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(firm), Uniras. Uniras Unimap manual: Version 5. Manchester: University of Manchester Regional Computing Centre for the Information Services Group of the Inter-University Committee on Computing, 1988.

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Parra, Miguel Aroche. Unidad antiimperialista, unidad proletaria. 2nd ed. México, D.F: Claves Latinoamericanas, 1985.

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(firm), Uniras. UNIMAP 2000: Version 6. Manchester: University of Manchester Regional Computing Centre for the Information Services Group of the Inter-University Committee on Computing, 1990.

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Jiménez, Juan Ramón. Unidad. Barcelona: Seix Barral, 1999.

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(firm), Uniras. AGS/UNIMAP 2000: Version 6.3a. Manchester: Manchester Computing Centre, University of Manchester, 1992.

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Roy, Tatiana. Unicae Unica. Paris: Tirésias, 2007.

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Rocha, Jésus. Noções unidas. Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Editora Record, 1991.

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Novoa, Ezequiel Ramírez. La unidad latinoamericana. [Lima, Peru?]: Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, 1989.

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Santucho, Francisco René. La unidad indoamericana. [Buenos Aires]: Populibros, 2010.

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Pavi'c, Milorad. Unikat: Roman-delta. Beograd: Dereta, 2004.

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Jorge, Fuentes. La unidad europea. Madrid: Tecnos, 1991.

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Mosquera, Francisco. Unidad y combate. 2nd ed. Bogotá: Tribuna Roja Editores, 2009.

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Cáceres, Andrés. La unidad secreta. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Grupo Editor Latinoamericano, 1998.

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Frías, Hugo Chávez. La unidad Latinoamericana. Melbourne: Ocean Sur, 2006.

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Vitale, Carlos. Unidad de lugar. Canet de Mar, Barcelona: Editorial Candaya, 2004.

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Monteiro, Amilton Maciel. Elementos históricos da Univap e de seu berço. São José dos Campos, SP: Univap, Universidade do Vale do Paraíba, 2002.

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Entralgo, Armando. Panafricanismo y unidad africana. La Habana: Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, 1989.

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Raúl Marcelo Cheves. Policía-- en Naciones Unidas. La Plata, Argentina: Dei Genitrix, 1997.

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Akanki, E. O. Unilag readings in law. Akoka, Lagos, Nigeria: Faculty of Law, University of Lagos, 1999.

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Moreno, Alberto. Unidad para la revolución. Lima, Perú: Ediciones "Patria Roja", 1985.

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Gato, Pablo. Unidad 120050: Objetivo: independencia. Maçanet de la Selva: Editorial Gregal, 2014.

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Jiménez, Juan Ramón. Los cuadernos: 1925 (Unidad). [Sevilla?]: Renacimiento, 2009.

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Nowak, Antoni Jozafat. Osoba-unikat w kosmosie. Lublin: Wydawn. KUL, 2004.

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Figari, Luis Fernando. María, paradigma de unidad. 2nd ed. Lima: Vida y Espiritualidad, 1992.

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(firm), Uniras. Uniras Gimage manual: Version 5. Manchester: University of Manchester Regional Computing Centre for the Information Services Group of the Inter-University Committee on Computing, 1988.

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(firm), Uniras. Uniras Unigraph manual: Version 5. Manchester: University of Manchester Regional Computing Centre for the Information Services Group of the Inter-University Committee on Computing, 1988.

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Castellanos, Fernando Zamora. "Frente al claudicante partido unidad". [Costa Rica: s.n.], 1995.

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Almonacid, Marlen Velasquez. Episcopado chileno y Unidad Popular. Santiago de Chile: Ediciones UCSH, 2003.

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Tapia, María Nieves. La unidad de los pueblos. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Ciudad Nueva Editorial, 1992.

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(firm), Uniras. Uniras Driver manual: Version 5. Manchester: University of Manchester Regional Computing Centre for the Information Services Group of the Inter-University Committee on Computing, 1988.

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(firm), Uniras. Uniras Uniedit manual: Version 5. Manchester: University of Manchester Regional Computing Centre for the Information Services Group of the Inter-University Committee on Computing, 1988.

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Orsi, René. Dorrego y la unidad rioplatense. La Plata: Subsecretaría de Cultura, 1991.

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Inc, Advanced Visual Systems. UNIRAS user's guide: Release 7.0. Manchester: Manchester Computing Centre, 1998.

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(firm), Uniras. Uniras Krigpak manual: Version 5. Manchester: University of Manchester Regional Computing Centre for the Information Services Group of the Inter-University Committee on Computing, 1988.

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Francés, Pedro José. U.V.I.: Unidad de vivencia intensiva. Barañain, Navarra: Editorial Ciudadano, 2000.

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Ulloa, Jorge A. Corrales. Síntesis: Partido Unidad Social Cristiana. [San José: García Hermanos, 1995.

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(firm), Uniras. Uniras Geopak guide: Version 5. Manchester: University of Manchester Regional Computing Centre for the Information Services Group of the Inter-University Committee on Computing, 1988.

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(firm), Uniras. Uniras Raspak manual: Version 5. Manchester: University of Manchester Regional Computing Centre for the Information Services Group of the Inter-University Committee on Computing, 1988.

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Perón, Juan Domingo. Tercera posición y unidad latinoamericana. Buenos Aires: Editorial Biblos, 1985.

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Inter University Committee on Computing. Information Services Group., ed. UNIRAS version 6: UNIMAP 2000. UNIRAS, 1989.

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Advisory Group on Computer Graphics., ed. Unimap workbook. [s.l.]: Advisory Group on Computer Graphics, 1990.

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Naciones Unidas. Luis Vives, 1994.

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ARTISTS, VARIOUS. Unicas/ Unique. Vida Publishers, 2007.

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Assan, Afari. Unimax; Obakor. Macmillan Education Ltd, 2001.

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International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions., ed. Manual UNIMAR. Lisboa: Biblioteca Nacional, 2008.

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Manual UNIMAR. Lisboa: Biblioteca Nacional, 2008.

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Ortemberg, Adriana. Ensaladas Unicas. Grupo Oceano, 2003.

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Manual UNIMAR. Lisboa: Biblioteca Nacional, 2008.

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Cramer, Gisela, and Ursula Prutsch, eds. ¡Américas unidas! Vervuert Verlagsgesellschaft, 2012.

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Advisory Group on Computer Graphics., ed. Uniras interactives examples. [s.l.]: Advisory Group on Computer Graphics, 1990.

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