Dissertation (thesis): how to cite in Chicago Style – author-date (17th ed.)?

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General rules

A reference to a dissertation, a master's thesis, etc. should include the following elements: name of the author, title and type of the work, university, and year of publication (defence). Use the following reference template:

Author. Year. "Work Title." Work type, University.

In addition, a reference to a dissertation may include elements such as the URL address where the text of the dissertation is available or the name of the database, publication number, and date of access (if the date of the source is unknown). The work type element may include the academic degree (PhD thesis, etc.).

Examples in a list of references

Bolton, Emma Victoria. 2020. "The barriers and facilitators to stopping inappropriate medicines ('deprescribing') for older people living in care homes." PhD thesis, University of Leeds. http://etheses.whiterose.ac.uk/27649/.

Alotaibi, Sarah. 2019. "A Biophysically-Based Skin Reflectance Model for Face Analysis." PhD thesis, University of York. White Rose eTheses Online.

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