Ukrainian Cyrillic transliteration for all citation styles

We have an updated feature for transliterating Ukrainian Cyrillic in references into the Roman script. This feature may be beneficial primarily for our Ukrainian users but also to all those who investigate Ukrainian sources.

New feature: Ukrainian Cyrillic transliteration for all citation stylesPreviously, transliteration had been available for two standards: DSTU GOST 7.1:2006 and DSTU 8302:2015. Now, you can transliterate the text of Ukrainian references into the Roman alphabet in accordance with the requirements of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine automatically for any citation style, e.g. APA, MLA, Harvard, Chicago, etc.

In addition to transliterating your reference into the Roman script, Grafiati will perform all necessary actions to order your references in compliance with the chosen citation style taking into account the changes brought by the transliteration.

To apply transliteration to your bibliography, open the bibliography menu and check the appropriate option.

Applying transliteration to bibliography

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