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Rosell, Frank. "The function of scent marking in beaver (Castor fiber) territorial defence." Doctoral thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology, 2002. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:no:ntnu:diva-1033.

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This thesis examines how scent marking in Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) functions in territorial defence. Beavers usually deposit scent (castoreum and/or anal gland secretion (AGS)) onto small piles of mud and debris, and all age classes and both sexes participate in marking. I hypothesized that scent marking plays an important role in territory defence of free-ranging Eurasian beavers and investigated the following issues. (1) Which factors affect scent-marking behaviour? (2) How are scent marks distributed temporally and spatially during an annual cycle? (3) Is castoreum and/or AGS used in territorial defence? (4) How does this species respond to simulated territorial intruders? (5) Can the Eurasian beaver discriminate between scent from neighbours and strangers, and between scent from its own species and that of the North American beaver (C. canadensis)?

I show that scent marking plays a significant indirect role in territorial defence by the Eurasian beaver. The number of scent marks was density dependent. Beavers with many close neighbours (highly challenged) may need to scent mark more often to be unambiguously recognised as territory owners. However, high-density sites may also be of better quality, providing territory holders with more energy to spend in defence and more reasons to defend. There was a significant positive correlation between the number of scent marks and both the duration of territory occupancy and length of wooded banks. Therefore, residents appear to invest more in scent marking in good quality territories, and when a territory has been occupied for a relatively long time. Theoretically, the greater potential value of the territory for residents, in contrast to intruders, makes it worth fighting harder for.

Territories were scent marked significantly more often in spring when dispersal of 2- years-olds normally occurs and scent marks were concentrated near territorial borders, apparently to maximize the signal effect to potential trespassers on or before entering the territory. Significantly more scent marks were constructed upstream than downstream of the lodge, probably because the movement of dispersing individuals is predominantly downstream. These results support the border maintenance hypothesis.

From January through March castoreum was almost exclusively deposited on scent marks and appears therefore to be the main scent signal used in the defence of Eurasian beaver territories. AGS was rarely deposited and appears to have another function.

Eurasian beaver showed territorial behaviour when an "intruder", in the form of artificially-constructed experimental scent mounds (ESMs containing castoreum from alien adult males, was placed inside the territory. They destroyed the ESMs and overmarked with their own scent in 80% of the trials. Countermarking appears to have been an attempt to mask the odour of alien adult male conspecifics with their own odours. This result therefore gives some support to the scent-masking hypothesis. Scent marks could thus provide a reliable advertisement of an individual’s ability to dominate or defend the area, since only those successfully dominating the area can ensure that their marks both predominate and are more recently deposited than those of any challenging competitors. The countermarking may therefore advertise that the territory is occupied and signal the costs of competition if the threat is ignored. I frequently observed that beavers, after visiting the ESMs, started to patrol the territory. A lack of response to ESMs without castoreum indicated that beavers were responding to the smell of castoreum and not to the sight of the scent mound itself.

Eurasian beavers sniffed both castoreum and AGS from a stranger significantly longer than those from a neighbour. They responded aggressively significantly longer to castoreum, but not to AGS, from a stranger than from a neighbour. When ESMs were allowed to remain overnight and the response measured the following morning, beavers responded significantly stronger to both castoreum and AGS from a stranger than from a neighbour. These findings indicate that Eurasian beavers can use scent to discriminate between neighbours and strangers, thereby supporting existence of the “dear enemy” phenomenon (reduced aggression towards familiar occupants of neighbouring territories).

Eurasian beavers spent significantly longer time responding aggressively to conspecific than to heterospecific (North American beavers) ESMs. They also responded significantly more aggressively to conspecific than to heterospecific ESMs overnight. Gas chromatographic comparisons of castoreum showed that differences between species accounted for 34% of the total variation in compounds detected, while differences between sexes accounted for 13%. For AGS, 49% and 46% of this variation was explained by differences between species and sex, respectively. The results confirm the hypothesis that the Eurasian beaver discriminates between scent marks of the two species, i.e. exhibits species discrimination abilities. This indicates that the Eurasian beaver would regard intrusive scent marks from the North American beaver as a lesser territorial threat than from a conspecific, and would therefore be less likely to spend time and energy countermarking these scent marks.

In conclusion, my study has contributed to a better understanding of the function of territorial scent marking in the Eurasian beaver by demonstrating their capability of transmitting odorous messages efficiently, both temporally and spatially, and their ability to countermark and discriminate ESMs from intruders of different degrees of threat. My results lend support to the idea that the function of territorial scent marking in the Eurasian beaver is to advertise related dominance status, thereby providing opportunities for intruders to assess the presence of the owner, and thus reducing the costs of agonistic conflicts for both the owner and intruder (the status advertisement hypothesis). My results also support the general scent-matching hypothesis, i.e. its predictions 1 (mark where intruders are most likely to encounter marks), 3 (make themselves available for scent matching by intruders) and 4 (remove or replace marks of others) were all supported. However, prediction 2 (mark themselves with the substances used to mark the territory) needs to be clarified. It’s still unclear whether beavers smear castoreum on their pelage, and/or mark themselves with AGS in order to waterproof the fur, and thereby simultaneously function as a “living-scent mark”. The next step should be to clarify these issues. However, the function of scent marking suggested here is not necessarily the only functional mechanism, as one function need not necessarily exclude others. Two other main functions for scent marking in Eurasian beavers that cannot be entirely ruled out are that scent marks may be used to label and thereby defend resources within the territory (the labelling resources hypothesis), and that marking is related to reproduction (e.g. by advertising reproductive status and guarding the mate during the breeding period). My work has emphasized intergroup communication. However, more work is needed to clarify the role of scent marks in intragroup communication.

Denne avhandlingen eksaminerer hvordan duftmarkeringer fungerer i territorieforsvaret hos eurasiatisk bever (Castor fiber). Beveren avsetter vanligvis duft (castoreum fra bevergjelpungene og/eller sekret fra analkjertlene (AKS)) på små hauger av leire og planterester, og alle aldersgrupper og begge kjønn deltar i markeringen. Jeg satte fram hypotesen at duftmarkeringer spiller en viktig rolle i territorieforsvaret til fritt levende eurasiatisk bever, og undersøkte følgende spørsmål. (1) Hvilke faktorer virker inn på duftmarkeringsatferden? (2) Hvordan er duftmarkeringer fordelt i tid og rom i løpet av et helt år? (3) Er castoreum og/eller AKS brukt i forsvaret av territoriet? (4) Hvordan reagerer denne arten på simulerte inntrengere i territoriet? (5) Kan den eurasiatiske beveren diskriminere mellom duft fra naboer og fremmede, og mellom duft fra sin egen art og den nordamerikanske beveren (C. canadensis)?

Jeg viste at duftmarkeringer spiller en signifikant, indirekte rolle i forsvaret av territoriet hos den eurasiatiske beveren. Antall duftmarkeringer var tetthetsavhengig. Bever med mange nære naboer (høyt utfordret) trenger sannsynligvis å duftmarkere oftere for å bli utvetydig gjenkjent som eier av territoriet. Plasser med høy tetthet er imidlertid kanskje også av bedre kvalitet, noe som gir eierne av territoriet mer energi å bruke på forsvaret, og flere grunner for å forsvare. Det var en signifikant positiv korrelasjon mellom antall duftmarkeringer og varigheten av okkupasjonen av territoriet samt lengden av banker med trær. Bofaste ser derfor ut til å investere mer i duftmarkeringer i territorier med god kvalitet og når et territorium har vært okkupert for relativ lang tid. Teoretisk, jo store potensiell verdi territoriet har for de bofaste, i kontrast til inntrengere, desto hardere bør eieren slåss for å beholde det territoriet.

Territoriet ble duftmarkert signifikant oftere om våren når spredningen av 2-åringer normalt skjer, og duftmarkeringene ble konsentrert nær grensene til territoriet, tilsynelatende for å maksimere signaleffektiviteten til potensielle inntrengere før de entrer territoriet. Signifikant flere duftmarkeringer ble konstruert oppstrøms i forhold til nedstrøms av hytta, sannsynligvis fordi bevegelsen av individer på vandring hovedsakelig er nedstrøms. Disse resultatene støtter hypotesen om grenseopprettholdelse.

Castoreum ble nesten utelukkende avsatt på duftmarkeringer fra januar til ut mars og ser ut til å være hovedlukten brukt i forsvar av eurasiatiske beverterritorier. AKS ble sjelden avsatt og har muligens en annen funksjon.

Den eurasiatiske beveren viste territorial atferd når en ”inntrenger”, i form av kunstig konstruerte eksperimentelle duftmarkeringshauger (EDH’er) med castoreum fra fremmede voksne hanner, ble plassert inne i territoriet. De ødela EDH’ene og overmarkerte med sin egen lukt i 80% av forsøkene. Overmarkeringen ser ut til å ha vært et forsøk på å maskere duften fra de fremmede voksne hannene med sin egen duft. Disse resultatene gir dermed noe støtte til duftmaskeringhypotesen. Duftmarkeringer kan derfor sørge for en troverdig annonsering av et individs evne til å dominere eller forsvare et område, siden bare de som suksessfullt dominerer et område kan sikre at deres markeringer både dominerer og er nyligere avsatt enn de fra en utfordrende konkurrent. Overmarkeringen annonserer derfor muligens at territoriet er opptatt og signaliserer kostnaden av konkurransen hvis trusselen ignoreres. Jeg observerte at beverne ofte startet å patruljere territoriet etter å ha besøkt EDH’ene. En mangel på respons på EDH’er uten castoreum indikerer at beveren reagerte på duften av castoreum og ikke på synet av duftmarkeringshaugen.

De eurasiatiske beverne snuste på castoreum og AKS fra en fremmed, signifikant lenger enn fra en nabo. De reagerte aggressivt, signifikant lenger på castoreum, men ikke på AKS, fra en fremmed enn fra en nabo. Når EDH’ene forble ute over natta og responsen ble målt den påfølgende morgenen, reagerte beverne signifikant sterkere på både castoreum og AKS fra en fremmed enn fra en nabo. Disse resultatene indikerer at den eurasiatiske beveren kan bruke duft for å diskriminere mellom naboer og fremmede, og gir dermed støtte til tilstedeværelsen av ”kjære fiende” fenomenet (redusert aggresjon mot kjente okkupanter på naboterritoriene).

De eurasiatiske beverne tilbrakte signifikant lenger tid på å reagere aggressivt på artsfrenders enn ikke-artsfrenders (nordamerikanske bevere) EDH’er. De reagerte også signifikant mer aggressivt på artsfrenders enn ikke-artsfrenders EDH’er over natt. Sammenligninger av castoreum gasskromatogram viste at forskjeller mellom artene forklarte 34% av den totale variasjonen i forbindelsene oppdaget, mens forskjeller mellom kjønnene forklarte 13%. For AKS, var henholdsvis 49% og 46% av denne variasjonen forklart av forskjeller mellom arter og kjønn. Disse resultatene bekrefter hypotesen at den eurasiatiske beveren diskriminerer mellom duftmarkeringer fra de to artene, med andre ord utøver arts diskrimineringsevner. Dette indikerer at den eurasiatiske beveren vil anse påtrengende duftmarkeringer fra den nordamerikanske beveren å utgjøre en mindre territoriell trussel enn fra en artsfrende, og vil derfor mindre sannsynlig bruke tid og energi på å overmarkere disse duftmarkeringene.

Jeg konkluderer med at mitt studium har bidratt til en bedre forståelse av funksjonen av duftmarkering i territoriet til den eurasiatiske beveren ved å demonstrere deres evne til å overføre duftbeskjeder effektivt, både i tid og rom, og deres evne til å overmarkere og diskriminere EDH’er fra inntrengere som utgjør ulik grad av trussel. Mine resultater gav støtte til ideen at funksjonen for duftmarkering av territoriet hos eurasiatisk bever er å annonsere dominans status, og dermed sørge for muligheter for inntrengere til å vurdere tilstedeværelsen av eieren som vil redusere kostnadene av de agonistiske konfliktene for både eier og inntrenger (statusannonseringshypotesen). Mine resultater støtter også den generelle duftssammenligningshypotesen, med andre ord dens prediksjoner 1 (duftmarker hvor inntrengere er mest sannsynlig å møte disse), 3 (gjør seg tilgjengelig for duftsammenligning av inntrenger) og 4 (fjern eller erstatt duftmarkeringer av andre) ble alle støttet. Prediksjon 2 (duftmarker seg selv med duften brukt til å markere territoriet) trenger imidlertid å klargjøres. Det er fortsatt uklart om beveren smører castoreum på pelsen, og/eller markerer seg selv med AKS for å gjøre pelsen vanntett og dermed fungere samtidig som en ”levende duftmarkering”. Det neste steget bør være å redegjøre for disse spørsmålene. Funksjonen til duftmarkering som er foreslått her er imidlertid nødvendigvis ikke den eneste funksjonelle mekanismen, siden en funksjon ikke trenger å utelukke andre. To andre hovedfunksjoner for duftmarkering hos eurasiatisk bever som ikke helt kan utelukkes er at duftmarkeringer kan bli brukt til å merke og dermed forsvare ressurser innen territoriet (hypotesen om ressurs merking), og at duftmarkeringen er relatert til reproduksjonen (for eksempel ved å annonsere reproduktiv status og bevoktning av maken i løpet av paringstiden). Mitt arbeid har lagt vekt på kommunikasjonen mellom familiegrupper. Mer arbeid trengs imidlertid for å klargjøre duftmarkeringens rolle i kommunikasjonen innen familiegrupper.

Paper V reprinted with kind permission of Elsevier, sciencedirect.com

Bever, Marco [Verfasser]. "Untersuchungen zu den Mechanismen der Proteinaktivierung an laserbestrahlten Goldnanopartikeln / Marco Bever." Lübeck : Zentrale Hochschulbibliothek Lübeck, 2011. http://d-nb.info/1010606255/34.

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Bever, Aline [Verfasser], and Peter [Akademischer Betreuer] Schmidt. "Validierung der Software HemoSpat™ bei Schlag-Spritz-Blutspurenmustern / Aline Bever ; Betreuer: Peter Schmidt." Saarbrücken : Saarländische Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, 2018. http://d-nb.info/1204922888/34.

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Beer, Ragnar. "Merkmale von Partnerschaftszielen als Veränderungs-Mediatoren in der verhaltenstherapeutischen Kurzzeit-Paartherapie." [S.l. : s.n.], 2001. http://webdoc.sub.gwdg.de/diss/2001/beer/beer.pdf.

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Beyer, Ashley Chantel. "Habitat comparisons of historically stable and less stable bighorn sheep populations." Thesis, Montana State University, 2008. http://etd.lib.montana.edu/etd/2008/beyer/BeyerA1208.pdf.

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Limited research has examined how habitat differences between stable and less stable bighorn populations may influence their success. Understanding these habitat differences may help explain how habitat contributes to bighorn sheep population stability. The objective of the study was to identify potential limiting habitat factors for the Tendoy Mountains bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) population in western Montana. Habitat variables that were evaluated are unlikely to be influenced by fine-scale weather or disturbance patterns. Land cover, slope, aspect, elevation, landscape ruggedness, solar radiation index (SRI), and distance to escape terrain were measured using GIS. Shrub canopy cover, graminoid and forb frequency, and horizontal visibility were measured in the field. Logistic regression was used to identify habitat differences between the stable and less stable sheep populations in summer and winter. Odds ratios from the logistic regressions were used to identify potential limiting habitat variables for the less stable population. Results from this study indicate that landscape ruggedness (P <0.01) and aspect (P <0.01) in summer ranges, and landscape ruggedness (P =0.01), aspect (P <0.01), and SRI (P <0.01) in winter ranges were the habitat characteristics most likely influencing population stability. Landscape ruggedness and SRI are relatively new habitat metrics that require more research to determine threshold values for bighorn sheep habitat. Results from this study provide initial insights into potential threshold values for landscape ruggedness and SRI for Rocky Mountain bighorns.

Maysonet, Joel R. "Wine & Beer." Thesis, University of North Texas, 2005. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc4951/.

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Wine & Beer tells the story of childhood friends Brian and Vic who, after spending some time apart, deal with the tensions of sexual orientation after they attempt to renew their friendship. At the beginning it seems that Vic's sexuality will not be a problem, but after the two friends hang out in a local bar, Brian realizes his hometown is not as tolerant as he is. The couple is faced with family and social concerns, which goes from the argumentative to the violent. As the main characters try to mingle with the conservative town, they soon find themselves looked upon by a small town resistant to change. This 35-minute film explores homophobia and violence in small town USA.

Wilhelmi, Roger Francis, Trevor Cuthbertson, Jon Yang, and Alex Harris. "Gluten-Free Beer." Thesis, The University of Arizona, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/244819.

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The goal of the project is to design a plant that is capable of converting feedstock of primarily sorghum into a gluten-free beer. This product is intended to be sold as a replacement of malt based beers for consumption by those who suffer from celiac disease or other gluten intolerances. The waste streams from this process include spent grains and yeast, and will be given to ranchers for the use as animal feed. This beer is created through a standard fermentation process. This includes mashing, boiling, filtering, fermenting, maturing, and packaging for distribution. A process hazard analysis was conducted to identify and help reduce safety and environmental hazards. An economic analysis showed that the plant's net present value for a project life of ten years with an interest rate of 15% is $1.08 million; therefore, it was recommended that the plant be built at this time. Future work includes scaling up the process for better profit margins, and finding more ways to reduce the amount of water and energy used.

Büchele, Fátima. "A embriaguez social do beber." Florianópolis, SC, 2001. http://repositorio.ufsc.br/xmlui/handle/123456789/79616.

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Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde
Made available in DSpace on 2012-10-18T05:54:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0Bitstream added on 2014-09-25T23:30:45Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 179229.pdf: 18461355 bytes, checksum: 5a396d55b9e84d3bf1e06f762a16c4ef (MD5)
A Embriaguez Social do Beber afirma que existem representações sociais e que estas estão relacionadas com ideologia no sentido de servir, estabelecer e sustentar relações de dominação. Objetivou identificar e compreender as representações que permeiam o discurso de diferentes segmentos sociais

Norman, Malin. "Terminology in Beer Reviews." Thesis, Högskolan i Gävle, Avdelningen för humaniora, 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-29360.

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The purpose of this study is to examine beer reviews to see what descriptors are identified and used to describe beers. Also, the domains APPEARANCE, AROMA, FLAVOUR, MOUTHFEEL and OVERALL IMPRESSION are analysed. The theoretical framework stems from the genre of wine reviews, with additional backbone from beer sensory analysis and established beer terminology. Through analysis of 27 beer reviews in three leading beer magazines, the study shows that most typically object descriptors and property descriptors relating to the raw materials are used. In terms of domains, APPEARANCE and MOUTHFEEL have few descriptors, whilst AROMA and FLAVOUR have a higher number of descriptors and more categories. The domain with more process related and human-like descriptions, as well as more elaborate expressions to entice the consumer, is OVERALL IMPRESSION.

Jahn, Axel [Verfasser], Eckhard [Akademischer Betreuer] Beyer, and Uwe [Akademischer Betreuer] Füssel. "Umformbarkeit laserinduktionsgeschweißter Strukturen aus höherfesten Stahlfeinblechen / Axel Jahn. Gutachter: Eckhard Beyer ; Uwe Füssel. Betreuer: Eckhard Beyer." Dresden : Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2011. http://d-nb.info/1067729062/34.

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Kotte, Liliana Verfasser], Eckhard [Akademischer Betreuer] [Gutachter] Beyer, and Christoph [Gutachter] [Leyens. "Großflächige Oberflächenmodifizierung mittels Plasmatechnologie bei Atmosphärendruck / Liliana Kotte. Betreuer: Eckhard Beyer. Gutachter: Eckhard Beyer ; Christoph Leyens." Dresden : Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2016. http://d-nb.info/1102086525/34.

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Phillips, Patrick, and Aregai Tecle. "Variations in Riparian Area Vegetation Characteristics Along Wet Beaver and Beaver Creeks of North-Central Arizona." Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science, 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/296598.

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Quifer, Rada Paola. "Risk and benefits of beer and nonalcoholic beer moderate consumption on cardiovascular system." Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Barcelona, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/404910.

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Beer is by far the most widely consumed alcoholic beverage in the world. Moderate alcohol consumption in general has been inversely associated with incident cardiovascular disease in observational studies. However, it has been suggested that fermented beverages such as red wine and beer may confer greater protective effects than spirits owing to their higher polyphenolic content. Polyphenols are secondary plant metabolites that are not essential for short-term health status, however there is increasing evidence that long-term intake may reduce the incidence of chronic diseases such as cancer, type-II diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and neurodegenerative diseases. Beer phenolic profile is very diverse, most of the beer polyphenols come from malt, and the rest come from hops used during brewing. However, although hop polyphenols in beer are found in low concentrations, they are very specific to beer since they are not detected in other foods. Most techniques used in assessing the diet followed by individuals are based on self-reporting questionnaires, which are liable to systematic bias by factors such as age, gender, social desirability and approval. In this thesis, we aim to evaluate whether regular and moderate beer and non-alcoholic beer consumption may reduce cardiovascular disease risk. To assess beer intake one of the main objectives of this thesis was to find a reliable biomarkers of beer consumption, and for this purpose we developed and validated a new method to determine hops polyphenols (prenylflavonoids). We evaluated the effects of ethanol and the phenolic compounds of beer on classical and novel cardiovascular risk factors with an interventional nutritional trial with participants at high cardiovascular risk. Moreover, in a large, multicenter, randomized, parallel group we performed a prospective study aimed at assess the differential associations of wine, beer and spirit consumption with all-cause mortality and incidence of cardiovascular events.

Hardy, Nicole Amy. "A Real (Wo)man's Beer: gendered spaces of beer drinking in New Zealand." The University of Waikato, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/10289/2362.

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This thesis examines the ways in which rural, national, and urban spaces become gendered through the practices and representations of beer drinking in New Zealand. Critical social theory combined with feminist poststructuralist debates on identities provides the theoretical framework for this research. Two focus groups with Pākehā beer drinkers aged between 18 - 30 years old were conducted; one consisting of six males and the other consisting of six females. Critical textual analysis was also undertaken on five beer advertisements representing the most popular beer brands in New Zealand; Tui, Lion Red, Waikato and Speight's. Three points frame the analysis. First, I examine rural and national gendered identities associated with beer drinking. New Zealand's beer drinking cultures are constructed within rural discourses of masculinity. There is not a single masculinity present in New Zealand's beer drinking cultures, rather there are multiple and conflicting masculinities. I suggest that through the need to constantly perform their identity, men create a rural hegemonic masculinity that is both hard, yet vulnerable. I argue that the femininities constructed within these spaces are used to enhance and further enable the hard, yet vulnerable, rural masculinity. Second, within urban spaces of beer drinking - such as the office, nightclub, clubrooms and home - homosexuals, metrosexuals and women are 'othered'. These identities are defined in relation to the hegemonic norm - 'Hard Man' masculinity - in negative ways. Furthermore, some women perform a hyper masculine identity in order to be included in these beer-drinking spaces. Finally, I examine the ways in which hegemonic gendered identities in rural, national and urban spaces may be resisted and subverted. I use contradictions from my focus group participants to unsettle the 'Hard Man' masculinity of New Zealand's beer drinking cultures.

Webb, Thomas Andrew. "Power losses in spiral bevel gears." Thesis, University of Nottingham, 2010. http://eprints.nottingham.ac.uk/27950/.

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This dissertation describes a numerical modelling strategy for characterising the windage of a spiral bevel gear rotating within a static shroud. The techniques employed include the use of a parametric solid model, and flow field modelling using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software. A number of hypothetical physical alterations are made to a control system consisting of a gear and a shroud, based on those found in a Rolls-Royce aero engine. Windage is a parasitic power loss that occurs when a gear does work on air and oil within a gas turbine internal gearbox. It leads to degradation of the oil, which wears turbo-machinery and bearing components, shortening their lives. Windage power losses also impact upon the fuel consumption of an engine, reducing its environmental credentials. The requirement of the oil is to cool and lubricate the meshing location of a pair of gears and for it to then be removed from the vicinity of the gear - preventing its re-ingestion and recirculation. The best solution to these issues of reducing windage and managing the oil is to shroud the gear effectively. Additional cooling of oil can mitigate the damage of too much heat generation, but this adds weight and expense to an engine. A parametric model of a shrouded spiral bevel gear is created, which allows for changes to be made to single or multiple dimensions of the gear and shroud. A control volume CFD approach is used, with a single tooth of a gear modelled to reduce computational time. Four gear size variables are tested: inner diameter, outer diameter, cone angle and module (number of teeth). Findings for air-only show that windage can be reduced by: increasing the cone angle; increasing the number of teeth; or decreasing the outer diameter. The effect of changing the inner diameter on windage was found to be complex due to the interaction of gear and shroud upon the system results, but far less significant than the outer diameter, as windage was seen to scale by this variable to the power of 4.3. Changes to the design of the shroud are made, with a comparison of five inlet and five outlet designs. It is found that a sudden restriction at the inlet to the shroud is the most effective way of reducing single phase windage, with additional shroud features that make the flow path more tortuous also helping. The outlet of the shroud is shown to increase windage as it is opened up and permitted to be less restrictive. A series of investigations using a Lagrangian discrete particle model (DPM) to simulate the presence of oil droplets within the system are also presented. It is shown that the destination of oil within the domain is predominantly dictated by the source location of the oil, with little sensitivity to initial velocity or size. Film modelling on the surface of the shroud, using the DPM-based film model, allows the motion of a thin layer of oil to be studied. In conjunction with the five shroud outlet designs, it is shown that a less restrictive, more open shroud outlet design will help prevent re-ingestion of oil that is present within the shrouded area of the gear.

Yousif, Ahmed. "The design of spiral bevel gears." Thesis, University of Leeds, 2010. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.577533.

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Spiral bevel gears are used widely in the transmission systems of several mechanical applications. The design of spiral bevel gears is very complicated. This is due to the complexity of the gear tooth geometry. This research concentrates on a special type of spiral bevel gears, the Palloid spiral bevel gears. The design methodology is based on the concepts of the machine kinematics. This delivers a numerical model of the spiral bevel gear tooth surfaces. The concept of a three dimensional vector analysis is applied. In addition, the condition of the tangential contact between the meshing surfaces of the cutting tool and gear blank is utilised. This is performed using the mathematical modelling software package MATLAB. The data points of the gear tooth surfaces obtained from MATLAB are defined as the nodes of the finite element mesh avoiding using a CAD package. In order to achieve high accuracy of gear geometry CAD software has to be avoided as the loss of accuracy is a problem combined with using CAD software. In addition, Hertzian contact problem for spiral bevel gears is studied using traditional Hertzian contact theory. Further more, finite element model is also investigated to compare the stress to that achieved from Hertzian analysis. Finite element analysis is applied in order to determine the response of the structure and bending stresses. Finite element analysis code ABAQUS/Standard is employed.

Fristedt, Anna-Lena, and Annika Lindberg. "Hur barn beter sig i konflikter." Thesis, Malmö högskola, Lärarutbildningen (LUT), 2008. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-28523.

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AbstractTitel: Hur barn beter sig i konflikter Författare: Fristedt, Anna-Lena & Lindberg, Annika Fristedt, Anna-Lena & Lindberg, Annika (2008). Hur barn beter sig i konflikter. (How children react in a conflict). Malmö: Lärarutbildningen, Malmö Högskola.Syftet med studien är att undersöka om yngre skolbarns konfliktbeteende förändras samt om de är medvetna om sitt eget beteende i en konflikt. Vi har studerat konfliktbeteendet genom att intervjua elever och pedagoger. För att svara på den frågan har vi intervjuat elever om hur de själva anser att de reagerar i en konflikt, samt pedagoger som har haft ansvar för eleverna från 2004 - 2007. Vi har under en treårsperiod träffat eleverna under vår verksamhetesförlagda tid. Vår undersökning utfördes på två f – 9 skolor. Intervjuerna genomfördes med elever i skolår två respektive tre om hur de själva ser på konflikter. Därefter valdes tre elever ut från vardera skolår. Valet föll på de elever som vi ansåg gav de mest uttömmande och intressanta svaren. På skola 1 intervjuade vi förskollärare på elevernas tidigare förskola, förskollärare i förskoleklass, nuvarande lärare samt fritidspedagog. På skola 2 intervjuades två förskollärare i förskoleklassen, en förskollärare som arbetar med eleverna på fritids och i idrott samt elevernas nuvarande lärare. Vi har i vårt arbete valt en kvalitativ studie genom att använda intervjuer som en metod. I vår analys har vi tolkat vårt material med den sociokulturella teorin som utgångspunkt. Vi har sammanställt en del av det empiriska datamaterialet i schema för att få bättre översikt, som vi därefter analyserat. Vi återger också pedagogernas svar och analyserar detta. Vår undersökning visar att elevers beteende i en konflikt kan vara föränderligt och att yttre påverkan som t.ex. den fysiska miljön och de olika pedagogernas personlighet påverkar eleverna.

Handschuh, Robert Frederick. "Thermal behavior of spiral bevel gears." Case Western Reserve University School of Graduate Studies / OhioLINK, 1993. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=case1057162219.

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Apperson, Kathleen. "A fluorescence study of beer." Thesis, University of Strathclyde, 2002. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.249125.

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Poništová, Natália. "Marketingová komunikace Craft beer pubu." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská, 2020. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-416905.

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The diploma thesis focuses on marketing communication of Craft Beer & Food pub U Vašinů. The first part is focused on theoretical knowledge of marketing and marketing mix. The second part contains an analysis of the environment and the current marketing communication. In the last part suggestions are presented to improve the current situation, which are based on analyzes.

Mickel, Paul-Michael [Verfasser], Eckhard [Akademischer Betreuer] Beyer, and Uwe [Akademischer Betreuer] Füssel. "Methode zur Eigenschaftsdarstellung von Laserstrahlschweißnähten im Karosseriebau / Paul-Michael Mickel. Gutachter: Eckhard Beyer ; Uwe Füssel. Betreuer: Eckhard Beyer." Dresden : Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2013. http://d-nb.info/1068443626/34.

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Sabine, Mary E. J. "Macroinvertebrate communities of different-aged beaver ponds." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk2/ftp03/MQ38407.pdf.

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Hamers, J. P. H. "De ouderenzorg verdient beter (p<0.001)." Maastricht : Maastricht : Maastricht University ; University Library, Universiteit Maastricht [host], 2005. http://arno.unimaas.nl/show.cgi?fid=12771.

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Mathys, Hans-Peter. "Dichter und Beter : Theologen aus spätalttestamentlicher Zeit /." Freiburg : Göttingen : Schweiz : Universitätsverl. ; Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1994. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb36676312z.

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Johansson, Andreas. "Effects of beaver dams on benthic macroinvertebrates." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för biologisk grundutbildning, 2014. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-396803.

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In the 1870's the beaver (Castor fiber), population in Sweden had been exterminated. Thebeaver was reintroduced to Sweden from the Norwegian population between 1922 and 1939.Today the population has recovered and it is estimated that the population of C. fiber in all ofEurope today ranges around 639,000 individuals. The main aim with this study was toinvestigate if there was any difference in species diversity between sites located upstream anddownstream of beaver ponds. I found no significant difference in species diversity betweenthese sites and the geographical location of the streams did not affect the species diversity.This means that in future studies it is possible to consider all streams to be replicates despiteof geographical location. The pond age and size did on the other hand affect the speciesdiversity. Young ponds had a significantly higher diversity compared to medium-aged ponds.Small ponds had a significantly higher diversity compared to medium-sized and large ponds.The upstream and downstream reaches did not differ in terms of CPOM amount but somewater chemistry variables did differ between them. For the functional feeding groups I onlyfound a difference between the sites for predators, which were more abundant downstream ofthe ponds.

Spira, Carsten [Verfasser], Eckhard [Akademischer Betreuer] [Gutachter] Beyer, and Andreas [Gutachter] Gebhardt. "Erweiterung der Prozessgrenzen von laserbasierten Härteverfahren im Automotive-Bereich / Carsten Spira ; Gutachter: Eckhard Beyer, Andreas Gebhardt ; Betreuer: Eckhard Beyer." Dresden : Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2017. http://d-nb.info/112477775X/34.

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Rock, Brian. "Beer Sheva as a growth machine /." [Sede Boker] : Ben Gurion University of the Negev, 2007. http://aranne5.lib.ad.bgu.ac.il/others/RockBrian.pdf.

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Oladokun, Olayide. "The quality of bitterness in beer." Thesis, University of Nottingham, 2017. http://eprints.nottingham.ac.uk/43415/.

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The bitterness of beer remains one of its most important flavour attribute. However, complexity surrounding bitterness perception alone represents a significant challenge in its understanding, in addition to other factors relating to production processes and raw materials used in making beer. The aim of this research was to better understand beer bitterness in terms of its intensity and quality, and how hopping technology (e.g. quantity and time of hop addition during the brewing process), hop aroma and variety may effect perceived bitterness intensity and quality. This project combined both analytical and sensorial analysis, and used statistical techniques to identify the key compounds driving bitterness perception. Analytical techniques were employed to quantify bitterness-contributing compounds and analytical bitterness units in beers alongside descriptive analysis of perceived sensory bitterness. Perceived sensory bitterness (both qualitative and quantitative) was assessed using a purpose developed list of well-defined bitterness attributes, to aid the characterisation of bitterness quality in beers. The impact of cross-modal flavour interactions on the perception of beer bitterness intensity and qualities was also investigated at varying analytical bitterness levels. Lastly, the effect of hop variety, and how this significant raw material affects perceived bitterness quality was also investigated using three distinctively different hop varieties (Hersbrucker, East Kent Goldings and Zeus). Results revealed a significant impact of the analytical profiles of beers, derived from the type of hop products and hopping technology adopted in beer production, on the perceived bitterness quality of beer. In general, beers high in hop acid compounds and polyphenols were, as expected, perceived to be higher in bitterness intensity. The results further showed that bitterness intensity also played a role in the perception of bitterness quality i.e. whether the beer was ‘harsh’, ‘lingering’ or ‘round’. However, beers high in these compounds were not always of ‘negative’ bitterness quality, and correspondingly lower amounts of these compounds did not always result in ‘positive’ bitterness qualities in beer. Results on the impact of cross-modal flavour interactions showed that hop aroma plays a crucial role in beer bitterness perception, and can modify the perception of bitterness intensity and quality as well as temporal profiles of bitterness in beer depending on analytical bitterness levels. The investigation into the impact of hop variety on perceived bitterness quality revealed hop-derived bitterness profiles relating to individual hop varieties, and further suggests that careful selection of the hop variety used for brewing is important for controlling perceived bitterness quality. This research provides a comprehensive interdisciplinary approach to understanding perceived beer bitterness and its associated qualities, with findings suggesting that besides bitterness intensity, the quality and overall impression of bitterness as perceived by consumers are significantly influenced by raw materials, production processes and other factors such as aroma which might be overlooked by brewers - but are likely to be significant for consumer preference and the success of a brand.

Chavez, Aguilar Antonio Jesus Omar, Rojas Edinson Gabriel Merino, Sotomayor Adriana Yesenia Tapia, Gómez Guillermo Luis Torres, and Zavala Daniela Alejandra Vilcapoma. "Proyecto de negocio cervecero “Beer Maker”." Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10757/655108.

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Objetivo: Investigar e implementar un proyecto de negocio sostenible de cerveza artesanal para personas de 18 a 50 años de edad de nivel socioeconómico A y B que vivan en Lima moderna. Dicho proyecto es un negocio con fines de lucro por lo cual se recibe efectivo por parte de los clientes como muestra de que el proyecto ha sido satisfactoria y listo para ponerla en marcha; Método: Estudio cuantitativo y cualitativo para poder determinar el nivel de aceptación del público mediante experimentos que sustentan nuestro proyecto. Además, se realizaron entrevistas al público objetivo y un estudio de tamaño de mercado para averiguar el número del segmento. Por último, se propuso la proyección del proyecto a lo largo de 3 años para determinar la escalabilidad del negocio con el fin de cumplir los objetivos planteados en relación a la operatividad, recursos humanos, marketing, responsabilidad social empresarial y la parte financiera del proyecto; Resultados: Al realizar los experimentos y el concierge, se pudo validar nuestros supuestos y poner en marcha la venta de las cervezas. Además, la aceptación de la marca en las personas fue la mejor lo que repercute en un negocio escalable; Conclusiones: Se sintetiza que el proyecto incluyendo los temas abordados en el curso para la realización del trabajo, los experimentos, de gran utilidad para tener un soporte de estudio, el grupo de trabajo, distribución de cada acción a realizar, y los clientes, con quienes la interacción y comunicación seguirá después del curso para emprender el proyecto.
Objective: Investigate and implement a sustainable craft beer business project for people between 18 and 50 years of age of socioeconomic status A and B who live in modern Lima. Said project is a for-profit business for which cash is received from clients as proof that the project has been satisfactory and ready to start; Method: Quantitative and qualitative study to determine the level of public acceptance through experiments that support our project. Additionally, target audience interviews and a market size study were conducted to find out the segment number. Finally, the projection of the project over 3 years was proposed to determine the scalability of the business in order to meet the objectives set in relation to operations, human resources, marketing, corporate social responsibility and the financial part of the project; Results: By carrying out the experiments and the concierge, it was possible to validate our assumptions and start the sale of the beers. In addition, the acceptance of the brand in people was the best which had an impact on a scalable business; Conclusions: It is synthesized that the project including the topics addressed in the course to carry out the work, the experiments, very useful to have a study support, the work group, distribution of each action to be carried out, and the clients, with who the interaction and communication will follow after the course to undertake the project.
Trabajo de investigación

McAllister, P. A. "Xhosa beer drinks and their oratory." Thesis, Rhodes University, 1987. http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1012863.

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This is a study of 'beer drinks' among Xhosa people living in the Shixini administrative area of Willowvale district, Transkei. Beer drinks are defined as a 'polythetic' class of events distinguishable from other kinds of ceremonies and rituals at which beer may be consumed, and an attempt is made to outline their major characteristics. A detailed description of the way in which beer drinks are conducted is provided in Chapter 3, with emphasis on the symbolism involved in the allocation of beer, space and time, and on the speech events (including formal oratory) that occur. The main theoretical argument is that beer drinks may be regarded as 'cultural performances' in which social reality or 'practice' is dramatised and reflected upon, enabling people to infuse their experience with meaning and to establish guidelines for future action. This is achieved by relating social practice to cultural norms and values, in a dynamic rather than a static manner. It is demonstrated that the symbolism involved in beer drinking is highly sensitive to the real world and adjusts accordingly, which means that 'culture' is continually being reinterpreted. Despite poverty, a degree of landlessness and heavy reliance on migrant labour, Shixini people maintain an ideal of rural selfsufficiency and are able to partly fulfill this ideal, thereby maintaining a degree of independence and resistance to full incorporation into the wider political economy of southern Africa. They achieve this largely by maintaining a strong sense of community and of household interdependence, linked to a sense of Xhosa tradition. It is this aspect of social practice, manifested in a variety of forms - work parties, ploughing companies, rites of passage, and so on - that is dramatised, reflected upon and reinforced at beer drinks. In a definite sense then, beer drinks may be regarded as a response and a way of adapting to apartheid, and this study one of a community under threat.

Beyer, Christian [Verfasser]. "Synthese des Indolalkaloids α-Cyclopiazonic Acid / Christian Beyer." Wuppertal : Universitätsbibliothek Wuppertal, 2011. http://d-nb.info/1010000063/34.

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Randoja, Tiina Kathryn. "The phonology and morphology of Halfway River Beaver." Thesis, University of Ottawa (Canada), 1990. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/5749.

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This dissertation is an examination of word formation and the phonological properties of the verb in Halfway River Beaver (HRB), a Northern Athapaskan language of British Columbia. Due to various types of discontinuous dependencies between verb prefixes, I adopt the traditional analysis of the Athapaskan verb into verb theme, verb base, and verb form (Sapir and Hoijer 1967, among others) to determine the sequence of affixation in the morphology. The resulting representation structures prefixes in a way which is vastly different from their surface ordering; the differences seem bizarre, as they are not encountered in non-Athapaskan languages. I propose a mapping protocol to arrive at the correct surface sequence, whereby affixes are inserted into a thematic template. It is argued that this template is a motivated structure, because it represents both the theme, which is the lexical entry of the verb, and the division of the verb into phonological rule domains. Two aspects of verb prefix phonology are considered. First, I account for the phonological similarity of two nonadjacent rule domains of the surface verb, the disjunct and the stem domains, in terms of the mapping protocol developed earlier. Secondly, I investigate the very complex and seemingly arbitrary phonological alternations undergone by prefixes in the conjunct domain, which intervenes between the disjunct and stem domains. These alternations are shown to be systematic in an analysis which adopts the notions of syllable template mapping and extraprosodicity. Conjunct prefix vowels are considered to be mostly epenthetic and vowel quality is seen to be largely predictable. The morphological and phonological analyses are preceded by a chapter which describes the properties of HRB verb prefixes in detail.

Tsang, Brian Wing Bun. "The origin of the enigmatic Beaver River sandstone." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk2/tape17/PQDD_0007/MQ31376.pdf.

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Dove, Alice E. "Methane dynamics of a northern boreal beaver pond." Thesis, McGill University, 1995. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=23883.

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Most global and regional "greenhouse gas" budgets have neglected beaver ponds, but they have been found to be relatively high emitters of methane (CH$ sb4$) (Roulet et. al., 1992). Static chambers, bubble traps, benthic chambers. piezometers, and water column and sediment profiles were used to determine the dynamics of CH$ sb4$ production, oxidation, storage, and emissions from a northern boreal beaver pond, as part of the Boreal Forest Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study (BOREAS) from May 1 to September 15, 1994. Samples were analysed by gas chromatography, and isotopic analyses were performed by mass spectrometry.
The mean flux of CH$ sb4$ from the beaver pond (155 and 320 mg CH$ sb4$ m$ sp{-2}$ d$ sp{-1}$ for vegetated and open water sites, respectively) was greater than the flux from most other northern boreal wetlands (Bubier et. al., 1995). CH$ sb4$ availability was primarily controlled by sediment temperature, and CH$ sb4$ transport was controlled by windspeed (diffusion) and atmospheric pressure (bubbles). Bubbles comprised 20 to 52% of the net annual flux comprising the remainder. A large difference in bubble flux was observed between open water (15.7 g CH$ sb4$ m$ sp{-2}$ yr$ sp{-1}$) and vegetated sites (2.9 g CH$ sb4$ m$ sp{-2}$ yr$ sp{-1}$), and isotopic analyses indicate that this difference is due, in part, to a difference in CH$ sb4$ production pathways between sites. Greater oxidation also reduced the CH$ sb4$ flux from shallow, vegetated sites.
A preliminary CH$ sb4$ budget for the BOREAS northern study area indicates that beaver ponds contribute significantly (6% to 30%) to the regional CH$ sb4$ flux. The areal extent of beaver ponds needs to be determined for inclusion in regional and global CH$ sb4$ budgets.

Beyer, Lukas [Verfasser]. "Genauigkeitssteigerung von Industrierobotern : Insbesondere mit Parallelkinematik / Lukas Beyer." Aachen : Shaker, 2005. http://d-nb.info/118161967X/34.

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Rapley, Steve. "Computational investigation of torque on spiral bevel gears." Thesis, University of Nottingham, 2009. http://eprints.nottingham.ac.uk/10803/.

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This thesis describes the development of a numerical modelling strategy for simulating the flow around a shrouded spiral bevel gear. The strategy is then applied to a series of parametric variations of key shroud parameters. The shroud and gear in question are generic, although based upon those employed in the internal gear box of a Rolls-Royce aeroengine. The need to shroud the gear comes from the fact that a spiral bevel gear, when rotated, acts like a fan. Work is done by the gear to move the surrounding fluid, usually air with oil particles suspended in it, which creates a parasitic loss, referred to as the windage power loss. The work within this thesis is part of a larger project which has investigated how windage power loss can be affected by geometric features of gears and shrouds. This is important as for large diameter (>200mm) bevel gears running at high speeds (>10,000 RPM) the windage power loss forms a substantial part of the total power loss. The modelling strategy has been developed in this work by studying 4 different fluid flow settings: Taylor-Couette flow, Conical Taylor-Couette flow, an unshrouded spiral bevel gear, and a shrouded spiral bevel gear. Work on Taylor-Couette flow provided a basic setting in which to trial various numerical techniques and gain familiarity with the commercial CFD program which would be used throughout this thesis (FLUENT), along with the meshing program GAMBIT. It gave an understanding of the flow, which was then used to simulate the flow in a modification of Taylor-Couette flow where the cylinders are replaced with cones, called Conical Taylor-Couette flow. Comparisons were made between 4 popular turbulence models, allowing a decision to be made on the `best' turbulence model to use in the modelling of a shrouded gear, and to start to develop the strategy. This strategy was then applied to the more complex geometry of an unshrouded gear, simulating experimental data which had been created on an in-house rig. To confirm the applicability of the strategy to modelling shrouded spiral bevel gears, it was applied to two shrouds for which experimental data was available. It showed that numerical modelling can capture the relative performance of the shrouds well. The work then continued by considering a series of parametric variations, whereby 3 key shroud parameters are each varied in 3 manners, producing 27 variations. Each of these parameters can affect the windage power loss: an assessment of how much each parameter affects windage power loss has been given. A description of the flow field in `good' and `bad' cases has been given, and through approximating the flow by using the compressible form of Bernoulli's equation, reasons for a `bad' shroud being `bad' have been presented.

NAKHJIRI, MINOO. "Study of running-in of spiral bevel gears." Thesis, KTH, Maskinkonstruktion (Inst.), 2012. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-143628.

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Hand held power tools have enabled craftsmen and skilled workers in general to increase their productivity while cutting, assembling, and grinding. Atlas Copco Tools has been at the vanguard of ever increasing product performance in hand held power tools. One product module which has been thoroughly studied is the bevel gear transmissions present in Atlas Copco angle head nut runners. For these gears a large variation of service life has been observed due to difference in the running procedures and different service intervals.To extend the service life of nut runners, Atlas Copco Tools has started to investigate the effects from running-in of gears. Running-in is a procedure of reducing the surface roughness which can help to enhance the contact conditions. The impact of running-in can be measured either by the steady state of wear or steady state of friction.In this master thesis, different procedures of running-in have been investigated. The changes in contact pattern, surface roughness values and efficiency losses were measured step-vice during the different running-in setups. In addition, the minimum lubricant film thickness has been calculated analytically and a commercially available gear software provided the contact pattern for perfectly smooth gears which was compared with the real contact situation.The different running-in procedures resulted in one optimized running-in procedure where an increase in gear life was found. The biggest change in surface roughness happens at the very first running-in step. Hence, running the gears for one longer period of time, with low torque and specific speed range, gives the best running-in effects. Moreover, starved lubrication conditions were found which are most likely linked to the present gear design. A redesign is suggested to further increase the gear life.
Handhållna eldrivna verktyg har under många år bidragit till att öka produktiviteten inom industrin. Atlas Copco Tools utvecklar sådana verktyg med fokus på produktivitet, ergonomi och kvalitet. En produktmodul som de arbetat med att förbättra är vinkelväxeln som sitter i deras elektriska mutterdragare eftersom livslängdvariationer, beroende på hur de är använda och när service är gjord, noterats.För att få ner variationerna har Atlas Copco Tools börjat undersöka om inkörning av vinkelväxlarna kan förlänga livslängden. Inkörning kan göra ytorna jämnare och därmed förbättra smörjförhållandena i kuggkontakten. Effekten av inkörning kan mätas genom att studera nötning och effektförluster.I detta examensarbete analyseras olika inkörningsförlopp stegvis med avseende på kontaktbild, ytfinhet och effektförluster. Minsta smörjfilmstjocklek beräknades analytiskt och med hjälp av ett kommersiellt datorprogram kunde kuggkontaktbilden för statiskt belastade perfekta kuggväxlar studeras och jämföras med den verkliga kontakten.Av de testade inkörningsförfarandena presenteras en optimal inkörningsmetod som kunde kopplas till en förlängd livslängd. Vidare så bedömdes smörjningen vara otillräcklig. Arbetet visar också att en omkonstruktion av kuggeometrin är nödvändig för att ytterligare förlänga livslängden.

De, Boni Raquel Brandini. "Disponibilidade de bebidas alcoólicas e beber e dirigir." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10183/37050.

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O consumo abusivo de álcool e os acidentes de trânsito (AT) são considerados problemas de saúde pública, sendo que, anualmente, causam a morte de 2,5 e 1,2 milhões de pessoas, respectivamente, em todo o mundo. A densidade de pontos de consumo de álcool (Alcohol Outlets - AO) vem sendo relacionada ao comportamento de beber e dirigir (Drive Under Influence - DUI), e este é fator de risco importante para AT. Contudo, essa associação permanece controversa na literatura internacional e não há no Brasil estudos que a tenham avaliado. Esta tese compreende três estudos distintos, apresentados em quatro artigos científicos, e tem como objetivo geral avaliar a associação entre a disponibilidade física de bebidas alcoólicas e o comportamento de beber e dirigir na cidade de Porto Alegre. Considerando a escassez de dados nacionais na área, os dois primeiros estudos (“Geoprocessamento e análise espacial de acidentes de trânsito e pontos de consumo de bebidas alcoólicas em Porto Alegre” e “Prevalência de alcoolemia positiva em vítimas de acidente de trânsito atendidas em emergências de Porto Alegre”) foram necessários para estabelecer os parâmetros do último, um inquérito para avaliar a prevalência DUI entre motoristas que freqüentam AO. O primeiro artigo (Traffic crashes and alcohol outlets in a Brazilian state capita) descreve um estudo transversal utilizando dados secundários, cujo objetivo foi determinar as áreas da cidade de Porto Alegre com maior concentração de AO e verificar sua associação com áreas de maior concentração de AT. Os dados foram analisados utilizando geoprocessamento e estatística espacial e não houve associação significativa entre AO e AT relacionados ao álcool, possivelmente porque a densidade de AO é elevada em todo o município. O segundo artigo (Factors associated with alcohol and drug use among traffic crash victims in southern Brazil) descreve um estudo transversal com amostra consecutiva obtida nos dois principais hospitais de emergência–trauma de Porto Alegre. Seu objetivo principal foi verificar a prevalência de alcoolemia positiva e de outras drogas entre as vítimas de AT. Os dados foram então tabulados para estimar os horários (turnos) de maior freqüência de AT relacionados ao álcool, que serviram como base para a estratificação dos turnos no estudo 3. Foram entrevistadas 609 vítimas, sendo que a prevalência de alcoolemia positiva variou de 7,8%, entre os motoristas, a 9,2% entre os pedestres. O terceiro estudo foi um “Inquérito entre motoristas que bebem em pontos de consumo de bebidas alcoólicas de Porto Alegre”, cujo objetivo foi determinar a prevalência de beber e dirigir e seus fatores associados a partir de uma amostra probabilística. O artigo 3 descreve as estratégias de método utilizadas para selecionar uma amostra representativa da população de motoristas que bebem em AO de porto Alegre, uma população flutuante. Foi desenhada uma amostra complexa em três estágios: 1) setores censitários estratificados pela densidade de AO (obtida no Estudo 1) e selecionados com probabilidade proporcional ao número de AO em cada setor; 2) combinação de AO e turno, estratificados pela prevalência de AT relacionados ao álcool (obtida no Estudo 2) e selecionados com probabilidade proporcional ao quadrado de sua duração em horas; 3) motoristas que beberam utilizando amostragem inversa baseada no screening dos que beberam nos AO selecionados. Os pesos amostrais foram obtidos com base nas probabilidades de inclusão na amostra e calibrados por meio de um estimador de pós-estratificação para assegurar coerência com os totais do screening. Foram abordados 3.118 indivíduos e entrevistados 683. Estimou-se que 151.573 motoristas beberam em bares no período do estudo e 56% deles pretendia dirigir na hora subseqüente. O artigo 4 mostra que a prevalência de DUI foi maior nas áreas de baixa concentração de AO, enquanto as áreas de alta concentração tiveram maior freqüência de jovens e indivíduos intoxicados por cocaína. Para cada um dos estudos são discutidas as limitações, as necessidades de continuidade nas pesquisas e as implicações para as políticas de Saúde. Os resultados indicam a necessidade de limitar a disponibilidade física de álcool ─ seja através da restrição do número de estabelecimentos que vendem bebidas alcoólicas ou do zoneamento de áreas para a vendaestratégias recomendadas internacionalmente como forma de prevenir as conseqüências do abuso de álcool.
Alcohol abuse and traffic crashes (TC) are considered public health problems and every year they are associated with 2.5 and 1.2 million of deaths worldwide, respectively. Alcohol outlet (AO) density has been associated with Driving Under Influence (DUI), which is a well known risk factor for TC. However, the association is controversial in international literature and there are no studies in Brazil. This thesis comprises three different studies, presented in four scientific papers. Its main objective is to evaluate the association between alcohol physical availability and the drinking and driving behavior. As national data on the subject is scarce, the initial two studies (“Geoprocessing and spatial analyses of traffic crashes and alcohol outlets in Porto Alegre” and “Prevalence of positive alcohol blood concentration (BAC) among traffic crash victims of emergency rooms from Porto Alegre”) were conducted to establish the parameters of the third study, a survey to evaluate DUI prevalence among drivers in alcohol outlets. The first manuscript (Traffic crashes and alcohol outlets in a Brazilian state capital) describes a cross-sectional study with secondary data, which aimed to describe high and low AO concentration areas, as well as to test its association with AT density areas in Porto Alegre. Data was analyzed using geoprocessing and spatial statistics. There was no association between AO and alcohol related TC, maybe because AO are spread all over the city. The second manuscript (Factors associated with alcohol and drug use among traffic crash victims in southern Brazil) describes a cross-sectional study with consecutive sample obtained in the two main emergency rooms from Porto Alegre. Its aim was to estimate the prevalence of positive BAC and other drugs among TC victims. Data was tabulated to define the three hour shifts that had higher frequencies of alcohol related TC (used to stratify the shifts from Study 3). On the 609 victims interviewed, positive BAC was found in 7.8% of drivers and 9.2% of pedestrians. The third study was a survey aimed to estimate DUI prevalence and its associated factors after a probabilistic sample. The manuscript 3 describes the methods used to select a representative sample of drivers who drank in Porto Alegre AO, a floating population. It was designed a complex sample with three stages: 1) census enumeration areas - stratified by AO density (obtained after Study 1) and sampled with probability proportional to the number of AOs in each CEA; 2) combinations of outlets and shifts - stratified by prevalence of alcohol-related TC (obtained after Study 2) and sampled with probability proportional to their squared duration in hours; and, 3) drivers who drank - using inverse sampling after the screening of individuals who drank at selected AO. Sample weights were calculated using the probabilities of inclusion in the sample and calibrated using a post-stratification estimator to ensure coherence with the screening totals. It was approached 3,118 individuals and interviewed 683. It was estimated that 151,573 drivers have drank at AO during the survey timeframe, and 56.3% of them intended to drive in the subsequent hour. The manuscript 4 points that DUI prevalence was higher in areas with low AO concentration, while high AO concentration areas had a higher frequency of young people and cocaine use. Limitations, the need of future research and implications for public policy are discussed for each study. Results indicate that restricting alcohol availability is a necessary measure- either restricting the number of AO or establishing zoning areas for alcohol sales, which are strategies recommended worldwide for the prevention of alcohol abuse consequences.

Cotton, Fay Ellen. "Potential beaver colony density in parts of Québec." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 1990. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/42093.

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Three sets of linear regression models relating vegetation and hydrographic variables to observed beaver colony densities were developed for 3 study areas in Quebec where the effects of trapping on beaver densities were considered negligible. The first two study areas were located in mature northern hardwood forest. This research focused principally on the first study area, Papineau-Labelle Wildlife Reserve, where beaver colony density and habitat variables were studied at a 1:20,000 scale on 20 4-sq-km sample plots. Over 700 habitat variables were collected and generated from forest inventory maps, a computerized forest stand database, and base maps using a digitizer, microcomputer, mainframe and SAS programs. From the set of 32 models presented, the model explaining the most variation (95%) showed that beaver colony densities increased with density of stream length between 2% and 6% gradient and amount of wetland broadleaf cover forest area and decreased with forest stand area between 60 and 100 years of age. A set of decision rules was developed to help managers select the best model for determining beaver colony density according to availability, effort needed to measure and generalizability of the habitat information, and according to desired precision of the estimation. The model explaining the most variation (62%) in beaver colony numbers with the least measurement effort used total stream length measured from maps with the line intercept method. In the second study area, Gatineau Park, hydrographic and shoreline vegetation variables in 63 4-sq-km quadrats were examined. The model explaining the most variation (35%) in beaver colony numbers showed that beaver colony densities increased with density of stream length in the 1 % to 10% gradient class. The third study area was located in the boreal forest of the St. Lawrence North Shore area and included 49 trapping units in which the effects of trapping on colony densities was considered negligible. Beaver density on the traplines was related to % cover as portrayed on 1: 50,000 scale MER summary forest inventory maps. Of the set of 4 models retained, the model explaining the most variation (61 %) in beaver colony numbers showed that beaver colony densities increased with the area of young broadleaf cover and the burnt area. In the 2 mature northern hardwood study areas, hydrographic characteristics seemed to explain beaver colony density variations, whereas in the boreal forest where clearcutting and fires disturbed the forest, a significant portion of beaver colony density variation seemed to be explained by food abundance differences. The sets of models in Papineau-Labelle and the St. Lawrence North Shore are considered of potential use to furbearer managers in Quebec because they provide a relatively low cost means to determine potential beaver colony densities.
Master of Science

Cheng, Yuping. "Dynamics of Hypoid and Bevel Geared Rotor Systems." The Ohio State University, 2000. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1391708583.

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Beyer, Kirsten [Verfasser]. "Neue Therapien der Nahrungsmittelallergie im Kindesalter / Kirsten Beyer." Berlin : Medizinische Fakultät Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, 2009. http://d-nb.info/1023956713/34.

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Beier, Matthias [Verfasser]. "Transport neutraler angeregter Spezies im Afterglow / Matthias Beier." Chemnitz : Universitätsbibliothek Chemnitz, 1998. http://d-nb.info/1210712156/34.

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Desta, Assefa, and Aregai Tecle. "Restoration Capability of the Former Beaver Creek Watershed." Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/296610.

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Potgieter, Nardus. "Analysis of beer aroma using purge-and-trap sampling and gas chromatography." Pretoria : [s.n.], 2006. http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd-09282007-140010.

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Kawalec, Urszula. "Das Weltbild im Werk von Richard Beer-Hofmann." Stuttgart : Akademischer Verlag, 2005. http://books.google.com/books?id=AxdmAAAAMAAJ.

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Silva, Arielle Pinto. "Água de beber, água de beber camará: uma análise do sistema de marketing da água a partir da perspectiva de macromarketing." Universidade Federal da Paraíba, 2017. http://tede.biblioteca.ufpb.br:8080/handle/tede/9354.

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Submitted by Maike Costa (maiksebas@gmail.com) on 2017-08-31T13:38:26Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 8739373 bytes, checksum: d6818f3641a41a432901226e81fb5946 (MD5)
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This thesis is aimed at studying the marketing system of water which is meant to be drunk, represented mainly by the modalities of tap water and bottled water. The main point of our thesis is that the aforementioned system is unbalanced and that bottled water consumption provokes social issues, both economic and environmental. In order to develop such proposition, we structured four objectives and carried out two empirical researches (qualitative and quantitative research). The first objective was to present how the Water Marketing System (SMA) works with water that is meant to be drunk. To achieve that, we described all the elements that form the SMA: entrances, agents, flows, activities, exits, context and other systems. We propose that the State is an agent with a special role and that Marketing is an academic field which can contribute to enhance the results in the system. Furthermore, we presented special elements that are central to harmonize the situations caused by unbalance: efficiency, stakeholder theory, distributive justice and sustainability. Moreover, we intended to understand the variables that influence in the consumer predisposition to replace bottled water for tap water (straight out of the tap or filtered). We developed a questionnaire for consumers all over Brazil, which was applied both face to face and online, out of which we have used a sample of 798 valid questionnaires. To manage statistical data, we applied multivariate regression techniques, Theil-Sen and quantile. That way, we found the following variables: “organoleptic characteristics”, “health risk” and “attitude towards tap water” influence in the likeability of replacement of tap water straight from the tap and “organoleptic characteristics”, “health risk”, “context indicators”, “attitude” and even “trust in government” influence when the intention is to replace and use treated water. In addition, we applied the analysis of variance and figured that, depending on the income of the consumer, there is variation in the predisposition to replace bottled water for tap water. Besides, we intend to present practices of incentive for the consumption of tap water developed by agents of SMA. We carried out the data collection through a documented research and interviews. We found that at least three different SMA agents (companies, NGO and State) encourage the consumption of tap water, developing actions that fit three theoretical frames: social marketing, consumer’s education and market regulation. Still, we note that the interviewed agents consider: that SMA is unbalanced, that information is key in the education process, that the bottled water companies intensify communication actions in order to promote bottled water as the best option for ingestion, amongst other findings. As a result of such steps, we conclude that there is a situation of unbalance in the SMA and that bottled water consumption generates a few problems. To sum up, we point to targets in support of the balance to be conducted by State and Marketing through the results we found, which led to a proposition of actions and target ideas for these two agents.
A presente tese estuda o sistema de marketing de água com a finalidade de beber, representado em sua maioria pela modalidade de água da torneira e água engarrafada. Assumimos como argumentos de tese que este sistema está desequilibrado e que o consumo de água engarrafada acarreta problemas sociais, econômicos e ambientais. Para o desenvolvimento desta proposta, elaboramos quatro objetivos e conduzimos duas pesquisas empíricas (quantitativa e qualitativa). O primeiro objetivo foi o de apresentar a configuração do Sistema de Marketing da Água (SMA) para finalidade de beber. Por tanto, fizemos a descrição de todos os elementos que formam o SMA: entradas, agentes, fluxos, atividades, saídas, contexto e outros sistemas. Propusemos que o Estado é um agente com papel especial e que o Marketing é uma área acadêmica que pode contribuir para aprimorar os resultados do sistema. Prosseguimos apresentando os elementos centrais para harmonizar as situações decorrentes de desequilíbrios: eficiência, teoria do stakeholder, justiça distributiva e sustentabilidade. Em seguida, designamos compreender as variáveis que influenciam a predisposição do consumidor a substituir água engarrafada por água da torneira (direto ou filtrada). Desenvolvemos um questionário que foi aplicado de forma presencial e on-line com consumidores de todo o Brasil. No total, conseguimos uma amostra de 798 questionários válidos. Para as análises estatísticas, realizamos Regressão Multivariada, Theil-Sen e Quantílica. Desta forma, encontramos que as variáveis ‘características organolépticas’, ‘risco para saúde’ e ‘atitude em relação à água da torneira’ influenciam a propensão de substituição para água direto da torneira; e ‘características organolépticas’, ‘risco para saúde’, ‘indicadores contextuais’, ‘atitude’ e, ainda, ‘confiança no governo’ influenciam quando a intenção é pela substituição por água tratada. Em adição, aplicamos a análise de variância e constatamos que, a depender da renda do consumidor, existe variação na predisposição a substituir água engarrafada por água direto da torneira. Depois, tencionamos apresentar práticas de incentivo para o consumo de água da torneira desenvolvidas por agentes do SMA. Realizamos coleta de dados através de uma pesquisa documental e da realização de entrevistas. Encontramos que pelo menos três agentes diferentes do SMA (companhias, ONG e Estado) encorajam o consumo de água da torneira, desenvolvendo ações que se encaixam em três recortes teóricos: marketing social, educação do consumidor e regulação de mercado. Ainda, constatamos que os agentes entrevistados consideram que: o SMA está desequilibrado, que a informação é chave do processo de educação, e que as empresas de água engarrafada intensificaram ações de comunicação para promovê-la como melhor opção para ingestão, entre outras verificações. Em decorrência destas etapas realizadas, concluímos que existe uma situação de desequilíbrio no SMA e que o consumo de água engarrafada gera alguns problemas. Por fim, visamos apontar direcionamentos em prol do equilíbrio a serem conduzidos pelo Estado e pelo Marketing a partir dos resultados encontrados, o que resultou na proposição de um conjunto de ações e direcionamentos para esses dois agentes.

Pawlik, Gregor [Verfasser], Wolfgang [Akademischer Betreuer] Beyer, Wolfgang [Gutachter] Beyer, and Raimund [Gutachter] Forst. "Untersuchung zur Effektivität der Anschlussheilbehandlung bei Patienten nach Implantation einer Hüfttotalendoprothese / Gregor Pawlik ; Gutachter: Wolfgang Beyer, Raimund Forst ; Betreuer: Wolfgang Beyer." Erlangen : Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), 2020. http://d-nb.info/1212242769/34.

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Hargrave, Adam, and Benjamin Koponen. "To Beer or not to Beer : Investigating Swedish Microbrewing Through an Integrated Resource-Based and Institutional Capital View." Thesis, Internationella Handelshögskolan, Högskolan i Jönköping, IHH, Företagsekonomi, 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-44078.

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Background: Microbreweries are a rapid and emergent alternative in the alcoholic beverage industry. Understanding resource selection, development, and management with their institutional context and capital are critical for microbreweries to develop sustained competitive advantage in a difficult industry. Therefore, using Oliver’s (1997) and Bresser and Millonig’s (2003) integration of resource capital and institutional capital, the researchers identified a gap in the literature and were interested in exploring how Swedish microbreweries select and manage resource and institutional capital in their competitive context and identify challenges to existing literature.                  Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore and investigate how Swedish microbreweries select, develop, and manage institutional and resource-based capital. The study looks to explain the internal strategy process and factors affecting the microbrewery’s decisions.     Method: The study is an exploratory approach by combining existing theoretical frameworks and empirical data. Empirical data was collected through a qualitative research method consisting of seven semi-structured interviews and analysed with the thematic analysis technique.   Conclusion: The authors propose an amendment to Oliver’s (1997) model that links the empirical data and existing literature. In this context, collaborations and brewery networks are an important overarching dynamic that influences the procurement and management of resource capital and institutional capital. The dominant nature of collaborations and brewery networks is instrumental in the success of the microbrewery in question as it provides access to valuable resources and knowledge development crucial to achieving a sustained competitive advantage. This model can be used in the understanding of the overlapping factors facing the Swedish microbrewing industry.

Jasiulionis, Marius. "Bebrų (Castor fiber L.) poveikis ir jo tendencijos melioracijos sistemose." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2009. http://vddb.library.lt/obj/LT-eLABa-0001:E.02~2007~D_20090908_194020-67364.

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Daugiau, kaip 80 % hidrografinio tinklo Lietuvoje sudaro melioracijos kanalai. Daugiau kaip 30 % bebrų populiacijos gyvena šiuose kanaluose. Bebrų veikla neretai trikdo normalų melioracijos sistemų funkcionavimą. Tyrimui pasirinktos dviejuose skirtinguose kraštovaizdžiuose esančios bebravietės (Molėtų bei Panevėžio rajonuose). Šiame darbe buvo tiriama bebraviečių tankumas, pasiskirstymas, erdvinės charakteristikos bei statybinės veiklos intensyvumas melioracijos kanaluose. Nustatytas bebrų poveikio mastas bei šio masto pokyčiai. Ištirtose teritorijose bebrų veikiama pusė melioracijos kanalų linijinio ilgio. Per 10 metų (1995-2005) bebraviečių skaičius melioracijos kanaluose praktiškai nepakito, taigi nekito ir melioracijos sistemoms daromas poveikis.
More than 80 % of hydro-graphical network in Lithuania is composed of drainage channels. More than 30 % of beaver populations in Lithuania live in drainage channels. Beaver activity often dislocates irrigations systems. This research was taken in two different landscapes. Beaver sites were visited in Moletai and Panevezys districts. Density, spread, dimensions and constructional activity were recorded in drainage channels. Also this study shows influence over the environment of changing number in beaver populations. Half of linear lengths of irrigation systems are influenced by beaver activity. The number of beaver sites did not change in a ten year period (1995-2005) as well as did not change the damage caused by beaver activity.

Ramberg, Anna. "Evaluation of DNA Quality of Beer Ingredients." Thesis, Uppsala University, Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology, 2006. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-7101.

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The project aim is to determine if good quality DNA can be extracted from barley, malt and hop, ingredients used in beer brewing. Good quality DNA is important in DNA fingerprinting techniques which can be used for identification of ingredients. The 3 methods tested are the cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) method, QIAGEN DNeasy Plant Mini Kit and Meyer’s method as published in 1996 with QIAGEN DNeasy Plant Mini Kit in combination. To evaluate the DNA quality after extraction we used 3 different techniques:

(i) spectrophotometry to estimate purity by using the ratio A260/A280; (ii) agarose gel electrophoresis after DNA extraction to determine the success of the extraction and evaluate the amount of high molecular weight DNA and degradation; and (iii) the polymerase chain reaction with 4 different primer pairs, together with agarose gel electrophoresis, to determine if the extracted DNA could be used in downstream applications, see the effect of inhibitors and estimate the fragmentisation of the DNA. The results achieved using the above mentioned methods were then used to evaluate the success of each of the extraction methods in their function of extracting high quality DNA from barley, malt and hop as well as determining whether the treatment of the ingredients has an effect on the DNA quality.

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