Academic literature on the topic 'Minaev'

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Journal articles on the topic "Minaev":


Ermakova, Tatiana V. "Th.I. Stcherbarsky’s Letters to I.P. Minaev (1890)." Письменные памятники Востока 17, no. 3 (October 26, 2020): 127–36.

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Letters by Th.I. Stcherbatsky (18661941) to his teacher I.P. Minaev (18401890) were addressed to Pou resort, France and dated JanuaryMarch 1890. The preface to the publication analyzes important aspects: the university life and circumstances, scientific plans of the young Stcherbartsky. It expounds, for the first time, his attitude to the system of local self-government in rural regions (zemstvo). This publication explains the early period of Th. Stcherbatskys biography and is thus an important contribution to historical studies of the period. Letters by Th. Stcherbatsky are housed at the personal archive of I.P. Minaev at the Archives of the Orientalists at the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS. They are being published for the first time.

Tokmakov, Anatoly. "La prose de Minaev : phénomène d'altérité « dirigée »." Revue Russe 33, no. 1 (2009): 159–69.

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Крупеньова, Т. І. "MACARONISMS IN THE NOVEL BY SERGEY MINAEV «DUKHLESS»." Мова, no. 29 (July 23, 2018): 81–85.

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Albedil, M. F., and A. N. Babin. "The Ethnographic Collection of Ivan P. Minaev: the Problems of Attribution and Interpretation." Kunstkamera, no. 1(3) (May 2019): 229–38.

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Mubarakshina, Anastasia Mikhailovna. "Understanding texts with foreign language inclusions: On communicative strategies (based on the novel “Duhless” by Sergey Minaev)." Philology and Culture 58, no. 4 (2019): 87–93.

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Roberts, Graham H. "All mod cons ?" Canadian-American Slavic Studies 51, no. 4 (2017): 459–80.

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In our paper we propose a typology of the different ways in which the theme of consumption and the consumer society is treated in contemporary Russian literature. Some writers, of whom Oksana Robski is perhaps the best known, view consumption as something entirely positive, as a way for an individual (and especially a woman) to affirm their social identity. Others, such as Sergei Minaev and Viktor Pelevin, directly attack consumerism for the manner in which it has produced a spiritual void in Russian society today. A third group of writers, such as Zakhar Prilepin and Dmitry Bykov, criticise consumerism indirectly, by showing characters who are more or less violently opposed to the new society. Finally, novelists such as Ol’ga Slavnikova, Vladimir Sorokin and Mikhail Elizarov, do not evoke consumerism explicitly, but instead use metaphor to evoke the absence of basic human values in the new market economy. In today’s Russia, consumption has become the focus of a bitter struggle between different views of human nature, of society, and perhaps most importantly, of Russian identity itself. Nowhere is this struggle more clearly portrayed than in the pages of contemporary Russian literature.


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Krasnodembskaya, Nina G. "In search of ethnographical reality (regarding the peculiarities of the traditions of the Russian school of Indology in St. Petersburg)." Issues of Museology 11, no. 2 (2020): 275–89.

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The ethnographic focus of the Russian Indological school was mainly developed in St. Petersburg and, above all, in the Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (MAE). The author identifies five main stages of its development. Thus, the purpose of the article is to determine the time frame, the main life circumstances of a particular stage, the main actors, the tools and tasks of scientific activity, key scientific activities and the main result/product of labor. The first period refers to the last third of the XIX century and is associated with the name of Ivan Minaev (1840–1890), founder of the Russian Indological School. The next stage is connected with the names of the director of the MAE Vasily Radlov and the Indologists Alexander and Lyudmila Mervart, who carried out a special ethnographic expedition to Ceylon and India in 1914–1918, for the reorganization of the scientific and educational activities of the museum. The early Soviet period (from 1917 to the middle of the 20th century) was connected with the separation of MAE from world science and other restrictions, but Indologists (Virendranath Chattopadhyaya, Valery Krasnodembsky, etc.) at that time found ways to acquire new ethnographic knowledge, the directions of scientific research were partly expanded. The revival of all areas of MAE Indological activity occurred after the liberation of the countries of South Africa from colonial dependence. The current state of affairs in the MAE inspires a certain optimism. There is a well-prepared team of Indologists and the most important traditions have been preserved.

Minaev, Mihail Yu, and Anzhelika A. Makhova. "THE STUDY OF PROKARYOTIC GENE EXPRESSION." Theory and practice of meat processing 3, no. 2 (July 11, 2018): 40–52.

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One of the methods to evaluate the level of gene expression is a real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). Interest in the study of molecular mechanisms of gene expression and its evaluation in prokaryotes is due to the lack of research on this issue and a number of methodological problems. The paper presents a study of gene expression mechanism in prokaryotes evidence from Aeromonas salmonicida AS1 gyrase B and collagenase genes. As a result of the research, Random primer and oligo (dT) primer (two 3’-terminal nucleotides of the primer complementary to stop codon nucleotides of the transcribed DNA sequence) with anchor and adapter of our own design were tested, which are used in the reaction of reverse transcription. The use of oligo (dT) primer became possible only after polyadenylation of extracted RNA using special poly-A polymerase kit. It is determined that the developed protocol of reverse transcription (RT) using oligo (dT) primer and adapter with certain sequence on its 5’-terminus designed for further annealing of the reverse primer during real-time PCR along with preliminary polyadenylation of RNA excludes specific amplification of the background genomic DNA. This technique may be applied in evaluating the expression level of low-expression genes when high background genomic DNA content is found in the RNA sample, e.g. at the end of logarithmic growth of prokaryotic cells.ContributionAll authors bear responsibility for the work and presented data. All authors made an equal contribution to the work. Minaev M. Yu. developed scientific and methodological approaches to work, determined the scope of research, analyzed the data obtained, performed the narrative and corrected it in final. Makhova A.A. selected research objects, carried out RNA extraction, reverse transcription and PCR analysis, performed the narrative part. The authors were equally involved in writing the manuscript and bear the equal responsibility for plagiarism.Conflict of interestThe authors declare no conflict of interest.

Korotayev, Andrey. "Apologia for ‘the Sabaean cultural-political area’." Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 57, no. 3 (October 1994): 469–74.

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Firstly, I accept Beeston's proposal to refer ‘to linguistic data as Minaic, Sabaic, Qatabanic and Hadramitic, leaving Minaean etc. for non-linguistic contexts’ (Beeston, 1987a: 13). His argument (at least with respect to the distinction between the ‘Sabaean’ and the ‘Sabaic’) looks entirely convincing:The Sabaeans were the inhabitants of the area around Ma'rib. But they shared a common language(no doubt with dialectal varieties) with the peoples of the desert fringes between Ma'rib and Wadial-Jawf, of a considerable part of Wadi al-Jawf itself, and of the high plateaux lying in the angle of those two areas—Arḥab, Qā‘ al-Bawn, Qā‘ Ṣany‘ā’ etc. It is dubious whether these other peoples would have called themselves Sabaeans,1 and it might be preferable therefore to term the language Sabaic rather than Sabaean’ (Beeston, 1979: 115).

Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Minaev":


Zama, Martina. "Proposta di traduzione e analisi del primo capitolo del romanzo di Sergej Minaev “Duchless 21 veka. Selfie”." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2018.

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Questo elaborato finale presenta la proposta di traduzione dal russo all'italiano del primo capitolo del romanzo "Duchless 21 veka. Selfie" (2015) di Sergej Minaev. Nel primo capitolo si delinea il contesto dal quale nasce il libro, e quindi la biografia dell’autore e il genere nel quale ricade il romanzo. Nel secondo capitolo, invece, si trova invece la mia proposta di traduzione del primo capitolo del libro. Infine, nel terzo capitolo, viene affrontata l’analisi della traduzione, nella quale vengono spiegate le scelte traduttive di fronte alle diverse problematiche riscontrate durante il processo di traduzione del primo capitolo dell'opera.

Ruggiero, Chiara. "Al di là del Cremlino. Analisi e proposta di traduzione del romanzo "Moskva, ja ne ljublju tebja" di Sergej Sergeevič Minaev." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2017.

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Данная дипломная работа заключается в переводе на итальянский язык романа “Москва, я не люблю тебя” С.С. Минаева и в анализе этого романа для того, чтобы исследовать и узнать больше о том, что предлагает современная русская литература. Работа состоит из четырёх частей. В первой главе даются описание места и годы, в которых разворачивается роман; исследование современной русской литературы; краткое описание истории тележурналистики в России и также можно найти краткую биографию Минаева. Во второй главе представляется тщательный и подробный анализ сюжета, персонажей, тем и жанров книги. В третьей главе представлены примечание переводчика и перевод романа на итальянский язык. В четвертой и последней главе описаны основные проблемы, возникающие у переводчиков, и предложения возможных решений.

Lindberg, Rosemarie Kristine Rein. "Skolen i minnet : Skolegang under andre verdenskrig i Trondheim." Thesis, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Institutt for historiske studier, 2014.

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Masteroppgaven handler om skolegangen til barn i Trondheim under andre verdenskrig. Hovedfokuset i oppgaven er hvordan andre verdenskrig påvirket momenter av skolegangen, som for eksempel skolebygget, lærerne og hverdagen generelt. Et viktig fokus i oppgaven er også på minner, og hvordan og hvorfor man husker.

Navarrete, Paap Pamela Viviana. "Geometalurgia en la Planificación de una Mina a Cielo Abierto." Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2007.

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Minet, Christophe. "Lubrification mixte dans les étanchéités dynamiques : application aux garnitures mécaniques d'étanchéité." Poitiers, 2009.

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Les garnitures mécaniques sont des composants d'étanchéité d'arbres tournants fréquemment rencontrés dans les applications industrielles. Une garniture est constituée de deux surfaces planes annulaires dont le contact est lubrifié par le fluide dont il faut assurer l'étanchéité. Le fonctionnement optimal est obtenu en minimisant à la fois la fuite et l'usure. Cela correspond à une épaisseur de film de l'ordre du micromètre, et à un régime de lubrification mixte. Dans ce cas, le film fluide n'est pas complet et des zones de contact apparaissent. Une analyse bibliographique approfondie a permis de justifier le recours à une approche déterministe pour notre étude. Cela nécessite de caractériser correctement les surfaces rugueuses et de pouvoir les reproduire par simulation numérique. Une étude métrologique a été menée sur des échantillons de garnitures mécaniques à plusieurs stades de fonctionnement. Ainsi, les valeurs des paramètres statistiques de la rugosité de ces surfaces ont pu être déterminées. Un modèle numérique de génération de surface rugueuse non Gaussienne a été développé. Un modèle d'écoulement déterministe de la lubrification mixte des garnitures mécaniques est ensuite présenté. Il inclut la cavitation dans le fluide et le contact normal hertzien des aspérités. La résolution de l'équation de conservation du débit est entreprise au moyen de la méthode des volumes finis. Une étude paramétrique a été réalisée pour quatre surfaces statistiquement équivalentes et représentatives d'un état de surface rodé. Le modèle met en évidence la génération de portance due à la rugosité, bien que les surfaces moyennes soient planes et parallèles. Des courbes de Stribeck ont été tracées pour chaque cas étudié. L'écart-type de la hauteur des rugosités est le paramètre ayant le plus d'influence sur les résultats. De plus, le développement de la microcavitation, qui dépend étroitement de l'agencement de la rugosité, a une grande importance dans la modélisation
Mechanical face seals are commonly used in industrial applications. The main purpose of these components is to insure the sealing of rotating shafts. A mechanical seal is basically a set of two rings whose contact is lubricated by the sealed fluid. The optimal point of operation is reached by minimizing both leakage and wear. The average film thickness is then about one micrometer and the seal is operating in mixed lubrication conditions. In this case, the faces are not completely separated by the fluid film and asperity contact occurs. The choice of a deterministic approach was justified from a detailed bibliographical analysis. An accurate description of the surfaces roughness was required, as well as the development of a numerical modelling tool able to simulate it. A metrological study was realised on samples of mechanical seal surfaces at several stages of operation. The statistical parameters obtained from the surfaces roughness could thus be evaluated and used in a numerical model enabling the generation of non Gaussian surfaces. A deterministic flow model for mixed lubrication in mechanical seals is then presented. It takes the cavitation effects and normal hertzian asperity contact into account. The equation of flow rate conservation in the contact was solved using finite volume method. A parametric study was carried out on four statistically equivalent simulated surfaces. The model highlights the increase in load capacity due to the roughness, although the mean surfaces are flat and parallel. Stribeck curves have been obtained for each studied case. The standard deviation of the roughness is the major parameter influencing the coefficient of friction. Furthermore, the development of microcavitation, which mostly depends on the roughness distribution, influences the results to a great extent

Rutter, Anthony Paul. "A study of factors affecting the regeneration of mineral exploration sites in the semi-arid and arid areas of South Western South Australia /." Title page, table of contents and abstract only, 2002.

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Olén, Elisabeth. "Det kollektiva minnets avtryck av vännerna av det gamla Halmstad i gemenskapens årsböcker : Social gemenskap och kulturell samsyn i Föreningen Gamla Halmstad 1923-1941." Thesis, Högskolan i Halmstad, Akademin för lärande, humaniora och samhälle, 2021.

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Denna undersökning utreder hur och varför Föreningen Gamla Halmstad startade 1923 i Halmstad som en kollektiv historiekulturell minnesgemenskap och bevarande organisation. Undersökningen svarar på vilka aktörer som dominerar vid föreningens tillkomst och vilka förändringar i gemenskapen som kommer till uttryck i dess årsbok fram till dess förste ordförandes död 1941 vad avser frågan om definition av gemenskapens kollektiva minne. Den svarar även på frågan om syftet med gemenskapen och förankrar den med vidare tillhörighet till kulturarv och med fosterlandsvänner. Teoretiskt används Ludwik Flecks kunskapsteori där de tre begreppen tankegrupp, tankestil, riktad perception är centrala liksom Flecks sammanhållning av fack och populärvetenskap. Som kompletteringar till Flecks kunskapsteori används social nätverksteori i den bearbetade Powellska traditionen och Jörn Rüsens historiekulturella teori med Jan Assmanns kompletterande minnesteori. Uppsatsens tillvägagångssätt operationaliserar gemenskapen till en processuell gemenskap där relationen mellan personer undersöks och där en undersökning av den historiska berättelsen ses som en pågående process som kan undersökas utifrån Jörn Rüsens historiekulturella dimensioner och Jan Assmanns minnesteori. Materialet för undersökningen utgörs främst av den årligen återkommande årsboken med för denna uppgift avgränsning till åren 1924 – 1941. Tillvägagångssättet gör det möjligt att i historiekultur inkludera såväl den i gemenskapen aktivt brukade som den lagrade kulturen vilken vid behov kan reaktiveras. Rörligheten mellan den aktiva sociala nivån och den arkiverade kulturella gör det möjligt att synliggöra vilka dimensioner av historiekulturen som under perioden 1923-1941 får företräde i årsboken som dess kulturella minne.

Ali, ZAKI. "Självbalansering av MinSeg." Thesis, Högskolan i Gävle, Elektronik, 2019.

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Le, Guen Monique. "Les minéralisations Pb-Zn du Bathonien dans la région des Malines (Gard) : cadre géodynamique, caractérisation isotopique (Pb) et implications génétiques." Montpellier 2, 1989.

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Les gites de pb-zn dans le bathonien sud-cevenol ont fourni 1 m. T. De minerai sulfure et oxyde a teneurs elevees (40 a 50% metal). Leur etude geologique met en evidence la typologie karstique des gisements correspondant a la karstification precoce de la dolomie bathonienne. La formation et la repartition des cavites s'effectuent sous un controle structural et hydrogeologique lie au soulevement anteoxfordien du horst de saint-bresson, dont resultent l'emersion et la fracturation de la plate-forme carbonatee bordiere. L'etude de la matiere organique associee au bathonien et a l'oxfordien des malines exclut la participation de fluides hydrothermaux pour la mise en place du minerai bathonien. L'ensemble des mineralisations des malines, a encaissant cambrien, triasique et bathonien, representant la moitie du tonnage cevenol, se caracterise par des compositions isotopiques en pb homogenes et identiques a celles du granite du saint-guiral-liron, calculees au trias. Ce granite constitue la source des metaux pb-zn et son alteration du trias aurait entraine la formation d'un stock metal initial majeur. Les concentrations ulterieures, et notamment le minerai bathonien, proviendraient de la remobilisation du stock triasique en systeme gele. L'ensemble des donnees permet de proposer un modele geodynamique supergene pour la formation des gisements du bathonien des malines et de reconsiderer le metallotecte majeur que constitue le trias dans la province cevenole

Gomes, Abda Florência da Silva. "Avaliação do potencial poluidor de lamas radioativas como subsídio para ações futuras de mitigação." CNEN - Centro de Desenvolvimento da Tecnologia Nuclear, Belo Horizonte, 2009.

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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
No sudeste do Brasil, uma mina de urânio desativada gera água ácida em pH 2,7 contendo concentrações significativas de urânio e outros elementos como manganês, ferro, zinco e sulfato. A remoção destes contaminantes da água ácida até limites aceitáveis de descarte ocorre por precipitação dos elementos usando cal. O procedimento de precipitação tem sido adotado por mais de vinte anos e gera lama que é disposta na cava da mina desativada. O presente estudo consiste na caracterização de diferentes amostras desta lama, identificadas como Lama Antiga, Intermediária e Fresca, de acordo com o tempo de disposição, e na sua classificação, de acordo com procedimentos padrões de lixiviação para avaliar a resolubilização destes contaminantes e sua migração para o meio ambiente. Os resultados mostram que apesar de classificada como não perigosa, as amostras não são inertes, o que significa que requer um local específico para disposição em vez da mina desativada. Os íons fluoreto e sulfato são responsáveis pela instabilidade química das amostras. Outros elementos como ferro, zinco, manganês, urânio e alumínio foram também identificados em concentrações significativas. O urânio está presente na forma de óxidos amorfos, em concentrações de 0,24 a 0,64%. Os principais minerais presentes nas amostras, de acordo com difração de raios X, são Etringita (Ca6Al2(SO4)3(OH)12), Gipso (CaSO4.2H2O) e Calcita (CaCO3) e os constituintes minoritários são Fluorita (CaF2), Gibbsita (Al2O3.3H2O) e Portlandita (Ca(OH)2). O comportamento térmico da lama, determinado a partir da técnica de TGA/DTA, permitiu identificar o pico referente à Etringita e da decomposição de Calcita das Lamas Fresca, Intermediária e Antiga. Outra técnica utilizada na caracterização das lamas foi microssonda eletrônica (EDS) que permitiu a determinação de elementos como Fe, Al, C, O, S, terras raras, entre outros e sugeriu-se a associação de U ao Fe na Lama Antiga. Foram realizados testes de extração sequencial e verificou-se basicamente que o urânio encontra-se como íon trocável ou associado a carbonatos e óxidos de cálcio. Os elementos cálcio e sulfato foram removidos na fase solúvel e o fluoreto, em sua maioria, na fase de oxihidróxido de Fe e Mn amorfos podendo também ter sido solubilizado na forma de sais de sódio e potássio. Os elementos ferro, manganês, zinco e alumínio foram extraídos majoritariamente nas fases carbonatos e óxidos de cálcio e na fase de oxihidróxido de Fe e Mn amorfos. O procedimento de extração sequencial utilizado apresentou eficiência superior a 91% de extração para os elementos avaliados. A contagem alfa e beta total e de determinação de radionuclídeos encontram-se de acordo com o estabelecido por norma, mas por se tratar de área utilizada como depósito de estéreis ou rejeitos de mineração, devem ser avaliadas de forma específica. A caracterização química, mineralógica e a extração sequencial permitiram estabelecer semelhanças e diferenças entre as amostras e correlacioná-las com as diferentes condições ambientais a que são submetidas.
In southeastern Brazil, a closed uranium mine produces acid mine water at pH 2.7 which contains significant concentrations of uranium and other elements like manganese, sulfate, iron and zinc. The contaminants are removed from the acid water to acceptable limits through the precipitation of the elements with lime. This precipitation procedure has been adopted over fifteen years and the sludge generated has been disposed of into the mine opening. The present study consists of the characterization of different samples of the sludge, identified as Old, Intermediate and Fresh Sludge and their classification according to leaching standard procedures in order to assess the resolubilization of the contaminants and their migration to the environment. Despite being classified as non toxic, the samples are not inert, which means that a specific site other than the mine cave is required for their disposal. Fluoride and sulfate are responsible for the chemical instability of the samples. Other elements, like Fe, Zn, Mn, U and Al, are present in significant concentrations. Uranium is present as an amorphous oxide in concentrations from 0,24 to 0,64%. The main minerals in the samples, according to X-ray diffraction, are Ettringite (Ca6Al2(SO4)3(OH)12), Gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O) and Calcite (CaCO3) and their minor constituents are Fluorite (CaF2), Gibbsite (Al2O3.3H2O) and Portlandite (Ca(OH)2). Through TGA/DTA analysis, the peak of Ettringite and the decomposition of Calcite from Fresh, Intermediate and Old Sludges was identified. Another technique used to characterize the samples was the electron microprobe scanning with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), which detected elements such as: Fe, Al, C, O, S, rare earths, among others and also suggested association with U and Fe in the Old Sludge. Sequential extraction tests were performed and, basically, it was verified that uranium occurs as exchangeable ion or associated with carbonates and calcium oxides. Calcium and sulphate were removed in the step corresponding to soluble phase and the majority of the fluoride was extracted in the step corresponding to iron and manganese amorphous oxi-hydroxide. The fluoride was also dissolved in the step corresponding to soluble phase and in the step corresponding to carbonate, suggesting that it derives from Na and K salts. The elements iron, manganese, zinc and aluminium were mostly extracted in the step corresponding to carbonates and calcium oxides and also in the iron and manganese amorphous oxi-hydroxide step. Sequential extraction procedure showed efficiency higher than 91%. The total alpha and beta values and radionuclides contents complies with the standard limits established by CNEN 3.01, but in case of great quantities of rocks or mining tailings that involves radioactive materials, the limits must be set according to specific assessment. Chemical and mineralogical characterization and sequential extraction made possible the assessment of similarities and differences between the samples, besides correlating them with the different environmental conditions that they are submitted.

Books on the topic "Minaev":


Aboulela, Leila. Minaret. New York: Grove Press, 2005.

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Aboulela, Leila. Minaret. London: Bloomsbury, 2005.

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Kakesûr, Karwan ʻUmer. Minarey awedanîy. Silêmanî [Kurdistan, Iraq]: Ber̄êweberêtîy Çap u Biławkirdinewey Silêmanî, 2011.

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Sanyang, Tako. Mina's riva. Kanifing, The Gambia: Fulladu Publishers, 2011.

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Todorov, Todor. Chokmanovo: Minalo. Sofii͡a︡: A&A+4 Kushovaliev i sie SD, 1999.

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Barot, Sarang. Maatina minara. Ahmedabad: R. R. Shith, 1988.

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Cunnane, Kelly. Mina's malafa. New York: Schwartz & Wade Books, 2013.

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Barot, Sarang. Matina minara. Bombay: R. R. Sheth, 1988.

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Karashima, Noboru. Minami Ajia. Tōkyō: Asahi Shinbunsha, 1992.

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Elfindri. Minang entrepreneurship. Edited by Ayunda Desri 1961-, Saputra Wiko 1983-, and Indrayani 1969-. [Jakarta]: Baduose Media, 2010.

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Book chapters on the topic "Minaev":


Winkel, Heike. "Spiritualität, neues Leben, Vaterland! Existenzielles Pathos bei Sergej Minaev, Natan Dubovickij und Zachar Prilepin." In Ethos und Pathos, 425–44. Köln: Böhlau Verlag, 2016.

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Königsberg, Matthew. "Mizumura Minae." In Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL), 1. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2020.

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Rácz, Péter. "Minden fordítás. A fordítás minden?" In Četvrt veka beogradske hungarologije, 251–57. Beograd: Filološki fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2021.

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Hugenholz, Marjolein. "Minder zitvlees." In Schatjes zijn het, 7–8. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 2008.

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Königsberg, Matthew. "Ōba Minako." In Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL), 1. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2020.

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Brusis, Tilman. "Minden/Westfalen." In Geschichte der deutschen Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Kliniken im 20. Jahrhundert, 271–72. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2002.

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Maheshwari, Naresh, and Sachin S. Sapatnekar. "Minarea Retiming." In Timing Analysis and Optimization of Sequential Circuits, 99–122. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1999.

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Rohr, W. Günther. "Gerhard von Minden." In Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL), 1. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2020.

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Farr, Jack, and Andreas Gomoll. "Particulated/Minced Cartilage." In Cartilage Restoration, 161–68. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2013.

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Moroye, Christy. "ECOLOGICALLY MINDED TEACHING." In Learning Democracy in School and Society, 97–114. Rotterdam: SensePublishers, 2011.

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Conference papers on the topic "Minaev":


Ross, Malcolm K., and Don Hovdebo. "Environmental Assessment Perspective of Decommissioning and Long-Term Management of Uranium Mine Tailings in Saskatchewan, Canada." In ASME 2001 8th International Conference on Radioactive Waste Management and Environmental Remediation. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2001.

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Abstract Uranium was initially mined in Canada as a strategic mineral, primarily for export to the United States. Currently, uranium is produced for the global energy market and Saskatchewan is the sole producing province in Canada. Uranium development in Saskatchewan dates from 1953 and in 2000 accounted for 31% of global mine production. In the 1990’s the Saskatchewan Government Environmental Assessment Branch reviewed a new generation of uranium mines with large reserves and extremely high average grades. Technically, the development of these mines has required the development of innovative technologies to manage the environmental and occupational health and safety issues associated with the mining of high-grade uranium ores. While the development of these innovative technologies posed a challenge to science and engineering, the potential environmental impacts and level of public concern associated with the development of the high grade uranium deposits equally challenged the ability of the Province of Saskatchewan’s environmental assessment process to evaluate the acceptability of the proposed mines. During the assessment process a major technical, and public, issue was the decommissioning and long-term management of uranium tailings containing high levels of radionuclide and metal contaminants. While technically decommissioning and reclamation are phases of mining that are considered at the end of mine life, scrutiny of these issues during the assessment process contributed significantly to the public and technical acceptability of the proposed mine developments. The design, construction, operation, decommissioning and reclamation of uranium tailings management facilities for the proposed high-grade mines were subject to critical analysis during the technical and public review phases of the environmental assessment processes. Advances in tailings management design, incorporating innovative in-pit disposal methods capable of isolating decommissioned tailings from local groundwater regimes, presented a technical solution to concerns about long-term tailings containment after decommissioning. Public awareness and acceptance of the proposed mine developments was enhanced by the creation of an independent, public inquiry which ran concurrently with the existing federal and provincial assessment processes. The public inquiry was a critical factor, providing an independent forum where the technical acceptability of the proposed long-term tailings management methodologies was discussed. In retrospect the development of the new mines reflects the successful application of an assessment and review process in that the projects met the tests of technical and public acceptability in a process that was seen to be fair, timely, rigorous and public.

Noll, James, Cory DeGennaro, Jacob Carr, Joseph DuCarme, and Gerald Homce. "Causal Factors of Collision Accidents Involving Underground Coal Mobile Equipment." In ASME 2017 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2017.

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From 2000–2015, thirty-two fatalities occurred due to collisions involving mobile equipment in underground coal mining in the United States. Studies have shown that proximity detection systems (PDS) can be a potential mitigation strategy for this type of accident. However, the effectiveness of this approach for mobile equipment has yet to be fully studied or validated. Researchers at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) evaluated the causal factors of this type of fatality. Fatal accident reports from the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) accident report database provided details to analyze and determine causal factors and to evaluate whether a PDS may have been a preventive factor in each accident. NIOSH researchers concluded that PDSs used in underground coal mines on mobile equipment which are designed to detect a miner, provide warning to the operator and other miners, and automatically stop the machine before a miner is hit may have helped to prevent 25 of the 32 or 78% of the accidents.

Gernand, Jeremy M. "Machine Learning Classification Models for More Effective Mine Safety Inspections." In ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2014.

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The safety of mining in the United States has improved significantly over the past few decades, although it remains one of the more dangerous occupations. Following the Sago mine disaster in January 2006, federal legislation (The Mine Improvement and New Emergency Response {MINER} Act of 2006) tightened regulations and sought to strengthen the authority and safety inspection practices of the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA). While penalties and inspection frequency have increased, understanding of what types of inspection findings are most indicative of serious future incidents is limited. The most effective safety management and oversight could be accomplished by a thorough understanding of what types of infractions or safety inspection findings are most indicative of serious future personnel injuries. However, given the large number of potentially different and unique inspection findings, varied mine characteristics, and types of specific safety incidents, this question is complex in terms of the large number of potentially relevant input parameters. New regulations rely on increasing the frequency and severity of infraction penalties to encourage mining operations to improve worker safety, but without the knowledge of which specific infractions may truly be signaling a dangerous work environment. This paper seeks to inform the question, what types of inspection findings are most indicative of serious future incidents for specific types of mining operations? This analysis utilizes publicly available MSHA databases of cited infractions and reportable incidents. These inspection results are used to train machine learning Classification and Regression Tree (CART) and Random Forest (RF) models that divide the groups of mines into peer groups based on their recent infractions and other defining characteristics with the aim of predicting whether or not a fatal or serious disabling injury is more likely to occur in the following 12-month period. With these characteristics available, additional scrutiny may be appropriately directed at those mining operations at greatest risk of experiencing a worker fatality or disabling injury in the near future. Increased oversight and attention on these mines where workers are at greatest risk may more effectively reduce the likelihood of worker deaths and injuries than increased penalties and inspection frequency alone.

Arno, Matthew G., Janine Katanic Arno, Donald A. Halter, Robert O. Berry, and Ian S. Hamilton. "Radiological Characterization of a Copper/Cobalt Mining and Milling Site." In ASME 2009 12th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management. ASMEDC, 2009.

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Extensive copper and cobalt ore deposits can be found in the Katanga Province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo near the city of Kolwezi. These deposits have been mined via open pit and underground mines since the 19th century with many changes in control of the mines including colonial industrial control and Congolese government control. With the recent re-establishment of a relatively stable democratic government in the DRC, foreign investors returned to the area to restart mining activities that were abruptly terminated in the 1990’s due to political turmoil. Some of these new projects are being performed in accordance with World Bank and International Finance Corporation Social & Environmental Sustainability standards. As part of these standards, radiological characterization of the mines, processing facilities, and surrounding environment was conducted to establish current conditions, evaluate human health and ecological risks, and provide a basis for establishment of radiation safety and environmental remediation programs. In addition to naturally occurring radioactive materials associated with the copper/cobalt ore, the site was reputedly historically used to store ore from the Shinkolobwe uranium mine, the source of the uranium ore for the World War II Manhattan project. The radiological characterization was conducted via extensive gamma radiation surveys using vehicle-mounted sodium-iodide detectors, random grid composite soil sampling, biased soil sampling of areas with elevated gamma radiation levels, and sampling of surface water features. The characterization revealed broad areas of elevated gamma radiation levels of up to 160 μGy/hr in two distinct areas believed to be the Shinkolobwe uranium mine ore storage locations. Other areas, with gamma radiation levels of up to 80 μGy/hr, were detected associated with copper/cobalt ore refinery tailings and waste rock (overburden) sediments. The gamma radiation surveys revealed that elevated radiation levels were largely confined to areas previously disturbed by mechanized mining activities. Radiological contaminants in local surface water sources were within drinking water standards with the exception of one river heavily polluted with both uranium and other metals by waste streams from an ore processing and refining facility. Surrounding areas that appeared to be undisturbed by mining, including agricultural areas, native villages, and urban colonial-architecture cities, exhibited soil concentration and gamma radiation levels consistent with expected background levels.

Kowollik, Gottfried, Ruhrkohle-Bergbau, and Heiko Heimer. "Transportable Gas Turbine Cogeneration Plant for German Coal Mine." In ASME 1986 International Gas Turbine Conference and Exhibit. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1986.

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This paper describes a pilot project at a German coal mine to utilize a transportable gas turbine cogeneration plant to produce electrical power and warm water. Medium Btu gas with varying CH4 content is scavenged from several mines and will be used as a low cost waste fuel for the gas turbine. The mine currently requires substantial venting to control methane content in the shaft air.

Jobes, Christopher C., and Jacob Carr. "Dynamic Modeling System to Determine Stopping Distances of Mobile Underground Coal Equipment." In ASME 2018 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018.

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In underground coal mines, miners face the hazard of being struck or pinned by a piece of mobile mining machinery. Proximity detection systems have been developed and are used by the industry to protect miners around these machines by detecting the presence of the miners and automatically issuing warnings or disabling machine motion when a miner is in potentially dangerous proximity. These systems were originally developed for continuous mining machines, slow-moving machines that move on bulldozer-style tracks, and are now mandated by the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) to be used on continuous mining machines. These systems are now being adapted to other underground vehicles, such as shuttle cars, scoops, and battery haulers — vehicles that move on rubber tires at much higher speeds. There are concerns that the detection range of these systems may not provide for an adequate stopping distance on these faster moving machines. To address these concerns, researchers have developed a dynamic modeling system to determine the stopping distance of mobile underground coal equipment. This model can be used in conjunction with worker escapability data and/or information on interaction with other vehicles to provide insight into whether or not proximity detection systems will be adequate for the underground mining workplace. This paper details the background, development, and operation of the resulting application software, focusing on the utility of the graphical user interface to visualize the generated data. The refined data developed by this process can then be utilized by mine operators and proximity detection system manufacturers to more accurately determine the detection range needed to provide effective protection for miners working in an underground mining environment.

Adhikary, D. P., and H. Guo. "A Continuum Model for Simulating Mine Water Inflow and Gas Emission." In ASME 2008 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting collocated with the Heat Transfer, Energy Sustainability, and 3rd Energy Nanotechnology Conferences. ASMEDC, 2008.

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This paper describes a three-dimensional numerical model, called COSFLOW. It uses a Cosserat continuum approach for the efficient description of mechanical stress changes and deformation in weak layered rock, typical of coal measures. This mechanical model is coupled with a two-phase dual porosity fluid flow model to describe flow of water and gas through porous rock, desorption of gas from the matrix and subsequent flow of water and gas through the fracture network. The coupling includes simulation of permeability and porosity changes with rock deformation. Further the rock mass consisting of many interconnected fractures is idealized as an equivalent porous continuum using an equivalent anisotropic hydraulic conductivity matrix defined in terms of mean fracture spacing and mean aperture. This formulation is amenable to easy evaluation of modifications to the hydraulic conductivities as a function of stress induced changes in fracture aperture. The numerical code is used to simulate water inflow and gas emission in two Australian coal mines. The models at the two mine sites require significant geotechnical and hydrogeological data for adequate calibration. Many parameters in the model are not directly measurable and must be inferred by back-analysis of existing deformation, stress and hydrological data obtained during previous mining. The calibrated model is then used to make predictions for future mining panels. Water inflows at Mine A were predicted to increase significantly as mining progressed and this was supported by later measurements. This increase was attributed to wider longwall panels and increased roof rock permeability as more panels are mined. At Mine B, the model used measurements of gas production from predrainage boreholes for calibration and provided accurate predictions of average gas emissions into the longwall panel and post-drainage boreholes, although transient fluctuations were seen in the measurements. These were probably caused by local variations in geology or gas content or other factors not incorporated in the model.

Belozercev, Sergey. "Crimes of the Chinese in the Mountain Mines of Eastern Siberia and the Far East at the Turn of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries." In Irkutsk Historical and Economic Yearbook 2020. Baikal State University, 2020.

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In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Chinese subjects worked in the mountain gold mines of Siberia and the Far East. According to historical evidence, part of the gold mined by Chinese workers was stolen, smelted, and smuggled to China. The smuggling of gold across the Russian-Chinese border provoked the growth of serious and especially serious crimes. Chinese miners were hunted by Chinese and Russian bandits who robbed and killed workers.

Welling, Douglas M., and Dean B. Edwards. "Multiple Autonomous Underwater Crawler Control for Mine Reacquisition." In ASME 2005 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2005.

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Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) are currently being used by the Navy for mine countermeasures. AUVs include both submarine and tracked crawlers. Recent search strategies have been implemented using both submarines and crawlers; submarines to sweep large areas to detect possible mines, and crawler to re-acquire the possible mines and perform classification. The primary scope of this paper is the control strategies for the crawlers to best cover an area. Both a motion controller and a mine reacquisition scheduling system were developed. Simulations were performed using Autonomous Littoral Warfare Systems Evaluator - Monte Carlo (ALWSEMC) to complete studies on optimal crawler control strategies. These simulations included 1 submarine and 3 crawlers. Two reacquisition scheduling systems were compared, one using a closest target strategy, and one using fuzzy logic that used additional information available to the crawler to best utilize time and resources. It was found that a fuzzy logic scheduling system outperformed the baseline system by reducing the amount of time to reacquire all targets.

Homer, John, Ashley Whitson, Bruce Whisner, Jeff Yonkey, and Dave Yantek. "Explosion Testing of Relief Valves for Underground Refuge Alternatives." In ASME 2019 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2019.

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Abstract Federal regulations require refuge alternatives (RAs) to be installed in underground coal mines. RAs provide miners safe shelter from life-threatening environments during a mine emergency when escape is not possible. Built-in-place (BIP) RAs require ventilation systems that supply breathable air to occupants. Relief valves provide critical functions to the ventilation system by limiting pressure within the RA, allowing ventilation air to exit while preventing contamination ingress, and protecting occupants from external pressure due to mine explosions. As such, relief valves for BIP RAs must be developed and tested to ensure pressure relief, adequate airflow, and the ability to withstand a 103-kPa (15-psi) blast overpressure with a duration of 0.2 seconds. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has published research on relief valve opening pressures and airflow rates. However, the ability of RA relief valves to withstand a survivable mine explosion must be demonstrated. As such, NIOSH researchers tested the ability of RA relief valves to withstand overpressure representative of a survivable mine explosion. For this, seven relief valves were subjected to 103-kPa (15-psi) target overpressure waveforms, produced using methane-air explosions within a fixed-volume enclosure. All seven relief valves survived the overpressure testing, maintained normal performance, and did not incur any critical component deformation. One instance of valve leakage was observed during the tests. This paper presents the methodology and results of testing the ability of RA relief valves to withstand a survivable mine explosion. Information in this publication can be used for evaluating relief valve design and determining parameters critical to their ability to reliably withstand a survivable mine explosion and protect RA occupants. Research presented in this paper is applicable to testing and improving RA designs for underground coal mines, and could also be extended to similar applications and industries involving explosion testing.

Reports on the topic "Minaev":


Mafi, S., M. T. Damian, R. E. Senita, W. C. Jewitt, S. Bair, Y. C. Chin, E. Whitlatch, S. Traina, and W. Wolfe. Injection of FGD Grout to Abate Acid Mine Drainage in Underground Coal Mines. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), July 1997.

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Summerfield, Daisy. Australian Resource Reviews: Manganese Ore 2020. Geoscience Australia, 2021.

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Britt, Allison, and Anthony Senior. Australian Resource Reviews: Antimony 2020. Geoscience Australia, 2021.

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Srajer, V., and G. Acott. The development of computer model of continuous digging machine Easi-Miner at Obed Mountain Mine. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 1986.

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Grother, Patrick, R. Michael McCabe, C. I. Watson, Michael D. Indovina, Wayne J. Salamon, Patricia Flanagan, Elham Tabassi, Elaine Newton, and Charels Wilson. MINEX :. Gaithersburg, MD: National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2006.

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Ameriks, John, Andrew Caplin, and John Leahy. The Absent-Minded Consumer. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, January 2004.

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Tetenov, Aleksey, and Toru Kitagawa. Equality-minded treatment choice. The IFS, February 2017.

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Kaszycki, C. A. Surficial geology, Minden, Ontario. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 2003.

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Grother, P., W. Salamon, M. Indovina, and P. Flanagan. MINEX II :. Gaithersburg, MD: National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2008.

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Grother, P., W. Salamon, M. Indovina, and P. Flanagan. MINEX II :. Gaithersburg, MD: National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2009.

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To the bibliography