Video (online): how to cite in IEEE Style?

Créez une référence correcte selon la norme IEEE

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General rules

According to the rules of IEEE Style, a reference to an online video (such as a video published on YouTube or another video hosting platform) should contain the following elements: author or owner of the video, title of the video, date of publication, and online details.

Bibliographic reference template:

Author(s)Video Title. (Date of publication). Accessed: date. [Online Video]. Available: URL


  • In contrast to the other source types where the date of access is followed by the inscription ‘Online’ in brackets, an IEEE video reference should include the inscription ‘Online Video’.
  • The Author(s) slot will most often include the name of the channel on YouTube or another video hosting that published the video.
  • If the city and country of publication are known, give them after the Author(s) element separated by commas.

For the rules of giving authors’ names in the IEEE format, see this article.

N.B. The web service Grafiati allows citing automatically the online videos published on YouTube, Vimeo, and Dailymotion. You only need to paste the URL of the video, and we will generate the corresponding reference in IEEE Style or any other citation style.

Examples of references

Tooling U-SME. Electrical Discharge Machining. (Jun. 19, 2014). Accessed: Feb. 22, 2023. [Online Video]. Available:

ScienceClic English. The Electromagnetic Field, How Electric and Magnetic Forces Arise. (Nov. 5, 2022). Accessed: Feb. 22, 2023. [Online Video]. Available:

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