Create a spot-on reference in Chicago 17 and 16
What is Chicago Style?
Chicago Style is a set of rules for writing papers and creating references and citations contained in the Chicago Manual of Style (CMoS, CMS), which is often referred to simply as Chicago.
To date, the latest edition of the Chicago Manual of Style is Chicago 17th ed.
Chicago Style is characterised by its proneness to innovations and alignment with the present-day tendencies in citing sources. The authors of CMoS recognise the importance of developing rules for citing online sources and recommend using online bibliographic managers, even though their results might be not completely in line with the requirements of the manual.
How is Chicago citing specific?
The Chicago referencing system is complex, as there are two systems of Chicago Style, which can actually be regarded as two separate citation styles, namely the ‘author-date’ and ‘notes and bibliography’ systems.
To read more about the specifics of each of the two Chicago Style systems, see our referencing guides.
As a result of this complexity, while Chicago provides detailed instructions, to master them, you need to spend hours and hours on studying the manual and on discerning between bibliographic references, full notes and short notes (‘notes and bibliography’ system), and in-text citations (‘author-date’ system).
Instead, you can use our Chicago Manual of Style generator and get everything done automatically, so as just to paste the correct references into your paper.
What is the purpose of the Chicago Style citation generator Grafiati?
The Chicago citation generator is one of the core features of the online bibliographic service Grafiati. It works as both a Chicago reference generator, a Chicago Style footnote generator, and a citation generator: you get all in one and can always choose the type of reference you need.
So, here is why should you choose us as your Chicago Style bibliography generator:
- we produce the most accurate Chicago references, notes, and citations on the web;
- our Chicago generator supports both the ‘notes and bibliography’ and the ‘author-date’ systems;
- you spare 90% of your time that you can dedicate to your research or leisure;
- we offer a number of unique features unavailable from other services;
- our Chicago Manual of Style citation generator can be used from any portable device;
- we offer the most user-friendly interface and the best work experience.
How to use Grafiati for Chicago Style references and citations?
First of all, decide which system you need to use: the ‘notes and bibliography’ or the ‘author-date’ system. Choose it from the list of available citation styles on our homepage.
Then choose the type of source you wish to reference (a book, a journal article, etc.) from the appropriate menu. Search for it in our catalogues and add in one click: we will produce the correct bibliographic reference and notes (or in-text citation, depending on the chosen system). Should you not find the required source in our catalogues, you can fill in the details manually, this takes mere seconds.
Afterwards, manage your citations as you like: order them by alphabet, year, or according to citation style (our unique feature whose level of detail is above all other services on the web), copy, edit, export, duplicate, create new bibliographies, and so on.
How is Grafiati different from other citation generators (Zotero, Mendeley, Citethisforme, etc.)?
Zotero, Mendeley, Citethisforme, and other similar services always produce almost the same results in references and citations. These results are often incorrect, and the owners of the service do not correct them for ages.
Why this happens? The answer is simple. All these and other similar services use the same open-source code not supported by them, which means that they do not develop the citation algorithms. As a result, they can almost never change or improve the citations.
Grafiati is an independent service, and all our code is custom. We develop our algorithms by means of a scrupulous study of each particular referencing manual and through communication with the responsible publishers of such international citation style manuals. As a result, we are flexible, we offer an unpreceded level of accuracy and depth of citations, and we are dedicated to quality.
Our Chicago style footnote generator is another unique feature of Grafiati not available on other services. We not only generate full notes when you choose the ‘notes and bibliography’ system of Chicago Style but also deliver short notes, which are obligatory for use according to the manual and which are formed differently. You get all types of footnotes you need together with your bibliographic reference.
Our citation generator (Chicago and other styles) also delivers top-quality in-text citations for the Chicago ‘author-date’ system, taking into account all their nuances.
What should I do to start using your bibliographic manager?
You can use our Chicago citation generator free of charge with some limitations or can purchase a premium account with the unlimited access to all features.
You can even use our service without signing up, but we strongly advise to register your own account for free in order to keep your data safe.
And that’s all, you can start using our website right away.