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González, Rigoberto. "Adelina." Prairie Schooner 90, no. 1 (2016): 21–30.

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Bombara, Daniela. "L’'amour fou' tra spaesamento e straniamento in due scrittrici siciliane: Rosina Muzio Salvo e Cettina Natoli." Incontri. Rivista europea di studi italiani 36, no. 1 (September 9, 2021): 75–90.

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Amour fou between displacement and estrangement in two Sicilian writers of the Nineteenth Century Rosina Muzio Salvo and Cettina Natoli This research aims at investigating the topos of love as deep and extreme passion, in opposition to social stereotypes, in two novels by two Sicilian female writers of the Nineteenth Century, Adelina (1845) by Rosina Muzio Salvo (1815-1866) and Margherita Royn (1886) by Cettina Natoli (1867-1913). In Adelina amour fou is in conflict with the patriotic needs and the moralism of the newborn middle-class society; in Margherita Royn, an overliterary, different kind of love clashes with the materialism and commercialization which dominate in late Nineteenth century. Adelina’s displacement is highlighted by the structure of the polyphonic epistolary novel, in which the protagonist’s ‘reasons of the heart’ are opposed to the opinions of all the other characters; according to a process of Verghian estrangement (Luperini, 1974), they convey a distorted picture of her passion and consider it a weird, unacceptable fact. Margherita is able to see reality only through an overly literary lens of extreme sentimentality; her isolation is manifest in the depiction of her body, consumed by an adulterous passion which contrasts with her husband’s rough physicality; overcome by jealousy, he will end up killing her.

Da Cruz, Eduardo, and Sérgio Luís Silva de Abreu. "Os espartilhos sociais na coluna "Palestras Femininas" de Adelina Amélia Lopes Vieira, no periódico 'A Semana'." Jangada: crítica | literatura | artes 1, no. 16 (January 30, 2021): 40–64.

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Pretende-se neste artigo analisar a colaboração de Adelina Amélia Lopes Vieira (1850- 1923) no periódico A Semana (1885-1895). A escritora portuguesa residente no Brasil manteve no jornal uma coluna intitulada “Palestras Femininas”, na qual comentava assuntos que considerava importantes às mulheres da época, quer em textos ficcionais quer não. Debruçamo-nos nestes escritos com o objetivo de entender o que a autora valorizava sobre perfis femininos de sua época. Percebe-se na análise desses artigos a pressão dos espartilhos sociais sobre as mulheres e sobre a própria escrita de Adelina Lopes Vieira.

Berenguer, Carola, Pilar Marchiano, and Mariana Moreno. "Adelina fotógrafa. Una imagen para el futuro." Nimio, no. 5 (December 13, 2018): e001.

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En este trabajo se estudia una selección de imágenesfotográficas pertenecientes al fondo documental deAdelina Dematti de Alaye del Archivo Histórico de laprovincia de Buenos Aires. Son fotografías que fuerontomadas por Adelina el 5 de mayo de 1984, en el partidode Ensenada, fecha en la que recuerda la desapariciónde su hijo Carlos, siete años antes. Se analiza la relaciónentre imagen y palabra, la noción de representación y deausencia-presencia sobre la condición ritual de la imagen apartir de la figura del desaparecido. También se trabaja elcarácter público-privado y la construcción del archivo al quepertenecen las fotografías.

Anthony, Adelina, and Aimee Carrillo Rowe. "Adelina Anthony Interview with Aimee Carrillo Rowe." Journal of Lesbian Studies 21, no. 3 (September 9, 2016): 351–69.

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Ortiz Cirilo, Alejandro. "La educación laica en México: estudios en torno a sus orígenes." Historia y Memoria de la Educación, no. 13 (December 14, 2020): 801.

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Ross, Jaan. "Commentary on Zicari. Expressive Tempo Modifications in Adelina Patti's Recordings: An Integrated Approach." Empirical Musicology Review 12, no. 1-2 (September 26, 2017): 57.

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In this commentary, statistical and sound signal segmentation methods as applied in Massimo Zicari's "Expressive tempo modifications in Adelina Patti's recordings: An integrated approach" are discussed. A potential method of further analyzing the obtained data is also highlighted.

RANJITH, A. P., C. VAN ACHTERBERG, K. G. SAMARTSEV, and M. NASSER. "Discovery of the chelonine tribe Adeliini Viereck, 1918 (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) from the Indian subcontinent with the description of a new genus from south India ." Zootaxa 4926, no. 1 (February 4, 2021): 1–25.

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The small chelonine tribe Adeliini is one of the derived groups with the postpectal carina absent, which is considered to be an apomorphic character for the Cheloninae. Adeliine genera generally exhibit a narrow endemism although the genus Adelius is widely distributed. Adeliini are reported from the Indian subcontinent for the first time with the description of a new genus and a new species, Carinadelius medicus Ranjith & van Achterberg gen. et sp. nov. from south India. A revised key to the genera of Adeliini is provided with the illustrations of all included genera. The genus Myriola, which was previously included under Adelius, is re-instated based on morphological characters. The New World species of the genus Paradelius are transferred to Sculptomyriola Belokobylskij: Sculptomyriola neotropicalis (Shimbori & Shaw, 2019), S. nigra (Whitfield, 1988) and S. rubra (Whitfield, 1988) are new combinations.

Freitas, Roger. "Singing Herself: Adelina Patti and the Performance of Femininity." Journal of the American Musicological Society 71, no. 2 (2018): 287–369.

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By any measure, Adelina Patti (1843–1919) must be considered the leading singer, if not the leading musician, of the later nineteenth century. Her sizable body of recordings (twenty-eight) makes her a key witness to late nineteenth-century performance style. Her great celebrity also ensured lavish written documentation of her life, including what she did, what people said about her, and sometimes what she said about herself. In this article I bring together these two types of material to consider a central aspect of Patti's life and artistry: her relationship to contemporary notions of femininity. Like all women who entertained before the public, Patti contended with the taint of immorality. I argue that her response to that taint shaped both her overall conduct and her particular vocalism. For while in truth her way of life fundamentally contradicted the reigning ideals of womanhood, Patti projected in her dress, her makeup, her public statements, her published imagery, and, most importantly, her stage characterizations and vocal styling the most perfect manifestation of femininity available: the virginal ingénue. The consistency of this self-performance encourages the identification of a similar persona in her singing, and indeed through close readings of several recordings I expose what I call her “maidenly mode,” a vocal strategy analogous to her other ingenuous representations. If many, like Verdi, found in Patti a “perfect equilibrium between singer and actress,” her example can begin to suggest to us what it meant to sound like an ingénue in late nineteenth-century Europe.

Magaldi, Felipe. "A metamorfose de Adelina Gomes: gênero e sexualidade na psicologia analítica de Nise da Silveira." Sexualidad, Salud y Sociedad (Rio de Janeiro), no. 30 (December 2018): 119–40.

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Resumo Este artigo trata do caso de Adelina Gomes (1916-1984), interna no antigo Centro Psiquiátrico Nacional do Engenho de Dentro, no Rio de Janeiro, entre 1937 e 1984, ano de seu falecimento. Adelina tornou-se conhecida pela produção de mais de 17.500 obras, entre pinturas e esculturas. Tal material pôde existir graças à atuação da psiquiatra alagoana Nise da Silveira (1905-1999), responsável pelo pioneirismo na implementação terapêutica de oficinas expressivas no hospital em questão. O caso clínico da paciente, tal como analisado por sua terapeuta, é utilizado para explorar o modo pelo qual os problemas de gênero e de sexualidade se imprimiam nas instituições psiquiátricas e nos saberes médico-psicológicos durante o século XX, com especial referência à psicologia analítica de C.G. Jung e sua apropriação por Nise da Silveira. A partir de análise de documentos bibliográficos, sustenta-se que esse saber, embora diferenciando-se da psicanálise freudiana e da medicina somática, opera a partir de uma naturalização em relação ao estatuto do feminino.

Díaz Bild, Aída. "Adeline Mowbray, or, the bitter acceptance of woman's fate." Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses, no. 23 (December 15, 2010): 187.

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Eighteenth-century women writers believed that the novel was the best vehicle to educate women and offer them a true picture of their lives and “wrongs”. Adelina Mowbray is the result of Opie’s desire to fulfil this important task. Opie does not try to offer her female readers alternatives to their present predicament or an idealized future, but makes them aware of the fact that the only ones who get victimized in a patriarchal system are always the powerless, that is to say, women. She gives us a dark image of the vulnerability of married women and points out not only how uncommon the ideal of companionate marriage was in real life, but also the difficulty of finding the appropriate partner for an egalitarian relationship. Lastly, she shows that there is now social forgiveness for those who transgress the established boundaries, which becomes obvious in the attitude of two of the most compassionate and generous characters of the novel, Rachel Pemberton and Emma Douglas, towards Adelina.

Berto, Bruno P., Bruno do B. Lopes, Walter Flausino, Walter L. Teixeira Filho, and Carlos Wilson G. Lopes. "Contribution on the study of Isospora hemidactyli Carini, 1936 and a report of an adeleid pseudoparasite of the house gecko Hemidactylus mabouia, from the Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan Region, Brazil." Revista Brasileira de Parasitologia Veterinária 17, no. 3 (September 2008): 150–54.

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A description of the coccidium Isospora hemidactyli from the house gecko Hemidactylus mabouia, a very common at dwellings in Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan Region, was made in this study. Histograms and linear regression were made for this species and determined the homogeneity of these oocysts despite of large range. Besides it, polysporocystid oocysts also were recovered from feces of the H. mabouia house gecko and they were similar to those described previously as the genus Adelina. This species should be parasitizing an invertebrate ingested by house gecko, and for that reason, is a pseudoparasite. Oocysts of I. hemidactyli were subspherical to ellipsoidal, 24.4 × 22.3μm, with single-layered wall and one polar granule. Sporocysts were subspherical to ellipsoidal, 11.8 × 9.8μm with Stieda and substieda bodies, residuum and sporozoites with refractile body. Oocysts of the pseudoparasite Adelina sp. were ellipsoidal, 36.3 × 30.9μm, with bi-layered wall and without micropyle, residuum and polar granule. Eight to 15 sporocysts were presents and were subspherical to broadly ellipsoidal, 12.4 × 11.2μm. Stieda and substieda bodies were absent. Sporozoites present refractile bodies at both ends.

Cipriani Thorne, Enrique, Adelina Lozano, Carmen Asato, Adeliza Manrique, and Braulio Valencia Arroyo. "Conversatorio clínico patológico en el Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza_2009-03." Revista Medica Herediana 20, no. 3 (October 29, 2012): 169.

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Mujer de 28 años, de procedente de Lima, estado civil casada y de ocupación ama de casa. Su enfermedad inicia hace aproximadamente tres meses presentando prurito facial, esporádicamente dolor abdominal tipo cólico en cuadrante superior izquierdo por lo que se automedica con antiespasmódicos sintiendo mejoría. Un mes antes del ingreso el prurito facial se hace constante, aumenta en intensidad y se generaliza a todo el cuerpo. Veinte días antes del ingreso nota coluria y dos semanas antes del ingreso inicia ictericia de escleras que luego progresa a piel. Dr. Enrique Cipriani Thorne1 Dra. Adelina Lozano2 Dra. Carmen Asato3 Dra. Adeliza Manrique4 Dr. Braulio Valencia Arroyo5 raza mestiza, natural y Tres días antes de su ingreso presenta fiebre y deposiciones semilíquidas 3 a 4 cámaras por día en regular cantidad sin moco, sin sangre, sin pujo, sin tenesmo y un día antes del ingreso presenta nauseas y vómitos en 2 oportunidades por lo que acude al servicio de emergencia, siendo hospitalizada. Funciones biológicas: apetito y sed disminuidos. Orina: coluria. Deposición usualmente duras 1 vez cada 2 días. Sueño alterado por el prurito intenso. Baja ponderal de 4 kilos en un mes.

Zicari, Massimo. "Expressive Tempo Modifications in Adelina Patti's Recordings: An Integrated Approach." Empirical Musicology Review 12, no. 1-2 (September 26, 2017): 42.

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This paper explores the extent of expressive tempo modifications as a function of textual content in four operatic arias recorded by Adelina Patti between 1905 and 1906. Their analysis made it possible to determine to what extent significant tempo modifications coincide with those moments in the music, in which special emphasis is demanded by the lyrics. A twofold approach was adopted: the paradigms of historical musicology provided the conceptual tools necessary to define the context, reconstruct the vocal practice, and understand the relationship between the lyrics and the compositional solutions underpinning them; the degree of tempo variability for each aria was determined by empirically measuring the crotchet beat lengths and by calculating the value of mean, mode, standard deviation and coefficient of variation. Results show that Patti's renditions of the four arias present tempo modifications which are instrumental to the expression of their dramatic content, as recommended by the singing methods and treatises which appeared in the course of the nineteenth century. Most crucially, they challenge the assumption that interpreters trained in the late romantic culture abused the composer's intentions and indulged in tasteless, exaggerated interpretive choices.

Le Petitcorps, Colette. "Danièle Kergoat ; Adelina Miranda ; Nouria Ouali (dir.), Migrantes et mobilisées." e-Migrinter, no. 9 (July 20, 2012): 116–18.

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Schmoll, Camille. "Signorelli Amalia e Miranda Adelina, Pensare e ripensare le migrazioni." Revue européenne des migrations internationales 30, no. 1 (March 1, 2014): 157–59.

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Maegraith, Janine. "Adelina Wallnöfer, Die politische Repräsentation des gemeinen Mannes in Tirol." WerkstattGeschichte 83, no. 1 (March 1, 2021): 132–35.

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García Ramírez, Sergio. "Loianno, Adelina (coord.), Lecciones de Derechos Humanos, Buenos Aires, ERREIUS, 2018." Revista de la Facultad de Derecho de México 70, no. 278-2 (November 13, 2020): 1045.

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Atlagić, Marko, Aleksandar Martinović, and Dalibor Elezović. "Noble English woman Adeline Paulina Irby on Kosovo and Metohija in Serbia." Bastina, no. 51 (2020): 395–404.

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This paper is about Adeline Paulina Irby, an English lady. She left deep trace and indelible mark in memory of Serbs from Bosnia and Old Serbia (Kosovo and Metohija). Furthermore, it is focused on her journey through whole "European Turkey" (the Balkans) where she was acquainted with living conditions of the Christians there. She informed England and the whole western world about it. For that purpose, she travelled through Old Serbia-Kosovo and Metohija. Irby broke all the stereotypes Western World adhered to, in the first place stereotypes about "wild Slaves living in the Balkans". Irby presented to English reader the whole truth about Serbian nation whose Empire was conquered by Ottomans. Paper is particularly focused on her humanitarian work.

Rodriguez Espinoza, Héctor. "Presentación de las ediciones 6 y 7 de la Revista Jurídica Biolex." BIOLEX REVISTA JURIDICA DEL DEPARTAMENTO DE DERECHO 9 (August 21, 2019): 1–3.

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En el marco de los festejos del LX Aniversario del Departamento de Derecho, en el Aula Magna "Roberto Reynoso Dávila" se presentaron las ediciones 6 y 7 de la Revista Jurídica Biolex. De los presentadores invitados,2 el Doctor Héctor Rodríguez Espinoza justificando la ausencia de sus pares, expuso a nombre de los tres lo siguiente: Maestra Adelina Galindo Romero, Jefa del Departamento de Derecho.Colegas Doctoras. Adria Velia González Beltrones y Guadalupe AleidaValenzuela Miranda.Compañeros maestros y alumnos de nuestro Departamento.

Condon, Stéphanie. "Cahiers du Genre, No51, 2012 Adelina Miranda, Nouria Ouali et Danièle Kergoat (coord.)." Nouvelles Questions Féministes 32, no. 2 (2013): 119.

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Lange, Carlos E., and Elizabeth Wittenstein. "An Adelina sp. (Apicomplexa: Coccidia) Found in Anurogryllus muticus (De Geer) (Orthoptera: Gryllidae)." Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 77, no. 1 (January 2001): 83–84.

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Rowe, A. C. "" ... Your Ancestors Come": Tracing an Abundant Present in Adelina Anthony's La Hocicona Series." GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 19, no. 2 (January 1, 2013): 215–47.

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Nieto, María Emilia. "Florencia Lloret y una mirada al fondo documental de Adelina Dematti de Alaye." Question 1, no. 59 (July 20, 2018): 087.

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Entrevista realizada a Florencia Lloret, museóloga e integrante del sector Historia Reciente del Archivo histórico de la provincia de Buenos Aires, ubicado en la ciudad de La Plata. La finalidad del archivo consiste en reunir los fondos documentales existentes en las oficinas públicas de la provincia, con el objetivo de difundir el patrimonio cultural y acercar estos documentos a la comunidad de investigadores y al conjunto de la ciudadanía. Nuestro interés consistió en abordar centralmente el fondo documental de Adelina Dematti de Alaye, integrante de Madres de Plaza de Mayo, La Plata, que se encuentra en la sección dedicada a la Historia Reciente.

De-Nova, Jose Arturo, Victoria Sosa, and Kenneth J. Wurdack. "Phylogenetic Relationships and the Description of a New Species of Enriquebeltrania (Euphorbiaceae s.s.): An Enigmatic Genus Endemic to Mexico." Systematic Botany 31, no. 3 (July 1, 2006): 533–46.

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Enriquebeltrania, a genus of trees and shrubs endemic to Mexico, traditionally has been included in Euphorbiaceae (tribe Adelieae, subfamily Acalyphoideae). It was previously thought to be monotypic with a disjunct distribution on the Yucatan Peninsula and along the Pacific coast in Jalisco and Sinaloa. There is some question about whether Enriquebeltrania should be treated as distinct from Adelia. Morphological and molecular characters (trnL-F spacer and rbcL DNA sequences) were utilized in phylogenetic analyses to determine if Enriquebeltrania belongs to the tribe Adelieae, to test whether it should be recognized as a genus separate from Adelia, and to determine the number of species that should be recognized. Results indicate that Enriquebeltrania does not belong to tribe Adelieae, that it should be recognized as a genus separate from Adelia, and that it consists of two species. The second species, Enriquebeltrania disjuncta, is named and described here.

Costa, Maria Helena Braga e. Vaz da. "CARTOGRAFIA DE CINEMA EM RIO DOCE/CDU." Caminhos de Geografia 20, no. 71 (August 20, 2019): 152–59.

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Este artigo apresenta uma discussão sobre as capacidades espaciais e cartográficas das imagens cinematográficas, particularmente as produzidas pelo cinema pernambucano contemporâneo. Discutindo sobre uma “cartografia cinematográfica”, que permite a compreensão e a análise crítica de uma representação cinematográfica espacial específica, este artigo analisa a cartografia cinematográfica construída pelo documentário do filme Rio Doce / CDU (2013), escrito e dirigido por Adelina Pontual. Por meio da análise do discurso fílmico, chegou-se à conclusão de que a geografia que se materializa a partir desse filme é uma geografia da representação da experiência espacial produzida e vivenciada por um tipo de cartografia que se constitui a partir de ambas existências: real e fílmica.

Shaw, Joshua David Michael. "Adelina Iftene, Punished for Aging: Vulnerability, Rights, and Access to Justice in Canadian Penitentiaries." Punishment & Society 22, no. 4 (April 3, 2020): 563–65.

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Malone, Louise A., and S. Dhana. "Life cycle and ultrastructure of Adelina tenebrionis (Sporozoea: Adeleidae) from Heteronychus arator (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)." Parasitology Research 74, no. 3 (1988): 201–7.

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Petitcorps, Colette Le. "Cossée Claire, Miranda Adelina, Ouali Nouria et Séhili Djaouida, Le genre au cœur des migrations." Revue européenne des migrations internationales 30, no. 3-4 (December 1, 2014): 234–36.

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BELSOM, JACK. "En Route to Stardom: Adelina Patti at the French Opera House, New Orleans, 1860–1861." Opera Quarterly 10, no. 3 (1994): 113–30.

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Riekkola, Marja-Liisa. "Editorial on “Extended-nano chromatography” by Hisashi Shimizu, Adelina Smirnova, Kazuma Mawatari and Takehiko Kitamori." Journal of Chromatography A 1490 (March 2017): 10.

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Ozherelieva, Z. E., and A. A. Gulyaeva. "Resistance of generative organs of sweet cherry to spring frosts after artificial freezing." South of Russia: ecology, development 16, no. 2 (July 19, 2021): 45–54.

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Aim. The purpose of this research was to study the sustainability of Institute bred sweet cherry cultivars to spring frosts during flowering by the method of artificial freezing and to identify resistant cultivars.Material and Methods. Seven Institute bred sweet cherry cultivars were studied: 'Adelina', "Malysh", "Orlovskaya Rozovaya", "Orlovskaya Feya", "Podarok Orlu", "Siyana" and "Trosnyanskaya". Spring frosts were simulated in an "Espec" PSL-2KPH climate chamber in early May at -1°, -2°, -3° and -4°C. At each temperature regime, 100 pcs of flowers and buds of each cultivar were taken in 3-fold repetition. Temperature was lowered at the rate of 1°C per hour. The duration of exposure to negative temperatures was 3 hours.Results. Damage to the stamens and pistils was assessed by the darkening of the tissues. In buds and blooming flowers after frosts, the pistils were first damaged but the stamens were not. Resistance to spring frosts decreased with the phenological development of the cherry's generative organs. The beginning of damage to the flowers as a result of the artificial freezing was noted at a temperature of -1°C. At the same time, the high stability of cherry buds was noted. Modeling frosts of -2°...-4°C increased the number of dead flowers and buds. The resistance of sweet cherries to spring frosts was found to depend on the genotype and stage of development of reproductive organs. A different sum of active temperatures for the beginning of flowering and ovary formation was noted, indicating the onset of phenological phases in which generative organs are susceptible to spring frosts.Conclusion. The experiment made it possible to distinguish a medium-resistant cultivar "Malysh" which was resistant to spring frosts. Weakly stable genotypes were "Orlovskaya Rozovaya", "Orlovskaya Feya", "Trosnyanskaya" and "Siyana". Unstable cultivars were "Adelina", and "Podarok Orlu". During the formation of the ovary, the greatest potential for resistance to spring frosts was shown by "Podarok Orlu".

Viu Adagio, Julieta. "Representaciones culturales, narraciones y estéticas: La emergencia de las divas en el campo cultural latinoamericano: representaciones artísticas en la crónica modernista." Culturas, no. 13 (November 7, 2019): 161–76.

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Las crónicas que Rubén Darío publica en la prensa chilena y Manuel Gutiérrez Nájera en la mexicana consolidan, a fines del siglo XIX, a la diva como tópicoliterario. Estas producciones forjan un imaginario que celebra la belleza, la armonía y la exclusividad y que por ello resulta contestatario de la concepción burguesa del arte y de la vida que rige las sociedades latinoamericanas finiseculares. En este artículo, consideramos las representaciones que los modernistas mencionados realizan de Sarah Bernhardt y Adelina Patti para analizar la emergencia del divismo, esto es, una narración donde la hegemonía de la estrella logra desplazar a un segundo plano a la obra interpretada. Contrastaremos este corpus con la crítica teatral que Paul Groussac escribe sobreSarah Bernhardt focalizada en la actriz y sus habilidades para la interpretación.

STEINER, WARREN E. "New species of darkling beetles (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) from San Salvador Island, Bahamas." Zootaxa 1158, no. 1 (March 23, 2006): 1.

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In preparation for a survey and annotated checklist of the Tenebrionidae of San Salvador Island, Bahamas, nine new species of darkling beetles are described. All are so far known only from this island and probably endemic. The majority of them are flightless. All inhabit maritime sand scrub habitats. The new taxa, in the sequence described herein, are: Trientoma jilae, n. sp., Trientoma voegeliorum, n. sp., Branchus geraceorum, n. sp., Adelina bacardi, n. sp., Blapstinus kalik, n. sp., Diastolinus this, n. sp., Diastolinus that, n. sp., Nautes guanahani, n. sp., Lobopoda deyrupi, n. sp. Digital images of the holotypes are included. Diagnoses of the new species, with comparisonsamong related ones, are provided, and notes on habitats and collections are given. One species, Blapstinus humilis Casey, is brought out of synonymy under B. fuscus Casey and provisionally recognized as valid, pending further revisionary work.

Camargo, Edson Carpes, and Edla Eggert. "As mulheres e a enologia no sul do país: a história do Colégio de Viticultura e Enologia na cidade de Bento Gonçalves-RS, Brasil (1959-2019)." Cadernos de História da Educação 18, no. 3 (November 26, 2019): 656–71.

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Esse texto volta-se para uma narrativa da história do Colégio de Viticultura e Enologia, criado em 1959 na cidade de Bento Gonçalves, no Rio Grande do Sul e que hoje integra o Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Sul. Nosso objetivo é apresentar a história da instituição escolar pontuando recortes da história de vida de Adelina Maioli, a primeira mulher a figurar entre o corpo discente do curso Técnico em Enologia. O processo metodológico perpassou a análise documental, bem como a realização de entrevista semiestruturada. Ao admitir o ingresso da primeira estudante em 1959, a instituição despertou a curiosidade sobre outras mulheres para estudarem nessa escola técnica, abrindo caminhos e possibilitando que o olhar de quem pesquisa se tornasse menos rígido sobre as janelas da história que se abrem para as relações de gênero.

Feuillet Terzaghi, María Rosario, and Santiago L. Deluca. "Arqueología en la cuenca inferior del Río Salado (Provincia de Santa Fe). Primeras aproximaciones al estudio de un sitio arqueológico con enterratorios múltiples." Folia Histórica del Nordeste, no. 19 (October 11, 2011): 23.

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<p>En este trabajo se da cuenta de las tareas llevadas a cabo en el sitio arqueológico Río Salado Coronda II, en la ciudad de Santo Tomé, provincia de Santa Fe. Los estudios realizados abren una nueva serie de expectativas arqueológicas para el área de la cuenca inferior del río Salado, la cual se mantuvo durante muchos años relegada en función de las investigaciones realizadas en los ambientes de influencia directa del río Paraná. El hallazgo por parte de vecinos en el barrio de Villa Adelina Este de la ciudad de Santo Tomé (provincia de Santa Fe) de ítems arqueológicos, derivó en el descubrimiento de un área de enterratorios múltiples, asociada a restos materiales que sugieren un uso particular de ese espacio por parte de las sociedades que lo ocuparon en el pasado, vinculado al sistema de creencias. Se presentan aquí los primeros resultados obtenidos del análisis del registro arqueológico del sitio mencionado.</p><p> </p>

Orlova, S. Yu, A. V. Pavlov, and V. G. Verzhuk. "Viability of pollen in sweet cherry (Cerasus avium) varieties of different ecogeographic origin in the Northwestern region of Russia." Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding 180, no. 1 (June 24, 2019): 66–72.

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Background. Sweet cherry is an unconventional fruit crop for the Northwestern region of Russia. Identification of cultivars adapted to the conditions of the northwest requires a comprehensive study of cultivars of different ecogeographic origin and, specifically, morpho-physiological characteristics of pollen, which ensure the productivity of sweet cherries.Materials and methods. The field sweet cherry collection maintained at Pushkin and Pavlovsk Laboratories of VIR served as the material for the study carried out in 2017 at the Plant Diversity Long-Term Storage Laboratory. Twenty-four sweet cherry accessions belonging to five different groups were studied: I – Northwestern (bred at VIR); II – Central; III – Central Black Soil (all three are regions in Russia); IV – Belarus; and V – Estonia. Viability of pollen was assessed by germinating on an artificial medium with 10% sucrose and 0.6% agar. Pollen viability results were statistically processed using StatSoft Statistica 13.0 and Microsoft Excel.Results. The initial viability of pollen for almost all varieties in 2017 was low. High percentage of pollen germination was characteristic of cvs. ‘Krasnaya sladkaya’ (gr. I, 50.0%), ‘Leningradskaya rozovaya’ (gr. I, 61.8%), ‘Adelina’ (gr. III, 53.5%) and ‘Zarya Vostoka’ (gr. III, 60.3%). After storage in liquid nitrogen, the level of pollen germination increased in all cultivars of groups I and V as well as in a number of cultivars from group II (‘Raditza’, ‘Iput’, ‘Rechitsa’ and ‘Fatezh’), group III (‘Zarya Vostoka’, ‘Rondo’ and ‘Orlovskaya rozovaya’) and group IV (‘Severnaya’ and ‘Vityaz’). Pollen viability after cryopreservation significantly decreased by 8.7‑17.3% in cvs. ‘Bryanochka’ (gr. II), ‘Alebastrovaya’ (IV),’ Bryanskaya rozovaya’ (II) and ‘Adelina’ (III). Pollen viability parameters (length of pollen tubes and percentage of germinated pollen grains) positively correlated prior to immersion into liquid nitrogen from r = 0,54 (gr. III) to r = 0,76 (gr. II), while after cryopreservation, they showed weak correlation (r = 0,28) in gr. I, and strong one (r = 0,79) in group IV. In the length of pollen tubes and the level of viability, the parent cv. ‘Leningradskaya chernaya’ had practically no connection with cv. ‘Raditsa’ (r = 0.09), while with cv. ‘Meelika’ the correlation was medium negative (r = –0.49); correlations between the parent cv. ‘Krasnaya plotnaya’ and cvs. ‘Sopernitsa’, ‘Bryanochka’ and ‘Vityaz’ were medium (r = 0.57) and high (r = 0.78 and r = 0.83), respectively.Conclusion. In their level of pollen viability, the introduced sweet cherry cultivars are similar to or even exceed the cultivars native to the northwest (bred at VIR).

Eyckmans, J. "Cecilia Alvstad, Adelina Hild, and Elisabet Tiselius (eds): METHODS AND STRATEGIES OF PROCESS RESEARCH: INTEGRATIVE APPROACHES IN TRANSLATION STUDIES." Applied Linguistics 33, no. 5 (October 24, 2012): 624–26.

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Jurado Revaliente, Iván. "Sarrión Mora, Adelina (2016). El miedo al otro en la España del siglo XVII. Proceso y muerte de Beltrán Campana." Manuscrits. Revista d'història moderna 34 (April 25, 2017): 180.

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Park, Paula C. "Cuentos de Juana by Adelina Gurrea; Los pájaros de fuego by Jesús Balmori; and El campeón by Antonio M. Abad." Perspectives in the Arts and Humanities Asia 4, no. 1 (March 25, 2014): 77.

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Liu, Lisheng. "Alvstad, Cecilia, Adelina Hild & Elisabet Tiselius, eds. 2011. Methods and strategies of process research: Integrative approaches in Translation Studies." Target. International Journal of Translation Studies 28, no. 3 (September 19, 2016): 493–98.

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Yaman, Mustafa, and Renate Radek. "Characteristic Light and Electron Microscopic Features of Adelina melolonthae, a Coccidian Pathogen of the European Cockchafer, Melolontha melolontha (Coleoptera/Scarabaeidae)." Acta Parasitologica 66, no. 3 (March 13, 2021): 925–31.

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Bekircan, Çağrı, and Onur Tosun. "First record and distribution of Adelina sp. (Coccidia: Adeleidae) in populations of the Anisoplia segetum Herbst (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in Turkey." Microbial Pathogenesis 154 (May 2021): 104848.

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Nugent, Carlos Alonso. "Lost Archives, Lost Lands: Rereading New Mexico’s Imagined Environments." American Literature 92, no. 2 (June 1, 2020): 309–41.

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Abstract This article describes how Nuevomexicanas/os have used texts, images, and other media to reclaim the lands they lost in the US-Mexico War. Along the way, it models a method for reading “imagined environments”—the frameworks through which human groups have represented, related to, and resided in their more-than-human worlds. This article focuses on two generations of writer-activists. In the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s, Adelina Otero-Warren and Fabiola Cabeza de Baca situated themselves in the Precarious Desert, an imagined environment of constraints, contingencies, and struggles for survival. Then, in the 1960s and 1970s, the Alianza Federal de Mercedes revived the Pueblo Olvidado, an imagined environment saturated with laws, treaties, and cultural traditions. Despite many differences, both generations shared a desire to settle on and profit from Native lands. But though they never became environmentalists, they experimented with environmental writing and politics. By recovering these experiments, this article shows how media produce—rather than simply portray—lands and waters. Ultimately it tells the story of the borderlands as a series of struggles over what environments are, whom they can contain, and how they should be used.

Braga e Vaz da Costa, Maria Helena. "Deslocamento e pertencimento." Paranoá: cadernos de arquitetura e urbanismo, no. 24 (March 5, 2020): 22–30.

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Esse trabalho trata da representação fílmica de pertencimento do sujeito no espaço nas imagens construídas pelo cinema pernambucano contemporâneo com o objetivo de discutir sobre a noção de lugar de passagem e as implicações subjetivas relacionadas à identidade do sujeito em sua relação com determinado espaço urbano. O lugar de passagem aqui é o construído no filme/documentário pernambucano Rio Doce/CDU (2013), roteirizado e dirigido por Adelina Pontual. Parte-se da análise das imagens em movimento do e no espaço urbano de duas cidades pernambucanas: Olinda e Recife, consideradas no âmbito de uma representação através da qual os espaços filmado e projetado (no sentido cinemático e geográfico) está envolto em uma moldura cultural de percepção do espaço vivido e imaginado que possibilita novos entendimentos sobre identidade e pertencimento ao lugar. Consideramos o entrecruzamento das imagens urbanas no filme, por meio da análise crítica do discurso a partir de uma “espacialidade do lugar”, que evidentemente é construída culturalmente, e estabelecemos parâmetros de entendimento da relação posta entre as imagens em movimento do espaço urbano, a experiência humana de deslocamento no espaço, e a imaginação geográfica constituída a partir da representação da experiência espacial e da identidade do lugar.

Siregar, Rospita Adelina, Adolfina R. Amahorseja, Ance Adriani, and Jumaini Andriana. "PEMERIKSAAN KADAR GLUKOSA DARAH SEWAKTU, KADAR ASAM URAT DANKADAR CHOLESTEROL PADA MASYARAKAT DI DESA ERETAN WETAN KABUPATENINDRAMAYU PERIODE FEBRUARI 2020." JURNAL Comunità Servizio : Jurnal Terkait Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, terkhusus bidang Teknologi, Kewirausahaan dan Sosial Kemasyarakatan 2, no. 1 (June 2, 2020): 291–300.

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Pelaksanaan PkM FKUKI Jakarta berlokasi di kantor kelurahan Desa Eretan Kulon, pada hari Sabtu 22 Februari 2020, diawali dengan “Penyuluhan Pelayanan Kesehatan dan Perlindungan Hukum Kesehatan Reproduksi Perempuan” disampaikan oleh dr.Rospita Adelina Siregar,MH.Kes dengan audiens ibu-ibu/ perempuan berjumlah 150 orang , Feedback yang didapat antara lain masyarakat belum faham atas hak reproduksinya, masyarakat belum faham penerapan hak reproduksinya ,dalam menentukan cara ber-KB, menentukan jumlah anak ,penyebab kemungkinan karena pendidikan rendah, sebagian besar tidak tamat SD. Kegiatan dilanjutkan dengan pengobatan gratis bagi 938 orang , terdiri dari kelompok usia dewasa dan anak, kegiatan ini dilayani oleh tim kesehatan dari FKUKI yaitu:dr.Adolfina R.Amorhorseja,MS: dr.Ance Adriani,MS.Sp.OK.,Sp.GK dan dr.Jumaini Andriana,MPd.Ked. juga pemeriksaan darah bagi 492 orang pasien atas indikasi dilayani oleh tim kesehatan GKJ (PIC.drg.Sri Rahayu dan dr.Sri Udaneni), dengan rincaian : jumlah pasien yang dilakukan pemeriksaan Gula Darah sebanyak 207 orang, Asam Urat 159 orang, serta pemeriksaan kadar Cholesterol 105 orang , Kesimpulan : Kadar Glukosa Sewaktu < 145 mg/dl sejumlah 127 orang (61,4%), Kadar Asam Urat ( 5-7 mg/dl) = Normal, sejumlah 116 orang (73%), serta Kadar Cholesterol (< 200 mg/dl)= Normal, sebanyak 60 orang (57,1%). Kata kunci : penyuluhan, pengobatan, hak reproduksi, perempuan

Batallas Valarezo, Marlon, Marcia Preciado Alvarado, and Fredis Pesantez Franco. "Evaluación de cadmio y plomo en almendras de cacao por espectroscopia de absorción atómica." CIENCIA UNEMI 14, no. 37 (September 14, 2021): 49–59.

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El objetivo de la investigación es evaluar la concentración de cadmio y plomo en testa y cotiledón de almendras de cacao, para determinar en qué parte de la almendra existe mayor acumulación de estos metales, el método aplicado para la cuantificación de cadmio y plomo fue la espectroscopia de absorción atómica en horno de grafito, también se determinó parámetros físicos-químicos como humedad, pH y acidez; las muestras de cacao fueron recolectadas en 5 fincas productoras ubicadas en el sector La Adelina, cantón Balao. En los resultados obtenidos se determinó un porcentaje de humedad menor al 2% con respecto a las muestras de las 5 fincas; el pH es inversamente proporcional con la acidez, en la finca 1 la testa fue la que presentó un pH mayor de 3,34 con un porcentaje de acidez bajo de 2,4%. En lo que corresponde a la evaluación de metales pesados, se determinaron una ligera concentración de cadmio y plomo en la testa del cacao, los cuales se encuentran dentro de los límites permisibles por el Códex Alimentarius. Sin embargo se debe tener un control ya que a futuro dichos resultados podrían verse influenciados por la acumulación de estos metales

Taylor, Rowland H. "THE ADELIE PENGUIN PYGOSCELIS ADELIAE AT CAPE ROYDS." Ibis 104, no. 2 (June 28, 2008): 176–204.

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Žižka, Zdeněk. "Ultrastructure of the sporozoite and the sporocyst wall of the coccidian species Adelina triboliiBhatia, 1937 within the course of an autoinfection." Archiv für Protistenkunde 129, no. 1-4 (January 1985): 119–26.

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Cudina, Jean Nikola. "Sujeto pedagogía e investigación en los doctorados en educación en Colombia. Una aproximación diagnóstica." Revista Guillermo de Ockham 13, no. 1 (June 1, 2015): 143.

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En este libro, la doctora en filosofía y ciencias de la educación Claudia del Pilar Vélez, junto con las profesoras Adelina Peña y Reina Saldaña, llevan a cabo, una <em>aproximación diagnóstica</em> de las tendencias que se han venido caracterizando en las prácticas de formación doctoral en educación en Colombia en el transcurrir de los últimos diez años (2000-2010). Este estudio se centró en tres categorías de análisis que obligan a reflexionar, no solo, el proceso que viene atravesando las prácticas de formación doctoral en educación del país, sino también, la educación en los diferentes escenarios de formación del país. Estas categorías de análisis aluden a: <em>El sujeto de la educación contemporánea, formación avanzada </em>e <em> investigación instituida e instituyente. </em>El estudio contó con la revisión y el análisis documental en tres tipos de documentos que subyacen a materiales <em>teóricos</em>, <em>legales</em> e <em>institucionales</em>, que reflejan un panorama en función de las pertinencias, determinaciones y relevancias que emergen, surgen y moldean la educación de nuestros tiempos para comprender el desenvolvimiento de un sujeto de la educación contemporánea.

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