World pioneers: new citation styles added by Grafiati

Create a spot-on reference in APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard, and other styles

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Grafiati is an international bibliographic management platform focusing on the development of reference generation algorithms for international, national, and local citation styles.

In contrast to most competitors on the market, we never use any CSL styles (the common open-source code shared by most bibliographic services) and thus offer custom solutions for the most accurate references, footnotes, and in-text citations across a variety of citation styles.

Even though our approach requires much effort and dedication, it allows us being more flexible, accurate, and quick.

Citation styles pioneered by Grafiati

Thanks to the unique approach to reference generation, Grafiati has become one of the most innovative online platforms. We have become pioneers in terms of the support of new citation styles (and new editions of the old good styles used around the globe), and our customers became the first researchers in the world to compile their bibliographies in accordance with the latest and most up-to-date requirements of respectful international and national organisations and institutions.

Here is a list of these styles:

Citation style Organisation/Details Date of implementation on Grafiati
1. MLA (9th ed.) Modern Language Association July 7, 2021
2. ICONTEC Las normas NTC 5613, NTC 4490 y NTC 1486 del Instituto Colombiano de Normas Técnicas y Certificación December 8, 2021
3. ISO 690:2021 International Organization for Standardization, 4th ed. February 11, 2022
4. Vancouver (citation-name) National Library of Medicine, references sorted alphabetically February 18, 2022
5. NP 405 (notes) Norma Portuguesa 405 April 4, 2022
6. ANSI/NISO Z39.29-2005 (R2010) (author-date) American National Standards Institute/National Information Standards Organization July 9, 2022
7. CEUR-WS Citation style for Proceedings for Computer Science Workshops April 20, 2023
8. ASA (7th ed.) American Sociological Association August 11, 2023
9. Manual de Citación Uniforme: Un sistema uniforme de citación para fuentes jurídicas puertorriqueñas (1st ed.) Revista Jurídica de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, Revista Jurídica de la Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico, Revista de Derecho Puertorriqueño de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Puerto Rico April 4, 2024
10. MHRA (4th ed.) The Modern Humanities Research Association April 10, 2024
11. CSE (9th ed.) Council of Science Editors June 4, 2024

MLA (9th ed.)

A style we are proud of in particular. One of the world’s most popular citation styles in the humanities. And we were the first ever bibliographic service in the world to implement it. Published in April 2021 by the Modern Language Association, it became available on Grafiati in July and has remained one of our most popular citation generation tools since then.

Not only did we pioneer the generation of references in MLA (9th ed.) format, but we can also assure you that our MLA citation generator is the most powerful and accurate in the field of global research. Try it yourself, and you will never regret it!


ICONTEC is one of the most popular referencing styles in Colombia. It is developed by the Colombian Institute of Technical Standards and Certification (Instituto Colombiano de Normas Técnicas y Certificación). This citation style is based on the Colombian standards NTC 5613, NTC 4490, and NTC 1486. While the style has been out since the year 2008, it has remained largely ignored by reference management software owners.

Technically, the first platform to support ICONTEC Style was EndNote (implemented in 2016). However, the EndNote style took into account only NTC 5613 (thus ignoring, for example, NTC 4490 dealing with references for online sources) and contained so many errors (wrong formatting of titles, wrong date format, incorrect capitalisation and punctuation, omission of container authors and online details, incorrect references for the most basic source types such as journal articles and book chapters, and so on) that we consider it unusable for scientific purposes.

What we can say for sure is that Grafiati was the first ever service to offer a complex and integrated solution embracing all the inseparable parts of ICONTEC Style: NTC 5613, NTC 4490, and NTC 1486. Since 2021, we have remained choice no. 1 for thousands of Colombian users.

ISO 690:2021

The new edition of the International Organization for Standardization’s referencing standard ISO 690. Compared to its predecessor dating back to 2010, this new style published in June 2021 offers a completely updated and refreshed approach to bibliographic references, adapting more to the current needs of researchers.

Grafiati implemented ISO 690:2021 in the early 2022, not only offering bibliographic references matching the standard’s requirements but also adapting the references to seven languages in addition to English, namely French, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese, German, and Ukrainian.

Thanks to our innovation, thousands of customers around the globe were able to adhere to the newest requirements of the ISO and have been relying on us since then.

Vancouver citation-name

Vancouver Style, one of the world’s most popular citation styles, has long been used in the field of medicine. The National Library of Medicine’s guide Citing Medicine was published in 2007. While the citation-sequence and author-date systems of Vancouver Style have been available on various referencing platforms, the third system – citation-name – had remained unavailable until Grafiati implemented it in February 2022. Enjoy it if your university or journal prefers the classical Vancouver-style references but ordered alphabetically.

NP 405 (notes)

The national standard of Portugal in the field of bibliographic references – Norma Portuguesa 405 (NP 405). While the standard’s author-date and numerical versions had been available on other bibliographic platforms, its footnotes version had remained unavailable before we came in (strangely enough, as it is used widely by Portuguese universities).

The Norma Portuguesa 405 citation generator by Grafiati is a high-quality tool taking care of all the nuances of the style: this is why it is so much loved by Portuguese researchers.

ANSI/NISO Z39.29-2005 (R2010) (author-date)

A standard of the American National Standards Institute/National Information Standards Organization. Available since 2010, this style was first represented on EndNote in 2012 in its numerical version (although, again, we have to stress the very many inaccuracies).

In 2022, Grafiati became the first service to implement the author-date version of the ANSI/NISO style, as well as the numerous flexibilities for both the numerical and the author-date systems (optional formatting of authors’ names, choice of the number of authors in a reference, etc.).


The citation style for Proceedings for Computer Science Workshops. Unavailable elsewhere. Requested by our users and implemented by us with passion and devotion in 2023. Available for instant use. Accurate, powerful, and reliable.

ASA (7th ed.)

The latest edition of the American Sociological Association’s citation style. Published in 2022, it became available on Grafiati in the summer of 2023 (literally a few days ago as of the time we are writing this article) and quickly conquered the hearts of our users. The much awaited citation style was delivered by Grafiati to the international research community, and we are delighted to see how fervently you started making an effective use of it.

Follow the latest guidelines of the ASA by using our citation generator for the American Sociological Association’s citation style.

Manual de Citación Uniforme: Un sistema uniforme de citación para fuentes jurídicas puertorriqueñas (1st ed.)

A legal citation style developed by Puerto Rican scholarly journals based on The Bluebook and aimed specifically at citing laws, jurisprudence, and other Puerto Rican and foreign sources. Grafiati is the world’s first service to offer the Manual de Citación Uniforme style to the customers from Puerto Rico.

MHRA (4th ed.)

The new edition of the Modern Humanities Research Association’s style guide renowned among international researchers in the humanities. The previous – third – edition of MHRA Style has been one of the most popular citation styles on Grafiati. The users of Grafiati became the first scientists in the world to enjoy automated references in MHRA 4th ed.

CSE (9th ed.)

The new edition of the CSE Manual of Style developed by the Council of Science Editors. The style features a number of important changes compared to the previous edition, namely in terms of citing online sources. Grafiati offers all the three systems of CSE Style (9th ed.): citation-sequence, citation-name, and name-year. Given the style’s wide popularity among medical, biological, and other researchers, the implementation of CSE Style’s latest edition on Grafiati offers new opportunities for the global scientific community.

Bonus: Italian Journal of Linguistics

While we do not focus specifically on the citation styles of individual journals, in the early 2022, we developed a unique product: a custom citation style for the Italian Journal of Linguistics. In close co-operation with the journal’s editorial staff, we delivered a high-quality referencing solution currently enjoyed by the authors submitting their articles to the IJL.

What next

Well, obviously, we are not going to stop. Expect new additions in the future: both new editions of the so-much-loved international citation styles and completely new referencing styles.

Know some that are currently missing? Drop us a line! Are you a journal editor in need of a custom citation generator for your review? Do not hesitate to contact us, and we will develop it free of charge and offer lifetime support.

Being a pioneer is a responsibility. Being a pioneer is an honour. Being a pioneer is leading science to new heights.

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