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Статті в журналах з теми "Closed parts":


MARKER, DAVID, JAMES H. SCHMERL, and CHARLES STEINHORN. "UNCOUNTABLE REAL CLOSED FIELDS WITH PA INTEGER PARTS." Journal of Symbolic Logic 80, no. 2 (April 22, 2015): 490–502. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/jsl.2014.57.

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AbstractD’Aquino, Knight, and Starchenko classified the countable real closed fields with integer parts that are nonstandard models of Peano Arithmetic. We rule out some possibilities for extending their results to the uncountable and study real closures of ɷ1-like models of PA.

Izuchi, Kei Ji, and Yuko Izuchi. "Gleason Parts and Closed Ideals in Douglas Algebras." Computational Methods and Function Theory 16, no. 2 (August 4, 2015): 243–63. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s40315-015-0136-9.

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Deng, Ming, Ming Ming Chen, and Guo Song Ning. "Wear Resistance Experimental Analysis of Closed Extruding Fine Blanking Parts Surface." Advanced Materials Research 499 (April 2012): 384–87. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/amr.499.384.

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Closed extruding fine blanking parts is processed under strong hydrostatic pressure, material microstate and mechanical properties near the surface change greatly. In order to research the closed extruding fine blanking parts surface wear resistance, make a reciprocating friction test, and make wear resistance comparative analysis between closed extruding fine blanking parts and turning parts which has the same surface roughness. The results show that in the running wear stage and stable wear stage the wear resistance of closed extruding fine blanking parts is better than turning parts, closed extruding fine blanking process has greatly improved the surface wear resistance.

BARABÉ, DENIS. "PHYLLOTAXIS: OPEN AND CLOSED SYSTEMS." Journal of Biological Systems 03, no. 04 (December 1995): 917–27. http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/s0218339095000812.

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The inflorescence of Symplocarpus foetidus constitutes good material to analyse the biological processes and physical constraints involved in the development of plants. During the development of the inflorescence, two morphogenetic periods can be distinguished (i) before and (ii) during and after the development of floral parts. In the first period, when the floral primordia appear, the phyllotactic system could be explained by global processes at the inflorescence level. In the second period, the development of floral parts produces patterns which can be explained by local processes at the floral level. In this analysis the author defines the concepts of open system and closed system in phyllotaxis. In a closed system (e.g. spadix) the elements are arranged on a continuous and closed surface. In an open system (e.g. shoot apex) the elements appear on a surface periodically renewed and are removed from each other by the intercalary growth.

Papenberg, Nikolaus, and Stefan Gneiger. "Closed Die Forging of Mg-Al-Zn-Ca-Y Alloys." Materials Science Forum 918 (March 2018): 28–33. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/msf.918.28.

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In light of emission reduction and weight saving in transport applications, Mg parts gain alot attention due to their good specific mechanical properties and their low mass. While casting is themain process for manufacturing Mg parts for automotive applications, forged parts show some majorbenefits like superior mechanical properties and absence of porosity. In this work a comparison ofclosed die forged parts made from different Mg-alloys has been carried out. The materials used in thewarm forging process were AZ31 and various Mg-Al-Zn-Ca-Y type (AZXW) alloys. Ca additions areknown to improve the oxidation behaviour and the formability of magnesium alloys, while yttrium isused to enhance the flammability resistance of forged parts. The forgeability, mechanical propertiesand microstructure are analyzed and compared in the present paper.

Sato, Masahiko, Tohru Yoshida, Yukihisa Kuriyama, Katsuyuki Suzuki, and Akihiro Tokugawa. "Forming Technology for 3D Closed Section Parts from Sheet Metal." Procedia Engineering 183 (2017): 330–35. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2017.04.048.

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Yamasaki, Yuji, Kazuhiko Higai, and Toyohisa Shinmiya. "Press Forming Process of Closed-profile Automotive Parts Without Flange." Procedia Engineering 81 (2014): 2068–73. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2014.10.287.

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Izuchi, Kei Ji, and Yuko Izuchi. "Gleason parts and countably generated closed ideals in $H^\infty $." Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 365, no. 10 (January 4, 2013): 5071–83. http://dx.doi.org/10.1090/s0002-9947-2013-05693-0.

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Reinl, Steffen. "Radial Welding of Polymer Parts under Closed Loop Process Control." Laser Technik Journal 12, no. 3 (June 2015): 48–52. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/latj.201500018.

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Diabat, Ali, Tarek Abdallah, and Andreas Henschel. "A closed-loop location-inventory problem with spare parts consideration." Computers & Operations Research 54 (February 2015): 245–56. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cor.2013.08.023.

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Дисертації з теми "Closed parts":


Plank, Carly Ann. "Close Quarters: Part One." Miami University / OhioLINK, 2018. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=miami1524497585512082.

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Abbasi, Mohammad Aamir. "Integration of sensory feedback in a closed-loop cortical brain-machine interface requires somatotopy." Thesis, Université de Paris (2019-....), 2019. https://theses.md.univ-paris-diderot.fr/ABBASI_MohammadAamir_va1.pdf.

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Le développement des interfaces cerveau-machine (ICM) apporte une nouvelle perspective aux patients en perte d'autonomie motrice. En combinant des enregistrements en ligne de l'activité cérébrale avec un algorithme de décodage, les patients peuvent apprendre à contrôler un bras robotique afin d'effectuer des actions simples. Cependant, contrairement à la grande quantité d'informations somatosensorielles fournie par les membres physiologiques vers le cerveau, les ICM actuelles sont dépourvues de capteurs de toucher et de force. Les patients doivent donc se fier uniquement à la vision et à l'audition, qui sont inadaptées au contrôle d'une prothèse. Cela contraste avec le fait que dans le cas d’un membre sain, les entrées somatosensorielles seules peuvent guider efficacement la manipulation d'un objet fragile, ou assurer une trajectoire précise. Une caractéristique intéressante des entrées somatosensorielles est leur organisation topologique à la surface corticale. Cette carte corticale semble jouer un rôle déterminant dans la perception sensorielle. Par conséquent, l'intégration d'une rétroaction somatosensorielle artificielle alignée sur cette carte corticale pourrait aider grandement l’intégration avoir un impact déterminant dans le transporter un grand nombre d'informations. Pour vérifier cette hypothèse, nous avons développé un ICM chez la souris qui inclut une riche rétroaction corticale artificielle de type somatosensoriel. Notre installation comprend des enregistrements en ligne de l'activité de plusieurs neurones dans le cortex moteur primaire du whisker (wM1), et fournit une rétroaction simultanée via une photostimulation du cortex somatosensoriel primaire du whisker (wS1), à faible latence, haute fréquence et structure spatiale, basée sur une cartographie obtenue par imagerie intrinsèque. Nous démontrons le fonctionnement de la boucle et montrons que les souris peuvent détecter l’activité des neurons dans wS1 déclenchée par les photostimulations. Surtout, nous montrons qu'en utilisant l'ICM en boucle fermée, les souris peuvent avoir une meilleure performance dans une tâche comportementale lorsque la structure du feedback artificiel est respecté somatotopie connue de wS1
The development of brain-machine interfaces (BMIs) brings a new perspective to patients with a loss of motor autonomy. By combining online recordings of brain activity with a decoding algorithm, patients can learn to control a robotic arm in order to perform simple actions. However, in contrast to the vast amounts of somatosensory information channeled by limbs to the brain, current BMIs are devoid of touch and force sensors. Patients must therefore rely solely on vision and audition, which are maladapted to the control of a prosthesis. In contrast, in a healthy limb, somatosensory inputs alone can efficiently guide the handling of a brittle object, or ensure a smooth trajectory. One interesting feature of somatosensory inputs is its topological organization at the cortical surface. This cortical map plays a role in sensory perception. Therefore, integrating artificial somatosensory feedback aligned and consistent with this cortical map could potentially help the subject to decode the information conveyed by the feedback. To test this hypothesis, we have developed a BMI in the mouse model that includes a rich artificial somatosensory-like cortical feedback. Our setup includes online recordings of the activity of multiple neurons in the whisker primary motor cortex (wM1), and delivers feedback simultaneously via a low-latency, high-refresh rate photo-stimulation of the whisker primary somatosensory cortex (wS1) that is spatially structured at the mesoscopic scale, based on a mapping obtained by intrinsic imaging. We demonstrate the operation of the loop and show that mice can detect the wS1 neuronal spiking triggered by the photostimulations. Remarkably, we show that in the closed loop BMI, mice can have a significantly better performance in a behavioral task when the structure of the artificial feedback abides to the known wS1 somatotopy

Diourté, Adama. "Génération et optimisation de trajectoire dans la fabrication additive par soudage à l'arc." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021TOU30213.

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La fabrication d'additive par arcs électriques (WAAM) est en train de devenir la principale technologie de Fabrication Additive (FA) utilisée pour produire des pièces à parois minces de taille moyenne à grande (Ordre de grandeur : 1 m) à un coût moindre. Pour fabriquer une pièce avec cette technologie, la stratégie de planification du trajet utilisée est la 2.5D. Cette stratégie consiste à découper un modèle 3D en différentes couches planes et parallèles les unes aux autres. L'utilisation de cette stratégie limite la complexité des topologies réalisables en WAAM, notamment celles présentant de grandes variations de courbure, et implique plusieurs départs/arrêt de l'arc lors de son passage d'une couche à l'autre. Ceci induit des phénomènes transitoires dans lesquels le contrôle de l'approvisionnement en énergie et en matière est complexe. Dans cette thèse, une nouvelle stratégie de fabrication visant à réduire au minimum les phases de démarrage et d'arrêt de l'arc est présentée. L'objectif de cette stratégie, appelée "Génération de Trajectoire Continue Tridimensionnelle" (GTCT), est de générer une trajectoire continue en forme de spirale pour des pièces minces en boucle fermée. Une vitesse de fil constante couplée à une vitesse de déplacement adaptative permet une modulation de la géométrie de dépôt qui assure un approvisionnement continu en énergie et en matière tout au long du processus de fabrication. L'utilisation de la stratégie 5 axes couplées à la GTCT permet la fabrication de pièces fermées avec une procédure pour déterminer la zone de fermeture optimale, et des pièces sur des substrats non-plans utiles pour ajouter des fonctionnalités à une structure existante. La fabrication de ces pièces avec la GTCT et plusieurs évaluations numériques ont montré la fiabilité de cette stratégie et sa capacité à produire de nouvelles formes complexes avec une bonne restitution géométrique, difficile ou impossible à atteindre aujourd'hui en 2.5D avec la technologie WAAM
Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) is becoming the primary Additive Manufacturing (AM) technology used to produce medium to large (order of magnitude: 1 m) thin-walled parts at lower cost. To manufacture a part with this technology, the path planning strategy used is 2.5D. This strategy consists in cutting a 3D model into different plane layers parallel to each other. The use of this strategy limits the complexity of the topologies achievable in WAAM, especially those with large variations in curvature. It also implies several start/stop of the arc during its passage from one layer to another, which induces transient phenomena in which the control of energy and material supply is complex. In this thesis, a new manufacturing strategy to reduce the arc start/stop phases to a single cycle is presented. The objective of this strategy, called "Continuous Three-dimensional Path Planning" (CTPP), is to generate a continuous spiral-shaped trajectory for thin parts in a closed loop. An adaptive wire speed coupled with a constant travel speed allows a modulation of the deposition geometry that ensures a continuous supply of energy and material throughout the manufacturing process. The use of the 5-axis strategy coupled with CTPP allows the manufacturing of closed parts with a procedure to determine the optimal closure zone and parts on non-planar substrates useful for adding functionality to an existing structure. Two geometries based on continuous manufacturing with WAAM technology are presented to validate this approach. The manufacturing of these parts with CTPP and several numerical evaluations have shown the reliability of this strategy and its ability to produce new complex shapes with good geometrical restitution, difficult or impossible to achieve today in 2.5D with WAAM technology

Boudhar, Hamza. "Optimisation de la politique de remanufacturing des pièces de rechange dans le cadre d'une maintenance intégrée à une chaîne logistique en boucle fermée." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015LORR0024/document.

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Motivés par l'évolution des réglementations en matière d'écologie mais aussi par des contraintes purement économiques, plusieurs secteurs industriels se sont retrouvés dans l'obligation de développer de nouvelles méthodes et modèles pour la gestion des produits en fin de vie. Dans ce contexte, la remanufacturation vise à gérer la récupération de la valeur d’un produit avant sa fin de vie. Elle permet de prolonger le cycle de vie du produit et d’économiser une partie des besoins industriels en matière première. Ces produits remanufacturés seront remis dans le marché et destinés à une autre catégorie de clients, différente de celle des produits neufs. Dans d'autres cas, les produits remanufacturés sont réutilisés sous la forme de pièces de rechange dans les actions de maintenance, mais cette réutilisation peut varier selon la stratégie de maintenance adoptée. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse s'intéresse à l’intégration d'un flux d’approvisionnement hybride en pièces de rechange dans un modèle de maintenance basé sur la dégradation stochastique d’un système de production. Deux types de flux d’approvisionnement en pièces de rechange sont étudiés : un flux direct et un flux inverse. Le flux direct est représenté par l'utilisation de pièces de rechange neuves et le flux inverse est représenté par la réutilisation des pièces récupérées lors des remplacements ultérieurs, avec la possibilité de réaliser une action de remanufacturation pour améliorer l'état de dégradation de ces pièces de rechange. Plusieurs problématiques ont été traitées pour permettre de comprendre l'impact et l'influence d'une politique de remanufacturation sur les performances d'un système de production. En effet, dans un premier temps, nous nous sommes intéressés à des systèmes de production composés d'une seule machine. Dans ce cadre, nous avons proposé des études séquentielles puis intégrées pour optimiser la politique de maintenance et celle de l'approvisionnement hybrides en pièces de rechange destinées aux actions de remplacements. Nous avons étudié également la gestion de production soumise à une contrainte de qualité basée sur l'évolution de la dégradation de la machine. Ensuite, et dans un second temps, nous avons présenté des généralisations des modèles étudiés dans le cadre de systèmes de production composés de plusieurs machines. Enfin, nous avons développé un outil d'aide à la décision pour conception de systèmes de production dans le cadre d'une politique de remanufacturation. Cette problématique - du niveau stratégique - vise à sélectionner le meilleur ensemble de machines pour construire un nouveau système de production capable de satisfaire les contraintes de production définies par décideur
Motivated by the change of regulations in the matter of sustainability, but also by pure economic constraints, several industries have found themselves obligated to develop new methods and models for the management of products that are at the end of their life cycle. In this context, the remanufacturing aims at managing the recovery of the product’s value before its end of life. This type of action will extend the product life cycle and save the use of the raw material. These remanufactured products will be re-injected in a market that serves another class of customers, different from the one using new products. In other cases, the remanufactured products are reused as spare parts for the maintenance, but this reuse may vary according to the maintenance strategy adopted. This thesis focuses on the integration of a hybrid flow supply of spare parts in a service model based on stochastic degradation of a production system. Two types of spare parts supply flows are studied: a direct flow and reverse flow. The direct flow is represented by the use of new spare parts and the reverse flow is represented by the reuse of the recovered parts during the replacements, with the ability to perform remanufacturing action to improve the degradation level of these spare parts. Several issues were treated to better understand the impact of remanufacturing policies over the performance of a production system. At the beginning we started our study with production systems composed of a single machine. In this context, we proposed sequential studies then integrated one to optimize the maintenance policy as well as the Hybrid provisioning in regard to spare parts destined to replacement actions. Similarly, we’ve studied the production management subjected to quality constraint based on the machine’s degradation process. Furthermore, we’ve presented generalizations of studied models within the context of a production system composed of several machines. Finally, we’ve developed an aid-to-decision-design tool for production systems within the remanufacturing process. This problematic aims at –from a strategic point- selecting the best group of machines to build a new system of production that is able to satisfy the constraints of a production defined by the decision maker

Grodzinsky, Mark S. (Mark Sean). "Testing a closed loop forming algorithm on a part created by discrete die stretch forming." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1996. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/40183.

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Thesis (M. Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1996.
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 104-105).
by Mark S. Grodzinsky.

Bambrick, Dawn R. "Altering the modern retail landscape through design, a closer look at retail parks." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk2/tape15/PQDD_0008/MQ31545.pdf.

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Chiarodo, Nicole M. "From Behind Closed Doors to the Campaign Trail: Race and Immigration in British Party Politics, 1945-1965." [Tampa, Fla] : University of South Florida, 2008. http://purl.fcla.edu/usf/dc/et/SFE0002660.

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Quioc-Salomon, Barbara. "Rôle de la protéine HBC du virus de l'hépatite B sur la biologie des ARN viraux." Thesis, Université de Paris (2019-....), 2019. https://theses.md.univ-paris-diderot.fr/QUIOC_SALOMON_Barbara_va.pdf.

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Les patients infectés chroniquement par le VHB ont un risque élevé de développer des maladies graves du foie telles que le carcinome hépatocellulaire. Dans les cellules infectées, le virus persiste sous la forme d’un ADN circulaire covalemment clos (ADNccc) qui reste stable même chez les patients qui suivent un traitement. La protéine virale HBc, en plus de son rôle dans la formation des capsides, est retrouvée dans le noyau et est recrutée sur l’ADNccc et modifie sa structure. Cependant son rôle dans ce contexte n’est pas encore compris. Afin de mieux comprendre le rôle nucléaire d’HBc notamment sur la biologie de l’ADNccc et l’expression des ARN viraux, nous avons construit plusieurs mutants déficients pour l’expression d’HBc. Nous avons tout d’abord construit un mutant qui possède deux codons stop après le codon 27 d’HBc suivi d’une substitution d’une partie du gène HBc par une séquence codant différents épitopes. Lors de l’infection, ce virus possède un fort défaut d’expression des ARN viraux, qui ne peut être restauré par la ré-expression d’HBc. La quantification des ARN naissants montre que le défaut semble être post-transcriptionnel mais est présent rapidement après la transcription (<2h). Ces résultats suggèrent que le défaut observé est indépendant d’HBc et que la séquence délétée de HBV HBc-Flag27* pourrait être impliquée dans un mécanisme de régulation post-transcriptionnelle. Grâce à ce virus, nous avons pu mettre en évidence que la protéine HBc apportée avec la capside lors de l’infection est capable de se réassocier sur l’ADNccc dans le noyau. Nous avons ensuite étudié des mutants ayant une séquence plus proche de la souche sauvage, sans cette substitution. Lorsqu’ils sont exprimés à partir d’un plasmide exprimant à la fois le génome et la protéine HBc sous le contrôle d’un promoteur SV40, nous observons un défaut d’expression de l’ARNpg pour des mutants possédant les codons stop après le 27e ou le 38e codon du gène HBc, mais pas lorsqu’il est placé après le 67e codon. Ces résultats suggèrent que le déplacement du codon stop d’HBc induit la diminution de l’expression de l’ARNpg et que le codon stop naturel d’HBc pourrait être protégé des voies de surveillance des ARN viraux comme la nonsense-mediated decay (NMD) qui reconnait les ARN ayant un codon stop prématuré. Lors des infections par ces virus, et donc en absence d’HBc, nous observons un défaut accru pour les virus ayant des codons stop aux codons 27 et 38 et un défaut apparait pour le virus ayant le codon stop après la position 67. Dans ce contexte, en absence d’HBc, nous avons pu voir que les ARN codants pour les protéines de surface sont également impactés et que l’expression des ARN peut être partiellement restaurée par l’expression d’HBc. Par des techniques de chromosome conformation capture nous avons pu mettre en évidence que le virus HBV HBc-27* n’est plus exclu des régions réprimées contactant des lamines, indiquant que la protéine HBc pourrait être impliquée dans la l’adressage de l’ADNccc vers des régions favorables pour la transcription. Afin de comprendre les mécanismes impliqués dans la régulation par HBc, nous avons isolé les partenaires nucléaires de la protéine et mis en évidence de nombreux facteurs impliqués dans la régulation de l’ADN et de la transcription ainsi que dans la réparation des dommages à l’ADN.Dans l’ensemble, nos résultats permettent de mieux comprendre les mécanismes de régulation de la biologie des ARN du VHB
Chronic HBV carriers (CHB) are at high risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma. Because covalently closed circular DNA (cccDNA) persists in infected cells through RNA expression, deciphering the mechanisms involved in RNA transcription and stability is a crucial step to identify new antiviral targets. In addition to its role in capsid formation, HBV core protein (HBc) has been shown to be associated with the cccDNA and to modulate its structure, yet the impact of this modification on HBV transcription is not fully understood. To better understand the role of HBc in this context we constructed several mutants deficient for HBc expression. The first mutant has two stop codons after codon 27 in HBc followed by a substitution of the HBc sequence by a sequence encoding different epitopes. During infection, this virus shows a strong decrease in expression of viral RNA, which cannot be rescued by re-expression of HBc. The quantification of nascent RNAs shows that the defect appears to be post-transcriptional and is present as early as 2h after transcription. These results suggest that the observed defect is independent of HBc and that the deleted sequence in the HBV genome of this mutant could be involved in a post-transcriptional regulatory mechanism. With this mutant, we have been able to demonstrate that the HBc protein provided by the capsid during infection is able to re-associate onto the cccDNA in the nucleus. We then studied HBc mutants generated in the context of the the wild-type virus sequence, without the substitution. When expressed from a plasmid expressing both the genome and the HBc protein under the control of SV40 promoter, we observe a decrease of the pgRNA expression for mutants having the stop codons after the 27th or 38th codon of HBc, but not when the stop codon is located after the 67th codon. These results suggest that displacement of the HBc stop codon induces a decrease in pgRNA expression, independently of HBc protein, and that the natural stop codon of HBc could be protected from viral RNA surveillance pathways such as nonsense-mediated decay (NMD) that recognizes RNAs with a premature stop codon. During infections with these viruses, and therefore in the absence of HBc, we observed an increased in the defect for viruses having stop codons at position 27 and 38 and a defect appears for a virus having the stop codon at position 67. In this context, in the absence of HBc, we have seen that RNAs encoding surface proteins are also impacted and that RNA expression can be partially restored by HBc expression. By chromosome conformation capture techniques we were able to observe that the HBc-27* HBV virus is no longer excluded from repressed regions associated with lamins, indicating that the HBc protein could be involved in the localization of the cccDNA at active chromatin regions favorable for transcription.In order to understand the mechanisms involved in HBc regulation, we have isolated the nuclear partners of HBc and highlighted many factors involved in the RNA and DNA regulation, in the DNA damage repair and RNA processing.Overall, our results shed light on the regulatory mechanisms of HBV RNA biology

Duprilot, Marion. "Étude comparative du clade émergent de Escherichia coli ST131 O25b H4 de son clade progéniteur : fitness in vitro et in vivo et formation de biofilm." Thesis, Université de Paris (2019-....), 2019. https://theses.md.univ-paris-diderot.fr/DUPRILOT_Marion_va.pdf.

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Le clade C de Escherichia coli ST131, pathogène extra-intestinal (ExPEC) multirésistant aux antibiotiques, a émergé dans le monde entier au début des années 2000. La compréhension de son essor fait partie des enjeux majeurs de santé publique. Pour participer à cette compréhension, nous avons pris en considération l’histoire phylogénique de ST131 et axé nos recherches sur la comparaison du clade C avec son progéniteur, le clade B, qui est lui composé de souches globalement sensibles aux antibiotiques. L’histoire phylogénétique du clone ST131 décrit la diversification du clade B ancestral en différents sous-clades B (de B1 à B5), B5 donnant naissance au clade C, qui lui-même s’est diversifié en deux sous-clades, C1 et C2. Nous avons souhaité connaitre l’évolution de ces différents sous-clades en termes de fréquence relative au sein de tous les ExPEC. Pour cela, nous avons analysé les génomes de ST131 identifiés au sein de E. coli bactériémiques systématiquement collectés en Angleterre entre 2001 et 2012. Cette analyse a montré que, durant la période étudiée, (i) ST131 faisait partie des quelques clones dominants, avec en son sein une dominance des souches de clade C, en particulier celles de sous-clade C2 et (ii) les souches de clade B persistaient de manière stable, en particulier celles de sous-clades B4 et B5, malgré une fréquence relative globale plus faible que celle du clade C. Par ailleurs, nous avons constitué une collection de 39 souches ST131 qui se sont avérées représentatives de la diversité des clades et sous-clades B et C, à l’exception d’une souche B4 (nommée Hybride), porteuse de l’allèle fimH30, normalement spécifique du clade C. Grâce à cette collection, nous avons exploré la croissance et la formation de biofilm précoce (après 2, 3 et 5 h d’incubation) des souches de clade B et C. Toutes les souches possédaient des capacités de croissance égales, alors qu’elles différaient quant à la formation de biofilm : biofilm plus fréquemment observé en 2 h chez le clade B que chez le clade C. Puis, deux souches représentatives du clade B et du clade C, nommées Ancêtre et Émergente, respectivement, ainsi que Hybride ont été soumises à des compétitions deux à deux in vitro et in vivo (dans divers modèles murins). En dépit de l’absence de différences de fitness in vitro entre ces trois souches, Émergente s’est montrée chez la souris moins bonne colonisatrice des tractus intestinaux et/ou urinaires et moins virulente dans le modèle de septicémie que Ancêtre et Hybride. Faisant référence au gène fimB non fonctionnel chez toutes les souches de clade C, gène codant un des régulateurs de la synthèse des fimbriae de type 1 qui participent à la formation du biofilm et à l’adhésion bactérienne, nous l’avons délété chez Ancêtre et Hybride. Bien que la délétion du gène fimB abolissait in vitro la formation du biofilm précoce observée chez les souches parentales, aucun effet n’a été observé lors de la mise en compétition des mutants avec leurs souches parentales, in vitro comme in vivo ; mutant et souche parentale se comportaient de manière équivalente au regard de la colonisation intestinale et de la virulence chez la souris.Au total, ces travaux suggèrent qu’une perte de virulence globale, processus connu pour améliorer le niveau de transmission bactérien, est survenue chez le clade C de ST131 en plus de son acquisition d’une multirésistance aux antibiotiques, deux évolutions susceptibles de lui assurer un meilleur fitness, notamment dans les environnements sous pression antibiotique
The clade C of Escherichia coli ST131, an extra-intestinal pathogen (ExPEC) multidrug-resistant, emerged worldwide in the early 2000s. Understanding its expansion is one of the major public health challenges. To contribute to this understanding, we took into consideration the phylogenesis of ST131 and focused our research on comparing the clade C with its progenitor, the clade B, which is composed of strains globally sensitive to antibiotics.The phylogenesis of the clone ST131 describes the diversification of the ancestral clade B into different B subclades (from B1 to B5), B5 giving rise to clade C, which itself has diversified into two subclades, C1 and C2. We wanted to learn about the evolution of these different subclades in terms of relative frequency within all ExPECs. For this purpose, we analyzed the ST131 genomes identified within bacteriemic E. coli systematically collected in England between 2001 and 2012. This analysis showed that, during the studied period, (i) ST131 was one of the few dominant clones, with a dominance of clade C strains, particularly those of subclade C2 and (ii) clade B strains persisted in a stable manner, particularly those of subclades B4 and B5, despite an overall relative frequency lower than that of clade C. Besides, we have compiled a collection of 39 ST131 strains that have been found to be representative of the diversity of B and C clades and subclades, with the exception of one B4 strain (called Hybrid), which carries the fimH30 allele, normally specific to the clade C. Through this collection, we have explored the growth and formation of early biofilm (after 2, 3 and 5 hours of incubation) of clade B and C strains. All strains had equal growth capacities, while they differed in biofilm formation: biofilm was more frequently observed in 2 h in clade B strains than in clade C strains. Then, two representative strains of clades B and C, called Ancestor and Emergent, respectively, as well as Hybrid, were subjected to competitions two by two in vitro and in vivo (in various mouse models). Despite the absence of in vitro fitness differences between these three strains, Emergent was found to be less effective in colonizing the intestinal and/or urinary tract in mice and less virulent in the sepsis model than Ancestor and Hybrid. Referring to the non-functional fimB gene in all strains of clade C, a gene encoding one of the regulators of type 1 fimbriae synthesis involved in biofilm formation and bacterial adhesion, we have deleted it in Ancestor and Hybrid. Although the deletion of the fimB gene abolished in vitro the formation of early biofilm observed in parental strains, no effect was observed when mutants were put in competition with their parental strains, in vitro and in vivo; mutant and parental strain also behaved equally with regard to intestinal colonization and virulence in mice. In total, this work suggests that a global loss of virulence, a process known to improve the level of bacterial transmission, has occurred in ST131 clade C in addition to its acquisition of a multidrug resistance, two evolutions likely to ensure better fitness, especially in environments under antibiotic pressure

Libert, Nicolas. "Réanimation guidée sur la pression artérielle dans le choc hémorragique." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2018. https://theses.md.univ-paris-diderot.fr/Libert_Nicolas_2_complete_20180924.zip.

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Le choc hémorragique est à l’origine de 50 % des décès après un traumatisme grave. Dans ce contexte d’urgence, les objectifs hémodynamiques reposent uniquement sur le maintien d’une cible de pression artérielle basse. Les recommandations européennes sur la prise en charge des traumatisés graves hémorragiques conseillent un niveau de 80 à 90 mmHg de pression artérielle systolique jusqu’au contrôle complet du saignement et 80 mmHg de pression artérielle moyenne en cas de traumatisme crânien grave associé. Cependant, il manque actuellement des données sur la relation entre le niveau de pression artérielle, la microcirculation et l’oxygénation tissulaire. Dans un modèle d’étude de la microcirculation villositaire intestinale chez la souris, nous avons observé une relation linéaire entre la pression artérielle moyenne, la pO2 intestinale et la microcirculation intestinale. Un niveau de pression artérielle moyenne <60 mmHg était associé à une altération microcirculatoire et à la survenue d’une hypoxie intestinale. La réanimation initiale du choc hémorragique consiste prioritairement en l’administration de remplissage vasculaire. De la noradrénaline est fréquemment associée précocement de manière à limiter la dilution. Le maintien d’objectifs hémodynamiques stricts dans ce contexte d’urgence où de nombreuses tâches doivent être réalisées en même temps est complexe. L’administration de noradrénaline nécessite une certaine expertise pour cibler des objectifs de pression artérielle étroits. Dans la suite de notre travail, nous avons développé et testé un système de réanimation automatisée en boucle fermée guidée sur la pression artérielle dans des modèles de choc hémorragique. Le système de réanimation automatisée contrôlait le remplissage vasculaire ou l’association remplissage vasculaire et noradrénaline. Dans ces études, la performance de la réanimation automatisée était excellente, au minimum similaire à celle d’un médecin spécialisé
Hemorrhagic shock is responsible for 50 % of the deaths after severe trauma. In this emergency context, hemodynamic goals are based solely on maintaining a low blood pressure. European guidelines on the management of major bleeding after trauma recommend targeting a systolic arterial pressure goal of 80-90 mmHg while hemorrhage is not stopped yet and of 80 mmHg of mean arterial pressure in case of severe head injury. However, data on the relationship between blood pressure level, microcirculation and tissue oxygenation are currently missing. In a study model of intestinal villous microcirculation in mice, we observed a linear relationship between mean arterial pressure, intestinal pO2 and intestinal microcirculation. A mean arterial blood pressure level <60 mmHg was associated with microcirculatory impairment and to occurrence of intestinal hypoxia.Fluid guided resuscitation is the cornerstone of early hemorrhagic shock treatment. Norepinephrine is frequently associated with fluid resuscitation to limit dilution. Maintenance of strict hemodynamic objectives in such emergency context where many tasks must be performed at the same time is complex. Norepinephrine administration requires some expertise to target narrow blood pressure goals. In the rest of our work we have developed and tested a closed-loop resuscitation system guided on arterial blood pressure in hemorrhagic shock models. The closed-loop resuscitation system controlled fluid administration alone or a combination of fluid and norepinephrine. In these studies, the performance of closed-loop resuscitation was excellent, at least similar to that of a specialist physician

Книги з теми "Closed parts":


Flint, David. A closer look at parks. Oxford: Heinemann Educational, 1997.

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Hollar, Sherman. A closer look at plant classifications, parts, and uses. New York, NY: Britannica Educational Pub. in association with Rosen Educational Services, 2012.

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Sullivan, Amy. The party faithful: How the Democrats can close the God gap. New York: Scribner, 2008.

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Baitz, Jon Robin. The Paris letter: A play in two acts. New York: Dramatists Play Service, Inc., 2006.

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Baitz, Jon Robin. The Paris letter: A play in two acts. New York: Dramatists Play Service, Inc., 2006.

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Baitz, Jon Robin. The Paris letter: A play in two acts. New York: Grove Press, 2006.

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Tremblay, Martine. Derrière les portes closes: René Lévesque et l'exercice du pouvoir, 1976-1985. Montréal: Québec Amérique, 2006.

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Tilley, Nick. Understanding car parks, crime, and CCTV: Evaluation lessons from safer cities. London: Home Office Police Dept., 1993.

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Ricciuti, Edward R. Resource guide: More than 250 ways to get closer to nature. Woodbridge, Conn: Blackbirch Press, 1994.

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Hewitt, Hugh. If it's not close, they can't cheat: Crushing the Democrats in every election and why your life depends upon it. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2004.

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Частини книг з теми "Closed parts":


Deneijer, Marc, and Simme Douwe P. Flapper. "The closed-loop supply chain of service parts: the Whirlpool case." In Managing Closed-Loop Supply Chains, 129–37. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2005. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/3-540-27251-8_12.

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Steinborn, Jenny, Grit Walther, and Thomas S. Spengler. "Production Planning with Common Parts in Closed-Loop Supply Chains." In Operations Research Proceedings 2008, 59–64. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-00142-0_10.

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Slutski, L. "Design of Closed Planar Mechanisms of Grippers to Clutch Flat Parts." In Integrated Design and Manufacturing in Mechanical Engineering, 365–72. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2002. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-94-015-9966-5_43.

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Maass, David. "Demonstration of Closed-Loop Control for Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF)." In Structural Integrity of Additive Manufactured Materials & Parts, 1–19. 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959: ASTM International, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1520/stp163120190130.

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Kaur, Jasleen, B. S. Pabla, and S. S. Dhami. "Optimization and Comparison of Deformation During Closed Die Forging of Different Parts." In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 469–80. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-1819-1_44.

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Tracht, K., M. Mederer, and D. Schneider. "Queueing of Seasonally Demanded Spare Parts in a Repair Shop of a Closed-Loop Supply Chain." In Advances in Sustainable Manufacturing, 371–76. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-20183-7_53.

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Kukhar, Volodymyr, Elena Balalayeva, Svitlana Hurkovska, Yurii Sahirov, Oleg Markov, Andrii Prysiazhnyi, and Oleksandr Anishchenko. "The Selection of Options for Closed-Die Forging of Complex Parts Using Computer Simulation by the Criteria of Material Savings and Minimum Forging Force." In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 325–31. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-8618-3_35.

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von Gaudecker, Hans-Martin, and Bettina Siflinger. "Labor Supply and Well-Being During the Early Stages of the COVID-19 Crisis in the Netherlands: Lessons from Microdata." In The New Common, 67–74. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-65355-2_10.

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AbstractLike many other countries, the Netherlands shut down large parts of economic and social life in the spring of 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Between late March and early May, schools and childcare facilities as well as restaurants, cafes, and bars were shut down; contact-related occupations were closed; gatherings were prohibited; and employees were advised to work from home as much as possible. While these regulations represented a sharp cut in individuals’ personal lives, they were more relaxed in the Netherlands than in many other European countries. At the same time, the Netherlands has enacted large-scale economic relief programs.This chapter gives an overview of how labor supply and well-being have changed in the Netherlands in the early stage of the COVID-19 pandemic. We show that changes in the labor market have affected different groups of people differently and we discuss reasons for these differences. In addition, we illustrate how the consequences of the lockdown have altered the well-being of Dutch workers.

Falb, Peter. "The Geometric Quotient Theorem: Closed Orbits." In Methods of Algebraic Geometry in Control Theory: Part I, 83–86. Boston, MA: Birkhäuser Boston, 1990. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4684-9221-7_16.

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Radożycki, Tomasz. "Dealing with Open, Closed, and Compact Sets." In Solving Problems in Mathematical Analysis, Part I, 131–41. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-35844-0_6.

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Тези доповідей конференцій з теми "Closed parts":


Liu, M. W., Xu Zhang, and W. J. Meng. "A closed-loop support system for repairable parts based on performance." In 2013 10th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM). IEEE, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/icsssm.2013.6602557.

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Huang, Qizhi, and Bin Hu. "Simulation Model of Multi-Echelon Closed Supply Chain for Spare Parts." In 2011 3rd International Workshop on Intelligent Systems and Applications (ISA). IEEE, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/isa.2011.5873402.

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Massoni, Brandon R., and Matthew I. Campbell. "Automated Design of Closed-Die Forgings." In ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/detc2017-68148.

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Design of closed-die forgings is often too difficult and time consuming to be done early in the design process, but the manufacturing cost is heavily influenced by early design decisions. This paper describes a method for quickly predicting closed-die forging designs from tessellated shape files. This is performed by computationally slicing the 3D solid into 2D cross-sections and applying forging design rules to these cross-sections. This method can be used to identify the best parting line and stroke direction as well as estimate both the forging weight and shape in seconds. This information can be used early in the design process to quickly help engineers make informed decisions and comparisons even before a part design is finalized. Initial results show that this method can be applied quickly and accurately to a wide array of realistic mechanical parts.

Bering, Tom, Stephen C. Veldhuis, Greg Bryson, and Peter Detmers. "Closed-Loop Feedback Control of Production Part Errors." In ASME 2002 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2002. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/imece2002-39088.

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This paper presents a new supervisory controller, designed to meet or exceed the tight quality specifications required of high-volume production parts. The process optimizing controller takes Co-ordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) data collected on Statistical Process Control (SPC) samples. It analyses the data and updates the program on a Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) milling machine to optimize the overall production process. Part specifications, including dimensions between cast and machined features, are controlled through feedback. The controller improved process capability (Cp), and by targeting the mean on the nominal dimension it significantly improved the capability index (Cpk).

Sarvananthan, V. C., and P. C. Pandey. "An Automated Assembly Sequence Planing System for Mechanical Parts." In ASME 1998 Design Engineering Technical Conferences. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1998. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/detc98/flex-6015.

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Abstract This work provides a software system, which can automatically determine the assembly sequence of a product from its parts, given only a geometric description of the assembly. A simple closed envelope method for product geometry representation, and an efficient matrix method to represent contact and interference relations among the parts were successfully used in this work. The possible sub-assemblies are automatically detected by satisfying some mathematical conditions applicable to these matrices. Possible assembly sequences are generated for each sub-assembly and for the whole product. Furthermore, the algorithms are successfully examined with several industrial products.

Cauli, Claudia, Magdalena Ortiz, and Nir Piterman. "Closed- and Open-world Reasoning in DL-Lite for Cloud Infrastructure Security." In 18th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning {KR-2021}. California: International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.24963/kr.2021/17.

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Infrastructure in the cloud is deployed through configuration files, which specify the resources to be created, their settings, and their connectivity. We aim to model infrastructure before deployment and reason about it so that potential vulnerabilities can be discovered and security best practices enforced. Description logics are a good match for such modeling efforts and allow for a succinct and natural description of cloud infrastructure. Their open-world assumption allows capturing the distributed nature of the cloud, where a newly deployed infrastructure could connect to pre-existing resources not necessarily owned by the same user. However, parts of the infrastructure that are fully known need closed-world reasoning, calling for the usage of expressive formalisms, which increase the computational complexity of reasoning. Here, we suggest an extension of DL-LiteF that is tailored for capturing such cloud infrastructure. Our logic allows combining a core part that is completely defined (closed-world) and interacts with a partially known environment (open-world). We show that this extension preserves the first-order rewritability of DL-LiteF for knowledge-base satisfiability and conjunctive query answering. Security properties combine universal and existential reasoning about infrastructure. Thus, we also consider the problem of conjunctive query satisfiability and show that it can be solved in logarithmic space in data complexity.

Turki, Emna, Oualid Jouini, Ziad Jemai, Laura Urie, Adnane Lazrak, Patrick Valot, and Robert Heidsieck. "Forecasting Extractions in a Closed Loop Supply Chain of Spare Parts: An Industrial Case Study." In 11th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems. SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.5220/0010906700003117.

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Rehekampff, Christoph, Benedikt Kirchebner, Florian Krebs, Franz Irlinger, and Tim C. Lueth. "Inline Topology Measurement of Material Jetted Metal Parts." In ASME 2021 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/imece2021-70279.

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Abstract In Material Jetting, build material is deposited as single droplets onto a platform. This offers potential advantages such as faster processing and cheaper raw material compared to powder based processes. For metals, this technology is subject of several research projects. Due to variations in droplet size, the process inevitably results in deviations between the desired and the actual height of a printed layer. Such deviations can add up over several layers and thus lead to an unacceptably high overall geometrical deviation of the component. One possible solution to this problem is the compensation of local height deviations by adjusting the build strategy (droplet size, droplet spacing) in the next layer. For this, it is necessary to measure the geometric deviations of the local layer heights. However, the temperatures of up to 300 °C inside the build chamber pose a challenge for the integration of a measuring system. In this work, a process monitoring system was integrated into a previously developed printer for Material Jetting of aluminum. The system consists of an optical confocal sensor that enables contactless distance measurement. To avoid overheating of the sensor, it is located outside the build chamber. An infrared filter glass allows measurement from the outside, while heat radiation from the build platform is absorbed by the glass. The sensor is water cooled to ensure a safe operating temperature. A calibration object and printed aluminum components were measured to validate the system. The measurement results show the potential of the system for inline process monitoring for Material Jetting. Based on this, the development of a closed-loop layer height control is now possible.

riaño jaimes, Cristhian Ivan, Renan Bonnard, Joao Carlos Espindola Ferreira, Alberto Alvares, and Cristhian Ivan Riano Jaimes. "Closed Loop Integration Model for Dimensional and Geometric Inspection of Prismatic Parts Based on the STEP-NC Standard." In 24th ABCM International Congress of Mechanical Engineering. ABCM, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.26678/abcm.cobem2017.cob17-1657.

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Banerjee, Ashis Gopal, Walter Yund, Dan Yang, Peter Koudal, John Carbone, and Joseph Salvo. "A Hybrid Statistical Method for Accurate Prediction of Supplier Delivery Times of Aircraft Engine Parts." In ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/detc2015-47605.

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Aircraft engine assembly operations require thousands of parts provided by several geographically distributed suppliers. A majority of the operation steps are sequential, necessitating the availability of all the parts at appropriate times for these steps to be completed successfully. Thus, being able to accurately predict the availabilities of parts based on supplier deliveries is critical to minimizing the delays in meeting the customer demands. However, such accurate prediction is challenging due to the large lead times of these parts, limited knowledge of supplier capacities and capabilities, macroeconomic trends affecting material procurement and transportation times, and unreliable delivery date estimates provided by the suppliers themselves. We address these challenges by developing a statistical method that learns a hybrid stepwise regression — generalized multivariate gamma distribution model from historical transactional data on closed part purchase orders and is able to infer part delivery dates sufficiently before the supplier-promised delivery dates for open purchase orders. The hybrid form of the model makes it robust to data quality and short-term temporal effects as well as biased toward overestimating rather than underestimating the part delivery dates. Test results on real-world purchase orders demonstrate effective performance with low prediction errors and constantly high ratios of true positive to false positive predictions.

Звіти організацій з теми "Closed parts":


Brandy, Herbert T., and Lawrence A. Welsch. Understanding part fabrication errors in closed-loop machining systems. Gaithersburg, MD: National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2002. http://dx.doi.org/10.6028/nist.ir.6876.

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Lance, Richard, and Xin Guan. Variation in inhibitor effects on qPCR assays and implications for eDNA surveys. Engineer Research and Development Center (U.S.), August 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.21079/11681/41740.

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Aquatic environmental DNA (eDNA) surveys are sometimes impacted by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) inhibitors. We tested varying concentrations of different inhibitors (humic, phytic, and tannic acids; crude leaf extracts) for impacts on quantitative PCR (qPCR) assays designed for eDNA surveys of bighead and silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis and Hypophthalmichthys molitrix). We also tested for inhibition by high concentrations of exogenous DNA, hypothesizing that DNA from increasingly closely related species would be increasingly inhibitory. All tested inhibitors impacted qPCR, though only at very high concentrations — likely a function, in part, of having used an inhibitor-resistant qPCR solution. Closer phylogenetic relatedness resulted in inhibition at lower exogenous DNA concentrations, but not at relatively close phylogenetic scales. Inhibition was also influenced by the qPCR reporter dye used. Importantly, different qPCR assays responded differently to the same inhibitor concentrations. Implications of these results are that the inclusion of more than one assay for the same target taxa in an eDNA survey may be an important countermeasure against false negatives and that internal positive controls may not, in the absence of efforts to maximize inhibition compatibility, provide useful information about the inhibition of an eDNA assay.

Oberle, William F., and Douglas E. Kooker. BRLCB: A Closed-Chamber Data Analysis Program. Part 1. Theory and User's Manual. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, January 1993. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada260493.

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Bacharach, Eran, and Sagar Goyal. Generation of Avian Pneumovirus Modified Clones for the Development of Attenuated Vaccines. United States Department of Agriculture, November 2008. http://dx.doi.org/10.32747/2008.7696541.bard.

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Abstract (one page maximum, single spaced), include: List the original objectives, as defined in the approved proposal, and any revisions made at the beginning or during the course of project: The main goal described in our original proposal has been the development of a molecular infectious clone of the avian metapneumovirus subtype B (aMPV-B) and the modification of this clone to create mutated viruses for the development of attenuated vaccines. The Achievements and Appendix/Part I sections of this report describes the accomplishments in creating such a molecular clone. These sections also contain the results of a longitudinal study that we made in Israel, demonstrating the infiltration of field strains of aMPV into vaccinated flocks and emphasizing the need for the development of better vaccines. We also describe our unexpected findings regarding the ability of aMPV to establish persistent infection in cell cultures. Although this direction of research was not described in the original proposal we feel that it is highly important for the understanding of aMPV pathogenesis. For example, this direction has provided us with evidence showing that aMPV replication can augment influenza replication. Moreover, we observed that viruses that were produced from chronically-infected cells show reduced ciliostasis. Accordingly, we carried vaccination trials using such viruses. In the original grant proposal we also offered that the American lab will clone and express immunomodulators in the context of an aMPV -based replicon that the Israeli lab has generated. However, as we reported in our annual reports, further analysis of this replicon by the Israeli lab has revealed that the level of expression achieved by this vehicle is relatively poor; thus, the American lab has focused on sequencing the genomes of different aMPV-C isolates that differ in their virulence (including vaccine strains). Achievements and Appendix/Part II sections of this report include the summary of this effort. Background to the topic: The aMPVs belong to the paramyxoviridae family and cause mild to severe respiratory tract diseases mainly in turkeys and also in chickens. Four aMPV subgroups, A, B, C and D, have been characterized; in Israel aMPV-A and B are the common subtypes while in the USA type C is the prevalent one. Although vaccine strains do exist for aMPVs, they do not always provide full protection against virulent strains and the vaccines themselves may induce disease to some extent. Improved vaccines against aMPV are needed, to achieve better protection of the poultry industry against this pathogen. Major conclusions, solutions, achievements: We isolated aMPV-B from a diseased flock and accomplished the sequencing and cloning of its full-genome. In addition, we cloned the four genes encoding the viral replicase. These should serve as the platform for generation of modified aMPV-Bs from molecular clones. We also identified aMPVs that are attenuated in respect to their ciliostatic activity and accordingly showed the potential of such viruses as vaccine strains. For aMPV-C, the different mutations scattered along the genome of different isolates with varied virulence have been determined. Implications, both scientific and agricultural: The newly identified pattern of mutations in attenuated strains will allow better understanding of the pathogenicity of aMPV and the generation of aMPV molecular clones, together with isolation of strains with attenuated ciliostatic activity should generate improved vaccine strains Abstract (one page maximum, single spaced), include: List the original objectives, as defined in the approved proposal, and any revisions made at the beginning or during the course of project: The main goal described in our original proposal has been the development of a molecular infectious clone of the avian metapneumovirus subtype B (aMPV-B) and the modification of this clone to create mutated viruses for the development of attenuated vaccines. The Achievements and Appendix/Part I sections of this report describes the accomplishments in creating such a molecular clone. These sections also contain the results of a longitudinal study that we made in Israel, demonstrating the infiltration of field strains of aMPV into vaccinated flocks and emphasizing the need for the development of better vaccines. We also describe our unexpected findings regarding the ability of aMPV to establish persistent infection in cell cultures. Although this direction of research was not described in the original proposal we feel that it is highly important for the understanding of aMPV pathogenesis. For example, this direction has provided us with evidence showing that aMPV replication can augment influenza replication. Moreover, we observed that viruses that were produced from chronically-infected cells show reduced ciliostasis. Accordingly, we carried vaccination trials using such viruses. In the original grant proposal we also offered that the American lab will clone and express immunomodulators in the context of an aMPV -based replicon that the Israeli lab has generated. However, as we reported in our annual reports, further analysis of this replicon by the Israeli lab has revealed that the level of expression achieved by this vehicle is relatively poor; thus, the American lab has focused on sequencing the genomes of different aMPV-C isolates that differ in their virulence (including vaccine strains). Achievements and Appendix/Part II sections of this report include the summary of this effort. Background to the topic: The aMPVs belong to the paramyxoviridae family and cause mild to severe respiratory tract diseases mainly in turkeys and also in chickens. Four aMPV subgroups, A, B, C and D, have been characterized; in Israel aMPV-A and B are the common subtypes while in the USA type C is the prevalent one. Although vaccine strains do exist for aMPVs, they do not always provide full protection against virulent strains and the vaccines themselves may induce disease to some extent. Improved vaccines against aMPV are needed, to achieve better protection of the poultry industry against this pathogen. Major conclusions, solutions, achievements: We isolated aMPV-B from a diseased flock and accomplished the sequencing and cloning of its full-genome. In addition, we cloned the four genes encoding the viral replicase. These should serve as the platform for generation of modified aMPV-Bs from molecular clones. We also identified aMPVs that are attenuated in respect to their ciliostatic activity and accordingly showed the potential of such viruses as vaccine strains. For aMPV-C, the different mutations scattered along the genome of different isolates with varied virulence have been determined. Implications, both scientific and agricultural: The newly identified pattern of mutations in attenuated strains will allow better understanding of the pathogenicity of aMPV and the generation of aMPV molecular clones, together with isolation of strains with attenuated ciliostatic activity should generate improved vaccine strains.

Oberle, William F., and Douglas E. Kooker. BRLCB: A Closed-Chamber Data Analysis Program. Part 2. Theory and User's Manual (Appendices D-M). Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, January 1993. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada260481.

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Carty, Tracy, Jan Kowalzig, and Bertram Zagema. Climate Finance Shadow Report 2020: Assessing progress towards the $100 billion commitment. Oxfam, October 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.21201/2020.6621.

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International climate finance is vital to global cooperation on climate change. As many developing countries reel from the effects of coronavirus, the prospect of climate-induced extreme weather risks compounding crises and poverty. Climate change could undo decades of progress in development and dramatically increase global inequalities. There is an urgent need for climate finance to help countries cope and adapt. Over a decade ago, developed countries committed to mobilize $100bn per year by 2020 to support developing countries to adapt and reduce their emissions. The goal is a critical part of the Paris Agreement. As 2020 draws to a close, Oxfam’s Climate Finance Shadow Report 2020 offers an assessment of progress towards the $100bn goal. The third in a series, this report looks at the latest donor figures for 2017–18, with a strong focus on public finance. It considers how climate finance is being counted and spent; where it is going; how close we are to the $100bn goal; and what lessons need to be learned for climate finance post-2020.

Harter, James A. An Alternative Closed-Form Stress Intensity Solution for Single Part-Through and Through-the-Thickness Cracks at Offset Holes. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, December 1998. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada363701.

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Grubman, Marvin J., Yehuda Stram, Peter W. Mason, and Hagai Yadin. Development of an Empty Viral Capsid Vaccine against Foot and Mouth Disease. United States Department of Agriculture, August 1995. http://dx.doi.org/10.32747/1995.7570568.bard.

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Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD), a highly infectious viral disease of cloven-hoofed animals, is economically the most important disease of domestic animals. Although inactivated FMD vaccines have been succesfully used as part of comprehensive eradication programs in Western Europe, there are a number of concerns about their safety. In this proposal, we have attempted to develop a new generation of FMD vaccines that addresses these concerns. Specifically we have cloned the region of the viral genome coding for the structural proteins and the proteinase responsible for processing of the structural protein precursor into both a DNA vector and a replication-deficient human adenovirus. We have demonstrated the induction of an FMDV-specific immune response and a neutralizing antibody response with the DNA vectors in mice, but preliminary potency and efficacy studies in swine are variable. However, the adenovirus vector induces a significant and long-lived neutralizing antibody response in mice and most importantly a neutralizing and protective response in swine. These results suggest that the empty capsid approach is a potential alternative to the current vaccination strategy.

Moran, Nava, Richard Crain, and Wolf-Dieter Reiter. Regulation by Light of Plant Potassium Uptake through K Channels: Biochemical, Physiological and Biophysical Study. United States Department of Agriculture, September 1995. http://dx.doi.org/10.32747/1995.7571356.bard.

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The swelling of plant motor cells is regulated by various signals with almost unknown mediators. One of the obligatory steps in the signaling cascade is the activation of K+-influx channels -K+ channels activated by hyperpolarization (KH channels). We thus explored the regulation of these channels in our model system, motor cell protoplasts from Samanea saman, using patch-clamp in the "whole cell" configuration. (a) The most novel finding was that the activity of KH channels in situ varied with the time of the day, in positive correlation with cell swelling: in Extensor cells KH channels were active in the earlier part of the day, while in Flexor cells only during the later part of the day; (b) High internal pH promoted the activity of these channels in Extensor cells, opposite to the behavior of the equivalent channels in guard cells, but in conformity with the predicted behavior of the putative KH channel, cloned from S. saman recently; (c) HIgh external K+ concentration increased (KH channel currents in Flexor cells. BL depolarized the Flexor cells, as detected in cell-attached patch-clamp recording, using KD channels (the K+-efflux channels) as "voltage-sensing devices". Subsequent Red-Light (RL) pulse followed by Darkness, hyperpolarized the cell. We attribute these changes to the inhibition of the H+-pump by BL and its reactivation by RL, as they were abolished by an H+-pump inhibitor. BL increased also the activity KD channels, in a voltage-independent manner - in all probability by an independent signaling pathway. Blue-Light (BL), which stimulates shrinking of Flexor cells, evoked the IP3 signaling cascade (detected directly by IP3 binding assay), known to mobilize cytosolic Ca2+. Nevertheless, cytosolic Ca2+ . did not activate the KD channel in excised, inside-out patches. In this study we established a close functional similarity of the KD channels between Flexor and Extensior cells. Thus the differences in their responses must stem from different links to signaling in both cell types.

Kvalbein, Astrid. Wood or blood? Norges Musikkhøgskole, August 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.22501/nmh-ar.481278.

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Wood or Blood? New scores and new sounds for voice and clarinet Astrid Kvalbein and Gjertrud Pedersen, Norwegian Academy of Music What is this thing called a score, and how do we relate to it as performers, in order to realize a musical work? This is the fundamental question of this exposition. As a duo we have related to scores in a variety of ways over the years: from the traditional reading and interpreting of sheet music of works by distant (some dead) composers, to learning new works in dialogue with living composers and to taking part in the creative processes from the commissioning of a work to its premiere and beyond. This reflective practice has triggered many questions: could the score for instance be conceptualized as a contract, in which some elements are negotiable and others are not? Where two equal parts, the performer(s) and the composer might have qualitatively different assignments on how to realize the music? Finally: might reflecting on such questions influence our interpretative practices? To shed light on these issues, we take as examples three works from our recent repertoire: Ragnhild Berstad’s Vevtråd (Weaving thread, 2010), Jan Martin Smørdal’s The Lesser Nighthawk (2012) and Lene Grenager’s Tre eller blod (Wood or blood, 2005). We will share – attempt to unfold – some of the experiences gained from working with this music, in close collaboration and dialogue with the composers. Observing the processes from a certain temporal distance, we see how our attitudes as a duo has developed over a longer span of time, into a more confident 'we'.

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