Book chapter: how to cite in Vancouver Style?

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General rules

To create a bibliographic reference to a book chapter (from a book whose parts were written by different authors) in Vancouver Style, use the following template:

Author(s). Chapter title. In: Editor(s), editor(s). Book title. Edition number. City: Publisher; year. p. pages.


  • Put a colon after the preposition ‘In’ preceding the names of editors.
  • Do not capitalise ‘p.’ for the page range.
  • The last page number in the page range should contain the least digits sufficient for identifying the range instead of the whole number (for example, 165-167 → 165-7, but 199-204 → 199-204).
  • Use a hyphen instead of a dash in the page range.

For the specifics of giving the information about the place of publication, the publisher, and the date of publication, as well as the edition number, see the article on referencing a book in Vancouver Style.

For the principles of giving authors’ names in the Vancouver referencing system, see this article.

For a book chapter available online, use the following referencing template:

Author(s). Chapter title. In: Editor(s), editor(s). Book title [Internet]. Edition number. City: Publisher; year [cited date cited]. p. pages. Available from: URL

See this article for more information on giving the URL and DOI addresses in Vancouver Style.

Examples in a list of references

Le Pelley ME, Griffiths O, Beesley T. Associative accounts of casual cognition. In: Waldmann MR, editor. The Oxford handbook of casual reasoning. New York (NY): Oxford University Press; 2017. p. 13-28.

Tsang ML. Chemotherapy and prostate cancer. In: Trabulsi EJ, Lallas CD, Lizardi-Calvaresi AE, editors. Chemotherapy and immunotherapy in urologic oncology: a guide for the advanced practice provider [Internet]. Cham (Switzerland): Springer; 2021 [cited 2021 Mar 28]. p. 105-18. Available from: doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-52021-2_9

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