Online video: how to cite in Harvard style?

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General rules

In the Harvard referencing system, few details are required to identify an online video. To create a bibliographic reference, it suffices to provide the following information about the video: channel title, year of publication, video title, title of the website where the video was published, and the video’s URL address. The date when the video was last accessed should also be given.

N.B. Give the year of publication instead the full date in the reference.

Bibliographic reference template:

Channel title, (Year). Video title [online]. Website title. [Viewed date viewed]. Available from: URL

This template can be used for the videos published on online platforms such as YouTube, Vimeo, etc. To make your work easier, use the online references generator Grafiati. With the help of our website, you can retrieve automatically all the details of an online video by pasting the link to it into the appropriate field. To do this, go to our homepage and select ‘Video (online)’ from the list of available source types.

Examples in a list of references

Nathan the Beach Cat, (2019). Adorable cats swimming together for the first time! [online]. YouTube. [Viewed 25 June 2021]. Available from:

Cream Electric Art, (2015). Glass brain [online]. Vimeo. [Viewed 22 June 2021]. Available from:

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