Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Adelina'

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Stößel, Adelina [Verfasser]. "Stress-induzierte Nierenfibrose : Komponenten des Endothels und der Epithelien / Adelina Stößel." Berlin : Medizinische Fakultät Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, 2011. http://d-nb.info/1029845417/34.

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Jancaus, Kathryn Beatrice. "Documenting Divas: Adelina Patti and Clara Louise Kellogg in the Chicago Tribune, 1860-1876." Bowling Green State University / OhioLINK, 2020. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=bgsu1598021939025324.

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Pytlik, Adelina [Verfasser], Dirk [Gutachter] Hoyer, Uwe [Gutachter] Schneider, and Silvia Martina [Gutachter] Lobmaier. "Übertragung eines an magnetokardiographischen Daten entwickelten fetalen Reifungsscores auf kardiotokografische Messungen / Adelina Pytlik ; Gutachter: Dirk Hoyer, Uwe Schneider, Silvia Martina Lobmaier." Jena : Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 2021. http://d-nb.info/1238142338/34.

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Ninnes, Calum Edward. "Behavioural Endocrinology of Breeding Adelie Penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae)." The University of Waikato, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/10289/2473.

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Measuring hormonal changes is vital for understanding how the social and physical environment influences behaviour, reproduction and survival. Various methods of hormone measurement exist, potentially explaining variation in results across studies; methods should be cross validated to ensure they correlate. I directly compare faecal and plasma hormone measurements (Chapter 2), and use the most suitable endocrine measure to test the Darling hypothesis (Chapter 3) - that breeding is hastened and synchronized in larger colonies due to increased social stimulation (mediated by the endocrine system). Blood and faecal samples were simultaneously collected from individual Adelie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) for comparison, and assayed for testosterone and corticosterone (or their metabolites). Sex differences and variability within each measure, and correlation of values across measures were compared. For both hormones, plasma samples showed greater variation than faecal samples. Males had higher corticosterone levels than females, but the difference was only significant in faecal samples. Plasma testosterone, but not faecal testosterone, was significantly higher in males than females. Correlation between sample types was poor overall, and weaker in females than in males; perhaps because measures from plasma represent hormones that are both free and bound to globulins, whereas measures from faeces represent only the free portion. Faecal samples also represent a cumulative measure of hormones over time, as opposed to a plasma 'snapshot' concentration. Faecal sampling appears more suitable for assessing baseline hormone levels. In the second study I examined, over two seasons, whether the timing of breeding varied with colony size; larger colonies present occupants with higher levels of social stimulation and are predicted to show earlier, more synchronous breeding. Baseline faecal hormone levels throughout the breeding season, and survival, were measured to investigate possible proximate and ultimate mechanisms for the results. The influence of environmental variability was examined, by relating the timing of breeding, survival, and endocrine changes to sea ice conditions. Colony size did not influence the timing or synchrony of breeding, survival, or hormone levels within years; perhaps because colonies in an Adelie rookery are not independent from the 'social environment' of adjacent colonies. Across years, synchrony in the smaller rookery was higher than in the larger rookery. The scale of these comparisons may exceed the applicability of the Darling hypothesis. Therefore, no support was found for the Darling hypothesis, at the colony or rookery level, in this species. Higher corticosterone metabolite and lower sex hormone levels in the first season correlated to later breeding and lower survival compared to the second season. This is likely due to the persistence of extensive sea ice conditions late into the first season. Researchers should take care in selecting the most appropriate method of hormone measurement for their question. Future studies testing the Darling hypothesis must carefully select their definition of a colony (i.e. a truly isolated social unit) and the scale at which the hypothesis is tested. Combining endocrine measurements with behavioural, survival, and environmental information allows for a more comprehensive interpretation of animal ecology.

Raffo, Carvajal Eduardo. "Pesquisa de la fauna parasitaria gastrointestinal en el pingüino Adelia (Pygoscelis adeliae) de una zona antártica especialmente protegida (ZAEP No.150)." Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2006. http://repositorio.uchile.cl/handle/2250/130967.

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Memoria para optar al Título Profesional de Medico Veterinario
El identificar eventuales agentes patógenos que podrían afectar a animales silvestres, a futuro podría ser una herramienta útil para preservar el patrimonio natural. En base a esto se analizaron 167 muestras de heces y 3 órganos digestivos completos provenientes de ejemplares de pingüino Adelia (Pygoscelis adeliae), provenientes de una zona Antártica especialmente protegida (ZAEP Nº150). Para el análisis de las heces (112 de polluelos y 55 de adultos) se utilizaron 4 metodologías parasitológicas -Flotación, Sedimentación, Observación Directa y Tinción de Ziehl Neelsen-, donde se obtuvieron diversos resultados, siendo los más relevantes: la obtención de ooquistes de Cryptosporidium spp. mediante la técnica de Ziehl Neelsen (lo que corresponde a una primera descripción en el continente Antártico), la obtención de huevos de Tetrabothrius spp. mediante las técnicas de sedimentación y flotación, y la obtención de ooquistes de Coccidias y huevos de Nematodos -ambos por la técnica de flotación- sin ser posible la determinación de la especie en ninguno de los dos casos. De los tres aparatos digestivos analizados, los resultados más interesantes de mencionar son: la obtención de un ejemplar de Tetrabothrius spp. completo (excepto por el escolex) de 81 cm. de largo y la obtención de una gran cantidad de ejemplares de nematodos identificados como Streptocara spp. recuperados de los 3 estómagos analizados.
Financiamiento: FIV (121002019102079)

Polách, Petr. "Stanovení hodnoty firmy Adelita, s. r. o." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2014. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-192599.

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The aim of this thesis is to determine market value of company Adelita, s.r.o. to January 1st 2015 for management of the company for potential sale of part of or whole company. Theoretical part will present methodologies for company valuation, practical part then financial and strategic analysis followed by creation of financial plan and valuation by method of discounted cash flow.

Moret, Ana Lucia. "Tradição e modernidade na obra de Adelia Prado." [s.n.], 1993. http://repositorio.unicamp.br/jspui/handle/REPOSIP/269889.

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Orientador: Iumna Maria Simon
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem
Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-18T12:12:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Moret_AnaLucia_M.pdf: 9628368 bytes, checksum: 55eb8fe63c8a0ef11ffd3f7e39bb6b70 (MD5) Previous issue date: 1993
Não tem resumo na obra impressa. Base IEL resumo: Esta tese analisa o que a obra de Adélia Prado resgata na tradição e também verifica qual a sua relação com a modernidade. Partindo de um levantamento sobre o que a crítica literária e jornalística tem afirmado sobre a autora, procura-se situar a produção adeliana no interior da história literária, rastreando suas semelhanças e diferenças em relação a determinadas tradições. Constata-se, assim, uma combinação de elementos arcaicos com elementos modernos a partir de uma análise dos textos adelianos à luz da tradição cristã- mais especificamente o misticismo de San Juan de La Cruz e Santa Teresa D'Ávila, e o franciscanismo -,passando pela tradição de alguns mitos primitivos e chegando até a modernidade, onde é feita uma comparação com Manuel Bandeira.
Abstract: Not informed.
Teoria Literaria
Mestre em Letras

Manfrini, Daniele Beatriz. "'Somos todxs Adelir'." reponame:Repositório Institucional da UFSC, 2017. https://repositorio.ufsc.br/xmlui/handle/123456789/178591.

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Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação Interdisciplinar em Ciências Humanas, Florianópolis, 2017.
Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-22T04:25:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 347988.pdf: 2615574 bytes, checksum: dcea8ca50ce97a2cc498ccb6843d001e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017
Esta tese apresenta a trajetória de mulheres participantes do Ato Nacional ?Somos Todxs Adelir?, contra a violência obstétrica, ocorrido em 2014, em Florianópolis, através da narrativa das mesmas sobre suas experiências. A inserção delas nesta ação política tem duas causas principais: por um lado, vítimas de violência obstétrica e, por outro lado, experiências satisfatórias de partos. O Ato é parte do contexto contemporâneo de reconhecimento da violência obstétrica, impulsionadora da organização coletiva de mulheres, com reivindicações perante as instituições de saúde, órgãos governamentais, Poder Legislativo e Ministério Público. Outros fatores da emergência contemporânea são a utilização do termo violência obstétrica em legislações de países latinos e de projetos de lei brasileiros, a visibilidade na mídia tradicional, do cyberativismo e a blogsfera brasileira (LUZ, 2014), em produções artísticas e normativas. A exposição argumentativa da pesquisa tem por escopo o reconhecimento da violência obstétrica como uma violência de gênero e a valorização da narrativa das mulheres sobre suas experiências e suas trajetórias de inserção na discussão e participação política no combate da violência obstétrica. Destarte o reconhecimento dos avanços biomédicos e tecnológicos que propiciam salvar vidas por meio interventivo e cirúrgico, há um controle do corpo feminino pela medicalização e a observação de processos fisiológicos, pelo ponto de vista patológico (MARTINS, 2004; DUDEN, 2007; SENA, 2016). Apresento, no capítulo 1, a base metodológica das epistemologias feministas, pesquisa qualitativa feminista e a proposição de uma visão interdisciplinar e que acolha as subjetividades e interseccionalidades de gênero, raça/etnia e cultura; articulando as categorias da pesquisa encarnada, ?partir de si? e experiência. O Capítulo 2 é o marco teórico para compreensão da apropriação do corpo das mulheres pelas ciências, tendo como consequências a institucionalização e os processos de medicalização e industrialização dos partos e a humanização dos nascimentos como movimento na contracorrente. No Capítulo 3, uma breve contextualização dos direitos reprodutivos, a emergência contemporânea do tema da violência obstétrica e o contexto dos nascimentos no Brasil contemporâneo. No capítulo 4 situo as mulheres entrevistadas com foco nas narrativas e trajetórias de vida referente aos aspectos de maternidade. Articulando aos aspectos teóricos, apresento as falas das mulheres, no decorrer de todo o capítulo, em sessões específicas como as experiências intergeracionais relacionadas à maternidade, as experiências de partos e as violências obstétricas sofridas. Os aspectos transversais nas trajetórias são as questões profissionais e de amizade, a identificação com os feminismos e trajetórias de empoderamento. No capítulo 5 apresento a história do Ato narrada pelas participantes, o processo de conscientização política, os desdobramentos e as expectativas na relação com o Ministério Público. Por fim, a problematização sobre o movimento em torno da humanização dos nascimentos, o mercado das cesarianas e do parto humanizado, sendo reconhecida pelas interlocutoras, a necessidade do alcance das conquistas à outras mulheres.

Abstract : This thesis presents the trajectories of women who participated in the national Somos Todxs Adelir march against obstetric violence, in 2014, in Florianópolis, through the narrative of these women about their experiences. Their insertion in this political act has two main causes: some were victims of obstetric violence while others had satisfactory childbirth experiences. The March is part of a contemporary context of acknowledgement of the obstetric violence, which pushes forward the collective organization of women to present claims to the health institutions, government agencies, the Legislative branch and the Public Ministry. Other factors for the contemporary rise of this subject include the use of the term ?obstetric violence? in legislation from Latin American countries and also in Brazilian proposed laws, the larger visibility of the subject in the mainstream media, the cyberactivism and the Brazilian blogosphere (LUZ, 2014), and the subject's appearance in artistic and normative productions. The arguments presented in this research aim at recognizing obstetric violence as a gender-based violence and to appreciate the women's narrative on their experiences and their engagement trajectories in discussion and political activism against obstetric violence. Despite the biomedical and technological advances that save lives by intervention and surgical procedures, there is a control of the feminine body by medicalization and observation of physiological processes under a pathologic point of view (MARTINS, 2004; DUDEN, 2007; SENA, 2016). I present in chapter 1 the methodological basis of feminist epistemologies, the feminist qualitative research and the proposition of a new interdisciplinary vision that embraces subjectivities and intersectionalities of gender, race, ethnicity, and culture, integrating cathegories of incarnate research, 'start from oneself' and experience. Chapter 2 is the theoretical basis for the understanding of women bodies appropriation by the sciences, which results in the institutionalisation and the medicalization and industrialization processes of delivery and childbirth, and the humanization of delivery as a counter-current movement. In Chapter 3 a brief context of reproductive rights is presented, the contemporary rise of the subject of obstetric violence and the context of childbirth in today's Brazil. In Chapter 4 I situate the interviewed women in light of their narratives and life trajectories referring to aspects of maternity. Integrating them to theoretical aspects, I present the women's say along the entire chapter, in specific sections such as the inter-generation experiences related to maternity, the delivery experiences and the suffered obstetric violence. The transversal aspects in their trajectories are the professional and friendship issues, the identification with the feminisms and empowerment trajectories. In Chapter 5 I present the history of the March as told by its participants, the process of raising political awareness, the developments and the expectations in the relationship with the Public Ministry. Finally, the problematization about the movement on childbirth humanization, the market of cesarean operations and the humanized delivery, and the need, recognized by the interviewed women, of extending the movement's achievements to other women.

Stroparo, Sandra Mara. "O espelho de Venus, poesia e experiencia em Adelia Prado." reponame:Repositório Institucional da UFPR, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/1884/24497.

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Rucker, Joseane de Mello. "Estratégias discursivas em Adelino Magalhães : princípio de interiorização e rupturas formais." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10183/39434.

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Cette recherche vise à analyser les stratégies d'accès à la vie intérieure du personnage employées dans les récits par Adelino Magalhães. Pour ce but, cette étude montre comment les artistes de la fin du XIXe siècle - début du XXe ont relevé le défi de représenter la démarche de la psyché en formation dans la littérature. Parmi les auteurs qui ont influencé le travail sont: Christine Buci-Gluksmann, Émile Benveniste, Dorrit Cohn, Robert Humphrey, Belinda Cannone, Henri Bergson et Sergei Eisenstein. Afin de transformer le thème en forme, Adelino Magalhães plonge dans le désordre du langage et, entre des lacunes, pousse le lecteur à essayer l'intimité de ses personnages.
Esta pesquisa visa analisar as estratégias de acesso à vida interior da personagem empregadas nas narrativas por Adelino Magalhães. Para isso, esse estudo demonstra como os artistas da virada do século XIX – XX enfrentaram o desafio de representar o andamento da psique em formação na literatura. Entre os autores que auxiliaram a investigação estão: Christine Buci-Gluksmann, Émile Benveniste, Dorrit Cohn, Robert Humphrey, Belinda Cannone, Henri Bergson e Sergei Eisenstein. A fim de transformar o tema em forma, Adelino Magalhães mergulha na desordem da linguagem e, entre lacunas, provoca o leitor a vivenciar a intimidade de suas personagens.
The purpose of this research is to analyze the strategies to access the inner life of the character employed in the narratives by Adelino Magalhães. For this aim, this study demonstrates how artists from the turn of the XIX century to XX faced the challenge of representing the progress of the psyche in formation in Literature. Among the authors who influenced the investigation, are Christine Buci-Gluksmann, Émile Benveniste, Dorrit Cohn, Robert Humphrey, Belinda Cannone, Henri Bergson and Sergei Eisenstein. In order to transform the subject into shape, Adelino Magalhães dives into the language disorder, and, among gaps, provokes the reader to experience the intimacy of his characters.
El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar las estrategias de acceso a la vida interior del personaje empleadas en las narrativas por Adelino Magalhães. Para este fin, el estudio muestra como los artistas de finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX enfrentaron el desafío de representar el progreso de la psique en formación en la literatura. Entre los autores que influenciaron la investigación, están: Christine Buci-Gluksmann, Émile Benveniste, Dorrit Cohn, Robert Humphrey, Cannone Belinda, Henri Bergson y Sergei Eisenstein. Con el fin de transformar el tema en forma, Adelino Magalhães se sumerge en el desorden del lenguaje y, entre las lagunas, provoca el lector a experimentar la intimidad de sus personajes.

Putton, Maria Esther. "O espaço urbano em alguns contos de Adelino Magalhães (1887-1969)." Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Centro de Letras e Ciências Humanas. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras, 2006. http://www.bibliotecadigital.uel.br/document/?code=vtls000118392.

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Este trabalho consiste em analisar a representação do espaço urbano na contística de Adelino Magalhães. A reestruturação física e social colocada em prática no Rio de Janeiro no final do século XIX resultou no crescimento desordenado e repentino da cidade e na alteração das antigas relações estabelecidas entre a população e o espaço urbano. Por meio de uma linguagem essencialmente plástica, sensorial e metafórica, o autor reproduz o comportamento dos moradores da cidade, forçados a se adaptarem a novas regras de trabalho e ficando à mercê de um novo padrão de conduta pessoal, amparado em modelos transpostos de países europeus, que objetivavam a rápida e definitiva cosmopolitização da sociedade carioca.Trata-se de um estilo composicional que não privilegia o registro objetivo ou racional do espaço. A liberdade em reelaborar a linguagem permite que as imagens que reconstroem a realidade urbana revelem, especialmente, as impressões e sensações experimentadas pelo contato com o ambiente social. O estudo das representações espaciais em Magalhães concentra-se, sobretudo, na análise dos contos "Gari", "Darcilinha" "O suicídio da Engole-homem", "Lembranças à Matilda" e "Um prego! Mais outro prego!...". Tarefa que conta previamente com a abordagem teórica das formas de recriação do espaço observadas na literatura e pesquisas que mostram como, por meio das relações citadinas, o espaço urbano moderno foi se configurando através dos séculos. Para melhor compreendermos o estilo de representação do autor, reportar-nos-emos a obras literárias ambientadas no Rio de Janeiro desde o século XIX até o início do século XX, período em que Magalhães publica suas primeiras coletâneas de contos. Além disso, o trabalho contempla o estudo de conteúdos histórico-sociais que oferecem retratos do Rio de Janeiro durante a Belle Époque com a finalidade de entender os desajustes e conflitos por que se pautavam as relações entre o espaço e os moradores. Para a compreensão do posicionamento atual de Adelino Magalhães na literatura brasileira, apresentaremos a opinião da crítica sobre o período que precedeu o movimento modernista, bem como a caracterização dos recursos estéticos de reconstrução da realidade empregados pelo autor.
This work aims to analyze the representation of the urban environment in the short stories written by Adelino Magalhães. The environmental and social restructuring developed in Rio de Janeiro by the end of the 19th century resulted into a sudden and disorderly growth of the city and into the alteration of the old relations established between the population and the urban environment. By using an essentially plastic, sensual and metaphorical language, the author reproduces the city-dwellers behavior, forced to adapt themselves to new working rules and stay at the mercy of a new standard of personal conduct, sustained by models transposed from European countries, which aimed to a quick and definite cosmopolitization of the carioca society. It concerns a composition style which does not concede privilege to the objective or rational record of the environment. The freedom in re-elaborating the language permits that images, which reconstruct the urban reality, reveal, above all, impressions and sensations experienced by the contact with the social environment. The study of the environmental representations in Magalhães is chiefly concentrated in the analyses of the short-stories "Gari", "Darcilinha", "O suicídio da Engole-homem", "Lembranças à Matilda" and "Um prego! Mais outro prego!...". Task which counts with a previous theoretical approach of forms of recreation of the space observed in literature and researches which show, through the city-dwellers relations, how the modern urban environment has taken shape over the centuries. In order to better understand the author's style of representation, this study turns to the works set in Rio de Janeiro, between the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, period in which Magalhães publishes his first anthologies of short-stories. Besides the study on the forms of environmental representation, it also considers the historical and social contents which offer a portrait of the city during the Belle Époque, a task that contributes to the understanding of the disadjustments and conflicts by which were ruled the relations between the environment and its dwellers. In order to understand the present position of Adelino Magalhães in Brazilian literature, this study also presents the critique about the period precedent to the Modernist movement, as well as the characterization of the aesthetics resources of reality reconstruction employed by the author.

Silva, Stela de Castro Bichuette da. "Uma história feita de cadernos : o arquivo literário de Adelino Magalhães." Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Centro de Letras e Ciências Humanas. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras, 2012. http://www.bibliotecadigital.uel.br/document/?code=vtls000178071.

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O objetivo deste trabalho é trazer ao conhecimento da comunidade acadêmica o arquivo inédito do escritor Adelino Magalhães (1887-1969) de posse de sua família desde sua morte. Para essa primeira apresentação, tomou-se a decisão de pesquisar no arquivo dois importantes projetos de Adelino Magalhães, a saber, as “Vesperais Literárias” e o Centro de Cultura Brasileira (C.C.B.), projetos inéditos haja vista não haver nenhum estudo sistematizado sobre esses eles. Tanto as “Vesperais Literárias” e o C.C.B., ambos tiveram longa duração entre 1921-1927. A pesquisa abrange as “Vesperais Literárias”, acontecidas em 1921, e o C.C.B. Optou-se pelas “Vesperais Literárias”, de 1921, por serem as primeiras e, por elas serem a mola impulsora para a criação do C.C.B. Sobre o C.C.B., decidiu-se pesquisar o seu ideário nacionalista confeccionado sob o nome de “Programa Geral do Centro” e as sessões dessa agremiação durante o ano de 1923. A escolha pelas sessões do primeiro ano do C.C.B. deu-se pelo fato delas serem em maior número, ao todo trinta e duas sessões e, ainda, porque seria mais prudente seguir certa linearidade cronológica na pesquisa. O trabalho encontra sua justificativa na necessidade de dar voz ao arquivo de Adelino Magalhães e, ainda, de que novas vertentes de pesquisa sobre a figura ainda pouco conhecida do autor comecem a florescer bem como a urgência do tratamento técnico e material pelos diversos saberes especializados para que parte da nossa história literária e cultural não se perca.
The aim of this work is to bring to light in the academic community the unpublished archives by writer Adelino Magalhães (1887-1969) which has been under his family’s possession since his death. For this first presentation, two of Adelino Magalhães’ important projects were researched, namely “Vesperais Literárias” and the Center of Brazilian Culture (C.B.C.), studies that are also unpublished with no systematized study about them. Both “Vesperais Literárias” and the C.B.C. lasted from 1921 to 1927. Intending to establish what was going to be researched in the archives, the choice was for “Vesperais Literárias”, from 1921, because they were the first project and soon became the springboard for the creation of the C.B.C. As for the C.B.C., the research focused on its nationalist system of ideas named “Center General Program” and on the sessions of this group during the year of 1923. The option for the first year of the C.B.C. was because, during this period, there was the highest number of sessions, thirty two overall, and because, as the material is unpublished, it should follow a certain chronological line for Adelino Magalhães to start focusing on literary studies. This work is justified by the need to voice Adelino Magalhães’ archives, thus allowing new perspectives of the research about this still little known author and exposing the urgent need for technical and material treatment by several specialized areas so that our cultural and literary history is not lost.

Ahlén, Olof. "Adelic Eisenstein series on SLn." Doctoral thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.18452/19243.

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Diese Dissertation behandelt automorphe Formen und ihre Fourierentwicklung im Rahmen der Typ IIB Stringtheorie. Besonderes Augenmerk wird auf den zehndimensionalen Fall gelegt sowie auf die torisch kompaktifizierte Theorie in sieben Raumzeitdimensionen mit jeweiligen Cremmer-Julia Symmetrien SL_2 und SL_5. Die Analyse erfolgt vorrangig über dem Adelenring mit dem Hauptergebnis einer Herleitung allgemeiner Ausdrücke für die Fourierentwicklung von Eisensteinreihen in der minimalen und nächstgrößeren (next-to-minimal) automorphen Darstellung beliebiger SL_n.
In this thesis, we study automorphic forms and their Fourier expansions in the context of type IIB string theory and its toroidal compactifications with an emphasis on the cases D = 10 and D = 7 where the Cremmer-Julia symmetry groups are SL_2 and SL_5 respectively. We work predominantly over the adeles and present general formulae for the Fourier expansions of Eisenstein series in the minimal- and next-to-minimal automorphic representations of SL_n.

Adelino, Manuel (Manuel Duarte Neves). "Essays on securitization and the resolution of financial distress by Manuel Adelino." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/59785.

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Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management, 2010.
Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.
Includes bibliographical references.
This thesis consists of three empirical essays on securitization and the resolution of financial distress, examining the information content of prices of mortgage-backed securities, the role of securitization in preventing mortgage renegotiation and the effect of minimum bids in ascending price auctions of repossessed assets. In the first chapter, I present evidence that the prices at origination of residential mortgage backed securities contain information on the quality of the underlying asset pools above what is reflected in the ratings. Yield spreads at issuance predict both future downgrades and defaults even after the information contained in ratings is taken into account. This holds for all rating classes except triple-A. Yield spreads of the highest rated securities have no predictive power for future performance. This suggests that investors in triple-A were less informed about the quality of the securitized assets than investors in riskier, more information sensitive securities. In the second chapter (co-authored with Kris Gerardi and Paul Willen), we show that securitization does not explain the reluctance among lenders to renegotiate home mortgages. We focus on seriously delinquent borrowers from 2005 through the third quarter of 2008 and show that servicers renegotiate similarly small fractions of securitized and portfolio loans. The results are robust to several different definitions of renegotiation and hold in subsamples where unobserved heterogeneity is likely to be small. We argue that information issues endemic to home mortgages where lenders negotiate with large numbers of borrowers lead to barriers to renegotiation fundamentally different from those present with other types of debt. In the third chapter (co-authored with Antoinette Schoar), we study the effect of changing the reservation prices in online English auctions of repossessed motorcycles. The main intervention involves lowering the minimum bid initially set by the auctioneer by up to 10 percent in randomly selected vehicles. We find that lowering the minimum bids increases the probability of sale and reduces the final price conditional on a motorcycle being sold. This is in line with the predictions of standard auction theory and is evidence against auction fever being induced by lower initial minimum bids. The fact that bidders are regular participants in auctions and experienced buyers of the items for sale may help explain why they weren't subject to auction fever. Also, in our setting the number of bidders increased only slightly for discounted items, which is the opposite of what is necessary to induce an auction fever effect. For a subset of motorcycles that were bundled together for the auctions we a find lower probability of sale and lower prices conditional on sale.

Ahagon, Vitor Augusto. "A trajetória militante de Adelino de Pinho: passos anarquistas na educação e no sindicalismo." Universidade de São Paulo, 2015. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/8/8138/tde-15122015-134337/.

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Procurando investigar a trajetória militante do anarquista Adelino de Pinho, utilizamos como fio condutor suas experiências e reflexões acerca da educação e do sindicalismo no Brasil. A pesquisa percorre as três primeiras décadas do século XX até o ano de 1937, quando os movimentos revolucionários foram desmantelados pelo Estado Novo. Foram abordadas as relações dos anarquistas com a educação e a formação das tendências clássicas do anarquismo. Buscamos verificar como o anarquismo fincou raízes no movimento operário brasileiro e como, nos congressos da Confederação Operária Brasileira, a educação foi vinculada à luta sindical. Por fim, diminuindo a escala de investigação, nos voltamos para Adelino de Pinho, perscrutando suas posturas sobre a educação, a Revolução Russa e o sindicalismo revolucionário.
This project investigates the trajectory of anarchist militant Adelino de Pinho through his experiences and reflections on education and labor unions in Brazil. The research covers the first three decades of the twentieth century up until 1937, when the Estado Novo - an authoritarian government that overtook the democratic state for the eight following years - suppressed revolutionary and social movements. The influence of Brazilian anarchism on education and the formation of classical anarchist thought are part of this debate. Yet, the main focus is to demonstrate how anarchism influenced the Brazilian labor movement and how education was central to the agenda of the congresses promoted by the Brazilian Labor Confederation. Finally, the research hones into Adelino de Pinho and his views on education, the Russian Revolution and Syndicalism.

Rucker, Joseane de Mello. "A revista Festa e a modernidade universalista na arte estido de caso : Adelino Magalhães." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/10183/7455.

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Nesta dissertação visamos discutir as concepções acerca de Modernismo e nacionalidade a partir do ideário estético elaborado pelos intelectuais da revista Festa: mensário de Pensamento e de arte, no decorrer da sua primeira fase, ou seja, 1927 – 1929, contemporânea aos grupos modernistas paulistas, demonstrando uma visão sobre arte divergente daquelas expostas por outros grupos. Para isso, é apresentado um breve panorama sobre as origens do nacionalismo literário na Europa e no Brasil; as confluências e divergências entre Festa e outros periódicos e a inquietação do grupo diante das inovações culturais do início do século XX. A fim de compreender as percepções dos intelectuais do Mensário sobre arte, centramo-nos na pesquisa dos artigos de seus principais colaboradores: Andrade Muricy, Tasso da Silveira, Henrique Abílio e Barretto Filho. Após a análise desse ideário, investigamos a relação entre o aparato estético idealizado pelos autores e a concretização do mesmo no âmbito da literatura. Assim, utilizamos os contos de Adelino Magalhães, um dos principais realizadores do alvitre estético do Mensário, sobretudo aqueles pertencentes às obras publicadas na década de 20, para verificar em que medida a criação literária do autor realiza os pressupostos teóricos do grupo. Em forma de anexos, acrescentamos uma antologia de artigos de Festa e de contos de Adelino Magalhães que consideramos essenciais para a apreensão das aspirações do Periódico.

Dubois-Lacoste, Marielle. "Adelaida García Morales : les voies, voix de l'esseulement." Pau, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002PAUU1012.

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La thèse embrasse sept des œuvres les plus marquantes (1986-2001) de la romancière espagnole Adelaida García Morales. Ses romans proposent un itinéraire fictionnel qui correspond aux principales étapes de l'existence : l'enfance, (Partie I : " EL Sur, Bene, La tía Águeda "), le temps des amours, (Partie II : " El silencio de las sirenas, Una historia perversa "), puis l'âge mûr, (Partie III : " La señorita Medina, Mujeres solas "). Tout au long de cet axe se dessine une même problématique, principe unifiant de l'œuvre, celle de l' " esseulement ", d'un repli sur soi posé comme l'un des traits fondamentaux de l'existence humaine. Un travail tout particulier a été mené sur les espaces qui répondent à une volonté de symbolisation très forte. Tout concourt à proposer les ouvertures suivantes : cet esseulement, ce repli à soi, naissent-ils d'une conscience très vive chez la romancière, de la séparation, d'une séparation qui trouve ses fondements dans les expériences de l'enfance et qu'entérinent les rencontres avec l'autre ? L'esseulement caractérise-t-il la condition de la femme accédant à un nouveau statut dans la société espagnole actuelle ? L'esseulement trouverait-il un exutoire dans l'écriture ou dans la croyance en des aux-delà libérateurs ? Autant de questions laissées en suspens. Le doute prédomine au fil de récits qui s'ouvrent au fantastique, à un fantastique lié au clivage du sujet et qui oscille entre deux attitudes psychiques contradictoires, l'une axée sur la réalité, l'autre tournée vers une forme de délire conforme au désir, laissant le lecteur dans le doute et éveillant chez lui deux attitudes de lecture
The thesis includes seven of the most outstanding works (1986-2001) of the novelist, Adelaida García Morales who is looked on as figurehead of Spanish literature now. Her novels propose a fiction route easily located which correspond to the main steps of existence: childhood, (part-I: "El Sur, Bene, la tía Agueda"), time for love, (part-II: "El silencio de las sirenas, Una historia perversa"), then adulthood, (part-III: "la señorita Medina, Mujeres solas"). All along this main line, the same problem stands out, that of loneliness, withdrawal, presented as one of the fundamental features of human existence. The various spaces of novels, which correspond to a will for strong symbolization, were the subject of more particular studies. Such analysis enabled to propose the following openings: do loneliness, withdrawal spring from the novelist's very vivid awareness of separation, a separation based on the experiences of childhood, and ratified by the meeting with the other one? Does loneliness characterize the condition of the woman rising to a new status in our society? Might loneliness find an outlet in writing or in the believe of the liberating beyond? So many questions that the texts leaves in abeyance, even if it attaches first class importance to the fantastic and magic dimension. This fantastic effect multiplied by the stories in linked to the split of the topic: the texts use it in so far as that are constantly divided into two contradictory psychological attitudes, one based on reality, the other one on a form of delirium in accordance with desire, leaving the reader doubtful and arousing two attitudes in him

Vasquez, Adeline [Verfasser]. "Aider les Acadiens ? : Bienfaisance et déportation 1755-1776. Préface de Martin Pâquet / Adeline Vasquez." Brussels : P.I.E-Peter Lang S.A., Éditions Scientifiques Internationales, 2018. http://d-nb.info/1173650296/34.

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Bichuette, Stela de Castro. "Visões do instável : um passeio pelos recortes de Casos e impressões, de Adelino Magalhães." Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Centro de Letras e Ciências Humanas. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras, 2006. http://www.bibliotecadigital.uel.br/document/?code=vtls000114849.

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A obra Casos e Impressões (1916), de Adelino Magalhães (1887-1969), é o livro de estréia desse escritor fluminense. O trabalho visa estabelecer uma relação entre a função do recorte, noção cara ao gênero conto por partir da idéia de limite e condensação, com as divisões que compõem o livro. Para tal, o estudo priorizará uma discussão a respeito do ato de selecionar um recorte através da análise das cenas nucleares dos contos. Tendo em vista que o recorte nessa obra é ora transportado da realidade objetiva para a narração intimista e muitas vezes memorialista e ora mantém como ponto de partida os problemas sociais do Rio de Janeiro do começo do século passado. Assim, essas duas características presentes em Casos e Impressões fornecem dupla análise para a construção dos contos. A primeira, seria a vinculação de elementos mais subjetivos nas histórias, afastando-as das regras tradicionais do conto; a segunda, uma produção mais de acordo com os modelos tradicionais. Em ambos os casos, no entanto, Magalhães elege como recorte um episódio sintético e bem delimitado. Nessa direção, ao escolher trabalhar com a noção de recorte nos contos de Casos e Impressões, teve-se a intenção de verificar esse encontro entre o tradicional e o inovador dentro da primeira produção do escritor.
The work Casos e Impressões (1916), by Adelino Magalhães (1887-1969), is the first book by this fluminense writer. The work seeks to establish a relationship between fragmentation, notion given to the short story genre since it carries with it the idea of limit and condensation, with the sections that compose the book. To do so, this study will prioritize a discussion about the act of selecting a fragment through the analysis of the short story’s central scenes, keeping in mind that the fragment in this book is sometimes transported from objective reality to intimate, and often times based on memoirs, narrative and uses Rio de Janeiro’s social problems from the beginning of last century as a starting point. These two characteristics present in Casos e Impressões supply a double analysis for the construction of the short stories. The first would be the entailment of the story’s most subjective elements, distancing them from traditional short stories rules; the second, a production in harmony with traditional models. In both cases, however, Magalhães chooses a synthetic and well delimited episode as a fragment. In this direction, by choosing to work with the notion of fragmentation in the short stories of Casos e Impressões, the intention was to verify the encounter between the traditional and the innovative within the writer’s first production.

Áli, Fátima Rodrigues. "Um país de memória e sentimento : alguns temas na poesia de Adélia Prado." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10183/56504.

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Este trabalho propõe-se a fazer uma leitura da obra formalmente poética da autora mineira Adélia Prado, no intuito de, a partir da distinção de seus temas recorrentes em seus cinco primeiros livros de poesia, e do sujeito lírico que lhe dá voz, analisar como se edifica o projeto de construção do texto poético desta autora. Um aspecto que percorre todos os temas desta obra é o cotidiano, seja o atual, seja o do passado, revisitado. A revelação da intimidade – da casa, do corpo, dos seres, das coisas – num primeiro momento, tem um caráter rebaixador do que está sendo apresentado, para – logo em seguida – ser elevada a um patamar de transcendência, de sacralização, ou de religação com o sublime. O projeto de concepção lírica criado por Adélia Prado é justamente, a partir do diálogo entre o religioso e o poético, revelar o banal, mas pela lente da poesia, ou, em outras palavras, explorando a gama de significados possíveis em cada palavra ou verso, num interessante jogo metafórico e metalinguístico. Também concluiu-se que tal projeto passa pela discussão acerca da poesia no Brasil, visto que esta obra dialoga com autores e textos da literatura nacional, como os de Carlos Drummond de Andrade e João Cabral de Melo Neto. Outros textos com os quais esta poesia interage, indiscutivelmente, são o bíblico e, ainda, os da liturgia cristã, visto que a religiosidade não só é tema, mas, às vezes, empresta sua forma aos poemas. Sob o ponto de vista teórico para este estudo, buscaram-se referências nos críticos tradicionais da lírica, como Benedetto Crocce, Erich Auerbach, Hugo Friedrich, Theodor Adorno, Walter Benjamin e Alfredo Bosi. Sobre o tema “Sagrado e poesia”, buscou-se a obra de Octávio Paz que trata disso; e o tema “Escrita de si” foi analisado sob a leitura do texto de Michel Foucault. A fortuna crítica da autora em pauta ainda está muito circunscrita às teses
This paper proposes to take a reading of the Adelia Prado’s poetry, in order, from the distinction of its main themes and its voice, analyze how to build the lyric text construction project of this author. The aspect that traverses all the themes of this work is the everyday, is the current one, that of the past revisited. The revelation of intimacy – the house, body, of beings, of things – in a first moment, has a character countersink drill than is being presented, to – then – be elevated to a level of transcendence, of sacralization. The poetic project created by Adelia Prado is, precisely, from the dialogue between the religious and the poetic, reveal the banal, but through the lens of poetry, or, in other words, exploring the range of possible meanings in each word or verse. Also it was concluded that this project goes by the discussion about the poetry in Brazil, since this work dialogues with authors and texts of national literature. Under the theoretical point of view, sought-if references in traditional critics, such as Benedetto Crocce, Erich Auerbach, Hugo Friedrich, Theodor Adorno, Walter Benjamin and Alfredo Bosi. On the topic of "sacred and poetry", sought the work of Octavio Paz that comes to that; and the theme "writing itself" was analyzed under the text reading of Michel Foucault. The author's critical at stake is still very circumscribed to academic theses, but were of great use analyses of Felipe Fortuna, Manuel Bandeira, Angelica Soares and Luíza Lobo.

Rush, Cassidi. "Unknown and Cryptic Diversity in the Adelpha serpa-group." Scholarly Commons, 2018. https://scholarlycommons.pacific.edu/uop_etds/3138.

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The tropics are host to incredible insect diversity. One of the most charismatic groups that exhibit this diversity are the butterflies. Despite the tropical butterfly fauna being heavily researched, there remains much hidden diversity in the form of undescribed life histories and cryptic species. This is especially true among the species rich Nymphalidae, the brush-footed butterflies. Species in the genus Adelpha are known to be “the most trying taxonomically of all nymphalids” DeVries (1987), and as such are fruitful ground for uncovering unknown diversity. About half of the species within Adelpha have undescribed life histories, while A. serpa stands out within the genus in having remarkably wide host breadth, and thus potentially harbors cryptic diversity. Here we describe the life histories of two species of Adelpha from Costa Rica, and use an integrative approach to clarify species level boundaries within the Adelpha serpa-group. We conclude that A. serpa does not show significant evidence of harboring cryptic species, and appears to be a geographically widespread species and a hostplant generalist. Three additional species within the serpa-group show strong evidence of harboring cryptic species, and further research should be done to clarify these species relationships.

Soares, Claudia Campos. "O afa e a insolvencia : a marca do dilaceramento na poetica de Adelia Prado." reponame:Repositório Institucional da UFSC, 1992. http://repositorio.ufsc.br/xmlui/handle/123456789/76818.

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Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Comunicação e Expressão
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O trabalho buscou perseguir a problemática do dilaceramento na poética de Adélia Prado, a partir dos espacos textuais nos quais a autora se inscreve. Para isto, enfocou: a recuperação que os textos de Adélia operam sobre valores considerados anacrônicos até a problematização que efetua a literatura contemporânea; a referência utilizada como matéria de elaboração poética e aspectos de sua organização discursiva em termos formais. Na discussão destas questões procurou-se, paralelamente, problematizar a situação desta poética no contexto da produção literária contemporânea.

Garcia, Gilberto. "Beyond the Adelita Image: Women Scholars in the National Association for Chicano Studies, 1972-1992." Mexican American Studies & Research Center, The University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 1995. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/624818.

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Bieker, Adeline Verfasser], Filipp [Akademischer Betreuer] Oesterhelt, and Dieter [Akademischer Betreuer] [Willbold. "Neue Ansätze zur Analyse von Kraftspektroskopiedaten und Aufdeckung von Energielandschaften / Adeline Bieker. Gutachter: Filipp Oesterhelt ; Dieter Willbold." Düsseldorf : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, 2015. http://d-nb.info/1065803435/34.

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Rioland, Stéphane. "Les utopies urbaines de Jules Adeline (1845-1909) ou l'uchronie comme outil de "réhabilitation" de la ville." Thesis, Normandie, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017NORMR150.

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À l’instant précis où l’Occident bascule du XIXe siècle au XXe siècle, Jules Adeline, architecte-illustrateur rouennais expérimente une nouvelle histoire de la ville de Rouen au travers de vingt perspectives aériennes de sa ville. Ces images à la fois maîtrisées et sensibles projettent Rouen dans un présent imaginé : Rouen tel qu’il aurait pu être. Pour aboutir à ses fins, il utilise une sorte de projection temporelle, l’uchronie (le « hors temps », du grec chronos : temps, précédé de la négation « ou »), et devient l’un des pionniers d’un genre nouveau, juxtaposant de possibles présents pour la cité de Rouen à la réalité. L’uchronie est alors en Europe une forme naissante de science-fiction mêlant l’histoire et l’utopie, dont le père est Charles Renouvier, philosophe et promoteur, sinon du genre, du moins de l’appellation. Bien loin des propositions d'Albert Robida, ou de Jules Verne, il analyse et suggère, sous une forme ludique, des aménagements alternatifs qui transforment des sites précis de sa ville dont il ne doit guère apprécier la réalité concrète. Il pressent la nécessaire conservation du patrimoine à des fins utiles de composition de l’espace urbain, mais avant tout comme support à l’indispensable développement de la ville. Il définit alors un pittoresque urbain dont l’objectif premier n’est pas de sauvegarder la moindre pierre, mais de préserver le parcours, la découverte et la surprise dans la pratique de la ville.Un siècle après le décès d’Adeline, il était important et urgent d’étudier les collections toujours accessibles, soit dans le domaine public soit en mains privées. Enfin, il paraissait nécessaire d’étudier comment Adeline est arrivé progressivement à la rédaction de son propre catalogue commenté : Le Logis et l’Oeuvre, sans lequel il serait vain d’essayer de démêler les multiples facettes de sa production. Si Adeline nous livre quelques bribes de sa vie dans Le Logis et l’Oeuvre, une compréhension plus chronologique de sa formation, de ses travaux et de ses influences, en particulier littéraire, avec Victor Hugo, Gustave Flaubert ou Champfleury, était nécessaire, afin de saisir l’évolution de cet architecte, illustrateur, aquafortiste, historien, japonisant, écrivain et vulgarisateur. La réalisation, quasiment finale dans l’oeuvre d’Adeline, du Rouen tel qu’il aurait pu être, est le résultat d’une sédimentation progressive d’études, de publications, de voyages, de passions, qu’il a intégrés totalement dans son uchronie rouennaise, mais aussi dans ses deux dernières séries utopiques : Rouen en fête et Paris, visions d’avenir lointain
At the precise moment where the Occident rocks changed from the 19th century to the 20th century, Jules Adeline, Rouen architect-illustrator experimented with a new history of the town of Rouen through twenty ariel images of the city. These at the time controlled and significant images projected Rouen in one complete image: Rouen as it could have been. To reach this goal, he used a kind of temporal projection, the uchronie (“except time” of the Greek stopwatches: time, preceded by the negation “or”) and became one of the pioneers of a new system, imagining possibilities of bringing the city of Rouen to reality. The uchronie was then in Europe a form created from science fiction, mixing history and Utopia, by Charles Renouvier, philosopher and promoter, if not of the system, at least its appellation. Unlike the proposals of Albert Robida or Jules Verne, it analyzes and suggests, in a ludic form, alternative installations which transform precise sites of the city which hardly appreciates concrete reality. It has a presentiment of the important conservation of the heritage to useful ends of composition of urban space, but before just like support with essential urban development. It defines picturesque urban then whose main objective is not to save a single stone, but to preserve the way, the discovery and the surprise in practice of the city. One century after the death of Adeline, it was important and urgent to study the accessible collections, either in the public domain or in private hands. Lastly, it appeared necessary to study how Adeline arrived gradually at the drafting of her own catalogue with accompanying notes: Le Logis et l’OEuvre (The Home and the Work), without which it would be impossible to try to disentangle the multiple facets of its production. If Adeline reveals to us some parts of his life in Le Logis et l’Oeuvre, a more chronological comprehension of his training, work and influences, in particular artists, with Victor Hugo, Gustave Flaubert or Champfleury, was necessary in order to seize the evolution of this architect, illustrator, aquafortist, historian, inspired by Japanese art, writer and popularizer. The realization, almost final in the work of Adeline, Rouen such as it could have been, is the result of a progressive sedimentation of studies, publications, travel, passions, that it integrated completely in Rouen’s alternative history, but also in its last two utopian series: Rouen in Festival and Paris, Visions of Remote Future

Marks, Emma Josephine. "The ecstatic display call of the Ad��lie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae)." Thesis, University of Auckland, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/2292/4241.

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The ability to understand the complex mechanisms by which species communicate has been the focus of study for many years. The Ad��lie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) breeds in vocally challenging Antarctic colonies and has evolved a complex system of intra- and intersexual visual and vocal behaviours. Unique to the Ad��lie penguin, is the presence of two distinct display calls, the Loud Mutual Display (LMD) call and male Ecstatic Display Call (EDC). The EDC is used for both mate choice and territory defence; but apart from general structure and function this call remains basically unstudied. Therefore, the aim of this study is to examine the EDC with regard to its function (during mate choice) and variability over time, with location and with changing conditions. It is predicted that the EDC will be an individual call that is distinct from the LMD call. Additionally, the effects of an inclement breeding season on factors that affect breeding success will be examined using a logistic regression approach. The study took place over two breeding seasons(2000/1 & 2002/3) on Ross Island, Antarctica, with the majority of research being conducted at Cape Bird. Results of the study indicate that the EDC is an individual call that cannot reliably be described as a male display as females also give an EDC that is acoustically comparable. The similarities between the EDC and the LMD call seem to relate only to syllabic organisation (structure), as almost every call parameter was different between call types. Furthermore, several call parameters differed between Ross Island colonies. These parameters varied with both geographical location and colony size. In conjunction with variation in call parameters, the health and breeding success of the colonies was different. The stability of call parameters (from Cape Bird) indicated that parameters that separate colonies not only alter between breeding years, but also vary during a single breeding season. The function of the EDC as an honest signal during mate choice was supported by spectral analyses. These analyses found heavier males had significantly lower Frequency Modulation (FM) in the short repeated syllables of their calls than lighter males. Furthermore, a male���s breeding success could be predicted during the early breeding season by the FM. Logistic regression models showed that early male arrival, weight and good nest quality were most influential in predicting fledging success. The logistic regression method also showed that the parameters measured varied in their predictive ability as the season progressed. This study has not only enhanced the wealth of knowledge regarding Ad��lie breeding behaviour and developed our understanding of the vocal repertoire of this species, but also has implications for honest signalling theory, and the evolution and stability of vocal variation at different spatial and temporal scales.

Mulin, Rosely Bianconcini. "Cultura e bibliotecas em São Paulo: o pioneirismo de Adelpha Figueiredo." Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, 2012. http://tede.mackenzie.br/jspui/handle/tede/1839.

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Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:42:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rosely Bianconcini Mulin.pdf: 1809916 bytes, checksum: f9cd6100f0c9a4420bda7d4bd8200268 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-01
Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa
This work aims to demonstrate the important contribution of Adelpha Figueiredo in the development of Librarianship in São Paulo. It approaches relevant facts of the historical moment faced in the decade of the 1920 s and analyses education´s characteristics during that time. This research aims to highlight the importance of historical facts that exerted influence on the encouragement of the Paulista´s Librarianship, becoming a model for the country. It approaches the evolution of editorial system and discourses about the relevance it had exercised on libraries and encouraging new readers. Detailing the situation of libraries in the decade of the 1920 s and it highlights the importance that Mackenzie´s library had on disclosure, consolidation and teaching modern North American techniques of Librarianship in Brazil. It shall also explain the origins of the educator and librarian Adelpha Figueiredo, her education, actuation at Mackenzie, the pioneer obtainment of a scholarship granted by the United States for the course of Librarianship and, finally, it shall explain her trajectory as a master and all her efforts for the recognition of a librarianship as a professional. This study describes the importance that the São Paulo´s Department of Culture has exercised to encourage the Librarianship and the actuation of Adelpha Figueiredo at the São Paulo´s Public Library, where she founded with Rubens Borba de Moraes, the first School of Librarianship in São Paulo.
O presente trabalho objetiva demonstrar a importante contribuição de Adelpha Figueiredo para o florescimento da Biblioteconomia em São Paulo. Aborda fatos relevantes do momento histórico vivido na década de 1920 e analisa as características da educação na época. A pesquisa objetiva destacar a importância que os fatos históricos exerceram para o impulso da Biblioteconomia paulista, tornando-a um modelo para o país. Aborda a evolução do sistema editorial e discorre sobre a importância que exerceu para as bibliotecas e para a formação de leitores. Apresenta a situação das bibliotecas da década de 1920 e destaca a importância que a Biblioteca do Mackenzie exerceu na divulgação, consolidação e no ensino das modernas técnicas norte-americanas de Biblioteconomia no país. Explanará sobre as origens da educadora e bibliotecária Adelpha Figueiredo, sua formação, atuação no Mackenzie, obtenção inédita da bolsa de estudos concedida pelos EUA para o curso de Biblioteconomia e, posteriormente, explanará sobre sua trajetória como mestra e lutadora para o reconhecimento da profissão. O estudo discorre sobre a importância que o Departamento de Cultura do Município de São Paulo exerceu no impulso da Biblioteconomia e sobre a atuação de Adelpha Figueiredo na Biblioteca Pública de São Paulo, onde fundou com Rubens Borba de Moraes, a primeira Escola de Biblioteconomia de São Paulo.

Tabony, Sawyer. "Adelic Fourier-Whittaker coefficients and the Casselman-Shalika formula." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/54665.

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Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mathematics, 2009.
Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 29).
In their paper Metaplectic Forms, D. A. Kazhdan and S. J. Patterson developed a generalization of automorphic forms that are defined on metaplectic groups. These groups are non-trivial covering groups of usual algebraic groups, and the forms defined on them are representations that respect the covering. As in the case for automorphic forms, these representations fall into a principle series, indexed by characters on a torus of the metaplectic group, and there is an associated an L-function. In the final section of their paper, an equivalence is shown in the rank one case between this -function and an Dirichlet series defined using Gauss sums, in order to demonstrate the arithmetic content. In this paper we reexamine this connection in the particular case that was discussed in Metaplectic Forms. By looking through the scope of twisted multiplicativity, a property of L-series, the computation is simplified and more easily generalized.
by Sawyer Tabony.

Cheo, Adeline Abimnwi Awemo [Verfasser], and Hans Jürgen [Akademischer Betreuer] Voigt. "Municipal solid waste management and groundwater contamination in Limbe, Cameroon / Adeline Abimnwi Awemo Cheo. Betreuer: Hans Jürgen Voigt." Cottbus : Universitätsbibliothek der BTU Cottbus, 2012. http://d-nb.info/1021685607/34.

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Barth, Thomas. "Adelige Lebenswege im Alten Reich der Landadel der Oberpfalz im 18. Jahrhundert." Regensburg Pustet, 2002. http://deposit.ddb.de/cgi-bin/dokserv?id=2641175&prov=M&dok_var=1&dok_ext=htm.

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Hillman, Emilia. "SUPPLIKER TILL RIDDERSKAPET OCH ADELN UNDER FRIHETSTIDEN." Thesis, Umeå universitet, Institutionen för idé- och samhällsstudier, 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-149796.

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The purpose of this paper is to chart the relationship between supplicants and the Knightship and the nobility (K.a.N) during the age of freedom and the identities created in these meetings. The result of this study is based on the parliamentary protocols of 1731, 1746-1757 and 1771-1772. To answer the purpose of this study, three questions have been constructed. First, who were the supplicants and the supplications? Supplicants came from all over Sweden and its provinces. It was mainly nobleman who spoke to K.a.N, but also women, farmers, bourgeois, craftsmen, theologians, academics, officials and cultural workers. The supplications, could be performed by a single supplicant or a larger group, both for personal reasons or for someone else's. The supplications could both, written down short and concise or long and nuanced. Service, economy, benefit, legal goals and permissions are the five different types of supplications that have been categorized. There is a change in the content of supplications over time, which was due to changes in external frameworks such as laws and taxes. Secondly, what strategies and identities were used by the supplicant to try to influence the outcome of the supplication? In total, sixteen different strategies and identities have been indetified. The legal right, Employment, Succession, For king and country, Suffering, Gods will, By the nature, Like so many before, Honors and status, Encouragement, Flattering, The family, Health and mind, Loss, Modesty, and Poverty. Thirdly, how did the K.a.N motivate their decisions? Of the total 182 supplications 147 were appeals. In 1731 a practice was developed where widows were granted half of the amount they sought. In total there were 12 supplications that did not get a decision or were left resting and nine supplications were rejected. The supplications that were rejected were mainly requests regarding succession and recommendations. It has shown that the supplication could create reproach for the K.a.N, partly by showing decisions later regarded as incorrect. Supplications about recommendations often raised discussions within the K.a.N and many advocated that they should not interfere with private matters. K.a.N did not treat the supplications with consistency - but with what was considered appropriate for the individual, even if it was against the law/practice. It was also found that the supplicant's identity was fortified by K.a.N or created, in order to justify approvals. The approval could be written even more nuanced and flattering by K.a.N than the supplication itself.

Thiel, Carsten [Verfasser], and Martin [Akademischer Betreuer] Henk. "Adelic convex geometry of numbers / Carsten Thiel. Betreuer: Martin Henk." Magdeburg : Universitätsbibliothek, 2014. http://d-nb.info/1054638128/34.

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Borowka, Pawel. "Non-simple abelian varieties and (1,3) Theta divisors." Thesis, University of Bath, 2012. https://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.564009.

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This thesis studies non-simple Jacobians and non-simple abelian varieties. The moti- vation of the study is a construction which gives a distinguished genus 4 curve in the linear system of a (1, 3)-polarised surface. The main theorem characterises such curves as hyperelliptic genus 4 curves whose Jacobian contains a (1, 3)-polarised surface. This leads to investigating the locus of non-simple principally polarised abelian g- folds. The main theorem of this part shows that the irreducible components of this locus are Is~, defined as the locus of principally polarised g-folds having an abelian subvariety with induced polarisation of type d. = (d1, ... , dk), where k ≤ g/2 Moreover, there are theorems which characterise the Jacobians of curves that are etale double covers or double covers branched in two points. There is also a detailed computation showing that, for p > 1 an odd number, the hyperelliptic locus meets IS4(l,p) transversely in the Siegel upper half space

Caballero, Adelaida. "The Haunted Self : Intersubjectivity and Collective Memory in First-Hand Eyewitness Accounts of Paranormal Experiences." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Kulturantropologiska avdelningen, 2012. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-175548.

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The study of supernatural beliefs has been a major field in anthropology throughout its history. The study of paranormal experiences as such, however, has been largely left for folklorists to handle. This paper is an attempt to study the genesis, structure and interpretative schemes of narratives of paranormal experiences, specifically ghosts and hauntings, so that through the figure of the ghost (our perception of it, the ways in which we interact with it, how we read it and then talk about it) core experiences that turn non-believers into believers and believers into collectivities can become visible. Because experience is, for those who are said to have had paranormal encounters, what turns beliefs (or disbelief) into certainties, I have focused on theories that set experience and individual constructions of reality at the center of the actor-structure relation. My main purpose is to explore people’s narratives of alleged paranormal occurrences as they develop from individual experiences to cultural systems of legitimized meanings, in order to understand the processes that dynamically link micro and macro levels. I contend that a deeper understanding of all elements involved in the production of the personal-collective will further the development of better analytical tools to study the broad spectrum of cultural matter that escapes formal inquiry due to an old-yet-still-predominant divide between the objective and subjective, concrete and abstract, material and immaterial, public and private -dichotomies that lie at the very core of social and cultural theory. Through compelling analyses of ethnographic accounts on ghosts and the haunted I seek to reformulate the premises on which we understand this dilemma.

Villalba, Arasa Laura. "Adelaida Ferré i Gomis, folklorista. Edició, catalogació i estudi del seu corpus rondallístic." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/293910.

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En aquesta tesi, inscrita en una doble línia de recerca: estudis de literatura oral popular i estudis de gènere i/o feministes, s'analitza la figura de la folklorista Adelaida Ferré i Gomis (Barcelona 1881 – Barcelona 1955), de manera especial com a rondallista. El treball s’estructura en dues parts: d’una banda es presenta la biografia de la folklorista, el seu context familiar, trajectòria professional i el seu treball com a conreadora del folklore a través de l’anàlisi de diversos materials, de fonts orals fonamentals i a través de la correspondència que va mantindre amb el seu mestre Rossend Serra i Pagès. En aquesta primera part també s’exposa la situació de les dones catalanes de final del segle XIX i principi del XX, el marc general —durant els primers trenta anys del segle XX— en què es va produir la seua incorporció al folklore i quines van ser les aportacions que hi van fer en aquest període. A més, s’estudia el paper que Rossend Serra i Pagès va tindre en la formació de les joves folkloristes i gràcies al qual va iniciar-se i consolidar-se el treball d’aquestes dones a aquesta disciplina. La segona part de l’estudi se centra en la transcripció, edició, catalogació i anàlisi d’un corpus de 96 rondalles eminentment inèdites. Aquests relats es presenten classificats en tres apartats diferents: (1) Rondalles catalogades a l’índex tipològic internacional [ATU]; (2) Rondalles catalogades al web RondCat (i no a ATU), i (3) Versions no catalogades. Amb aquesta tesi es posa de manifest la faena de les folkloristes catalanes de principi de segle XX, es reivindica la figura i el treball —poc o gens conegut— d’Adelaida Ferré i Gomis com a folklorista, i s’enriqueix el panorama de la rondallística catalana amb la incorporació de noves versions de tipus ja existents i de tipus nous.
En esta tesis, inscrita en una doble línea de investigación: estudios de literatura oral popular y estudios de género y/o feministas, se estudia la figura de la folclorista Adelaida Ferré i Gomis (Barcelona 1881 – Barcelona 1955), de manera especial como recolectora de cuentos populares. El trabajo se estructura en dos partes: por un lado se presenta la biografía de la folclorista, su contexto familiar, su trayectoria profesional y su trabajo como cultivadora del folclore a través del análisis de distintos materiales, de fuentes orales fundamentales y a través de la correspondencia que mantuvo con su maestro Rossend Serra i Pagès. En esta primera parte también se expone la situación de las mujeres catalanas de finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX, el contexto general —durante los primeros treinta años del siglo XX— en que se produjo su incorporación al folclore y cuáles fueron las aportaciones que hicieron en este período. Además se estudia el papel que tuvo Rossend Serra i Pagès en la formación de jóvenes folcloristas y gracias al cual se inició y se afianzó el trabajo de estas mujeres en esta disciplina. La segunda parte del estudio se centra en la transcripción, edición, catalogación y análisis de un corpus de 96 cuentos populares en gran parte inéditos. Estos relatos se presentan clasificados en tres apartados distintos: (1) Narraciones catalogadas en el índice tipológico internacional [ATU]; (2) Narraciones catalogadas en la página web RondCat (i no en ATU), y (3) Versiones no catalogadas. Con esta tesis se pone de manifiesto el trabajo de las folkloristas catalanas de principios del siglo XX, se reivindica la figura y el trabajo —poco o nada conocido— de Adelaida Ferré i Gomis como folclorista, y se enriquece el panorama catalán de los cuentos de tradición folclórica con la incorporación de nuevas versiones de tipos ya existentes y de nuevos tipos.
This dissertation, set within a twofold research line: popular oral literature studies and gender and/or feminist studies, analyzes the importance of the folklorist Adelaida Ferré i Gomis (Barcelona 1881 - Barcelona 1955), especially as a folktales collector. The work is structured into two parts: the first one presents the folklorist's biography, her family background, her career and her work as a folkloric scholar through the analysis of various materials, fundamental oral sources and her correspondence with her teacher Rossend Serra i Pagès. It also sets out the situation of Catalan women between late 19th and early 20th centuries, the general context -during the first thirty years of the 20th century- in which they joined the study of folklore, and which were their contributions to the discipline in this period. Moreover, it studies the role played by Rossend Serra i Pagès in teaching young female folklorists, thanks to which they could commence and consolidate their work in this discipline. The second part of this study focuses on the transcription, edition, cataloguing and analysis of a corpus of ninety-six mostly unpublished folktales. These tales are classified into three groups: (1) Folktales catalogued in the ATU international classification system; (2) Folktales catalogued in the web RondCat (and not in ATU), and (3) Folktales not catalogued. This doctoral thesis highlights the work of Catalan female folklorists at the beginning of the 20th century, calls deserved attention to Adelaida Ferré i Gomis's almost unknown contribution to the folkloric research, and enriches the Catalan folktales corpus with the addition of both new versions of already existing types and new types.

Prusa, Louis Albert. "Spatial and temporal dynamics of Batesian mimicry between Adelpha californica and Limenitis lorquini." Scholarly Commons, 2018. https://scholarlycommons.pacific.edu/uop_etds/3133.

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Conspicuous coloration is one of the main ways that animals communicate. The use of eye-catching color patterns to warn predators of an unprofitable trait is referred to as aposematism. Once predators learn to recognize the color pattern, a new signaling niche becomes available where other species can share the same signal. This mimicry niche can involve a “hide in plain sight” strategy by mimicking or parasitizing this signal, with mimics lacking the defense and associated costs that make them unprofitable. This is termed Batesian mimicry, and it decreases predation by taking advantage of the memory and learning of the predator community. Thus, a primary prediction in Batesian mimicry systems is that the model and mimic are found in sympatry. Another, fundamental prediction of Batesian mimicry is that the model outnumbers the mimic and that models emerge before the mimics to educate the predator guild. Some of these patterns were not significant in the California Coast Ranges as seen in Long et al., (2015), and no study has estimated population sizes for this temperate Batesian mimicry system. Furthermore, compared with community studies of mutualistic Müllerian mimicry in the tropics, no studies have tested predictions of parasitic Batesian mimicry on small scale patterns of habitat use and movement patterns. If mimicry is as an important part of the biology of these temperate species, as it is for their tropical counterparts, we predict that in addition to emerging first and being more abundant, the model and mimic will overlap strongly in habitat but the model will be more abundant in each habitat, and will move more and be more widespread among available habitats. Our results confirm these predictions and indicate that A. californica is effectively educating habitat specialist and generalist predators providing an umbrella of protection for the mimic L. lorquini.

Angelakis, Athanasios. "Universal Adelic Groups for Imaginary Quadratic Number Fields and Elliptic Curves." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015BORD0180/document.

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Cette thèse traite de deux problèmes dont le lien n’est pas apparent (1) A` quoi ressemble l’abélianisé AK du groupe de Galois absolu d’un corps quadratique imaginaire K, comme groupe topologique? (2) A` quoi ressemble le groupe des points adéliques d’une courbe elliptique sur Q, comme groupe topologique? Pour la première question, la restriction au groupe de Galois abélianisé nous permet d’utiliser la théorie du corps de classes pour analyser AK . Les travaux précédents dans ce domaine, qui remontent à Kubota et Onabe, décrivent le dual de Pontryagin de AK en termes de familles in- finies d’invariants de Ulm à chaque premier p, très indirectement. Notre approche directe par théorie du corps de classes montre que AK con- tient un sous-groupe UK d’indice fini isomorphe au groupe des unités Oˆ* de la complétion profinie Oˆ de l’anneau des entiers de K, et décrit explicitement le groupe topologique UK , essentiellement indépendamment du corps quadratique imaginaire K. Plus précisément, pour tout corps quadratique imaginaire différent de Q(i) et Q(v-2),on a UK ∼= U = Zˆ2 × Y Z/nZ. (n=1) Le caractère exceptionnel de Q(v-2) n’apparaît pas dans les travaux de Kubota et Onabe, et leurs résultats doivent être corrigés sur ce point.Passer du sous-groupe universel UK à AK revient à un problème d’extension pour des groupes adéliques qu’il est possible de résoudre en passant à une extension de quotients convenables impliquant le quotient Zˆ-libre maximal UK/TK de UK . Par résoudre , nous entendons que, pour chaque K suffisamment petit pour permettre des calculs de groupe de classes explicites, nous obtenons un algorithme praticable décidant le comportement de cette extension. Si elle est totalement non-scindée, alors AK est isomorphe comme groupe topologique au groupe universel U . Réciproquement, si l’extension tensorisée par Zp se scinde pour un premier p impair, alors AK n’est pas isomorphe à U . Pour le premier 2, la situation est particulière, mais elle reste contrôlée grâce à l’abondance de résultats sur la 2-partie des groupes de classes de corps quadratiques.Nos expérimentations numériques ont permis de mieux comprendre la distribution des types d’isomorphismes de AK quand K varie, et nous conduisent à des conjectures telles que pour 100% des corps quadratiques imaginaires K de nombre de classes premier, AK est isomorphe au groupe universel U .Pour notre deuxième problème, qui apparaît implicitement dans [?, Section 9, Question 1] (dans le but de reconstruire le corps de nombres K à partir du groupe des points adéliques E(AK ) d’une courbe elliptique convenable sur K), nous pouvons appliquer les techniques usuelles pour les courbes elliptiques sur les corps de nombres, en suivant les mêmes étapes que pour déterminer la structure du groupe Oˆ* rencontré dans notre premier problème. Il s’avère que, dans le cas K = Q que nous traitons au Chapitre 4, le groupe des points adéliques de presque toutes les courbes elliptiques sur Q est isomorphe à un groupe universel E = R/Z × Zˆ × Y Z/nZ (n=1)de nature similaire au groupe U . Cette universalité du groupe des points adéliques des courbes elliptiques provient de la tendance qu’ont les représentations galoisiennes attachées (sur le groupe des points de torsion à valeurs dans Q) à être maximales. Pour K = Q, la représentation galoisienne est maximale si est seulement si la courbe E est une courbe de Serre, et Nathan Jones [?] a récemment démontré que presque toutes les courbes elliptiques sur Q sont de cette nature. En fait, l’universalité de E(AK ) suit d’hypothèses bien plus faibles, et il n’est pas facile de construire des familles de courbes elliptiques dont le groupe des points adéliques n’est pas universel. Nous donnons un tel exemple à la fin du Chapitre 4
The present thesis focuses on two questions that are not obviously related. Namely,(1) What does the absolute abelian Galois group AK of an imaginary quadratic number field K look like, as a topological group?(2) What does the adelic point group of an elliptic curve over Q look like, as a topological group?For the first question, the focus on abelian Galois groups provides us with class field theory as a tool to analyze AK . The older work in this area, which goes back to Kubota and Onabe, provides a description of the Pontryagin dual of AK in terms of infinite families, at each prime p, of so called Ulm invariants and is very indirect. Our direct class field theoretic approach shows that AK contains a subgroup UK of finite index isomorphic to the unit group Oˆ∗ of the profinite completion Oˆ of the ring of integers of K, and provides a completely explicit description of the topological group UK that is almost independent of the imaginary quadratic field K. More precisely, for all imaginary quadratic number fields different from Q(i) and Q(√−2), we have UK ∼= U = Zˆ2 × Y Z/nZ. (n=1)The exceptional nature of Q(√−2) was missed by Kubota and Onabe, and their theorems need to be corrected in this respect.Passing from the ‘universal’ subgroup UK to AK amounts to a group extension problem for adelic groups that may be ‘solved’ by passing to a suitable quotient extension involving the maximal Zˆ-free quotientUK/TK of UK . By ‘solved’ we mean that for each K that is sufficiently small to allow explicit class group computations for K, we obtain a practical algorithm to compute the splitting behavior of the extension. In case the quotient extension is totally non-split, the conclusion is that AK is isomorphic as a topological group to the universal group U . Conversely, any splitting of the p-part of the quotient extension at an odd prime p leads to groups AK that are not isomorphic to U . For the prime 2, the situation is special, but our control of it is much greater as a result of the wealth of theorems on 2-parts of quadratic class groups.Based on numerical experimentation, we have gained a basic under- standing of the distribution of isomorphism types of AK for varying K, and this leads to challenging conjectures such as “100% of all imagi- nary quadratic fields of prime class number have AK isomorphic to the universal group U ”.In the case of our second question, which occurs implicitly in [?, Section 9, Question 1] with a view towards recovering a number field K from the adelic point group E(AK ) of a suitable elliptic curve over K, we can directly apply the standard tools for elliptic curves over number fields in a method that follows the lines of the determination of the structure of Oˆ∗ we encountered for our first question.It turns out that, for the case K = Q that is treated in Chapter 4, the adelic point group of ‘almost all’ elliptic curves over Q is isomorphic to a universal groupE = R/Z × Zˆ × Y Z/nZ (n=1)that is somewhat similar in nature to U . The reason for the universality of adelic point groups of elliptic curves lies in the tendency of elliptic curves to have Galois representations on their group of Q-valued torsion points that are very close to being maximal. For K = Q, maximality of the Galois representation of an elliptic curve E means that E is a so-called Serre-curve, and it has been proved recently by Nathan Jones [?] that ‘almost all’ elliptic curves over Q are of this nature. In fact, universality of E(AK ) requires much less than maximality of the Galois representation, and the result is that it actually requires some effort to construct families of elliptic curves with non-universal adelic point groups. We provide an example at the end of Chapter 4

El-Baz, Daniel. "Spherical equidistribution in the space of adelic lattices and its applications." Thesis, University of Bristol, 2016. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.702923.

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The cut-and-project construction is a way of producing "quasiperiodic" point sets in Rd. We start by fixing a lattice in Rd x Rm for some integer m >/1. We then choose a "nice" set W in Rm and project onto ]Rd those lattice points whose projections onto Rm lie in W. By placing a spherical scatterer around each of these points and considering the ballistic motion of a point particle in this array of obstacles, one obtains a Lorentz gas model with a quasiperiodic scatterer configuration. In this setting, Jens Marklof and Andreas Strombergsson proved the existence of a limiting distribution of free path lengths in the BoltzmannGrad limit, complementing previous work concerning random and periodic scatterer configurations. The construction described above can be abstracted such that we may replace Rm with some other locally compact abelian group. In this thesis, we replace Rm with Ad/f where Af is the ring of finite adeles. This enables us to' produce a number of arithmetically interesting point sets, such as the primitive lattice points in Zd, and study the distribution of free path lengths in the corresponding scatterer configurations. The work of Marklof and Strombergsson 'crucially relies on W having non-empty interior and boundary of measure O. In order to generate such sparse sets as the primitive lattice points, both of those conditions must be ' removed. By proving a spherical equidistribution theorem on the space of adelic lattices and a: general probabilistic result, we are nonetheless able to deduce the existence of a limiting distribution for the free path lengths. By the same token, we also derive results about the local statistics of directions in translate's of these point sets. When d = 2, we prove the existence of a universal limiting gap distribution for non-rational translates and that the pair correlation for Diophantine translates is Poissonian.

Jestrow, Brett. "Phylogenetics, Conservation, and Historical Biogeography of the West Indian Members of the Adelieae (Euphorbiaceae)." FIU Digital Commons, 2010. http://digitalcommons.fiu.edu/etd/315.

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The Caribbean Island Biodiversity Hotspot is the largest insular system of the New World and a priority for biodiversity conservation worldwide. The tribe Adeliae (Euphorbiaceae) has over 35 species endemic to this hotspot, representing one of the most extraordinary cases of speciation in the West Indies, involving taxa from Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, and the Bahamas. These species form a monophyletic group and traditionally have been accommodated in two endemic genera: Lasiocroton and Leucocroton. A study based on: (1) scanning electron microscopy of pollen and trichomes, (2) macromorphology, and (3) molecular data, was conducted to reveal generic relationships within this group. Phylogenies were based on parsimony and Bayesian analyses of nucleotide sequences of the ITS regions of the nuclear ribosomal DNA and the non-coding chloroplast DNA spacers psbM-trnD and ycf6-pcbM. One species, Lasiocroton trelawniensis, was transferred from the tribe into the genus Bernardia. Of the remaining species, three major monophyletic assemblages were revealed, one was restricted to limestone ares of Hispaniola and was sister to a clade with two monophyletic genera, Lasiocroton and Leucocroton. Morphological, biogeographical, and ecological data provided additional support for each of these three monophyletic assemblages. The Hispaniolan taxa were accommodated in a new genus with four species: Garciadelia. Leucocroton includes the nickel hyperaccumulating species from serpentine soils of Cuba, while the rest of the species were placed in Lasiocroton, a genus restricted to limestone areas. The geographic history of the islands as well as the phylogenetic placement of the Leucocroton-alliance, allows the research to include the historical biogeography of the alliance across the islands of the Caribbean based on a dispersal-vicariance analysis. The alliance arose on Eastern Cuba and Hispaniola, with Lasiocroton and Leucocroton diverging on Eastern Cuba according to soil type. Within Leucocroton, the analysis shows two migrations across the serpentine soils of Cuba. Additional morphological, ecological, and phylogenetic analyses support four new species in Cuba (Lasiocroton gutierrezii) and Hispaniola (Garciadelia abbottii, G. castilloae, and G. mejiae).

Heurich, Adeline [Verfasser], Stefan [Akademischer Betreuer] Pöhlmann, and Martin [Akademischer Betreuer] Oppermann. "Bedeutung der ACE2-Spaltung durch Wirtszellproteasen für die SARS-Coronavirus-Infektion / Adeline Heurich. Gutachter: Stefan Pöhlmann ; Martin Oppermann. Betreuer: Stefan Pöhlmann." Göttingen : Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, 2014. http://d-nb.info/1054542481/34.

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Groß, Hendrik [Verfasser], Lorenz [Akademischer Betreuer] Kienle, and Rainer [Gutachter] Adelung. "Strukturelle Charakterisierung Chromchalkogenid-basierter Thermoelektrika mittels Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie / Hendrik Groß ; Gutachter: Rainer Adelung ; Betreuer: Lorenz Kienle." Kiel : Universitätsbibliothek Kiel, 2021. http://d-nb.info/1236571924/34.

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Palisse, Adeline [Verfasser]. "Cascade Reactions Initiated by Pi-Activation. A Flexible Way to Heterocycles & Studies toward the Total Synthesis of Melohenine B / Adeline Palisse." München : Verlag Dr. Hut, 2013. http://d-nb.info/1042308012/34.

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Palisse, Adeline [Verfasser]. "Cascade Reactions Initiated by ᴨ - Activation. A Flexible Way to Heterocycles & Studies toward the Total Synthesis of Melohenine B / Adeline Palisse." Wuppertal : Universitätsbibliothek Wuppertal, 2013. http://d-nb.info/1033671797/34.

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Galvanin, Adeline [Verfasser]. "Use of high-throughput sequencing for the characterization of extracellular RNA and to study the dynamics of bacterial RNA modification / Adeline Galvanin." Mainz : Universitätsbibliothek Mainz, 2020. http://d-nb.info/1203636954/34.

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McCoy, Laura. "Interventions into discourses of identity, the artwork of Kiss & Tell, Shonagh Adelman and Diana Thorneycroft." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1997. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk2/ftp01/MQ26931.pdf.

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Prange, Mathis [Verfasser]. "Modo guerrino“? Adelige Konfliktaustragung im Spannungsfeld von Recht und Gewalt am Vorabend der Rosenkriege / Mathis Prange." Gießen : Universitätsbibliothek, 2018. http://d-nb.info/1155405617/34.

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Grado, Mercedes de. "La rebelión de las sirenas : identidad y debate feminista en la narrativa de Adelaida García Morales." Thesis, Durham University, 2002. http://etheses.dur.ac.uk/3837/.

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This doctoral thesis analyses the types of feminine identity represented in Adelaida Garcia Morales' works. It examines as well how these subjectivities are constituted and points out that this Spanish writer's narrative proposes alternative symbolic representations of Spanish women and new feminine identities who are not framed according to patriarchal standards. Furthermore, this study highlights how Garcia Morales' novels and short stories constitute what it has been labelled as "fiction of debate". That is, they represent different ideas and feminist concepts proposed by the two main Spanish feminist approaches: feminism of difference and feminism of equality. The texts analyzed in these theses provide a valuable channel of communication, and create a forum for both airing and debating the main concerns of Spanish women and issues at stake during the 80's and 90's. This study will follow a literary feminist approach, which focuses on the historical and social frameworks of Garcia Morales work's production as well as contextualizes her narrative with reference to the recent Spanish social and political history. Therefore, this study points out the dialectical relationship between texts and ideological structures, which allows an account of the interrelationships between literature and feminist politics.

McCoy, Laura (Laura Jacqueline) Carleton University Dissertation Canadian Studies. "Interventions into discourses of identity; the artwork of Kiss and Tell, Shonagh Adelman and Diana Thorneycroft." Ottawa, 1997.

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Ahlén, Olof [Verfasser], Dirk [Gutachter] Kreimer, Hermann [Gutachter] Nicolai, and Guillaume [Gutachter] Bossard. "Adelic Eisenstein series on SLn / Olof Ahlén ; Gutachter: Dirk Kreimer, Hermann Nicolai, Guillaume Bossard." Berlin : Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2018. http://d-nb.info/1185667067/34.

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Gutiérrez, Lara Edith. "La filosofía moral en la obra de Adela Cortina y sus implicaciones en la educación." Tesis de maestría, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11799/99702.

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Este trabajo fue realizado con la intención de mostrar la necesidad e importancia de la reflexión ética en el hombre; sostengo que solamente el hombre que ha desarrollado adecuadamente su criterio sobre temas de ética podrá ejercer su autonomía dentro de la sociedad. Desafortunadamente la noción de ética –así como los problemas que ésta analiza– ha sido distorsionada por la sociedad de nuestros días, ello ha provocado que el individuo común confunda ética con moral y viceversa. Por lo anterior, considero que es relevante que la filosofía moral sea estudiada en todos los niveles educativos, ya que únicamente un estudio minucioso y constante sobre la ética y la moral nos ayudará a percatarnos de que éstas no son impedimento para forjar un carácter individual y, por otro lado, entenderíamos por qué éstas son indispensables para desarrollar aptitudes que nos permitan desenvolvernos armoniosamente dentro de la sociedad.

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