Academic literature on the topic 'Bever'

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Journal articles on the topic "Bever":


Henstock, Michael E. "Michael B. Bever." Resources, Conservation and Recycling 7, no. 4 (December 1992): 325.

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Helmholz, Richard. "Thomas Bever (1725–1791)." Ecclesiastical Law Journal 18, no. 3 (August 8, 2016): 336–42.

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Korporowicz, Łukasz Jan. "Teaching Comparative Law in Eighteenth-Century England: Thomas Bever as a Comparative Lawyer as Exemplified by his Lectures on Polish Law and the Constitution." Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Iuridica 99 (June 30, 2022): 123–35.

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The origins of comparative legal studies usually date back to the late 19th century. These kind of studies, however, were undertaken on a regular basis much earlier. Among the first serious adherents of the idea of comparing different legal systems was Thomas Bever. Bever was a civilian lawyer who successfully combined practice in the ecclesiastical and admiralty courts of England with Oxford’s fellowship and teaching duties. In the 1760s and 1770s, Bever was teaching the Civil law course on behalf of (or independently of) the current holders of the Regius Professorship. His lectures, unique in many aspects, were crowned with a set of comparative lectures. Bever was presenting the constitutional and legal systems of several European countries, including Poland, both in historical and modern dimensions. The aim of this article is to discuss Bever’s attitude towards comparative legal studies as well as to present his comparative method by reference to part of his lectures devoted to the old Polish law and constitution.

Fries, Jürgen. "Sanierung der Kerndichtung der Bever-Talsperre." WASSERWIRTSCHAFT 108, no. 6 (June 2018): 49–53.

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Korporowicz, Łukasz. "Thomas Bever o prawie w dawnej Polsce." Studia Prawnicze KUL, no. 4 (December 31, 2019): 275–91.

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Fries, Jürgen. "Rehabilitation of the Bever Dam’s sealing core." WASSERWIRTSCHAFT 108, S1 (June 2018): 45–49.

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Schmidt, Jürgen, and Edward Watts Morton Bever. "Rezension von: Bever, Edward, The Realities of Witchcraft and Popular Magic in Early Modern Europe." Zeitschrift für Württembergische Landesgeschichte 72 (April 6, 2022): 547–49.

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Edward Bever: The Realities of Witchcraft and Popular Magic in Early Modern Europe: Culture, Cognition, and Everyday Life (Palgrave Historical Studies in Witchcraft and Magic). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2008. 648 S. ISBN 978-1-4039-9781-4. £ 65,–

Bertolini, Luca, and Hilde Wildschut. "Scripties." AGORA Magazine 17, no. 3 (August 15, 2018): 28.

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Scriptie Björn Hondelink (2000): Creëert een rondje Randstad ruimte? Een onderzoek naar de ruimtelijke consequenties van hoogwaardig metropolitaan openbaar vervoer in de Randstad. Universiteit van Amsterdam. Scriptie Ester de Bever (2001): Hoe groen is gras? Onderzoek naar het aanbod van en vraag naar openbaar groen. Universiteit Utrecht.

Bever, J. "Reply from J. Bever, K.M. Westover and J. Antonovics." Trends in Ecology & Evolution 13, no. 10 (October 1, 1998): 407–8.

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Quintero Pulido, Diego F., Carlos M. Barreto, Marnix V. ten Kortenaar, Roberto R. Balda, Johann L. Hurink, and Gerard J. M. Smit. "Simulation of sizing of energy storage for off-grid decentralized wastewater treatment units: A case study in the Netherlands." Water Practice and Technology 13, no. 4 (December 1, 2018): 771–79.

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Abstract Constant energy supply for decentralized wastewater treatment plants (DWWTPs) is crucial in order to ensure its functionality and prevent contamination of rivers and human illnesses due to pollution. However, power blackouts are a common problem in rural areas, which can affect the reliability of wastewater treatment plants. This paper presents a simulation study of sizing of solar photovoltaics and Sea-Salt batteries for powering a DWWTP working in 100% off-grid mode. The analysis is performed for two different DWWTPs: a prototype membrane bioreactor (MBR) and a Bever III compact wastewater aerobic system. The study is performed using the simulation package DEMKit developed at the University of Twente in the Netherlands. Results show that a solar photovoltaic system of 15 kWp coupled with a 20 kWh Sea-Salt battery may provide 100% of the electricity necessary during summer and up to 75% during winter in the Netherlands for the Bever III. In the case of the MBR, a photovoltaic system of 30 kWp in combination with a Sea-Salt battery of 50 kWh meets 100% of the electricity needs during summer and up to 65% during the winter in the Netherlands. Furthermore, in order to power the DWWTPs during the months of low sunlight, the dimensions of the solar photovoltaic system and the Sea-Salt battery needs to be increased by a factor of three.

Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Bever":


Rosell, Frank. "The function of scent marking in beaver (Castor fiber) territorial defence." Doctoral thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology, 2002.

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This thesis examines how scent marking in Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) functions in territorial defence. Beavers usually deposit scent (castoreum and/or anal gland secretion (AGS)) onto small piles of mud and debris, and all age classes and both sexes participate in marking. I hypothesized that scent marking plays an important role in territory defence of free-ranging Eurasian beavers and investigated the following issues. (1) Which factors affect scent-marking behaviour? (2) How are scent marks distributed temporally and spatially during an annual cycle? (3) Is castoreum and/or AGS used in territorial defence? (4) How does this species respond to simulated territorial intruders? (5) Can the Eurasian beaver discriminate between scent from neighbours and strangers, and between scent from its own species and that of the North American beaver (C. canadensis)?

I show that scent marking plays a significant indirect role in territorial defence by the Eurasian beaver. The number of scent marks was density dependent. Beavers with many close neighbours (highly challenged) may need to scent mark more often to be unambiguously recognised as territory owners. However, high-density sites may also be of better quality, providing territory holders with more energy to spend in defence and more reasons to defend. There was a significant positive correlation between the number of scent marks and both the duration of territory occupancy and length of wooded banks. Therefore, residents appear to invest more in scent marking in good quality territories, and when a territory has been occupied for a relatively long time. Theoretically, the greater potential value of the territory for residents, in contrast to intruders, makes it worth fighting harder for.

Territories were scent marked significantly more often in spring when dispersal of 2- years-olds normally occurs and scent marks were concentrated near territorial borders, apparently to maximize the signal effect to potential trespassers on or before entering the territory. Significantly more scent marks were constructed upstream than downstream of the lodge, probably because the movement of dispersing individuals is predominantly downstream. These results support the border maintenance hypothesis.

From January through March castoreum was almost exclusively deposited on scent marks and appears therefore to be the main scent signal used in the defence of Eurasian beaver territories. AGS was rarely deposited and appears to have another function.

Eurasian beaver showed territorial behaviour when an "intruder", in the form of artificially-constructed experimental scent mounds (ESMs containing castoreum from alien adult males, was placed inside the territory. They destroyed the ESMs and overmarked with their own scent in 80% of the trials. Countermarking appears to have been an attempt to mask the odour of alien adult male conspecifics with their own odours. This result therefore gives some support to the scent-masking hypothesis. Scent marks could thus provide a reliable advertisement of an individual’s ability to dominate or defend the area, since only those successfully dominating the area can ensure that their marks both predominate and are more recently deposited than those of any challenging competitors. The countermarking may therefore advertise that the territory is occupied and signal the costs of competition if the threat is ignored. I frequently observed that beavers, after visiting the ESMs, started to patrol the territory. A lack of response to ESMs without castoreum indicated that beavers were responding to the smell of castoreum and not to the sight of the scent mound itself.

Eurasian beavers sniffed both castoreum and AGS from a stranger significantly longer than those from a neighbour. They responded aggressively significantly longer to castoreum, but not to AGS, from a stranger than from a neighbour. When ESMs were allowed to remain overnight and the response measured the following morning, beavers responded significantly stronger to both castoreum and AGS from a stranger than from a neighbour. These findings indicate that Eurasian beavers can use scent to discriminate between neighbours and strangers, thereby supporting existence of the “dear enemy” phenomenon (reduced aggression towards familiar occupants of neighbouring territories).

Eurasian beavers spent significantly longer time responding aggressively to conspecific than to heterospecific (North American beavers) ESMs. They also responded significantly more aggressively to conspecific than to heterospecific ESMs overnight. Gas chromatographic comparisons of castoreum showed that differences between species accounted for 34% of the total variation in compounds detected, while differences between sexes accounted for 13%. For AGS, 49% and 46% of this variation was explained by differences between species and sex, respectively. The results confirm the hypothesis that the Eurasian beaver discriminates between scent marks of the two species, i.e. exhibits species discrimination abilities. This indicates that the Eurasian beaver would regard intrusive scent marks from the North American beaver as a lesser territorial threat than from a conspecific, and would therefore be less likely to spend time and energy countermarking these scent marks.

In conclusion, my study has contributed to a better understanding of the function of territorial scent marking in the Eurasian beaver by demonstrating their capability of transmitting odorous messages efficiently, both temporally and spatially, and their ability to countermark and discriminate ESMs from intruders of different degrees of threat. My results lend support to the idea that the function of territorial scent marking in the Eurasian beaver is to advertise related dominance status, thereby providing opportunities for intruders to assess the presence of the owner, and thus reducing the costs of agonistic conflicts for both the owner and intruder (the status advertisement hypothesis). My results also support the general scent-matching hypothesis, i.e. its predictions 1 (mark where intruders are most likely to encounter marks), 3 (make themselves available for scent matching by intruders) and 4 (remove or replace marks of others) were all supported. However, prediction 2 (mark themselves with the substances used to mark the territory) needs to be clarified. It’s still unclear whether beavers smear castoreum on their pelage, and/or mark themselves with AGS in order to waterproof the fur, and thereby simultaneously function as a “living-scent mark”. The next step should be to clarify these issues. However, the function of scent marking suggested here is not necessarily the only functional mechanism, as one function need not necessarily exclude others. Two other main functions for scent marking in Eurasian beavers that cannot be entirely ruled out are that scent marks may be used to label and thereby defend resources within the territory (the labelling resources hypothesis), and that marking is related to reproduction (e.g. by advertising reproductive status and guarding the mate during the breeding period). My work has emphasized intergroup communication. However, more work is needed to clarify the role of scent marks in intragroup communication.

Denne avhandlingen eksaminerer hvordan duftmarkeringer fungerer i territorieforsvaret hos eurasiatisk bever (Castor fiber). Beveren avsetter vanligvis duft (castoreum fra bevergjelpungene og/eller sekret fra analkjertlene (AKS)) på små hauger av leire og planterester, og alle aldersgrupper og begge kjønn deltar i markeringen. Jeg satte fram hypotesen at duftmarkeringer spiller en viktig rolle i territorieforsvaret til fritt levende eurasiatisk bever, og undersøkte følgende spørsmål. (1) Hvilke faktorer virker inn på duftmarkeringsatferden? (2) Hvordan er duftmarkeringer fordelt i tid og rom i løpet av et helt år? (3) Er castoreum og/eller AKS brukt i forsvaret av territoriet? (4) Hvordan reagerer denne arten på simulerte inntrengere i territoriet? (5) Kan den eurasiatiske beveren diskriminere mellom duft fra naboer og fremmede, og mellom duft fra sin egen art og den nordamerikanske beveren (C. canadensis)?

Jeg viste at duftmarkeringer spiller en signifikant, indirekte rolle i forsvaret av territoriet hos den eurasiatiske beveren. Antall duftmarkeringer var tetthetsavhengig. Bever med mange nære naboer (høyt utfordret) trenger sannsynligvis å duftmarkere oftere for å bli utvetydig gjenkjent som eier av territoriet. Plasser med høy tetthet er imidlertid kanskje også av bedre kvalitet, noe som gir eierne av territoriet mer energi å bruke på forsvaret, og flere grunner for å forsvare. Det var en signifikant positiv korrelasjon mellom antall duftmarkeringer og varigheten av okkupasjonen av territoriet samt lengden av banker med trær. Bofaste ser derfor ut til å investere mer i duftmarkeringer i territorier med god kvalitet og når et territorium har vært okkupert for relativ lang tid. Teoretisk, jo store potensiell verdi territoriet har for de bofaste, i kontrast til inntrengere, desto hardere bør eieren slåss for å beholde det territoriet.

Territoriet ble duftmarkert signifikant oftere om våren når spredningen av 2-åringer normalt skjer, og duftmarkeringene ble konsentrert nær grensene til territoriet, tilsynelatende for å maksimere signaleffektiviteten til potensielle inntrengere før de entrer territoriet. Signifikant flere duftmarkeringer ble konstruert oppstrøms i forhold til nedstrøms av hytta, sannsynligvis fordi bevegelsen av individer på vandring hovedsakelig er nedstrøms. Disse resultatene støtter hypotesen om grenseopprettholdelse.

Castoreum ble nesten utelukkende avsatt på duftmarkeringer fra januar til ut mars og ser ut til å være hovedlukten brukt i forsvar av eurasiatiske beverterritorier. AKS ble sjelden avsatt og har muligens en annen funksjon.

Den eurasiatiske beveren viste territorial atferd når en ”inntrenger”, i form av kunstig konstruerte eksperimentelle duftmarkeringshauger (EDH’er) med castoreum fra fremmede voksne hanner, ble plassert inne i territoriet. De ødela EDH’ene og overmarkerte med sin egen lukt i 80% av forsøkene. Overmarkeringen ser ut til å ha vært et forsøk på å maskere duften fra de fremmede voksne hannene med sin egen duft. Disse resultatene gir dermed noe støtte til duftmaskeringhypotesen. Duftmarkeringer kan derfor sørge for en troverdig annonsering av et individs evne til å dominere eller forsvare et område, siden bare de som suksessfullt dominerer et område kan sikre at deres markeringer både dominerer og er nyligere avsatt enn de fra en utfordrende konkurrent. Overmarkeringen annonserer derfor muligens at territoriet er opptatt og signaliserer kostnaden av konkurransen hvis trusselen ignoreres. Jeg observerte at beverne ofte startet å patruljere territoriet etter å ha besøkt EDH’ene. En mangel på respons på EDH’er uten castoreum indikerer at beveren reagerte på duften av castoreum og ikke på synet av duftmarkeringshaugen.

De eurasiatiske beverne snuste på castoreum og AKS fra en fremmed, signifikant lenger enn fra en nabo. De reagerte aggressivt, signifikant lenger på castoreum, men ikke på AKS, fra en fremmed enn fra en nabo. Når EDH’ene forble ute over natta og responsen ble målt den påfølgende morgenen, reagerte beverne signifikant sterkere på både castoreum og AKS fra en fremmed enn fra en nabo. Disse resultatene indikerer at den eurasiatiske beveren kan bruke duft for å diskriminere mellom naboer og fremmede, og gir dermed støtte til tilstedeværelsen av ”kjære fiende” fenomenet (redusert aggresjon mot kjente okkupanter på naboterritoriene).

De eurasiatiske beverne tilbrakte signifikant lenger tid på å reagere aggressivt på artsfrenders enn ikke-artsfrenders (nordamerikanske bevere) EDH’er. De reagerte også signifikant mer aggressivt på artsfrenders enn ikke-artsfrenders EDH’er over natt. Sammenligninger av castoreum gasskromatogram viste at forskjeller mellom artene forklarte 34% av den totale variasjonen i forbindelsene oppdaget, mens forskjeller mellom kjønnene forklarte 13%. For AKS, var henholdsvis 49% og 46% av denne variasjonen forklart av forskjeller mellom arter og kjønn. Disse resultatene bekrefter hypotesen at den eurasiatiske beveren diskriminerer mellom duftmarkeringer fra de to artene, med andre ord utøver arts diskrimineringsevner. Dette indikerer at den eurasiatiske beveren vil anse påtrengende duftmarkeringer fra den nordamerikanske beveren å utgjøre en mindre territoriell trussel enn fra en artsfrende, og vil derfor mindre sannsynlig bruke tid og energi på å overmarkere disse duftmarkeringene.

Jeg konkluderer med at mitt studium har bidratt til en bedre forståelse av funksjonen av duftmarkering i territoriet til den eurasiatiske beveren ved å demonstrere deres evne til å overføre duftbeskjeder effektivt, både i tid og rom, og deres evne til å overmarkere og diskriminere EDH’er fra inntrengere som utgjør ulik grad av trussel. Mine resultater gav støtte til ideen at funksjonen for duftmarkering av territoriet hos eurasiatisk bever er å annonsere dominans status, og dermed sørge for muligheter for inntrengere til å vurdere tilstedeværelsen av eieren som vil redusere kostnadene av de agonistiske konfliktene for både eier og inntrenger (statusannonseringshypotesen). Mine resultater støtter også den generelle duftssammenligningshypotesen, med andre ord dens prediksjoner 1 (duftmarker hvor inntrengere er mest sannsynlig å møte disse), 3 (gjør seg tilgjengelig for duftsammenligning av inntrenger) og 4 (fjern eller erstatt duftmarkeringer av andre) ble alle støttet. Prediksjon 2 (duftmarker seg selv med duften brukt til å markere territoriet) trenger imidlertid å klargjøres. Det er fortsatt uklart om beveren smører castoreum på pelsen, og/eller markerer seg selv med AKS for å gjøre pelsen vanntett og dermed fungere samtidig som en ”levende duftmarkering”. Det neste steget bør være å redegjøre for disse spørsmålene. Funksjonen til duftmarkering som er foreslått her er imidlertid nødvendigvis ikke den eneste funksjonelle mekanismen, siden en funksjon ikke trenger å utelukke andre. To andre hovedfunksjoner for duftmarkering hos eurasiatisk bever som ikke helt kan utelukkes er at duftmarkeringer kan bli brukt til å merke og dermed forsvare ressurser innen territoriet (hypotesen om ressurs merking), og at duftmarkeringen er relatert til reproduksjonen (for eksempel ved å annonsere reproduktiv status og bevoktning av maken i løpet av paringstiden). Mitt arbeid har lagt vekt på kommunikasjonen mellom familiegrupper. Mer arbeid trengs imidlertid for å klargjøre duftmarkeringens rolle i kommunikasjonen innen familiegrupper.

Paper V reprinted with kind permission of Elsevier,

Bever, Marco [Verfasser]. "Untersuchungen zu den Mechanismen der Proteinaktivierung an laserbestrahlten Goldnanopartikeln / Marco Bever." Lübeck : Zentrale Hochschulbibliothek Lübeck, 2011.

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Bever, Aline [Verfasser], and Peter [Akademischer Betreuer] Schmidt. "Validierung der Software HemoSpat™ bei Schlag-Spritz-Blutspurenmustern / Aline Bever ; Betreuer: Peter Schmidt." Saarbrücken : Saarländische Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, 2018.

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Beer, Ragnar. "Merkmale von Partnerschaftszielen als Veränderungs-Mediatoren in der verhaltenstherapeutischen Kurzzeit-Paartherapie." [S.l. : s.n.], 2001.

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Beyer, Ashley Chantel. "Habitat comparisons of historically stable and less stable bighorn sheep populations." Thesis, Montana State University, 2008.

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Limited research has examined how habitat differences between stable and less stable bighorn populations may influence their success. Understanding these habitat differences may help explain how habitat contributes to bighorn sheep population stability. The objective of the study was to identify potential limiting habitat factors for the Tendoy Mountains bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) population in western Montana. Habitat variables that were evaluated are unlikely to be influenced by fine-scale weather or disturbance patterns. Land cover, slope, aspect, elevation, landscape ruggedness, solar radiation index (SRI), and distance to escape terrain were measured using GIS. Shrub canopy cover, graminoid and forb frequency, and horizontal visibility were measured in the field. Logistic regression was used to identify habitat differences between the stable and less stable sheep populations in summer and winter. Odds ratios from the logistic regressions were used to identify potential limiting habitat variables for the less stable population. Results from this study indicate that landscape ruggedness (P <0.01) and aspect (P <0.01) in summer ranges, and landscape ruggedness (P =0.01), aspect (P <0.01), and SRI (P <0.01) in winter ranges were the habitat characteristics most likely influencing population stability. Landscape ruggedness and SRI are relatively new habitat metrics that require more research to determine threshold values for bighorn sheep habitat. Results from this study provide initial insights into potential threshold values for landscape ruggedness and SRI for Rocky Mountain bighorns.

Maysonet, Joel R. "Wine & Beer." Thesis, University of North Texas, 2005.

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Wine & Beer tells the story of childhood friends Brian and Vic who, after spending some time apart, deal with the tensions of sexual orientation after they attempt to renew their friendship. At the beginning it seems that Vic's sexuality will not be a problem, but after the two friends hang out in a local bar, Brian realizes his hometown is not as tolerant as he is. The couple is faced with family and social concerns, which goes from the argumentative to the violent. As the main characters try to mingle with the conservative town, they soon find themselves looked upon by a small town resistant to change. This 35-minute film explores homophobia and violence in small town USA.

Wilhelmi, Roger Francis, Trevor Cuthbertson, Jon Yang, and Alex Harris. "Gluten-Free Beer." Thesis, The University of Arizona, 2012.

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The goal of the project is to design a plant that is capable of converting feedstock of primarily sorghum into a gluten-free beer. This product is intended to be sold as a replacement of malt based beers for consumption by those who suffer from celiac disease or other gluten intolerances. The waste streams from this process include spent grains and yeast, and will be given to ranchers for the use as animal feed. This beer is created through a standard fermentation process. This includes mashing, boiling, filtering, fermenting, maturing, and packaging for distribution. A process hazard analysis was conducted to identify and help reduce safety and environmental hazards. An economic analysis showed that the plant's net present value for a project life of ten years with an interest rate of 15% is $1.08 million; therefore, it was recommended that the plant be built at this time. Future work includes scaling up the process for better profit margins, and finding more ways to reduce the amount of water and energy used.

Büchele, Fátima. "A embriaguez social do beber." Florianópolis, SC, 2001.

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Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde
Made available in DSpace on 2012-10-18T05:54:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0Bitstream added on 2014-09-25T23:30:45Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 179229.pdf: 18461355 bytes, checksum: 5a396d55b9e84d3bf1e06f762a16c4ef (MD5)
A Embriaguez Social do Beber afirma que existem representações sociais e que estas estão relacionadas com ideologia no sentido de servir, estabelecer e sustentar relações de dominação. Objetivou identificar e compreender as representações que permeiam o discurso de diferentes segmentos sociais

Norman, Malin. "Terminology in Beer Reviews." Thesis, Högskolan i Gävle, Avdelningen för humaniora, 2019.

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The purpose of this study is to examine beer reviews to see what descriptors are identified and used to describe beers. Also, the domains APPEARANCE, AROMA, FLAVOUR, MOUTHFEEL and OVERALL IMPRESSION are analysed. The theoretical framework stems from the genre of wine reviews, with additional backbone from beer sensory analysis and established beer terminology. Through analysis of 27 beer reviews in three leading beer magazines, the study shows that most typically object descriptors and property descriptors relating to the raw materials are used. In terms of domains, APPEARANCE and MOUTHFEEL have few descriptors, whilst AROMA and FLAVOUR have a higher number of descriptors and more categories. The domain with more process related and human-like descriptions, as well as more elaborate expressions to entice the consumer, is OVERALL IMPRESSION.

Jahn, Axel [Verfasser], Eckhard [Akademischer Betreuer] Beyer, and Uwe [Akademischer Betreuer] Füssel. "Umformbarkeit laserinduktionsgeschweißter Strukturen aus höherfesten Stahlfeinblechen / Axel Jahn. Gutachter: Eckhard Beyer ; Uwe Füssel. Betreuer: Eckhard Beyer." Dresden : Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2011.

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Books on the topic "Bever":


O'Brien, Steven. Antonio López de Santa Anna. Edited by Cardona Rodolfo 1924- and Cockcroft James D. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1992.

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Redolfi, Silke. Bever: Die Geschichte eines Engadiner Dorfes. Bever: Bürgergemeinde Bever, 2007.

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Dekker, Jasja. Bevers. Zeist: KNNV Uitgeverij, 2012.

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Persio, Antonio. Trattato dell'ingegno dell'huomo: In appendice Del bever caldo. Pisa [etc.]: Istituti editoriali poligrafici internazionali, 1999.

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Langreuter, Jutta. Bertje Beer wordt weer beter. Hoogland: Forte Uitgevers, 2001.

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Meyer, Johann. Lees beter, leef beter. Kaapstad: Tafelberg, 1987.

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Johnson, Jinny. Beaver. Mankato, Minn: Smart Apple Media, 2014.

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Peŕols, Sylvaine. Beaver. London: Moonlight, 1994.

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Gurtler, Janet. Beaver. Calgary, Alberta: Weigl, 2012.

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Weijden, Maarten van der. Beter. 4th ed. Amsterdam: Ambo, 2010.

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Book chapters on the topic "Bever":


Olde Rikkert, M. G. M. "Beter kiezen is beter dokteren." In Wat is er met de dokter gebeurd?, 199–207. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 2018.

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Dresel, Michael. "Beer." In Springer Handbook of Odor, 23–24. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.

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Bährle-Rapp, Marina. "Beer." In Springer Lexikon Kosmetik und Körperpflege, 61. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2007.

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Rasmussen, Seth C. "Beer." In SpringerBriefs in Molecular Science, 29–48. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.

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Campbell, Iain. "Beer." In Food Microbiology, 901–13. Washington, DC, USA: ASM Press, 2014.

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Kuno, Masaru. "Beer." In Introductory Science of Alcoholic Beverages, 45–76. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2022.

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Mooren, Trudy, and Maartje Schoorl. "Inleiding." In Beter beginnen, 3. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 2008.

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Mooren, Trudy, and Maartje Schoorl. "Bijeenkomst 1: Kennismaken." In Beter beginnen, 78–81. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 2008.

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Mooren, Trudy, and Maartje Schoorl. "Bijeenkomst 2: Verdere kennismaking." In Beter beginnen, 82–85. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 2008.

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Mooren, Trudy, and Maartje Schoorl. "Bijeenkomst 3: Lichamelijke klachten." In Beter beginnen, 86–88. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 2008.

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Conference papers on the topic "Bever":


Hojjati, Avesta, Yunhui Long, Soteris Demetriou, and Carl A. Gunter. "BEEER." In the 6th Annual Symposium. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2019.

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Jin, Zhongjun, Christopher Baik, Michael Cafarella, and H. V. Jagadish. "Beaver." In SIGMOD/PODS '18: International Conference on Management of Data. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2018.

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Galhotra, Sainyam, Donatella Firmani, Barna Saha, and Divesh Srivastava. "BEER." In SIGMOD/PODS '21: International Conference on Management of Data. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2021.

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Haberman, Bruria, Avi Cohen, and Valentina Dagiene. "The beaver contest." In the 16th annual joint conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2011.

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Gabzdyl, J., and J. Waters. "Bevel cutting with LASOX." In ICALEO® 2003: 22nd International Congress on Laser Materials Processing and Laser Microfabrication. Laser Institute of America, 2003.

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Tedeschi, Len, Osamu Tamada, Masakazu Sanada, Shuichi Yasuda, and Masaya Asai. "Immersion lithography bevel solutions." In SPIE Advanced Lithography, edited by John A. Allgair and Christopher J. Raymond. SPIE, 2008.

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Vantsevich, Vladimir V. "Spur Bevel Differential Dynamics." In ASME 2000 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2000.

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al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid, and Marc Cavazza. "Beer organoleptic optimisation." In GECCO '20: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2020.

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Sile Ma, Haixiang Wang, Zengben Hao, Xiaojun Chen, and Xueying Shen. "The full beer bottle detection of beer filling production line." In 2010 8th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA 2010). IEEE, 2010.

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Pradhan, Yogashri, and William Sprague. "Beaver Creek Unit Reservoir Evaluation." In SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition. Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2015.

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Reports on the topic "Bever":


Taylor, Jimmy D., Greg K. Yarrow, and James E. Miller. Beavers. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, March 2017.

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The American beaver (Castor canadensis) is known as an “ecosystem engineer” because of the benefits their dams provide to biological diversity and ecosystem function. It also is considered a “keystone species” because of its ability to transform its environment, creating new habitats upon which other species depend. Despite the many positive benefits beavers provide through foraging and dam building, beavers also create conflict with people when their activities cause damage. The focus of this publication is to provide basic information on beaver ecology, damage, and management.

Bakker, G., P. E. Dik, J. J. H. van den Akker, and D. J. M. van Balen. Verdichting ondergrond beter bodembeheer. Wageningen: Wageningen Environmental Research, 2021.

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Holme, P. J. Surficial geology, Beaver Mines, Alberta. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 1998.

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Norris, D. K. Beaver Mines, Alberta - British Columbia. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 1991.

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Alviarez, Vanessa, Keith Head, and Thierry Mayer. Global Giants and Local Stars: How Changes in Brand Ownership Affect Competition. Inter-American Development Bank, June 2021.

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We assess the consequences for consumers in 76 countries of multinational acquisitions in beer and spirits. Outcomes depend on how changes in ownership affect markups versus efficiency. We find that owner fixed effects contribute very little to the performance of brands. On average, foreign ownership tends to raise costs and lower appeal. Using the estimated model, we simulate the consequences of counter-factual national merger regulation. The US beer price index would have been 4-7% higher without divestitures. Up to 30% savings could have been obtained in Latin America by emulating the pro-competition policies of the US and EU.

de Gelder, Arie, Rick van der Burg, and Ben Hartog. LED in rozen het moet beter! Bleiswijk: Wageningen University & Research, BU Glastuinbouw, 2018.

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Lebel, D., and S. N. Hiebert. Geology, Beaver Mines, east half, Alberta. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 2001.

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Rowley, Peter D., Robert F. Biek, David B. Hacker, Garrett S. Vice, Robert E. McDonald, David J. Maxwell, Zachary D. Smith, et al. Interim Geologic Map of the Northwestern Quarter of the Beaver 30' x 60' Quadrangle, Beaver and Piute Counties, Utah. Utah Geological Survey, December 2020.

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Maas, G. J., W. Nieuwenhuizen, and M. Paulissen. Beter Boeren in Kleinschalig Landschap in de gemeente Lochem. Wageningen: Wageningen Environmental Research, 2017.

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Davis, Eric. SoniView See the Unseen in your Beer process. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), August 2021.

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