Relevant bibliographies by topics

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All relevant bibliographies by topic:
HIPPO-PATHWAY-YAP CCNE2 Pittori Bruxelle Mechano-chemistry PhaseI ChitosanNP Transposase(SB) Random-multisine Macrozoobentho Trofia Claustra Vipacco Paesi-poveri Flaviviru J/psi COMPASS Psi COMPASS Assemblie Scolastico Ultrastrutturale DannoDNA Amino-carboxylic Organotypic CK-1δ TRIAZOLO-TRIAZINE TRIAZOLO-PYRIMIDINE Moss-bag Anastomosi Ferite-croniche Polizze Umidi Praterie Biomagnetic BRAF35 Container-Drayage Imprinted Picodroplet E2ES NewDeal Settore SPS/05 - Storia e Istituzioni delle Americhe Fiume/Rijeka Austria-Ungheria SLOX1 Transeunte TIPL SWCNH Cittadinanzattiva DYRK2 ZrTe5 Slotle Auto-picking Novel-binder Fenomenica MANLIO STILICONE CO2Storage