Chicago 16 citation generator online

Create a spot-on reference in Chicago 16

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What is Chicago Style?

To create references in accordance with the latest edition of Chicago Style, use our Chicago 17 reference generator.

Chicago Style is one of the most widely used international citation styles. Its rules are described in the publication entitled Chicago Manual of Style (CMoS). You can find out more about the main characteristics of Chicago Style in this article.

Chicago Style (16th ed.) citation generator by Grafiati and its purpose

Grafiati has long been offering the opportunity to generate bibliographic references in accordance with the requirements of the latest – 17th – edition of the Chicago Manual of Style. Chicago Style has been one of the most popular reference standard on our website, and therefore we decided to implement the previous edition of Chicago Style in order to ensure backward compatibility and cover the needs of journals that have not yet adopted the newest rules of CMS.

The Chicago 16 reference generator developed by Grafiati complies with the requirements of the manual’s previous edition.

How is the Chicago (16th ed.) reference generator different from the Chicago (17th ed.) reference generator?

Both generators are of the same highest level of quality. At the same time, both are adapted to the specific requirements of the two different editions of Chicago Style.

Our Chicago 16 format generator allows you generating references and footnotes in the previous edition of CMoS and converting them into Chicago 17 and vice versa.

What are the benefits of the Chicago 16 reference generator by Grafiati?

Our Chicago 16 bibliography generator supports both variations of Chicago Style (16th ed.), namely the ‘notes and bibliography’ and ‘author-date’ systems. By choosing our tools for creating references, you get correct bibliographic entries and footnotes/citations in Chicago 16 and all the other advantages already included in our newest Chicago 17 reference generator.

To create your bibliography in Chicago Style (16th ed.), you can use the widget on the top of this page.

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