EasyBib – a free alternative

Create a spot-on reference in APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard, and other styles

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What is EasyBib?

EasyBib® is an online generator of bibliographic references that includes the EasyBib APA, EasyBib MLA, EasyBib Chicago, EasyBib Vancouver, and a range of other generators for different citation styles.

What are the pros and cons of EasyBib?


  • Easy Bib is a popular citation tool;
  • it has a tool for checking grammar and plagiarism;
  • Easy Bib has 7,000 citation styles.


  • the citation generators of EasyBib contain multiple errors, even in simple cases. For example, the APA Easy Bib generator includes incorrect information on the page range in book references; the Easy Bib MLA 8 generator fails to include the correct information on the city of publication, and so on;
  • there is no correct ordering of references, which is complex and different in each particular citation style. For example, the Easy Bib MLA citation generator even does not replace the name of the same author with dashes in a bibliography, which violates the rules of the MLA Manual;
  • there is no correct formatting of reference entries in a bibliographic list (hanging indents, fonts, numbering, etc.): this is true speaking of all tools, including the Easy Bib MLA generator and the Easy Bib APA citation generator;
  • the Easy Bib citation generator is very expensive;
  • only 1 citation style is available for free: you need to pay to convert your references into styles other than MLA;
  • the service is very slow;
  • Easy Bib is hard to use due to a user-unfriendly interface.

How is Grafiati better than EasyBib?

Let’s start off with the quality of references and citations. The EasyBib APA citation generator, EasyBib MLA citation generator, and other tools of Easybib use the same source code as Zotero, Citethisforme, and other services: they do not control this code, cannot improve it, develop it, and so on. This code contains multiple errors, which remain all in your citations.

Our approach is drastically different: we put huge work into the development of custom algorithms and we use only our proprietary code. It may take months for us to study a publication manual, read the recommendations of universities, and then manually develop the citation generator for this particular style. As a result, you get top quality unavailable elsewhere on the web.

So, why to use Grafiati and not EasyBib?

  • We deliver the most accurate and detailed citations.
  • We offer unique tools. For example, you can cite a preprint from any server such as arXiv, medRxiv, and so on, which is unavailable on EasyBib. You can get accurate citations of books, book chapters, and so on, each adapted specifically to the chosen citation style. You can cite articles with eLocators, archival documents with descriptive titles, and so on, which is impossible with EasyBib.
  • At Grafiati, you can add custom contributors’ roles (compiler, illustrator, etc.), which pushes your references just over the edge.
  • Each our citation generator is much more precise and accurate: in contrast to the MLA EasyBib generator, the EasyBib APA format generator, and other tools offered by EasyBib, our generators allow you getting references adapted to your country: choose the language of your bibliography, create legal citations adapted to your country, and so on.
  • We deliver a totally correct ordering of your references: from the addition of Latin lowercase letters to years in APA to the most refined sorting of references in MLA and Chicago, which is not done at all by the EasyBib works cited generator in MLA, the EasyBib Chicago Style generator, etc.
  • You can use all the citation styles with all the ordering and other tools for free on our service with only time limitations. And our premium packages are offered at a smaller price.
  • Our interface is simple, easily understandable, adapted to mobile devices, and very rapid.
  • We have many tools for making your bibliography perfect: we suggest when the case of the title of a source should be changed, we allow transliterating the references, and many more.
  • We are always open to users’ suggestions and recommendations and aim to develop our service for you.

How to use your bibliographic management service?

You can start using our service from our homepage. Select the source you wish to reference and either find it in our catalogues or fill in the details manually: we will do the rest and will provide the most detailed and accurate citations for you to paste into your paper.

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