What is APA Style (7th ed.)?

Create a spot-on reference in APA 7 and 6

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What is APA?

APA is an international style of citations and bibliographic references developed by the American Psychological Association. APA 7 is the most recent – seventh – edition of APA Style.

Today, APA is one of the most widely used citation styles all over the world. It is set to guarantee the most transparent and top-quality citing of sources. Most often, APA Style is used by scientific journals specialised in the humanities, namely in psychology, philology, sociology, etc.

How to compile bibliographies automatically with APA (7th ed.)?

The website “Grafiati” is an international citation service. It allows generating references and creating bibliographies automatically online in conformity with the requirements of APA Style. We allow compiling lists of references in accordance with the most recent requirements of APA Style, as well as formatting the bibliography page and sorting the references correctly under the APA Manual.

To cite a source in APA Style, on the homepage of our website, choose the type of source you need from the appropriate menu and fill in the required fields. The reference thus generated will be available in your bibliography from your personal account. You can add new references thereafter. Another citation style can be selected from the menu (for instance, APA, MLA, Chicago (Turabian), etc., – and all references will be converted automatically into the new style in line with its specific requirements. Thanks to this, you can easily change the citation style in just one click, without spending any time at all on studying the specific requirements of every individual standard of bibliographic references.

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