New system of dates

A new – more refined – system of dates has bee implemented for referencing.

From now on, when citing a journal article, an archival document, a webpage, or a preprint, you can specify the source's publication date in different formats: 'day – month – year', 'month – year', or just 'year', depending on the date stated in the source itself.

Thereafter, we will use the data submitted to generate a correct reference in accordance with the requirements of the chosen citation style. For example, we will take into account only the year of preprint in Harvard or APA and the full date in Chicago Style.

In addition, we would like to remind you that we are localising all dates with due account for a) the rules of the particular citation style and b) the customary practices of each particular language. Using the bibliography menu, you can choose the English, French, Italian, Spanish, Ukrainian, or Polish language for your bibliography, and all the dates for your sources will be converted automatically.

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