Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Operational and technological factors'

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Pessu, Noghor. "Technological Factors for the Sustainability of the Small Business Entrepreneur." ScholarWorks, 2015. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations/269.

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Technical innovation creates challenges for the small business entrepreneur who uses global activities in the marketplace. Information technology and the technological innovations of the World Wide Web are driving competitiveness in the marketplace with a loss of market share for the individual business owner. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore the lived experiences and perceptions of a purposive sample of 20 small business owners in the metropolitan Atlanta area regarding the effect of technology, technological insertion, and application for long-term sustainability. Rogers's diffusion of innovations theory served as the conceptual framework of this study. Data were gathered through face-to-face, semistructured interviews. After analyzing the interview transcripts using inductive analysis, 6 major themes emerged. The themes include the forces that drive the introduction of technology, types of technology used to reach potential and existing customers, most commonly used and implemented types of technology, the beliefs and values on the use of technology, the obstacles that inhibit the use of technology, and the competitive advantage of the use of technology for the small business entrepreneur. The implications for positive social change include the potential for growth and sustainability for the small business entrepreneur leading to stronger economies and job creation in local communities and nationally. Small business owners may use the findings to implement technology insertion strategies contributing to long-term sustainability initiatives. These findings may also inform scholars of business management and entrepreneurship regarding the effect of technology, technological insertion, and application for long-term sustainability.

Sampaio, José João Martins. "A tomada de decisão operacional em sistemas complexos de trabalho e a emergência de novas competências profissionais. O caso dos serviços de controlo de tráfego aéreo." Doctoral thesis, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.5/4549.

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Doutoramento em Sociologia Económica e das Organizações
A adaptabilidade das organizações ao ambiente agressivo e turbulento que caracteriza a sociedade de informação, promove o desenvolvimento de sistemas de produção complexos de natureza flexível e adaptativa. Esta flexibilização/complexificação requer o desenvolvimento de valências pessoais e profissionais que ultrapassam o quadro restrito do posto de trabalho autónomo, discreto e especializado, enquanto conjunto de qualidades que devem ser submetidas à prova da resolução de problemas concretos, em situações de trabalho que implicam incerteza e complexidade técnica (Gallart 1997). Surge assim um novo conceito de competência profissional que não emerge da aprovação de um currículo escolar formal, mas sim do exercício da aplicação do conhecimento necessário à tomada de decisão e resolução de problemas complexos e que não é mecanicamente transmissível {idem). É neste entendimento que propomos, em sistemas complexos de trabalho com forte incorporação tecnológica, o desenvolvimento de um modelo sistémico e integrativo das competências profissionais - gerais e transversais - quer ao nível da organização do trabalho quer ao nível da tecnologia incorporada. A operacionalização do modelo passa pela introdução do novo conceito de factor tecnológico que, numa perspectiva complementar do tradicional conceito de factor humano possibilite, para além da adaptação tecnológica à dimensão humana, o conhecimento e compreensão da "natureza" da tecnologia presente, numa perspectiva de valorização do elemento Humano e numa dinâmica de equilíbrio entre as dimensões humana e tecnológica. A validação empírica do modelo é suportada pelo estudo dos serviços de controlo de tráfego aéreo, desenvolvido na NAV Portugal - EPE, entre 2003 e 2005, através da observação da realidade operacional, aplicação de entrevistas abertas, inquérito por questionário, estudos de caso e simulação da realidade operacional.
The adaptability of the organizations to the aggressive and turbulent environment that characterizes the information society, promotes the development of complex production systems with a flexible and adaptive nature. This flexibility/complexity requires the development of personal and professional valences that extend beyond the restricted frame of an autonomous, discrete and specialized workplace, as a set of skills that must be submitted to the resolution of concrete problems, in work situations that imply uncertainty and technical complexity. A new concept of professional competence appears thus, which does not emerge from the approval of a formal academic curricula, but as the application of the necessary knowledge to the decision process and to the resolution of complex problems and that is not mechanically transmissible. It is in this context that we propose, in complex work systems with strong technological incorporation, the development of a systemic and integrative model of professional (general and cross) competencies, either at the level of human subsystem or at the technical one. We purpose a complex model of operational decision process analysis, in a complex working environment. The operation of the model requires the introduction of the new concept of technological factors which, in a complementary perspective of the traditional concept of human factors will allow, beyond the technological adaptation to the human dimension, the knowledge and understanding of the "nature" of the technology, in a perspective of valuation of the Human element and in a dynamics of balance between the human and technological dimensions. The empirical validation of the model is grounded by the study of the Air Traffic Control Services, developed in the NAV Portugal - EPE, between 2003 and 2005, through the observation of the operational reality as well as the application of interviews, questionnaire inquiry, case studies and the simulation of the operational reality.

Carvalho, Adão António Nunes de. "Cooperação tecnológica entre empresas : motivações e factores de sucesso : estudo de caso." Master's thesis, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, 1996. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.5/3599.

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Mestrado em Economia e Gestão de Ciência e Tecnologia
Nas últimas décadas a evolução tecnológica tem-se caracterizado pela rapidez, pela crescente complexidade, pela convergência de tecnologias outrora distintas e pelo custo crescente do desenvolvimento tecnológico. A tecnologia tornou-se num dos factores estratégicos de competitividade das empresas e as relações de cooperação tecnológica entre empresas têm sido um dos instrumentos empresariais utilizados para responder à evolução tecnológica. Este estudo tem como âmbito as relações de cooperação tecnológica entre empresas e pretende responder a duas questões fundamentais: i) quais os motivos que orientam as empresas para estabelecer relações de cooperação tecnológica?; ii) quais os factores susceptíveis de influenciar o sucesso dessas relações de cooperação? procura-se dar resposta a estas questões a partir da revisão da literatura existente, complementada com a análise empírica de casos relativos a experiências de empresas portuguesas no estabelecimento e gestão de alianças tecnológicas.
During last decades technological change has been characterised by an increase of complexity, convergence of technologies and the increase of costs of technological development. Technology became one of the main sources of firms' competitive advantage and technological co-operation between firms has been used as an entrepreneurial instrument to deal with technological evolution. The subject of this study is inter-firm technological co-operation and two main questions are central to it: i) whiches motives are important for firms to establish technological partnerships?; ii) which factors do influence the success of such partnerships? These questions are answered on the basis of a revision of existent literature, followed by some case studies concerning the experience of portuguese firms engaged in technology alliances.

Allen, Robert. "Strategies for Integrating and Sustaining Disruptive Innovations in Small Businesses." ScholarWorks, 2018. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations/5674.

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The evolution of technology has led to a need for business leaders to embrace disruptive technology for the purpose of capturing new markets and remaining competitive. Multiple challenges have been faced by business leaders in the processes of integrating and sustaining disruptive innovations, resulting in the failure to achieve expected efficiency and profitability. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore strategies used by business leaders to integrate and sustain disruptive innovations. The conceptual frameworks were Roger's diffusion of innovation theory and Christensen's disruptive innovation theory. Semistructured interviews were administered to 10 business leaders and employees from institutions of higher learning in the Northeastern region of the United States. The participants were selected using a purposive nonrandom sampling technique. The selection criteria included organizational leaders, technology professionals, training and development professionals, and organizational end-users. Three themes and several subthemes were identified. The strategies for integrating and sustaining disruptive innovations include training, changeover mechanisms, and the use of critical resources. The procedural and structural factors in processes to integrate and sustain disruptive innovations include identifying critical success factors, ascertaining benchmarks, determining levels of support and effectiveness. Obstacles faced during the processes of integrating and sustaining disruptive innovations were categorized into human, technology, changeover, and external issues. Social change may be realized through the improved success rates of small business leaders implementing disruptive innovations by increasing meaningful employment and enhancing livelihoods.

Cho, Soo-Haeng. "Asymmetric optimal policies in multi-dimensional operational decisions." Diss., Restricted to subscribing institutions, 2008. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=1666139141&sid=4&Fmt=2&clientId=1564&RQT=309&VName=PQD.

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Shumba, Tanaka Casandra. "Relationship between flotation operational factors and froth behaviour." Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/11427/9127.

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Includes bibliographical references.
This study utilised laboratory-scale column flotation experiments to investigate froth stability, with respect to, water recovery and top-of-froth bubble burst rate. Tests were conducted at different froth heights, superficial air rates and depressant dosages in a 2 m high Plexiglass column, using a PGM bearing UG2 ore from the Bushveld Igneous Complex. Four concentrate and tailings samples were simultaneously collected and solids and water recoveries were determined. Assays of the concentrates were conducted to establish the amount of platinum, palladium and chromite that was recovered under each operating condition. Video footage of the top of the froth was recorded and was used to measure the top-of-froth bubble burst rate. The stability of the froth was analysed qualitatively by comparing the relationship between water recovery and the bubble burst rate at the different operating conditions. A key finding from this study was that the concentration of particles had a large effect on the stability of the froth. The maximum concentration of particles was obtained when the tests were conducted in the absence of depressant. Under these conditions it was established that the froth produced was so stable that increasing the air rate only showed minor changes in the stability of the froth phase. This stability has been attributed to the presence of hydrophobic gangue, which stabilised the froth phase by embedding between adjacent bubbles and preventing bubble coalescence. Conversely, when a high depressant dosage was used the froth became unstable such that no trends could be established when either air rate or froth height were altered. The instability of the froth has been attributed to the depression of the majority of the froth stabilising gangue, which resulted in increased bubble coalescence.

Babikian, Raffi 1976. "The historical fuel efficiency characteristics of regional aircraft from technological, operational, and cost perspectives." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2001. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/38440.

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Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2001.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 95-96).
The air transport industry has grown at an average annual rate of 9% worldwide since 1960 and is expected to experience 5% annual growth worldwide for the foreseeable future. Recently, this rapid growth has fueled concern about the contribution of aviation activities to global climate change. Governments, airlines and manufacturers are currently debating the feasibility and effectiveness of various strategies aimed at mitigating the environmental impact of aircraft emissions. Policy responses including the implementation of taxes, emissions trading schemes, environmental charges and voluntary agreements between airlines and governments are all being considered. In order to design effective approaches towards emissions reduction, there is a need to understand the mechanisms that have enabled historical improvements in aircraft efficiency. This thesis focuses on the impact regional aircraft have had on the efficiency of the U.S. aviation system, and examines how the technological, operational and cost characteristics of turboprop and regional jet aircraft have influenced the fuel efficiency of the regional aircraft fleet. These characteristics have been compared to larger narrow and wide body aircraft, providing two different perspectives on technology evolution, airline operations and the impact of costs on both. Regional aircraft are playing an increasingly important role in the evolution of U.S. airline operations. In particular, the widespread adoption of the regional jet is transforming the aviation landscape by expanding hub operations, replacing larger jets in low-density markets, replacing turboprops in shorthaul markets, and opening up new hub-bypass routes. The impact of this transformation on congestion and aircraft emission issues is not yet obvious, but there is potential to exacerbate existing problems. Regional aircraft consume more fuel per unit of passenger travel than larger aircraft and they take up considerable space at already congested airports. Although they currently perform just under 4% of domestic revenue passenger miles in the U.S., they account for almost 7% of jet fuel use by U.S. airlines, and for 40% to 50% of departures at U.S. airports. In addition, regional traffic is expected to grow 7% to 8% annually in the U.S. during the next decade compared to 4%-6% for the major U.S. commercial airlines. Comparisons show that regional aircraft are 40%-60% less fuel efficient than their larger counterparts, while regional jets are 10%-60% less fuel efficient than turboprops. It is revealed that fuel efficiency differences can largely be explained by distinctions in aircraft operations. Aircraft flying short stage lengths spend approximately 15% more time on the ground for each hour spent in the air than longer flying aircraft, therefore consuming more fuel while taxing and maneuvering at airports. They also spend between 20% and 60% of their airborne time climbing to altitude, at associated high levels of fuel consumption, compared to approximately 10% for large aircraft. In this respect, turboprops are shown to be more efficient than regional jets because they are designed to fly at lower altitudes. As a result of these operational differences between aircraft types, large aircraft realize total energy efficiencies much closer to their optimum rate of efficiency achieved during cruise flight than regional aircraft. The total rate of fuel consumption of regional aircraft was found to be 2.7 times higher than rate of fuel consumption achieved during cruise flight. For large aircraft, the total rate of fuel consumption was only 1.6 times higher than at cruise. A similar comparison of regional aircraft revealed that the total fuel consumption of regional jets was on average more than 3.5 times as high as that achieved at cruise, while for turboprops this figure was closer to 2.3 times as high. It is also shown that regional airlines have been able to operate regional jets at higher load factors than turboprops, such that the energy consumed per unit of passenger travel for regional jets and turboprops has been comparable, even though turboprops have higher fuel efficiencies. The economic characteristics of regional aircraft were also examined. Direct operating costs per RPM are shown to be 2 -6 times higher for regional aircraft because they perform fewer miles over which to spread fixed costs incurred every time an aircraft performs a flight, regardless of distance flown. The higher operating costs of regional aircraft are consistent with the yields of regional airlines, which in 1999 were on average 2 times higher than those of large airlines.
by Raffi Babikian.

Heian, Mats Johan. "Factors Influencing Machinery System Selection for Complex Operational Profiles." Thesis, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Institutt for marin teknikk, 2014. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:no:ntnu:diva-25881.

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BackgroundThe environmental consequences, caused by global emission of green house gases (GHG), have received increasingly concern in recent years. CO2 emissions from the maritime sector represent 3,3% of the world’s total CO2 emissions and are forecast to increase the next decades. To meet the new and stricter regulations on emissions, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has announced that by 2015 the regulations known as “Tier III” will take effect in the emission controlled areas (ECA), and globally by the year 2020. They are currently debating technical, operational and market-based measures for reducing GHG emissions from the shipping industry. Hybrid power systems, which is a power system combining power production and energy storage, have been used in several industries and have received particular interest in the power production and car industries. Introducing it to power production onboard ships, the performance of the vessel can be improved and the emission of GHG can be reduced. Overall Aim and FocusThe overall objective of this thesis is to identify the cutting point between selecting hybrid power systems which combine energy production with energy storage capacity and diesel electric systems based on operational profiles and external influences such as cost, route, distance, weather conditions, maneuvering and type of operations. MethodThis thesis is a research of the influencing factors on selection of the most efficient machinery solutions for vessels with complex operational profiles. The first part of the report is a review of diesel electric power and propulsion systems, and state of the art configurations of it, which have been proven able to handle variations in load in an efficient manner. The influencing factors, such as operations to perform, weather conditions, emissions and rules and regulations, have been evaluated and described in order to create a platform for supporting the decisions made when selecting a machinery system based on the planned operational profile of the vessel. A stepwise method has been made to evaluate the influencing factors up against the operational profile. The first step is a simple overview of the operational profile to evaluate the degree of variation in operations and loads. Further on, the power demands in the planned operations are evaluated with focus on the possible dynamic loads. Finally, a screening process is presented to evaluate whether a hybrid of diesel electric and energy storage configuration is beneficial for a type of ship, compared to a pure diesel electric system. To estimate the potential economical benefits of hybridization compared to a diesel electric configuration, a simple calculation on savings in lifetime costs is conducted as the fourth step.ResultsThe ability of the vessels machinery to handle the dynamic loading picture during specialized operations in an efficient matter is of the utmost importance. Especially regarding operating costs, not only for the fuel consumption, but also the maintenance cost and emissions of green house gases. To illustrate the selection process, a case, where selecting the best-suited machinery system for a PSV is the goal, was made and run through the method. Two scenarios were simulated, one where the fuel and battery prices were held constant over a period of 25 years. The other scenario, which is believed to be the most likely due to the last year’s trend in fuel prices, has a 2% annual increase in fuel price and a 20% decrease in battery prices every 10 years. The calculations show, in both scenarios, that a hybrid of diesel electric and batteries as energy storage will give reductions in costs compared to pure diesel electric. The payback time of hybridization is less than five years in both cases which indicates that, in addition to reduce emissions, this might be a good investment for the ship-owner. However, the savings and potential benefits turned out to be larger for the case with varying prices. This had a potentially 10% reduction in cost after 25 years of operation. For vessels operating with a large amount of variations in loads and which experience several transients and low loads, a hybrid system with an energy storage unit will assist the engines in handling the load peaks and troughs, which lead to a more efficient operation compared to diesel electric. Diesel electric system has been a preferred choice of machinery for ships with complex operational profiles in recent years. However, despite the higher installation cost, the hybrid system turns out to be a more profitable choice in the future.

Massimino, Brett J. "Operational Factors Affecting the Confidentiality of Proprietary Digital Assets." The Ohio State University, 2014. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1405683732.

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Dalmazzo, Alberto. "Technological and financial factors in models of wage determination." Thesis, London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London), 1998. http://etheses.lse.ac.uk/1500/.

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The present dissertation develops some theoretical models which analyze the impact on wages of the financial and technological choices operated by firms. Chapter I considers the effects of technological change on efficiency-wages. We adopt Kremer's (1993) "O-Ring" production function, where technical progress can be represented through a change in the number of tasks to be performed in production. More complex production processes imply higher wage levels and higher general equilibrium unemployment. The model is extended to analyze within-group wage dispersion. In Chapter II, we adopt an alternating-calls strategic bargaining model where the incentive to reach an early agreement does not rely on time-preferences, but on intrinsic decay in the cake's size. When outside options remain positive and constant over time and the interval between calls shrinks to zero, the solution to this game converges to the Nash-solution, where the outside options take the status quo positions. This result contrasts with Rubinstein (1982), where outside options can matter only as corner- solutions. The model is extended to consider the role of market factors on wage determination. Chapter III considers the strategic role of debt in wage negotiations. Since debt provides a "credible threat" in bargaining, the entrepreneur can increase her profits by borrowing. Debt, thus, constitutes a (partial) remedy to Grout's (1984) under-investment problem. Chapter IV extends the model developed in Chapter III to analyze the implications that strategic borrowing can have on technological sophistication. We show that debt may have positive effects not only on the quantity of investment, but also on the degree of sophistication of the chosen projects. Chapter V (with G. Marini) analyses the role of foreign debt in promoting investment in Less Developed Countries that are subject to political risks. We show that, when default can trigger trade sanctions, foreign debt reduces the negative effects of political uncertainty on capital accumulation. Chapter VI (with F.Bagliano) contrasts the explanation for mark-up countercyclicality offered by the "price-war" model of Rotemberg and Saloner (1986) with the alternative explanation, based on "liquidity constraints", proposed by Chevalier and Scharfstein (1996).

Rusconi, E. "Securing threat detection : synergy of technological and neuropsychological factors." Thesis, University College London (University of London), 2014. http://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/1419045/.

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The success of some current national and international security strategies depends on the accuracy of visual inspections, often achieved via transmission x-ray imaging. Human screeners face the difficulties of complex image interpretation as the resulting images consist of a cluster of superimposed shapes often seen from an unusual perspective. Object detection in transmission x-ray images appears to share challenges analogous to those entailed by the Embedded Figures Test (EFT), as both require disembedding a target from several distracters in a visual Gestalt. It is well documented that individuals diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) may show enhanced abilities at the EFT. Their abilities are attributed to a baseline individual aptitude, namely heightened attention to visual detail and sensitivity to trivial changes in the visual environment, of possible genetic origin. Although such aptitude may be emphasised in ASD, it is not necessarily associated with it and it is possible to identify individuals with high attention to detail in the general population. Here we demonstrate for the first time that self-reported Attention to Detail and EFT performance can predict detection abilities with transmission security x-ray images. Further, we develop a novel self-report scale for the security industry, the XRIndex. We validate this scale against Attention to Detail, EFT and aviation security x-ray images, with both untrained participants and professional security screeners. We show that the XRIndex may become a reliable aid-to-selection tool, it can be administered under supervision or remotely and its validity is not undermined by repetition or expertise with the x-ray screening task. Behavioural tasks – namely EFT and mental rotation - may prove valuable too, however their use in a digital version may not be advisable when applicants lack familiarity with computers. Stable personality traits with a significant association to threat detection performance are also identified and may usefully complement information provided by the XRIndex.

Lin, Yi-Hsin S. M. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "Prediction of terminal-area weather penetration based on operational factors." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/82840.

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Thesis (S.M. in Transportation)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2013.
Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 89).
As demand for air transportation grows, the existing air traffic control system is being pushed to capacity. This is especially true during weather events. However, the degree to which weather impacts airspace capacity, particularly within the terminal region, is not well understood. Understanding how weather impacts terminal area capacity will be important for quantifying the uncertainty inherent in weather forecasting and developing an optimal mitigation strategy. In this thesis, we identify and analyze operational features that may impact whether a pilot chooses to fly through severe weather. In doing so we build upon the work done at MIT Lincoln Laboratory on terminal area Weather Avoidance Fields (WAF) for arriving aircraft. This model predicts the probability of pilot deviation around weather, based solely on weather features. The terminal area WAF was calibrated based on historical pilot behavior during weather encounters near the destination airport. Our model extends the WAF by incorporating operational factors such as prior delays and existing congestion in the terminal airspace. Instead of predicting the probability of deviation, our model will predict the maximum WAF level penetrated by the pilot, using the operational features as input. The thesis combines predictive modeling with case studies to identify relevant features and determine their predictive skill. An understanding of how operational factors impact weather avoidance will allow researchers to better quantify weather forecasting uncertainty and to understand when precision in forecasting is important. In turn, this will improve our ability to find optimal strategies for delay mitigation.
by Yi-Hsin Lin.
S.M.in Transportation

Vogel, Daniel Mario. "An analysis of human factors aspects in operational fuel saving." Thesis, City University London, 2014. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.665453.

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Over the last few years, the reduction of operational costs and control of pollutant emissions have become central issues for the commercial aviation industry, and as a result, airlines have been increasingly focusing their attention on operational fuel saving techniques. However, even though the practical implementation and economic potential of these techniques have been exemplified in a number of papers, little research has been dedicated to a systemic investigation of the effects of operational fuel saving on the human component of the system, i.e., the flight crew of an aircraft. This research examines this area, and investigates the human factors aspects in context with the application of operational fuel saving on the Airbus A 320 series aircraft. The study presents a detailed analysis of the flight crew's performance and motivational factors related to the topic of interest, which were investigated by means of an online survey and a controlled simulator experiment. Results of the analysis revealed that the application of operational fuel saving imposes a number of latent performance impairments on the flight crew. Motivational factors were shown to be disrupted by the flight crew's inability to achieve satisfaction from the application of operational fuel saving. The implications of these findings are wide-ranging, as they show, in essence, that the system's safety and efficiency relies solely on the flight crew's cognitive flexibility and workload compensation capability, while structured analyses and conceptual frameworks in regard to the human factors aspects of operational fuel saving are absent.

Sluss, Richard Gordon. "Managerial and operational characteristics of "safety successful" logging contractors." Thesis, This resource online, 1992. http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/theses/available/etd-09122009-040333/.

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Chen, Hongxin. "Cooperative performance : factors affecting the performance of international technological cooperation." Thesis, University of Manchester, 2003. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.488313.

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Hatcher, Gillian D. "Integrating design for remanufacture into the design process : the operational factors." Thesis, University of Strathclyde, 2013. http://oleg.lib.strath.ac.uk:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=22405.

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Remanufacturing is the process of returning a used product to a like-new condition with a warranty to match. It is widely recognised as an environmentally preferable end-of-life strategy for many products, as it is a process that saves materials from landfill and retains more intrinsic energy than similar end-of-life strategies such as recycling or repair. The concept of 'design for remanufacture' (DfRem) originates from the understanding that decisions made during the design process may have a considerable effect upon the efficiency and effectiveness of the remanufacturing process. Much of the DfRem literature to date has focused upon the identification of technical DfRem factors (such as material choice or fastening methods), and the subsequent development of design methods and tools. However, the literature has overlooked how DfRem practices may be integrated into a company design process, and has not considered the operational factors that may influence DfRem integration decision-making and practice. This thesis presents the findings from industrial case study research with three original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) from the UK mechanical industry sector. Through observation and interviews with designers, design management, and aftermarket and remanufacturing management, the research has indentified significant external and internal operational factors that influence DfRem integration, including management commitment, OEM-remanufacturer relationships and designer motivation. The findings led to the development of a 'DfRem integration network model' which maps the identified relationships between the various operational factors, providing practitioners with an enhanced understanding of DfRem integration into the design process, and a portfolio of practical steps towards more remanufacturable products and improved remanufacturing services.

Bonner, David M. "A Study of the Technological, Instructional, and Motivational Factors Affecting Phr Certification Exam Outcomes." Thesis, University of North Texas, 2012. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc115049/.

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Although previous studies have considered the factors affecting other certification exam outcomes, they have not examined those that are related to performance on the Professional in Human Resources (PHR) exam. In response to that need, this study specifically investigates technology and training factors that affect self-efficacy and self-set goals, and through them, influence PHR certification exam results. The target population for the study consisted of recent examinees who had taken a formal PHR examination preparation class or used another form of exam preparation training. The survey results were analyzed using partial least squares modeling techniques, and mediation effects were then tested. The results demonstrated that PHR training self-efficacy affected PHR exam self-efficacy and self-set goals. These factors then had an impact on PHR exam scores. Also, the results of task-technology fit were indirectly related to PHR training self-efficacy through a multiple mediation model that included the instructional factor of time on task and the technology factor of perceived usefulness. Surprisingly, time spent on practice exam questions was found to be negatively related to PHR certification exam scores. Finally, instructional feedback indirectly affected outcomes through its positive relationship to self-set goals. The results of the research should help training professionals and examinees in structuring PHR exam training and preparation activities. They also suggest avenues for improving outcomes in other similar types of training.

Toločka, Eligijus. "The improvement of technological innovativeness' evaluation under aspect of influencing factors." Doctoral thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2006. http://vddb.library.lt/obj/LT-eLABa-0001:E.02~2006~D_20060410_170627-81788.

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The researched topic of technological innovativeness has shown that most researchers choose for their subject of research innovations in general, whereas the technological innovativeness they research is just fragmentary and a part of overall innovative activity. The research of innovative technologies adaptation evolution has revealed that the proportion manufacturing of Lithuanian enterprises adapting innovative technologies is declining. It raises worries as to the competitive capabilities of the national enterprises in the international and the EU market. The analysis of scientific literature on evolution of innovations, technologies and technological innovativeness has shown that quantitative estimation techniques of innovative manufacturing technologies mostly are meant to any areas of human activities, but while researching organizations belonging to one particular sector or area this universality has a deficiency – it diminishes the deepness and exactness of the research. While researching manufacturing enterprises of Lithuania by questionnaire method, factors influencing innovative technologies formation and adaptation are identified, also the defining indexes which influence technological innovativeness of enterprises were identified. Realized in practice created evaluation model of technological innovativeness researching national manufacturing enterprises. Taken data using in created model for technological innovativeness evaluation was got result that biggest... [to full text]
Pramonės sektorius daro didelę įtaką visai šalies ekonomikai, todėl šio sektoriaus sugebėjimas sėkmingai konkuruoti tarptautiniu mastu apskritai apsprendžia ir valstybės geresnes vystymosi galimybes. Pramonės įmonių konkurencingumui didelę įtaką daro naudojamos inovatyvios technologijos, todėl gilesnis inovatyvių technologijų formavimo ir jų adaptavimo veikiančių veiksnių pažinimas, geresnė jų vadyba bei tobulesnis technologinio inovatyvumo vertinimas kaip tik ir apibrėžia svarbią, tačiau mažai tyrinėtą, vadybos ir administravimo mokslo ir praktikos problematiką. Ilgalaikei ir sėkmingai apdirbamosios pramonės sektoriaus plėtrai būtina aktyvesnė inovatyvių technologijų plėtra, kuri periodiškai gerintų gaminamos produkcijos įvairias savybes bei pozityviai įtakotų įvairius organizacijos struktūrinius elementus, skatindama jų tobulėjimą. Šie siekiai įgyja ypatingą reikšmingumą suvokiant, jog be efektyvaus inovatyvių technologijų formavimo ir jų adaptavimo, taip pat tobulesnio technologinio inovatyvumo įvertinimo, neįmanomas kryptingas pramonės įmonių, o kartu ir viso šio šalies sektoriaus konkurencingumo didinimas tarptautiniame lygmenyje. Tuo būdu galima būtų konstatuoti, jog dabar egzistuoja gana didelis patikimo modelio poreikis, kuris padėtų didžiajai daugumai pramonės įmonių atlikti technologinio inovatyvumo kiekybinį vertinimą, paremtą inovatyvių technologijų formavimą ir jų adaptavimą veikiančių veiksnių analize.

Malak, Joe. "An Analysis of the Technological, Organizational, and Environmental Factors Influencing Cloud Adoption." ScholarWorks, 2016. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations/2845.

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Cloud computing provides an answer to the increasing costs of managing information technology (IT), and has become a model that aligns IT services with an organization's business strategies. However, concerns and uncertainties associated with cloud computing are deterring IT decision makers from making sound decisions regarding the adoption of the technology. The purpose of this online survey study was to examine the relationship between relative advantage, compatibility, organizational size, top management support, organizational readiness, mimetic pressure, normative pressures, coercive pressure, and the IT decision makers' intent to adopt cloud computing. The theoretical framework incorporated the diffusion of innovations theory, a technology-organization-environment framework, and institutional theory. The survey participants were 136 IT decision makers from different U.S. industries. The Pearson's coefficient analysis indicated a significant correlation between the dependent variable (intent to adopt) and all independent variables except organizational size. The regression model was a statistically significant predictor of the dependent variable and accounted for approximately 74% of the variance in the dependent variable, primarily predicted by top management support, normative pressure, relative advantage, and organization readiness. The implications for positive social change include the potential of implementing innovations that would augment technology efficiency, decrease workplace personnel issues, and create a more desirable and flexible workplace. Flexibility at work enables employees to be able to participate in other nonwork roles such as family, child, and elder care, or education.

Fernando, Madhu. "Innovation in project management factors influencing the success of innovation strategies /." Swinburne Research Bank, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/1959.3/34820.

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Thesis (DBA) -- Swinburne University of Technology, Australian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship, 2006.
Dissertation submitted to Australian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Doctor of Business Administration, 2006. Typescript. Bibliography: p. 157-166.

Chaves, Juan Carlos. "Biological and Operational Factors Causing Mortality in North Carolina's Soft-Shell Blue Crab Industry." NCSU, 2002. http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/theses/available/etd-07232002-164130/.

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Factors causing mortality in North Carolina's soft-shell blue crab industry were quantified and identified at 11 crab shedding systems across the state. Operators of crab shedding systems who shed peeler crabs (pre-molt crabs) that they had caught themselves (self-caught peeler crabs) experienced significantly lower crab mortality rates than operators who shed peelers that they had bought from different sources (purchased-peeler crabs). Molt stage had a significant effect on the mortality rates of self-caught peeler crabs, as early molt stage crabs (white-line peelers) suffered significantly higher mortality rates than late molt stage crabs (red-line peelers). Purchased male crabs experienced significantly higher mortality rates than purchased females crabs. Water quality did not have a significant effect on crab mortality. Male peeler crab mortality was not significantly affected by the presence or absence of female red-line peeler crabs. Male red-line peelers experienced significantly longer times to molt when male crab density was high. Results of this study may lead to improvements in crab shedding technology, increased profits, and better fishery management practices.

AlMohsen, Dina Saad. "Enterprise 2.0 Technologies for Knowledge Management: A Study of Cultural, Organizational and Technological Factors." Thèse, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/24203.

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In the new business world, organizational knowledge is considered to be a key factor for profitability attainment. This is true within any industry. It is a vital enabler of superior business accomplishments and developments. Managing such valuable knowledge enables organizations to gain a competitive advantage and advance in the process of wealth creation. As organizations worldwide become increasingly aware of the benefits that can be achieved by engaging in effective knowledge management practices, the need arises for additional research in order to identify and ascertain the effects of cultural differences among the operating environments of different firms, and to find out how these differences translate into varying uses of technologies and knowledge management practices in firms; that is the main objective of this research. To reach this goal, the study utilizes an exploratory research design to collect and analyze quantitative data from employees of various organizations in different countries and industries. We do this in order to explore the determinants of effective knowledge management from cultural, organizational, and technological perspectives. Specifically, the study will examine the country of Saudi Arabia and compare it to other countries. Quantitative data for an empirical investigation was collected through a web-based survey questionnaire sent to employees of various organizations within different national contexts and industrial settings. Drawing upon previously validated studies and several new hypotheses, this study presents a theoretical model that integrates different sociological and technological factors that influence employees’ behavior when using Enterprise 2.0 technologies for knowledge management. Sociological determinants include: power distance, long term-orientation, knowledge management environment, and personal and organizational behavior. The technological determinants include: Enterprise 2.0 tools, richness, sophistication, ease of use, usefulness and behavioral intention of really using these tools. The quantitative investigation reflects the testing of significant theoretical constructs and relational propositions from the theoretical model. Exploratory factor analysis and structural equation modeling techniques were used to estimate a structural relationship model among the sociological and technological determinants of the intentions of use of Enterprise 2.0. The key findings from this study emphasize the role of technology perceptions including: perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, richness, sophistication of adoption, the use of Enterprise 2.0 technologies in the workplace, as well as the knowledge management environment of the organization. Furthermore, the results highlight the impact of factors pertaining to knowledge management, such as personal and organizational information on the use of Enterprise 2.0 tools. This study also found that divergences among countries with different cultural settings might affect the knowledge management environment and the use of Enterprise 2.0 in organizations; further investigation is needed in this area. Based on these findings, the study offers theoretical implications and suggestions for future research. This research provides guidelines for practices, processes, and technologies related to knowledge management. It also gives specific recommendations, for companies operating in various cultural contexts, on how to give priority to the context and the environment in which the knowledge is being exchanged as well as how to enhance the technological infrastructures that offer a behavioral incentive to use Enterprise 2.0 technologies for knowledge management.

Chan, Kam Ho. "Three essays on cyberbullying on social networking sites: understanding the effects of technological factors." HKBU Institutional Repository, 2017. https://repository.hkbu.edu.hk/etd_oa/406.

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Technology continues to evolve quickly and is dramatically changing the behaviors of online users. Social networking sites, while offering users interactive online spaces to socialize with their friends and family, are also a breeding ground for various undesirable online behaviors, such as cyberbullying. Cyberbullying on social networking sites (SNS bullying) has emerged as a societal challenge in recent years. The prevalence and adverse consequences of SNS bullying have been extensively reported in the mass media and drawn increasing attention from government agencies, parents, and the academic community. The research on SNS bullying is broad, and little effort has been devoted to consolidating its findings. Furthermore, scant attention has been paid to understanding the role technological factors play in the development of SNS bullying.. Accordingly, this dissertation proposes two main research objectives to advance the scientific understanding of SNS bullying. It seeks to (1) summarize the research status of SNS bullying and (2) examine the role of technological factors in SNS bullying among perpetrators and aggressive bystanders. Three essays are included. In Essay 1, I summarize the current knowledge on SNS bullying through a literature review and analysis. Drawing on the general aggression model, I propose a classification framework to classify the factors affecting SNS bullying. The literature review and analysis outline the patterns of research on SNS bullying and identify future research directions. In Essay 2, I examine the effects of technological factors on SNS bullying perpetration. Drawing on crime opportunity theory and affordance theory, I propose a research model to examine the drivers of SNS bullying perpetration and test how SNS affordances influence the evaluation of SNS environments for perpetration using an online survey. The results suggest that SNS affordances are salient enablers that afford SNS bullying perpetration. In Essay 3, I examine the effects of technological factors on bystanders' aggressive responses to SNS bullying. Drawing on moral disengagement theory, I develop a research model to investigate the effects of beliefs about SNS use and moral disengagement mechanisms on bystanders' aggressive responses to SNS bullying using a focus group discussion and a scenario-based survey. The results suggest that moral disengagement mechanisms are significant social cognitive processes bystanders use to rationalize their aggressive responses toward victims.. This dissertation offers important implications for research and practice. Theoretically, it contributes to the information systems (IS) literature by examining an emerging societal challenge associated with the undesirable use of information technology. It also adds to the growing body of research on SNS bullying by integrating knowledge from multiple disciplines, and demonstrates that technological factors play a substantial role in affecting the development of SNS bullying. Practically, this dissertation offers practitioners a rich and fine-grained understanding of the cause and development of SNS bullying. It also provides valuable information about the effects of the technological factors that lead to SNS bullying perpetration and bystanders' aggressive responses. Overall, this dissertation derives important insights into the prevention and intervention of SNS bullying.

Lin, Shinn-Rong. "Factors related to attitudes of Taiwan public secondary vocational industrial teachers toward technological change." The Ohio State University, 1995. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1249501186.

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Davidson, Robert I. "Technological and demographic factors as agents of change in the development of business events." Thesis, University of Greenwich, 2014. http://gala.gre.ac.uk/13956/.

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The published work and Commentary that comprise this PhD thesis examine the field of business events, with particular focus on the shifting relationships between supply and demand in the business events market that have arisen as a result of the ongoing technological and demographic changes in the external macro-environment within which this market operates. The extant body of research into the market for business events such as conferences, meetings and other face-to-face gatherings pales in comparison with the extensive volume of investigations undertaken by the research community focusing on leisure tourism, cultural events and sports events. Nevertheless, this comparative neglect of the business events market cannot be justified when we take into account the essential role played by such events in the efficient functioning and development of the commercial, political, and intellectual activities of those who attend them, as well as the considerable economic benefits that business events bring to the venues and destinations in which they are held. The high-spending, high-yield nature of business events is the key factor behind the intense competition that exists between supply-side stakeholders in this sector. In the 21st century, as competition among the expanding supply of conference venues and destinations has intensified, the case to be made for conducting research that focuses on the effective functioning of the business events market has become increasingly compelling. Following a discussion of the research context within which my research activities took place, this Commentary gives details of the specific research objectives that guided my own investigations. It then identifies the pragmatism paradigm as the approach adopted in my research, a stance which supports the use of the mixed methods approach that I employed in connection with my data collection, and one which reflected my desire to produce socially useful knowledge. This is followed by a critical reflection on my research publications in this area. It comprises a portfolio of 25 publications, dated from 1992 to 2014. In different empirical contexts, and using a varied range of research methodologies, appropriate to the different research questions, this Commentary takes as its primary focus the impacts of technological and demographic factors on the marketing of conference venues and destinations, as well as on the design of business events. The Commentary highlights the original nature of my research in this field as well as its contribution to the ongoing discussions in academic and practitioner domains on the subject of how the business events industry must evolve in order to provide value to a new generation of participants living in a world increasingly shaped by advances in electronically-mediated communication.

Marope, Tumisang. "Future technological factors affecting unmanned aircraft systems (UAS):a South African perspective towards 2025." Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10948/2939.

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The fact that pilots are not physically situated in the aircraft for UAS operations makes the current standards applicable to manned aircraft not suitable for UAS operations (FAA, 2013). FAA (2013:18) states that ―removing the pilot from the aircraft creates a series of performance considerations between manned and unmanned aircraft that need to be fully researched and understood to determine acceptability and potential impact on safe operations in the NAS. According to ERSG (2013), not all technologies necessary to ensure the safe integration of civil UASs into civilian airspace are available today. The extrapolation that can be made based on the above arguments is that advancement of UAS technologies will more likely have a significant bearing on the safe integration of UASs into civilian airspace. Therefore, as an identified research gap, the research/main objective of this research is to identify future technological factors affecting Unmanned Aircraft Systems in the Republic of South Africa leading towards the year 2025.

Morrison-Love, David. "Secondary school technological problem solving : an investigation of factors associated with levels of success." Thesis, University of Glasgow, 2013. http://theses.gla.ac.uk/4349/.

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Research into school-based and real-life technological problem solving has shown it to exist in a range of forms and draw upon a number of constituent processes and knowledge types. While this has given much needed insight into what happens when pupils undertake such problem solving in classrooms, there is little understanding about the relationship between these constituent elements and pupil performance on problem solving tasks. Moreover, such tasks are often still undertaken individually within schools. This thesis builds directly on this by offering a definition for classroom-based technological problem prior to developing a mixed-method approach that allowed the problem solving activity of four high performing groups to be compared with that of four low performing groups. Single gender groups of approximately four pupils worked through a well-defined cantilever problem task in three Scottish technology education classrooms. The group performance was determined by outcome. Findings from the comparative analysis revealed differences in three key areas. Firstly, higher-performing groups naturally employed better process-management strategies including use of planning, role and task allocation with lower levels of tension between group members. Secondly, higher-performing groups made more use of reflection in which reasoning was verbalised, with the potential to promote better shared understanding between group members during the solving process. Thirdly, higher-performing groups exhibited a greater level of tacit-procedural knowledge within their final solutions. Additionally, there was evidence that lower-performing groups were less affected by the competitive task dynamic, and were not always as comprehensive in transferring prior understanding to the problem solving context. These findings were largely consistent between groups and form a basis upon which approaches to pedagogy and assessment can be considered and developed to raise the capability and performance of those pupils who find such problem solving more challenging. Moreover, the findings pertaining to process management and the nature of reflection have wider implications for learning and teaching in related areas of STEM Education.

Sorensen, Khalid Lief. "Operational Performance Enhancement of Human Operated Flexible Systems." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/24773.

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Recent decades have been witness to explosive leaps in manufacturing productivity. Advances in communication technology, computing speed, control theory, and sensing technology have been significant contributors toward the increased productivity and efficiency that industry has exhibited. The continued growth of technological equipment and engineering knowledge challenges engineers to fully utilize these advancements in more sophisticated and useful automation systems. One such application involves enhancing bridge and gantry crane operation. These systems are used throughout the globe, and are critical aspects of industrial productivity. Consequently, improving the operational effectiveness of cranes can be extremely valuable. Effective control of cranes can be largely attributed to two distinct, but related aspects crane manipulation: 1) the expertise of operators, which are responsible for issuing commands to the structures, and 2) the dynamic properties of cranes, which influence how the structures respond to issued commands. Accordingly, the operational efficiency of cranes can be influenced by changing both the way that operators issue commands to cranes, and also how the crane responds to issued commands. This thesis is concerned with dynamic control theory of flexible machines, and human/machine interaction, especially as these areas relate to industrial crane control. In the area of dynamic control, this thesis investigates control strategies that are specifically suited for use on systems that possess common actuator nonlinearities, like saturation, rate limiting, dead-zone, backlash, and finite-state actuation. In the area of human/machine interaction, this thesis investigates the effects of different crane interface devices on the operational efficiency of cranes.

Ng, Picoto Winnie. "An Organizational Perspective of Mobile Business Value : The Effects of Technological, Organizational and Environmental Factors." Doctoral thesis, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.5/3615.

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Doutoramento em Gestão
Mobile business is expected to create a large spectrum of business opportunities. Although much research has been developed in this field, most of the existing m-business literature focuses on the customer’s adoption factors rather than assessing the value or the impact of m-business to firms. The present study fills this gap in the literature through the analysis of the value m-business can provide to the firms, as well as the impact of m-business on the firm’s performance. The Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) framework, the Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) theory and the Resource-Base View (RBV) theory ground this research’s conceptual model for assessing the value of mobile business on an organizational context. According to the conceptual model proposed, there are several factors that may affect m-business use and value: relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, technology competence; technology integration, firm size, financial resources, competition intensity, partner pressure and mobile environment. The value of m-business is proposed to be a second order formative construct comprising the impact on marketing and sales dimensions, the impact on internal operations dimensions, and the impact on procurement dimensions. This study develops and validates an instrument to assess m-business usage and value based on data of 111 marketing and information systems professionals. The measurement and structural models are than tested using structural equation modeling as implemented in Smart PLS with data collected via a questionnaire administered to the 400 largest Portuguese organizations. Results show that firm size, financial resources and complexity, are not among the factors that are antecedents of m-business usage. Additionally, going towards our results from the interviews, the impact on procurement dimension is less significant than the impact on the marketing and sales and internal operations dimensions.
O negócio móvel (m-business) permite a criação de um amplo espectro de novas oportunidades de negócio. Embora muita investigação esteja a ser desenvolvida nesta área, a maioria da literatura existente sobre o m-business centra-se em fatores de adopção ao nível do indivíduo, e não avalia o valor ou o impacto do m-business para as organizações. O presente estudo pretende colmatar esta lacuna existente na literatura através da análise do valor que o mbusiness pode proporcionar às empresas, bem como o seu impacto no desempenho das mesmas. O modelo teórico da Tecnologia-Organização-Ambiente (TOE), a teoria da Difusão de Inovação (DOI) e a teoria baseada nos recursos (RBV) fundamentam o desenvolvimento do modelo conceptual desta dissertação para avaliar o valor do negócio móvel no contexto organizacional. De acordo com o modelo conceptual proposto, há vários factores que podem afectar o uso e valor do m-business: as vantagens relativas, a compatibilidade, a complexidade, a competência tecnológica, a integração da tecnologia, a dimensão da empresa, os recursos financeiros, a intensidade da concorrência, a pressão dos parceiros de negócio e o ambiente móvel. O conceito de valor de m-business é proposto ser um constructo formativo de segunda ordem compreendendo o impacto sobre marketing e vendas, o impacto sobre as operações internas, e o impacto sobre as compras. Este estudo desenvolve e valida um instrumento para avaliar o uso e valor do m-business com base em dados empíricos de 111 profissionais de marketing e sistemas de informação. Os modelos de medida e estrutural são testados utilizando modelos de equações estruturais, conforme implementado no Smart PLS com dados recolhidos através de um questionário aplicado às 400 maiores organizações Portuguesas. Os resultados mostram que o tamanho da empresa, os seus recursos financeiros e a complexidade da inovação, não estão entre os factores que são antecedentes do uso do m-business. Além disso, indo ao encontro dos resultados das entrevistas exploratórias, o impacto nas dimensões a montante é menos significativo do que o impacto sobre o marketing e vendas e sobre as operações internas.

Nikkhah-Azad, Ali. "Perceptions of College and University Auditors Concerning the Importance of Selected Factors Associated with Operational Auditing." Thesis, University of North Texas, 1988. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc331787/.

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The primary purpose of this study was to identify and analyze the perceptions of college and university auditors concerning the importance of selected factors associated with operational auditing. The secondary purpose was to determine whether the perceptions of certified auditors differ significantly from those of noncertified auditors. Selected factors associated with operational auditing for colleges and universities were categorized in three attribute groups—organizational, personal, and environmental. The identification of organizational and personal attributes was based mainly on concepts set forth in the Standard for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing published by the Institute of Internal Auditors (1978). Identification of environmental attributes was based on a review of the relevant literature, as well as on discussions with selected college and university auditors. Each attribute, whether categorized as organizational, personal, or environmental, was used as a basis for the identification of detailed factors associated with operational auditing. The findings of this study reveal that factors dealing with organizational attributes were perceived as considerably more favorable than were factors dealing with personal or environmental attributes. With regard to the secondary purpose of this research, a total of 14 hypotheses were developed and subjected to t-tests to determine whether the perceptions of certified auditors differed significantly from those of noncertified auditors. Of the 14 hypotheses tested, there were no significant differences between perceptions of the two groups concerning the importance of independence, audit plan, audit program, audit supervision, continuing education, training, audit follow-up, objectivity, technical competence, experience, and interpersonal skills. Certified auditors perceived attributes that deal with audit report and professional certification to be more important to operational auditing than did their noncertified counterparts. With regard to the importance of a knowledge and understanding of the higher education environment (i.e., knowledge of characteristics uniquely identifiable with institutions of higher education) to operational auditing, certified auditors perceived this attribute less favorably than did noncertified auditors.

Золотов, Микита Юрійович. "Обґрунтування сучасних гідроізоляційних систем для підвищення довговічності та якості будівельної продукції." Магістерська робота, 2021. https://dspace.znu.edu.ua/jspui/handle/12345/6582.

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Золотов М. Ю. Обґрунтування сучасних гідроізоляційних систем для підвищення довговічності та якості будівельної продукції : кваліфікаційна робота магістра спеціальності 192 «Будівництво та цивільна інженерія» / наук. керівник Н. О. Данкевич. Запоріжжя : ЗНУ, 2021. 109 с.
UA : В роботі проаналізовано і досліджено сучасний стан використання гідроізоляційних матеріалів для захисту будівельних конструкцій, що дає можливість підвищити сфери застосування. Розглянуті види та типи гідроізоляційних систем в залежності від умов експлуатації, технічних і економічних чинників та її конструктивно-технологічне вирішення. Досліджені і приведені існуючі критерії оцінки ефективності застосування гідроізоляційних систем, а також зроблено акцент на використані гідроізоляцій проникаючої дії, із полімерних мембран та СБС модифікованих рулонних матеріалів, які частково усувають недоліки їх аналогів та забезпечують поліпшення якості захисту конструкцій, підвищують якість виконання робіт, знижують трудомісткості процесу та собівартості виконання робіт.
EN : The modern state of the use of hydraulic insulating materials is in-process analysed and investigational for defence of building constructions, that gives an opportunity to promote application domains. Considered kinds and types of the waterproofing systems depending on external, technical and economic factors environments and her structurally-technological decision. Investigational and resulted existent criteria of estimation of efficiency of application of the waterproofing systems, and also an accent is done on used waterproofing of penetrating action, from polymeric membranes and SBS of the modified roll materials, that partly remove the lacks of their analogues and provide the improvement of quality of defence of constructions, promote quality of implementation of works, reduce to labour intensiveness of process and prime price of implementation of works.

"Operational and Technological Peak Load Shifting Strategies for Residential Buildings." Doctoral diss., 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/2286/R.I.38800.

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abstract: Residential air conditioning systems represent a critical load for many electric utilities, especially for those who serve customers in hot climates. In hot and dry climates, in particular, the cooling load is usually relatively low during night hours and early mornings and hits its maximum in the late afternoon. If electric loads could be shifted from peak hours (e.g., late afternoon) to off-peak hours (e.g., late morning), not only would building operation costs decrease, the need to run peaker plants, which typically use more fossil fuels than non-peaker plants, would also decrease. Thus, shifting electricity consumption from peak to off-peak hours promotes economic and environmental savings. Operational and technological strategies can reduce the load during peak hours by shifting cooling operation from on-peak hours to off-peak hours. Although operational peak load shifting strategies such as precooling may require mechanical cooling (e.g., in climates like Phoenix, Arizona), this cooling is less expensive than on-peak cooling due to demand charges or time-based price plans. Precooling is an operational shift, rather than a technological one, and is thus widely accessible to utilities’ customer base. This dissertation compares the effects of different precooling strategies in a Phoenix-based utility’s residential customer market and assesses the impact of technological enhancements (e.g., energy efficiency measures and solar photovoltaic system) on the performance of precooling. This dissertation focuses on the operational and technological peak load shifting strategies that are feasible for residential buildings and discusses the advantages of each in terms of peak energy savings and residential electricity cost savings.
Doctoral Dissertation Civil Engineering 2016

Duerksen, Kari. "Technological intimate partner violence: victim impacts and technological perpetration factors." Thesis, 2018. https://dspace.library.uvic.ca//handle/1828/9800.

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In emerging adulthood, the developmental period between ages 18 and 25, romantic relationships last longer and become more intimate and serious. This developmental period also marks the peak of intimate partner violence (IPV) rates across the lifespan. Individuals in this age group also rely on technology more heavily than other age groups, and use this technology as another means by which to perpetrate IPV. The current thesis investigated the impacts of victimization by such technological IPV (tIPV), as well as the importance of technology-related factors in the perpetration of tIPV. Two hundred and seventy-eight (204 female, 74 male) participants in an intimate relationship of at least three months completed an online survey. Participants reported on their perpetration of and victimization by in-person and tIPV as well as on a range of victim impacts and technology-related perpetration factors. Experiencing tIPV victimization was related to increased alcohol use for both men and women, and increased fear of partner for women. For depression, perceived stress, relationship satisfaction, quality of life, social support, and post-traumatic stress, tIPV victimization did not predict impacts above in-person victimization. The amount of technology usage as well as the amount of technological disinhibition both uniquely predicted tIPV perpetration, counter to the hypothesis that technological disinhibition would moderate the relationship between technology usage and tIPV perpetration. In-person IPV perpetration also significantly predicted tIPV perpetration, and when these variables were included, technology usage was no longer significant. Upon further investigation, social media use, but not texting, significantly predicted tIPV perpetration. While these results suggest some unique impacts and contributing factors to tIPV, overall these results highlight that tIPV often occurs within a broader pattern of abuse that includes in-person IPV. These results suggest that tIPV, while a new medium of aggression, is not necessarily distinct from in-person IPV. This means that efforts should be made to integrate tIPV into IPV theory and practice, rather than to create a new field of research and practice based solely around tIPV.

Kuo, Pin-Yuan, and 郭品沅. "Industrial OEM, Technological Development, and Operational Strategies:A Case Study of Wistron Corporation." Thesis, 2013. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/63423131564472673103.

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The development of the information and electronics industry has long been a major focus in Taiwan. The industry has experienced astounding growth since the beginning of the 1980s, with revenues for a single quarter in 2010 reaching an incredible 33.6 billion US dollars. The sector has played a critical role in Taiwan’s economic development and the global industry value chain. However, the participation of mainland China and Southeast Asia in the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) market in recent years has given international corporations higher bargaining power in the selection of OEMs due to the presence of low-cost labor in these regions. This has resulted in intense pricing competition in the market, with Taiwanese companies facing unprecedented challenges due to low profits. Through the 3 dimensions of industrial OEM, technological development, and operational strategies, this research investigated how Wistron Corporation, the world’s third largest OEM for notebooks, maintains its unique competitive advantages in a fiercely competitive environment by finding ways to enhance its profits and provide value-added products and services. The research results showed that Wistron Corporation adopted a global distribution strategy for industrial OEM and focused on production in countries with low labor costs. The company has also established offices in North America and Eastern Europe to respond rapidly to customer requirements, including those of big name brand manufacturers. In terms of technological development, the life cycles of the various products are closely linked, with the earnings of mature products used to subsidize new products. The latter are continuously developed until they become growth products, complementing each other in the process. In order to enhance technological superiority, investment on research and development has increased on a yearly basis. Wistron is favored by customers in terms of product development due to multiple patents that it owns; the company adopted product diversification management as part of its operational strategy, expanding its market to achieve economies of scale through diversified products and thus consolidating its market position. The company utilizes mutual sharing of procurement resources, customer resources and technological resources, achieving economies of scope so that the various business units will complement each other.

Jumelet, Peter Herman. "The impact technological and organisational dimensions on operational performance of manufacturing companies." Thesis, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/10539/216.

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Master of Science in Engineering - Engineering
Despite the adoption of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (AMT) by manufacturing firms, the literature reports disappointing performance of manufacturing, attributed to an imbalance between the dimensions of technology (i.e. AMT) and organisation. The central research problem of this study was: To analyse the effect of development along organisational and technological dimensions on operational performance of manufacturing firms in South Africa. The investigation into the central research problem was guided by a primary research question: Does a balanced development of organisational and technological dimensions result in optimum levels of operational performance of manufacturing? Structural Equation Modelling was employed to assess the central research problem and the primary research question by evaluating the relationship between three latent variables: Technology, Organisation and Operational Performance. Data was collected by means of a self-administered online web questionnaire. A total of 104 responses were received from a target sample of 604 Managing Directors of manufacturing firms. The sample was not representative of the population of manufacturing firms in South Africa. It was shown that the correlation between Technology and Organisation was fairly strongly positive. The direct impact of Technology on Operational Performance was unexpectedly non-significant, whereas Organisation’s direct impact on Operational Performance was strongly positive. These results did not support the primary research question. In fact, organisational dimensions were more important than technological dimensions in obtaining optimum levels of operational performance of manufacturing. The implication was that firms should strongly emphasise the development of its organisation as part of a technology strategy.

Yang, Li-chen, and 楊麗甄. "Promoting Several Factors of Operational Efficiency Research." Thesis, 2005. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/34151380772929290801.

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The port, which provides the place of the cargo handling, affects several factors of the operational efficiency related mutually among the ships, the wharfs, the handling equipments, the cargo handling times, the ports, the ship owners, and the shippers. In particular, Kaohsiung port has been confronted by the port competition of Asia. And, how to promote the operational efficiency is definitely an important lesson for the development of the port. Studying through the handling system by now is that we have tried to realize the problems during handling operations. The author has made certain strategy to improve the handling operations. What’s more, causing the regression analysis to discuss that could affect the factors of the operational efficiency between of A and B container terminal centers. Meanwhile, could afford the direction of the improvement. According to the aforementioned, we can advance the following strategy effective for studying: Ⅰ Since the system gets high possibility of the breakdown, we’ll instead of the older equipments in time that can effectively manage and save the time on the system. However, we certainly earn the time to improve the trucks standing by. As that time, maintaining the equipments and parts should renew them as following on the schedules. On maintaining tasks well, the practicability absolutely will be raised. Ⅱ To enhance the basic equipments, to keep working normally and to cultivate the staff of terminal operation companies whose services have high quality, we should operate the aggressive attitudes. As long as we constantly improve the ways availably, we can get the best advantages. Ⅲ Both of terminal planners and terminal operators should update and settle the modern port for the development of globe economy instead of the operational of untimeliness. By conditional on hand, we made the port develop and let it be more the foresight and valuable.

Reiss, Lukas. "Using Non-technological Factors to Explain Changes in Unemployment." Thesis, 2012. http://epub.wu.ac.at/3685/1/LukasReiss_Using_Non%2Dtechnological_Factors_to_Explain_Changes_in_Unemployment.pdf.

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The main research question of this dissertation is whether factors other than labor productivity can help to explain short-run fluctuations and medium-run trends in unemployment in Austria respectively Western Continental Europe. In the part on analyzing short-term-fluctuations I will set up a New Keynesian DSGE model with a richly specified labor market. This model will be used to compare how different labor market specifications fit to Austrian quarterly data. Most importantly, the Bayesian model comparison indicates an important role for nominal wage rigidities and for a timely response of employment to changes in vacancies. Furthermore, models with consensual determination of working hours ('efficient bargaining') tend to perform relatively well. The best model can reproduce the relative volatility of labor market tightness compared to labor productivity comparatively well. Moreover, shock decompositions show that fluctuations in Austrian labor market tightness are mainly driven by demand shocks and to a much smaller extent by productivity shocks. In the part on explaining medium-term-trends in unemployment I will set up a theoretical model and demonstrate that certain stylized facts can also be generated by an increase in international trade (and not only by skill-biased technological change). Furthermore I will show that a differential response of different industrial economies ('US' versus 'Continental Europe') might be due to characteristics of sectors which are not directly exposed to globalization.

Huang, Cheng-Chieh, and 黃振傑. "The Human factors Model and Risk Factors: An Empirical Study for Aircraft Operational Dispatcher." Thesis, 2013. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/50519753837947782601.

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Lately, aircraft incidents are mostly pointing to human factors, and thus, aviation industry is putting more emphasizes on this subject. Data from US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Taiwanese Civil Aeronautics Administration show that the major causes of 70~80% of the aviation accidents are involved in human factors. Aircraft Operational Dispatcher is one of the four jobs that are required legally binding licenses, and from that we can see the importance of the role. Since there is no related study in terms of human factor for Aircraft Operational Dispatcher, this research would like to study human factors and risk factors for Aircraft Operational Dispatcher. We used survey data obtained from Aircraft Operational Dispatcher of Taiwanese airline and based on the human factors SHELLO model with applied Verbal Aggregation Function for the study. We hope this could lay the ground work for our aviation industry and government agencies.

Hung, Yao Lung, and 洪耀郎. "Impact Factors Analysis Of Operational Efficiency For Container Terminal Shipside." Thesis, 2011. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/30395529805500662368.

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Container transport is required to be safe、quite、intensive and stable schedule. Owing to the tendency of mega-size container ship it has leaded to increasing loading and unloading container volumes, shipping companies have to reduce operating cost and promote service quality. Therefore, Promoting Operational Efficiency of Container Terminal Shipside and decreasing dwelling time of ship anchoring on the port become a hot issue. The study attempts to figure out some impact factors of operating efficiency of container terminal shipside by way of related literature review and personal interview with specialists in container terminals in Kaohsiung, explore key impact factors of containter terminal seaside’s operating efficiency based on Analytic Hierarchy Process, and finally provide some suggestions for shipping companies as a reference. The findings of this paper are illustrated according to the order of container terminal management, personnel quality、machinery equipment and ship status: (1) Management of container yard: Workplace safety is the priority, it should be introduced some automated equipment to reduce the workforce loading and human errors. (2) Personnel quality: Shipping companies should be responsible for stowage planning business, stress on importance of Pre-job training and education, and reward staff with high performance by job performance appraisal. (3) Machinery equipment: to establish a two-stage troubleshooting database records and introduce new equipment in place of old model. (4) Shipping status: Perfect communication between ship and shore side, mutual coordination between ship fixing and container handling, to win the confidence of master on board for avoiding revise stowage plan.

yu, Lichin, and 游麗藎. "Critical Factors of Operational Risk in Bank‘s Information Technology Department." Thesis, 2012. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/j9885e.

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Hierarchy Process, Banking Information Technology Department Banks are thebridges which link supply and demand in the capital markets, and have played a significant role in the economic development of Taiwan. With the recent financial eformreform in Taiwan, increasing global financial integration, the rapid growth of capital markets and the introduction of the new financial commodities, Information Technology departments in banks need to lead the renewal of information technology and equipment to support the strategic growth of the banks. Until the necessary transformation is complete, banks will be subject to serious operational risks due to negligence of employees, improper control over processes, system failures, or external shocks. In this study, the author identified a preliminary set of operational risk levels and factors from papers, and used the Delphi Survey and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to gather and analyze the opinions from senior experts in order to construct an analysis model for the relative importance and consequent weighting of each risk factor. The author constructs three main hierarchical levels for the analysis of operational risks. The first level is the target level of “critical operational risk factors for the information technology departments of banks”. The second level consists of four constructs in which the “People Construct” is the most influential. The third level contains twenty one key factors, with “Employee Conspiracy/Fraud”, “Inappropriate Internal Control over Information Security”, “Electrical/Mechanical Equipment Failure”, “Network Equipment Failure”, “System Failure”, "Inadequate Control of System Storage" and “Inappropriate Handling of Password” as the seven most critical factors. Of the seven most critical factors, "Employee Conspiracy/Fraud" and "Inapproprate Internal Control over Information Security" account for 58% of the importance. In order to prevent them, the author suggests that banks select IT employees carefully, develop and implement the standard procedure as well as guidlines, and give the employees sufficient training to raise their ethical awareness and educate them of their legal responsibilities. Finally, the author devises a weighted score card for critical operational risk factors for Information Technology departments of banks. The score card is designed to be used by management for more accurate risk assessment in order to take necessary actions responsively at an early stage.

Hung, Mei-Chu, and 洪美珠. "Factors Related to the Operational Outcomes of Healthy Community Centers." Thesis, 2004. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/40427808814997768666.

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Abstract Title of Thesis: Factors Related to the Operational Outcomes of Healthy Community Centers Institution: Graduate Institute of Nursing, Taipei Medical University Author: Hung, Mei-Chu Thesis directed by: Chen, Ching-Min, RN, DNS, Associate Professor The purpose of this study was to explore the factors affecting the operational outcomes of Healthy Community Centers (HCC) in the Taiwan. Subjects were the managers of 162 HCCs (excluding the first established 51 centers) granted by the DOH 3-year Healthy Community Project. The cross-sectional research design was used; response rate was 91.97%. Majority of the HCCs were managed by health centers (33.5%) and hospitals (31.5%), evenly distributed between public and private, and had self-allocated budget. Majority of the managers were female, junior college graduated, with an average age of 34.44 and 2.49 years of service experience. The HCCs in average hired 0.93 fulltime and 2.73 parttime staffs. Health lecturing was the most popular activities (93.7%), held 1-2 times per month, mostly advertised (86.6%) by volunteers. An average of 9867 households, 10.7% elderly population and rural site were common characteristics. The community leadership consisted mainly community chiefs and neighborhood leaders (81.2%) and center staff (81.9%). Most residents (74.3%) attend the activities only by invitation. Health centers were the most used community resource (87.2%). Around 64+45 volunteers were involved in the health promotion, however, only 32+25 actively, with a turnover rate of 23.68%. Majority were housewives, high school graduates and recommended by other volunteers. The training program totaled an average of 34.99 hours with a mean of 27.54% in practicum and 73.34% completion rate. The operational outcomes of HCCs were self evaluated in 3 dimensions, the “outcome” (5.27+0.95) highest, followed by “process” (5.17+0.92) and “structure” (4.66+1.05). Factors affecting “structure” effectiveness were: 1) budget sources, seniority and with below-senior-high of managers and private units in organizational characteristics; 2) variability of community leaders and residents’ active participation in community characteristics; and 3) turnover rate and the non-senior-high graduates negatively predicting the “structure” effectiveness. Regarding the “process” effectiveness, the significant predictors in organizational characteristics included variability of activities held, the below-senior-high graduated and seniority of the managers, number of budget sources and with task assignment. The variability of community leaders, residents’ active participation and variability of their favor activities were positive predictors in community characteristics. Turnover rate, number of active volunteers, completion rate and hours of the training program and the senior-high-school graduates were significant predictors in volunteer involvement. Finally, factors affecting “outcome” effectiveness were budget sources, seniority of managers and with task assignment in organizational characteristics; residents’ active participation, variability of community leaders and variability of residents’ favor activities in community characteristics; and turnover rate, frequent social interactions, number of active volunteers and completion rate of training programs in volunteer involvement. Keywords : Healthy Community Centers, Operational Outcomes, Outcomes Evaluation

Chang, Chia-sheng, and 張家笙. "Influencing factors that affects convenience stores selection of operational form." Thesis, 1997. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/81085775374084956884.

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Chiu, Chien-Chung, and 邱建中. "Core Risk Factors of Operational Safety for Container Handling on Shipside." Thesis, 2012. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/84459551898449512444.

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The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the core risk factors of operational safety for container handing on shipside and strategy of risk management. According to review literature of operational safety and survey related experts’ opinion, we found the factors for operational safety; therefore, the paper constructs five risk dimension and seventeen criterions. This paper uses DEMATEL (the decision making trail and evaluation laboratory) to find core risk factors and to classify them. Finally, the research studies every factor influence for each other. The results show that central risks are “personal experience”, “setting of operational safety procedure”, “implementing of safety training”, “training and testing of operational competence ”, “condition of related personal safety equipment”, “constructing of organizational safety culture”, and “assigning of team task”. In addition, this paper sets up a threshold value to comprehend how one factor affects another. The relation of core risk factors can assist in establishing risk strategy which includes both risk control and risk financing. In the end, some companies of container handling can refer to information of this paper for strategy of risk management.

Chen, Kuo-Liang, and 陳國樑. "The Research on Factors For Operational Efficacy of Condominium Administrative Committee." Thesis, 2006. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/07417584112482532062.

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ABSTRACT Along with the trend of urbanization in Taiwan, the condominium dwelling has become a kind of important community mode. Moreover, as the large condominium is often constructed in the scale of neighborhood, its importance and influence can not be trifled with. The administrative committee is the absolute vanguard to contribute to further harmony in community. The residence in condominium is not only one of the properties that many people earn with their lifelong struggle, but also the growing places for the descendants of residents. Since most of the residents found the administrative committee, they become bosses. The residents should fulfill their obligations and to be restricted by rules of community while they enjoy the right. The time used to improve the quality of residence and build the atmosphere of community harmony would be reduced, if the administrative committee commits most of its energy to dealing with tangles, urging residents to pay the administrative fees or coping with those things related to actions at law. So it will be the crucial element of the successful operation of condominium administrative committee to make community affairs to be institutionalized to be of virtuous circle via intercommunication and realizing each others rights and obligations. This research is to investigate the satisfaction index of the residents against the organizational operation of their administrative committee, by assuming “the satisfaction index of the residents against the organizational integrity of their administrative committee”, “the result about the administrative committee dealing with the complaints of the resident”, “the residents’ will to attend community affairs” and “the consciousness of community” for independent variables and treat the influence caused by four variables against the dependent variable, the research provides such information to administrative committee as reference resources for operation. The major findings of the research are summarized as follows: 1. There are positive relations and reaches an obvious level between the index of satisfaction to the organization integrity of community and the whole resident satisfaction against their administrative committee. 2. There is a significant difference on the evaluation with the results about the administrative committee dealing with complaints of the residents and the whole resident satisfaction against their administrative committee. 3. There is a significant difference on the evaluation with the residents’ will to attend the community affairs and the whole resident satisfaction against their administrative committee. 4. There are positive relations and reaches an obvious level between the agreement index of the residents’ consciousness of community and the whole resident satisfaction against their administrative committee. Keywords:customer satisfaction、consumer complaining behavior、sense of community、community participation

CHANG, KUO-LIANG, and 張國亮. "The Study of Operational Factors on Cross Border E-commerce Startup." Thesis, 2017. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/5d4zef.

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The internet has been enhanced the roads of global commercials. Companies use the internet platforms to sell their products and make the profits for the companies. Cross Border E-Commerce is an important opportunity for startup in this time point but it will be challenged.   This application will use multiple research methodologies: Entity observations methods for one-year on eBay, Questionnaire survey and Focus group interviews for the study of operational factors on cross border e-commerce startup. The study got the results and applications: Firstly, the products requiring, the startup must require or produce the products with uniqueness. Secondly,choosing cross border e-commerce platforms depends on what's your target market. Thirdly, the oversea warehouses will be one trend of cross border e-commerce. Fourthly, it is very important for startup to learn and get professionals on the operations of keywords of their products. Fifthly, community websites and we-media is key point for cross border marketing and selling.

LlN, YI-CHIEH, and 林宜潔. "A Study on the Operational Success Factors for Ocean Freight Forwarders." Thesis, 2016. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/13189563925733612471.

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This thesis identifies the list of ocean freight business successful factors and evaluates the importance of these factors in order to provide reference for ocean freight forwarders to strengthen their operational competitiveness. There are total 29 operational success factors classified into five categories which are derived from the literature review and results from the Stage I executive survey and interviews. With these factors, survey questionnaire was developed and then distributed to ocean freight forwarder, exporters and importers and brokers. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is the tool used for research analysis. The research results show that participants rated staff professionalism is the most important factor whereas transportation expense is the least. As for the general comparison, participants are most concerned about the document correctness, least about the brand name of Ocean Freight Forwarder.

Farenholtz, Aubry Gustave. "The quest for the most effective technology-based instructional model : the operational definition of technology enhanced instruction." Thesis, 1999. http://hdl.handle.net/2429/9648.

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Educators need access to a technology-based instructional model that provides opportunities for students to develop an expanded set of skills, accommodates students' unique learning styles and rates, and which allows teachers flexibility in adapting the model to their own instructional styles. The thesis presents a concise operational definition of Technology Enhancement as it applies to instruction in secondary school classrooms. The definition of Technology Enhancement then forms the basis for developing criteria that can be used to establish and evaluate Technology Enhanced Instruction (TEI) programs in secondary schools. These criteria will also enable educators to ensure the longevity and continuity of the program in their schools, thus maximizing the educational benefits afforded by technology, while minimizing the potential capital costs. Technology will continue to pervade all aspects of educational institutions; educators are faced with the challenge of making effective use of technology and helping students to develop life-long learning skills without discarding established, effective educational strategies.

Li, Kam Wa Peter. "The critical success factors of customer relationship management (CRM) technological initiatives." Thesis, 2001. http://spectrum.library.concordia.ca/1733/1/MQ68423.pdf.

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Customers are any organizations' best assets. As an increasing number of organizations realize the importance of becoming more customer-centric in today's competitive economy, they are also discovering that they must deliver knowledge about their customers, products, and services internally (i.e across multiple organizational functions) and externally (i.e at all customer touch points). Therefore, enterprise executives are interested in knowing the Critical Success Factors that will drive their Customer Relationship Management (CRM) technological initiatives. CRM technological initiatives help foster a customer-centric business strategy, the diffusion of knowledge, a unified face to all customers, and a holistic view of customers. There is no empirical research, to our knowledge, that delves into an understanding of the Critical Success Factors behind CRM technological initiatives. Nor has it been demonstrated that different profiles of Critical Success Factors exist for specific CRM technological initiatives such as Customer Support and Service (CSS), Sales Force Automation (SFA), and Enterprise Marketing Automation (EMA). This thesis compiles the Critical Success Factors of CRM technological initiatives using empirical data from 101 organizations across Canada. The Partial Least Squares (PLS) Structural Equation Modeling method was used to analyze the collected data. A comparison between 57 adopters of CRM technology and 44 non-adopters of CRM technology indicates that the levels of strategic perceived benefits, top management support, and knowledge management capabilities differ between these two independent groups. The core finding of this study reveals that technological readiness, alone, does not lead to successful CRM technological initiatives. Possessing knowledge management capabilities emerges as the most significant critical success factor of CRM technological initiatives and is strongly related to technological readiness. Top management support is significant for all CRM technological initiatives with the exception of the SFA CRM Infrastructure.

Ming, Chuang Fu, and 莊富閔. "Factors that Influence Students’ Computer Knowledge in Vocational and Technological Institutes." Thesis, 2003. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/25586472412253110924.

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This research is basically targeted on investigation of computer knowledge regarding to learning contingency factor. The students of vocational and technological institute of southern Taiwan would be eligible for this research in order to analysis the diversities of learning contingency factors, computer uses, computer knowledge and computer self-confidence based on varieties of analytical factors, such as students’ gender, age, major and school attribution…. etc, which is called demographics. In this research, the definition of learning contextual factor is declared by eligible internal learning motivation and surrounding learning environment. Moreover, two intermediate variables, computer uses and computer self-confidence, are involved in this research as evaluation factors. According to these factors and variables, it makes easier to give a drift description on how computer knowledge could be affected causally. In this investigation, the students of vocational and technological institute of southern Taiwan would be treated as researching population, and prove investigated assumptions with given Structural Equation Modeling. The researching results would be info as position relationship between learning motivation and computer self-confidence; position relationship between learning motivation and computer utility; position relationship between learning environment and computer self-confidence; position relationship between learning environment and computer uses; position relationship computer self-confidence and computer knowledge; position relationship between computer uses and computer knowledge; position relationship between learning motivation and learning environment. The aspect of demographics would be info as existing diversities of learning motivation, computer self-confidence and computer knowledge due to gender, major and school attribution (state or privacy) respectively. Overall, to gain the students’ knowledge in computer does not only depend on two variables, which are computer self-confidence and computer uses, but also induce students’ learning motivation and give an appropriate learning environment. It could prompt knowledge enhancement of computer. The results of this research could provide some useful information for students and teachers in computer courses.

Tseng, Jo-Lan, and 曾若蘭. "Study of the Factors Affecting the Technological Creativity of Middle School." Thesis, 2009. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/49710387173687061413.

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The main purpose of this research is to study the relational effect of personal qualities (gender, intelligence, personality) and family factors (socioeconomic status, property capital, cultural capital) on junior high school students’ technological creativity. It provides reference for people who engage in the teaching and study of technological creativity. The 3 scales used in this research are “Test of Technological Creativity” (Yu-Chu Yeh, 2000), “Family Cultural Capital Questionnaire” (Long-Xing Huang, 2005) and “Family Property Capital Questionnaire” (Yuh-Shan Chang, 2003). The participants include 233 junior high students from Taipei. The employed methods for study are Pearson Correlation, independent sample t-test, and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The results of this research are as below: 1. The gender of junior high students causes profound diversity in technological creativity. 2. Those with good technological creativity require adequate intelligence as basis. 3. The higher the socioeconomic status of a family, the better the student demonstrates his or her technological creativity. 4. Students with rich culture, with plentiful reading had better achievement on technological creativity. 5. Those with higher academic performance show better technological creativity. 6. Personal traits significantly shape and affect one’s technological creativity. 7. Strict family laws do not help enchant one’s technological creativity.

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