Bank Health Index that assesses a bank’s propensity to failure. In-sample and out-of-sample tests show that our model is about 90% accurate two years prior to failure, and 95% accurate the year before failure. The accuracy and efficiency of the model and index provides a more efficient and effective tool for assessing a bank’s propensity to failure besides requiring far less resources. With these methods, regulators will be able to take preventive measures at least one year before failure, saving the economy millions if not billions in the process.

Miskak, Suwandi. "Kegagalan Analisis Laporan Keuangan Dalam Memprediksi Kebangkrutan BPR/BPRS di Indonesia." Kajian Ekonomi dan Keuangan 3, no. 3 (May 11, 2020): 161–81.

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Since LPS operated in 2005 until 2017, LPS has liquidated 84 BPR/BPRS which were declared as failed banks by BI/OJK. The cause of the failure of the BPR/BPRS is that the bank cannot meet the minimum capital adequacy ratio (CAR) due to losses suffered by the bank. The bank losses are caused fraud by owner, management and employees. Losses are recognized in the financial statements after it found by BI/OJK. We forecast quarterly CAR data before a BPR/BPRS is determined as a bank under special supervision to determine the ability of CAR data prediction whether the bank will be placed as a bank under special supervision using ARIMA. The research result shows the difference between forecasting CAR and actual CAR is significant. This means that CAR data calculated based on financial statements cannot predict the BPR/BPRS will be determined as a bank under special supervision, which in turn has the potential to become a failed bank.

Prentice, Dawn, Veronique Boscart, Katherine S. McGilton, and Astrid Escrig. "Factors Influencing New RNs’ Supervisory Performance in Long-Term Care Facilities." Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement 36, no. 4 (October 11, 2017): 463–71.

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RÉSUMÉDans les établissements de soins de longue durée (ÉSLD), les infirmières autorisées (IAs) exercent à la fois des fonctions cliniques et de supervision en tant que membres d’une équipe visant à dispenser des soins de grande qualité aux résidents. Les résidents sont affectés par plusieurs comorbidités et leurs besoins en matière de soins sont complexes. Malheureusement, les infirmières nouvellement agréées ne reçoivent que peu de formation en gérontologie et leur expérience de supervision est minimale, ce qui entraîne de faibles taux de rétention et affecte les résultats chez les patients. Cette étude qualitative a exploré les facteurs influençant l’expérience de supervision des nouvelles IA en ÉSLD à porter d’un échantillon de 24 participants en Ontario (Canada). Les données ont été recueillies par la voie d’entrevues individuelles, et une analyse de contenu directe fut réalisée. Trois niveaux d’influence ont été identifiés : influences personnelles, influences organisationnelles et influences externes. Chacun des niveaux présentait des sous-éléments qui décrivaient plus précisément les facteurs ayant de l’impact sur la performance de la nouvelle IA en supervision. La rétention des nouvelles IA en ÉSLD nécessiterait la mise en place d’une formation additionnelle en gérontologie et d’un processus de mentorat par ces organisations, afin d’assurer le développement de leurs rôles de supervision.

Sulastri, Iis, and Nury Ariani Wulansari. "The Effect of Abusive Supervision on Employee Silence with Perceptions of Organizational Politics and Organizational Justice as Mediation." Management Analysis Journal 7, no. 4 (December 20, 2018): 426–35.

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The purpose of this study is to explain the effect of abusive supervision on employee silence with perceptions of organizational politics and organizational justice as mediator. The population of this study was all employees of a developing textile and garment company in the Semarang District. The sampling method used a multi-stage random sampling with a sample of 199 respondents. Methods of data collection used observation, interviews and questionnaires that were measured using a Likert scale. Methods of analysis of this study used the software of WarpPLS 6.0. The results show that abusive supervision and perceptions of organizational politics have a positive effect on employee silence. abusive supervision has a positive effect on perceptions of organizational politics, but abusive supervision has a negative effect on organizational justice. In addition, organizational justice has a negative effect on employee silence. Perceptions of organizational politics and organizational justice as a partial mediating role on the effect of abusive supervision on employee silence. Suggestions for the company that the company can reduce the high of employee silence with giving treatment employees fairly and supervisor should improve its supervision system.

Dominowska, Joanna. "Effectiveness of State Supervision and Control of Foundations' Economic Activity." Journal of Management and Financial Sciences, no. 29 (July 29, 2019): 185–93.

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The construction of supervision and control of foundations and their economic activity in Poland is fairly well developed. The main goal of this research was to ascertain whether the procedure of supervision works effectively. It was also to highlight those supervision elements and stages that do not perform their role accurately and to indicate the reasons thereof. It is important to intensify the discussion on the change of the model of founda- tion supervision into a more effective system on the one hand, and less troublesome for entrepreneurs on the other. The research of this type has never been conducted through the cross-impact analysis. Every ministry presents only the analysis in relation to the foundations subordinated to them. There is no pooled analysis of the supervision state on economic activity of foundations in Poland, and in this respect, this study is a novel scientific contribution. The conclusion drawn from it points to a necessity for simplifica- tion, standardisation (a uniform foundation activity report form is not sufficient) and the introduction of instruments to affect the current foundations’ activity.

Forgash, Carol, Andrew Leeds, Claire A. I. Stramrood, and Amy Robbins. "Supervision de cas : une femme enceinte traumatisée." Journal of EMDR Practice and Research 8, no. 1 (2014): 23E—28E.

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Supervision de cas est une nouvelle rubrique régulière du Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, où un thérapeute demande de l'aide au sujet d'un cas difficile et où des réponses sont apportées par trois experts. Dans cet article, Amy Robbins (Atlanta, Géorgie), une thérapeute certifiée de la désensibilisation et du retraitement par les mouvements oculaires (EMDR) décrit brièvement le cas difficile d'une femme enceinte qui souhaite traiter un traumatisme subi au cours d'une tornade. La clinicienne demande s'il est indiqué de faire de l'EMDR et quels sont les précautions qu'elle devrait avoir à l'esprit. Le premier expert, Carol Forgash, fournit des informations générales sur la grossesse et la psychothérapie et expose les considérations, les soucis et les contre-indications relatifs au traitement EMDR dans ce cas. Elle recommande que, si le choix se porte sur le traitement EMDR, le thérapeute utilise le protocole de traumas récents pour cibler spécifiquement les souvenirs traumatiques de l'épisode récent de la tornade. Le second expert, Andrew Leeds, commente l'absence d'essais contrôlés randomisés (ECR) ou d'autres rapports scientifiques explorant la sécurité du traitement EMDR chez les femmes enceintes. Il estime que les femmes enceintes présentant des symptômes de stress post- traumatique doivent comprendre qu'il y a de fortes chances pour que l'EMDR améliore leur qualité de vie et que les risques d'effets indésirables sur la stabilité de la grossesse sont probablement faibles, mais qu'ils demeurent cependant inconnus. Le troisième expert, Claire Stramrood, explique que les rares études de cas ayant évalué l'EMDR pendant la grossesse ont rapporté des effets positifs, mais qu'elles concernaient des femmes souffrant d'un état de stress post-traumatique (ESPT) suivant un accouchement. Elle fait valoir qu'après consultation de l'obstétricien, une fois que les femmes ont été informées des risques et bénéfices potentiels, et qu'elles ont donné leur consentement éclairé, elles doivent être en mesure de choisir de commencer ou non la thérapie EMDR au cours de leur grossesse.

MURRAY, CATHY. "State Intervention and Vulnerable Children: Implementation Revisited." Journal of Social Policy 35, no. 2 (March 3, 2006): 211–27.

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This article derives from a two year study of ‘Home Supervision’, conducted as part of a programme of research on the Children (Scotland) Act 1995. The focus is on children looked after by the local authority who are on a legal supervision order at home, primarily as a consequence of having been abused or neglected, having offended or having failed to attend school without reasonable excuse. Two assumptions, both arguably a legacy of Lipsky, are challenged: first, that non-implementation by street-level bureaucrats is in opposition to their managers; and, second, the passivity of clients in respect of policy making. It is argued that the street-level bureaucrats and managers in the Home Supervision study share assumptive worlds in respect of children on home supervision, and that clients, as agentic actors, reveal a capacity for shaping policy at the implementation stage. These issues are explored and their implications for implementation studies and child welfare are discussed.

Ana Nurwakhidah. "Analisis Kinerja Dewan Pengawas Syariah dalam Mengawasi Bank Syariah." MALIA (TERAKREDITASI) 12, no. 1 (December 11, 2020): 53–66.

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This research is motivated by the performance of the Sharia Supervisory Board (DPS) in overseeing Sharia Banks, due to the large number of branches and cash offices owned by Islamic banks, while the number of DPS in overseeing Islamic Banks is very limited. The results of the function of supervising products had been carried out well. Supervision of published product practices, DPS supervises from the initial product being published until the product is operational, such as making an opinion until the product is implemented. While the effectiveness is fairly effective, because DPS is consistent in maintaining sharia compliance and the established rules are supported by an area of supervision that can still be reached because it only has 2 branch offices and 10 cash offices. Nevertheless, DPS in BPRS Bumi Rinjani Kepanjen still has weaknesses. This weakness is essentially not in violation of existing regulations. It's just an important note that existence still needs to be improved, and developed. _________________________________________________________________ Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kinerja Dewan Pengawas Syariah (DPS) dalam mengawasi Bank Syariah, dikarenakan banyaknya cabang dan kantor kas yang dimiliki oleh bank syariah, sedangkan jumlah DPS dalam mengawasi Bank Syariah sangat terbatas.Hasil fungsi pengawasan produk telah terlaksana dengan baik. Pengawasan praktik produk yang dipublikasikan, DPS mengawasi dari produk awal diterbitkan hingga produk beroperasi, seperti membuat opini hingga produk diimplementasikan. Sedangkan efektifitasnya terbilang efektif, karena DPS konsisten dalam menjaga kepatuhan syariah dan aturan yang ditetapkan didukung dengan wilayah pengawasan yang masih bisa dijangkau karena hanya memiliki 2 kantor cabang dan 10 kantor kas. Meski demikian, DPS di BPRS Bumi Rinjani Kepanjen masih memiliki kelemahan. Kelemahan ini pada dasarnya tidak melanggar regulasi yang ada. Itu hanya catatan penting bahwa eksistensi masih perlu ditingkatkan, dan dikembangkan.

DESCHENES, ELIZABETH PIPER, SUSAN TURNER, and JOAN PETERSILIA. "A Dual Experiment in Intensive Community Supervision: Minnesota's Prison Diversion and Enhanced Supervised Release Programs." Prison Journal 75, no. 3 (September 1995): 330–56.

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In 1990, Minnesota enacted legislation to implement an intensive community supervision program as an alternative both to prison and to routine parole. The National Institute of Justice funded RAND to evaluate the program. This article reports on two randomized field experiments designed to measure the implementation and impact of the programs. Detailed information on offender background, services received, and 1-year outcomes was collected for 300 participants. Results showed that the programs were fairly well implemented. Two-year follow-up results indicated that prison-diversion offenders under intensive community supervision posed no greater risk to public safety than those initially sentenced to prison. The prison-diversion program resulted in savings of about $5,000 per offender per year, but these savings were offset by the greater cost of intensive supervision for parolees.

Roddy, Ariel L., Merry Morash, Elizabeth A. Adams, Amanda J. Holmstrom, Sandi W. Smith, and Jennifer E. Cobbina. "The Nature and Effects of Messages That Women Receive From Probation and Parole Agents in Conversations About Employment." Criminal Justice and Behavior 46, no. 4 (November 8, 2018): 550–67.

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Using semistructured interviews with 388 women under supervision, this study integrates criminal justice and communication theories by investigating gender responsivity and type of support in messages women receive about employment from supervision agents. Informational support was the most frequent form of supportive communication clients received from their agents, and was the only type of supportive communication clients perceived negatively. Women recalled agents’ messages that varied in their sensitivity to the range of women offenders’ needs (child and family care demands, human capital attainment, mental health issues, and substance abuse recovery). Supportive messages that took into account a variety of problems commonly shared by women on probation and parole had positive effects, whereas supportive messages that were relevant to employment, but failed to consider other needs, had negative effects. Results of this work have implications regarding effective support offered by community supervision agents as they discuss employment.

Rahmawati, Sekar Arum. "Hajj Pilgrims' Abandonment: The Protection for Consumer (Case of PT Anugrah Karya Wisata Utama and PT Abu Tours & Travel)." Journal of Law and Legal Reform 2, no. 4 (August 17, 2021): 481–92.

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People are encouraged to selectively choose a trusted umroh travel agency. First Travel and Abu Travel has violated Article 65 letter a Government Regulation Number 79 Year 2012 on Implementation of Law Number 13 Year 2008 regarding Hajj Implementation. The violation is a neglect of Umrah pilgrims who failed to leave for Saudi Arabia, and resulted in material and immaterial losses experienced by Umrah congregation. The type of legal research used by the authors in this study is the type of legal case study research; This type of research is also called Library Research, is research conducted by tracing or reviewing and analyzing library materials or materials ready to use documents. Improving the supervision of umrah. The supervision is done because it can increase the travel agency of umroh and haj pilgrimage, so that with this supervision the prospective pilgrims who register will not get the act of fraud.

Ansori, Mhd. "Pengawasan Pelaksanaan Otonomi Daerah." Wajah Hukum 2, no. 2 (November 1, 2018): 146.

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Supervision is a part of the overall authority of the government, because at the last level the Central Government must be responsible for the whole administration, justifying the holding of supervision of all regional actions, because the integrity of the Unitary State must be maintained. Regional autonomy as autonomy for regional people and not "regional" autonomy in the sense of a particular region / territorial at the local level, if the implementation of regional autonomy is carried out by the Regional Government, that authority must be managed fairly, honestly and democratically. In administering the government, the central government uses the principles of decentralization, co-administration and deconcentration in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations, while the regional governments in administering the government use the principles of decentralization and co-administration. The purpose of this paper is to find out, analyze the supervision of regional autonomy. The type of research used is normative juridical research, using a conceptual approach, a legislative approach and a historical approach.

Cahyani, Mirna, and Noorlailie Soewarno. "Review of The Role Company Supervision Mechanism in Risk Management Implementation." Esensi: Jurnal Bisnis dan Manajemen 11, no. 2 (December 30, 2021): 127–42.

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This study reviews the supervisory mechanism carried out by the company in the implementation of risk management. This research is qualitative research with literature study method. As a result, internal auditors, audit committees and management accountants work together in supervising the implementation of risk-based audits. Internal auditors have a weak contribution because they prefer a supervisory approach so they are supported by the audit committee. The audit committee supervises the internal auditors and provides suggestions for the next audit process so that it can cover high-risk areas. Meanwhile, the external auditor supervises by ensuring whether the financial statements are presented fairly. This research contributes to expanding the study of the role of supervisory mechanisms in companies for the implementation of corporate risk management.

Ramsay, N., and M. A. McPhillips. "Training and supervision of electroconvulsive treatment in a psychiatric training rotation." Psychiatric Bulletin 17, no. 12 (December 1993): 716–18.

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In 1992, Pippard reported a comprehensive audit of electroconvulsive treatment, (ECT), in two NHS regions. He found deficiencies in most aspects of ECT administration (Pippard, 1992), particularly the training and supervision of the administering doctor, usually an SHO or registrar. Regrettably, the competence of a trainee to administer ECT appeared to have improved but little in the 11 years since the same author first reported on the subject (Pippard & Ellam, 1981). In particular, it failed to meet the guidelines issued by the Royal College of Psychiatrists in 1989. This was reflected in inadequate administration of ECT as assessed by direct observation and by determining the provision made for teaching and supervision of ECT by senior staff. Pippard concluded that the overall standard of training was inadequate and that “The responsibility for this mediocrity rests squarely on the consultants as a whole and not just on those whose nomination to be in charge appears to absolve the rest…”.


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A failed bank can spark a deep financial crisis throughout the whole country when ironically it may simply have been triggered by a banking crime perpetrated by an insider, i.e. the banker. Although banking crimes may pose a significant threat to financial sector stability, the potential risk of internal fraud has, hitherto, not been taken into account in banking supervision processes. This paper analyzes the effectiveness of banking supervision to uncover potential risks of banking crimes by combining game theory and the analytical network process approach. In this paper, the author conducts two games with three players; the banker, the bank supervisor and the police. The banker has two strategies: to offend or not to offend. The bank supervisor has two choices: to supervise or not to supervise. The police can choose to enforce or not to enforce. In the first part, the effectiveness of bank supervision is analyzed theoretically using game theory. The effectiveness of banking supervision will depend on the behavior of each player as reflected in their decisions. Further analysis will confirm the previous result using an analytical network process. At this stage, the analytical network process is used to calculate the probability of each strategy being chosen by considering all criteria or sub criteria. Any decision made by one player will influence the other players in choosing their alternative strategies and vice versa.JEL Classificiation: C78, E58Keywords: Analytical Network Process, banking crimes, game theory

Hägg-Martinell, Ann, Håkan Hult, Peter Henriksson, and Anna Kiessling. "Possibilities for interprofessional learning at a Swedish acute healthcare ward not dedicated to interprofessional education: an ethnographic study." BMJ Open 9, no. 7 (July 2019): e027590.

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ObjectivesAlmost all healthcare today is team-based in collaboration over professional borders, and numerous students have work-based learning in such contexts. However, interprofessional learning (IPL) in clinical settings has mostly been systematically explored in specially designed contexts dedicated to interprofessional education (IPE). This study aimed to explore the possibilities for IPL activities, and if or how they occur, in an acute ward context not dedicated to IPE.Design and settingBetween 2011 and 2013 ethnographic observations were performed of medical and nursing students’ interactions and IPL during early clerkship at an acute internal medicine ward in Sweden. Field notes were taken and analysed based on the framework of IPE:learning with, from and about.Participants21 medical, 4 nursing students and 30 supervisors participated.ResultsLearning with—there were no organised IPE activities. Instead, medical and nursing students learnt in parallel. However, students interacted with staff members from other professions.Learning from—interprofessional supervision was frequent. Interprofessional supervision of nursing students by doctors focused on theoretical questions and answers, while interprofessional supervision of medical students by nurses focused on the performance of technical skills.Learning about—students were observed to actively observe interactions between staff and learnt how staff conducted different tasks.ConclusionThis study shows that there were plenty of possibilities for IPL activities, but the potential was not fully utilised or facilitated. Serendipitous IPL activities differed between observed medical and nursing students. Although interprofessional supervision was fairly frequent, students were not learning with, from or about each other over professional borders.

Lowder, Evan M., Sarah L. Desmarais, Candalyn B. Rade, Tim Coffey, and Richard A. Van Dorn. "Models of Protection Against Recidivism in Justice-Involved Adults With Mental Illnesses." Criminal Justice and Behavior 44, no. 7 (May 26, 2017): 893–911.

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Protective factors may play an important role in the assessment, treatment, and supervision of adult offenders with mental illnesses. However, little is known regarding associations between protective factors, risk factors, and recidivism in this population. In research with adolescents, five models describing these associations have been proposed and tested: (a) Compensatory, (b) Buffer, (c) Challenge, (d) Protective-Protective, and (e) Mediation. This study evaluated these models of protection against recidivism in a sample of justice-involved adults with mental illnesses ( N = 550). Risk and protective factors were operationalized using Short-Term Assessment of Risk and Treatability (START) assessments. Results showed consistent evidence for the Compensatory model, where risk and protective factors were independently associated with recidivism. In contrast, results failed to provide evidence supporting the other four models. Findings underscore the importance of both risk and protective factors in the assessment, treatment, and supervision of adult offenders.

Salman, Kautsar Riza, and Devi Saidul Hatta. "Professionalism, Leadership Style, Understanding of Governance and Role of Supervision in Affecting Auditor Performance." JOURNAL OF AUDITING, FINANCE, AND FORENSIC ACCOUNTING 8, no. 1 (April 11, 2020): 11–18.

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Auditors’ performance in general is the result of an objective audit assignment towards the financial statements of a company or other organization in order to determine whether the financial statements have been fairly presented in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. This study aims to determine the effect of professionalism, leadership style, understanding of governance, and the role of supervision of auditor performance. This study uses a questionnaire filled out by BPKP government auditors in East Java Province. Data analysis from this study uses multiple linear regression test using SPSS 23 program. This study found that only professionalism influences auditor performance. This result implies the importance of professionalism of the auditors because it can affect performance. The results of the study also imply that external factors such as leadership style, understanding of governance, and the role of supervision are not important factors in influencing auditor performance.

Silva, Iran Mendonça da, Edson Pereira Filho, Roberto Thiengo, Paulo César Ribeiro, Maria José Conceição, Mônica Panasco, and Henrique Leonel Lenzi. "Schistosomiasis haematobia: histopathological course determined by cystoscopy in a patient in whom praziquantel treatment failed." Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo 50, no. 6 (December 2008): 343–46.

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Schistosomiasis haematobia or urinary schistosomiasis is one of the main public health problems in Africa and the Middle East. A single dose of 40 mg praziquantel per kg body weight continues to be the treatment of choice for this infection. The aims of this follow-up were to study the post-treatment course of a patient infected with S. haematobium and not submitted to re-exposure, and to identify complications of the disease and/or therapeutic failure after praziquantel treatment by histopathological analysis. Treatments were repeated under medical supervision to ensure the correct use of the drug. In view of the suspicion of lesions in cystoscopy, the patient was submitted to bladder biopsy. The histopathological characteristics observed in biopsies obtained, after each treatment, indicated viability of parasite eggs and activity of granulomas.

Bigot, Lucile, Antoine Langeard, Sébastien Moussay, Antoine Gauthier, and Gaëlle Quarck. "Activité physique à domicile pour les seniors : revue de la question et proposition d’une pratique optimisée." Movement & Sport Sciences - Science & Motricité, no. 103 (2019): 27–37.

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Les altérations physiologiques et fonctionnelles liées au vieillissement peuvent avoir un impact sur l’autonomie des personnes dans les activités de la vie quotidienne. Afin de prévenir et de limiter ces effets délétères, il est recommandé d’avoir une activité physique adaptée régulière. Cependant, l’accès à un entraînement efficace n’est pas toujours possible pour les seniors. Dans une première partie, nous examinons donc l’état des connaissances scientifiques sur les différentes modalités d’entraînement au domicile d’un public âgé. En l’absence de supervision, il apparaît que les bénéfices associés à la pratique sont moindres et que l’adhésion au programme est réduite. Dans le cadre d’entraînements à domicile semi-supervisés, il semble que les bénéfices sur la santé soient encore une fois faibles. Lors d’entraînements à domicile avec supervision à distance, l’adhésion et les effets sur la santé semblent cette fois plus importants. Ainsi, afin de répondre aux problématiques relevées par cette revue, dans la seconde partie de ce travail nous présentons un projet novateur d’accompagnement à distance par un professionnel au moyen d’un système de visioconférence collectif. La mise en place de ce projet est prometteuse puisque les résultats préliminaires montrent des taux d’adhésion, d’observance et un niveau de satisfaction très élevés.

Dunn, Mark, Katya Golynkina, Anthony Ryle, and J. P. Watson. "A repeat audit of the Cognitive Analytic Therapy Clinic at Guy's Hospital." Psychiatric Bulletin 21, no. 3 (March 1997): 165–68.

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A repeat audit of referrals to the CAT Clinic of Guy's Hospital is reported. Changes in training and supervision of therapists instituted since earlier audits are believed to have contributed to a lower drop-out rate and a higher attendance for follow-up. Mean score reductions on three questionnaires are significant and consistent in the three cohorts. Some characteristics of samples of patients who dropped out and failed to attend for follow up are described.

Lombok, Anita Sonya, Evie Masengi, and Itje Pangkey. "The Effect of Inherent Supervision and Work Environment on Employee Work Discipline at the Manado State University Head Office." Technium Social Sciences Journal 21 (July 9, 2021): 158–66.

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This research was conducted to know the effect of inherent supervision and the work environment partially and simultaneously on the work discipline of employees at Unima Headquarters. The research uses a quantitative approach with survey methods. The population is all employees at Unima Headquarters, totalling 149 employees spread over three bureaus. In comparison, the sampling technique is proportional random sampling with the sample size determined by the Slovin rule and obtained as many as 109 employees. The data collection technique is a questionnaire that has been tested for validity and reliability. Data analysis is multiple regression analysis through the help of the SPS program. The results of the study reveal that (1) inherent supervision has a positive and significant effect on employee work discipline at Unima Head Office, (2) work environment has a positive and significant effect on employee work discipline at Unima Headquarters, (3) inherent supervision and work environment simultaneously positive and significant effect on employee work discipline at Unima Head Office. For this reason, it is recommended that (1) Everyday employee reports must be accountable to superiors at least every week, as a form of indirect inherent supervision, (2). Sanctions for disciplinary violations must be applied consistently and fairly. Likewise, rewards need to be given to employees who are disciplined in carrying out their duties and work because doing so will maintain the attitude (Discipline) of the employee concerned and motivate other employees (undisciplined employees) to be disciplined (3). The work environment needs to be organized neat, clean, healthy, and comfortable by arranging it every day before entering work in the morning and after work in the afternoon through assigned employees (CS).

Harahap, Nurasiah. "Kewenangan Dan Ruang Lingkup Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Di Bidang Perbankan." Jurnal Hukum Kaidah: Media Komunikasi dan Informasi Hukum dan Masyarakat 19, no. 1 (October 4, 2019): 40–49.

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The Financial Services Authority (OJK) is a financial service supervision institution such as the Banking Industry, Capital Market, Mutual Funds, Financing Companies, Pension Funds and Insurance. OJK has become an independent institution based on the Law Number 21 Year 2011 concerning OJK, which means it is free from intervention or interference from any party. The purpose of the establishment of OJK is that all activities in the Financial Services sector are carried out regularly, fairly, transparently and accountably; able to realize a financial system that grows in a sustainable and stable manner; and able to protect the interests of consumers and society.OJK has duties and authorities in the field of micropudential, which includes regulation and supervision of bank institutions, bank health, prudential aspects of banks, and bank checks. Whereas in the micropudential field, OJK's role is to assist Bank Indonesia (BI) to make moral appeals to the Banking Industry. Keywords: Financial Services Authority, Banking

Luo, Guoliang, Tao Wang, and Rong Sun. "Laws and Policies on Sustainable Development of China’s Small Hydropower." Asian Social Science 11, no. 27 (November 23, 2015): 235.

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<p>China boasts fairly plentiful water energy in its rural areas, ranking No. 1 in the world. China has made great social, economic and ecological achievements in small hydropower (SHP) development. But SHP development in the rural areas is still confronting unavoidable realistic contradictions: the absence of nationwide laws and compensation institutions and the ambiguity in supervision responsibility. The paper proposes pertinent countermeasures against major problems in laws and policies for China’s SHP development. </p>


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School action research is a research that aims to improve learning methods and improve the results of the learning process in schools. This research was conducted at SDN 12 Bantan, Kecamatan Bantan, Kabupaten Bengkalis. The subject of this research was the teachers at SDN 12 Bantan. This research method was a descriptive method aiming to explain or describe the facts found in the field. The approach taken in this study was observational supervision which functioned to monitor and improve the teachers ability in the learning process in order to achieve the objectives of the learning. The results showed an increase in teachers’ activity during the learning process in the first cycle of the first meeting with the percentage of 62% with fairly good category. Then, in the first cycle at the second meeting, the percentage of teacher activity during the learning process increased to 64% which was still in fairly good category. Therefore, it was continued to learning reflection in the second cycle of the third meeting, and the percentage of teachers’ activity in the learning process was 88% with very good category. After that, it was continued to the fourth meeting in which the percentage of teacher activity in the learning process was 96% with very good category. Then, the results of teachers’ performance observations after the application of learning reflection in the form of educational supervision observations carried out in 2 cycles, it was found that the teachers began to be able to master and understand the teaching materials well, were able to explain the material, and were able to build a communicative atmosphere in the classroom, enjoyed what they taught and liked teaching as a profession, understood students, their experiences, abilities and achievements, used various methods in teaching so that students did not get bored with the old method, were able to eliminate materials that were less important and less meaningful, always followed the latest developments in knowledge. The learning process was always prepared, encouraging students to obtain better results. That meant teachers were able to develop their abilities and were able to apply them well.

Heilmann, Sebastian. "Regulatory Innovation by Leninist Means: Communist Party Supervision in China's Financial Industry." China Quarterly 181 (March 2005): 1–21.

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Pervasive government interference and cronyism in China's financial sector resemble the deficiencies displayed by many other political economies. But in its regulatory efforts, China's government has means at its disposal that are very different. The rise and demise of the Central Financial Work Commission (CFWC) is an outstanding example of the innovative potential and also the limits of Communist Party institutional engineering in China's economy. The creation of the CFWC was a strategy to arrest the breakdown of hierarchies in the financial industry and to restore central policy decisiveness. By means of Party control over senior financial executives and Party-sponsored institutional reorganization, China's political leadership pushed through a centralization of financial market supervision and a series of regulatory innovations starting in 1998. Leninist institutions provided China's politicians with a reserve capacity for responding to perceived organizational crises and for innovating economic regulation. Leninist means of control were conducive to establishing centralized supervision and more uniform regulation. But they failed to introduce market-driven incentive structures for financial executives, did not raise the efficiency in allocating capital and mismatched with the emerging new forms of corporate governance. The new Wen Jiabao government therefore tried a different approach to financial sector reform, redefined the role of Party bodies and dissolved the CWFC. By laying the foundations for national market regulation, this Communist Party body however paved the way for the efforts at dismantling old socialist institutions in China's financial sector that have been under way since 2003.

Suwandi, Suwandi, Noer Azam Achsani, Dedi Budiman Hakim, and Halim Alamsyah. "Bank Failure Prediction Model Based on Governance: A Case of Rural Banks in Indonesia." Asian Social Science 15, no. 10 (September 29, 2019): 49.

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Since it was first operating in 2005 until 2017, Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation&nbsp;(IDIC) has liquidated 91 rural banks which were determined as failed banks by supervision authority. The cause of the failing of the bank is mainly due to the incapability of the bank to meet the minimum Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR). Bank&rsquo;s capital was shrunk by the loss caused by fraud. The fraud is mostly induced by the lack of good corporate governance implementation. By using the logistic regression, it can be concluded that (1) the incomplete of responsibility letter which will be used in the event of bank failure, submitted by the bank commissioners; (2) the incomplete of responsibility letter which will be used in the event of bank failure, submitted by the bank directors; (3) role duplication between shareholders and board of directors; and (4) bank had classified as special supervision, have impact on the increase of rural banks failure. At the same time, the compliance level of rural banks to a correct premium payment has impacted to decrease of rural banks failure possibilities.

Misparleni, Misparleni, Neri Susanti, and Rinto Noviantoro. "ANALISIS KINERJA KEUANGAN UNIT SIMPAN PINJAM PADA KOPERASI SERBA USAHA UPKD ARAU BINTANG JAYA KECAMATAN SUKARAJA KABUPATEN SELUMA." JAZ:Jurnal Akuntansi Unihaz 2, no. 2 (November 16, 2019): 110.

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The objective of this research is to determine the financial performance of the savings and loan unit at Koperasi Serba Usaha UPKD Arau Bintang Jaya in Sukaraja Sub-District OF Seluma Regency The analytical method use was can analysis of financial performance from financial statements, namely the balance sheet and PHU( Calculation of Business Result). balance sheet and PHU (Calculation of Business Results). Using savings and loans assessment analysis based on the Deputy for Supervision of the cooperatives and small medium enterprises of the Republic of Indonesia Number 06 / Per / Dep.6 / IV / 2016 in 2015-2017. The average score of the financial performance evaluation of Koperasi Serba Usaha UPKD Arau Bintang Jaya in 2015 was 68.10 with a fairly healthy assesment. Koperasi Serba Usaha UPKD Arau Bintang Jaya in 2016 was 66.35 with a fairly healthy rating. The average score of Koperasi Serba Usaha UPKD Arau Bintang Jaya in 2017 was 66.60 with a fairly healthy assessment.

Malewska, Alicja. "Failed Attempt to Break Up the Oligopoly in Sovereign Credit Rating Market after Financial Crises." Contemporary Economics 15, no. 2 (April 23, 2021): 152–63.

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For decades, the credit rating market has been dominated by three major agencies (Moody's, S&P and Fitch Ratings). Their oligopolistic dominance is especially strong in sovereign credit ratings industry, where they hold a collective global share of more than 99%. Global financial crisis and the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis exposed serious flaws in rating process and forced public authorities to act. This study investigates effectiveness of new regulations adopted in the United States and in the European Union after financial crises in terms of reducing oligopolistic dominance of the “Big Three” in sovereign credit ratings market. The study applies descriptive statistical analysis of economic indicators describing concentration rate in a market, as well as content analysis of legal acts and case study methodology. Analysis shows that the Dodd-Frank reform and new European rules on supervision of credit rating agencies were not effective enough and did not lead to the increased competition in the market. The evidence from this study is explained using two alternative perspectives – economic theory of natural oligopoly and hegemonic stability theory coming from international relations field.

Clément, Marie-Ève, Annie Bérubé, and Claire Chamberland. "Validation de la version française de l’échelle multidimensionnelle des conduites de négligence parentale." Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 62, no. 8 (March 30, 2017): 560–69.

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Objectif: La mesure de la négligence parentale pose de nombreux défis et il existe encore peu d’outil capable de la documenter auprès des parents. L’étude vise à documenter les propriétés psychométriques de la traduction française de la version brève de l’Échelle multidimensionnelle des conduites de négligence parentale dans la population générale. Méthode: Cette étude utilise les données d’une enquête téléphonique réalisée auprès d’un échantillon représentatif de 3584 mères et 1202 pères d’enfants âgés entre 6 mois-4 ans, 5-9 ans et 10-15 ans. Des liens sont établis entre la négligence et plusieurs autres facteurs connus pour leurs liens avec la problématique, dont les conduites parentales à caractère violent, le stress lié au tempérament perçu difficile de l’enfant et à la conciliation travail-famille, la consommation d’alcool et de drogues, les symptômes de dépression, la pauvreté, et le soutien social. Résultats: Les analyses factorielles exploratoires montrent la présence de diverses dimensions de la négligence concernant les besoins affectifs/cognitifs, physiques (soins de base) et de supervision des enfants. Bien que les dimensions soient étroitement associées aux facteurs de vulnérabilité psychosociale des enfants et des familles, les coefficients de cohérence interne sont faibles, variant entre 0,20 et 0,64. Conclusion: Des recommandations sont émises pour améliorer la mesure dans la population générale, et notamment la dimension de supervision parentale qui pose des défis particuliers.

Gapari, Muhamad Zaril. "Pelaksanaan Teknik Supervisi dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Kinerja Guru di SMPN 2 Jerowaru." MANAZHIM 3, no. 1 (February 27, 2021): 40–51.

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Education is one of the universal activities in human life, wherever there is society, there is education too. Many countries admit that the problem of education is a complicated problem, but all feel that education is a very important task of the State, a nation that wants to progress, build, and try to improve the condition of society and the world, of course, state that education is the key, and without the key their efforts will failed. The objectives of this research which are to be achieved are: (1) To determine the implementation of supervision techniques in an effort to improve teacher performance at SMP Negeri 2 Jerowaru . (2) To determine the impact of supervision to the improved performance tacher SMP Negeri 2 Jerowaru. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative research methods , data collection techniques using interview techniques , observation, and documentation. To obtain data in the field , interviews were conducted with the supervisors and teachers of Jerowaru State Junior High School . The data analysis technique used is the Hubermen and Miells method, namely data reduction, data presentation, and verification or conclusion drawing. The results of this study indicate that in the implementation of the supervision technique, several methods are used, namely, individual techniques and group techniques . Based on these results, intensive coaching efforts are needed in increasing the competence of teachers, school principals, and school supervisors to achieve quality education, starting from improving the quality of the learning process which will ultimately improve the quality of graduates at all types and levels of education.

Nguyen Vu, Thuan, Doanh Pham Van, and Thu Hien Nguyen Thi. "Bacteriological assessment of bottled drinking water in 5 provinces of central highland, VietNam." Heavy metals and arsenic concentrations in water, agricultural soil, and rice in Ngan Son district, Bac Kan province, Vietnam 2, no. 3 (September 5, 2019): 86–89.

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The assessment of the bacteriological quality among 390 samples of bottled drinking water was studied. The samples were tested for Escherichia coli, Clostridia, total Coliform, Streptococci feacal and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The rates of microbial contamination in bottled drinking water were of 56.7% (2017) and 50.7% (2018). The samples failed to meet QCVN drinking water standard of acceptable limits of bacterial presence including Pseudomonas aeruginosa (41.5%), total Coliform (11.8%), Clostridia (4.6%); Escherichia coli (4.9%) and Streptococcifeacal (1.3%). It is necessary to strengthen the inspection, supervision, propagation, and education that give warnings, ensure water quality and raise the awareness of producers, traders and consumers.

Grant, Scott. "Learning on the job? Exploring first-year experiences of newly-qualified criminal justice social workers in Scotland." Probation Journal 64, no. 1 (January 5, 2017): 33–49.

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Little is known about the experiences of newly-qualified criminal justice practitioners as they enter the field of community justice for the first time. This article reports on isolated data on newly-qualified criminal justice social workers who participated in a national mixed-method study of readiness to practice in Scotland. Findings suggest that new staff felt well-prepared for practice, but many felt employers failed to provide adequate support and development opportunities. Participants report that disproportionate emphasis is placed on workload management during professional supervision sessions where learning needs and emotions are often underplayed. Professional guidance is often sought from informal sources.

Hosain, Md Sajjad. "“Syndication” in Bangladesh: A Glaring Example of Business Malpractice and Weak Market Supervision." Business Perspective Review 3, no. 2 (February 16, 2022): 27–31.

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Purpose: Syndication in this paper refers to the agreed and unified effort of all the leading producers, importers, and dealers in a market to control the price of a specific product. This paper aims to explore the term "syndication", its nature, procedure, and consequences in the context of Bangladesh. It also provides a few recommendations for the policymakers for curving or preventing such practices. Design/Method: In this paper, syndication has been represented as a negative business practice prevailing predominantly in Bangladesh. The study is mainly based on data from secondary sources, as well as my (the author's) own observation and real-life experience. Secondary data were collected particularly from newspapers. Findings: In the pre-planned trap of syndication practices by dishonest businessmen, the final consumers are the ultimate losers as they have to pay the premium price. Implication: It is expected that upon proper utilization of the recommendations made, the responsible authorities or parties can take proper steps to make the consumer market free from such malpractice, at least to some extent. The paper is also anticipated to become a foundation for the researchers and academicians wishing to investigate more regarding this fairly unexplored phenomenon. Originality/Value: According to my knowledge, this paper is the first attempt to unveil the true nature of syndication practiced in Bangladesh. The term “Syndication” used in this paper has a meaning which is totally different from the same word used for other purposes. Therefore, this conceptual paper is believed to be the founding block for further research investigations in the Bangladeshi consumer market scenario. I strongly believe that upon proper utilization of the recommendations made, the consumer market will be free of such malpractice. Limitations: This article is limited to the consumer market scenario of Bangladesh only. Thus, the term cannot be generalized for the same meaning elsewhere.


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This study aims to help improve the competency of 63 Pekanbaru Elementary School teachers in the field of operating media in the learning process so that students are able to achieve minimum completeness criteria. As the subject in this study, elementary school teachers were horrified by 63 new sensitivities, totaling 13 people. The formulation of the problem in research I is whether the ability to use instructional media by teachers of SD 63 Pekanbaru can be improved through the academic supervision of the principal ?. The technique of data collection is done by filling in the observation sheet during the research action process by the supervisor so that qualitative data will be obtained as a result of research with performance indicators said to be successful if the average score is ≥75. The results of the study in cycle 1 obtained a percentage with a percentage score of 73% with a fairly good classification in the classification range (71–80). In the second cycle the percentage of success was obtained with a percentage score of 85% with a good classification in the classification range (81-90). Reflections on cycle 2 activities were successful because 85 were above the performance indicator> 75. The increase in understanding of the use of learning media from cycle I to cycle II. Weaknesses in the first cycle after being corrected in cycle II and reached a perfect level so that it can improve satisfactory results with good classification. Thus through academic supervision by the principal can improve the ability of teachers in understanding and using learning media in the SDN 063 Pekanbaru school "accepted".Keywords: Learning Media, Academic Supervision of Principals.

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