Court case: how to cite in IEEE Style?

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General rules

The IEEE Manual of Style provides referencing templates only for the court cases of the United States of America, e.g. for district courts:

Case title, Reporterseriesvolumeyear of publicationpage (Court).

This scheme cannot be applied effectively to the legal cases of other states. However, IEEE Style does not provide any other recommendations, just as most other international citation styles (see more here). In practice, the judicial decision references are usually adapted to the conventional rules of legal citations in the respective country or to the styles designed for legal citations, such as The Bluebook.

The web service Grafiati implements a common scheme for legal citations in IEEE Style for different countries. It allows identifying the court case unequivocally in the bibliographic reference (the template takes into account the specifics of the IEEE format and the recommendations of The Bluebook and universities):

Case titleCourtdecision datedecision number (Country). Accessed: date. [Online]. Available: URL

Examples of references

According to the IEEE Manual of Style (for the court cases of the United States)

Rivera-Rivera v. Barnhart, Federal Supplement, 2nd Series, vol. 330, p. 35 (U.S. District Court for the District of Puerto Rico).

Using Grafiati’s template

Chen Weng Khiong vs Chen Kim Siong, High Court of Brunei Darussalam, Jan. 30, 2019, Civil Suit No. 83 of 2017 (Brunei Darussalam). Accessed: Dec. 11, 2021. [Online]. Available:

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