Newspaper article: how to cite in APA (7th ed.)?

Create a spot-on reference in APA 7 and 6

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Basic rules

The principles of citing a newspaper article with APA (7th edition) in a list of references are slightly different from the rules of referencing a journal article.

For citing a newspaper article, include the following elements in the bibliographic reference: last names and initials of the authors, article title, newspaper title, year and date of the issue, issue volume and number (if available), and pages used.

For a newspaper article retrieved online, include the URL in the reference.

How to cite in a bibliography

Basic reference template:

Author(s). (Year, issue date). Article title. Newspaper Title, volume(issue), pages. URL

Examples of references

Cheng, M., & Larson, C. (2020, June 20). Race for virus vaccine could leave some countries behind. BusinessMirror, 15(254), A1, A2.

Adams, R. (2020, June 1). One million children set to stay off school today amid safety fears. The Guardian, 1, 8.

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