Academic literature on the topic 'Adelina'

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Journal articles on the topic "Adelina":


González, Rigoberto. "Adelina." Prairie Schooner 90, no. 1 (2016): 21–30.

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Bombara, Daniela. "L’'amour fou' tra spaesamento e straniamento in due scrittrici siciliane: Rosina Muzio Salvo e Cettina Natoli." Incontri. Rivista europea di studi italiani 36, no. 1 (September 9, 2021): 75–90.

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Amour fou between displacement and estrangement in two Sicilian writers of the Nineteenth Century Rosina Muzio Salvo and Cettina Natoli This research aims at investigating the topos of love as deep and extreme passion, in opposition to social stereotypes, in two novels by two Sicilian female writers of the Nineteenth Century, Adelina (1845) by Rosina Muzio Salvo (1815-1866) and Margherita Royn (1886) by Cettina Natoli (1867-1913). In Adelina amour fou is in conflict with the patriotic needs and the moralism of the newborn middle-class society; in Margherita Royn, an overliterary, different kind of love clashes with the materialism and commercialization which dominate in late Nineteenth century. Adelina’s displacement is highlighted by the structure of the polyphonic epistolary novel, in which the protagonist’s ‘reasons of the heart’ are opposed to the opinions of all the other characters; according to a process of Verghian estrangement (Luperini, 1974), they convey a distorted picture of her passion and consider it a weird, unacceptable fact. Margherita is able to see reality only through an overly literary lens of extreme sentimentality; her isolation is manifest in the depiction of her body, consumed by an adulterous passion which contrasts with her husband’s rough physicality; overcome by jealousy, he will end up killing her.

Da Cruz, Eduardo, and Sérgio Luís Silva de Abreu. "Os espartilhos sociais na coluna "Palestras Femininas" de Adelina Amélia Lopes Vieira, no periódico 'A Semana'." Jangada: crítica | literatura | artes 1, no. 16 (January 30, 2021): 40–64.

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Pretende-se neste artigo analisar a colaboração de Adelina Amélia Lopes Vieira (1850- 1923) no periódico A Semana (1885-1895). A escritora portuguesa residente no Brasil manteve no jornal uma coluna intitulada “Palestras Femininas”, na qual comentava assuntos que considerava importantes às mulheres da época, quer em textos ficcionais quer não. Debruçamo-nos nestes escritos com o objetivo de entender o que a autora valorizava sobre perfis femininos de sua época. Percebe-se na análise desses artigos a pressão dos espartilhos sociais sobre as mulheres e sobre a própria escrita de Adelina Lopes Vieira.

Berenguer, Carola, Pilar Marchiano, and Mariana Moreno. "Adelina fotógrafa. Una imagen para el futuro." Nimio, no. 5 (December 13, 2018): e001.

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En este trabajo se estudia una selección de imágenesfotográficas pertenecientes al fondo documental deAdelina Dematti de Alaye del Archivo Histórico de laprovincia de Buenos Aires. Son fotografías que fuerontomadas por Adelina el 5 de mayo de 1984, en el partidode Ensenada, fecha en la que recuerda la desapariciónde su hijo Carlos, siete años antes. Se analiza la relaciónentre imagen y palabra, la noción de representación y deausencia-presencia sobre la condición ritual de la imagen apartir de la figura del desaparecido. También se trabaja elcarácter público-privado y la construcción del archivo al quepertenecen las fotografías.

Anthony, Adelina, and Aimee Carrillo Rowe. "Adelina Anthony Interview with Aimee Carrillo Rowe." Journal of Lesbian Studies 21, no. 3 (September 9, 2016): 351–69.

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Ortiz Cirilo, Alejandro. "La educación laica en México: estudios en torno a sus orígenes." Historia y Memoria de la Educación, no. 13 (December 14, 2020): 801.

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Ross, Jaan. "Commentary on Zicari. Expressive Tempo Modifications in Adelina Patti's Recordings: An Integrated Approach." Empirical Musicology Review 12, no. 1-2 (September 26, 2017): 57.

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In this commentary, statistical and sound signal segmentation methods as applied in Massimo Zicari's "Expressive tempo modifications in Adelina Patti's recordings: An integrated approach" are discussed. A potential method of further analyzing the obtained data is also highlighted.

RANJITH, A. P., C. VAN ACHTERBERG, K. G. SAMARTSEV, and M. NASSER. "Discovery of the chelonine tribe Adeliini Viereck, 1918 (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) from the Indian subcontinent with the description of a new genus from south India ." Zootaxa 4926, no. 1 (February 4, 2021): 1–25.

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The small chelonine tribe Adeliini is one of the derived groups with the postpectal carina absent, which is considered to be an apomorphic character for the Cheloninae. Adeliine genera generally exhibit a narrow endemism although the genus Adelius is widely distributed. Adeliini are reported from the Indian subcontinent for the first time with the description of a new genus and a new species, Carinadelius medicus Ranjith & van Achterberg gen. et sp. nov. from south India. A revised key to the genera of Adeliini is provided with the illustrations of all included genera. The genus Myriola, which was previously included under Adelius, is re-instated based on morphological characters. The New World species of the genus Paradelius are transferred to Sculptomyriola Belokobylskij: Sculptomyriola neotropicalis (Shimbori & Shaw, 2019), S. nigra (Whitfield, 1988) and S. rubra (Whitfield, 1988) are new combinations.

Freitas, Roger. "Singing Herself: Adelina Patti and the Performance of Femininity." Journal of the American Musicological Society 71, no. 2 (2018): 287–369.

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By any measure, Adelina Patti (1843–1919) must be considered the leading singer, if not the leading musician, of the later nineteenth century. Her sizable body of recordings (twenty-eight) makes her a key witness to late nineteenth-century performance style. Her great celebrity also ensured lavish written documentation of her life, including what she did, what people said about her, and sometimes what she said about herself. In this article I bring together these two types of material to consider a central aspect of Patti's life and artistry: her relationship to contemporary notions of femininity. Like all women who entertained before the public, Patti contended with the taint of immorality. I argue that her response to that taint shaped both her overall conduct and her particular vocalism. For while in truth her way of life fundamentally contradicted the reigning ideals of womanhood, Patti projected in her dress, her makeup, her public statements, her published imagery, and, most importantly, her stage characterizations and vocal styling the most perfect manifestation of femininity available: the virginal ingénue. The consistency of this self-performance encourages the identification of a similar persona in her singing, and indeed through close readings of several recordings I expose what I call her “maidenly mode,” a vocal strategy analogous to her other ingenuous representations. If many, like Verdi, found in Patti a “perfect equilibrium between singer and actress,” her example can begin to suggest to us what it meant to sound like an ingénue in late nineteenth-century Europe.

Magaldi, Felipe. "A metamorfose de Adelina Gomes: gênero e sexualidade na psicologia analítica de Nise da Silveira." Sexualidad, Salud y Sociedad (Rio de Janeiro), no. 30 (December 2018): 119–40.

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Resumo Este artigo trata do caso de Adelina Gomes (1916-1984), interna no antigo Centro Psiquiátrico Nacional do Engenho de Dentro, no Rio de Janeiro, entre 1937 e 1984, ano de seu falecimento. Adelina tornou-se conhecida pela produção de mais de 17.500 obras, entre pinturas e esculturas. Tal material pôde existir graças à atuação da psiquiatra alagoana Nise da Silveira (1905-1999), responsável pelo pioneirismo na implementação terapêutica de oficinas expressivas no hospital em questão. O caso clínico da paciente, tal como analisado por sua terapeuta, é utilizado para explorar o modo pelo qual os problemas de gênero e de sexualidade se imprimiam nas instituições psiquiátricas e nos saberes médico-psicológicos durante o século XX, com especial referência à psicologia analítica de C.G. Jung e sua apropriação por Nise da Silveira. A partir de análise de documentos bibliográficos, sustenta-se que esse saber, embora diferenciando-se da psicanálise freudiana e da medicina somática, opera a partir de uma naturalização em relação ao estatuto do feminino.

Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Adelina":


Stößel, Adelina [Verfasser]. "Stress-induzierte Nierenfibrose : Komponenten des Endothels und der Epithelien / Adelina Stößel." Berlin : Medizinische Fakultät Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, 2011.

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Jancaus, Kathryn Beatrice. "Documenting Divas: Adelina Patti and Clara Louise Kellogg in the Chicago Tribune, 1860-1876." Bowling Green State University / OhioLINK, 2020.

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Pytlik, Adelina [Verfasser], Dirk [Gutachter] Hoyer, Uwe [Gutachter] Schneider, and Silvia Martina [Gutachter] Lobmaier. "Übertragung eines an magnetokardiographischen Daten entwickelten fetalen Reifungsscores auf kardiotokografische Messungen / Adelina Pytlik ; Gutachter: Dirk Hoyer, Uwe Schneider, Silvia Martina Lobmaier." Jena : Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 2021.

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Ninnes, Calum Edward. "Behavioural Endocrinology of Breeding Adelie Penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae)." The University of Waikato, 2008.

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Measuring hormonal changes is vital for understanding how the social and physical environment influences behaviour, reproduction and survival. Various methods of hormone measurement exist, potentially explaining variation in results across studies; methods should be cross validated to ensure they correlate. I directly compare faecal and plasma hormone measurements (Chapter 2), and use the most suitable endocrine measure to test the Darling hypothesis (Chapter 3) - that breeding is hastened and synchronized in larger colonies due to increased social stimulation (mediated by the endocrine system). Blood and faecal samples were simultaneously collected from individual Adelie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) for comparison, and assayed for testosterone and corticosterone (or their metabolites). Sex differences and variability within each measure, and correlation of values across measures were compared. For both hormones, plasma samples showed greater variation than faecal samples. Males had higher corticosterone levels than females, but the difference was only significant in faecal samples. Plasma testosterone, but not faecal testosterone, was significantly higher in males than females. Correlation between sample types was poor overall, and weaker in females than in males; perhaps because measures from plasma represent hormones that are both free and bound to globulins, whereas measures from faeces represent only the free portion. Faecal samples also represent a cumulative measure of hormones over time, as opposed to a plasma 'snapshot' concentration. Faecal sampling appears more suitable for assessing baseline hormone levels. In the second study I examined, over two seasons, whether the timing of breeding varied with colony size; larger colonies present occupants with higher levels of social stimulation and are predicted to show earlier, more synchronous breeding. Baseline faecal hormone levels throughout the breeding season, and survival, were measured to investigate possible proximate and ultimate mechanisms for the results. The influence of environmental variability was examined, by relating the timing of breeding, survival, and endocrine changes to sea ice conditions. Colony size did not influence the timing or synchrony of breeding, survival, or hormone levels within years; perhaps because colonies in an Adelie rookery are not independent from the 'social environment' of adjacent colonies. Across years, synchrony in the smaller rookery was higher than in the larger rookery. The scale of these comparisons may exceed the applicability of the Darling hypothesis. Therefore, no support was found for the Darling hypothesis, at the colony or rookery level, in this species. Higher corticosterone metabolite and lower sex hormone levels in the first season correlated to later breeding and lower survival compared to the second season. This is likely due to the persistence of extensive sea ice conditions late into the first season. Researchers should take care in selecting the most appropriate method of hormone measurement for their question. Future studies testing the Darling hypothesis must carefully select their definition of a colony (i.e. a truly isolated social unit) and the scale at which the hypothesis is tested. Combining endocrine measurements with behavioural, survival, and environmental information allows for a more comprehensive interpretation of animal ecology.

Raffo, Carvajal Eduardo. "Pesquisa de la fauna parasitaria gastrointestinal en el pingüino Adelia (Pygoscelis adeliae) de una zona antártica especialmente protegida (ZAEP No.150)." Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2006.

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Memoria para optar al Título Profesional de Medico Veterinario
El identificar eventuales agentes patógenos que podrían afectar a animales silvestres, a futuro podría ser una herramienta útil para preservar el patrimonio natural. En base a esto se analizaron 167 muestras de heces y 3 órganos digestivos completos provenientes de ejemplares de pingüino Adelia (Pygoscelis adeliae), provenientes de una zona Antártica especialmente protegida (ZAEP Nº150). Para el análisis de las heces (112 de polluelos y 55 de adultos) se utilizaron 4 metodologías parasitológicas -Flotación, Sedimentación, Observación Directa y Tinción de Ziehl Neelsen-, donde se obtuvieron diversos resultados, siendo los más relevantes: la obtención de ooquistes de Cryptosporidium spp. mediante la técnica de Ziehl Neelsen (lo que corresponde a una primera descripción en el continente Antártico), la obtención de huevos de Tetrabothrius spp. mediante las técnicas de sedimentación y flotación, y la obtención de ooquistes de Coccidias y huevos de Nematodos -ambos por la técnica de flotación- sin ser posible la determinación de la especie en ninguno de los dos casos. De los tres aparatos digestivos analizados, los resultados más interesantes de mencionar son: la obtención de un ejemplar de Tetrabothrius spp. completo (excepto por el escolex) de 81 cm. de largo y la obtención de una gran cantidad de ejemplares de nematodos identificados como Streptocara spp. recuperados de los 3 estómagos analizados.
Financiamiento: FIV (121002019102079)

Polách, Petr. "Stanovení hodnoty firmy Adelita, s. r. o." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2014.

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The aim of this thesis is to determine market value of company Adelita, s.r.o. to January 1st 2015 for management of the company for potential sale of part of or whole company. Theoretical part will present methodologies for company valuation, practical part then financial and strategic analysis followed by creation of financial plan and valuation by method of discounted cash flow.

Moret, Ana Lucia. "Tradição e modernidade na obra de Adelia Prado." [s.n.], 1993.

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Orientador: Iumna Maria Simon
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem
Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-18T12:12:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Moret_AnaLucia_M.pdf: 9628368 bytes, checksum: 55eb8fe63c8a0ef11ffd3f7e39bb6b70 (MD5) Previous issue date: 1993
Não tem resumo na obra impressa. Base IEL resumo: Esta tese analisa o que a obra de Adélia Prado resgata na tradição e também verifica qual a sua relação com a modernidade. Partindo de um levantamento sobre o que a crítica literária e jornalística tem afirmado sobre a autora, procura-se situar a produção adeliana no interior da história literária, rastreando suas semelhanças e diferenças em relação a determinadas tradições. Constata-se, assim, uma combinação de elementos arcaicos com elementos modernos a partir de uma análise dos textos adelianos à luz da tradição cristã- mais especificamente o misticismo de San Juan de La Cruz e Santa Teresa D'Ávila, e o franciscanismo -,passando pela tradição de alguns mitos primitivos e chegando até a modernidade, onde é feita uma comparação com Manuel Bandeira.
Abstract: Not informed.
Teoria Literaria
Mestre em Letras

Manfrini, Daniele Beatriz. "'Somos todxs Adelir'." reponame:Repositório Institucional da UFSC, 2017.

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Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação Interdisciplinar em Ciências Humanas, Florianópolis, 2017.
Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-22T04:25:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 347988.pdf: 2615574 bytes, checksum: dcea8ca50ce97a2cc498ccb6843d001e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017
Esta tese apresenta a trajetória de mulheres participantes do Ato Nacional ?Somos Todxs Adelir?, contra a violência obstétrica, ocorrido em 2014, em Florianópolis, através da narrativa das mesmas sobre suas experiências. A inserção delas nesta ação política tem duas causas principais: por um lado, vítimas de violência obstétrica e, por outro lado, experiências satisfatórias de partos. O Ato é parte do contexto contemporâneo de reconhecimento da violência obstétrica, impulsionadora da organização coletiva de mulheres, com reivindicações perante as instituições de saúde, órgãos governamentais, Poder Legislativo e Ministério Público. Outros fatores da emergência contemporânea são a utilização do termo violência obstétrica em legislações de países latinos e de projetos de lei brasileiros, a visibilidade na mídia tradicional, do cyberativismo e a blogsfera brasileira (LUZ, 2014), em produções artísticas e normativas. A exposição argumentativa da pesquisa tem por escopo o reconhecimento da violência obstétrica como uma violência de gênero e a valorização da narrativa das mulheres sobre suas experiências e suas trajetórias de inserção na discussão e participação política no combate da violência obstétrica. Destarte o reconhecimento dos avanços biomédicos e tecnológicos que propiciam salvar vidas por meio interventivo e cirúrgico, há um controle do corpo feminino pela medicalização e a observação de processos fisiológicos, pelo ponto de vista patológico (MARTINS, 2004; DUDEN, 2007; SENA, 2016). Apresento, no capítulo 1, a base metodológica das epistemologias feministas, pesquisa qualitativa feminista e a proposição de uma visão interdisciplinar e que acolha as subjetividades e interseccionalidades de gênero, raça/etnia e cultura; articulando as categorias da pesquisa encarnada, ?partir de si? e experiência. O Capítulo 2 é o marco teórico para compreensão da apropriação do corpo das mulheres pelas ciências, tendo como consequências a institucionalização e os processos de medicalização e industrialização dos partos e a humanização dos nascimentos como movimento na contracorrente. No Capítulo 3, uma breve contextualização dos direitos reprodutivos, a emergência contemporânea do tema da violência obstétrica e o contexto dos nascimentos no Brasil contemporâneo. No capítulo 4 situo as mulheres entrevistadas com foco nas narrativas e trajetórias de vida referente aos aspectos de maternidade. Articulando aos aspectos teóricos, apresento as falas das mulheres, no decorrer de todo o capítulo, em sessões específicas como as experiências intergeracionais relacionadas à maternidade, as experiências de partos e as violências obstétricas sofridas. Os aspectos transversais nas trajetórias são as questões profissionais e de amizade, a identificação com os feminismos e trajetórias de empoderamento. No capítulo 5 apresento a história do Ato narrada pelas participantes, o processo de conscientização política, os desdobramentos e as expectativas na relação com o Ministério Público. Por fim, a problematização sobre o movimento em torno da humanização dos nascimentos, o mercado das cesarianas e do parto humanizado, sendo reconhecida pelas interlocutoras, a necessidade do alcance das conquistas à outras mulheres.

Abstract : This thesis presents the trajectories of women who participated in the national Somos Todxs Adelir march against obstetric violence, in 2014, in Florianópolis, through the narrative of these women about their experiences. Their insertion in this political act has two main causes: some were victims of obstetric violence while others had satisfactory childbirth experiences. The March is part of a contemporary context of acknowledgement of the obstetric violence, which pushes forward the collective organization of women to present claims to the health institutions, government agencies, the Legislative branch and the Public Ministry. Other factors for the contemporary rise of this subject include the use of the term ?obstetric violence? in legislation from Latin American countries and also in Brazilian proposed laws, the larger visibility of the subject in the mainstream media, the cyberactivism and the Brazilian blogosphere (LUZ, 2014), and the subject's appearance in artistic and normative productions. The arguments presented in this research aim at recognizing obstetric violence as a gender-based violence and to appreciate the women's narrative on their experiences and their engagement trajectories in discussion and political activism against obstetric violence. Despite the biomedical and technological advances that save lives by intervention and surgical procedures, there is a control of the feminine body by medicalization and observation of physiological processes under a pathologic point of view (MARTINS, 2004; DUDEN, 2007; SENA, 2016). I present in chapter 1 the methodological basis of feminist epistemologies, the feminist qualitative research and the proposition of a new interdisciplinary vision that embraces subjectivities and intersectionalities of gender, race, ethnicity, and culture, integrating cathegories of incarnate research, 'start from oneself' and experience. Chapter 2 is the theoretical basis for the understanding of women bodies appropriation by the sciences, which results in the institutionalisation and the medicalization and industrialization processes of delivery and childbirth, and the humanization of delivery as a counter-current movement. In Chapter 3 a brief context of reproductive rights is presented, the contemporary rise of the subject of obstetric violence and the context of childbirth in today's Brazil. In Chapter 4 I situate the interviewed women in light of their narratives and life trajectories referring to aspects of maternity. Integrating them to theoretical aspects, I present the women's say along the entire chapter, in specific sections such as the inter-generation experiences related to maternity, the delivery experiences and the suffered obstetric violence. The transversal aspects in their trajectories are the professional and friendship issues, the identification with the feminisms and empowerment trajectories. In Chapter 5 I present the history of the March as told by its participants, the process of raising political awareness, the developments and the expectations in the relationship with the Public Ministry. Finally, the problematization about the movement on childbirth humanization, the market of cesarean operations and the humanized delivery, and the need, recognized by the interviewed women, of extending the movement's achievements to other women.

Stroparo, Sandra Mara. "O espelho de Venus, poesia e experiencia em Adelia Prado." reponame:Repositório Institucional da UFPR, 2010.

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Rucker, Joseane de Mello. "Estratégias discursivas em Adelino Magalhães : princípio de interiorização e rupturas formais." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2011.

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Cette recherche vise à analyser les stratégies d'accès à la vie intérieure du personnage employées dans les récits par Adelino Magalhães. Pour ce but, cette étude montre comment les artistes de la fin du XIXe siècle - début du XXe ont relevé le défi de représenter la démarche de la psyché en formation dans la littérature. Parmi les auteurs qui ont influencé le travail sont: Christine Buci-Gluksmann, Émile Benveniste, Dorrit Cohn, Robert Humphrey, Belinda Cannone, Henri Bergson et Sergei Eisenstein. Afin de transformer le thème en forme, Adelino Magalhães plonge dans le désordre du langage et, entre des lacunes, pousse le lecteur à essayer l'intimité de ses personnages.
Esta pesquisa visa analisar as estratégias de acesso à vida interior da personagem empregadas nas narrativas por Adelino Magalhães. Para isso, esse estudo demonstra como os artistas da virada do século XIX – XX enfrentaram o desafio de representar o andamento da psique em formação na literatura. Entre os autores que auxiliaram a investigação estão: Christine Buci-Gluksmann, Émile Benveniste, Dorrit Cohn, Robert Humphrey, Belinda Cannone, Henri Bergson e Sergei Eisenstein. A fim de transformar o tema em forma, Adelino Magalhães mergulha na desordem da linguagem e, entre lacunas, provoca o leitor a vivenciar a intimidade de suas personagens.
The purpose of this research is to analyze the strategies to access the inner life of the character employed in the narratives by Adelino Magalhães. For this aim, this study demonstrates how artists from the turn of the XIX century to XX faced the challenge of representing the progress of the psyche in formation in Literature. Among the authors who influenced the investigation, are Christine Buci-Gluksmann, Émile Benveniste, Dorrit Cohn, Robert Humphrey, Belinda Cannone, Henri Bergson and Sergei Eisenstein. In order to transform the subject into shape, Adelino Magalhães dives into the language disorder, and, among gaps, provokes the reader to experience the intimacy of his characters.
El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar las estrategias de acceso a la vida interior del personaje empleadas en las narrativas por Adelino Magalhães. Para este fin, el estudio muestra como los artistas de finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX enfrentaron el desafío de representar el progreso de la psique en formación en la literatura. Entre los autores que influenciaron la investigación, están: Christine Buci-Gluksmann, Émile Benveniste, Dorrit Cohn, Robert Humphrey, Cannone Belinda, Henri Bergson y Sergei Eisenstein. Con el fin de transformar el tema en forma, Adelino Magalhães se sumerge en el desorden del lenguaje y, entre las lagunas, provoca el lector a experimentar la intimidad de sus personajes.

Books on the topic "Adelina":


Scott, Biljana. Adelina: Poems. Orkney: Birsay Publishers, 2007.

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Cone, John Frederick. Adelina Patti: Queen of hearts. Portland, Or: Amadeus Press, 1993.

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Carril, Adelina del. Así pensó-- Adelina del Carril. El Bolsón-Epuyén: Producciones Mapu-Shradda, 1995.

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Alvarez, Beatriz. Writing athwart Adelina Gurrea's life and works =: La escritura entrecruzada de Adelina Gurrea. Quezon City: Exclusively distributed by Ateneo de Manila University Press, 2009.

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Tomasella, Gianfranco. Nonna Adelina e le sue fiabe. Firenze: L'Autore libri Firenze, 1996.

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Taborda, Teresa. Adelina, la loca de amor en la plaza. [Alejandro Korn, Argentina?: s.n. ], 2011.

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Briwnant-Jones, Gwyn. Craig y Nos: Adelina Patti's home sweet home. Llandysul: Gomer, 2004.

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Brinn, David. Adelina Patti: A brief account of her life. Brecon: Brecon Beacons National Park, 1988.

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Alberto, Nilde de Carvalho. A magana da minha tia Adelina: E outras histórias. Lisboa: Mercado de Letras Editores, 2005.

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Willem, Adelina. Cooking pasta with Adelina: Because life is too short for plain noodles. Las Cruces, N.M: A. Willem, 1995.

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Book chapters on the topic "Adelina":


Gänzl, Kurt. "HIRLEMANN, Adelina (b c 1853; d London, February 1886)." In Victorian Vocalists, 297–98. First edition. | Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2017.: Routledge, 2017.

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Villaescusa Illán, Irene. "Nostalgia for the Orient: Images of the Philippines in the Work of Adelina Gurrea Monasterio." In Transcultural Nationalism in Hispano-Filipino Literature, 77–117. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Slack, Patricia, and Frank Mulville. "Prelude." In Sweet Adeline, 1–18. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1988.

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Slack, Patricia, and Frank Mulville. "Happiness." In Sweet Adeline, 147–64. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1988.

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Slack, Patricia, and Frank Mulville. "Landfall." In Sweet Adeline, 165–72. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1988.

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Slack, Patricia, and Frank Mulville. "Journey’s End." In Sweet Adeline, 173–77. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1988.

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Slack, Patricia, and Frank Mulville. "Postscript from Frank." In Sweet Adeline, 177–78. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1988.

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Slack, Patricia, and Frank Mulville. "Epilogue." In Sweet Adeline, 179–81. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1988.

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Slack, Patricia, and Frank Mulville. "First Encounter." In Sweet Adeline, 19–28. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1988.

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Slack, Patricia, and Frank Mulville. "Stroke." In Sweet Adeline, 29–47. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1988.

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Conference papers on the topic "Adelina":


Anggraini, Nenny, Andrew Fiade, and Miftahul Fauzan. "Flow measurement of charges and electricity costs monitoring system with android based Iot (case study: Boarding house Adelina)." In 2017 5th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM). IEEE, 2017.

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Seprina, Dina, Adelina Fitri, and M. Dody Izhar. "Relationship amoung Body Mass Index, History of Maternal Menarche and Exposure of Pornographic Media with Menarche Age in Elementary School Students, Jambi." In The 7th International Conference on Public Health 2020. Masters Program in Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret, 2020.

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ABSTRACT Background: Menstruation is the cyclic, orderly sloughing of the uterine lining, in response to the interactions of hormones produced by the hypothalamus, pituitary, and ovaries. Many factors influence the age of menarche, such as body mass index, history of maternal menarche and exposure to pornographic media. This study aimed to determine the relationship between body mass index, history of maternal and exposure to pornographic media with menarche age in elementary school students in Jambi City. Subject and Methods: This was a cross sectional study conducted at elementary school 207/ IV Jambi City, Indonesia. A sample of 74 students was purposively sampled. The dependent variable was age of menarche. The independent variables were body mass index (BMI), history of maternal menarche, and exposure to pornographic media. The data were collected by questionnaires, digital scales, and microtoise. Bivariate analysis was performed by Chi-Square. Results: Large body mass index (PR= 4.50; 95% CI= 0.40 to 51.29), history of early menarche (PR= 9.75; 95% CI= 3.35 to 28.36), and exposure to pornographic media (PR= 4.81; 95% CI= 1.74 to 13.29), accelerated age of menarche. Conclusion: Large body mass index, history of early menarche, and exposure to pornographic media, accelerate age of menarche. Keywords: Menarche, BMI, Pornography Media Correspondence: Adelina Fitri. Universitas Jambi. Jl. Lintas Jambi – Muara Bulian No. Km. 15, Mendalo Darat, Muaro Jambi Regency, Jambi, Indonesia. Email: 081272030308. DOI:

Kim, Hyunju, and Dongman Lee. "ADELA." In SAC '21: The 36th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2021.

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DRAGOVICH, Branko. "ON ADELIC STRINGS." In Proceedings of the Ninth Lomonosov Conference on Elementary Particle Physics. WORLD SCIENTIFIC, 2001.

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Dragovich, B. "Adelic strings and noncommutativity." In NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN FUNDAMENTAL INTERACTION THEORIES: 37th Karpacz Winter School of Theoretical Physics. AIP, 2001.

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Benitez, Mo Jose, Jesus Medina, and Dominik Slezak. "adelta;-information reducts and bireducts." In 2015 Conference of the International Fuzzy Systems Association and the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (IFSA-EUSFLAT-15). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2015.

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Ribeiro, Tiago, and Ana Paiva. "Animating the adelino robot with ERIK: the expressive robotics inverse kinematics." In ICMI '17: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MULTIMODAL INTERACTION. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2017.

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Marcinek, Krzysztof, Maciej Plasota, Andrzej Wielgus, and Witold Pleskacz. "Implementation of the ADELITE Microcontroller for Biomedical Applications." In 2015 IEEE 18th International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits & Systems (DDECS). IEEE, 2015.

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Parshin, A. N. "Representations of Higher Adelic Groups and Arithmetic." In Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians 2010 (ICM 2010). Published by Hindustan Book Agency (HBA), India. WSPC Distribute for All Markets Except in India, 2011.

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