APA 6 citation generator online

Create a spot-on reference in APA 6

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What is APA Style?

For the most up-to-date version of APA Style, use our APA 7 citation generator.

APA Style is one of the world’s most popular citation styles developed by the American Psychological Association. You can read more about this style for bibliographic references here.

APA (6th ed.) citation generator by Grafiati and its purpose

The most up-to-date edition of APA Style Manual as of today is the seventh edition. Grafiati’s APA 7 citation generator has been used widely around the globe for a long time.

At the same time, the previous – sixth – edition of APA Style is still being used by a large number of scholarly journals on the international and the local levels. Therefore, in order to ensure backward compatibility and the opportunity for our users to convert their bibliographic references into the previous edition of the APA format, we have developed our APA 6 citation generator.

The APA 6 reference generator is now available on our website and is compliant with the requirements of the previous edition of APA Manual.

How is the APA (6th ed.) reference generator different from the APA (7th ed.) reference generator?

The two editions of APA Style have quite significant differences. Refer to this article to learn more about how the two versions differ.

Our APA 6 format generator follows the best practices long implemented by Grafiati and delivers top-quality APA 6 references that you can generate and simply paste into your bibliography. All your references can be converted from APA 7 into APA 6 and vice versa, as well as from and into any other citation style. Thus, you can easily deal with your bibliographies for submitting your article to almost any journal.

What are the benefits of the APA 6 reference generator by Grafiati?

Our bibliography generator for APA (6th ed.) is tailored specifically to meet the requirements of the sixth edition of APA Manual. We take into account even the tiniest details of the sixth edition’s requirements, and thus you can get:

  • correct bibliographic references in APA 6;
  • in-text citations, including both the first and the subsequent citations, which are different in format in APA 6 (a unique and very convenient feature of our service);
  • high-quality ordering of references, including in the most complex cases with the same names and initials of authors;
  • all the other benefits offered by our APA 7 reference generator.

Use the widget on the top of this page or go to our homepage to start creating your APA 6 references.

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