Book chapter: how to cite with APA (7th ed.)?

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Basic rules

To cite a chapter of an edited book in a list of references in a diploma thesis, dissertation, article, etc. according to the rules of APA Style (7th edition), indicate the following elements in the reference: name(s) of the author(s) of the chapter, title of the chapter, data of the editor(s) of the book, title of the book, pages used, and publisher.

See how to cite a book according to APA Style in this article.

How to cite in a bibliography

Basic reference template:

Author(s). Chapter title. In Editor (Ed.), Book title (pp. pages). Publisher.

See about how to cite authors and editors in this article.

Examples of references

Bornstein, M. H. (2012). Proximal to distal environments in child development: Theoretical, structural, methodological, and empirical considerations. In L. C. Mayes & M. Lewis (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of environment in human development (pp. 15–34). Cambridge University Press.

Santoro, R., & Bifulco, A. (2008). Professional virtual communities reference framework. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, H. Afsarmanesh, & M. Ollus (Eds.), Methods and tools for collaborative networked organizations (pp. 277–294). Springer Science & Business Media.

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